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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Countermeasures and Capture 

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Niu Rui stood still, glancing towards the second floor.

Behind him was a group of men dressed casually, about twelve or thirteen of them.

At first glance, they didn’t stand out, but upon closer observation, one would notice their serious expressions and sharp gazes.

The wind passed by, and silence ensued.

Until a faint voice came through the Bluetooth earpiece: “Go.”

Niu Rui’s expression stiffened, and he made a gesture. Several shadows dashed up the stairs.

Their movements were swift and silent.

Inside the internet cafe.

The auntie said, “Old man, I’m ordering some takeout, do you want some?”

The old man replied absentmindedly, “Sure, sure!” His hands continued their operation, swiftly eliminating two opponents.

He happily hummed to himself, “Counterattack, Ghost Blade opens up, instantly sending two opponents to their doom. Excellent positioning, excellent execution…”

The auntie asked again, “What do you want to eat?”

The old man replied, “I feel like having some noodles!”

“Okay! Beef noodles, with scallions, ginger, garlic, and lots of cilantro, right?”

“Yes, yes, you have a good memory, Xiao Zhang…”

The auntie twitched her mouth: Every time he orders noodles, it’s always the same. It’s hard to forget.

“By the way,” the old man looked at her earnestly, “make sure to check both the Lituan and I’m hungry apps for discounts, and also follow their official accounts to see if there are any hidden coupons…”

The auntie quickly agreed, “Don’t worry, I’m on it.”

Satisfied, the old man settled back into his seat and asked into his headset, “Another round?”

At that moment, several figures rushed into the internet cafe like lightning. One of them subdued the auntie, covering her mouth to prevent her from raising the alarm.

Meanwhile, three others swiftly restrained the old man, who was engrossed in his battle on the computer. One bound his hands, another grabbed his legs, and the third pinned down his back.

In the blink of an eye, the old man was pressed onto the desk, looking bewildered.

In his earpiece, he heard, “Beautiful Sister? Beautiful Sister? Why aren’t you moving? Bad internet connection? D*mn, lagging? Here they come, hurry up and run! Oh no, you’re dead…”

The screen went dark, and a tragic event unfolded.

The old man: “?”

Who am I? Where am I?

The person holding him whispered into the earpiece, “Brother Rui, we got him.”

Just then, an unexpected turn of events occurred.

The old man, who had been subdued and seemingly powerless, somehow slipped away from the grasp of the three men like an eel.

Not forgetting to grab his beloved little bag, he rushed to the corridor in one breath and without any hesitation, slid down a water pipe to the ground.

Once he steadied himself, he turned around and made a face at the several people chasing him from upstairs.

It was beyond arrogance; it was downright audacious!

“Goodbye, little rabbits! Still want to catch me… Your grandpa is still your grandpa, got it?”

The men: “…”

After mocking them, the old man didn’t linger any longer. He was about to step out onto the street when, out of nowhere, a fishing net descended from above, enveloping him entirely.

“D*mn… Playing dirty, huh?”

Upstairs, a few people exchanged glances, acknowledging that Brother Rui indeed had foresight. 

But in the next moment, they found the old man in the fishing net was not staying put. He reached into his dirty little backpack, rummaging around, and then pulled out something… 


Instantly, the fishing net tore open a large hole, and the old man wriggled out through it. 

He casually grabbed a bicycle parked nearby, kicked off with his legs, about to escape. 

Unfortunately, suddenly, five or six people flashed out at the street corner, blocking the only exit. 

The old man’s face slightly changed. 

He knew he had run into trouble this time, so he quickly turned the bike around and headed down the street. 

Someone chased after him, but two legs couldn’t beat two wheels, and they were soon left behind. 

The old man rode against the wind, a smirk playing on his lips. “Summer quietly passes, leaving behind little secrets, buried deep in the heart…” 


Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes. 

But ahead, several figures emerged from the alley that should have been empty, led by a young man. 

Niu Rui personally came to block him, unexpectedly succeeding in doing so. And the people who had been left behind earlier also arrived at this moment. 

Between a rock and a hard place. 

The old man frowned, abandoning the bicycle. “Who are you brats? Why are you chasing me?” 

Niu Rui remembered Jiang Fuyue’s instructions, so he stayed silent, not responding. 

