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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 53

Chapter 53

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Something was wrong.

Why did the big boss suddenly ask about his connection with Prince Yan?

It had been made clear before: Han Jiao left because Prince Yan found a better accountant, so Han Jiao packed up and left.

Now that the big boss had brought it up again, Han Jiao’s gut tells him that something might be off.

While the young big boss seemed straightforward and even more honest than Prince Yan, it was just a facade. Han Jiao, having encountered true underworld bosses in the past, knew better. In crucial moments, he wouldn’t underestimate Xie Duo.

If Xie Duo had already sensed that something was amiss and had become suspicious, following the patterns in the novel, Han Jiao would be inexplicably drawn into some case, only to be silently eliminated by the boss.

However, at this moment, Xie Duo’s straightforward question didn’t match the behavior of a cunning big boss who had been deceived.

Could it be that the big boss was just casually asking?

Seeing the big boss slowly narrow his eyes, his patience running thin, and a sense of danger beginning to emanate, Han Jiao quickly explained, “This matter is somewhat complicated. I didn’t say much about it on the cuju field before, for fear of worrying the three princes.”

Upon hearing this, the dangerous look in the big boss’ eyes returned to normal, and the aura of danger subsided.

The danger alarm was temporarily lifted.

“How is it complicated?” Xie Duo held onto his prey and wouldn’t back down halfway, continuing to interrogate, “Did you move back to your own home for some other reason?”

Han Jiao’s heart skipped a beat.

Why was the big boss so direct with his question?

He wasn’t giving him any chance to dodge the issue!

It seemed he had to provide a reasonable explanation.

He could say that it was the testimony provided by the Eldest Prince to the Ministry of Justice that raised suspicions in Prince Yan regarding Han Jiao.

After all, the big boss didn’t know the extent of Prince Yan’s trust in Han Jiao, so this reason wouldn’t be debunked.

However, for some reason, Han Jiao didn’t want to lie to Xie Duo.

Most of the time, the big boss didn’t mind Han Jiao’s offenses, but this leniency seemed to have a concealed limit.

Intuition told Han Jiao that if he inadvertently entered the depths of the mist, he might have to face the true underworld boss from the novel.

Han Jiao didn’t want to take risks. The salted fish was more likable.

So, the safest choice was to tell the truth, to inform the boss that he and Prince Yan were putting on a show.

But the big boss was still a young man seeking retribution. Could he hide his hostility toward the other brothers for Prince Yan?

While Prince Yan might heed Han Jiao’s advice, if the big boss got angry, no one could stop him. He might just openly confront them.

There was no more room for hesitation. As Han Jiao pondered, he honestly confessed to the boss, “Someone wants me to leave Prince Yan.”

Xie Duo remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

Surprisingly, the big boss didn’t follow his lead in asking questions!

He was indeed harder to deal with than Prince Yan.

Han Jiao persevered, trying to lead the boss down a winding path. “I’m still not sure who is behind this, or even what their intentions are, so I can’t provide a clear explanation to Your Highness.”

“You can leave that part out. What I’m asking is: were you really kicked out by my Sixth Brother?”

“If I don’t explain, Your Highness might think I’m causing discord between Prince Yan and the other Princes,” Han Jiao continued to struggle, “The crux of this matter is to find out the other side’s intentions.”

Xie Duo remained expressionless, sensing that the little child prodigy was trying to be indirect.

Perhaps he was afraid that His Highness might misunderstand and think he was trying to sow discord, especially since the little child prodigy was particularly timid.

So, Xie Duo rewarded him with extra patience and intentionally followed the little child prodigy’s lead. “You want to uncover someone’s intentions?”

Han Jiao felt a hint of delight as he realized that the big boss had taken the bait. He promptly answered, “There’s more than one suspicious individual. I started with the mastermind behind the case of wrongful execution for personal gain, Zhao Liang. Following the financial records of Qining Pass under his command, I discovered another player, but, you see, the matters within the court are quite intricate. It may be difficult for Your Highness to understand.”

Hearing this, Ninth Prince, who appeared as cold as ice, almost chuckled in disbelief as he countered, “I wouldn’t understand? You, a junior scholar-official who’s been in the Hanlin Academy for less than half a year, are worried that I, someone raised inside the palace, wouldn’t comprehend court matters?”

