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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 177

Chapter 177 His Moon, Finally Recognized 

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The old man turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a girl who was even younger than the young man.

Her appearance…

Strangely beautiful.

Just a bit cold in her expression.

Jiang Fuyue walked over to the old man and casually dragged a chair to sit opposite him.

Their eyes met— one calm and serene, devoid of fireworks; the other filled with curiosity, with a hint of suspicion.

After a while, the old man stared at her eyes, somewhat absent-minded. “Have we… met before?”

Jiang Fuyue raised an eyebrow.

The old man caught her subtle expression and became even more bewildered.

But the next moment—

“Are you the one who treated me to beef noodles the day before yesterday on Huilong Street? Or the one who cried loudly in the Internet cafe last time because her boyfriend scolded her? Or maybe the one I helped read palmistry for several times? Did I charge you? I don’t think so, I was quite rich at that time, I could even add fried eggs to noodles…”

Jiang Fuyue twitched her mouth.

Suddenly, the old man’s gaze paused, landing on the Bodhi bead bracelet on her wrist.

“It looks familiar, right?” Jiang Fuyue raised her hand, and the Bodhi bead bracelet swayed lightly.

The old man’s eyes flickered. “Not really.”

“Then let me help you remember. About two months ago, you ate two bowls of beef noodles at a breakfast shop near the back gate of Q University, couldn’t pay, and a girl helped you pay the bill. As a thank you, you gave her this string of Bodhi beads and advised her to carry it for safety, right?”

“Why should I tell you?” He lifted his chin, quite proud.

Jiang Fuyue looked at him calmly, saying nothing.

The old man’s eyes darted around, seeing that she wasn’t moved at all, and finally became frustrated. “You’re such a boring girl!”

Jiang Fuyue looked helpless.

A light sigh escaped her lips as she slowed down her tone. “So, what do you want?”

Niu Rui unexpectedly detected a hint of gentleness in her tone.

The old man snorted lightly, feeling pleased with himself, yet still maintaining his airs, wearing a proud expression. 

The next moment, he suddenly pointed directly at Niu Rui, “This brat used a fishing net to trap me, showing no respect for elders at all. You must educate him sternly, arrange fines, deduct his performance, and so on!”

“Okay,” Jiang Fuyue agreed.

Niu Rui: “?” Wasn’t it your idea to use the fishing net, sis?

The old man continued, “He even blocked the alley and treated me like a turtle to catch.”

“I’ll make him write a letter of guarantee,” Jiang Fuyue said.

“Good!” the old man nodded.

Niu Rui: “…” As long as you’re happy.

“Because of him, I was forced to abandon my teammates and became a hanging dog that I despise the most.”

“I’ll compensate you with the latest skins, two sets,” Jiang Fuyue said.

“Then I’ll choose myself!” Pick the most expensive one.


“And because of him, I didn’t even get to eat the takeout I ordered, beef noodles!”

Key point: Beef!

Jiang Fuyue glanced at Niu Rui.

The latter left expressionlessly and soon returned with a bowl of steaming noodles, covered with a thick layer of beef, each piece of beef the size of a coin, alternating between fat and lean, with some tender beef tendons mixed in.


The old man couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

But he said, “I don’t know why there isn’t a fried egg added, there’s no sincerity at all.”

This time, without Jiang Fuyue’s signal, Niu Rui directly picked up the chopsticks and scooped a fried egg from the bowl, immediately appearing golden and orange.

“Since it’s here…” the old man’s eyes flickered with a hint of satisfaction, but he still maintained his attitude, “then give it to me. It’s not good to waste food, every grain is hard-earned, you know!”

Niu Rui endured the twitching of his mouth and placed the noodles in front of the old man.

“You brat, get a napkin!”

“…” He suspected the old man was deliberately retaliating.

The old man took the napkin, pinched a corner with his fingers, pulled it, unfolded it, and then draped it around his neck.

The twenty-dollar beef noodles instantly felt like a two-thousand-dollar Western meal.


