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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 134

Chapter 134

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Only after hearing the young man beside her call out “Mrs. Han” a few times did Mrs. Han slowly come to her senses. She looked up and was instantly calmed by the handsome face of the Prince.

“Not knowing that Your Highness would visit our humble abode, I apologize for not welcoming you from afar. I hope Your Highness forgives me,” Mrs. Han bowed but showed no fear on her face.

For some unknown reason, the first time they met, this young prince smashed her roof without warning, yet she didn’t feel fear. It was more like seeing a younger relative, closer in familiarity than reverence.

Since their last meeting six months ago, not only did Mrs. Han not feel like a stranger, but little A’Mo, who followed her out, also instantly recognized Xie Duo. He immediately imitated his mother, placing his small chubby hand at his side and bowed. “This Consort greets Your Highness Prince Ling of Thousand Years.” 

“Shh! Shh!” Mrs. Han quickly whispered, “It’s Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

“No problem.” Xie Duo lowered his head to look at Han Mo, then turned to glance at Han Jiao beside him. He chuckled softly and asked, “This Consort? Who taught him this address?”

“It definitely wasn’t me!” Han Jiao quietly argued, “My mother often takes him to the teahouse to watch plays, he learned it from the dramas, and now he can’t change it!”

The big boss smiled and nodded, his eyes clearly saying, “I don’t believe it. You must have been acting as my Crown Princess at home, and your little brother saw it.”

Han Jiao blushed, feeling wronged but not daring to vent to the Crown Prince. He bent down and gently picked up his little brother, patting his bottom. “I’ve told you so many times, you’re not allowed to call yourself ‘this Consort’!”

Han Mo raised his chubby face and argued, “Princes like people calling themselves ‘this Consort’ the most. Those who don’t get their heads chopped off!”

Han Jiao: “……”

He finally understood that his little brother called himself “this Consort” when he saw Xie Duo because of a play they had watched earlier. In that play, the Prince and the Princess were very loving, and the villains didn’t have a good ending.

So, in Han Mo’s eyes, the Prince liked people who called themselves “this Consort” and didn’t like others.

This misunderstanding couldn’t be explained for a while, and Xie Duo didn’t pursue it. He turned and instructed the eunuch to bring the prepared gifts into the Han family’s courtyard.

Listening to the eunuch read out the list of gifts and watching the attendants carry them in one by one, Mrs. Han was baffled.

“Han Jiao has been running errands at my mansion recently, so this is a small token to compensate his parents.”

Mrs. Han hadn’t fully recovered from her surprise, but she nodded and bowed. “Your Highness’ great kindness… I… I’m not worthy!”

“Madam, there’s no need to decline. These are rewards that Master Han rightfully deserves.”

Han Jiao approached his mother and whispered, “Mother, just accept them with peace of mind.”

Mrs. Han quickly bowed again and said, “I hope Your Highness visits us often.”

She wanted to express how warmly she welcomed the Crown Prince, but in her nervousness, she got her hands mixed up and ended up making a farewell gesture.

Who would ever accept gifts and then immediately send their guest away?

Xie Duo playfully teased, “Are these gifts only enough for Mrs. Han to chat for two sentences at the doorstep? How much do I need to give for a cup of tea inside?”

Mrs. Han: “……”

Oh no, she made the current Crown Prince stand outside her door for so long due to her nervousness!

She quickly stepped aside to welcome the Crown Prince inside.

Mrs. Han instructed her son to accompany the Crown Prince to the hall while she hurried to prepare some refreshments.

Xie Duo hadn’t sat down yet when little Han Mo ran to his side, reaching out his hands. “Let me give Your Highness a shoulder massage!”

Han Jiao: “……” He didn’t want this silly little brother.

“Does a husband still get this kind of treatment?” Xie Duo began to question Han Jiao with a look that said, “Take a good look at yourself.”

Han Jiao pretended not to see it, bearing the humiliation.

Xie Duo praised A’Mo as a good child and suggested that A’Mo’s brother should learn more from him.

Delighted with the praise, A’Mo eagerly dashed out, using his short legs to bring his little toys to the hall, placing them one by one on the coffee table next to the Crown Prince.

Initially, some small stuffed animals and windmills were normal, but later, probably to make an impression, A’Mo brought all sorts of random items from their home.

