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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 142

Chapter 142

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With these memories unsealed, Han Jiao’s mind became clearer than ever before. Everything that had once confused him now became incredibly clear.

There was no such thing as book Han Jiao. He was Han Jiao, the Han Jiao of this time and space. It felt like the memories from another dimension had made him feel as though he had transmigrated into a novel.

His future self, in order to change the fate of the present, sacrificed himself, sharing his memories with others in parallel dimensions through dreams or fantasies, with a maximum of three people in each dimension.

Those who received these memories might forget the next day, share the story with others, or even write it into a script, making it known to more people.

Infinite transmissions and waiting, with a one in a million chance that some version of himself in a parallel dimension might come to know this story in some form.

Once the memories were linked, Han Jiao would gain memories from his other selves in different dimensions before meeting Xie Duo. Then, the sacrifice would begin.

Time could not rewind in the same dimension. He could only let his parallel selves in other dimensions remind his past self not to make wrong choices and prevent the most dreadful things from happening.

However, the future Han Jiao never understood why Xie Duo’s disposition suddenly changed and why Xie Duo eventually took his own life. He had to leave these mysteries for his younger self to unravel and find the answers.

Until they achieve their long-standing aspirations, a barrier exists between the memories of another dimension and his own memories. Only in a chaotic, almost anesthetized state could the memories of two dimensions overlap or exchange.

The cosmic order did not allow memories from different dimensions to interfere with each other. Han Jiao could only decide on his own how to change the path of the future at any given time.

So, in the chaotic state, Han Jiao, with dual memories, would completely lose his ability to act and think, only reacting instinctively to the outside world.

When Han Jiao decided to sacrifice, he couldn’t be sure if the version of himself who had never met Xie Duo would choose the path he desired.

Nevertheless, even though he couldn’t be certain, he still chose this irreversible path.

At this very moment, Xie Duo’s fate was altered. The sacrifice was completed, memories began to merge, and Han Jiao instantly felt a heart-wrenching pain.

This pain began from the moment the future Han Jiao learned of Xie Duo’s death.

Their last meeting was a night of heated arguments, reaching its breaking point.

Afterward, they were forever separated by life and death.

Much later, Han Jiao unexpectedly discovered that all the estates and substantial sums of silver under Xie Duo’s name had been transferred to his own name.

Clearly, this was a premeditated farewell. Xie Duo had long harbored thoughts of death, and Han Jiao was his sole attachment in this world.

Hence, the more Han Jiao thought about it, the more he believed that it was his obstruction and blame that had caused Xie Duo to lose the will to live.

How far could longing and regret truly torment a person’s heart?

If he could start everything anew, even if it meant vanishing from the world, or never having existed at all, Han Jiao would do so without complaint.

From then on, he refused to squander Xie Duo’s gifts and, instead, engaged in business, continually amassing more wealth. He led a simple and modest life, dedicating all his assets to disaster relief and aiding the people.

This sowed the seeds of good karma, and he came to know a hermit in the mountains who helped him find closure for his grief in this lifetime.

All the memories, along with the deep-seated pain of past lives, were released.

Han Jiao heard a familiar voice urgently calling out to him and struggled to regain consciousness.

Finally, he opened his eyes to find himself in a familiar embrace, with a recognizable scent. The face of the young man before him appeared slightly more youthful and green than the one in his memories.

This was the man Han Jiao had yearned for nearly forty years.

“Quick, send for the imperial physician!” Xie Duo anxiously ordered those around him. When an official reminded him that “Master Han has awakened,” he eagerly looked down at the person in his arms.

“Xiaobai?” Xie Duo breathed a sigh of relief, gently pulling the person closer. “Are you too excited? From today on, you are the Empress of Great Chu.”

Strangely, this statement cut through the deafening noise in his mind, and Han Jiao heard it clearly. He smiled with joy as he looked at Xie Duo.

Yet, he distinctly felt that those dearest memories, the memories of two lifetimes, were slowly fading away in his mind.

Han Jiao laboriously raised his hand, trembling as he brushed over Xie Duo’s eyebrows, nose, and lips…

“Xie Duo…” Those peach-blossom eyes, filled with tears, gazed at Xie Duo with reluctance. “From now on, I won’t give you any more homework. It’s fine to be engrossed in cuju, as long as you… live the rest of your life happily.”

An entire day and night passed, but Han Jiao remained unconscious in the Eastern Palace. The imperial physician couldn’t find any signs of poisoning. Han Jiao’s breathing and pulse were entirely normal.