He then took out an iPad from his bag, “What’s the WiFi password here?”

Niu Rui: “…1971715.”

The old man inputted it while chuckling, “What a coincidence, it’s the same as my birthday. Hey, connected!”

He opened an app and entered a live broadcast room, selecting a past replay.

After a few seconds of buffering, a charming little boy appeared on the screen, smiling shyly at the camera. “Hello everyone~”

After speaking, he picked up a small rice cooker and started eating.

The old man followed suit, picking up a clump of noodles and slurping.

As the child inside ate heartily, he ate even more heartily while watching.

Jiang Fuyue: “?”

The old man noticed her puzzled expression and explained, “I’m watching a mukbang, you know what that is? It’s a live broadcast of eating!”

Jiang Fuyue: “…I know.”

“Let me tell you, this kid is amazing! He can finish the rice from large, medium, and small rice cookers in one meal. I wonder if his family can afford to feed him with such an appetite…”

As one of the family members, Jiang Fuyue said, “…It should be fine.”

“Just because you say it’s fine doesn’t mean it’s fine, young lady. Don’t speak nonsense like that.”


About fifteen minutes later, the old man stopped eating and turned off the live broadcast.

Licking his oily lips, he burped.


During this time, Jiang Fuyue accompanied him, watching him eat and drink, and finally watched as he drove Niu Rui away.

She showed no impatience or dissatisfaction at all.

“Go ahead, what do you want to ask?”

That’s right, the old man who had just eaten was so easy to talk to.

He thought to himself that he was indeed quite a clever old man~

Another free meal, yay!

Jiang Fuyue smiled. In fact, she didn’t have much to ask. She just wanted to spend more time quietly with the old man because she wasn’t sure if she could still be accepted in the future.

“Master, you really don’t recognize me at all?”

She looked into his eyes, emphasizing each word.

Ye Qianji suddenly stiffened all over, a look of disbelief flashing in his eyes. “You… what did you call me?”

Jiang Fuyue: “Master.”

“Little Moon?”

Only Little Moon would call him that.

The old man’s lips trembled, his hands trembling, and there was no trace of his previous nonchalance and madness on his face.

“My little moon, you’re back?” 

He was cautious, afraid that everything in front of him was an illusion, or perhaps he was still unable to distinguish reality from dreams. 

Jiang Fuyue squatted down beside him, grasping the old man’s large, gentle hand, just like when they were young, gently rubbing it against her cheek. 

The girl smiled and said, “Yes, I’m back.” 

“Is it really you?! I knew that stinky brat Lou Mingshen was lying to me. Did he hide you away? And why are your nose, eyes, and mouth not right?” 

Ye Qianji furrowed his brow, holding her face in his hands and examining it left and right. “You’re not trying to deceive me using Little Moon, are you?” 

A twitch at the corner of Jiang Fuyue’s eye, a hint of tears just forming, were instantly dispersed. 

“In the past, in Province G, you tricked a child into eating candy and ended up being chased by the child’s parents for three blocks. You only escaped by hiding in a trash can. In City A, you set up a palm reading stall and told a girl that she would become a mistress to an old man over fifty and inherit his estate ten years later. She ended up splashing tea on your face on the spot. And in Province P, you didn’t pay for the candied hawthorns, you dined and dashed at a Western restaurant, leaving me behind to wash dishes to cover your debt…” 

In the eyes of the world, Lou Mingyue was a stunning talent, capable of anything. At twenty-two, she stood at the pinnacle of the gods, becoming an unbeatable legend, wielding the power of life and death over the Lou family. 

But no one knew that before returning to the Lou family, she was just a naive and innocent girl. 

After her mother’s death, she followed Ye Qianji everywhere, traveling all over the country and making it her home. With her feet stepping in every province and city of China, she encountered people of all kinds and witnessed countless joys and sorrows. 

Ye Qianji was poor, and she suffered with him. 

