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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 3

Chapter 3

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The so-called “junior scholar-official,” though serving in the Hanlin Academy, was not considered prestigious and lacked specific offical duties. Essentially, they could be considered apprentices at the academy.

Three years later, an examination had to be taken and passed to attain the status of a full-fledged official at the Hanlin Academy. Those who failed had to serve in local positions or start as junior officials in various departments, working their way up from the bottom.

Han Jiao had no desire to become a local official, given the abundance of unwritten rules and the need to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which didn’t align with his personal preferences

On the contrary, being an apprentice at the Hanlin Academy provided Han Jiao with a much more relaxed experience. He had ample leisure time, allowing him to delve into the study of the Four Books and Five Classics.

As a ninth-ranked scholar in the second class of the Imperial Examination, did he still need to study the Four Books and Five Classics?

While the book Han Jiao had no need to continue studying, it was imperative for Han Jiao because his recollection of the book Han Jiao’s education was rather hazy.

Although he was well-acquainted with the book Han Jiao’s everyday speech patterns, he couldn’t recall the specific subjects the book Han Jiao had studied.

It felt like he knew the family here very well, but he couldn’t recall the specific events from his childhood.

If he made a desperate effort to remember, he could capture the book Han Jiao’s memories from within his own body. However, doing so would plunge Han Jiao into a state of confusion for three to five hours, where he couldn’t distinguish between himself and the book Han Jiao, and even forgot his own memories from the previous life.

This sent shivers down his spine.

Did that mean if he completely remembered all of the book Han Jiao’s memories, he would turn into the book Han Jiao himself?

Would he forget everything from his previous life, including the original plot?

Han Jiao worried about losing his sense of self and his control over the storyline. Therefore, after a few attempts, he never forcefully captured the book Han Jiao’s memories again.

As for the Four Books and Five Classics, he had to start learning from the beginning.

Becoming a junior scholar-official brought him great convenience. He could spend time in the document room of the Hanlin Academy, reading books.

It was like squatting in the library every day, which reminded him of his university days.

Unfortunately, reality wasn’t as carefree as he had imagined. As an apprentice, he would occasionally be called upon by the regular officials of the Hanlin Academy for assistance.

Most of the tasks involved copying documents and similar duties, which weren’t difficult. The body’s memory of the book Han Jiao hadn’t been lost. He wrote in a neat and elegant handwriting, earning the admiration of the officials at the Hanlin Academy.

Unlike the successful candidates of the imperial examination who formed cliques to exclude Han Jiao, many of the regular officials at the Hanlin Academy actually liked him.

It was partly because Han Jiao had a good reputation and great potential, and partly because he was much younger than the majority of the regular staff members who could treat him like their own son.

Consequently, several influential figures enjoyed supporting Han Jiao, which made the attention-seeking troublemaker seethe with envy.

The troublemaker’s name was Chen Yuanqiao, and he was only twenty-two years old. If it weren’t for Han Jiao stealing the spotlight as a child prodigy, Chen Yuanqiao would have been the youngest successful candidate this year. No wonder he always looked as if someone owed him a considerable sum of money whenever he saw Han Jiao.

At that moment, Chen Yuanqiao was seated in the central position of the document room, boasting to the other apprentices about how his knowledge and character had been praised by one of the Hanlin Expositors-in-waiting.

Although the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting held a modest sixth-rank official position, he was responsible for teaching the Princes on a regular basis. If luck was on his side, he might catch the attention of the Crown Prince and become the future Emperor’s teacher. Following the customary practice of the dynasty, many influential court ministers had started their careers in the position of the Crown Prince’s teacher.

Perhaps because the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting had offered him a few words of praise while working together the day before, Chen Yuanqiao was now spouting words excitedly, wanting to portray himself as the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting’s close confidant.

Just as he reached the pinnacle of his emotional speech, the name-dropped Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting entered the study room.

Unfortunately, Chen Yuanqiao had his back turned to the door and failed to notice the approaching footsteps. He continued speaking fervently until the people around him started coughing simultaneously.