The little child prodigy who wielded a big sword in front of Guan Gong truly exuded genuine confidence.

“The palace and the court are entirely different matters,” Han Jiao firmly replied.

“Very well.” Xie Duo resumed a serious demeanor and nodded. “Please explain slowly. I’ll do my best to understand, and I won’t hesitate to ask if I don’t.”

To reveal the dark side of the court and impress this stinky little brother, Han Jiao began without reservation, “Zhao Liang’s case ended with a conviction for embezzlement, based on evidence I found in the records of the Ministry of Justice and the annual financial accounts of the border defense. However, in reality, the true mastermind remains hidden behind Zhao Liang.”

As he finished speaking, Han Jiao squinted, waiting for the big boss to show a surprised expression.

However, Xie Duo remained expressionless.

Seeing the little child prodigy’s silence, Xie Duo had to continue, “Are you talking about Zhou Zhaokun, the Left Deputy Minister of War?”

Han Jiao took in a sharp breath!

“And then?” Xie Duo obediently followed Han Jiao’s lead, returning to the main topic. “Zhou Zhaokun’s connection to you being kicked out by my Sixth Brother, what’s that about?”

“How did Your Highness know that Zhou Zhaokun was Zhao Liang’s protector?” The salted fish big boss, who typically stay away from political matters, surprised Han Jiao. “Did Prince Yan tell you?”

“Zhao Liang was recommended by Senior Minister Li’s disciple. He must have been working for Zhou Zhaokun. Why would I need someone else to tell me that?”

Han Jiao couldn’t believe it! It had to be Prince Yan cheating and telling this stinky little brother!

“Why does Your Highness not suspect that Zhao Liang is working for Senior Minister Li but rather suspect his son-in-law, Zhou Zhaokun?” 

Xie Duo chuckled lightly. “Zhou Zhaokun was clearly the one embezzling funds. How could Senior Minister Li be so foolish to engage in such a scheme?”

Han Jiao was puzzled. “Are you suggesting that Senior Minister Li was embezzling through Zhou Zhaokun as an intermediary?”

Xie Duo didn’t respond, silently gazing at the little child prodigy.

“What’s wrong?” Han Jiao was puzzled. “Your Highness, why are you looking at me like that?”

Xie Duo lowered his eyes and kicked a pebble lightly before speaking calmly, “Senior Minister Li is not a greedy person. Zhou Zhaokun is his pawn, and individuals like Zhao Liang are Zhou Zhaokun’s underlings.”

Han Jiao mentally processed this statement several times and found the big boss’ logic flawed, “Your Highness, it seems you’re suggesting that Senior Minister Li deliberately allowed Zhou Zhaokun to engage in corruption, but then you also say that Senior Minister Li is not a greedy person. Why would he tarnish his reputation like this? He should have warned Zhou Zhaokun.”

Xie Duo raised an eyebrow, looking at the little child prodigy. “This pawn isn’t used for Senior Minister Li’s personal gain. Zhou Zhaokun devised various schemes to squeeze the common people, extracting more taxes and military funds, all of which would ultimately return to the national treasury. When the time is right, Senior Minister Li will pull in the net. It allows him to increase the legal income of the treasury without raising taxes for the common people, all while gaining a reputation for righteousness and a strong stance against corruption.”

Han Jiao: “……”

It was like thunder had struck out of nowhere!

Han Jiao stared at the salted fish big boss in shock.

While he knew Senior Minister Li purposefully kept a group of corrupt officials, Han Jiao had always believed Senior Minister Li did so to gain the support of influential, money-hungry factions.

He had never considered that fostering corruption could result in a double benefit, both in terms of prestige and financial gain for Senior Minister Li!

Even more surprising was that the cunning old fox’s hidden intentions were exposed so simply by the salted fish big boss!

The little child prodigy was taken aback by Xie Duo’s surprising disclosure. With wide-eyed wonder, the little child prodigy looked at Xie Duo, who couldn’t suppress a smile. “I, someone raised in the palace, have made a humble offering of insight. I hope you’ll correct me if I’m mistaken, Master.”

