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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 126

Chapter 126

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Liu Tong breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Han Jiao had also been implicated in the case. No matter who was behind the plot against him, they had to consider Han Jiao’s influential backer, who happened to be the current Crown Prince.

The facts also proved his conjecture.

After Han Jiao had spent half a day in prison, the conditions in the detention cells of the Ministry of Justice suddenly improved several times over, and even the attitude of the jailers became remarkably courteous.

Liu Tong couldn’t help but probe Han Jiao, “The Crown Prince must have already learned of your predicament. He will surely uncover the truth and clear Xiaobai’s name. As long as it doesn’t implicate my dear Brother, I can die without regrets.”

Understanding his concerns, Han Jiao immediately reassured him, “Rest assured, Elder. If His Highness is aware, he will never stand idly by and let us suffer such slander.”

Upon hearing this, Liu Tong felt reassured.

However, Han Jiao was somewhat uncertain.

If Xie Duo had recently dispatched someone to secretly watch Liu Tong, they would undoubtedly be aware of his recent interactions with Liu Tong.

In recent days, Han Jiao had been making arrangements on behalf of Liu Tong.

Fortunately, before going to prison, Han Jiao had found a way to submit Liu Tong’s resignation letter.

The big boss, upon learning that Liu Tong had voluntarily requested to withdraw from the conflict, should ease his hostility. There would naturally be no pursuit of Han Jiao’s previous dealings with the loyalists.

However, early the next day, all the individuals involved in the case, except Han Jiao and Liu Tong, were released from prison. They claimed their suspicions had been cleared.

Liu Tong was completely baffled, even foolishly asking Han Jiao, “Could they have mixed up the innocent and guilty lists?”

Han Jiao calmly reassured him, “Elder, remain calm. Perhaps the higher-ups want to completely clear our names and need more time for thorough verification.”

The term “higher-ups” naturally referred to the Crown Prince. Liu Tong felt relieved and even fantasized that the Crown Prince, angered by his wrongful imprisonment, had ordered a search for the mastermind behind the scenes, which was why they hadn’t released him casually.

Two days passed with no news.

Liu Tong asked a jailer if his family or Han Jiao’s family had come to visit, to which the jailer honestly answered, “The higher authorities do not permit visits from your and Master Han’s families.”

This statement stunned Liu Tong, leaving him dumbfounded for a moment. Unable to contain his anger, he rebuked, “Who is this ‘higher authority’? Is it your warden or someone at the Ministry of Justice? My charges are yet to be determined. Why are they stopping my family from visiting? Bring me paper and pen! I want to plead my case to the Crown Prince!”

The jailer’s gaze at him was like he was looking at a madman. He calmly replied, “It’s precisely because the Crown Prince ordered the Ministry of Justice to investigate this case rigorously that they won’t let you communicate with outsiders. Master Liu, I’m just following orders. You can rest assured and wait for the higher-ups to clear your name.”

This seemingly casual statement, like a massive boulder, instantly crushed Liu Tong and stunned Han Jiao, who was watching nearby.

After the jailer left, Liu Tong slumped to the ground, and Han Jiao stood frozen beside him. No one spoke for a long while.

“Why is the Crown Prince treating us like this?” Liu Tong, as if his soul had been drained, glanced at Han Jiao beside him. “Brother Xiaobai… you… you didn’t speculate about the Crown Prince’s intentions on your own, did you? Did you anger the Crown Prince?”

Han Jiao, still recovering from shock, couldn’t come up with a reason to explain.

He realized he might have been overly optimistic before.

Would that resignation letter in front of Xie Duo have backfired?

Han Jiao had met with Liu Tong privately, and afterward, Liu Tong submitted his resignation.

Upon closer examination, it almost seemed like he had figured out that Xie Duo’s next target to eliminate from Prince Yan’s faction was Liu Tong. So, he informed Liu Tong in advance, advising him to resign and seek refuge.

Thinking about this, Han Jiao also felt somewhat anxious.

He had always believed that Xie Duo wouldn’t suspect him, but Xie Duo’s recent behavior had not been something Han Jiao was accustomed to. He shouldn’t use his past expectations of Xie Duo to predict the unfolding events.

Given Xie Duo’s current state of unease, Han Jiao’s secret actions to rescue Liu Tong seemed as if he were a spy lurking within Prince Yan’s household.

It’s over.

Once one had chosen the wrong side, it was hard to shake off suspicion.

But Han Jiao never expected that, after Xie Duo became the Crown Prince, he would become so suspicious.

“Brother Xiaobai?” Liu Tong, seeing him remain silent for so long, grew even more worried. “Could it be that the Crown Prince is displeased because of our secret plans and wants us to reflect on our actions in prison?”