He turned his head and found himself face to face with his Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting, leaving him speechless.

Chen Yuanqiao nearly bit his tongue and hastily got up, bowing respectfully. “This student respectfully greets Elder Lin.”

The Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting’s name was Yang Zhi. His courtesy name was Cuilin, but many apprentices respectfully called him Elder Lin.

“No need to be too formal. Take a seat,” Elder Lin replied with a cold detachment, nodding briefly at Chen Yuanqiao.

With just fifteen minutes until the start of the morning session, Elder Lin’s appearance here indicated that he intended to select one or two apprentices to join him in teaching the Princes. His specific request for Chen Yuanqiao to sit down suggested that this time, he didn’t want to bring along this show-off.

In an instant, the group of apprentices straightened their postures, barely perched on their chairs, fearing that Elder Lin might overlook them.

The position of an Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting garnered too much attention. Assisting him meant being able to answer the Princes’ inquiries, which made everyone eager to become Elder Lin’s assistant.

Except for Han Jiao.

At that moment, Han Jiao was the only one diligently immersed in his work in a corner of the document room. A quick glance wouldn’t easily reveal his presence.

It wasn’t because he was particularly modest or held the nobility in contempt. The truth was that he didn’t possess the memories of the book Han Jiao and didn’t dare to become a tutor for the Princes.

If someone were to stump him with a question, it wouldn’t be a mere matter of losing face.

Having just overheard Chen Yuanqiao’s self-praise, Elder Lin had developed a dislike for anyone who appeared too eager. He purposely walked around the group of apprentices and coincidentally spotted the “well-behaved” Han Jiao, secluded in a corner, engrossed in reading.

“What are you reading?”

Upon hearing Elder Lin’s voice from above, Han Jiao felt a jolt in his heart. He hastily stood up, lowering his head as he answered, “This student is reading a copy of last year’s official document about the construction of the Qi River Dam by the Ministry of Works, Elder.”

Elder Lin, somewhat puzzled, bent down and picked up the document in front of Han Jiao. He flipped through a few pages, then looked up at Han Jiao with a smile, nodding approvingly. “Practical.”

Han Jiao couldn’t tell if this assessment was merely polite or a genuine praise, but he didn’t pay it much attention. He calmly replied, “Elder’s praise is too kind.”

This composed and dignified attitude surprised Elder Lin even more. Upon careful recollection, he realized he had never seen this refined young man buttering up or relying on anyone. He truly lacked the desire to flatter or cling to others.

“So, you’re the talented scholar, Han Xiaobai, who has been causing a stir in the capital?” Elder Lin laughed.

“I dare not claim such a title.” Han Jiao remained indifferent, respectfully bowing. “As a student, my talents and abilities are limited. However, being young and eager to learn, I have been fortunate to receive the support and affection of my seniors, which has earned me some undeserved recognition. Please pardon my shortcomings, Elder.”

The surrounding apprentices were stunned. They all knew that Han Jiao typically carried himself with an air of arrogance, but they never expected him to be so bold with a Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting!

Now they had no opportunity to make themselves known in front of the Princes. What a pity.

Han Jiao was oblivious to the possibility that his attitude might be problematic. To him, this level of respectfulness was already quite submissive.

After all, deep down, he was accustomed to the modern idea of equality among individuals. If he were to pretend to be a sycophant, he probably wouldn’t be able to pull it off convincingly.

Nevertheless, Elder Lin continued to gaze kindly at Han Jiao, smiling as he spoke, “Come with me to the study room.”

With a sudden “whoosh” sound, the apprentices who had been secretly listening to the conversation looked up in astonishment at Han Jiao!


Is this kind of attitude acceptable?

How on earth is this kid so fortunate?

“I…” Han Jiao, the lucky one, displayed a troubled expression at that moment.

And he dares to look troubled!

Elder Lin raised his hand to prevent Han Jiao from declining. “Since you are a member of the Hanlin Academy, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the daily lectures at the academic hall. Water conservancy and embankments have specialized offices. If you have an interest in this field, you should seek opportunities to demonstrate your skills.”

