After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Knowing a Little, Seduce Little Brother Xu Lao” 

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With a smiling expression, he asked, “Young student, who is your mentor?”

Lin Hao quickly interjected, “The person is still a high school student.”

“Ha?” The professor was surprised, “A high school student?! Are you sure?”

“They are all high school students here to participate in the information competition and look around.” 

“You’re not embarrassed to say that?! You can’t even compete with high school students. Are you trying to make me angry?”

Lin Hao: “….” He remained silent and dared not speak a word.

The professor turned to Jiang Fuyue with amazement and asked, “Are you really a high school student? You’re not lying?”

Jiang Fuyue’s mouth twitched.

“I didn’t expect a high school student to know the secret command codes for the deep-sea simulator. Hmm… How much do you know about oceanography?”

Jiang Fuyue, “I know a little.”

Turbidity current*, do you know what it is?”
* spoken in english

“The Latin name for turbidity current,” Jiang Fuyue responded.

Raising an eyebrow, the professor asked, “What causes it?”

“The difference in density between two different fluid flows.”

The professor continued, “In the natural environment, one significant way in which submarine turbidity currents are generated is through hyperpycnal flow originating from river mouth regions. When the density of sediment-laden water at the river mouth is greater than that of seawater, the resulting turbidity current can travel over hundreds of kilometers along the continental slope. Why do you think these river mouth turbidity currents can travel long distances?”

Jiang Fuyue replied, “Parker mentioned in a paper that the erosional process of bed sediment during motion causes self-acceleration in turbidity currents. Blanchette proved this 19 years later. Nakajima, a year after Blanchette’s paper, proposed another hypothesis, suggesting that it’s due to the mixing and entrainment of surrounding seawater during motion.”

The professor looked at her with an inexplicably strange expression and asked, “Have you read their papers?”

“I’ve read a bit.” 

“…” A bit….

Professor: “During the movement of turbidity currents, freshwater interflow exchanges with seawater. However, whether it’s Parker, Blanchette, or Nakajima, all of their research has pointed out two situations where the long-distance transport cannot be explained by the above two reasons. Do you have any thoughts on this?”

“As long as we find factors that give turbidity currents the potential for longer movement, then we can answer this question.”

The professor’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly reached out to Lin Hao, saying, “Bring it here.”

Lin Hao was a bit puzzled, “What?”

“The data records from just now.” 

“…Oh!” Lin Hao quickly handed them over.

Who knew the professor didn’t even look at it and handed it directly to Jiang Fuyue, saying, “So, where do you think the problem occurred just now? Why did the machine issue an alert?” 

It seemed like this professor had been here all along, secretly lurking to witness his own student’s embarrassment. 

What a strange sense of humor! 

Jiang Fuyue didn’t receive it. 

“What’s the matter, little girl, feeling hesitant now? Weren’t you just talking so confidently earlier?” 

Lin Hao covered his eyes, “…” He couldn’t bear to watch his own doctoral advisor’s petty and threatening behavior. 

Fanye: “?” Is the professor always this peculiar and sarcastic when speaking? 

Huang Hui: “?” Is this a mudslide in the academic world? 

Gao Zhaoming: “…” Well, remember him; he won’t choose this person as a doctoral advisor in the future. 

A corner of Jiang Fuyue’s mouth twitched. 

“No need to look at it. On the second page, seventh row from the top, the parameter values set when introducing the experience factor and sliding friction coefficient were incorrect.” 

“Impossible!” Before the professor could speak, Lin Hao was the first to disagree. 

Two other colleagues immediately chimed in, “Anyone can make mistakes, but Lin Hao absolutely cannot.” 

On this point, the professor also agreed. 

Lin Hao, as the renowned human calculator at Q University, had processing speed for data comparable to a small computer. 

The probability of making mistakes was minuscule. 

Jiang Fuyue added, “I didn’t say he made a mistake. I said, in the case of deterministic models used for experimental testing, since they introduced empirical factors and sliding friction coefficients, why didn’t they consider setting random parameters? Without this parameter, the experimental results obtained from the sample lack universality. Entering non-universal data into a deterministic model would be strange if no problems arose.” 

Clap, clap, clap— 

Just as Jiang Fuyue finished speaking, a round of applause erupted.

Xu Kaiqing had been standing behind for a while, with a group of associate professors and doctoral students following him.

As he stepped out of the laboratory building, he saw a crowd gathered on the lawn. It wasn’t just students; there was even a colleague. He couldn’t help but take a closer look. 

It was that second look that caught his attention. He recognized a familiar figure, and this sight made Xu Lao incredibly excited, behaving like an excited child, running over with a spring in his step. The people behind him couldn’t believe their eyes.

Was this the same dignified and composed Xu Lao?

Xu Kaiqing had just gotten closer when he heard Old Zhao from the Department of Oceanography challenging Jiang Fuyue with questions about turbidity currents and density, displaying a rather arrogant attitude.

Xu Kaiqing immediately halted, quietly waiting to see her get a taste of her own medicine.

Sure enough, ‘Chou’ is ‘Chou.’ As soon as she opened her mouth, she went straight for the jugular. Xu Lao couldn’t help but applaud, just like a fan cheering for his idol, and his eyes were about to sparkle. 

“Xu Lao!”

Upon seeing the newcomer, the whole room fell silent, including Professor Zhao, who had hoped to outwit Jiang Fuyue, and Lin Hao and others. 

Only Jiang Fuyue and her three friends remained composed. 

The former was fearless, while the latter three were completely out of sync, after all, they had no idea who this ‘Xu Lao’ was. 

Xu Kaiqing walked over, smiling at Jiang Fuyue, tone gentle. “Why are you here?” 

When the two parted ways in Linhuai, they had agreed to meet again at the summer camp, but they didn’t expect it to happen so soon, and on the campus of Q University… 

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately perked up, so Xu Lao had already known this young student? 

Something’s going on! 

Jiang Fuyue made a light sound of agreement and simply said, “Participating in a competition.” 

Xu Kaiqing, “Then, no one can surpass you for sure.” 

“?” What kind of fervent fanboy statement is this? 

Everyone began to doubt their hearing. 

Professor Zhao was the closest; he not only thought his hearing was off but also felt like the whole world had turned surreal. 

Is this Xu Lao? 

Is he messing with them?”

Jiang Fuyue cleared her throat to remind him to be mindful of his identity.

Xu Kaiqing then realized, “Ahem! This student is very talented! This… her understanding of turbidity currents is impeccable, and she has considered all aspects of the experiment. She’s like a young hero! Great ambition transcends age! The younger generation will surpass the older one…”

The onlookers: “?”

Jiang Fuyue’s scalp was tingling, and she quickly pulled him away, saying, “Can you please calm down? I feel like I’m about to be turned into a sieve!”

Xu Kaiqing, “Then you’d be the smartest and wisest sieve.”

Jiang Fuyue: “?” My goodness, help!

The group of onlookers watched Xu Kaiqing being dragged away, feeling as if they were witnessing a mischievous child being taken out.

“But… Xu Lao, we still have a meeting in the administrative building!”

Come back quickly, Er Kang Shou –

At the Q University cafeteria:

As Xu Kaiqing led the four students to get their food while he stood to the side, swiping his card with a smile, almost all eyes in the cafeteria turned towards them.

Among those gazes, one became especially profound when it passed by Jiang Fuyue’s figure.

“Ah Yuan, what are you looking at?”

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