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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 141

Chapter 141

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Han Jiao felt like he had a lot to say, but his mind was blank.

Looking at the person in front of him, Han Jiao felt very happy, so he stopped overthinking and just stared at Xie Duo with a silly smile.

Xie Duo also smiled. He turned to glance around the palace alley, making sure there were no outsiders. He eagerly bent down to pick up the little child prodigy, then hurriedly entered the courtyard and went into the hall, dismissing the attendants.

Han Jiao was placed in a chair. Xie Duo, in a hurry, leaned down and lightly kissed his neck.

Han Jiao asked Xie Duo with a hazy eyes, “Your Highness, what’s the rush?”

Xie Duo paused and whispered by Han Jiao’s ear, “I haven’t slept for two nights just to come back and see you sooner.”

Han Jiao blinked in confusion. As if he remembered something, he suddenly burst into a little toothy smile, then resumed a serious expression. He pushed Xie Duo’s hands away and said, “Your Highness, you should go rest now.”

“Did you not hear what I said?”

Han Jiao raised an eyebrow mischievously. “Your Highness, you claim it’s just to come back and see me, not to mention any other secret motives, right?”

Xie Duo curled his lips. “I came back early mainly for some ‘secret motives,’ and, as a bonus, to keep you from worrying.”

After saying that, he commenced his secret motives.

Han Jiao grew happier. He lifted his hands around Xie Duo’s neck, closing his eyes, and joyfully accepting his kisses.

Sensing a response from Xie Duo, Han Jiao’s hands slowly slid down, slipping under the clothing, removing hindrances.

His initiative surprised Xie Duo. With increased breathlessness, their actions became more abrupt.

Unexpectedly, the palace door slammed open at this moment. The Third Prince entered in haste, holding a memorial. “Master Han! Look at this…”

When he saw the two entangled individuals, the Third Prince’s expression instantly froze.

In the royal chair, the two people engaged in their secret motives hastily stood up, their faces flushed.

As the Third Prince’s expression gradually turned menacing and agitated, Han Jiao didn’t hesitate to lie loudly, “His Highness was teaching me wrestling exercises. I was just knocked onto the chair.”

Xie Duo, who had originally prepared to confess their love early, stood there in bewilderment, turning to look at the little child prodigy.

This was undoubtedly the lowest point in the storytelling skills of the little child prodigy’s life.

Xie Duo stared at Han Jiao with a shocked expression.

However, Han Jiao kept making faces and gestures, urging him to cooperate.

Unable to do anything else, Xie Duo spoke seriously, “Master, your balance is off. You need more practice.”

After saying this, Xie Duo turned his head, and looked at his Third Brother with a skeptical gaze.

Suddenly, a soft rustling sound was heard as Xie Duo’s pants slid down to his ankles, pooling around his feet. Han Jiao had just unfastened his waistband.

In an instant, the three pairs of eyes in the room turned to look at Xie Duo’s feet simultaneously.

Han Jiao’s heart raced, his mind in turmoil. He wanted to crouch down and help the big boss put his pants back on, but he couldn’t ignore the increasingly sharp eyes of the Third Prince.

Xie Duo lowered his head to look at his pants for a while, then raised his eyes and calmly told his Third Brother, “I don’t like to be constrained. I never fasten my waistband when I’m in my own chambers.”

“……” The Third Prince didn’t have much hope for his Ninth Brother’s shamelessness, and his sharp gaze slowly turned to Han Jiao.

Han Jiao flushed and immediately turned to genuinely praise the big boss, “Your Highness, your carefree nature is truly inspiring!”

Xie Duo smiled humbly with his hands behind his back, showing no intention of bending down to put his pants back on.

The Third Prince’s tone sounded as if it came from a malevolent spirit in hell. “Should I invite the Empress to see how carefree and unconstrained you really are?”

Xie Duo swiftly bent down and picked up his pants as he listened to the reprimand.

Han Jiao had completely given up on arguing and hung his head low, wishing he could bury it in his chest.

The Third Prince, who had always indulged his Ninth Brother, couldn’t contain his anger at this moment. He approached Xie Duo step by step and spoke in a low voice, “How dare you do such a treacherous act to your personal tutor?”

