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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 20

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The sunlight shone from behind, stretching Yan Shixun’s shadow long on the ground, like a distorted ghostly figure crawling and wriggling on the surface. The land undulated beneath the shadow, white bones extended and retracted, everything seemed like an illusion.

Wild grass had grown wildly, concealing all traces of the past.

This narrow path between two rows of houses was completely covered by the buildings ahead, plunging it into darkness. In the depths of the wild grass, the view was obscured, with only scattered stones and chaos on the ground visible.

Yan Shixun stood between the sunlight and shadow, as if straddling the boundary between light and darkness.

He lowered his gaze to the weeds that extended from his feet into the depths of the shadow and then took a step forward without hesitation or panic, calmly walking along this long-abandoned road.

The path had not been traversed by anyone in a long time, and the once-packed earth had become soft, uneven due to the overgrown weeds.

As soon as Yan Shixun stepped onto it, he felt a void beneath his feet, with his boots sinking partially into the mud.

Fortunately, Yan Shixun remained vigilant, so he quickly reacted and stabilized his footing.

He remembered it vividly. When he saw the villagers gathered at the entrance of the courtyard, he also casually took note of the appearance of the houses on both sides of the village road. The back walls of the row of houses in front were covered in moss and, although severely damaged, the gray bricks remained whitish even in their broken state.

But now, the wall beside him was black and red.

It resembled blood splattered on the wall, dried and oxidized, with every brick seam nearly black with rust, and faint bloodstain prints near the top, as if someone with blood-soaked hands had left them in a panic while running away.

As Yan Shixun’s clothing brushed against the wild grass over a meter high, it produced a faint “swoosh… swoosh…” sound, becoming the only sound in this dead silent space.

The middle-aged villager hadn’t lied; it indeed seemed like this place had been abandoned for a long time. The houses on both sides of the narrow path were in disrepair, some covered in cracks, and it was uncertain when one of them might collapse entirely after the next heavy rain.

The surroundings were completely different from what Yan Shixun had seen just moments ago, but relying on his excellent memory, he compared the length he had walked from the corner and some distinctive features of the courtyard. Eventually, he found the home where the bride’s family lived.

Standing amidst the tall wild grass, Yan Shixun looked up at the narrow and desolate courtyard.

The villagers wearing red clothing who had been celebrating inside and outside the courtyard had disappeared like bubbles. The sounds of laughter and play had drifted away, leaving only the rustling of leaves in the wind.

It was as if Yan Shixun had witnessed the decay of a family within a minute, going from lively and joyous one moment to desolation the next.

The rusty iron gate at the courtyard entrance had fallen due to severe corrosion and now leaned against the wall, unable to conceal the state of the courtyard. The brick walls, worn down by years of weathering, were at such a steep angle that it made one worry if they would collapse at any moment.

Rust-colored water had once flowed down the walls, leaving various marks of different lengths, resembling dried-up blood.

The yard, shrouded in shadows, had become overgrown with weeds. The uneven ground was pockmarked all over. At first glance, it looked like an abandoned burial mound that hadn’t been tended to in a long time, with tall grass covering the mound.

Yan Shixun reached out and pushed aside the weeds in front of him. As his Martin boots stepped onto the weathered steps, small chips of stone broke loose and fell onto his shoes, producing a faint sound.

Despite the overgrown weeds, a closer look revealed that the courtyard was scattered with furniture and household items. It appeared as though, after the homeowner’s absence, the property had been subjected to a thorough looting. Valuable items had been taken, leaving behind a mess of discarded belongings.

The houses were equally decrepit, covered in dust and spiderwebs, and inside, they were empty, with only rotting and moldy wood emitting an unpleasant damp odor.

The words of the middle-aged villager from earlier echoed in Yan Shixun’s ears.

According to the middle-aged villager, the desolation of this village road began with the family of Yang Laosan.

Yang Laosan first lost his wife and mother, and then his newlywed wife and son also died. Finally, even Yang Laosan himself died here. So the people in the village spread rumors that Yang Laosan was a sinful man who had angered the ancestors and the land spirits, and anyone who approached Yang Laosan’s family would meet a bad end. Consequently, those who lived nearby quickly moved away, building new houses in other places, and even the village children wouldn’t come near this area.

Since then, Yang Laosan’s family, along with all the nearby village houses, fell into disrepair.

This wasn’t the first time Yan Shixun had heard Yang Laosan’s name.

In the words of the mothers and daughters-in-law who were offering congratulations for the new bride, the family that married off their daughter was from Yang Laosan’s household. The eldest daughter eloped, the second daughter married a god, and Yang Laosan himself was about to marry a new wife to have a son.

They said that Yang Laosan’s second daughter was a blessed person, and they were afraid she would be lonely, so they sent her mother and grandmother to accompany her.

—Accompany her where?

Yan Shixun remembered what the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, had told him.

Yang Guang said that when he returned to his wife Yang Hua’s village alone, he discovered that Yang Hua’s grandmother, mother, and sister, the remaining three female members of the family, had all been taken away by the angry clan leader to be buried alive under the ancestral hall, under the pretext of appeasing the anger of the Land God and ancestors.

The eldest daughter had eloped.

—Yang Hua had escaped from the village with Yang Guang.

The second daughter had married a god.

—Yang Guang discovered that Yang Duo had been buried alive and died.

The three of them had atoned for their sins, and Yang Laosan was able to have a son.

—The three female members of Yang Hua’s family were all buried alive.

…Yang Laosan was Yang Hua’s father.

Jiang Yanran showed him what she had witnessed: the scene of Yang Duo’s wedding.

The villagers knew that Yang Duo was destined to be buried alive, yet they were still joyously celebrating, saying that it was a good match and praising Yang Duo for being lucky.

A chill spread from Yan Shixun’s back, reaching even his fingertips. His heart felt nearly frozen, plummeting straight downward.

Those villagers, who clearly knew Yang Duo’s fate, were coldly watching without attempting to help…

How could they congratulate Yang Duo, who was about to be buried alive? How could they smile?

Rage filled Yan Shixun’s heart, turning his sharp features icy and frosty. His palm clenched into a fist, knuckles white.

If he were still standing in that lively courtyard, if Yang Duo were standing in front of him, it was clear that he would have saved Yang Duo from those villagers.

However, at the same time, Yan Shixun was well aware that according to the claims of Yang Guang, the owner of the breakfast shop, and Yang Han, the second son of the village leader, Yang Duo had died decades ago.

Now, the dilapidated and abandoned courtyard before him, along with the middle-aged villager he had encountered, were the reality.

Were those things he had just seen…… the result of lingering memories left in the buildings and environment due to the resentful spirits, or were they related to Jiang Yiran?

Yan Shixun stood in the middle of the overgrown courtyard, his brows furrowed tightly. The sunlight that fell on him provided no warmth, leaving him feeling cold and uneasy.

All he had in his heart was anger and uncertainty.

Unaccustomed to checking his phone, Yan Shixun didn’t notice the barrage of comments from the viewers squatting in front of his livestream.

At first, when Yan Shixun entered the village, the viewers playfully commented on the village scenery, saying it was a way to experience local culture. However, as time went on, the viewers began to feel hesitant.

[Isn’t Brother Yan going up the mountain with the others? Well, it’s still interesting to check out the village. Initially, after those old villagers cursed at Bai Shuang, I even said we shouldn’t enter the village; these people seemed crazy. But if it’s Brother Yan, I feel reassured. Heh heh, if anyone dares to curse at our Brother Yan, they’ll probably end up apologizing on their knees after getting beaten up.]