There were cutting boards, rolling pins, dice, and even a set of small darts that Han Jiao had bought for amusement.

Han Jiao quickly hid the darts in his pocket and held his brother to prevent him from rummaging further.

However, Xie Duo had already noticed the set of darts and glanced at Han Jiao. “My apologies, Brother Han, whose hero’s footsteps did you used to follow?”

A’Mo thought the Crown Prince was talking to him, but he didn’t understand the words, so he responded based on his feelings, “I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan.”

Xie Duo laughed. “Your household is truly full of hidden talents.”

A’Mo nodded and began to speak seriously, “My Big Brother said that Your Highness is a more powerful War God than Zhao Zilong, with extraordinary strategy and wisdom, making crucial decisions on the battlefield…”

Han Jiao couldn’t cover his mouth in time. He vowed that next time he invites the big boss, he should send his little brother away with the big bad wolf.

Xie Duo showed a satisfied expression. “What else did your Big Brother say about me?”

Han Jiao lowered his head and warned his little brother, “Don’t say it! Otherwise, you won’t have candied haws in the future!”

A’Mo obediently nodded, and Han Jiao let go of his hand.

“You won’t indulge me, and now you won’t let your little brother indulge me?”

Before Han Jiao could reply, Han Mo curiously asked, “Is Your Highness the Crown Prince really insightful?”

“Would your Big Brother lie?”

A’Mo vigorously shook his head. “No!”

The Crown Prince had a smug look and said, “Then why ask?”

A’Mo was left bewildered.

“Don’t believe it?” Xie Duo looked at Han Jiao’s chubby little brother with a serious expression and whispered, “I guess your brother has a mole by his left ankle.”

A’Mo looked baffled.

Xie Duo raised an eyebrow. “Let’s see if my guess is correct.”

A’Mo immediately broke free from his brother’s embrace, crouched by his brother’s left foot, lifted his pant leg, and was instantly amazed by the mole.

“Amazing!” A’Mo gazed at the Crown Prince with admiration, then scrambled over to the coffee table, eventually pushing the dice cup beside the Crown Prince. Excitedly, he asked, “Can Your Highness guess the numbers on the dice inside too?”

Xie Duo: “……”

“Hahaha!” Han Jiao witnessed this stinky little brother bragging for the first time and failing miserably on the spot!

Xie Duo glanced at the overjoyed child prodigy, then looked confidently at the chubby little brother. “If I can guess the numbers right, you have to tell me all the nice things your Big Brother used to say about me.”

A’Mo nodded eagerly, his face filled with anticipation.

Han Jiao didn’t intervene, crossed his arms, and waited for the big boss to potentially faceplant.

Xie Duo solemnly asked the chubby kid, “Would you be willing to assist the War God Crown Prince?”

A’Mo became even more excited. “Yes!”

“Then, I’ll count to three, and you shout out loud, ‘War God Crown Prince is a brilliant strategist.'”


“One, two, three!”

“War God Crown Prince is a brilliant strategist!”

Meanwhile, the War God Crown Prince swiftly reached out, flipped open the dice cup lid, glanced at the numbers, and then covered it up again, retracting his hand.

The deceived one, having finished the chant, opened his eyes and looked expectantly at the trickster War God. “Did Your Highness guess it right?”

“One, three, six,” Xie Duo confidently raised a corner of his mouth. “Let’s see if it’s correct.”

Han Jiao, unable to bear it any longer, protested, “Is this suitable, Your Highness? My brother is still so young!”

The chubby kid who had already confirmed the correct numbers bounced with excitement. “Your Highness is amazing! Your Highness is amazing!”

The trickster War God revealed a wicked smile. “Now, you can tell me.”

Just as Han Jiao was about to expose the deception, Mrs. Han entered with a tray of pastries.

Every time the Crown Prince visited, there was no time for advance notice, and even going out to buy groceries was rushed. Mrs. Han brought out her homemade pastries from yesterday to offer the Crown Prince a taste.

The Crown Prince ate a few bites and nodded in approval.

Mrs. Han was delighted. “I thought Your Highness would like this flavor. My son loves to eat it too.”

After saying it, she felt something was off. Her words made it sound like she was treating the Crown Prince as her son, but it was too late to take them back.