Xie Duo had never seen his Third Brother so serious and started to feel a bit nervous. He glanced to the side and noticed that the little child prodigy was trembling with fear. So, he raised his chin defiantly, drawing the hatred towards himself, “Why wouldn’t I dare? He can’t beat me anyway.”

The Third Prince was taken aback!

Han Jiao: “……”

The Third Prince looked at Han Jiao with concern, “Did this rascal force you into this?”

Han Jiao, bewildered, turned to look at him. “Uh…”

Xie Duo glared fiercely at the innocent tutor and threatened him, “If you dare to complain, you won’t have a good night’s sleep tomorrow. Just say it was consensual.”

Han Jiao regained his senses and quickly turned to tell the Third Prince, “I really did it willingly!”

The Third Prince took in a sharp breath three times!

“Your Highness, don’t listen to his boasting. I truly did it willingly. Six months ago…”

“Master Han, please leave.” The Third Prince stared fiercely at his Ninth Brother, his eyes filled with a menacing glare. “I need to have a private conversation with the Crown Prince.”


“Please leave, Master!”

Han Jiao couldn’t argue further. With a look from the intimidating Third Prince that screamed, “Get out,” he had no choice but to retreat in frustration.

Just as he left the room, he nervously glanced back, only to see the Third Prince’s face darkening as he closed the palace door.

Anxious, Han Jiao pressed his ear against the door. He could hear the big boss negotiating with a serious tone inside, “Third Brother, I’m already seventeen. You were my age… Oh! What are you doing? Don’t act rashly, let go, or I won’t show respect to my Big Brother! Let go… Ahhh!”

Han Jiao was escorted back to Prince Ling’s residence, feeling drowsy as waves of sleepiness hit him. But he still waited, in a half-asleep state.

However, Xie Duo didn’t come to see him that night. Instead, a letter was sent, with just one short sentence: “Third Brother is lingering. I might not escape the palace tonight. Go to bed early.”

After reading it, Han Jiao felt relieved and stumbled into his bedroom, falling asleep immediately.

In the following days, the Third Prince kept a close watch on the treacherous Crown Prince, like a hawk.

During the day, Han Jiao could only communicate with Xie Duo through exchanged glances during small court meetings.

It wasn’t uncommon for noble households to keep male consorts, and even more unusual tastes existed within the imperial family.

Han Jiao had believed that as long as they kept his affection discreet and didn’t seek recognition, his relationship with Xie Duo wouldn’t cause a stir if discovered. But he didn’t anticipate the Third Prince’s strong reaction.

Could it be that he believed the big boss had genuinely forced him?

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Han Jiao immediately entered the study, preparing to write a heartfelt letter to the Third Prince, clearly explaining the process of his relationship with Xie Duo to dispel any previous misunderstandings.

As he picked up the pen, Han Jiao attempted to recall their history together, but a strange drowsiness suddenly washed over him.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but his vision remained blurred as he looked at the blank paper.

He remembered the first time he attended a lesson with Elder Lin, he recalled the image of Xie Duo entering the study, but after that, his memories became jumbled.

It felt as if he had been standing beside Elder Lin, sneakily glancing at the Ninth Prince from time to time, and at the same time, as if he had been sitting right beside the Ninth Prince.

Chaotic memories continued to collide in his mind.

“Why does Master always assign this Prince an extra essay ?”

“If this Prince can’t finish it, Master shouldn’t think of leaving.”


In his memory, suddenly, the worried face of Prince Yan appeared. “Both you and your father lost your official positions because of me. If you don’t mind, you can temporarily serve in my residence. Father Emperor’s loss of your services is his misfortune, the court’s misfortune, and the misfortune of the people of Great Chu. One day, I will allow you to realize your ambitions and work for the welfare of the people.”


He was pushed onto the riverbank, coughing incessantly as he turned to help the person behind him onto the shore. However, that person pulled him close, almost causing them both to fall into the water.

Those light-colored eyes looked at him with a wicked smile. “Han Jiao, now you owe me two lives. Either abandon Sixth Brother and join me, or repay me for two lifetimes.”