Han Jiao snapped back to reality and quickly regained his composure, sincerely praising, “Your Highness’ insights are remarkably profound.”

Xie Duo’s lips curved. “I’m not worthy.”

Han Jiao’s demeanor turned humble, and he asked Xie Duo in a gentle tone, “So, Your Highness believes that Senior Minister Li is nurturing corruption to gain an anti-corruption reputation?”

Xie Duo pondered briefly, then responded calmly, “That’s a secondary motive. It’s mainly for him to stand out, as Father Emperor would hardly approve otherwise. But the main reason is to fatten up the Ministry of Revenue. Whether it’s canal construction, dam building, naval administration, mining, border defense, or warfare… which one doesn’t require funds from the Ministry of Revenue? Senior Minister Li has a way of acquiring funds skillfully, so Father Emperor naturally values him.”

“If the Ministry of Revenue isn’t generating enough income, why resort to such behind-the-scenes methods instead of increasing the public’s salt and iron taxes?”

Xie Duo gazed at him with a solemn look, took a moment, and spoke in a low voice, “First, few Emperors are willing to openly issue decrees to raise taxes during their reign. The second and third reasons, I can’t discuss openly. You’ll need to ponder them yourself.”

Han Jiao was instantly overwhelmed by layers of astonishment.

This salted fish boss! Was he pretending to be weak in front of him all along?

A kid who skipped class to play soccer all day, a lazy underachiever who made up homework, why did he think more profoundly than Han Jiao?

And furthermore…

Han Jiao was filled with a wave of fear—

Xie Duo’s idea clearly suggested that Senior Minister Li might be using unconventional methods to accumulate wealth for the national treasury.

Could it be that Xie Duo’s future would involve a falling out with Prince Yan due to differing political views?

After all, Prince Yan had no tolerance for deceit and would never condone these types of financial tactics.

After a moment of contemplation, Han Jiao asked seriously, “Your Highness, if you believe Senior Minister Li is doing a good job, why not explain these matters to Prince Yan? Previously, I’ve had many late-night discussions with Prince Yan. He seems to hold a different view of Senior Minister Li…”

“Late-night discussions?” Xie Duo suddenly became furious. “Weren’t you staying at a separate mansion? Why would you be with my Sixth Brother at late night?”

Han Jiao: “……”

That’s not the point!

“Well… just after I moved to the separate mansion, following class dismissal, Prince Yan would invite me for discussions on state affairs, and occasionally, these discussions would go on until… late hours,” Han Jiao reported on his recent activities, feeling puzzled.

The Prince’s sharp gaze zeroed in on Han Jiao, and he warned sternly, “Every cotton-stuffed man should not be alone outside after dark.”

Han Jiao: “……”

Why cotton again!

He had just bravely confronted five opponents and valiantly sought revenge successfully the last time. Why did this stinky little brother still insist he was “cotton-stuffed”?

“I will remember Your Highness’ teachings,” Han Jiao endured the humiliation and continued to probe, “So, Your Highness, why haven’t you attempted to make Prince Yan understand Senior Minister Li’s intentions?”

Xie Duo’s demeanor had clearly lost its earlier patience. He responded gruffly, “Why should he understand? Sixth Brother and Senior Minister Li have different methods of handling affairs. The Great Chu nation is now prosperous and strong. Suppressing the people and constraining their thoughts won’t work anymore. Senior Minister Li merely wants to maintain the status quo through old methods. Continuing down this path will only lead to stagnation, and stagnation means falling behind. To eradicate the old practices at their root, providing the common people with enough freedom and fairness, not squandering anyone’s potential, is the only way to break free from the current state. Only someone with Sixth Brother’s temperament can achieve this, but Father Emperor is unlikely to accept it.”

A moment of silence followed.

Han Jiao struggled to process the astonishment inside him.

This young boss was nothing more than a fake salted fish!

It was all a facade!

“Shall we go home and have some tea, Your Highness…?” Han Jiao needed a moment to rest and recover from the shock.

“Why?” Xie Duo squinted his eyes and questioned menacingly, “Are you tired after spending less than half an hour at the temple fair with me? Yet you can chat with Sixth Brother until late at night?”