With a gesture, they moved in unison, closing in on the old man like catching turtles in a jar. 

In theory, he shouldn’t be able to escape now, right? 

Even if he grew wings, there were still tiles on the roofs. 

The old man’s sharp and shrewd eyes scanned around, then he pulled out two fist-sized black balls from his treasure backpack. 

With a swing of his arm, he threw one forward and one backward. 

In an instant, white fog rose, and a strange stench spread. 

The old man held his breath in anticipation of escaping amidst the chaos. This trick had always worked before, especially with the cover of the white fog. 

But this time… 

As the white fog dissipated, everyone remained motionless, each with a plug in their nostrils. 

As if they had known he would resort to this, so they had prepared in advance. 

The old man was dumbfounded. 

“Y-y-you… who are you people?” 

Still, no response. 

Niu Rui lifted his chin slightly, and they moved in unison again, finally catching the old man off guard. 

Soon, a black Buick stopped at the alley, and the old man was escorted into the car, his little backpack confiscated. 

The wind rustled through the trees as the car drove away, leaving only a few wisps of exhaust before disappearing. 

On this sunny afternoon, with the breeze passing through, the street was quiet, with only the distant chirping of birds and the nearby buzzing of cicadas. 

As if nothing had happened.


At the Dang Gui Bar, in the basement.

The old man grumbled incessantly as he was brought in, his mouth chattering non-stop. He didn’t even notice where he was being taken.

“Let me tell you, treating an old man like this is unacceptable. Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘Respect your elders’?”


“How many siblings do you have? Are your parents still alive? Can you say something? I just want to make a friend before I die.”


“So, being a demon is just like being human, you have to have a kind heart. With a kind heart, you’re no longer a demon, you’re a demon with humanity.”


“People and demons are all born from mothers, the difference is that people are born from human mothers, and demons are born from demon mothers.”


“Hey, kid, why aren’t you talking?”


“Didn’t you hear me reciting my lines so well? No applause?”


“Hey, haven’t you watched ‘A Chinese Odyssey’? I played Tang Seng!”


“Brother Rui, I can’t take it anymore!” With that, he dropped the act, turned around, and ran, as if a herd of grass mud horses were chasing him from behind.

“Rui, Brother Rui, I’ll go first!”

This old man was even more annoying than Tang Seng.

Can’t provoke him, can’t provoke him.

Niu Rui’s mouth twitched uncontrollably. To be honest, he had been holding back the whole way. Several times, he couldn’t help but retort, but remembering Jiang Fuyue’s instructions, he resisted the urge.

Only at this moment, on his own territory, did he dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

The old man was no longer restrained, he grabbed a chair, sat on it like a boss, leaned back, and instantly went into a “Ge You slouch”. 

The chair had wheels, so it slid around haphazardly as he treated it like a toy. 

Seeing Niu Rui visibly relieved, he suddenly became curious, “Kid, why didn’t you talk to me all this way?” 

Niu Rui had no reservations now and spoke openly, “I dared not.” 

“What do you mean? Does talking to me mean you’ll lose a piece of meat?” 

“…Not lose meat, but will be led into a pit.” 

Jiang Fuyue’s exact words were: When you see someone, just act, no need to talk. You say one sentence, he’ll give you ten in return, then he’ll climb up the pole and lead you by the nose if you’re not careful. 

And indeed, it proved to be true. 

Throughout the journey, the old man tried several times to talk, always with suggestive undertones, while also trying to play the victim, portraying himself as a “worldly-wise old lotus”. 

But Niu Rui didn’t take the bait! 

Therefore, the old man kept his tricks to himself along the way. 

You don’t move, I don’t move; you move randomly, I still don’t move. 

“Hearing you say that, it seems like you understand me quite well,” the old man rubbed his chin, looking serious. 

Niu Rui moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but then immersed himself in an inexplicable emotion, unable to utter a word for a while. 

After this battle, the lofty image of his mentor in his mind collapsed suddenly. The contrast between the suited and booted gentleman in the photo and the unkempt, chatty person in front of him was striking, causing a considerable impact. 

“Hey, stinky kid, why are you silent again? You caught me, and now you don’t want to take responsibility?” 

Niu Rui: “…” When the house collapses, one must green one’s hair.