This was Elder Lin’s way of advising the studious Han Jiao that he shouldn’t confine himself to books alone. Having ambitions was futile without seizing opportunities for advancement.

Chen Yuanqiao, sitting nearby, could hardly believe what he was hearing!

During the previous teaching sessions for the Princes, Elder Lin had always chosen Chen Yuanqiao to accompany him.

Despite Chen Yuanqiao’s efforts to please and flatter Elder Lin, he only received compliments like “exemplary manners.” Unexpectedly, with just a few casual exchanges, Han Jiao had earned Elder Lin’s sincere guidance and counsel!

What kind of world was this!

Amidst the astonished and envious gazes of the crowd, Han Jiao wore a sorrowful expression as he followed Elder Lin out of the study room.

Upon stepping into the study room, there was already a Prince sitting in the front row. Judging from his silhouette, he appeared to be a seventeen or eighteen-year-old youth. His attitude exuded such enthusiasm that it was evident he was an academic genius.

Han Jiao took the initiative to approach and arrange the lecturing materials for Elder Lin before stepping back.

The Prince greeted Elder Lin, while Han Jiao stole a quick glance. This young man seemed cheerful and handsome, with a temperament unlike the terrifying Prince Ling described in the novel. He might be the older brother of Prince Ling.

Prince Ling, also known as the Ninth Prince, Xie Duo, would become the future Crown Prince.

This person could be considered the most formidable opponent of the male lead, Prince Yan, encountered in his entire life.

Initially, the two brothers had a close relationship. However, after the succession dispute, they gradually became opposed to each other due to various reasons.

Prince Yan used to cherish his younger brother, Prince Ling. At first, he showed some leniency in their confrontations. But unexpectedly, the Ninth Prince proved to be a cunning character who acted weak but was actually a fierce contender.

Thus, when these two brothers eventually confronted each other, it marked the first thrilling and evenly matched situation in the entire novel.

When Han Jiao was following the serial updates, he experienced the controversial period of the novel, so the memories were still vivid.

At that time, readers argued with each other every day in the comments, all because of the Ninth Prince Xie Duo.

The seemingly quiet and obedient little Prince Ling unexpectedly underwent a dramatic transformation in the ending, becoming a cunning and formidable intellectual presence. This unexpectedly attracted a slew of female fans from external platforms who came flooding the comments, pleading with the author to give the Crown Prince a happy ending or at least not let him die too tragically.

The author, a sheltered male who hadn’t interacted much with the opposite sex, suddenly received an influx of adorable comments from girls overnight. His long-dry heart was quenched by this unexpected affection, and so he began desperately giving Xie Duo more scenes.

As a result, the male readers couldn’t handle it anymore.

All along, they had identified with Prince Yan, Xie Guang. With the story nearing its end, the male lead, who was invincible and unstoppable, suddenly found himself pinned down and suppressed by his own younger brother. Who could bear such a twist?

The male readers started expressing their discontent, demanding that Xie Duo be eliminated immediately.

Consequently, a fierce battle erupted in the comments section between the male lead’s fans and the male supporting character’s fans.

Han Jiao, being a loyal book fan, naturally identified with Xie Guang. In the past, he had vehemently criticized and insulted  Prince Ling in the comments. Now, he couldn’t help feeling a twinge of guilt.

The Prince before him appeared very cheerful, lacking the commanding presence of Prince Ling.

However, that wasn’t necessarily the case. In the novel, the young Xie Duo during his childhood phase had never revealed a hint of danger.

While pondering, the sunlight streaming in through the door was suddenly blocked. Han Jiao looked up to see a slender figure sweeping across the threshold.

In that instant of recognizing the person’s face, Han Jiao felt everything around him dim for a moment.

The answer immediately formed in his mind. The final boss from the novel, Xie Duo, was this youth.

Indeed, seeing was believing. At this moment, Han Jiao understood why Xie Duo had attracted so many female fans.

Girls’ intuition when it came to the attractiveness of the opposite sex was truly uncanny and accurate.