In the attic, with Xie Duo’s back to the light, the darkness concealed his angry expression. “If it’s destined that I can’t coexist with him, do you want me or him?”

“Your Highness is my true love in this lifetime, but I will never betray Prince Yan.”


“After tonight, Master won’t have to struggle anymore.”

“Where is Your Highness going?”


“And what about the Crown Prince?”

“A’Duo is already gone. Master, please be strong. I still need your guidance for the realm, and the world…”


“No!” Han Jiao shouted angrily. With a burst of unexpected strength, he violently overturned the writing desk!

He dashed out of the study, as if trying to escape from a dreadful nightmare back to reality, his actions resembling madness.

“Master Han!” A eunuch, alarmed by the commotion, rushed into the courtyard, helping to support Han Jiao. “What’s happened?”

Han Jiao, in fear, looked at the unfamiliar faces around him, desperately searching for the one familiar face he couldn’t find.

“His Highness… Where’s His Highness?” Han Jiao clung tightly to the eunuch’s robe. In his usually tender peach-blossom eyes, there was a never-before-seen sense of dread.

The eunuch kindly reassured him, “Master, you’ve forgotten. His Highness sent a message today and won’t be returning.”

“Why isn’t he coming back?” Han Jiao pulled the eunuch close, urgently demanding, “Tell him to come see me, I need to see him right now! Immediately!”

The eunuch, who had never expected such strength from the delicate scholar, spoke with a troubled expression, “At this hour, the palace gates are already closed. Master, please rest for the night, and tomorrow after the morning court session, you can discuss matters with Your Highness.”

Han Jiao’s gaze turned blank, and the chaotic images in his mind were suddenly replaced by his own previous intimate moments with Xie Duo in Xiyuan Hall. His emotions immediately calmed down.

“Discuss matters with His Highness after the morning court session,” Han Jiao murmured to himself.

The eunuch finally breathed a sigh of relief and assisted Han Jiao to the small flower pavilion for rest.

He went to sleep in the early evening, only to wake up before dawn. Han Jiao felt much more awake, but the strange images that had intruded into his mind the previous day still felt vivid.

Han Jiao experienced an unfamiliar chill.

He began to suspect that those terrifying experiences might have been memories from the book Han Jiao.

Did the previous Han Jiao also know Xie Duo and had already gone through the events in the book?

Could it be that the book Han Jiao’s deep love was for the big boss too?

This thought didn’t make Han Jiao uncomfortable because the memories from yesterday, although frightening, didn’t feel like an invasion of his thoughts.

Those emotions were incredibly real, and his own feelings were in perfect alignment with the book Han Jiao’s. He couldn’t distinguish which memories belonged to the previous owner and which were his own.

Han Jiao pondered until dawn, and then, in his eagerness to see Xie Duo, he skipped most of his breakfast and hurried into the palace.

On this day, the morning court was held in the palace.

Outside the imperial gates, court officials whispered amongst themselves. Shortly after, eunuchs ushered them into Huangji Hall. To Han Jiao’s surprise, many officials let out restrained gasps.

Han Jiao was curious about what they had seen but refrained from asking, so he quickened his pace to follow them into the hall.

Once all the officials were divided on both sides, Han Jiao saw clearly – sitting on the dragon throne was the Emperor himself, his face gaunt.

Xie Duo had mentioned the Emperor’s severe illness, but Han Jiao had not expected it to be this dire.

Were it not for the Emperor’s majestic and profound dragon-like eyes, Han Jiao might not have recognized this frail man who, just months ago, had been the powerful ruler of Great Chu.

Both civil and military officials were profoundly shocked.

Xie Duo stood by the Emperor’s side, down the steps, calmly observing the officials.

After the court session began, the Emperor remained like a statue on the dragon throne. It was only when the edict was to be read that he turned his head slightly to look at the Hanlin Chancellor. 

The official immediately stepped forward, received the imperial edict from the eunuch, and with great respect, unfolded it. He then turned to face the assembled officials and read the edict loudly.

The entire court was filled with gasps and astonishment.

The Emperor unexpectedly issued an abdication edict!

This event didn’t come as a surprise to Han Jiao, but it did happen a bit earlier than he had imagined.