Just then, a clear and gentle voice came, “If he won’t take responsibility, I will.”

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 176

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Countermeasures and Capture 

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Niu Rui stood still, glancing towards the second floor.

Behind him was a group of men dressed casually, about twelve or thirteen of them.

At first glance, they didn't stand out, but upon closer observation, one would notice their serious expressions and sharp gazes.

The wind passed by, and silence ensued.

Until a faint voice came through the Bluetooth earpiece: "Go."

Niu Rui's expression stiffened, and he made a gesture. Several shadows dashed up the stairs.

Their movements were swift and silent.

Inside the internet cafe.

The auntie said, "Old man, I'm ordering some takeout, do you want some?"

The old man replied absentmindedly, "Sure, sure!" His hands continued their operation, swiftly eliminating two opponents.

He happily hummed to himself, "Counterattack, Ghost Blade opens up, instantly sending two opponents to their doom. Excellent positioning, excellent execution..."

The auntie asked again, "What do you want to eat?"

The old man replied, "I feel like having some noodles!"

"Okay! Beef noodles, with scallions, ginger, garlic, and lots of cilantro, right?"

"Yes, yes, you have a good memory, Xiao Zhang..."

The auntie twitched her mouth: Every time he orders noodles, it's always the same. It's hard to forget.

"By the way," the old man looked at her earnestly, "make sure to check both the Lituan and I’m hungry apps for discounts, and also follow their official accounts to see if there are any hidden coupons..."

The auntie quickly agreed, "Don't worry, I'm on it."

Satisfied, the old man settled back into his seat and asked into his headset, "Another round?"

At that moment, several figures rushed into the internet cafe like lightning. One of them subdued the auntie, covering her mouth to prevent her from raising the alarm.

Meanwhile, three others swiftly restrained the old man, who was engrossed in his battle on the computer. One bound his hands, another grabbed his legs, and the third pinned down his back.

In the blink of an eye, the old man was pressed onto the desk, looking bewildered.

In his earpiece, he heard, "Beautiful Sister? Beautiful Sister? Why aren't you moving? Bad internet connection? D*mn, lagging? Here they come, hurry up and run! Oh no, you're dead..."

The screen went dark, and a tragic event unfolded.

The old man: "?"

Who am I? Where am I?

The person holding him whispered into the earpiece, "Brother Rui, we got him."

Just then, an unexpected turn of events occurred.

The old man, who had been subdued and seemingly powerless, somehow slipped away from the grasp of the three men like an eel.

Not forgetting to grab his beloved little bag, he rushed to the corridor in one breath and without any hesitation, slid down a water pipe to the ground.

Once he steadied himself, he turned around and made a face at the several people chasing him from upstairs.

It was beyond arrogance; it was downright audacious!

"Goodbye, little rabbits! Still want to catch me... Your grandpa is still your grandpa, got it?"

The men: "..."

After mocking them, the old man didn't linger any longer. He was about to step out onto the street when, out of nowhere, a fishing net descended from above, enveloping him entirely.

"D*mn... Playing dirty, huh?"

Upstairs, a few people exchanged glances, acknowledging that Brother Rui indeed had foresight. 

But in the next moment, they found the old man in the fishing net was not staying put. He reached into his dirty little backpack, rummaging around, and then pulled out something... 


Instantly, the fishing net tore open a large hole, and the old man wriggled out through it. 

He casually grabbed a bicycle parked nearby, kicked off with his legs, about to escape. 

Unfortunately, suddenly, five or six people flashed out at the street corner, blocking the only exit. 

The old man's face slightly changed. 

He knew he had run into trouble this time, so he quickly turned the bike around and headed down the street. 

Someone chased after him, but two legs couldn't beat two wheels, and they were soon left behind. 

The old man rode against the wind, a smirk playing on his lips. "Summer quietly passes, leaving behind little secrets, buried deep in the heart..." 


Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes. 

But ahead, several figures emerged from the alley that should have been empty, led by a young man. 

Niu Rui personally came to block him, unexpectedly succeeding in doing so. And the people who had been left behind earlier also arrived at this moment. 

Between a rock and a hard place. 

The old man frowned, abandoning the bicycle. "Who are you brats? Why are you chasing me?" 

Niu Rui remembered Jiang Fuyue's instructions, so he stayed silent, not responding. 