[I’m dying of laughter, that kind of scene would never happen. Didn’t you notice that the people insulting Bai Shuang all have one thing in common, they’re bullies who are afraid of those stronger? As soon as they saw An Nanyuan and his group of tall guys, they backed down, thinking they could get away with it just because Bai Shuang is a slim and attractive girl. When that old man was scared off by Brother Yan earlier, I almost burst out laughing. It’s so true to life, haha.]

[The earlier analysis was spot on. You see, after Brother Yan entered the village, it was exactly as expected. The camera caught several guys avoiding Brother Yan, not daring to say a word. Sigh, they only dare to bully pretty young ladies. What kind of people are they?]

[Hmm… Why did Brother Yan suddenly stop behind the house? What did he see?]

[I zoomed in on every part of the scene, looked from every angle, and there’s nothing at all. I’m baffled, why did Brother Yan stop?]

[Daydreaming? Taking a break? Lost in thought?]

[……Half an hour has passed, and Brother Yan still hasn’t moved. What on earth is happening?]

[Doesn’t seem like he’s daydreaming. Look at Brother Yan’s expression; it’s so terrifying. My goodness, handsome guys can be this scary when they’re angry?]

[So, is he lost in thought? Because we can’t see the scenes in Brother Yan’s mind, that’s why it seems so sudden, right?]

[Half an hour, alright! Brother Yan finally made a move. It seems like he’s really thinking about something. Look, Brother Yan found a villager, and it seems like he’s asking about the history of these nearby houses.]

[…Isn’t this Yang Laosan quite tragic? His mother, wife, and even the second wife and son all died.]

[It’s so strange, why is Brother Yan looking at these dilapidated houses? This place gives me an uncomfortable feeling. My hands and feet are getting cold. No, I need to get into bed first.]

[Darn it! I’m most afraid of these abandoned places, especially when they’re overgrown with weeds. You can’t see anything clearly because they’re so tall. I always feel like there’s something hidden behind the walls and inside the houses, silently watching you. Maybe it’ll suddenly come out when you’re not paying attention.]

[I’m scared of these places too, but it’s because I think they’re perfect for dumping a body after a murder. Think about it, nobody comes here, so you could toss a corpse here, and nobody would find it. And you, unluckily walked in without knowing anything about this place. Even if there’s a body buried under those weeds, you wouldn’t even know if you stepped on it. Plus, isn’t it said that people with grudges can become ghosts after death? What if the owner of that corpse hasn’t left and turns into a ghost, silently watching you from the side, and you can’t see it…]

[Damn it! Shut up quickly! I rented this place because it was cheap, and next door is an abandoned apartment building. It’s because there were constant suicides in the apartment building before that the locals call it a haunted house. That’s why the apartment building was abandoned, and property prices in the area dropped, leading to many small houses with no occupants. When you put it this way, I suddenly feel so scared.]

[Whether you’re scared or not, I don’t know, but Brother Yan definitely isn’t afraid. Just look at Brother Yan’s expression; he seems really angry and looks like he wants to drag the ghost out and give it a beating… Some people live in haunted houses to save money and get scared, while others scare ghosts in abandoned houses. People are really different.]

[No, no, I need to take a break from watching Brother Yan’s screen. I feel so uneasy here. I prefer the pastoral scenery.]

With these words, many viewers responded, saying they needed a break as well.

As for the “pastoral scenery” participants, they didn’t dare to waste much time on the journey, but they also didn’t take the shortest straight line route through the village. 

After all, they didn’t want to repeat the incident where Bai Shuang was scolded by the villagers.

After contacting the director, the participants explained the situation they had encountered to Zhang Wubing. Since the director’s monitor screen for monitoring was not yet fixed, and Zhang Wubing was busy repairing the screen with the director’s team, he couldn’t see the participants’ individual screens and was unaware of what had just happened to them on the mountain.

It wasn’t until this moment that Zhang Wubing learned from the participants themselves about what had frightened them on the mountain.

Although the guests also mentioned that it might have been a trick of the eye, Zhang Wubing urged them to come back quickly and not stay outside after dark.

Because they had encountered a corpse on the mountain, and given Zhang Wubing’s many years of experience with supernatural occurrences, he had an instinctual fear of corpses. Even though everything seemed normal, he couldn’t help feeling a bit uneasy.

“It’s okay, Director. We just wanted to let you know that if we don’t go through the village, we’ll have to take a slightly longer route to reach Moon Creek. It might delay our arrival by a little while, in case you were worried.”

Considering the show’s effectiveness, the variety show celebrity didn’t immediately agree with Zhang Wubing but instead proposed a compromise after checking the time.

“It’s currently three o’clock. I just checked the weather app, and the sun sets at 5 o’clock today. We can reach Moon Creek by 3:30, which is less than 100 meters from the rural farmstay, and we can get there in just a few minutes. If we’re fishing, it will only take about an hour or so, and we’ll definitely return before sunset.”

The variety show celebrity smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Director. We won’t insist on catching fish if it’s not possible. If we can’t catch any, we’ll head back directly and won’t stay out too long.”

Zhang Wubing hesitated for a moment, thinking that what the variety show celebrity said made sense. Also, the other guests had their split screens on, and he didn’t want to appear too confrontational on camera.

So he nodded and cautioned, “Please be careful.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wubing and the members of the production team continued to watch the problematic camera feed with furrowed brows.

“This shouldn’t be happening.”

Among the production team members, a technician responsible for maintaining the valuable camera equipment was crouched in front of the equipment, holding tools in his hand. Parts were strewn around him, and in front of him, the camera that was supposed to show the surveillance footage displayed nothing but a blood-red screen.

“I initially thought it might be a burnt-out optical component or a short circuit in the wiring inside. But now, it seems like all these components are fine.”

The technician was puzzled and said, “Could it be an issue with the camera itself?”

“Please don’t say that.” The assistant director quickly responded, “Don’t make baseless claims. What if the camera was actually fine, but you said it was broken? Because the car can’t come in, we can’t bring the spare equipment with us. If it’s really broken, it will be troublesome, and we’ll have to climb the mountain to retrieve a replacement.”

The technician helplessly shrugged. “Because we didn’t have enough spare components and backup equipment with us, I can’t perform process of elimination right now to determine what’s causing the issue. I rarely encounter this kind of situation, and indeed, I’m at a loss.”

Another crew member also approached Zhang Wubing and said, “Director, there’s no base station near the Family Tomb Village, and our equipment is already on its last legs. However, the signal continues to weaken. When night falls and humidity rises while the temperature drops, it might interfere with the signal amplifier. By then, the live broadcast is very likely to be affected.”

The assistant director standing nearby sighed and said, “After all, Family Tomb Village doesn’t even have a proper road. How could it have anything else?”

Zhang Wubing was feeling so frustrated that he almost wanted to pull out his hair.

He had never realized the importance of his father’s secretaries and assistants like he did now. In the past, due to his health issues, everyone in his family treated him like fragile porcelain. All the major and minor affairs of daily life were handled by the family’s secretaries and assistants, so he didn’t need to worry about them.

But things were different now.

As the director and the person primarily responsible for this live broadcast program, he had to ensure the safety of everyone in the production team and coordinate various matters both inside and outside the team. Because he was taking on this role for the first time, many things were a learning process, and he didn’t have the experience to rely on.

