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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 127

Chapter 127

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Xie Duo’s emotions were quite abnormal. Walking out of the prison, Han Jiao didn’t dare to speak all the way.

Helping Han Jiao onto the carriage, Xie Duo held him close and then leaned down to wrap Han Jiao’s hands around his neck.

This was the same position from the night Han Jiao got drunk, but at the moment, Han Jiao didn’t understand what Xie Duo was doing, so he allowed himself to be manipulated like a puppet.

Before long, Han Jiao guessed that he might be too heavy, making Xie Duo’s legs uncomfortable. Hence, he was asked to encircle Xie Duo’s neck to share the weight.

He felt impressed by his own quick thinking, so he suddenly exerted force with his arms, lifting himself by holding onto Xie Duo’s neck…

Xie Duo was originally lost in thought, but the sudden strength from the person in his arms made him snap back to reality.

He looked down at Han Jiao, who was desperately pressing his own neck, and said in a deep voice, “I don’t want to kiss you right now.”

Han Jiao: “……”

He wasn’t trying to ask for a kiss!

He was just trying to share the weight and distribute the pressure!

But when he saw this stinky little brother looking ready to argue at any moment, he didn’t dare to object and lowered his head, feeling somewhat wronged.

After a while, his hand got tired. He gently released his grip around Xie Duo’s arm, but then he heard Xie Duo warn in a deep voice, “Hold on tight.”

Han Jiao obediently held on tight again.

After a long while, the carriage finally came to a stop. It was probably deep into the night. Xie Duo carried him off the carriage, and followed a servant holding a lantern.

Following the lantern light and looking ahead, Han Jiao was surprised to find that they had arrived at Prince Ling’s mansion.

He looked at Xie Duo with confusion. “Your Highness, why did you bring me here so late?”

“To go home.” 

Han Jiao swallowed, hesitating for a moment before weakly saying, “My home isn’t here.”

There was a hint of coldness in Xie Duo’s eyes as he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, “This is my palace, and it’s also your home. Han Xiaobai, we are already married, and you promised to be with me. From now on, I won’t allow you to think about other men.”

Han Jiao: “……”

Han Jiao thought that the big boss must have imagined some wild storyline with green hats and grasslands!

“But… but… It’s a bit far from the palace. I’ll have to wake up early, won’t I?”

“I’ll allow you to arrive at the palace later,” Xie Duo said coldly. “There will be a fast horse to pick you up. If it’s too much for you, you can handle your official duties here at the mansion.”

Han Jiao: “……”

As the boyfriend with the most powerful backing in Great Chu, the privileges were indeed exceptional.

The southern garden of the mansion was already fully constructed. Han Jiao was carried by Xie Duo into the little flower pavilion they had visited before and placed on the same bed.

He was surprised to find that the bed had been doubled in width.

Was this space prepared for someone else?

Xie Duo ordered the servants to heat water in the adjacent bathhouse and had eunuchs prepare some food. Then, he returned to the bedside, sitting there like a sentinel, completely blocking Han Jiao’s “escape route.”

Han Jiao sat up and looked at the big boss’ back. “I need to go home and let my parents know I’m safe.”

“I’ve already sent word to them that you’re handling official matters at my mansion.”

Han Jiao felt a bit reassured. “Your Highness is indeed considerate.”

Xie Duo didn’t respond. After a while, he spoke softly, “Have you assumed I won’t dare to do anything to you in the end?”

“Where have I offended Your Highness?”

Xie Duo stood up, turned around, and squinted as he questioned, “When you secretly reminded Liu Tong to resign and return to his hometown, did you guess whose thoughts you were considering?”

Han Jiao was taken aback. “I don’t have the ability to read people’s minds!”

“I thought you didn’t.”

“I really didn’t,” Han Jiao retorted, refusing to admit guilt. “I’ve known Liu Tong for a long time. Now that his career isn’t going well, I just…”

“Don’t lie to me, don’t lie to me…” Xie Duo angrily cut off his words with an expression of shock and rage. He suddenly slammed a fist against the bed railing, causing the entire bed to shudder with a loud “thud.” Accompanied by an outburst of “Don’t lie to me!” the railing instantly broke into three pieces.