This statement left Han Jiao feeling uneasy. He and Xie Duo were already in a romantic relationship. During their last meeting, Xie Duo had been sweet and affectionate with him. It couldn’t be that he had become so heartless, right?

He had been hoping to spend his life with this stinky little brother, and now this brat could betray him and Liu Tong just like that!

Infuriating, infuriating, infuriating!

But in the end, Prince Yan was reliable. After all, Han Jiao and Liu Tong were the most cherished advisors of Prince Yan. Prince Yan must be working on a plan to get them out.

This evening, Prince Yan confirmed his reliability with actions—

The jailer delivered several sets of clean bedding, saying that they were requested by people from Prince Yan’s household to be given to Han Jiao and Liu Tong.

Liu Tong was deeply moved, tears streaming down his face. He immediately shifted his hope back to Prince Yan, repeatedly asking the jailer to convey his words of gratitude, but his request was denied.

Han Jiao stepped forward to console him, “Prince Yan knows what’s happening, Master. You can wait with peace of mind.”

Liu Tong nodded and went to sit in a corner with his bedding.

Han Jiao took a seat on his own bed, trying to calm his emotions and reconsider everything that had happened so far.

Clearly, all this trouble began with Xie Duo’s sudden and unexplained change in behavior.

There were no signs, and it made no logical sense.

What could be the reason for this?

Could it be a curse from the novel that caused the antagonist to turn dark?

If everyone’s fate was irreversible, why could Han Jiao successfully heal Xie Xiu?

Thinking about how he had restored Xie Xiu’s personality to his childhood state, Han Jiao regained his confidence.

If he could heal Xie Xiu, what reason did he have not to heal Xie Duo?

With this thought, Han Jiao suddenly noticed that something was amiss—

If Xie Xiu’s personality underwent such a drastic change due to significant psychological trauma, then what about Xie Duo?

Why would this stinky little brother, a person so self-assured and carefree, suddenly become so insecure for no apparent reason?

Without much time for Han Jiao to think, in the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by the creaking sound of a door hinge.

Almost in an instant, he recognized the footsteps. His heart began to race, uncertain whether it was excitement or nervousness.

The big boss had arrived!

Han Jiao immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep because he wasn’t sure if Xie Duo had come with anger to break up with him. He didn’t dare to face it.

The footsteps stopped near his bed.

Han Jiao could sense the glow of a lamp but still didn’t dare to open his eyes.

He was enveloped by the tall figure of the newcomer.

Amid the intensifying heartbeat, Han Jiao felt his blanket being gently lifted and draped over his shoulder by a hand.

This unexpected tenderness caused Han Jiao’s eyelashes to tremble slightly.


Xie Duo’s voice made Han Jiao’s heart tremble slightly. He wanted to respond but didn’t want to admit he had been pretending to sleep. He felt helpless, frozen in place, continuing to play dead.

“Don’t want to see me?”

Han Jiao immediately put on the act of someone who had just woken up, squinted with sleep in his eyes, and looked at the person standing by his bed in a feigned surprise. “Your Highness? Why have you come?”

At this sight, Han Jiao’s heart trembled. Xie Duo’s face was unexpectedly pale, and his thin lips appeared slightly chapped, as though he hadn’t had water in a long time.

Xie Duo looked at him with a numb expression. “Disappointed that it’s me who came?”

Han Jiao promptly sat up. “Disappointed about what?”

Xie Duo smiled wryly. “I heard you were waiting for my brother to come to your rescue.”

“Who said that?” Han Jiao denied vehemently. “I haven’t done anything wrong, so why would I wait for someone else to save me? I’m just stuck in here, unable to see you, which made me feel anxious.”

Xie Duo smiled, but there was a tinge of sadness in his expression. He raised Han Jiao’s face with his hand and spoke in a hoarse voice, “Say a few more comforting words to me.”

“What do you mean by comforting you? This is my heartfelt truth!”

Xie Duo nodded. “Alright, let me ask you, Han Xiaobai, do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay here and wait for my brother? Don’t rush your answer. Think it through carefully because I won’t give you a second chance.”

Han Jiao looked up at him, briefly lost in thought, then quickly turned to find his shoes with impatience. I’ll go with you.”

Before he could even put on his shoes, Xie Duo suddenly bent down, lifted him off the ground, and headed toward the cell door.

Just as they reached the cell door, Xie Duo halted and spoke loudly with an imposing voice, “Liu Tong, your resignation has been accepted. Carriages and luggage for your journey back to your hometown are waiting outside. You can leave with your wife and children immediately.”

Liu Tong, who had been pretending to sleep in another corner of the cell, hurriedly got up and bowed in compliance.

It was only when the Crown Prince’s tall figure disappeared into the darkness that Liu Tong raised his face, filled with astonishment.