So when everyone looked to him, expecting him to make decisions and solve problems, he felt completely overwhelmed.

Actually, before the production team set off for the program, they considered that the show would mainly be recorded in scenic locations, and the beauty of nature also meant lower development, which meant that many common amenities in cities wouldn’t be readily available. So, the production team had tried their best to prepare for everything they might need, such as signal amplifiers and backup equipment, to ensure they wouldn’t be lacking.

However, they didn’t anticipate that due to the geographical location of  Family Tomb Village, it was several degrees cooler here than in other places, entering into an early autumn-like temperature. Although this was the reason Zhang Wubing chose Family Tomb Village. But as it was his first time directing, he overlooked another issue.

Low temperatures meant a significant impact on the machinery and equipment.

After all, photography and other equipment, while valuable, also had strict environmental requirements for storage, and low temperatures could cause some equipment to malfunction.

This ultimately led to the current situation.

But “Heart-Pounding Journey of Ninety-Nine Days” was a live variety show, and if they couldn’t go live, it meant the program would face the most severe setback with no other remedies.

As someone who had just stepped out of his comfort zone and was doing something independently for the first time, Zhang Wubing instinctively wanted to seek help from someone he trusted and relied on.

When Yan Shixun answered the phone, he heard Zhang Wubing burst into tears on the other end.

“Brother Yan!! Where are you? My equipment is malfunctioning, and the plan is falling apart. An Nanyuan and the others said they were scared on the mountain, but when I designed the script for the program, I never thought they’d encounter something terrifying up there. What do I do? Wuuu…”

Yan Shixun furrowed his brow as he tried his best to patiently listen to Zhang Wubing’s incessant complaints. He explained various issues with the equipment and the reasons why they couldn’t be repaired. Finally, he cried and asked him what they should do.

Yan Shixun forced a smile, “Are you serious? You’re asking someone who stands opposed to science how to solve problems within the realm of science? Do you think I can repair equipment right now? :)”

Zhang Wubing sniffed and, looking rather foolish, realized, “Oh, right.”

Yan Shixun raised his hand to check the time; it was nearly four o’clock.

Based on celestial observations, the sun should set around five o’clock today.

The sight of Jiang Yanran just now, which seemed like a reenactment of Yang Duo’s wedding scene from decades ago, had put Yan Shixun on high alert regarding the Family Tomb Village.

Jiang Yanran repeatedly mentioned that he should not leave his room after nightfall, including the parting words that he should leave Family Tomb Village and never look back. Yan Shixun keenly realized that something might happen in Family Tomb Village after dark.

However, this morning, while crossing the Moon Mountain, due to the habit developed from years of traveling with danger, he subconsciously noted the time it took to cross the mountain, which was approximately one and a half hours. To reach the boundary of Family Tomb Village from the rural farmstay would take over two hours.

Even if he increased his speed, the entire process would still take about two hours.

In this case, he’s afraid they won’t be able to leave the Family Tomb Village completely before the sun sets and enter Jia Village.

Especially considering the distance, at dusk, they will be exactly on the Moon Mountain.

At a moment when the yang energy is weak and the yin energy is rising, it is precisely when ghosts and monsters are most active. Moon Mountain happens to gather a large amount of yin energy, similar to its name.

For an environment that has already sensed the presence of ghosts and monsters, this moment and location are almost deadly.

Yan Shixun quickly calculated in his mind.

The entire production team consists of dozens of people, but among them, if there is indeed danger, only he and Lu Xingxing can confront the ghosts and monsters.

At most, he can add Ye Li.

—But he couldn’t trust Ye Li.

Although Ye Li had behaved exceptionally on the way and possessed the strength of a sect founder, he still didn’t know Ye Li’s true situation and couldn’t trust him with his back.

Even if there was a real danger that required his intervention, he couldn’t trust Ye Li to protect the production team.

If Ye Li did indeed have hidden malice, then leaving the production team in Ye Li’s care would be like sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

But as soon as Lu Xingxing’s name came to mind, Yan Shixun coldly passed him over.

Forgive his bluntness, but Lu Xingxing leans more towards theory and academia. His real experiences in ghost hunting and exorcism may not be as extensive as the first year he spent traveling with his master.

If he were to consider Lu Xingxing as his companion and entrust him with trust, it might end up with him facing danger alone.

Yan Shixun was used to going it alone, so his choice of companions was naturally more cautious.

But in doing so, his plan to leave the Family Tomb Village today with the entire production team would be impossible to carry out.

Furthermore, Yan Shixun remembered a line from the song Jiang Yanran was humming: “The sun sets, the moon rises, it’s time for the twilight ritual.”

And Jiang Yanran also mentioned that the older women in the courtyard were preparing for the arrival of a new bride.

This meant that if something were to happen, it would likely occur at twilight.

—So none of the members of the production team should be out in the wilderness at dusk.

Jiang Yanran had mentioned several times for Yan Shixun to stay inside and not leave when he heard strange sounds. He had noticed that when she said this, her eyes were bright and without malice. What Jiang Yanran said was most likely true.

—Don’t go out, stay in the rural farmstay, and you’ll be safe.

Jiang Yanran’s message was crystal clear.

Yan Shixun furrowed his brow, his gaze unconsciously falling on his wristwatch as he rapidly contemplated.

“Brother Yan?” Zhang Wubing found it strange that there was no sound on the other end of the phone and couldn’t help but say, “Hello? Hello?” several times. “Strange, is the signal bad or something?”

Yan Shixun was pulled out of his contemplation by Zhang Wubing’s voice.

His eyes grew serious, and he made a decisive decision.

“Xiao Bingg, tell all the staff to pack their bags before going to bed tonight, leaving only essential items outside. Tomorrow morning, we will leave Family Tomb Village immediately.”

Yan Shixun’s magnetic voice carried a sense of seriousness that made Zhang Wubing, who trusted Yan Shixun unconditionally, realize the gravity of the situation.

“What’s wrong, Brother Yan? Is it because of the corpse we saw on the mountain just now?” Zhang Wubing lowered his voice, cautiously asking, “Could there be… something?”

His voice was so low that he didn’t even dare to say the word “ghost,” fearing that if he mentioned it, the supposed entity might come for him.

Yan Shixun didn’t have time to explain to Zhang Wubing. He simply summarized his encounter with scenes that didn’t belong to reality and then implied, “You mentioned this morning that you had a nightmare. What was it about?”

Prompted by Yan Shixun’s reminder, Zhang Wubing blinked his eyes and recalled the terrifying nightmare he had almost been scared to death by the whole night: “………”


Zhang Wubing: “!!!”

Sitting in the courtyard of the rural farmstay, Zhang Wubing was on the edge of jumping up. 

Even though the afternoon sun was still warm, he felt a cold sweat breaking out on his back.

“B-Brother Yan, are you saying that those…” Zhang Wubing was so scared that he stumbled over his words, struggling to express what he wanted to say.

Yan Shixun responded with a simple “Hmm” as an answer, adding, “I’m on my way back from the village now, I’ll be there in about ten minutes. We can discuss the details when I arrive.”

“Are An Nanyuan and the others fishing in Moon Creek? That’s right outside the rural farmstay. Go get them and buy some chicken, duck, and eggs from the rural farmstay for dinner.”

Zhang Wubing didn’t dare to delay. After stammering “Okay, okay” several times, he hung up the phone and immediately led his crew out of the rural farmstay’s courtyard, heading towards Moon Creek.