Han Jiao was stunned, half-opened mouth as he looked up at the emotionally shattered Xie Duo.

“If you don’t want me to do something,” Xie Duo suppressed his anger and looked down at him, “just tell me directly, don’t oppose me secretly.”

“Do you think I’d oppose you?” Han Jiao suddenly climbed off the bed, glaring at Xie Duo in frustration. “I don’t want you to hurt your sixth brother’s feelings by going against Prince Yan’s faction. Will you promise me that? I’m afraid you’ll do something you’ll regret, and I can’t force you to stop. What else can I do?”

Unable to bear the injustice, he was ready to risk everything to stop the big boss from making a mistake. However, the big boss believed he was scheming against him in secret. Han Jiao clenched his fist and shouted, “If you don’t believe in my feelings for you, then don’t love me!”

A servant outside gently reported, “Your Highness, the bath is ready.”

Xie Duo took a deep breath and calmed down. “Take a bath first.”

Han Jiao, still furious, replied, “I won’t bathe!”

Xie Duo frowned. “How many days has it been since you last bathed?”

“I don’t care!” Han Jiao, mustering his courage, revealed what he thought was the big boss’ sinister intention. “You just want me to clean up so you can have your way with me!”

Xie Duo looked at him with a furrowed brow for a moment and then spoke with a serious expression, “I don’t care about such things. Whether you bathe or not, I will still do it.”

Han Jiao felt that the big boss was a man of his word, so he reluctantly went to the bathhouse.

As he was about to leave, he caught sight of the big boss following him. Han Jiao immediately turned and said harshly, “You can’t bathe with me.”

“Why?” Xie Duo’s eyes sharpened.

“I’m angry!” Han Jiao declared fiercely. “I won’t bathe with someone who doubts my feelings. Tonight, you can’t sleep in the same room with me either.”

“Han Xiaobai, you’ve chosen me, so you must treat me as your husband.”

“If you were my husband, you’d be off to do the laundry now!” After delivering this bold statement, Han Jiao dashed out the door and let a eunuch lead the way to the bathhouse.

Surprisingly, the big boss didn’t follow.

As he stepped into the bathing area, Han Jiao hadn’t even gotten into the tub when he was enveloped in a pleasant floral fragrance.

The mansion’s bathhouse was as spacious as a swimming pool. Despite being heated with underfloor heating, the water felt just like a natural hot spring. The surrounding marble structures showed no signs of artificial carving. If not for the palace-style walls and roofs, it could easily be mistaken for a natural mountain hot spring.

The lavish lifestyle of the royal palace briefly corroded Han Jiao’s mood, but he soon calmed down.

Upon careful consideration, he realized that the big boss wasn’t as cold and ruthless as the novel portrayed.

Compared to the original ruthless and invincible boss, the current Xie Duo appeared more like a bewildered and uncertain young man. He had the skills but didn’t possess the same ironclad heart as in the novel.

Even though Han Jiao suspected that his presence was meant to hinder the plan to convince Liu Tong to resign, the big boss’ response after his outburst was simply to bring him into the mansion and emphasize ownership.

With this in mind, Han Jiao hesitated about his decision to confront the big boss head-on to prevent wrongdoing.

After all, he was dealing with the big boss. Upon closer examination, Han Jiao realized it might be wiser not to push too hard, especially considering that Xie Duo was still in a somewhat unstable state.

Going tough on him probably wouldn’t work, and going soft wasn’t something he’d agree to.

Discouraged and disheartened, Han Jiao lowered his body and submerged himself entirely in the water.

The flowing water sounds momentarily isolated him from the outside world, until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer and burst out of the water’s surface, taking deep breaths.

A sudden feeling of clarity struck him as Han Jiao thought of an immature solution.

It was said that when lovers engaged in “that” activity, their affection would peak along with their physical desires.