Wasn’t he dreaming?

Did the Crown Prince personally come to the prison and take Han Jiao away?!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 126

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 126

Chapter 126

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Liu Tong breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Han Jiao had also been implicated in the case. No matter who was behind the plot against him, they had to consider Han Jiao's influential backer, who happened to be the current Crown Prince.

The facts also proved his conjecture.

After Han Jiao had spent half a day in prison, the conditions in the detention cells of the Ministry of Justice suddenly improved several times over, and even the attitude of the jailers became remarkably courteous.

Liu Tong couldn't help but probe Han Jiao, "The Crown Prince must have already learned of your predicament. He will surely uncover the truth and clear Xiaobai's name. As long as it doesn't implicate my dear Brother, I can die without regrets."

Understanding his concerns, Han Jiao immediately reassured him, "Rest assured, Elder. If His Highness is aware, he will never stand idly by and let us suffer such slander."

Upon hearing this, Liu Tong felt reassured.

However, Han Jiao was somewhat uncertain.

If Xie Duo had recently dispatched someone to secretly watch Liu Tong, they would undoubtedly be aware of his recent interactions with Liu Tong.

In recent days, Han Jiao had been making arrangements on behalf of Liu Tong.

Fortunately, before going to prison, Han Jiao had found a way to submit Liu Tong's resignation letter.

The big boss, upon learning that Liu Tong had voluntarily requested to withdraw from the conflict, should ease his hostility. There would naturally be no pursuit of Han Jiao's previous dealings with the loyalists.

However, early the next day, all the individuals involved in the case, except Han Jiao and Liu Tong, were released from prison. They claimed their suspicions had been cleared.

Liu Tong was completely baffled, even foolishly asking Han Jiao, "Could they have mixed up the innocent and guilty lists?"

Han Jiao calmly reassured him, "Elder, remain calm. Perhaps the higher-ups want to completely clear our names and need more time for thorough verification."

The term "higher-ups" naturally referred to the Crown Prince. Liu Tong felt relieved and even fantasized that the Crown Prince, angered by his wrongful imprisonment, had ordered a search for the mastermind behind the scenes, which was why they hadn't released him casually.

Two days passed with no news.

Liu Tong asked a jailer if his family or Han Jiao's family had come to visit, to which the jailer honestly answered, "The higher authorities do not permit visits from your and Master Han's families."

This statement stunned Liu Tong, leaving him dumbfounded for a moment. Unable to contain his anger, he rebuked, "Who is this 'higher authority'? Is it your warden or someone at the Ministry of Justice? My charges are yet to be determined. Why are they stopping my family from visiting? Bring me paper and pen! I want to plead my case to the Crown Prince!"

The jailer's gaze at him was like he was looking at a madman. He calmly replied, "It's precisely because the Crown Prince ordered the Ministry of Justice to investigate this case rigorously that they won't let you communicate with outsiders. Master Liu, I'm just following orders. You can rest assured and wait for the higher-ups to clear your name."

This seemingly casual statement, like a massive boulder, instantly crushed Liu Tong and stunned Han Jiao, who was watching nearby.

After the jailer left, Liu Tong slumped to the ground, and Han Jiao stood frozen beside him. No one spoke for a long while.

"Why is the Crown Prince treating us like this?" Liu Tong, as if his soul had been drained, glanced at Han Jiao beside him. "Brother Xiaobai... you... you didn't speculate about the Crown Prince's intentions on your own, did you? Did you anger the Crown Prince?"

Han Jiao, still recovering from shock, couldn't come up with a reason to explain.

He realized he might have been overly optimistic before.

Would that resignation letter in front of Xie Duo have backfired?

Han Jiao had met with Liu Tong privately, and afterward, Liu Tong submitted his resignation.

Upon closer examination, it almost seemed like he had figured out that Xie Duo's next target to eliminate from Prince Yan's faction was Liu Tong. So, he informed Liu Tong in advance, advising him to resign and seek refuge.

Thinking about this, Han Jiao also felt somewhat anxious.

He had always believed that Xie Duo wouldn't suspect him, but Xie Duo's recent behavior had not been something Han Jiao was accustomed to. He shouldn't use his past expectations of Xie Duo to predict the unfolding events.

Given Xie Duo's current state of unease, Han Jiao's secret actions to rescue Liu Tong seemed as if he were a spy lurking within Prince Yan's household.

It's over.

Once one had chosen the wrong side, it was hard to shake off suspicion.

But Han Jiao never expected that, after Xie Duo became the Crown Prince, he would become so suspicious.

"Brother Xiaobai?" Liu Tong, seeing him remain silent for so long, grew even more worried. "Could it be that the Crown Prince is displeased because of our secret plans and wants us to reflect on our actions in prison?"