From a distance, he saw the guests standing in the creek, rolling up their pants and catching fish, about tens of meters away.

The water in the creek was chilly in the autumn, sending a bone-chilling sensation through their bodies.

Because Bai Shuang was wearing all white and getting her clothes wet wouldn’t be ideal, especially for a girl in cold water, the other guests didn’t let her get into the water. They asked her to stand by the creek and watch.

Bai Shuang felt a bit embarrassed but more touched by their consideration. 

So, she volunteered, saying, “You can throw the fish you catch into my basket. When we were picking chestnuts and firewood on the mountain, you didn’t make me carry anything. My basket is empty and perfect for carrying the fish.”

The guests who were well-versed in the entertainment industry, being savvy people, understood Bai Shuang’s intention. They knew that refusing her at this moment would only make her feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, except for the variety show celebrity and the male celebrity, the others were all catching fish for the first time. Their fishing skills were quite poor. They didn’t even know if they could catch anything, and even if they did, the fish wouldn’t be too heavy.

So, the guests kindly smiled and agreed to Bai Shuang’s proposal.

The variety show celebrity had been working in the entertainment industry for years, and he had no idol image to uphold. He took off their shoes, rolled up his pants, and were the first to step into Moon Creek.

“When I was a kid in the village, I used to catch fish with my friends. I could catch over a dozen fish in one go back then. It was enough to add an extra meal to our family’s dinner, and my friends were all so impressed.”

The variety show celebrity proudly said. “You can look forward to having fish for dinner tonight. How do you want to prepare it? Steamed or braised?”

The male celebrity was also influenced by the harmonious atmosphere among the guests and decided to drop his idol image. He followed everyone down Moon Creek. Except for the delicate Song Ci, the other male guests gradually joined in the fun and entered the water.

“Hey, brother, don’t brag too much. You’ve been in the industry for so many years. Do you still remember how to catch fish like when you were a kid? If your skills are rusty, and you don’t catch a single fish, we’ll all make fun of you,” the male celebrity teased.

“Hey, you little rascal!” the variety show celebrity blushed with anger and immediately splashed water at the male celebrity, who quickly dodged.

Their playful banter added to the entertainment factor, making both the other guests and the audience burst into laughter. The tension that had built up on the mountain due to the earlier scare gradually eased.

However, the male celebrity’s words hit the mark. The variety show celebrity had bent over to scoop up half a fish but had strained his back and ended up not catching a single fish. In contrast, the male celebrity had caught several fish and handed them to Bai Shuang on the shore.

Although the fish were not very large, they were the only catch among the guests. 

The other guests were surprised that they had actually caught something and admired the male celebrity.

The audience also applauded, impressed that the dazzling male celebrity, who usually shone in a different spotlight, had this skill up his sleeve.

“What’s going on, did I really forget completely?” The variety show celebrity looked a bit anxious, muttering to himself as he reached out more vigorously underwater to try to catch the small fish swimming by.

But the fish was incredibly slippery. With a “swoosh,” it slipped out of his hand, eluding his grasp despite his efforts. Due to inertia and failing to stop himself, his palm pressed straight into the bottom of the Moon River.

Something hard and sharp caused a sharp pain in the variety show celebrity’s palm.

He couldn’t help but let out a hiss and quickly raised his hand, only to see that his palm had been cut, and blood was slowly oozing out.

Drops of blood fell into the Moon River.

The variety show celebrity lowered his head to take a look and kicked it with his foot. He could barely make out that what had pierced his palm seemed to be a piece of bright white, slender, and had knots at both ends.

It looked like the bone of some kind of animal.

The other guests, seeing the variety show celebrity holding his injured hand, also hurried over to inquire.

Although the variety show celebrity pretended not to care, saying that he had been tough since childhood and had had many injuries, this small cut wasn’t a big deal.

But Zhao Zhen disagreed, pushing the variety show celebrity to the shore seriously, “Don’t tell me it’s infected with bacteria, you should go back and take care of it.”

The other guests nodded in agreement, “Anyway, we’ve already caught several fish. That’s pretty impressive. Let’s go back, tend to the injury, and take a hot bath.”

“Yeah, let’s go, brother. This river water is really cold.”

At that moment, Zhang Wubing, along with the crew, approached and called them to return.

So, the variety show celebrity went ashore along with the others, heading back together.

However, as he walked, he tried to salvage his image, saying, “This little injury is really nothing.”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

The others couldn’t help but laugh, treating him like a child.

But just as they were about to step through the gate of the rural farmstay, the variety show celebrity subconsciously turned his head and looked back at the stream where they had just been.

That bone, it looked somewhat like the femur bone he had seen in medical anatomical models on television…

He quickly shook his head, dismissing his absurd thoughts, and with a smile, he entered the gate along with the others.

The stream, which had been filled with laughter just moments ago, returned to its quiet state.

Inside the rural farmstay’s courtyard, the sounds of the guests’ laughter and teasing could be heard.

Those sounds, in the deathly silence outside the courtyard, seemed particularly jarring.

As the sun moved westward, the shadows cast by the surrounding mountains gradually expanded, enveloping Moon Creek.

The once quiet and oppressive creek suddenly emitted a faint sound.

Something emerged from the water, breaking the surface and creating ripples.

First came a damaged and incomplete skull, followed by eye sockets that had lost their eyeballs, and a jawbone with teeth…

The skeletal remains, devoid of flesh and blood, quietly rose above the water. The hollow eye sockets turned toward the source of laughter, silently staring at the brightly lit rural farmstay, which seemed even more pronounced in the growing dusk.

The bright light stood out prominently in the dimness.

It was like a target, beckoning to a hunter—

The prey is here.

Following that, a series of subtle splashes echoed.

One skeleton after another appeared on the water’s surface, gazing at the rural farmstay with their pitch-black eye sockets.

The Moon Creek’s surface had been disturbed by the ripples, concealing the creek’s bottom…


Due to concerns for Zhang Wubing, who was still at the rural farmstay, Yan Shixun, rather than taking the same route as before, cut through the middle of the village and hurried back to the rural farmstay as quickly as possible.

As Yan Shixun turned a corner, he suddenly heard the laughter of girls coming from ahead.

Their laughter was like the tinkling of silver bells, standing out so vividly in the otherwise quiet and subdued Family Tomb Village.

The sound grew closer, but it seemed to be viewed through frosted glass, carrying a sense of unreality.

A group of girls in beautiful red dresses suddenly entered Yan Shixun’s view.

Their faces were lit up with smiles, and they walked with skips and hops.

Never letting their heels touch the ground.

These girls carried the liveliness and innocence unique to thirteen or fourteen-year-olds. The red skirts fluttered like butterflies dancing in the air.

They clapped their hands but seemed not to notice Yan Shixun as they joyfully bounded past him, singing strange and rhythmic tunes.

“The bride, so beautiful, married a man, then married a god, and after that, she’s paired with ghosts. She has countless husbands; it’s truly strange to see.”

“The bride, why are you crying, crying until your tears turn into blood. You cried all the way to anger the spirits and gods. Their anger turns your blood into a plain. From then on, you won’t cry anymore.”

“Why are you crying? Aren’t you as beautiful as a flower?”

“Don’t cry anymore; how can you get married with tears ruining your makeup?”

“Your husband is waiting for you, you know.”

“Your childhood sweetheart won’t come to take you away…”

The girls ran toward Yan Shixun with cheerful smiles, leaving him with a happy glimpse of their backs.