Would Xie Duo be more agreeable during such times?

Han Jiao recalled that on the morning after, when they had to leave, Xie Duo had kindly covered him with a blanket and even rushed out to buy medicine. Though he hadn’t let him back into the room, his temper was considerably better than usual.

Moreover, he was curious about what that kind of experience would feel like.

But… he had just made a tough declaration not to share a bed with Xie Duo. Regretting it now would be quite embarrassing.

Perhaps Xie Duo wouldn’t simply comply.

It had been half a month since they had been intimate because the previous encounter had been too painful for Han Jiao, and Xie Duo had refrained from asking for it. There was no guarantee he could hold back tonight.

Even if he could, Han Jiao could certainly fan the flames.

A mischievous grin played on Han Jiao’s lips as he emerged from his bath, with ambitions of teasing the future ruler of Great Chu.

However, when he returned to the first-floor bedroom of the little flower pavilion, Xie Duo was nowhere to be found!

Only a table of steaming hot food remained.

“Where is His Highness?” Han Jiao turned to ask a servant.

The servant bowed and replied, “His Highness went upstairs to rest.”

Han Jiao: “……”

Did this guy have no sense of the ultimate big boss’ determination?

Did he have to be so obedient?

Han Jiao sat at the table, but he had no appetite for the delicious spread.

Still feeling unsatisfied, he stood up and ran upstairs alone.

The servant followed behind, unable to stop him, and watched as he voluntarily entered the room where His Highness was resting.

Xie Duo was standing by the bedside, gazing at the night, when the door was pushed open with a resounding “thud!”

The disheveled child prodigy walked into the room, unceremoniously bypassed the screen, and sat down on the bed.

Han Jiao lifted his eyes. With no hesitation, he said to the perplexed big boss, “I like this room. I’m sleeping here tonight.”

Xie Duo stood in the dim light, stunned for a good seven or eight seconds. It was the first time in his life someone had used such a direct and assertive tone to claim his bed.

Han Jiao was starting to regret his approach. He wasn’t entirely sure how to make the big boss take the lead.

Was this kind of hint too subtle for the big boss? Should he be more gentle in his tone?

Just as he was contemplating, the big boss suddenly strode over to the corner where the sword rack was. With a swift motion, he sent his own longsword flying into the air with the back of his hand, caught it mid-fall, and then turned to look at Han Jiao with a raised eyebrow.

Han Jiao: “……”

Changing rooms isn’t a reason to kill someone, and besides, you don’t need a weapon to take me down. You’re giving me way too much credit. I’m wrong!

Holding his sword, Xie Duo spoke in a deep voice, “Rest early.”

Han Jiao: “……”

Alright, the big boss just liked to keep his sword close. There was no intention of violence, but he was seriously frightening.

“Wait a moment!” Han Jiao summoned his courage again and ran behind the big boss. “I just remembered I haven’t touched the food downstairs.”

Xie Duo remained expressionless. “I’ll have someone bring it up for you.”

“No need!” Han Jiao hinted, “I’ll go down to eat.”

Xie Duo fell silent for a moment, his handsome face displaying a question mark. “Fine.”

Then, the two of them left together. Just when Han Jiao thought the boss was going to accompany him downstairs, Xie Duo turned and headed for the third floor.

Han Jiao: “……”

This guy probably doesn’t want to do anything with me at all.

With a sense of despair, Han Jiao turned to go downstairs, but he wasn’t paying attention and ended up taking a misstep!


Just in the moment when he was about to fall forward, Xie Duo, who had just stepped onto the stairs, quickly reached out with his left hand, reached over the railing, and grabbed Han Jiao’s arm.

However, the fabric was too slippery, and Xie Duo’s palm ended up empty, leaving only a torn piece of fabric.

Han Jiao was yanked back into Xie Duo’s arms, the fabric tearing as he was pulled, leaving his shoulder and arm exposed to the slightly chilly air.

Their bodies pressed tightly together. Before he could look up, a certain hard object suddenly bumped into his side.