With a gesture, they moved in unison, closing in on the old man like catching turtles in a jar. 

In theory, he shouldn't be able to escape now, right? 

Even if he grew wings, there were still tiles on the roofs. 

The old man's sharp and shrewd eyes scanned around, then he pulled out two fist-sized black balls from his treasure backpack. 

With a swing of his arm, he threw one forward and one backward. 

In an instant, white fog rose, and a strange stench spread. 

The old man held his breath in anticipation of escaping amidst the chaos. This trick had always worked before, especially with the cover of the white fog. 

But this time... 

As the white fog dissipated, everyone remained motionless, each with a plug in their nostrils. 

As if they had known he would resort to this, so they had prepared in advance. 

The old man was dumbfounded. 

"Y-y-you... who are you people?" 

Still, no response. 

Niu Rui lifted his chin slightly, and they moved in unison again, finally catching the old man off guard. 

Soon, a black Buick stopped at the alley, and the old man was escorted into the car, his little backpack confiscated. 

The wind rustled through the trees as the car drove away, leaving only a few wisps of exhaust before disappearing. 

On this sunny afternoon, with the breeze passing through, the street was quiet, with only the distant chirping of birds and the nearby buzzing of cicadas. 

As if nothing had happened.


At the Dang Gui Bar, in the basement.

The old man grumbled incessantly as he was brought in, his mouth chattering non-stop. He didn't even notice where he was being taken.

"Let me tell you, treating an old man like this is unacceptable. Haven't you heard the saying, 'Respect your elders'?"


"How many siblings do you have? Are your parents still alive? Can you say something? I just want to make a friend before I die."


"So, being a demon is just like being human, you have to have a kind heart. With a kind heart, you're no longer a demon, you're a demon with humanity."


"People and demons are all born from mothers, the difference is that people are born from human mothers, and demons are born from demon mothers."


"Hey, kid, why aren't you talking?"


"Didn't you hear me reciting my lines so well? No applause?"


"Hey, haven't you watched 'A Chinese Odyssey'? I played Tang Seng!"


"Brother Rui, I can't take it anymore!" With that, he dropped the act, turned around, and ran, as if a herd of grass mud horses were chasing him from behind.

"Rui, Brother Rui, I'll go first!"

This old man was even more annoying than Tang Seng.

Can't provoke him, can't provoke him.

Niu Rui's mouth twitched uncontrollably. To be honest, he had been holding back the whole way. Several times, he couldn't help but retort, but remembering Jiang Fuyue's instructions, he resisted the urge.

Only at this moment, on his own territory, did he dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

The old man was no longer restrained, he grabbed a chair, sat on it like a boss, leaned back, and instantly went into a "Ge You slouch". 

The chair had wheels, so it slid around haphazardly as he treated it like a toy. 

Seeing Niu Rui visibly relieved, he suddenly became curious, "Kid, why didn't you talk to me all this way?" 

Niu Rui had no reservations now and spoke openly, "I dared not." 

"What do you mean? Does talking to me mean you'll lose a piece of meat?" 

"...Not lose meat, but will be led into a pit." 

Jiang Fuyue's exact words were: When you see someone, just act, no need to talk. You say one sentence, he'll give you ten in return, then he'll climb up the pole and lead you by the nose if you're not careful. 

And indeed, it proved to be true. 

Throughout the journey, the old man tried several times to talk, always with suggestive undertones, while also trying to play the victim, portraying himself as a "worldly-wise old lotus". 

But Niu Rui didn't take the bait! 

Therefore, the old man kept his tricks to himself along the way. 

You don't move, I don't move; you move randomly, I still don't move. 

"Hearing you say that, it seems like you understand me quite well," the old man rubbed his chin, looking serious. 

Niu Rui moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but then immersed himself in an inexplicable emotion, unable to utter a word for a while. 

After this battle, the lofty image of his mentor in his mind collapsed suddenly. The contrast between the suited and booted gentleman in the photo and the unkempt, chatty person in front of him was striking, causing a considerable impact. 

"Hey, stinky kid, why are you silent again? You caught me, and now you don't want to take responsibility?" 

Niu Rui: "...” When the house collapses, one must green one's hair.

Just then, a clear and gentle voice came, "If he won't take responsibility, I will."

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