Yan Shixun stopped in his tracks, suddenly recalling why these girls seemed so familiar to him.

—It was at noon when Jiang Yanran who was picking the flower was called away; these were the same girls.

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 89

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 20

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The sunlight shone from behind, stretching Yan Shixun's shadow long on the ground, like a distorted ghostly figure crawling and wriggling on the surface. The land undulated beneath the shadow, white bones extended and retracted, everything seemed like an illusion.

Wild grass had grown wildly, concealing all traces of the past.

This narrow path between two rows of houses was completely covered by the buildings ahead, plunging it into darkness. In the depths of the wild grass, the view was obscured, with only scattered stones and chaos on the ground visible.

Yan Shixun stood between the sunlight and shadow, as if straddling the boundary between light and darkness.

He lowered his gaze to the weeds that extended from his feet into the depths of the shadow and then took a step forward without hesitation or panic, calmly walking along this long-abandoned road.

The path had not been traversed by anyone in a long time, and the once-packed earth had become soft, uneven due to the overgrown weeds.

As soon as Yan Shixun stepped onto it, he felt a void beneath his feet, with his boots sinking partially into the mud.

Fortunately, Yan Shixun remained vigilant, so he quickly reacted and stabilized his footing.

He remembered it vividly. When he saw the villagers gathered at the entrance of the courtyard, he also casually took note of the appearance of the houses on both sides of the village road. The back walls of the row of houses in front were covered in moss and, although severely damaged, the gray bricks remained whitish even in their broken state.

But now, the wall beside him was black and red.

It resembled blood splattered on the wall, dried and oxidized, with every brick seam nearly black with rust, and faint bloodstain prints near the top, as if someone with blood-soaked hands had left them in a panic while running away.

As Yan Shixun's clothing brushed against the wild grass over a meter high, it produced a faint "swoosh... swoosh..." sound, becoming the only sound in this dead silent space.

The middle-aged villager hadn't lied; it indeed seemed like this place had been abandoned for a long time. The houses on both sides of the narrow path were in disrepair, some covered in cracks, and it was uncertain when one of them might collapse entirely after the next heavy rain.

The surroundings were completely different from what Yan Shixun had seen just moments ago, but relying on his excellent memory, he compared the length he had walked from the corner and some distinctive features of the courtyard. Eventually, he found the home where the bride's family lived.

Standing amidst the tall wild grass, Yan Shixun looked up at the narrow and desolate courtyard.

The villagers wearing red clothing who had been celebrating inside and outside the courtyard had disappeared like bubbles. The sounds of laughter and play had drifted away, leaving only the rustling of leaves in the wind.

It was as if Yan Shixun had witnessed the decay of a family within a minute, going from lively and joyous one moment to desolation the next.

The rusty iron gate at the courtyard entrance had fallen due to severe corrosion and now leaned against the wall, unable to conceal the state of the courtyard. The brick walls, worn down by years of weathering, were at such a steep angle that it made one worry if they would collapse at any moment.

Rust-colored water had once flowed down the walls, leaving various marks of different lengths, resembling dried-up blood.

The yard, shrouded in shadows, had become overgrown with weeds. The uneven ground was pockmarked all over. At first glance, it looked like an abandoned burial mound that hadn't been tended to in a long time, with tall grass covering the mound.

Yan Shixun reached out and pushed aside the weeds in front of him. As his Martin boots stepped onto the weathered steps, small chips of stone broke loose and fell onto his shoes, producing a faint sound.

Despite the overgrown weeds, a closer look revealed that the courtyard was scattered with furniture and household items. It appeared as though, after the homeowner's absence, the property had been subjected to a thorough looting. Valuable items had been taken, leaving behind a mess of discarded belongings.

The houses were equally decrepit, covered in dust and spiderwebs, and inside, they were empty, with only rotting and moldy wood emitting an unpleasant damp odor.

The words of the middle-aged villager from earlier echoed in Yan Shixun's ears.

According to the middle-aged villager, the desolation of this village road began with the family of Yang Laosan.

Yang Laosan first lost his wife and mother, and then his newlywed wife and son also died. Finally, even Yang Laosan himself died here. So the people in the village spread rumors that Yang Laosan was a sinful man who had angered the ancestors and the land spirits, and anyone who approached Yang Laosan's family would meet a bad end. Consequently, those who lived nearby quickly moved away, building new houses in other places, and even the village children wouldn't come near this area.

Since then, Yang Laosan's family, along with all the nearby village houses, fell into disrepair.

This wasn't the first time Yan Shixun had heard Yang Laosan's name.

In the words of the mothers and daughters-in-law who were offering congratulations for the new bride, the family that married off their daughter was from Yang Laosan's household. The eldest daughter eloped, the second daughter married a god, and Yang Laosan himself was about to marry a new wife to have a son.

They said that Yang Laosan's second daughter was a blessed person, and they were afraid she would be lonely, so they sent her mother and grandmother to accompany her.

—Accompany her where?

Yan Shixun remembered what the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, had told him.

Yang Guang said that when he returned to his wife Yang Hua's village alone, he discovered that Yang Hua's grandmother, mother, and sister, the remaining three female members of the family, had all been taken away by the angry clan leader to be buried alive under the ancestral hall, under the pretext of appeasing the anger of the Land God and ancestors.

The eldest daughter had eloped.

—Yang Hua had escaped from the village with Yang Guang.

The second daughter had married a god.

—Yang Guang discovered that Yang Duo had been buried alive and died.

The three of them had atoned for their sins, and Yang Laosan was able to have a son.

—The three female members of Yang Hua's family were all buried alive.

...Yang Laosan was Yang Hua's father.

Jiang Yanran showed him what she had witnessed: the scene of Yang Duo's wedding.

The villagers knew that Yang Duo was destined to be buried alive, yet they were still joyously celebrating, saying that it was a good match and praising Yang Duo for being lucky.

A chill spread from Yan Shixun's back, reaching even his fingertips. His heart felt nearly frozen, plummeting straight downward.

Those villagers, who clearly knew Yang Duo's fate, were coldly watching without attempting to help...

How could they congratulate Yang Duo, who was about to be buried alive? How could they smile?

Rage filled Yan Shixun's heart, turning his sharp features icy and frosty. His palm clenched into a fist, knuckles white.

If he were still standing in that lively courtyard, if Yang Duo were standing in front of him, it was clear that he would have saved Yang Duo from those villagers.

However, at the same time, Yan Shixun was well aware that according to the claims of Yang Guang, the owner of the breakfast shop, and Yang Han, the second son of the village leader, Yang Duo had died decades ago.

Now, the dilapidated and abandoned courtyard before him, along with the middle-aged villager he had encountered, were the reality.

Were those things he had just seen...... the result of lingering memories left in the buildings and environment due to the resentful spirits, or were they related to Jiang Yiran?

Yan Shixun stood in the middle of the overgrown courtyard, his brows furrowed tightly. The sunlight that fell on him provided no warmth, leaving him feeling cold and uneasy.

All he had in his heart was anger and uncertainty.

Unaccustomed to checking his phone, Yan Shixun didn't notice the barrage of comments from the viewers squatting in front of his livestream.

At first, when Yan Shixun entered the village, the viewers playfully commented on the village scenery, saying it was a way to experience local culture. However, as time went on, the viewers began to feel hesitant.

