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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 8

Chapter 8

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A person who created a work with great dedication would surely hope for acknowledgement from others, as it determined whether their talent would be recognized.

Therefore, ever since Han Jiao submitted the homework to Nansan Hall, he had been awaiting the boss’ response, filled with hope for some flattering words.

Well, face it, the boss wasn’t the type to easily shower others with compliments.

He decided to lower his expectations a little.

Shouldn’t Xie Duo feel ashamed for doubting Han Jiao’s abilities that day?

However, his concerns went unanswered, as if lost at sea.

At the Hanlin Academy, the Expositors-in-waiting took turns teaching the Princes a diverse range of subjects, including rituals, music, archery, and literature. The daily schedule varied, and unfortunately, for three consecutive days, it wasn’t Elder Lin’s turn to teach, so Han Jiao couldn’t experience the boss’ appreciative gaze firsthand.

Gradually, the unwarranted desires in his heart faded away.

The big boss might have just casually asked someone to help with the homework, without paying much attention to its quality.

However, hope unexpectedly appeared just when he had completely given up.

Later that afternoon, a eunuch rushed to the Hanlin Academy and had a private conversation with two Expositors-in-waiting. The Expositors-in-waiting then selected a few apprentices and accompanied the eunuch to the study room.

Han Jiao was chosen by Elder Lin, which made him felt a sense of pride. But then, Chen Yuanqiao was also chosen, which dampened the excitement a bit.

Along the way, the group of people exchanged puzzled glances, communicating through their eyes. With a eunuch leading the way, nobody dared to ask why they were going to the study room at that moment.

Everyone stepped lightly and swiftly entered the courtyard of the study room. Suddenly, Han Jiao heard murmurs of astonishment from the people around him. He looked up and immediately noticed a familiar figure standing with his back turned, tall and graceful, on the right side of the study room door.

It was the big boss!

Han Jiao’s eyes widened, his mind going blank as an unsettling premonition crept into his heart.

It was because the big boss’ posture was odd. He was standing facing the door.

Why wasn’t he entering the door?

Even if he came to the courtyard to enjoy the breeze, shouldn’t he stand facing away from the door?

Did the major villains always behave so independently in their juvenile years?

Carrying a heart full of doubts, he followed the others and approached the doorstep, standing in front of the Ninth Prince, who stood facing the door, and greeted him.

However, it seemed like the big boss felt some sort of humiliation. His fair side face suddenly reddened. He swiftly turned away, avoiding eye contact with the crowd.

Han Jiao keenly noticed Xie Duo’s left thumb nervously fiddling with the tassel of his waist pendant.

This gesture…

Assuming the big boss was just an ordinary sixteen-year-old, it would resemble the awkward embarrassment one felt when accidentally bumping into someone familiar while being scolded by the class teacher at the classroom entrance.

The Ninth Prince didn’t respond to the greetings of the crowd, but the leading eunuch gestured to the group, as if requesting something.

The group had no choice but to proceed into the study room.

Han Jiao and Chen Yuanqiao stood at the back with a few others. Just as they stepped over the threshold and before they could raise their heads, they heard the two Expositors-in-waiting in front simultaneously exclaim, “These humble subjects pay respects to Your Majesty!”

Han Jiao and the others in the back row were startled. They didn’t dare to lift their heads and quickly knelt down, echoing, “These humble subjects pay respects to Your Majesty!”

Han Jiao had never laid eyes on the Emperor until now. The palace examination had occurred before his transmigration. In this moment, his thoughts turned vacant, as he could almost perceive the profound presence of ancient monarchs. The atmosphere around him seemed sweltering, and his heart raced relentlessly.

“We have previously stated that in the academy, you only kneel to Confucius, the eternal model for teachers. But all you officials seem to have forgotten that,” the Emperor said in a low voice, but his words resounded clearly.

With just a few whispered words, the Emperor’s voice stood out remarkably.