Thinking it was the hilt of a sword poking him, Han Jiao instinctively reached to move it, but before he could, he heard Xie Duo let out a suppressed grunt from above…

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 127

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 127

Chapter 127

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Xie Duo's emotions were quite abnormal. Walking out of the prison, Han Jiao didn't dare to speak all the way.

Helping Han Jiao onto the carriage, Xie Duo held him close and then leaned down to wrap Han Jiao's hands around his neck.

This was the same position from the night Han Jiao got drunk, but at the moment, Han Jiao didn't understand what Xie Duo was doing, so he allowed himself to be manipulated like a puppet.

Before long, Han Jiao guessed that he might be too heavy, making Xie Duo's legs uncomfortable. Hence, he was asked to encircle Xie Duo's neck to share the weight.

He felt impressed by his own quick thinking, so he suddenly exerted force with his arms, lifting himself by holding onto Xie Duo's neck...

Xie Duo was originally lost in thought, but the sudden strength from the person in his arms made him snap back to reality.

He looked down at Han Jiao, who was desperately pressing his own neck, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to kiss you right now."

Han Jiao: "......"

He wasn't trying to ask for a kiss!

He was just trying to share the weight and distribute the pressure!

But when he saw this stinky little brother looking ready to argue at any moment, he didn't dare to object and lowered his head, feeling somewhat wronged.

After a while, his hand got tired. He gently released his grip around Xie Duo's arm, but then he heard Xie Duo warn in a deep voice, "Hold on tight."

Han Jiao obediently held on tight again.

After a long while, the carriage finally came to a stop. It was probably deep into the night. Xie Duo carried him off the carriage, and followed a servant holding a lantern.

Following the lantern light and looking ahead, Han Jiao was surprised to find that they had arrived at Prince Ling's mansion.

He looked at Xie Duo with confusion. "Your Highness, why did you bring me here so late?"

"To go home." 

Han Jiao swallowed, hesitating for a moment before weakly saying, "My home isn't here."

There was a hint of coldness in Xie Duo's eyes as he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "This is my palace, and it's also your home. Han Xiaobai, we are already married, and you promised to be with me. From now on, I won't allow you to think about other men."

Han Jiao: "......"

Han Jiao thought that the big boss must have imagined some wild storyline with green hats and grasslands!

"But... but... It's a bit far from the palace. I'll have to wake up early, won't I?"

"I'll allow you to arrive at the palace later," Xie Duo said coldly. "There will be a fast horse to pick you up. If it's too much for you, you can handle your official duties here at the mansion."

Han Jiao: "......"

As the boyfriend with the most powerful backing in Great Chu, the privileges were indeed exceptional.

The southern garden of the mansion was already fully constructed. Han Jiao was carried by Xie Duo into the little flower pavilion they had visited before and placed on the same bed.

He was surprised to find that the bed had been doubled in width.

Was this space prepared for someone else?

Xie Duo ordered the servants to heat water in the adjacent bathhouse and had eunuchs prepare some food. Then, he returned to the bedside, sitting there like a sentinel, completely blocking Han Jiao's "escape route."

Han Jiao sat up and looked at the big boss' back. "I need to go home and let my parents know I'm safe."

"I've already sent word to them that you're handling official matters at my mansion."

Han Jiao felt a bit reassured. "Your Highness is indeed considerate."

Xie Duo didn't respond. After a while, he spoke softly, "Have you assumed I won't dare to do anything to you in the end?"

"Where have I offended Your Highness?"

Xie Duo stood up, turned around, and squinted as he questioned, "When you secretly reminded Liu Tong to resign and return to his hometown, did you guess whose thoughts you were considering?"

Han Jiao was taken aback. "I don't have the ability to read people's minds!"

"I thought you didn't."

"I really didn't," Han Jiao retorted, refusing to admit guilt. "I've known Liu Tong for a long time. Now that his career isn't going well, I just..."