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 3

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 3

Chapter 3

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

The so-called "junior scholar-official," though serving in the Hanlin Academy, was not considered prestigious and lacked specific offical duties. Essentially, they could be considered apprentices at the academy.

Three years later, an examination had to be taken and passed to attain the status of a full-fledged official at the Hanlin Academy. Those who failed had to serve in local positions or start as junior officials in various departments, working their way up from the bottom.

Han Jiao had no desire to become a local official, given the abundance of unwritten rules and the need to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which didn't align with his personal preferences

On the contrary, being an apprentice at the Hanlin Academy provided Han Jiao with a much more relaxed experience. He had ample leisure time, allowing him to delve into the study of the Four Books and Five Classics.

As a ninth-ranked scholar in the second class of the Imperial Examination, did he still need to study the Four Books and Five Classics?

While the book Han Jiao had no need to continue studying, it was imperative for Han Jiao because his recollection of the book Han Jiao's education was rather hazy.

Although he was well-acquainted with the book Han Jiao's everyday speech patterns, he couldn't recall the specific subjects the book Han Jiao had studied.

It felt like he knew the family here very well, but he couldn't recall the specific events from his childhood.

If he made a desperate effort to remember, he could capture the book Han Jiao's memories from within his own body. However, doing so would plunge Han Jiao into a state of confusion for three to five hours, where he couldn't distinguish between himself and the book Han Jiao, and even forgot his own memories from the previous life.

This sent shivers down his spine.

Did that mean if he completely remembered all of the book Han Jiao's memories, he would turn into the book Han Jiao himself?

Would he forget everything from his previous life, including the original plot?

Han Jiao worried about losing his sense of self and his control over the storyline. Therefore, after a few attempts, he never forcefully captured the book Han Jiao's memories again.

As for the Four Books and Five Classics, he had to start learning from the beginning.

Becoming a junior scholar-official brought him great convenience. He could spend time in the document room of the Hanlin Academy, reading books.

It was like squatting in the library every day, which reminded him of his university days.

Unfortunately, reality wasn't as carefree as he had imagined. As an apprentice, he would occasionally be called upon by the regular officials of the Hanlin Academy for assistance.

Most of the tasks involved copying documents and similar duties, which weren't difficult. The body's memory of the book Han Jiao hadn't been lost. He wrote in a neat and elegant handwriting, earning the admiration of the officials at the Hanlin Academy.

Unlike the successful candidates of the imperial examination who formed cliques to exclude Han Jiao, many of the regular officials at the Hanlin Academy actually liked him.

It was partly because Han Jiao had a good reputation and great potential, and partly because he was much younger than the majority of the regular staff members who could treat him like their own son.

Consequently, several influential figures enjoyed supporting Han Jiao, which made the attention-seeking troublemaker seethe with envy.

The troublemaker's name was Chen Yuanqiao, and he was only twenty-two years old. If it weren't for Han Jiao stealing the spotlight as a child prodigy, Chen Yuanqiao would have been the youngest successful candidate this year. No wonder he always looked as if someone owed him a considerable sum of money whenever he saw Han Jiao.

At that moment, Chen Yuanqiao was seated in the central position of the document room, boasting to the other apprentices about how his knowledge and character had been praised by one of the Hanlin Expositors-in-waiting.

Although the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting held a modest sixth-rank official position, he was responsible for teaching the Princes on a regular basis. If luck was on his side, he might catch the attention of the Crown Prince and become the future Emperor's teacher. Following the customary practice of the dynasty, many influential court ministers had started their careers in the position of the Crown Prince's teacher.

Perhaps because the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting had offered him a few words of praise while working together the day before, Chen Yuanqiao was now spouting words excitedly, wanting to portray himself as the Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting's close confidant.

Just as he reached the pinnacle of his emotional speech, the name-dropped Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting entered the study room.

Unfortunately, Chen Yuanqiao had his back turned to the door and failed to notice the approaching footsteps. He continued speaking fervently until the people around him started coughing simultaneously.