Facing such a scene for the first time, Han Jiao inexplicably succumbed to stage fright. He looked bewildered and followed the Expositors-in-waiting in the front row as they stood up.

“Master Yang, Master Zhou,” the Emperor called.

“Your Majesty.” 

“Come here and have a look at this essay written by my ninth son. While you’re at it, read it aloud to all the talented individuals present.” 

The Expositors-in-waiting complied and took the document, reading it out loud in a clear voice.

In an instant, it felt as if thunder had exploded in Han Jiao’s mind.

It’s over.

It’s all over!

This was the policy essay that Han Jiao had spent the whole night writing!

Xie Duo was currently standing outside the door, probably reflecting on his mistakes.

That meant there was an issue with the policy essay!

Calling all the Prince’s teachers, could it be that there was a major problem with the content of the essay?

Han Jiao’s heart pounded, fear driving his brain to race rapidly. In an instant, he mentally reviewed the policy essay he had written from beginning to end multiple times.

Everything seemed fine!

The Great Chu Dynasty didn’t have the same political persecutions as the past, so what could have angered the Emperor?

After the entire essay was read, the two Expositors-in-waiting exchanged approving glances.

It was a well-written piece, although the writing style was simple, the arguments were novel, the logic was clear, and it had practical value.

So, why did the Emperor call them here?

The Expositors-in-waiting were not fools. Seeing the Ninth Prince being left outside as a form of punishment, they naturally knew that there must be a problem with the essay. Thus, they buried themselves in the text once again, searching for any inappropriate aspects.

“It’s written well, isn’t it?” The Emperor smiled.

The two Expositors-in-waiting paused for a moment, then quickly replied, “The essay is well-structured, supported by evidence, and applicable to governance. It’s truly convincing.”

“Indeed, it’s a great essay. It was personally delivered to me by the Hanlin Chancellor, making me proud of my son’s writing. After I finished reading it and felt intrigued, I asked him to collect A’Duo’s previous essays from your department, so I could take a look.”

The Emperor gestured towards the desk, raising his chin slightly. “They’re all here. Take a look at these.”

The two Expositors-in-waiting nodded and obeyed, picking up a stack of the Ninth Prince’s past homework assignments to examine.

Han Jiao slowly closed his eyes, swallowing nervously.

It became clear to him.

The Emperor had already realized that someone else had ghostwritten this policy essay.

What a disaster! How could things have gone so wrong?

Did the Hanlin Chancellor really have to show off like this? Why did he have to send a simple homework assignment to the Emperor for review?

But Han Jiao couldn’t blame anyone else but himself for getting carried away and writing it hastily.

Then again, he wasn’t aware of Xie Duo’s usual standard of policy essays. Even if intentionally written poorly, it might not have gone unnoticed.

Frustration overwhelmed Han Jiao. He didn’t know whom to be angry at, so he could only vent his frustration towards his own misfortune.

“How is it?” Seeing the awkward expressions on the lecturers’ faces, the Emperor smiled and asked, “Can these policy essays also be applied to governance?”

The two Expositors-in-waiting hung their heads low. By making this comparison, they both understood that the previous policy essay had much deeper insights and was likely written by someone else.

The situation could be significant. The Emperor had summoned the Expositors-in-waiting and the accompanying junior scholar-officials, possibly aiming to expose the ghostwriter and establish his authority in front of other officials.

“We are at fault for not supervising them properly,” the two Expositors-in-waiting said, about to kneel down again.

The Emperor clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Again? How many times do I have to say it? In the academy, you only kneel to Confucius.”

The Expositors-in-waiting quickly straightened their bodies, looking helpless and wearing pained expressions.

“I pardon you. I summoned you all here to see which great talent produced this masterpiece,” the Emperor joked with a smile. His profound dragon-like eyes slowly swept over the submissive junior scholar-officials below.

The entire group immediately lowered their heads even further, except for Han Jiao, who remained motionless.

It wasn’t as if his life was at stake, but his mind was in turmoil.