This statement left Han Jiao feeling uneasy. He and Xie Duo were already in a romantic relationship. During their last meeting, Xie Duo had been sweet and affectionate with him. It couldn't be that he had become so heartless, right?

He had been hoping to spend his life with this stinky little brother, and now this brat could betray him and Liu Tong just like that!

Infuriating, infuriating, infuriating!

But in the end, Prince Yan was reliable. After all, Han Jiao and Liu Tong were the most cherished advisors of Prince Yan. Prince Yan must be working on a plan to get them out.

This evening, Prince Yan confirmed his reliability with actions—

The jailer delivered several sets of clean bedding, saying that they were requested by people from Prince Yan's household to be given to Han Jiao and Liu Tong.

Liu Tong was deeply moved, tears streaming down his face. He immediately shifted his hope back to Prince Yan, repeatedly asking the jailer to convey his words of gratitude, but his request was denied.

Han Jiao stepped forward to console him, "Prince Yan knows what's happening, Master. You can wait with peace of mind."

Liu Tong nodded and went to sit in a corner with his bedding.

Han Jiao took a seat on his own bed, trying to calm his emotions and reconsider everything that had happened so far.

Clearly, all this trouble began with Xie Duo's sudden and unexplained change in behavior.

There were no signs, and it made no logical sense.

What could be the reason for this?

Could it be a curse from the novel that caused the antagonist to turn dark?

If everyone's fate was irreversible, why could Han Jiao successfully heal Xie Xiu?

Thinking about how he had restored Xie Xiu's personality to his childhood state, Han Jiao regained his confidence.

If he could heal Xie Xiu, what reason did he have not to heal Xie Duo?

With this thought, Han Jiao suddenly noticed that something was amiss—

If Xie Xiu's personality underwent such a drastic change due to significant psychological trauma, then what about Xie Duo?

Why would this stinky little brother, a person so self-assured and carefree, suddenly become so insecure for no apparent reason?

Without much time for Han Jiao to think, in the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by the creaking sound of a door hinge.

Almost in an instant, he recognized the footsteps. His heart began to race, uncertain whether it was excitement or nervousness.

The big boss had arrived!

Han Jiao immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep because he wasn't sure if Xie Duo had come with anger to break up with him. He didn't dare to face it.

The footsteps stopped near his bed.

Han Jiao could sense the glow of a lamp but still didn't dare to open his eyes.

He was enveloped by the tall figure of the newcomer.

Amid the intensifying heartbeat, Han Jiao felt his blanket being gently lifted and draped over his shoulder by a hand.

This unexpected tenderness caused Han Jiao's eyelashes to tremble slightly.


Xie Duo's voice made Han Jiao's heart tremble slightly. He wanted to respond but didn't want to admit he had been pretending to sleep. He felt helpless, frozen in place, continuing to play dead.

"Don't want to see me?"

Han Jiao immediately put on the act of someone who had just woken up, squinted with sleep in his eyes, and looked at the person standing by his bed in a feigned surprise. "Your Highness? Why have you come?"

At this sight, Han Jiao's heart trembled. Xie Duo's face was unexpectedly pale, and his thin lips appeared slightly chapped, as though he hadn't had water in a long time.

Xie Duo looked at him with a numb expression. "Disappointed that it's me who came?"

Han Jiao promptly sat up. "Disappointed about what?"

Xie Duo smiled wryly. "I heard you were waiting for my brother to come to your rescue."

"Who said that?" Han Jiao denied vehemently. "I haven't done anything wrong, so why would I wait for someone else to save me? I'm just stuck in here, unable to see you, which made me feel anxious."

Xie Duo smiled, but there was a tinge of sadness in his expression. He raised Han Jiao's face with his hand and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Say a few more comforting words to me."

"What do you mean by comforting you? This is my heartfelt truth!"

Xie Duo nodded. "Alright, let me ask you, Han Xiaobai, do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay here and wait for my brother? Don't rush your answer. Think it through carefully because I won't give you a second chance."

Han Jiao looked up at him, briefly lost in thought, then quickly turned to find his shoes with impatience. I'll go with you."

Before he could even put on his shoes, Xie Duo suddenly bent down, lifted him off the ground, and headed toward the cell door.

Just as they reached the cell door, Xie Duo halted and spoke loudly with an imposing voice, "Liu Tong, your resignation has been accepted. Carriages and luggage for your journey back to your hometown are waiting outside. You can leave with your wife and children immediately."

Liu Tong, who had been pretending to sleep in another corner of the cell, hurriedly got up and bowed in compliance.

It was only when the Crown Prince's tall figure disappeared into the darkness that Liu Tong raised his face, filled with astonishment.

Wasn't he dreaming?

Did the Crown Prince personally come to the prison and take Han Jiao away?!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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