Remained composed, he seized opportunities to sneak glances at Xie Duo. There was even a moment when he got caught looking, and Xie Duo, with a playful look, locked eyes with him, quickly extended his tongue to lick his own lips.

Han Jiao promptly suppressed his laughter, lowering his head and avoiding further eye contact.

Meanwhile, the Hanlin Chancellor finished reading the final sentence, “To proclaim to the realm, let all people be aware.”

Han Jiao raised his eyes and smiled, witnessing this “historic moment” when Xie Duo received the imperial edict.

Just as the edict was handed over to Xie Duo, Han Jiao suddenly felt a deafening noise.

A deep, elderly voice resonated in his ears—

When Wenqu fades, Ziwei takes its place. Longing seeps, as they meet face to face. [Wenqu = star for literature/scholars; Ziwei = star for emperors]

In an instant, Han Jiao’s vision was overwhelmed by a white radiance.


“Is your decision final?”


“If you succeed in changing his fate, the backlash you’ll endure will make you forget your two lifetimes of memories. As long as the Ziwei star shines, your lifespan will diminish day by day.”

“I understand.”

“If you can’t alter his destiny, your memories will be entirely replaced by the version of you from that different time, and all the knowledge you’ve acquired in this half of your life will be lost.”

“Elder, I’m prepared.”

“Han Jiao, abandon your attachment. Losing your feelings for him, even if you retain those memories, the other you from that time might not be motivated to save him. Everything you give will ultimately be in vain.”

“Whatever the outcome, I would still give everything to save him.”

“You have no connection to him in that different time. Why are you so convinced?”

The warm breeze carried willow fluff. Han Jiao squinted his peach blossom eyes, smiling with unwavering determination. “From the moment I laid eyes on Xie Duo, I knew I would love him.”

“Han Jiao? Han Jiao!”

Startled voices echoed from behind.

Xie Duo, who had just received the imperial decree, had no time to respond. He swiftly turned around to see Han Jiao falling abruptly to the ground.

Two officials nearby hurriedly tried to lift Han Jiao, but their efforts resulted in successive failures.

“Don’t touch him!”

In full view of the audience, the Crown Prince, in a sudden rage, shouted and rushed down the steps like an arrow!


If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 141

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 141

Chapter 141

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Han Jiao felt like he had a lot to say, but his mind was blank.

Looking at the person in front of him, Han Jiao felt very happy, so he stopped overthinking and just stared at Xie Duo with a silly smile.

Xie Duo also smiled. He turned to glance around the palace alley, making sure there were no outsiders. He eagerly bent down to pick up the little child prodigy, then hurriedly entered the courtyard and went into the hall, dismissing the attendants.

Han Jiao was placed in a chair. Xie Duo, in a hurry, leaned down and lightly kissed his neck.

Han Jiao asked Xie Duo with a hazy eyes, "Your Highness, what's the rush?"

Xie Duo paused and whispered by Han Jiao's ear, "I haven't slept for two nights just to come back and see you sooner."

Han Jiao blinked in confusion. As if he remembered something, he suddenly burst into a little toothy smile, then resumed a serious expression. He pushed Xie Duo's hands away and said, "Your Highness, you should go rest now."

"Did you not hear what I said?"

Han Jiao raised an eyebrow mischievously. "Your Highness, you claim it's just to come back and see me, not to mention any other secret motives, right?"

Xie Duo curled his lips. "I came back early mainly for some 'secret motives,' and, as a bonus, to keep you from worrying."

After saying that, he commenced his secret motives.

Han Jiao grew happier. He lifted his hands around Xie Duo's neck, closing his eyes, and joyfully accepting his kisses.

Sensing a response from Xie Duo, Han Jiao's hands slowly slid down, slipping under the clothing, removing hindrances.

His initiative surprised Xie Duo. With increased breathlessness, their actions became more abrupt.

Unexpectedly, the palace door slammed open at this moment. The Third Prince entered in haste, holding a memorial. "Master Han! Look at this..."

When he saw the two entangled individuals, the Third Prince's expression instantly froze.

In the royal chair, the two people engaged in their secret motives hastily stood up, their faces flushed.