It seemed that the big boss was loyal after all, as he didn’t expose Han Jiao. It caused the Emperor to specially summon all the accompanying scholars, investigating them one by one.

Han Jiao pondered whether he should step forward and confess quickly. Delaying it would only worsen his guilt.

However, Han Jiao didn’t know what consequences this accusation would bring. It felt like avoiding the truth out of fear, preferring to lie there waiting for death rather than facing the dreadful news directly.

Elder Lin turned and looked at the group of junior scholar-officials, urging in a low voice, “Who wrote it? Don’t be dazed! Come forward and apologize!”

The group of apprentices raised their heads and shook them in response to Elder Lin, indicating their innocence.

Han Jiao looked up at Elder Lin with despair, worried that their own guilt would implicate the elder.

Seeing no one confessing, the Emperor called out to the outside, “A’Duo, come in.”

The Ninth Prince, who was standing outside as a form of punishment, silently stepped over the threshold, bypassing the group of junior scholar-officials, and stood in front of his Father Emperor with his head lowered, without saying a word.

“You still refuse to speak?” the Emperor coldly questioned his son.

Before the Ninth Prince could speak, a clear voice from behind sounded—

“This subject, Han Jiao, is guilty and deserves to die.”

A resounding “thud” echoed through the air.

The study room instantly fell into silence.

The mastermind behind the crime unexpectedly stood up just like that!

Even Chen Yuanqiao, who stood beside Han Jiao, didn’t expect this child prodigy to cause such a calamity. He momentarily forgot to gloat.

The Emperor lowered his gaze, looking at the slender youth prostrating on the ground, without allowing him to rise.

While the Emperor forbade kneeling rituals in the academy, allowing Han Jiao to kneel like this indicated his anger. Elder Lin closed his eyes, feeling pained at the sight.

He never imagined that this inexperienced child would create such a massive trouble.

Looking at the policy essay, it was truly beautifully written.

Talented and ambitious, a fine young talent who was about to sacrifice his future.

“Raise your head and respond,” the Emperor said, looking at Han Jiao, who had his head touching the ground.

Han Jiao lifted his head, showing no signs of fear on his face. He knelt there as if engaging in a philosophical discourse, confidently locking eyes with the Emperor from his kneeling position. His bright peach blossom eyes carried the innocence and fearlessness of youth.

The Emperor was taken aback. He slightly turned his head and asked a nearby lecturer, “Is he the one who passed the Imperial Examination at the age of eighteen this year?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor laughed. “A hero emerges at a young age. I truly didn’t expect that this policy essay came from the hands of such a young person. Han Jiao.”

“Your Majesty.” 

“You, with all your knowledge and talent, wasting it on flattering the powerful instead of using it to benefit the country and its people. I feel sorry for you.” 

Han Jiao lowered his head, not attempting to argue.

Arguing would be futile. Should he explain that he was forced to ghostwrite because someone held leverage over him?

It would be tantamount to tarnishing the Prince’s reputation. Not only would the big boss not let it go, but in front of so many people, speaking ill of the Emperor’s son was unforgivable. The Emperor would never spare such an incompetent and unreliable official.

In this era, loyalty and filial piety were more important than academic talent.

Han Jiao had to shoulder the blame alone.

Seeing Han Jiao’s silence, the Emperor furrowed his brows and coldly said, “It’s good that you are well-read, but there’s no need for you to read books on behalf of my son. Do you think it’s enough for the Prince of a nation to rely solely on you, while being completely unskilled?”

Han Jiao was utterly despondent, about to bow and await death, when he suddenly saw Xie Duo, who was standing in front, kneel down on one knee.

“This matter has nothing to do with Master Han.” Xie Duo looked up calmly at Father Emperor. “A few days ago, I expressed my desire to listen to Master Han’s analysis of the Five Principles of the Great Plan. However, at that time, the lesson had already concluded. Master Han devotedly wrote a policy essay and submitted it to me the next day, but I mistakenly included it as my own.”