Han Jiao: “……”

This fake salted fish boss was always so capricious.

His focus was particularly weird.


Very dangerous!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 53

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 53

Chapter 53

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Something was wrong.

Why did the big boss suddenly ask about his connection with Prince Yan?

It had been made clear before: Han Jiao left because Prince Yan found a better accountant, so Han Jiao packed up and left.

Now that the big boss had brought it up again, Han Jiao's gut tells him that something might be off.

While the young big boss seemed straightforward and even more honest than Prince Yan, it was just a facade. Han Jiao, having encountered true underworld bosses in the past, knew better. In crucial moments, he wouldn't underestimate Xie Duo.

If Xie Duo had already sensed that something was amiss and had become suspicious, following the patterns in the novel, Han Jiao would be inexplicably drawn into some case, only to be silently eliminated by the boss.

However, at this moment, Xie Duo's straightforward question didn't match the behavior of a cunning big boss who had been deceived.

Could it be that the big boss was just casually asking?

Seeing the big boss slowly narrow his eyes, his patience running thin, and a sense of danger beginning to emanate, Han Jiao quickly explained, "This matter is somewhat complicated. I didn't say much about it on the cuju field before, for fear of worrying the three princes."

Upon hearing this, the dangerous look in the big boss' eyes returned to normal, and the aura of danger subsided.

The danger alarm was temporarily lifted.

"How is it complicated?" Xie Duo held onto his prey and wouldn't back down halfway, continuing to interrogate, "Did you move back to your own home for some other reason?"

Han Jiao's heart skipped a beat.

Why was the big boss so direct with his question?

He wasn't giving him any chance to dodge the issue!

It seemed he had to provide a reasonable explanation.

He could say that it was the testimony provided by the Eldest Prince to the Ministry of Justice that raised suspicions in Prince Yan regarding Han Jiao.

After all, the big boss didn't know the extent of Prince Yan's trust in Han Jiao, so this reason wouldn't be debunked.

However, for some reason, Han Jiao didn't want to lie to Xie Duo.

Most of the time, the big boss didn't mind Han Jiao's offenses, but this leniency seemed to have a concealed limit.

Intuition told Han Jiao that if he inadvertently entered the depths of the mist, he might have to face the true underworld boss from the novel.

Han Jiao didn't want to take risks. The salted fish was more likable.

So, the safest choice was to tell the truth, to inform the boss that he and Prince Yan were putting on a show.

But the big boss was still a young man seeking retribution. Could he hide his hostility toward the other brothers for Prince Yan?

While Prince Yan might heed Han Jiao's advice, if the big boss got angry, no one could stop him. He might just openly confront them.

There was no more room for hesitation. As Han Jiao pondered, he honestly confessed to the boss, "Someone wants me to leave Prince Yan."

Xie Duo remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

Surprisingly, the big boss didn't follow his lead in asking questions!

He was indeed harder to deal with than Prince Yan.

Han Jiao persevered, trying to lead the boss down a winding path. "I'm still not sure who is behind this, or even what their intentions are, so I can't provide a clear explanation to Your Highness."

"You can leave that part out. What I'm asking is: were you really kicked out by my Sixth Brother?"

"If I don't explain, Your Highness might think I'm causing discord between Prince Yan and the other Princes," Han Jiao continued to struggle, "The crux of this matter is to find out the other side's intentions."

Xie Duo remained expressionless, sensing that the little child prodigy was trying to be indirect.

Perhaps he was afraid that His Highness might misunderstand and think he was trying to sow discord, especially since the little child prodigy was particularly timid.

So, Xie Duo rewarded him with extra patience and intentionally followed the little child prodigy's lead. "You want to uncover someone's intentions?"

Han Jiao felt a hint of delight as he realized that the big boss had taken the bait. He promptly answered, "There's more than one suspicious individual. I started with the mastermind behind the case of wrongful execution for personal gain, Zhao Liang. Following the financial records of Qining Pass under his command, I discovered another player, but, you see, the matters within the court are quite intricate. It may be difficult for Your Highness to understand."