As the Third Prince's expression gradually turned menacing and agitated, Han Jiao didn't hesitate to lie loudly, "His Highness was teaching me wrestling exercises. I was just knocked onto the chair."

Xie Duo, who had originally prepared to confess their love early, stood there in bewilderment, turning to look at the little child prodigy.

This was undoubtedly the lowest point in the storytelling skills of the little child prodigy's life.

Xie Duo stared at Han Jiao with a shocked expression.

However, Han Jiao kept making faces and gestures, urging him to cooperate.

Unable to do anything else, Xie Duo spoke seriously, "Master, your balance is off. You need more practice."

After saying this, Xie Duo turned his head, and looked at his Third Brother with a skeptical gaze.

Suddenly, a soft rustling sound was heard as Xie Duo's pants slid down to his ankles, pooling around his feet. Han Jiao had just unfastened his waistband.

In an instant, the three pairs of eyes in the room turned to look at Xie Duo's feet simultaneously.

Han Jiao's heart raced, his mind in turmoil. He wanted to crouch down and help the big boss put his pants back on, but he couldn't ignore the increasingly sharp eyes of the Third Prince.

Xie Duo lowered his head to look at his pants for a while, then raised his eyes and calmly told his Third Brother, "I don't like to be constrained. I never fasten my waistband when I'm in my own chambers."

"......" The Third Prince didn't have much hope for his Ninth Brother's shamelessness, and his sharp gaze slowly turned to Han Jiao.

Han Jiao flushed and immediately turned to genuinely praise the big boss, "Your Highness, your carefree nature is truly inspiring!"

Xie Duo smiled humbly with his hands behind his back, showing no intention of bending down to put his pants back on.

The Third Prince's tone sounded as if it came from a malevolent spirit in hell. "Should I invite the Empress to see how carefree and unconstrained you really are?"

Xie Duo swiftly bent down and picked up his pants as he listened to the reprimand.

Han Jiao had completely given up on arguing and hung his head low, wishing he could bury it in his chest.

The Third Prince, who had always indulged his Ninth Brother, couldn't contain his anger at this moment. He approached Xie Duo step by step and spoke in a low voice, "How dare you do such a treacherous act to your personal tutor?"

Xie Duo had never seen his Third Brother so serious and started to feel a bit nervous. He glanced to the side and noticed that the little child prodigy was trembling with fear. So, he raised his chin defiantly, drawing the hatred towards himself, "Why wouldn't I dare? He can't beat me anyway."

The Third Prince was taken aback!

Han Jiao: "......"

The Third Prince looked at Han Jiao with concern, "Did this rascal force you into this?"

Han Jiao, bewildered, turned to look at him. "Uh..."

Xie Duo glared fiercely at the innocent tutor and threatened him, "If you dare to complain, you won't have a good night's sleep tomorrow. Just say it was consensual."

Han Jiao regained his senses and quickly turned to tell the Third Prince, "I really did it willingly!"

The Third Prince took in a sharp breath three times!

"Your Highness, don't listen to his boasting. I truly did it willingly. Six months ago..."

"Master Han, please leave." The Third Prince stared fiercely at his Ninth Brother, his eyes filled with a menacing glare. "I need to have a private conversation with the Crown Prince."


"Please leave, Master!"

Han Jiao couldn't argue further. With a look from the intimidating Third Prince that screamed, "Get out," he had no choice but to retreat in frustration.

Just as he left the room, he nervously glanced back, only to see the Third Prince's face darkening as he closed the palace door.

Anxious, Han Jiao pressed his ear against the door. He could hear the big boss negotiating with a serious tone inside, "Third Brother, I'm already seventeen. You were my age... Oh! What are you doing? Don't act rashly, let go, or I won't show respect to my Big Brother! Let go... Ahhh!"

Han Jiao was escorted back to Prince Ling's residence, feeling drowsy as waves of sleepiness hit him. But he still waited, in a half-asleep state.

However, Xie Duo didn't come to see him that night. Instead, a letter was sent, with just one short sentence: "Third Brother is lingering. I might not escape the palace tonight. Go to bed early."

After reading it, Han Jiao felt relieved and stumbled into his bedroom, falling asleep immediately.