Fortunately, the Crown Prince didn’t mind. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and enjoyed teasing Han Jiao’s chubby little brother even more.

With all the commotion, Mrs. Han and her youngest son treated the Crown Prince like family.

Unfortunately, there were still state affairs to attend to in the palace, so the Crown Prince couldn’t stay for a meal and bid farewell by midday.

Han Jiao also rose to accompany the Crown Prince on his way out.

When Mrs. Han saw them off in the courtyard, she asked Han Jiao to wait for a moment. She reached out and patted Han Jiao’s head, instructing, “Take good care of the Crown Prince.”

“Understood.” Just as Han Jiao was about to turn, he saw Xie Duo approaching, full of momentum. “Since we’re both your children, how can you favor one over the other?”

Mrs. Han was puzzled, not understanding the Crown Prince’s meaning.

Xie Duo suddenly revealed a mischievous smile, tilted his head in Mrs. Han’s direction, and demanded the same head-pat treatment.

Mrs. Han understood and couldn’t stop smiling. While saying, “Your Highness is teasing me,” she joyfully reached out and patted the head of Great Chu’s War God.

It was worth it in this lifetime!

On the way back to the palace, Xie Duo officially declared to the cheeky child prodigy that his mother-in-law had recognized him as her son.

Han Jiao found this stinky little brother’s cunning methods quite distasteful but had some small aspirations for the future. “My mother seems to really like you. After your last visit, she mentioned you quite often.”

“Mentioned me for what?”

“Of course, to compliment you. My mother likes you so much, but I haven’t even met your mother…”

At these words, Xie Duo’s mischievous smile suddenly froze.

“What’s wrong?” Han Jiao felt like he had suddenly become unhappy.

Xie Duo whispered, “I’m sure your mother-in-law likes you too.”

“Really?” Han Jiao sat up straight, clearing his throat. “To be honest, I quite like it when older people like me. Could you arrange for me to meet my mother-in-law when there’s a chance?”

“She mentioned wanting to meet you a few days ago.”

“She wants to meet me? The Empress mentioned it?”

Xie Duo turned to look at Han Jiao seriously and nodded. “She heard that you cured Seventh Brother and has been wanting to meet you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? There’s no time like the present. I’ll go pay my respects to the Empress today!”

Xie Duo fell silent for a moment, then nodded. “Alright.”

Han Jiao had always been curious about the Empress. In the novel, her background was closely tied to Prince Duan’s childhood.

After Xie Duo was named Crown Prince, the Empress was concerned that her younger son couldn’t handle the overall situation. She persuaded Xie Duo to transfer military authority to Prince Yan.

During that time, the Crown Prince, who had not yet turned dark, was essentially a puppet, operating under Prince Yan.

Later in the novel, a conflict arose between the Crown Prince and the Empress, but the details weren’t elaborated. It was briefly mentioned that a Great Chu Princess sent a secret letter to the capital from her marriage alliance with the Tatars, stating that her child had been secretly poisoned right after birth to prevent Great Chu people from tainting the Tatar noble bloodline.

Upon reading the letter, the Crown Prince was furious and immediately ordered a campaign to annihilate the Tatars.

However, at that time, Xie Duo was still a puppet, and there was no one in the court to comply with his orders. Prince Yan was on a southeastern inspection tour.

With no one heeding his command, the Crown Prince, in desperation, went to the three major army camps to muster troops. However, lacking the military seal, the generals made excuses and persuaded him to return to the palace.

It was at this moment that the Empress made her appearance and did something quite absurd—she placed the Crown Prince under house arrest.

When reading the novel, this action didn’t seem unusual at the time, as the Ninth Prince was still a passive character. A child acting out and wanting to lead an army into battle might be kept in check by parents.

However, Han Jiao now knew Xie Duo’s character, and confining him under those circumstances would undoubtedly lead to an explosion.

In the novel, the Ninth Prince, who had been under house arrest, displayed his strategic acumen for the first time. He devised a series of cunning schemes to obtain the command of the northwestern garrison, using the pretext of leading on behalf of the Emperor to campaign against the Tatars. This ultimately propelled him to fame, creating a sensation throughout the world.