Han Jiao’s calm expression shattered as his eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Xie Duo’s back.

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 8

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 8

Chapter 8

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A person who created a work with great dedication would surely hope for acknowledgement from others, as it determined whether their talent would be recognized.

Therefore, ever since Han Jiao submitted the homework to Nansan Hall, he had been awaiting the boss' response, filled with hope for some flattering words.

Well, face it, the boss wasn't the type to easily shower others with compliments.

He decided to lower his expectations a little.

Shouldn't Xie Duo feel ashamed for doubting Han Jiao's abilities that day?

However, his concerns went unanswered, as if lost at sea.

At the Hanlin Academy, the Expositors-in-waiting took turns teaching the Princes a diverse range of subjects, including rituals, music, archery, and literature. The daily schedule varied, and unfortunately, for three consecutive days, it wasn't Elder Lin's turn to teach, so Han Jiao couldn't experience the boss' appreciative gaze firsthand.

Gradually, the unwarranted desires in his heart faded away.

The big boss might have just casually asked someone to help with the homework, without paying much attention to its quality.

However, hope unexpectedly appeared just when he had completely given up.

Later that afternoon, a eunuch rushed to the Hanlin Academy and had a private conversation with two Expositors-in-waiting. The Expositors-in-waiting then selected a few apprentices and accompanied the eunuch to the study room.

Han Jiao was chosen by Elder Lin, which made him felt a sense of pride. But then, Chen Yuanqiao was also chosen, which dampened the excitement a bit.

Along the way, the group of people exchanged puzzled glances, communicating through their eyes. With a eunuch leading the way, nobody dared to ask why they were going to the study room at that moment.

Everyone stepped lightly and swiftly entered the courtyard of the study room. Suddenly, Han Jiao heard murmurs of astonishment from the people around him. He looked up and immediately noticed a familiar figure standing with his back turned, tall and graceful, on the right side of the study room door.

It was the big boss!

Han Jiao's eyes widened, his mind going blank as an unsettling premonition crept into his heart.

It was because the big boss' posture was odd. He was standing facing the door.

Why wasn't he entering the door?

Even if he came to the courtyard to enjoy the breeze, shouldn't he stand facing away from the door?

Did the major villains always behave so independently in their juvenile years?

Carrying a heart full of doubts, he followed the others and approached the doorstep, standing in front of the Ninth Prince, who stood facing the door, and greeted him.

However, it seemed like the big boss felt some sort of humiliation. His fair side face suddenly reddened. He swiftly turned away, avoiding eye contact with the crowd.

Han Jiao keenly noticed Xie Duo's left thumb nervously fiddling with the tassel of his waist pendant.

This gesture...

Assuming the big boss was just an ordinary sixteen-year-old, it would resemble the awkward embarrassment one felt when accidentally bumping into someone familiar while being scolded by the class teacher at the classroom entrance.

The Ninth Prince didn't respond to the greetings of the crowd, but the leading eunuch gestured to the group, as if requesting something.

The group had no choice but to proceed into the study room.

Han Jiao and Chen Yuanqiao stood at the back with a few others. Just as they stepped over the threshold and before they could raise their heads, they heard the two Expositors-in-waiting in front simultaneously exclaim, "These humble subjects pay respects to Your Majesty!"

Han Jiao and the others in the back row were startled. They didn't dare to lift their heads and quickly knelt down, echoing, "These humble subjects pay respects to Your Majesty!"

Han Jiao had never laid eyes on the Emperor until now. The palace examination had occurred before his transmigration. In this moment, his thoughts turned vacant, as he could almost perceive the profound presence of ancient monarchs. The atmosphere around him seemed sweltering, and his heart raced relentlessly.

"We have previously stated that in the academy, you only kneel to Confucius, the eternal model for teachers. But all you officials seem to have forgotten that," the Emperor said in a low voice, but his words resounded clearly.

With just a few whispered words, the Emperor's voice stood out remarkably.