In the following days, the Third Prince kept a close watch on the treacherous Crown Prince, like a hawk.

During the day, Han Jiao could only communicate with Xie Duo through exchanged glances during small court meetings.

It wasn't uncommon for noble households to keep male consorts, and even more unusual tastes existed within the imperial family.

Han Jiao had believed that as long as they kept his affection discreet and didn't seek recognition, his relationship with Xie Duo wouldn't cause a stir if discovered. But he didn't anticipate the Third Prince's strong reaction.

Could it be that he believed the big boss had genuinely forced him?

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Han Jiao immediately entered the study, preparing to write a heartfelt letter to the Third Prince, clearly explaining the process of his relationship with Xie Duo to dispel any previous misunderstandings.

As he picked up the pen, Han Jiao attempted to recall their history together, but a strange drowsiness suddenly washed over him.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but his vision remained blurred as he looked at the blank paper.

He remembered the first time he attended a lesson with Elder Lin, he recalled the image of Xie Duo entering the study, but after that, his memories became jumbled.

It felt as if he had been standing beside Elder Lin, sneakily glancing at the Ninth Prince from time to time, and at the same time, as if he had been sitting right beside the Ninth Prince.

Chaotic memories continued to collide in his mind.

"Why does Master always assign this Prince an extra essay ?"

"If this Prince can't finish it, Master shouldn't think of leaving."


In his memory, suddenly, the worried face of Prince Yan appeared. "Both you and your father lost your official positions because of me. If you don't mind, you can temporarily serve in my residence. Father Emperor's loss of your services is his misfortune, the court's misfortune, and the misfortune of the people of Great Chu. One day, I will allow you to realize your ambitions and work for the welfare of the people."


He was pushed onto the riverbank, coughing incessantly as he turned to help the person behind him onto the shore. However, that person pulled him close, almost causing them both to fall into the water.

Those light-colored eyes looked at him with a wicked smile. "Han Jiao, now you owe me two lives. Either abandon Sixth Brother and join me, or repay me for two lifetimes."


In the attic, with Xie Duo's back to the light, the darkness concealed his angry expression. "If it's destined that I can't coexist with him, do you want me or him?"

"Your Highness is my true love in this lifetime, but I will never betray Prince Yan."


"After tonight, Master won't have to struggle anymore."

"Where is Your Highness going?"


"And what about the Crown Prince?"

"A'Duo is already gone. Master, please be strong. I still need your guidance for the realm, and the world..."


"No!" Han Jiao shouted angrily. With a burst of unexpected strength, he violently overturned the writing desk!

He dashed out of the study, as if trying to escape from a dreadful nightmare back to reality, his actions resembling madness.

"Master Han!" A eunuch, alarmed by the commotion, rushed into the courtyard, helping to support Han Jiao. "What's happened?"

Han Jiao, in fear, looked at the unfamiliar faces around him, desperately searching for the one familiar face he couldn't find.

"His Highness... Where's His Highness?" Han Jiao clung tightly to the eunuch's robe. In his usually tender peach-blossom eyes, there was a never-before-seen sense of dread.

The eunuch kindly reassured him, "Master, you've forgotten. His Highness sent a message today and won't be returning."

"Why isn't he coming back?" Han Jiao pulled the eunuch close, urgently demanding, "Tell him to come see me, I need to see him right now! Immediately!"

The eunuch, who had never expected such strength from the delicate scholar, spoke with a troubled expression, "At this hour, the palace gates are already closed. Master, please rest for the night, and tomorrow after the morning court session, you can discuss matters with Your Highness."

Han Jiao's gaze turned blank, and the chaotic images in his mind were suddenly replaced by his own previous intimate moments with Xie Duo in Xiyuan Hall. His emotions immediately calmed down.

"Discuss matters with His Highness after the morning court session," Han Jiao murmured to himself.

The eunuch finally breathed a sigh of relief and assisted Han Jiao to the small flower pavilion for rest.

He went to sleep in the early evening, only to wake up before dawn. Han Jiao felt much more awake, but the strange images that had intruded into his mind the previous day still felt vivid.

Han Jiao experienced an unfamiliar chill.