However, after that, the Ninth Prince remained complacent, continuing as a puppet until shortly before the untimely death of Prince Duan. It was only then that he began to target Prince Yan’s faction. So, Han Jiao had always believed that Xie Duo’s dark transformation was related to Xie Xiu’s death.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 134

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 134

Chapter 134

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Only after hearing the young man beside her call out "Mrs. Han" a few times did Mrs. Han slowly come to her senses. She looked up and was instantly calmed by the handsome face of the Prince.

"Not knowing that Your Highness would visit our humble abode, I apologize for not welcoming you from afar. I hope Your Highness forgives me," Mrs. Han bowed but showed no fear on her face.

For some unknown reason, the first time they met, this young prince smashed her roof without warning, yet she didn't feel fear. It was more like seeing a younger relative, closer in familiarity than reverence.

Since their last meeting six months ago, not only did Mrs. Han not feel like a stranger, but little A'Mo, who followed her out, also instantly recognized Xie Duo. He immediately imitated his mother, placing his small chubby hand at his side and bowed. "This Consort greets Your Highness Prince Ling of Thousand Years." 

"Shh! Shh!" Mrs. Han quickly whispered, "It's Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

"No problem." Xie Duo lowered his head to look at Han Mo, then turned to glance at Han Jiao beside him. He chuckled softly and asked, "This Consort? Who taught him this address?"

"It definitely wasn't me!" Han Jiao quietly argued, "My mother often takes him to the teahouse to watch plays, he learned it from the dramas, and now he can't change it!"

The big boss smiled and nodded, his eyes clearly saying, "I don't believe it. You must have been acting as my Crown Princess at home, and your little brother saw it."

Han Jiao blushed, feeling wronged but not daring to vent to the Crown Prince. He bent down and gently picked up his little brother, patting his bottom. "I've told you so many times, you're not allowed to call yourself 'this Consort'!"

Han Mo raised his chubby face and argued, "Princes like people calling themselves 'this Consort' the most. Those who don't get their heads chopped off!"

Han Jiao: "......"

He finally understood that his little brother called himself "this Consort" when he saw Xie Duo because of a play they had watched earlier. In that play, the Prince and the Princess were very loving, and the villains didn't have a good ending.

So, in Han Mo's eyes, the Prince liked people who called themselves "this Consort" and didn't like others.

This misunderstanding couldn't be explained for a while, and Xie Duo didn't pursue it. He turned and instructed the eunuch to bring the prepared gifts into the Han family's courtyard.

Listening to the eunuch read out the list of gifts and watching the attendants carry them in one by one, Mrs. Han was baffled.

"Han Jiao has been running errands at my mansion recently, so this is a small token to compensate his parents."

Mrs. Han hadn't fully recovered from her surprise, but she nodded and bowed. "Your Highness' great kindness... I... I'm not worthy!"

"Madam, there's no need to decline. These are rewards that Master Han rightfully deserves."

Han Jiao approached his mother and whispered, "Mother, just accept them with peace of mind."

Mrs. Han quickly bowed again and said, "I hope Your Highness visits us often."

She wanted to express how warmly she welcomed the Crown Prince, but in her nervousness, she got her hands mixed up and ended up making a farewell gesture.

Who would ever accept gifts and then immediately send their guest away?

Xie Duo playfully teased, "Are these gifts only enough for Mrs. Han to chat for two sentences at the doorstep? How much do I need to give for a cup of tea inside?"

Mrs. Han: "......"

Oh no, she made the current Crown Prince stand outside her door for so long due to her nervousness!

She quickly stepped aside to welcome the Crown Prince inside.

Mrs. Han instructed her son to accompany the Crown Prince to the hall while she hurried to prepare some refreshments.

Xie Duo hadn't sat down yet when little Han Mo ran to his side, reaching out his hands. "Let me give Your Highness a shoulder massage!"

Han Jiao: "......" He didn't want this silly little brother.

"Does a husband still get this kind of treatment?" Xie Duo began to question Han Jiao with a look that said, "Take a good look at yourself."

Han Jiao pretended not to see it, bearing the humiliation.

Xie Duo praised A'Mo as a good child and suggested that A'Mo's brother should learn more from him.

Delighted with the praise, A'Mo eagerly dashed out, using his short legs to bring his little toys to the hall, placing them one by one on the coffee table next to the Crown Prince.