[Isn't Brother Yan going up the mountain with the others? Well, it's still interesting to check out the village. Initially, after those old villagers cursed at Bai Shuang, I even said we shouldn't enter the village; these people seemed crazy. But if it's Brother Yan, I feel reassured. Heh heh, if anyone dares to curse at our Brother Yan, they'll probably end up apologizing on their knees after getting beaten up.]

[I'm dying of laughter, that kind of scene would never happen. Didn't you notice that the people insulting Bai Shuang all have one thing in common, they're bullies who are afraid of those stronger? As soon as they saw An Nanyuan and his group of tall guys, they backed down, thinking they could get away with it just because Bai Shuang is a slim and attractive girl. When that old man was scared off by Brother Yan earlier, I almost burst out laughing. It's so true to life, haha.]

[The earlier analysis was spot on. You see, after Brother Yan entered the village, it was exactly as expected. The camera caught several guys avoiding Brother Yan, not daring to say a word. Sigh, they only dare to bully pretty young ladies. What kind of people are they?]

[Hmm... Why did Brother Yan suddenly stop behind the house? What did he see?]

[I zoomed in on every part of the scene, looked from every angle, and there's nothing at all. I'm baffled, why did Brother Yan stop?]

[Daydreaming? Taking a break? Lost in thought?]

[......Half an hour has passed, and Brother Yan still hasn't moved. What on earth is happening?]

[Doesn't seem like he's daydreaming. Look at Brother Yan's expression; it's so terrifying. My goodness, handsome guys can be this scary when they're angry?]

[So, is he lost in thought? Because we can't see the scenes in Brother Yan's mind, that's why it seems so sudden, right?]

[Half an hour, alright! Brother Yan finally made a move. It seems like he's really thinking about something. Look, Brother Yan found a villager, and it seems like he's asking about the history of these nearby houses.]

[...Isn't this Yang Laosan quite tragic? His mother, wife, and even the second wife and son all died.]

[It's so strange, why is Brother Yan looking at these dilapidated houses? This place gives me an uncomfortable feeling. My hands and feet are getting cold. No, I need to get into bed first.]

[Darn it! I'm most afraid of these abandoned places, especially when they're overgrown with weeds. You can't see anything clearly because they're so tall. I always feel like there's something hidden behind the walls and inside the houses, silently watching you. Maybe it'll suddenly come out when you're not paying attention.]

[I'm scared of these places too, but it's because I think they're perfect for dumping a body after a murder. Think about it, nobody comes here, so you could toss a corpse here, and nobody would find it. And you, unluckily walked in without knowing anything about this place. Even if there's a body buried under those weeds, you wouldn't even know if you stepped on it. Plus, isn't it said that people with grudges can become ghosts after death? What if the owner of that corpse hasn't left and turns into a ghost, silently watching you from the side, and you can't see it...]

[Damn it! Shut up quickly! I rented this place because it was cheap, and next door is an abandoned apartment building. It's because there were constant suicides in the apartment building before that the locals call it a haunted house. That's why the apartment building was abandoned, and property prices in the area dropped, leading to many small houses with no occupants. When you put it this way, I suddenly feel so scared.]

[Whether you're scared or not, I don't know, but Brother Yan definitely isn't afraid. Just look at Brother Yan's expression; he seems really angry and looks like he wants to drag the ghost out and give it a beating... Some people live in haunted houses to save money and get scared, while others scare ghosts in abandoned houses. People are really different.]

[No, no, I need to take a break from watching Brother Yan's screen. I feel so uneasy here. I prefer the pastoral scenery.]

With these words, many viewers responded, saying they needed a break as well.

As for the "pastoral scenery" participants, they didn't dare to waste much time on the journey, but they also didn't take the shortest straight line route through the village. 

After all, they didn't want to repeat the incident where Bai Shuang was scolded by the villagers.

After contacting the director, the participants explained the situation they had encountered to Zhang Wubing. Since the director's monitor screen for monitoring was not yet fixed, and Zhang Wubing was busy repairing the screen with the director's team, he couldn't see the participants' individual screens and was unaware of what had just happened to them on the mountain.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Wubing learned from the participants themselves about what had frightened them on the mountain.

Although the guests also mentioned that it might have been a trick of the eye, Zhang Wubing urged them to come back quickly and not stay outside after dark.

Because they had encountered a corpse on the mountain, and given Zhang Wubing's many years of experience with supernatural occurrences, he had an instinctual fear of corpses. Even though everything seemed normal, he couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy.

"It's okay, Director. We just wanted to let you know that if we don't go through the village, we'll have to take a slightly longer route to reach Moon Creek. It might delay our arrival by a little while, in case you were worried."

Considering the show's effectiveness, the variety show celebrity didn't immediately agree with Zhang Wubing but instead proposed a compromise after checking the time.

"It's currently three o'clock. I just checked the weather app, and the sun sets at 5 o'clock today. We can reach Moon Creek by 3:30, which is less than 100 meters from the rural farmstay, and we can get there in just a few minutes. If we're fishing, it will only take about an hour or so, and we'll definitely return before sunset."

The variety show celebrity smiled and said, "Don't worry, Director. We won't insist on catching fish if it's not possible. If we can't catch any, we'll head back directly and won't stay out too long."

Zhang Wubing hesitated for a moment, thinking that what the variety show celebrity said made sense. Also, the other guests had their split screens on, and he didn't want to appear too confrontational on camera.

So he nodded and cautioned, "Please be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wubing and the members of the production team continued to watch the problematic camera feed with furrowed brows.

"This shouldn't be happening."

Among the production team members, a technician responsible for maintaining the valuable camera equipment was crouched in front of the equipment, holding tools in his hand. Parts were strewn around him, and in front of him, the camera that was supposed to show the surveillance footage displayed nothing but a blood-red screen.

"I initially thought it might be a burnt-out optical component or a short circuit in the wiring inside. But now, it seems like all these components are fine."

The technician was puzzled and said, "Could it be an issue with the camera itself?"

"Please don't say that." The assistant director quickly responded, "Don't make baseless claims. What if the camera was actually fine, but you said it was broken? Because the car can't come in, we can't bring the spare equipment with us. If it's really broken, it will be troublesome, and we'll have to climb the mountain to retrieve a replacement."

The technician helplessly shrugged. "Because we didn't have enough spare components and backup equipment with us, I can't perform process of elimination right now to determine what's causing the issue. I rarely encounter this kind of situation, and indeed, I'm at a loss."

Another crew member also approached Zhang Wubing and said, "Director, there's no base station near the Family Tomb Village, and our equipment is already on its last legs. However, the signal continues to weaken. When night falls and humidity rises while the temperature drops, it might interfere with the signal amplifier. By then, the live broadcast is very likely to be affected."

The assistant director standing nearby sighed and said, "After all, Family Tomb Village doesn't even have a proper road. How could it have anything else?"

Zhang Wubing was feeling so frustrated that he almost wanted to pull out his hair.

He had never realized the importance of his father's secretaries and assistants like he did now. In the past, due to his health issues, everyone in his family treated him like fragile porcelain. All the major and minor affairs of daily life were handled by the family's secretaries and assistants, so he didn't need to worry about them.

But things were different now.

As the director and the person primarily responsible for this live broadcast program, he had to ensure the safety of everyone in the production team and coordinate various matters both inside and outside the team. Because he was taking on this role for the first time, many things were a learning process, and he didn't have the experience to rely on.