He began to suspect that those terrifying experiences might have been memories from the book Han Jiao.

Did the previous Han Jiao also know Xie Duo and had already gone through the events in the book?

Could it be that the book Han Jiao's deep love was for the big boss too?

This thought didn't make Han Jiao uncomfortable because the memories from yesterday, although frightening, didn't feel like an invasion of his thoughts.

Those emotions were incredibly real, and his own feelings were in perfect alignment with the book Han Jiao's. He couldn't distinguish which memories belonged to the previous owner and which were his own.

Han Jiao pondered until dawn, and then, in his eagerness to see Xie Duo, he skipped most of his breakfast and hurried into the palace.

On this day, the morning court was held in the palace.

Outside the imperial gates, court officials whispered amongst themselves. Shortly after, eunuchs ushered them into Huangji Hall. To Han Jiao's surprise, many officials let out restrained gasps.

Han Jiao was curious about what they had seen but refrained from asking, so he quickened his pace to follow them into the hall.

Once all the officials were divided on both sides, Han Jiao saw clearly – sitting on the dragon throne was the Emperor himself, his face gaunt.

Xie Duo had mentioned the Emperor's severe illness, but Han Jiao had not expected it to be this dire.

Were it not for the Emperor's majestic and profound dragon-like eyes, Han Jiao might not have recognized this frail man who, just months ago, had been the powerful ruler of Great Chu.

Both civil and military officials were profoundly shocked.

Xie Duo stood by the Emperor's side, down the steps, calmly observing the officials.

After the court session began, the Emperor remained like a statue on the dragon throne. It was only when the edict was to be read that he turned his head slightly to look at the Hanlin Chancellor. 

The official immediately stepped forward, received the imperial edict from the eunuch, and with great respect, unfolded it. He then turned to face the assembled officials and read the edict loudly.

The entire court was filled with gasps and astonishment.

The Emperor unexpectedly issued an abdication edict!

This event didn't come as a surprise to Han Jiao, but it did happen a bit earlier than he had imagined.

Remained composed, he seized opportunities to sneak glances at Xie Duo. There was even a moment when he got caught looking, and Xie Duo, with a playful look, locked eyes with him, quickly extended his tongue to lick his own lips.

Han Jiao promptly suppressed his laughter, lowering his head and avoiding further eye contact.

Meanwhile, the Hanlin Chancellor finished reading the final sentence, "To proclaim to the realm, let all people be aware."

Han Jiao raised his eyes and smiled, witnessing this "historic moment" when Xie Duo received the imperial edict.

Just as the edict was handed over to Xie Duo, Han Jiao suddenly felt a deafening noise.

A deep, elderly voice resonated in his ears—

When Wenqu fades, Ziwei takes its place. Longing seeps, as they meet face to face. [Wenqu = star for literature/scholars; Ziwei = star for emperors]

In an instant, Han Jiao's vision was overwhelmed by a white radiance.


"Is your decision final?"


"If you succeed in changing his fate, the backlash you'll endure will make you forget your two lifetimes of memories. As long as the Ziwei star shines, your lifespan will diminish day by day."

"I understand."

"If you can't alter his destiny, your memories will be entirely replaced by the version of you from that different time, and all the knowledge you've acquired in this half of your life will be lost."

"Elder, I'm prepared."

"Han Jiao, abandon your attachment. Losing your feelings for him, even if you retain those memories, the other you from that time might not be motivated to save him. Everything you give will ultimately be in vain."

"Whatever the outcome, I would still give everything to save him."

"You have no connection to him in that different time. Why are you so convinced?"

The warm breeze carried willow fluff. Han Jiao squinted his peach blossom eyes, smiling with unwavering determination. "From the moment I laid eyes on Xie Duo, I knew I would love him."


"Han Jiao? Han Jiao!"

Startled voices echoed from behind.

Xie Duo, who had just received the imperial decree, had no time to respond. He swiftly turned around to see Han Jiao falling abruptly to the ground.

Two officials nearby hurriedly tried to lift Han Jiao, but their efforts resulted in successive failures.

"Don't touch him!"

In full view of the audience, the Crown Prince, in a sudden rage, shouted and rushed down the steps like an arrow!


If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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