"Don't lie to me, don't lie to me..." Xie Duo angrily cut off his words with an expression of shock and rage. He suddenly slammed a fist against the bed railing, causing the entire bed to shudder with a loud "thud." Accompanied by an outburst of "Don't lie to me!" the railing instantly broke into three pieces.

Han Jiao was stunned, half-opened mouth as he looked up at the emotionally shattered Xie Duo.

"If you don't want me to do something," Xie Duo suppressed his anger and looked down at him, "just tell me directly, don't oppose me secretly."

"Do you think I'd oppose you?" Han Jiao suddenly climbed off the bed, glaring at Xie Duo in frustration. "I don't want you to hurt your sixth brother's feelings by going against Prince Yan's faction. Will you promise me that? I'm afraid you'll do something you'll regret, and I can't force you to stop. What else can I do?"

Unable to bear the injustice, he was ready to risk everything to stop the big boss from making a mistake. However, the big boss believed he was scheming against him in secret. Han Jiao clenched his fist and shouted, "If you don't believe in my feelings for you, then don't love me!"

A servant outside gently reported, "Your Highness, the bath is ready."

Xie Duo took a deep breath and calmed down. "Take a bath first."

Han Jiao, still furious, replied, "I won't bathe!"

Xie Duo frowned. "How many days has it been since you last bathed?"

"I don't care!" Han Jiao, mustering his courage, revealed what he thought was the big boss' sinister intention. "You just want me to clean up so you can have your way with me!"

Xie Duo looked at him with a furrowed brow for a moment and then spoke with a serious expression, "I don't care about such things. Whether you bathe or not, I will still do it."

Han Jiao felt that the big boss was a man of his word, so he reluctantly went to the bathhouse.

As he was about to leave, he caught sight of the big boss following him. Han Jiao immediately turned and said harshly, "You can't bathe with me."

"Why?" Xie Duo's eyes sharpened.

"I'm angry!" Han Jiao declared fiercely. "I won't bathe with someone who doubts my feelings. Tonight, you can't sleep in the same room with me either."

"Han Xiaobai, you've chosen me, so you must treat me as your husband."

"If you were my husband, you'd be off to do the laundry now!" After delivering this bold statement, Han Jiao dashed out the door and let a eunuch lead the way to the bathhouse.

Surprisingly, the big boss didn't follow.

As he stepped into the bathing area, Han Jiao hadn't even gotten into the tub when he was enveloped in a pleasant floral fragrance.

The mansion's bathhouse was as spacious as a swimming pool. Despite being heated with underfloor heating, the water felt just like a natural hot spring. The surrounding marble structures showed no signs of artificial carving. If not for the palace-style walls and roofs, it could easily be mistaken for a natural mountain hot spring.

The lavish lifestyle of the royal palace briefly corroded Han Jiao's mood, but he soon calmed down.

Upon careful consideration, he realized that the big boss wasn't as cold and ruthless as the novel portrayed.

Compared to the original ruthless and invincible boss, the current Xie Duo appeared more like a bewildered and uncertain young man. He had the skills but didn't possess the same ironclad heart as in the novel.

Even though Han Jiao suspected that his presence was meant to hinder the plan to convince Liu Tong to resign, the big boss' response after his outburst was simply to bring him into the mansion and emphasize ownership.

With this in mind, Han Jiao hesitated about his decision to confront the big boss head-on to prevent wrongdoing.

After all, he was dealing with the big boss. Upon closer examination, Han Jiao realized it might be wiser not to push too hard, especially considering that Xie Duo was still in a somewhat unstable state.

Going tough on him probably wouldn't work, and going soft wasn't something he'd agree to.

Discouraged and disheartened, Han Jiao lowered his body and submerged himself entirely in the water.

The flowing water sounds momentarily isolated him from the outside world, until he couldn't hold his breath any longer and burst out of the water's surface, taking deep breaths.

A sudden feeling of clarity struck him as Han Jiao thought of an immature solution.

It was said that when lovers engaged in "that" activity, their affection would peak along with their physical desires.

Would Xie Duo be more agreeable during such times?