Facing such a scene for the first time, Han Jiao inexplicably succumbed to stage fright. He looked bewildered and followed the Expositors-in-waiting in the front row as they stood up.

"Master Yang, Master Zhou," the Emperor called.

"Your Majesty." 

"Come here and have a look at this essay written by my ninth son. While you're at it, read it aloud to all the talented individuals present." 

The Expositors-in-waiting complied and took the document, reading it out loud in a clear voice.

In an instant, it felt as if thunder had exploded in Han Jiao's mind.

It's over.

It's all over!

This was the policy essay that Han Jiao had spent the whole night writing!

Xie Duo was currently standing outside the door, probably reflecting on his mistakes.

That meant there was an issue with the policy essay!

Calling all the Prince's teachers, could it be that there was a major problem with the content of the essay?

Han Jiao's heart pounded, fear driving his brain to race rapidly. In an instant, he mentally reviewed the policy essay he had written from beginning to end multiple times.

Everything seemed fine!

The Great Chu Dynasty didn't have the same political persecutions as the past, so what could have angered the Emperor?

After the entire essay was read, the two Expositors-in-waiting exchanged approving glances.

It was a well-written piece, although the writing style was simple, the arguments were novel, the logic was clear, and it had practical value.

So, why did the Emperor call them here?

The Expositors-in-waiting were not fools. Seeing the Ninth Prince being left outside as a form of punishment, they naturally knew that there must be a problem with the essay. Thus, they buried themselves in the text once again, searching for any inappropriate aspects.

"It's written well, isn't it?" The Emperor smiled.

The two Expositors-in-waiting paused for a moment, then quickly replied, "The essay is well-structured, supported by evidence, and applicable to governance. It's truly convincing."

"Indeed, it's a great essay. It was personally delivered to me by the Hanlin Chancellor, making me proud of my son's writing. After I finished reading it and felt intrigued, I asked him to collect A'Duo's previous essays from your department, so I could take a look."

The Emperor gestured towards the desk, raising his chin slightly. "They're all here. Take a look at these."

The two Expositors-in-waiting nodded and obeyed, picking up a stack of the Ninth Prince's past homework assignments to examine.

Han Jiao slowly closed his eyes, swallowing nervously.

It became clear to him.

The Emperor had already realized that someone else had ghostwritten this policy essay.

What a disaster! How could things have gone so wrong?

Did the Hanlin Chancellor really have to show off like this? Why did he have to send a simple homework assignment to the Emperor for review?

But Han Jiao couldn't blame anyone else but himself for getting carried away and writing it hastily.

Then again, he wasn't aware of Xie Duo's usual standard of policy essays. Even if intentionally written poorly, it might not have gone unnoticed.

Frustration overwhelmed Han Jiao. He didn't know whom to be angry at, so he could only vent his frustration towards his own misfortune.

"How is it?" Seeing the awkward expressions on the lecturers' faces, the Emperor smiled and asked, "Can these policy essays also be applied to governance?"

The two Expositors-in-waiting hung their heads low. By making this comparison, they both understood that the previous policy essay had much deeper insights and was likely written by someone else.

The situation could be significant. The Emperor had summoned the Expositors-in-waiting and the accompanying junior scholar-officials, possibly aiming to expose the ghostwriter and establish his authority in front of other officials.

"We are at fault for not supervising them properly," the two Expositors-in-waiting said, about to kneel down again.

The Emperor clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Again? How many times do I have to say it? In the academy, you only kneel to Confucius."

The Expositors-in-waiting quickly straightened their bodies, looking helpless and wearing pained expressions.

"I pardon you. I summoned you all here to see which great talent produced this masterpiece," the Emperor joked with a smile. His profound dragon-like eyes slowly swept over the submissive junior scholar-officials below.

The entire group immediately lowered their heads even further, except for Han Jiao, who remained motionless.

It wasn't as if his life was at stake, but his mind was in turmoil.