Later, in order to improve their lives, she racked her brains to make money. Rather than calling it wandering, it was more like a study tour. Ye Qianji showed her everything, teaching her with words and deeds. It’s no exaggeration to say that Lou Mingyue’s ability to inherit the Lou family and step by step rise to the height of “Capital’s Legend” after the age of eighteen owed much to these experiences in her childhood. 

During this period, posing as “Lousheng”, she cross-dressed as a man, founded the Yufeng Group, later adopted Long Tian and Liu Jinzhong, and even impulsively created the S-SA academic trading intranet… 

Her first half of life was colorful because of Ye Qianji, but of course, there were also numerous embarrassments. 

The aforementioned were just two or three insignificant incidents among many. 

The bigger and more embarrassing incidents were yet to be reported to the old man! 

Cough cough cough… Ye Qianji coughed, “Stop it already! I believe you, isn’t that enough?” 

“Twenty years, my little moon has finally come back…”

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 177

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 177

Chapter 177 His Moon, Finally Recognized 

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The old man turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a girl who was even younger than the young man.

Her appearance...

Strangely beautiful.

Just a bit cold in her expression.

Jiang Fuyue walked over to the old man and casually dragged a chair to sit opposite him.

Their eyes met— one calm and serene, devoid of fireworks; the other filled with curiosity, with a hint of suspicion.

After a while, the old man stared at her eyes, somewhat absent-minded. "Have we... met before?"

Jiang Fuyue raised an eyebrow.

The old man caught her subtle expression and became even more bewildered.

But the next moment—

"Are you the one who treated me to beef noodles the day before yesterday on Huilong Street? Or the one who cried loudly in the Internet cafe last time because her boyfriend scolded her? Or maybe the one I helped read palmistry for several times? Did I charge you? I don't think so, I was quite rich at that time, I could even add fried eggs to noodles..."

Jiang Fuyue twitched her mouth.

Suddenly, the old man's gaze paused, landing on the Bodhi bead bracelet on her wrist.

"It looks familiar, right?" Jiang Fuyue raised her hand, and the Bodhi bead bracelet swayed lightly.

The old man's eyes flickered. "Not really."

"Then let me help you remember. About two months ago, you ate two bowls of beef noodles at a breakfast shop near the back gate of Q University, couldn't pay, and a girl helped you pay the bill. As a thank you, you gave her this string of Bodhi beads and advised her to carry it for safety, right?"

"Why should I tell you?" He lifted his chin, quite proud.

Jiang Fuyue looked at him calmly, saying nothing.

The old man's eyes darted around, seeing that she wasn't moved at all, and finally became frustrated. "You're such a boring girl!"

Jiang Fuyue looked helpless.

A light sigh escaped her lips as she slowed down her tone. "So, what do you want?"

Niu Rui unexpectedly detected a hint of gentleness in her tone.

The old man snorted lightly, feeling pleased with himself, yet still maintaining his airs, wearing a proud expression. 

The next moment, he suddenly pointed directly at Niu Rui, "This brat used a fishing net to trap me, showing no respect for elders at all. You must educate him sternly, arrange fines, deduct his performance, and so on!"

"Okay," Jiang Fuyue agreed.

Niu Rui: "?" Wasn't it your idea to use the fishing net, sis?

The old man continued, "He even blocked the alley and treated me like a turtle to catch."

"I'll make him write a letter of guarantee," Jiang Fuyue said.

"Good!" the old man nodded.

Niu Rui: "..." As long as you're happy.

"Because of him, I was forced to abandon my teammates and became a hanging dog that I despise the most."

"I'll compensate you with the latest skins, two sets," Jiang Fuyue said.

"Then I'll choose myself!" Pick the most expensive one.


"And because of him, I didn't even get to eat the takeout I ordered, beef noodles!"

Key point: Beef!

Jiang Fuyue glanced at Niu Rui.

The latter left expressionlessly and soon returned with a bowl of steaming noodles, covered with a thick layer of beef, each piece of beef the size of a coin, alternating between fat and lean, with some tender beef tendons mixed in.