He turned his head and found himself face to face with his Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting, leaving him speechless.

Chen Yuanqiao nearly bit his tongue and hastily got up, bowing respectfully. "This student respectfully greets Elder Lin."

The Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting's name was Yang Zhi. His courtesy name was Cuilin, but many apprentices respectfully called him Elder Lin.

"No need to be too formal. Take a seat," Elder Lin replied with a cold detachment, nodding briefly at Chen Yuanqiao.

With just fifteen minutes until the start of the morning session, Elder Lin's appearance here indicated that he intended to select one or two apprentices to join him in teaching the Princes. His specific request for Chen Yuanqiao to sit down suggested that this time, he didn't want to bring along this show-off.

In an instant, the group of apprentices straightened their postures, barely perched on their chairs, fearing that Elder Lin might overlook them.

The position of an Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting garnered too much attention. Assisting him meant being able to answer the Princes' inquiries, which made everyone eager to become Elder Lin's assistant.

Except for Han Jiao.

At that moment, Han Jiao was the only one diligently immersed in his work in a corner of the document room. A quick glance wouldn't easily reveal his presence.

It wasn't because he was particularly modest or held the nobility in contempt. The truth was that he didn't possess the memories of the book Han Jiao and didn't dare to become a tutor for the Princes.

If someone were to stump him with a question, it wouldn't be a mere matter of losing face.

Having just overheard Chen Yuanqiao's self-praise, Elder Lin had developed a dislike for anyone who appeared too eager. He purposely walked around the group of apprentices and coincidentally spotted the "well-behaved" Han Jiao, secluded in a corner, engrossed in reading.

"What are you reading?"

Upon hearing Elder Lin's voice from above, Han Jiao felt a jolt in his heart. He hastily stood up, lowering his head as he answered, "This student is reading a copy of last year's official document about the construction of the Qi River Dam by the Ministry of Works, Elder."

Elder Lin, somewhat puzzled, bent down and picked up the document in front of Han Jiao. He flipped through a few pages, then looked up at Han Jiao with a smile, nodding approvingly. "Practical."

Han Jiao couldn't tell if this assessment was merely polite or a genuine praise, but he didn't pay it much attention. He calmly replied, "Elder's praise is too kind."

This composed and dignified attitude surprised Elder Lin even more. Upon careful recollection, he realized he had never seen this refined young man buttering up or relying on anyone. He truly lacked the desire to flatter or cling to others.

"So, you're the talented scholar, Han Xiaobai, who has been causing a stir in the capital?" Elder Lin laughed.

"I dare not claim such a title." Han Jiao remained indifferent, respectfully bowing. "As a student, my talents and abilities are limited. However, being young and eager to learn, I have been fortunate to receive the support and affection of my seniors, which has earned me some undeserved recognition. Please pardon my shortcomings, Elder."

The surrounding apprentices were stunned. They all knew that Han Jiao typically carried himself with an air of arrogance, but they never expected him to be so bold with a Hanlin Expositor-in-waiting!

Now they had no opportunity to make themselves known in front of the Princes. What a pity.

Han Jiao was oblivious to the possibility that his attitude might be problematic. To him, this level of respectfulness was already quite submissive.

After all, deep down, he was accustomed to the modern idea of equality among individuals. If he were to pretend to be a sycophant, he probably wouldn't be able to pull it off convincingly.

Nevertheless, Elder Lin continued to gaze kindly at Han Jiao, smiling as he spoke, "Come with me to the study room."

With a sudden "whoosh" sound, the apprentices who had been secretly listening to the conversation looked up in astonishment at Han Jiao!


Is this kind of attitude acceptable?

How on earth is this kid so fortunate?

"I..." Han Jiao, the lucky one, displayed a troubled expression at that moment.

And he dares to look troubled!

Elder Lin raised his hand to prevent Han Jiao from declining. "Since you are a member of the Hanlin Academy, it's important to familiarize yourself with the daily lectures at the academic hall. Water conservancy and embankments have specialized offices. If you have an interest in this field, you should seek opportunities to demonstrate your skills."