So when everyone looked to him, expecting him to make decisions and solve problems, he felt completely overwhelmed.

Actually, before the production team set off for the program, they considered that the show would mainly be recorded in scenic locations, and the beauty of nature also meant lower development, which meant that many common amenities in cities wouldn't be readily available. So, the production team had tried their best to prepare for everything they might need, such as signal amplifiers and backup equipment, to ensure they wouldn't be lacking.

However, they didn't anticipate that due to the geographical location of  Family Tomb Village, it was several degrees cooler here than in other places, entering into an early autumn-like temperature. Although this was the reason Zhang Wubing chose Family Tomb Village. But as it was his first time directing, he overlooked another issue.

Low temperatures meant a significant impact on the machinery and equipment.

After all, photography and other equipment, while valuable, also had strict environmental requirements for storage, and low temperatures could cause some equipment to malfunction.

This ultimately led to the current situation.

But "Heart-Pounding Journey of Ninety-Nine Days" was a live variety show, and if they couldn't go live, it meant the program would face the most severe setback with no other remedies.

As someone who had just stepped out of his comfort zone and was doing something independently for the first time, Zhang Wubing instinctively wanted to seek help from someone he trusted and relied on.

When Yan Shixun answered the phone, he heard Zhang Wubing burst into tears on the other end.

“Brother Yan!! Where are you? My equipment is malfunctioning, and the plan is falling apart. An Nanyuan and the others said they were scared on the mountain, but when I designed the script for the program, I never thought they'd encounter something terrifying up there. What do I do? Wuuu..."

Yan Shixun furrowed his brow as he tried his best to patiently listen to Zhang Wubing's incessant complaints. He explained various issues with the equipment and the reasons why they couldn't be repaired. Finally, he cried and asked him what they should do.

Yan Shixun forced a smile, "Are you serious? You're asking someone who stands opposed to science how to solve problems within the realm of science? Do you think I can repair equipment right now? :)"

Zhang Wubing sniffed and, looking rather foolish, realized, "Oh, right."

Yan Shixun raised his hand to check the time; it was nearly four o'clock.

Based on celestial observations, the sun should set around five o'clock today.

The sight of Jiang Yanran just now, which seemed like a reenactment of Yang Duo's wedding scene from decades ago, had put Yan Shixun on high alert regarding the Family Tomb Village.

Jiang Yanran repeatedly mentioned that he should not leave his room after nightfall, including the parting words that he should leave Family Tomb Village and never look back. Yan Shixun keenly realized that something might happen in Family Tomb Village after dark.

However, this morning, while crossing the Moon Mountain, due to the habit developed from years of traveling with danger, he subconsciously noted the time it took to cross the mountain, which was approximately one and a half hours. To reach the boundary of Family Tomb Village from the rural farmstay would take over two hours.

Even if he increased his speed, the entire process would still take about two hours.

In this case, he’s afraid they won't be able to leave the Family Tomb Village completely before the sun sets and enter Jia Village.

Especially considering the distance, at dusk, they will be exactly on the Moon Mountain.

At a moment when the yang energy is weak and the yin energy is rising, it is precisely when ghosts and monsters are most active. Moon Mountain happens to gather a large amount of yin energy, similar to its name.

For an environment that has already sensed the presence of ghosts and monsters, this moment and location are almost deadly.

Yan Shixun quickly calculated in his mind.

The entire production team consists of dozens of people, but among them, if there is indeed danger, only he and Lu Xingxing can confront the ghosts and monsters.

At most, he can add Ye Li.

—But he couldn't trust Ye Li.

Although Ye Li had behaved exceptionally on the way and possessed the strength of a sect founder, he still didn't know Ye Li's true situation and couldn't trust him with his back.

Even if there was a real danger that required his intervention, he couldn't trust Ye Li to protect the production team.

If Ye Li did indeed have hidden malice, then leaving the production team in Ye Li's care would be like sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

But as soon as Lu Xingxing's name came to mind, Yan Shixun coldly passed him over.

Forgive his bluntness, but Lu Xingxing leans more towards theory and academia. His real experiences in ghost hunting and exorcism may not be as extensive as the first year he spent traveling with his master.

If he were to consider Lu Xingxing as his companion and entrust him with trust, it might end up with him facing danger alone.

Yan Shixun was used to going it alone, so his choice of companions was naturally more cautious.

But in doing so, his plan to leave the Family Tomb Village today with the entire production team would be impossible to carry out.

Furthermore, Yan Shixun remembered a line from the song Jiang Yanran was humming: "The sun sets, the moon rises, it's time for the twilight ritual."

And Jiang Yanran also mentioned that the older women in the courtyard were preparing for the arrival of a new bride.

This meant that if something were to happen, it would likely occur at twilight.

—So none of the members of the production team should be out in the wilderness at dusk.

Jiang Yanran had mentioned several times for Yan Shixun to stay inside and not leave when he heard strange sounds. He had noticed that when she said this, her eyes were bright and without malice. What Jiang Yanran said was most likely true.

—Don't go out, stay in the rural farmstay, and you'll be safe.

Jiang Yanran's message was crystal clear.

Yan Shixun furrowed his brow, his gaze unconsciously falling on his wristwatch as he rapidly contemplated.

“Brother Yan?” Zhang Wubing found it strange that there was no sound on the other end of the phone and couldn't help but say, "Hello? Hello?" several times. "Strange, is the signal bad or something?"

Yan Shixun was pulled out of his contemplation by Zhang Wubing's voice.

His eyes grew serious, and he made a decisive decision.

"Xiao Bingg, tell all the staff to pack their bags before going to bed tonight, leaving only essential items outside. Tomorrow morning, we will leave Family Tomb Village immediately."

Yan Shixun's magnetic voice carried a sense of seriousness that made Zhang Wubing, who trusted Yan Shixun unconditionally, realize the gravity of the situation.

"What's wrong, Brother Yan? Is it because of the corpse we saw on the mountain just now?" Zhang Wubing lowered his voice, cautiously asking, "Could there be... something?"

His voice was so low that he didn't even dare to say the word "ghost," fearing that if he mentioned it, the supposed entity might come for him.

Yan Shixun didn't have time to explain to Zhang Wubing. He simply summarized his encounter with scenes that didn't belong to reality and then implied, "You mentioned this morning that you had a nightmare. What was it about?"

Prompted by Yan Shixun's reminder, Zhang Wubing blinked his eyes and recalled the terrifying nightmare he had almost been scared to death by the whole night: “………”


Zhang Wubing: "!!!"

Sitting in the courtyard of the rural farmstay, Zhang Wubing was on the edge of jumping up. 

Even though the afternoon sun was still warm, he felt a cold sweat breaking out on his back.

“B-Brother Yan, are you saying that those..." Zhang Wubing was so scared that he stumbled over his words, struggling to express what he wanted to say.

Yan Shixun responded with a simple "Hmm" as an answer, adding, "I'm on my way back from the village now, I'll be there in about ten minutes. We can discuss the details when I arrive."

"Are An Nanyuan and the others fishing in Moon Creek? That's right outside the rural farmstay. Go get them and buy some chicken, duck, and eggs from the rural farmstay for dinner."

Zhang Wubing didn't dare to delay. After stammering "Okay, okay" several times, he hung up the phone and immediately led his crew out of the rural farmstay's courtyard, heading towards Moon Creek.

From a distance, he saw the guests standing in the creek, rolling up their pants and catching fish, about tens of meters away.