Xie Duo stood by the bedside with a grim expression, occasionally checking Han Jiao’s temperature and pulse, paying no heed to the ministers who sought audience with him one after another.

His abrupt departure from the court session resulted in a rushed abdication ceremony. If the Emperor weren’t in such a weakened state, Xie Duo would have faced severe punishment.

Now, officials from the Ministry of Rites came to request an audience with the new Emperor to discuss the coronation ceremony and related matters. However, they were repeatedly dismissed, to the extent that even the Empress had to come out to personally discipline her son.

The Empress knew her own child well. Seeing Xie Duo’s motionless posture and restrained expression, she understood that this wasn’t the time for confrontation. She had to let him be for now and take charge herself, meeting with the officials from the Ministry of Rites to discuss the coronation.

On the second day in the afternoon, Han Jiao’s family was brought into the palace.

The imperial physician inquired whether Han Jiao had any previous illnesses and if anyone in the family had ever experienced sudden unconsciousness.

The answers were all negative.

Mrs. Han’s eyes were swollen from crying. Little A’Mo, standing by her side, clung to her waist, also frightened and in tears. Master Han, despite his heartache, made every effort to prevent his wife and child from behaving improperly in front of the new monarch.

Xie Duo remained silent and motionless, sitting in a circular chair by the bed.

There was no attempt to console Han Jiao’s family, nor did Xie Duo show any displeasure at their emotional display. He simply furrowed his brow, gazing at the sleeping Han Jiao.

“Imperial Physician, please be honest with me!” Mrs. Han wiped away her tears and choked with emotion. “What’s happened to A’Jiao? Will he wake up?”

“The cause of Master Han’s unconsciousness is still unclear, but please rest assured, his pulse and complexion are normal. His unconsciousness should only be temporary. I’ve inquired with Master Han’s colleagues, and I’ve heard that he’s been feeling somewhat weak and often falls asleep at his desk while on duty. I suspect that his recent excessive workload has led to his unconsciousness, but with some rest, he should recover.”

Master Han quickly stepped forward and whispered, “Believe in the imperial physician’s judgment. A’Jiao is young and healthy, with no ailments. He’ll be fine. I see no significant changes in his complexion. He’s just very tired and sleeping soundly. Please refrain from further distress in front of His Majesty.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Han felt a bit relieved and hastily used a handkerchief to wipe away her tears and mucus. She discreetly stole a glance at the young new monarch.

The young man’s current gloomy demeanor was entirely different from the cheerful and lively impression he had given on their previous encounters. Just one look made Mrs. Han shiver.

Nervously, Mrs. Han swallowed hard, took a few cautious steps forward, and bowed. She trembled as she said, “I’ve been disrespectful. Your Majesty, please punish me.”

Xie Duo straightened up, casting a sidelong glance at Mrs. Han, then stepped forward.

Mrs. Han was so startled that her legs gave way, and Xie Duo steadied her. He personally wiped away the tears on her face with the pad of his finger.

“Don’t cry,” Xie Duo commanded her. “I won’t let anything happen to Han Jiao, and I won’t allow you to worry and harm yourself.”

Mrs. Han hastily nodded and said, “I obey.”

Xie Duo turned to Master Han. “These days, you and your family can stay in the Eastern Palace and visit Han Jiao at any time.”

Master Han bowed and replied, “I obey your orders.”

“You can rest in the side chamber for now. I’ll take care of things here.”

After the three of them left, Xie Duo turned to the imperial physician.

The imperial physician, frightened by that stern eyes, quickly nodded in agreement.

“When did they say he started falling asleep frequently?” Xie Duo confirmed with the imperial physician.

The imperial physician nervously counted on his fingers. “It’s been less than ten days… so it should be…”

“The twenty-third of last month,” Xie Duo deduced the answer and furrowed his brow even tighter. “Could excessive shock result in this kind of excessive sleepiness?”

“Excessive shock?” The imperial physician thought carefully and replied with unease, “Excessive shock can indeed lead to unconsciousness, but I haven’t seen excessive sleepiness as a symptom.”

“If someone has been scared for an extended period, could they fall into a deep sleep after the danger is gone?”

The imperial physician pondered for a moment and replied, “I have heard of such cases, but… I’ve never encountered this condition myself.”

“If someone falls into a deep sleep due to shock, how long would it typically last?”

“Most people would wake up almost instantly, a few might sleep for a day or two, but I haven’t seen cases lasting longer than that.”