Hearing this, Ninth Prince, who appeared as cold as ice, almost chuckled in disbelief as he countered, "I wouldn't understand? You, a junior scholar-official who's been in the Hanlin Academy for less than half a year, are worried that I, someone raised inside the palace, wouldn't comprehend court matters?"

The little child prodigy who wielded a big sword in front of Guan Gong truly exuded genuine confidence.

"The palace and the court are entirely different matters," Han Jiao firmly replied.

"Very well." Xie Duo resumed a serious demeanor and nodded. "Please explain slowly. I'll do my best to understand, and I won't hesitate to ask if I don't."

To reveal the dark side of the court and impress this stinky little brother, Han Jiao began without reservation, "Zhao Liang's case ended with a conviction for embezzlement, based on evidence I found in the records of the Ministry of Justice and the annual financial accounts of the border defense. However, in reality, the true mastermind remains hidden behind Zhao Liang."

As he finished speaking, Han Jiao squinted, waiting for the big boss to show a surprised expression.

However, Xie Duo remained expressionless.

Seeing the little child prodigy's silence, Xie Duo had to continue, "Are you talking about Zhou Zhaokun, the Left Deputy Minister of War?"

Han Jiao took in a sharp breath!

"And then?" Xie Duo obediently followed Han Jiao's lead, returning to the main topic. "Zhou Zhaokun's connection to you being kicked out by my Sixth Brother, what's that about?"

"How did Your Highness know that Zhou Zhaokun was Zhao Liang's protector?" The salted fish big boss, who typically stay away from political matters, surprised Han Jiao. "Did Prince Yan tell you?"

"Zhao Liang was recommended by Senior Minister Li's disciple. He must have been working for Zhou Zhaokun. Why would I need someone else to tell me that?"

Han Jiao couldn't believe it! It had to be Prince Yan cheating and telling this stinky little brother!

"Why does Your Highness not suspect that Zhao Liang is working for Senior Minister Li but rather suspect his son-in-law, Zhou Zhaokun?" 

Xie Duo chuckled lightly. "Zhou Zhaokun was clearly the one embezzling funds. How could Senior Minister Li be so foolish to engage in such a scheme?"

Han Jiao was puzzled. "Are you suggesting that Senior Minister Li was embezzling through Zhou Zhaokun as an intermediary?"

Xie Duo didn't respond, silently gazing at the little child prodigy.

"What's wrong?" Han Jiao was puzzled. "Your Highness, why are you looking at me like that?"

Xie Duo lowered his eyes and kicked a pebble lightly before speaking calmly, "Senior Minister Li is not a greedy person. Zhou Zhaokun is his pawn, and individuals like Zhao Liang are Zhou Zhaokun's underlings."

Han Jiao mentally processed this statement several times and found the big boss' logic flawed, "Your Highness, it seems you're suggesting that Senior Minister Li deliberately allowed Zhou Zhaokun to engage in corruption, but then you also say that Senior Minister Li is not a greedy person. Why would he tarnish his reputation like this? He should have warned Zhou Zhaokun."

Xie Duo raised an eyebrow, looking at the little child prodigy. "This pawn isn't used for Senior Minister Li's personal gain. Zhou Zhaokun devised various schemes to squeeze the common people, extracting more taxes and military funds, all of which would ultimately return to the national treasury. When the time is right, Senior Minister Li will pull in the net. It allows him to increase the legal income of the treasury without raising taxes for the common people, all while gaining a reputation for righteousness and a strong stance against corruption."

Han Jiao: "......"

It was like thunder had struck out of nowhere!

Han Jiao stared at the salted fish big boss in shock.

While he knew Senior Minister Li purposefully kept a group of corrupt officials, Han Jiao had always believed Senior Minister Li did so to gain the support of influential, money-hungry factions.

He had never considered that fostering corruption could result in a double benefit, both in terms of prestige and financial gain for Senior Minister Li!

Even more surprising was that the cunning old fox's hidden intentions were exposed so simply by the salted fish big boss!

The little child prodigy was taken aback by Xie Duo's surprising disclosure. With wide-eyed wonder, the little child prodigy looked at Xie Duo, who couldn't suppress a smile. "I, someone raised in the palace, have made a humble offering of insight. I hope you'll correct me if I'm mistaken, Master."