It seemed that the big boss was loyal after all, as he didn't expose Han Jiao. It caused the Emperor to specially summon all the accompanying scholars, investigating them one by one.

Han Jiao pondered whether he should step forward and confess quickly. Delaying it would only worsen his guilt.

However, Han Jiao didn't know what consequences this accusation would bring. It felt like avoiding the truth out of fear, preferring to lie there waiting for death rather than facing the dreadful news directly.

Elder Lin turned and looked at the group of junior scholar-officials, urging in a low voice, "Who wrote it? Don't be dazed! Come forward and apologize!"

The group of apprentices raised their heads and shook them in response to Elder Lin, indicating their innocence.

Han Jiao looked up at Elder Lin with despair, worried that their own guilt would implicate the elder.

Seeing no one confessing, the Emperor called out to the outside, "A'Duo, come in."

The Ninth Prince, who was standing outside as a form of punishment, silently stepped over the threshold, bypassing the group of junior scholar-officials, and stood in front of his Father Emperor with his head lowered, without saying a word.

"You still refuse to speak?" the Emperor coldly questioned his son.

Before the Ninth Prince could speak, a clear voice from behind sounded—

"This subject, Han Jiao, is guilty and deserves to die."

A resounding "thud" echoed through the air.

The study room instantly fell into silence.

The mastermind behind the crime unexpectedly stood up just like that!

Even Chen Yuanqiao, who stood beside Han Jiao, didn't expect this child prodigy to cause such a calamity. He momentarily forgot to gloat.

The Emperor lowered his gaze, looking at the slender youth prostrating on the ground, without allowing him to rise.

While the Emperor forbade kneeling rituals in the academy, allowing Han Jiao to kneel like this indicated his anger. Elder Lin closed his eyes, feeling pained at the sight.

He never imagined that this inexperienced child would create such a massive trouble.

Looking at the policy essay, it was truly beautifully written.

Talented and ambitious, a fine young talent who was about to sacrifice his future.

"Raise your head and respond," the Emperor said, looking at Han Jiao, who had his head touching the ground.

Han Jiao lifted his head, showing no signs of fear on his face. He knelt there as if engaging in a philosophical discourse, confidently locking eyes with the Emperor from his kneeling position. His bright peach blossom eyes carried the innocence and fearlessness of youth.

The Emperor was taken aback. He slightly turned his head and asked a nearby lecturer, "Is he the one who passed the Imperial Examination at the age of eighteen this year?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty."

The Emperor laughed. "A hero emerges at a young age. I truly didn't expect that this policy essay came from the hands of such a young person. Han Jiao."

"Your Majesty." 

"You, with all your knowledge and talent, wasting it on flattering the powerful instead of using it to benefit the country and its people. I feel sorry for you." 

Han Jiao lowered his head, not attempting to argue.

Arguing would be futile. Should he explain that he was forced to ghostwrite because someone held leverage over him?

It would be tantamount to tarnishing the Prince's reputation. Not only would the big boss not let it go, but in front of so many people, speaking ill of the Emperor's son was unforgivable. The Emperor would never spare such an incompetent and unreliable official.

In this era, loyalty and filial piety were more important than academic talent.

Han Jiao had to shoulder the blame alone.

Seeing Han Jiao's silence, the Emperor furrowed his brows and coldly said, "It's good that you are well-read, but there's no need for you to read books on behalf of my son. Do you think it's enough for the Prince of a nation to rely solely on you, while being completely unskilled?"

Han Jiao was utterly despondent, about to bow and await death, when he suddenly saw Xie Duo, who was standing in front, kneel down on one knee.

"This matter has nothing to do with Master Han." Xie Duo looked up calmly at Father Emperor. "A few days ago, I expressed my desire to listen to Master Han's analysis of the Five Principles of the Great Plan. However, at that time, the lesson had already concluded. Master Han devotedly wrote a policy essay and submitted it to me the next day, but I mistakenly included it as my own."

Han Jiao's calm expression shattered as his eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Xie Duo's back.

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