Xie Duo dismissed the imperial physician and sat alone by the bedside, continuing to watch Han Jiao’s deep slumber.

He had already come to the conclusion that Han Jiao had fallen into this prolonged unconsciousness due to the shock he experienced when Xie Duo left the capital.

At this moment, he realized just how much he had disregarded Han Jiao’s feelings.

The little child prodigy, who was sensitive and timid, was entrusted with the immense responsibility of escaping the capital, not because Xie Duo tried to hide it, but because of the trust he had in Han Jiao and his older brother. This responsibility had weighed heavily on Han Jiao and eventually overwhelmed him.

He thought the months of suffering prior to this were the most painful time in his life, but he hadn’t anticipated that beneath that ordeal, there was an even deeper abyss.

He couldn’t bear to imagine the possibility that Han Jiao might never wake up again, so he kept his eyes fixed without moving it for even a moment.

Looking back on the dark and trying times of the past few months, Han Jiao was his only source of warmth and, ultimately, the sense of security that had given him the courage to face his true feelings.

Because of this warmth, he had regained the courage to shatter the darkness. But now, with the harsh daylight once again shining into his life, Han Jiao’s warmth suddenly and without warning extinguished.

Inexpressible fear.

Xie Duo suddenly reached out and pulled the sleeping Han Jiao into his arms, holding him tightly as if afraid he might slip away through the cracks.

A tear rolled down his cheek but hung there, unwilling to fall, clinging to the tip of Xie Duo’s chin.

Suddenly, the tip of his chin felt a gentle warmth and moisture.

Xie Duo’s eyes snapped open, and he looked down.

The person in his arms was now tilting his head back, and a pair of bright peach-blossom eyes were wide open, gazing at him.

“Xiaobai? Are you awake?”

Before Xie Duo could fully react, the person in his arms suddenly extended his tongue and licked the tip of Xie Duo’s chin again.

This level of initiative from the little child prodigy was quite rare. Xie Duo suppressed his excitement and was about to respond to the gentle kiss when Han Jiao’s hands pressed against his shoulders.

Han Jiao once again extended his tongue, licking the tear streak on Xie Duo’s cheek. But it seemed he wasn’t satisfied and murmured in a somewhat pitiful voice, “Water… water…”

Xie Duo finally understood that the little child prodigy was thirsty.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 142

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 142

Chapter 142

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

With these memories unsealed, Han Jiao's mind became clearer than ever before. Everything that had once confused him now became incredibly clear.

There was no such thing as book Han Jiao. He was Han Jiao, the Han Jiao of this time and space. It felt like the memories from another dimension had made him feel as though he had transmigrated into a novel.

His future self, in order to change the fate of the present, sacrificed himself, sharing his memories with others in parallel dimensions through dreams or fantasies, with a maximum of three people in each dimension.

Those who received these memories might forget the next day, share the story with others, or even write it into a script, making it known to more people.

Infinite transmissions and waiting, with a one in a million chance that some version of himself in a parallel dimension might come to know this story in some form.

Once the memories were linked, Han Jiao would gain memories from his other selves in different dimensions before meeting Xie Duo. Then, the sacrifice would begin.

Time could not rewind in the same dimension. He could only let his parallel selves in other dimensions remind his past self not to make wrong choices and prevent the most dreadful things from happening.

However, the future Han Jiao never understood why Xie Duo's disposition suddenly changed and why Xie Duo eventually took his own life. He had to leave these mysteries for his younger self to unravel and find the answers.

Until they achieve their long-standing aspirations, a barrier exists between the memories of another dimension and his own memories. Only in a chaotic, almost anesthetized state could the memories of two dimensions overlap or exchange.

The cosmic order did not allow memories from different dimensions to interfere with each other. Han Jiao could only decide on his own how to change the path of the future at any given time.

So, in the chaotic state, Han Jiao, with dual memories, would completely lose his ability to act and think, only reacting instinctively to the outside world.

When Han Jiao decided to sacrifice, he couldn't be sure if the version of himself who had never met Xie Duo would choose the path he desired.

Nevertheless, even though he couldn't be certain, he still chose this irreversible path.

At this very moment, Xie Duo's fate was altered. The sacrifice was completed, memories began to merge, and Han Jiao instantly felt a heart-wrenching pain.

This pain began from the moment the future Han Jiao learned of Xie Duo's death.

Their last meeting was a night of heated arguments, reaching its breaking point.

Afterward, they were forever separated by life and death.