Initially, some small stuffed animals and windmills were normal, but later, probably to make an impression, A'Mo brought all sorts of random items from their home.

There were cutting boards, rolling pins, dice, and even a set of small darts that Han Jiao had bought for amusement.

Han Jiao quickly hid the darts in his pocket and held his brother to prevent him from rummaging further.

However, Xie Duo had already noticed the set of darts and glanced at Han Jiao. "My apologies, Brother Han, whose hero's footsteps did you used to follow?"

A'Mo thought the Crown Prince was talking to him, but he didn't understand the words, so he responded based on his feelings, "I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan."

Xie Duo laughed. "Your household is truly full of hidden talents."

A'Mo nodded and began to speak seriously, "My Big Brother said that Your Highness is a more powerful War God than Zhao Zilong, with extraordinary strategy and wisdom, making crucial decisions on the battlefield..."

Han Jiao couldn't cover his mouth in time. He vowed that next time he invites the big boss, he should send his little brother away with the big bad wolf.

Xie Duo showed a satisfied expression. "What else did your Big Brother say about me?"

Han Jiao lowered his head and warned his little brother, "Don't say it! Otherwise, you won't have candied haws in the future!"

A'Mo obediently nodded, and Han Jiao let go of his hand.

"You won't indulge me, and now you won't let your little brother indulge me?"

Before Han Jiao could reply, Han Mo curiously asked, "Is Your Highness the Crown Prince really insightful?"

"Would your Big Brother lie?"

A'Mo vigorously shook his head. "No!"

The Crown Prince had a smug look and said, "Then why ask?"

A'Mo was left bewildered.

"Don't believe it?" Xie Duo looked at Han Jiao's chubby little brother with a serious expression and whispered, "I guess your brother has a mole by his left ankle."

A'Mo looked baffled.

Xie Duo raised an eyebrow. "Let's see if my guess is correct."

A'Mo immediately broke free from his brother's embrace, crouched by his brother's left foot, lifted his pant leg, and was instantly amazed by the mole.

"Amazing!" A'Mo gazed at the Crown Prince with admiration, then scrambled over to the coffee table, eventually pushing the dice cup beside the Crown Prince. Excitedly, he asked, "Can Your Highness guess the numbers on the dice inside too?"

Xie Duo: "......"

"Hahaha!" Han Jiao witnessed this stinky little brother bragging for the first time and failing miserably on the spot!

Xie Duo glanced at the overjoyed child prodigy, then looked confidently at the chubby little brother. "If I can guess the numbers right, you have to tell me all the nice things your Big Brother used to say about me."

A'Mo nodded eagerly, his face filled with anticipation.

Han Jiao didn't intervene, crossed his arms, and waited for the big boss to potentially faceplant.

Xie Duo solemnly asked the chubby kid, "Would you be willing to assist the War God Crown Prince?"

A'Mo became even more excited. "Yes!"

"Then, I'll count to three, and you shout out loud, 'War God Crown Prince is a brilliant strategist.'"


"One, two, three!"

"War God Crown Prince is a brilliant strategist!"

Meanwhile, the War God Crown Prince swiftly reached out, flipped open the dice cup lid, glanced at the numbers, and then covered it up again, retracting his hand.

The deceived one, having finished the chant, opened his eyes and looked expectantly at the trickster War God. "Did Your Highness guess it right?"

"One, three, six," Xie Duo confidently raised a corner of his mouth. "Let's see if it's correct."

Han Jiao, unable to bear it any longer, protested, "Is this suitable, Your Highness? My brother is still so young!"

The chubby kid who had already confirmed the correct numbers bounced with excitement. "Your Highness is amazing! Your Highness is amazing!"

The trickster War God revealed a wicked smile. "Now, you can tell me."

Just as Han Jiao was about to expose the deception, Mrs. Han entered with a tray of pastries.

Every time the Crown Prince visited, there was no time for advance notice, and even going out to buy groceries was rushed. Mrs. Han brought out her homemade pastries from yesterday to offer the Crown Prince a taste.

The Crown Prince ate a few bites and nodded in approval.

Mrs. Han was delighted. "I thought Your Highness would like this flavor. My son loves to eat it too."

After saying it, she felt something was off. Her words made it sound like she was treating the Crown Prince as her son, but it was too late to take them back.