Han Jiao recalled that on the morning after, when they had to leave, Xie Duo had kindly covered him with a blanket and even rushed out to buy medicine. Though he hadn't let him back into the room, his temper was considerably better than usual.

Moreover, he was curious about what that kind of experience would feel like.

But... he had just made a tough declaration not to share a bed with Xie Duo. Regretting it now would be quite embarrassing.

Perhaps Xie Duo wouldn't simply comply.

It had been half a month since they had been intimate because the previous encounter had been too painful for Han Jiao, and Xie Duo had refrained from asking for it. There was no guarantee he could hold back tonight.

Even if he could, Han Jiao could certainly fan the flames.

A mischievous grin played on Han Jiao's lips as he emerged from his bath, with ambitions of teasing the future ruler of Great Chu.

However, when he returned to the first-floor bedroom of the little flower pavilion, Xie Duo was nowhere to be found!

Only a table of steaming hot food remained.

"Where is His Highness?" Han Jiao turned to ask a servant.

The servant bowed and replied, "His Highness went upstairs to rest."

Han Jiao: "......"

Did this guy have no sense of the ultimate big boss' determination?

Did he have to be so obedient?

Han Jiao sat at the table, but he had no appetite for the delicious spread.

Still feeling unsatisfied, he stood up and ran upstairs alone.

The servant followed behind, unable to stop him, and watched as he voluntarily entered the room where His Highness was resting.

Xie Duo was standing by the bedside, gazing at the night, when the door was pushed open with a resounding "thud!"

The disheveled child prodigy walked into the room, unceremoniously bypassed the screen, and sat down on the bed.

Han Jiao lifted his eyes. With no hesitation, he said to the perplexed big boss, "I like this room. I'm sleeping here tonight."

Xie Duo stood in the dim light, stunned for a good seven or eight seconds. It was the first time in his life someone had used such a direct and assertive tone to claim his bed.

Han Jiao was starting to regret his approach. He wasn't entirely sure how to make the big boss take the lead.

Was this kind of hint too subtle for the big boss? Should he be more gentle in his tone?

Just as he was contemplating, the big boss suddenly strode over to the corner where the sword rack was. With a swift motion, he sent his own longsword flying into the air with the back of his hand, caught it mid-fall, and then turned to look at Han Jiao with a raised eyebrow.

Han Jiao: "......"

Changing rooms isn't a reason to kill someone, and besides, you don't need a weapon to take me down. You're giving me way too much credit. I'm wrong!

Holding his sword, Xie Duo spoke in a deep voice, "Rest early."

Han Jiao: "......"

Alright, the big boss just liked to keep his sword close. There was no intention of violence, but he was seriously frightening.

"Wait a moment!" Han Jiao summoned his courage again and ran behind the big boss. "I just remembered I haven't touched the food downstairs."

Xie Duo remained expressionless. "I'll have someone bring it up for you."

"No need!" Han Jiao hinted, "I'll go down to eat."

Xie Duo fell silent for a moment, his handsome face displaying a question mark. "Fine."

Then, the two of them left together. Just when Han Jiao thought the boss was going to accompany him downstairs, Xie Duo turned and headed for the third floor.

Han Jiao: "......"

This guy probably doesn't want to do anything with me at all.

With a sense of despair, Han Jiao turned to go downstairs, but he wasn't paying attention and ended up taking a misstep!


Just in the moment when he was about to fall forward, Xie Duo, who had just stepped onto the stairs, quickly reached out with his left hand, reached over the railing, and grabbed Han Jiao's arm.

However, the fabric was too slippery, and Xie Duo's palm ended up empty, leaving only a torn piece of fabric.

Han Jiao was yanked back into Xie Duo's arms, the fabric tearing as he was pulled, leaving his shoulder and arm exposed to the slightly chilly air.

Their bodies pressed tightly together. Before he could look up, a certain hard object suddenly bumped into his side.

Thinking it was the hilt of a sword poking him, Han Jiao instinctively reached to move it, but before he could, he heard Xie Duo let out a suppressed grunt from above...

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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