Much later, Han Jiao unexpectedly discovered that all the estates and substantial sums of silver under Xie Duo's name had been transferred to his own name.

Clearly, this was a premeditated farewell. Xie Duo had long harbored thoughts of death, and Han Jiao was his sole attachment in this world.

Hence, the more Han Jiao thought about it, the more he believed that it was his obstruction and blame that had caused Xie Duo to lose the will to live.

How far could longing and regret truly torment a person's heart?

If he could start everything anew, even if it meant vanishing from the world, or never having existed at all, Han Jiao would do so without complaint.

From then on, he refused to squander Xie Duo's gifts and, instead, engaged in business, continually amassing more wealth. He led a simple and modest life, dedicating all his assets to disaster relief and aiding the people.

This sowed the seeds of good karma, and he came to know a hermit in the mountains who helped him find closure for his grief in this lifetime.

All the memories, along with the deep-seated pain of past lives, were released.

Han Jiao heard a familiar voice urgently calling out to him and struggled to regain consciousness.

Finally, he opened his eyes to find himself in a familiar embrace, with a recognizable scent. The face of the young man before him appeared slightly more youthful and green than the one in his memories.

This was the man Han Jiao had yearned for nearly forty years.

"Quick, send for the imperial physician!" Xie Duo anxiously ordered those around him. When an official reminded him that "Master Han has awakened," he eagerly looked down at the person in his arms.

"Xiaobai?" Xie Duo breathed a sigh of relief, gently pulling the person closer. "Are you too excited? From today on, you are the Empress of Great Chu."

Strangely, this statement cut through the deafening noise in his mind, and Han Jiao heard it clearly. He smiled with joy as he looked at Xie Duo.

Yet, he distinctly felt that those dearest memories, the memories of two lifetimes, were slowly fading away in his mind.

Han Jiao laboriously raised his hand, trembling as he brushed over Xie Duo's eyebrows, nose, and lips...

"Xie Duo..." Those peach-blossom eyes, filled with tears, gazed at Xie Duo with reluctance. "From now on, I won't give you any more homework. It's fine to be engrossed in cuju, as long as you... live the rest of your life happily."

An entire day and night passed, but Han Jiao remained unconscious in the Eastern Palace. The imperial physician couldn't find any signs of poisoning. Han Jiao's breathing and pulse were entirely normal.

Xie Duo stood by the bedside with a grim expression, occasionally checking Han Jiao's temperature and pulse, paying no heed to the ministers who sought audience with him one after another.

His abrupt departure from the court session resulted in a rushed abdication ceremony. If the Emperor weren't in such a weakened state, Xie Duo would have faced severe punishment.

Now, officials from the Ministry of Rites came to request an audience with the new Emperor to discuss the coronation ceremony and related matters. However, they were repeatedly dismissed, to the extent that even the Empress had to come out to personally discipline her son.

The Empress knew her own child well. Seeing Xie Duo's motionless posture and restrained expression, she understood that this wasn't the time for confrontation. She had to let him be for now and take charge herself, meeting with the officials from the Ministry of Rites to discuss the coronation.

On the second day in the afternoon, Han Jiao's family was brought into the palace.

The imperial physician inquired whether Han Jiao had any previous illnesses and if anyone in the family had ever experienced sudden unconsciousness.

The answers were all negative.

Mrs. Han's eyes were swollen from crying. Little A'Mo, standing by her side, clung to her waist, also frightened and in tears. Master Han, despite his heartache, made every effort to prevent his wife and child from behaving improperly in front of the new monarch.

Xie Duo remained silent and motionless, sitting in a circular chair by the bed.

There was no attempt to console Han Jiao's family, nor did Xie Duo show any displeasure at their emotional display. He simply furrowed his brow, gazing at the sleeping Han Jiao.

"Imperial Physician, please be honest with me!" Mrs. Han wiped away her tears and choked with emotion. "What's happened to A'Jiao? Will he wake up?"

"The cause of Master Han's unconsciousness is still unclear, but please rest assured, his pulse and complexion are normal. His unconsciousness should only be temporary. I've inquired with Master Han's colleagues, and I've heard that he's been feeling somewhat weak and often falls asleep at his desk while on duty. I suspect that his recent excessive workload has led to his unconsciousness, but with some rest, he should recover."