Fortunately, the Crown Prince didn't mind. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and enjoyed teasing Han Jiao's chubby little brother even more.

With all the commotion, Mrs. Han and her youngest son treated the Crown Prince like family.

Unfortunately, there were still state affairs to attend to in the palace, so the Crown Prince couldn't stay for a meal and bid farewell by midday.

Han Jiao also rose to accompany the Crown Prince on his way out.

When Mrs. Han saw them off in the courtyard, she asked Han Jiao to wait for a moment. She reached out and patted Han Jiao's head, instructing, "Take good care of the Crown Prince."

"Understood." Just as Han Jiao was about to turn, he saw Xie Duo approaching, full of momentum. "Since we're both your children, how can you favor one over the other?"

Mrs. Han was puzzled, not understanding the Crown Prince's meaning.

Xie Duo suddenly revealed a mischievous smile, tilted his head in Mrs. Han's direction, and demanded the same head-pat treatment.

Mrs. Han understood and couldn't stop smiling. While saying, "Your Highness is teasing me," she joyfully reached out and patted the head of Great Chu's War God.

It was worth it in this lifetime!

On the way back to the palace, Xie Duo officially declared to the cheeky child prodigy that his mother-in-law had recognized him as her son.

Han Jiao found this stinky little brother's cunning methods quite distasteful but had some small aspirations for the future. "My mother seems to really like you. After your last visit, she mentioned you quite often."

"Mentioned me for what?"

"Of course, to compliment you. My mother likes you so much, but I haven't even met your mother..."

At these words, Xie Duo's mischievous smile suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" Han Jiao felt like he had suddenly become unhappy.

Xie Duo whispered, "I'm sure your mother-in-law likes you too."

"Really?" Han Jiao sat up straight, clearing his throat. "To be honest, I quite like it when older people like me. Could you arrange for me to meet my mother-in-law when there's a chance?"

"She mentioned wanting to meet you a few days ago."

"She wants to meet me? The Empress mentioned it?"

Xie Duo turned to look at Han Jiao seriously and nodded. "She heard that you cured Seventh Brother and has been wanting to meet you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? There's no time like the present. I'll go pay my respects to the Empress today!"

Xie Duo fell silent for a moment, then nodded. "Alright."

Han Jiao had always been curious about the Empress. In the novel, her background was closely tied to Prince Duan's childhood.

After Xie Duo was named Crown Prince, the Empress was concerned that her younger son couldn't handle the overall situation. She persuaded Xie Duo to transfer military authority to Prince Yan.

During that time, the Crown Prince, who had not yet turned dark, was essentially a puppet, operating under Prince Yan.

Later in the novel, a conflict arose between the Crown Prince and the Empress, but the details weren't elaborated. It was briefly mentioned that a Great Chu Princess sent a secret letter to the capital from her marriage alliance with the Tatars, stating that her child had been secretly poisoned right after birth to prevent Great Chu people from tainting the Tatar noble bloodline.

Upon reading the letter, the Crown Prince was furious and immediately ordered a campaign to annihilate the Tatars.

However, at that time, Xie Duo was still a puppet, and there was no one in the court to comply with his orders. Prince Yan was on a southeastern inspection tour.

With no one heeding his command, the Crown Prince, in desperation, went to the three major army camps to muster troops. However, lacking the military seal, the generals made excuses and persuaded him to return to the palace.

It was at this moment that the Empress made her appearance and did something quite absurd—she placed the Crown Prince under house arrest.

When reading the novel, this action didn't seem unusual at the time, as the Ninth Prince was still a passive character. A child acting out and wanting to lead an army into battle might be kept in check by parents.

However, Han Jiao now knew Xie Duo's character, and confining him under those circumstances would undoubtedly lead to an explosion.

In the novel, the Ninth Prince, who had been under house arrest, displayed his strategic acumen for the first time. He devised a series of cunning schemes to obtain the command of the northwestern garrison, using the pretext of leading on behalf of the Emperor to campaign against the Tatars. This ultimately propelled him to fame, creating a sensation throughout the world.

However, after that, the Ninth Prince remained complacent, continuing as a puppet until shortly before the untimely death of Prince Duan. It was only then that he began to target Prince Yan's faction. So, Han Jiao had always believed that Xie Duo's dark transformation was related to Xie Xiu's death.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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