This was Elder Lin's way of advising the studious Han Jiao that he shouldn't confine himself to books alone. Having ambitions was futile without seizing opportunities for advancement.

Chen Yuanqiao, sitting nearby, could hardly believe what he was hearing!

During the previous teaching sessions for the Princes, Elder Lin had always chosen Chen Yuanqiao to accompany him.

Despite Chen Yuanqiao's efforts to please and flatter Elder Lin, he only received compliments like "exemplary manners." Unexpectedly, with just a few casual exchanges, Han Jiao had earned Elder Lin's sincere guidance and counsel!

What kind of world was this!

Amidst the astonished and envious gazes of the crowd, Han Jiao wore a sorrowful expression as he followed Elder Lin out of the study room.

Upon stepping into the study room, there was already a Prince sitting in the front row. Judging from his silhouette, he appeared to be a seventeen or eighteen-year-old youth. His attitude exuded such enthusiasm that it was evident he was an academic genius.

Han Jiao took the initiative to approach and arrange the lecturing materials for Elder Lin before stepping back.

The Prince greeted Elder Lin, while Han Jiao stole a quick glance. This young man seemed cheerful and handsome, with a temperament unlike the terrifying Prince Ling described in the novel. He might be the older brother of Prince Ling.

Prince Ling, also known as the Ninth Prince, Xie Duo, would become the future Crown Prince.

This person could be considered the most formidable opponent of the male lead, Prince Yan, encountered in his entire life.

Initially, the two brothers had a close relationship. However, after the succession dispute, they gradually became opposed to each other due to various reasons.

Prince Yan used to cherish his younger brother, Prince Ling. At first, he showed some leniency in their confrontations. But unexpectedly, the Ninth Prince proved to be a cunning character who acted weak but was actually a fierce contender.

Thus, when these two brothers eventually confronted each other, it marked the first thrilling and evenly matched situation in the entire novel.

When Han Jiao was following the serial updates, he experienced the controversial period of the novel, so the memories were still vivid.

At that time, readers argued with each other every day in the comments, all because of the Ninth Prince Xie Duo.

The seemingly quiet and obedient little Prince Ling unexpectedly underwent a dramatic transformation in the ending, becoming a cunning and formidable intellectual presence. This unexpectedly attracted a slew of female fans from external platforms who came flooding the comments, pleading with the author to give the Crown Prince a happy ending or at least not let him die too tragically.

The author, a sheltered male who hadn't interacted much with the opposite sex, suddenly received an influx of adorable comments from girls overnight. His long-dry heart was quenched by this unexpected affection, and so he began desperately giving Xie Duo more scenes.

As a result, the male readers couldn't handle it anymore.

All along, they had identified with Prince Yan, Xie Guang. With the story nearing its end, the male lead, who was invincible and unstoppable, suddenly found himself pinned down and suppressed by his own younger brother. Who could bear such a twist?

The male readers started expressing their discontent, demanding that Xie Duo be eliminated immediately.

Consequently, a fierce battle erupted in the comments section between the male lead's fans and the male supporting character's fans.

Han Jiao, being a loyal book fan, naturally identified with Xie Guang. In the past, he had vehemently criticized and insulted  Prince Ling in the comments. Now, he couldn't help feeling a twinge of guilt.

The Prince before him appeared very cheerful, lacking the commanding presence of Prince Ling.

However, that wasn't necessarily the case. In the novel, the young Xie Duo during his childhood phase had never revealed a hint of danger.

While pondering, the sunlight streaming in through the door was suddenly blocked. Han Jiao looked up to see a slender figure sweeping across the threshold.

In that instant of recognizing the person's face, Han Jiao felt everything around him dim for a moment.

The answer immediately formed in his mind. The final boss from the novel, Xie Duo, was this youth.

Indeed, seeing was believing. At this moment, Han Jiao understood why Xie Duo had attracted so many female fans.

Girls' intuition when it came to the attractiveness of the opposite sex was truly uncanny and accurate.

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