Master Han quickly stepped forward and whispered, "Believe in the imperial physician's judgment. A'Jiao is young and healthy, with no ailments. He'll be fine. I see no significant changes in his complexion. He's just very tired and sleeping soundly. Please refrain from further distress in front of His Majesty."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Han felt a bit relieved and hastily used a handkerchief to wipe away her tears and mucus. She discreetly stole a glance at the young new monarch.

The young man's current gloomy demeanor was entirely different from the cheerful and lively impression he had given on their previous encounters. Just one look made Mrs. Han shiver.

Nervously, Mrs. Han swallowed hard, took a few cautious steps forward, and bowed. She trembled as she said, "I've been disrespectful. Your Majesty, please punish me."

Xie Duo straightened up, casting a sidelong glance at Mrs. Han, then stepped forward.

Mrs. Han was so startled that her legs gave way, and Xie Duo steadied her. He personally wiped away the tears on her face with the pad of his finger.

"Don't cry," Xie Duo commanded her. "I won't let anything happen to Han Jiao, and I won't allow you to worry and harm yourself."

Mrs. Han hastily nodded and said, "I obey."

Xie Duo turned to Master Han. "These days, you and your family can stay in the Eastern Palace and visit Han Jiao at any time."

Master Han bowed and replied, "I obey your orders."

"You can rest in the side chamber for now. I'll take care of things here."

After the three of them left, Xie Duo turned to the imperial physician.

The imperial physician, frightened by that stern eyes, quickly nodded in agreement.

"When did they say he started falling asleep frequently?" Xie Duo confirmed with the imperial physician.

The imperial physician nervously counted on his fingers. "It's been less than ten days... so it should be..."

"The twenty-third of last month," Xie Duo deduced the answer and furrowed his brow even tighter. "Could excessive shock result in this kind of excessive sleepiness?"

"Excessive shock?" The imperial physician thought carefully and replied with unease, "Excessive shock can indeed lead to unconsciousness, but I haven't seen excessive sleepiness as a symptom."

"If someone has been scared for an extended period, could they fall into a deep sleep after the danger is gone?"

The imperial physician pondered for a moment and replied, "I have heard of such cases, but... I've never encountered this condition myself."

"If someone falls into a deep sleep due to shock, how long would it typically last?"

"Most people would wake up almost instantly, a few might sleep for a day or two, but I haven't seen cases lasting longer than that."

Xie Duo dismissed the imperial physician and sat alone by the bedside, continuing to watch Han Jiao's deep slumber.

He had already come to the conclusion that Han Jiao had fallen into this prolonged unconsciousness due to the shock he experienced when Xie Duo left the capital.

At this moment, he realized just how much he had disregarded Han Jiao's feelings.

The little child prodigy, who was sensitive and timid, was entrusted with the immense responsibility of escaping the capital, not because Xie Duo tried to hide it, but because of the trust he had in Han Jiao and his older brother. This responsibility had weighed heavily on Han Jiao and eventually overwhelmed him.

He thought the months of suffering prior to this were the most painful time in his life, but he hadn't anticipated that beneath that ordeal, there was an even deeper abyss.

He couldn't bear to imagine the possibility that Han Jiao might never wake up again, so he kept his eyes fixed without moving it for even a moment.

Looking back on the dark and trying times of the past few months, Han Jiao was his only source of warmth and, ultimately, the sense of security that had given him the courage to face his true feelings.

Because of this warmth, he had regained the courage to shatter the darkness. But now, with the harsh daylight once again shining into his life, Han Jiao's warmth suddenly and without warning extinguished.

Inexpressible fear.

Xie Duo suddenly reached out and pulled the sleeping Han Jiao into his arms, holding him tightly as if afraid he might slip away through the cracks.

A tear rolled down his cheek but hung there, unwilling to fall, clinging to the tip of Xie Duo's chin.

Suddenly, the tip of his chin felt a gentle warmth and moisture.

Xie Duo's eyes snapped open, and he looked down.

The person in his arms was now tilting his head back, and a pair of bright peach-blossom eyes were wide open, gazing at him.

"Xiaobai? Are you awake?"

Before Xie Duo could fully react, the person in his arms suddenly extended his tongue and licked the tip of Xie Duo's chin again.

This level of initiative from the little child prodigy was quite rare. Xie Duo suppressed his excitement and was about to respond to the gentle kiss when Han Jiao's hands pressed against his shoulders.

Han Jiao once again extended his tongue, licking the tear streak on Xie Duo's cheek. But it seemed he wasn't satisfied and murmured in a somewhat pitiful voice, "Water... water..."

Xie Duo finally understood that the little child prodigy was thirsty.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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