The water in the creek was chilly in the autumn, sending a bone-chilling sensation through their bodies.

Because Bai Shuang was wearing all white and getting her clothes wet wouldn't be ideal, especially for a girl in cold water, the other guests didn't let her get into the water. They asked her to stand by the creek and watch.

Bai Shuang felt a bit embarrassed but more touched by their consideration. 

So, she volunteered, saying, "You can throw the fish you catch into my basket. When we were picking chestnuts and firewood on the mountain, you didn't make me carry anything. My basket is empty and perfect for carrying the fish."

The guests who were well-versed in the entertainment industry, being savvy people, understood Bai Shuang's intention. They knew that refusing her at this moment would only make her feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, except for the variety show celebrity and the male celebrity, the others were all catching fish for the first time. Their fishing skills were quite poor. They didn't even know if they could catch anything, and even if they did, the fish wouldn't be too heavy.

So, the guests kindly smiled and agreed to Bai Shuang's proposal.

The variety show celebrity had been working in the entertainment industry for years, and he had no idol image to uphold. He took off their shoes, rolled up his pants, and were the first to step into Moon Creek.

"When I was a kid in the village, I used to catch fish with my friends. I could catch over a dozen fish in one go back then. It was enough to add an extra meal to our family's dinner, and my friends were all so impressed.”

The variety show celebrity proudly said. "You can look forward to having fish for dinner tonight. How do you want to prepare it? Steamed or braised?"

The male celebrity was also influenced by the harmonious atmosphere among the guests and decided to drop his idol image. He followed everyone down Moon Creek. Except for the delicate Song Ci, the other male guests gradually joined in the fun and entered the water.

"Hey, brother, don't brag too much. You've been in the industry for so many years. Do you still remember how to catch fish like when you were a kid? If your skills are rusty, and you don't catch a single fish, we'll all make fun of you," the male celebrity teased.

"Hey, you little rascal!" the variety show celebrity blushed with anger and immediately splashed water at the male celebrity, who quickly dodged.

Their playful banter added to the entertainment factor, making both the other guests and the audience burst into laughter. The tension that had built up on the mountain due to the earlier scare gradually eased.

However, the male celebrity's words hit the mark. The variety show celebrity had bent over to scoop up half a fish but had strained his back and ended up not catching a single fish. In contrast, the male celebrity had caught several fish and handed them to Bai Shuang on the shore.

Although the fish were not very large, they were the only catch among the guests. 

The other guests were surprised that they had actually caught something and admired the male celebrity.

The audience also applauded, impressed that the dazzling male celebrity, who usually shone in a different spotlight, had this skill up his sleeve.

"What's going on, did I really forget completely?" The variety show celebrity looked a bit anxious, muttering to himself as he reached out more vigorously underwater to try to catch the small fish swimming by.

But the fish was incredibly slippery. With a "swoosh," it slipped out of his hand, eluding his grasp despite his efforts. Due to inertia and failing to stop himself, his palm pressed straight into the bottom of the Moon River.

Something hard and sharp caused a sharp pain in the variety show celebrity's palm.

He couldn't help but let out a hiss and quickly raised his hand, only to see that his palm had been cut, and blood was slowly oozing out.

Drops of blood fell into the Moon River.

The variety show celebrity lowered his head to take a look and kicked it with his foot. He could barely make out that what had pierced his palm seemed to be a piece of bright white, slender, and had knots at both ends.

It looked like the bone of some kind of animal.

The other guests, seeing the variety show celebrity holding his injured hand, also hurried over to inquire.

Although the variety show celebrity pretended not to care, saying that he had been tough since childhood and had had many injuries, this small cut wasn't a big deal.

But Zhao Zhen disagreed, pushing the variety show celebrity to the shore seriously, "Don't tell me it's infected with bacteria, you should go back and take care of it."

The other guests nodded in agreement, "Anyway, we've already caught several fish. That's pretty impressive. Let's go back, tend to the injury, and take a hot bath."

"Yeah, let's go, brother. This river water is really cold."

At that moment, Zhang Wubing, along with the crew, approached and called them to return.

So, the variety show celebrity went ashore along with the others, heading back together.

However, as he walked, he tried to salvage his image, saying, "This little injury is really nothing."

"Yes, yes, yes."

The others couldn't help but laugh, treating him like a child.

But just as they were about to step through the gate of the rural farmstay, the variety show celebrity subconsciously turned his head and looked back at the stream where they had just been.

That bone, it looked somewhat like the femur bone he had seen in medical anatomical models on television...

He quickly shook his head, dismissing his absurd thoughts, and with a smile, he entered the gate along with the others.

The stream, which had been filled with laughter just moments ago, returned to its quiet state.

Inside the rural farmstay's courtyard, the sounds of the guests' laughter and teasing could be heard.

Those sounds, in the deathly silence outside the courtyard, seemed particularly jarring.

As the sun moved westward, the shadows cast by the surrounding mountains gradually expanded, enveloping Moon Creek.

The once quiet and oppressive creek suddenly emitted a faint sound.

Something emerged from the water, breaking the surface and creating ripples.

First came a damaged and incomplete skull, followed by eye sockets that had lost their eyeballs, and a jawbone with teeth...

The skeletal remains, devoid of flesh and blood, quietly rose above the water. The hollow eye sockets turned toward the source of laughter, silently staring at the brightly lit rural farmstay, which seemed even more pronounced in the growing dusk.

The bright light stood out prominently in the dimness.

It was like a target, beckoning to a hunter—

The prey is here.

Following that, a series of subtle splashes echoed.

One skeleton after another appeared on the water's surface, gazing at the rural farmstay with their pitch-black eye sockets.

The Moon Creek's surface had been disturbed by the ripples, concealing the creek's bottom...


Due to concerns for Zhang Wubing, who was still at the rural farmstay, Yan Shixun, rather than taking the same route as before, cut through the middle of the village and hurried back to the rural farmstay as quickly as possible.

As Yan Shixun turned a corner, he suddenly heard the laughter of girls coming from ahead.

Their laughter was like the tinkling of silver bells, standing out so vividly in the otherwise quiet and subdued Family Tomb Village.

The sound grew closer, but it seemed to be viewed through frosted glass, carrying a sense of unreality.

A group of girls in beautiful red dresses suddenly entered Yan Shixun's view.

Their faces were lit up with smiles, and they walked with skips and hops.

Never letting their heels touch the ground.

These girls carried the liveliness and innocence unique to thirteen or fourteen-year-olds. The red skirts fluttered like butterflies dancing in the air.

They clapped their hands but seemed not to notice Yan Shixun as they joyfully bounded past him, singing strange and rhythmic tunes.

"The bride, so beautiful, married a man, then married a god, and after that, she's paired with ghosts. She has countless husbands; it's truly strange to see."

"The bride, why are you crying, crying until your tears turn into blood. You cried all the way to anger the spirits and gods. Their anger turns your blood into a plain. From then on, you won't cry anymore."

"Why are you crying? Aren't you as beautiful as a flower?"

"Don't cry anymore; how can you get married with tears ruining your makeup?"

"Your husband is waiting for you, you know."

"Your childhood sweetheart won't come to take you away..."

The girls ran toward Yan Shixun with cheerful smiles, leaving him with a happy glimpse of their backs.

Yan Shixun stopped in his tracks, suddenly recalling why these girls seemed so familiar to him.

—It was at noon when Jiang Yanran who was picking the flower was called away; these were the same girls.

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