Han Jiao snapped back to reality and quickly regained his composure, sincerely praising, "Your Highness' insights are remarkably profound."

Xie Duo's lips curved. "I'm not worthy."

Han Jiao's demeanor turned humble, and he asked Xie Duo in a gentle tone, "So, Your Highness believes that Senior Minister Li is nurturing corruption to gain an anti-corruption reputation?"

Xie Duo pondered briefly, then responded calmly, "That's a secondary motive. It's mainly for him to stand out, as Father Emperor would hardly approve otherwise. But the main reason is to fatten up the Ministry of Revenue. Whether it's canal construction, dam building, naval administration, mining, border defense, or warfare... which one doesn't require funds from the Ministry of Revenue? Senior Minister Li has a way of acquiring funds skillfully, so Father Emperor naturally values him."

"If the Ministry of Revenue isn't generating enough income, why resort to such behind-the-scenes methods instead of increasing the public's salt and iron taxes?"

Xie Duo gazed at him with a solemn look, took a moment, and spoke in a low voice, "First, few Emperors are willing to openly issue decrees to raise taxes during their reign. The second and third reasons, I can't discuss openly. You'll need to ponder them yourself."

Han Jiao was instantly overwhelmed by layers of astonishment.

This salted fish boss! Was he pretending to be weak in front of him all along?

A kid who skipped class to play soccer all day, a lazy underachiever who made up homework, why did he think more profoundly than Han Jiao?

And furthermore...

Han Jiao was filled with a wave of fear—

Xie Duo's idea clearly suggested that Senior Minister Li might be using unconventional methods to accumulate wealth for the national treasury.

Could it be that Xie Duo's future would involve a falling out with Prince Yan due to differing political views?

After all, Prince Yan had no tolerance for deceit and would never condone these types of financial tactics.

After a moment of contemplation, Han Jiao asked seriously, "Your Highness, if you believe Senior Minister Li is doing a good job, why not explain these matters to Prince Yan? Previously, I've had many late-night discussions with Prince Yan. He seems to hold a different view of Senior Minister Li..."

"Late-night discussions?" Xie Duo suddenly became furious. "Weren't you staying at a separate mansion? Why would you be with my Sixth Brother at late night?"

Han Jiao: "......"

That's not the point!

"Well... just after I moved to the separate mansion, following class dismissal, Prince Yan would invite me for discussions on state affairs, and occasionally, these discussions would go on until... late hours," Han Jiao reported on his recent activities, feeling puzzled.

The Prince's sharp gaze zeroed in on Han Jiao, and he warned sternly, "Every cotton-stuffed man should not be alone outside after dark."

Han Jiao: "......"

Why cotton again!

He had just bravely confronted five opponents and valiantly sought revenge successfully the last time. Why did this stinky little brother still insist he was "cotton-stuffed"?

"I will remember Your Highness' teachings," Han Jiao endured the humiliation and continued to probe, "So, Your Highness, why haven't you attempted to make Prince Yan understand Senior Minister Li's intentions?"

Xie Duo's demeanor had clearly lost its earlier patience. He responded gruffly, "Why should he understand? Sixth Brother and Senior Minister Li have different methods of handling affairs. The Great Chu nation is now prosperous and strong. Suppressing the people and constraining their thoughts won't work anymore. Senior Minister Li merely wants to maintain the status quo through old methods. Continuing down this path will only lead to stagnation, and stagnation means falling behind. To eradicate the old practices at their root, providing the common people with enough freedom and fairness, not squandering anyone's potential, is the only way to break free from the current state. Only someone with Sixth Brother's temperament can achieve this, but Father Emperor is unlikely to accept it."

A moment of silence followed.

Han Jiao struggled to process the astonishment inside him.

This young boss was nothing more than a fake salted fish!

It was all a facade!

"Shall we go home and have some tea, Your Highness...?" Han Jiao needed a moment to rest and recover from the shock.

"Why?" Xie Duo squinted his eyes and questioned menacingly, "Are you tired after spending less than half an hour at the temple fair with me? Yet you can chat with Sixth Brother until late at night?"

Han Jiao: "......"

This fake salted fish boss was always so capricious.

His focus was particularly weird.


Very dangerous!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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