The old man couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

But he said, "I don't know why there isn't a fried egg added, there's no sincerity at all."

This time, without Jiang Fuyue's signal, Niu Rui directly picked up the chopsticks and scooped a fried egg from the bowl, immediately appearing golden and orange.

"Since it's here..." the old man's eyes flickered with a hint of satisfaction, but he still maintained his attitude, "then give it to me. It's not good to waste food, every grain is hard-earned, you know!"

Niu Rui endured the twitching of his mouth and placed the noodles in front of the old man.

"You brat, get a napkin!"

"..." He suspected the old man was deliberately retaliating.

The old man took the napkin, pinched a corner with his fingers, pulled it, unfolded it, and then draped it around his neck.

The twenty-dollar beef noodles instantly felt like a two-thousand-dollar Western meal.


He then took out an iPad from his bag, "What's the WiFi password here?"

Niu Rui: "...1971715."

The old man inputted it while chuckling, "What a coincidence, it's the same as my birthday. Hey, connected!"

He opened an app and entered a live broadcast room, selecting a past replay.

After a few seconds of buffering, a charming little boy appeared on the screen, smiling shyly at the camera. "Hello everyone~"

After speaking, he picked up a small rice cooker and started eating.

The old man followed suit, picking up a clump of noodles and slurping.

As the child inside ate heartily, he ate even more heartily while watching.

Jiang Fuyue: "?"

The old man noticed her puzzled expression and explained, "I'm watching a mukbang, you know what that is? It's a live broadcast of eating!"

Jiang Fuyue: "...I know."

"Let me tell you, this kid is amazing! He can finish the rice from large, medium, and small rice cookers in one meal. I wonder if his family can afford to feed him with such an appetite..."

As one of the family members, Jiang Fuyue said, "...It should be fine."

"Just because you say it's fine doesn't mean it's fine, young lady. Don't speak nonsense like that."


About fifteen minutes later, the old man stopped eating and turned off the live broadcast.

Licking his oily lips, he burped.


During this time, Jiang Fuyue accompanied him, watching him eat and drink, and finally watched as he drove Niu Rui away.

She showed no impatience or dissatisfaction at all.

"Go ahead, what do you want to ask?"

That's right, the old man who had just eaten was so easy to talk to.

He thought to himself that he was indeed quite a clever old man~

Another free meal, yay!

Jiang Fuyue smiled. In fact, she didn't have much to ask. She just wanted to spend more time quietly with the old man because she wasn't sure if she could still be accepted in the future.

"Master, you really don't recognize me at all?"

She looked into his eyes, emphasizing each word.

Ye Qianji suddenly stiffened all over, a look of disbelief flashing in his eyes. "You... what did you call me?"

Jiang Fuyue: "Master."

"Little Moon?"

Only Little Moon would call him that.

The old man's lips trembled, his hands trembling, and there was no trace of his previous nonchalance and madness on his face.

"My little moon, you're back?" 

He was cautious, afraid that everything in front of him was an illusion, or perhaps he was still unable to distinguish reality from dreams. 

Jiang Fuyue squatted down beside him, grasping the old man's large, gentle hand, just like when they were young, gently rubbing it against her cheek. 

The girl smiled and said, "Yes, I'm back." 

"Is it really you?! I knew that stinky brat Lou Mingshen was lying to me. Did he hide you away? And why are your nose, eyes, and mouth not right?" 

Ye Qianji furrowed his brow, holding her face in his hands and examining it left and right. "You're not trying to deceive me using Little Moon, are you?" 

A twitch at the corner of Jiang Fuyue's eye, a hint of tears just forming, were instantly dispersed. 

"In the past, in Province G, you tricked a child into eating candy and ended up being chased by the child's parents for three blocks. You only escaped by hiding in a trash can. In City A, you set up a palm reading stall and told a girl that she would become a mistress to an old man over fifty and inherit his estate ten years later. She ended up splashing tea on your face on the spot. And in Province P, you didn't pay for the candied hawthorns, you dined and dashed at a Western restaurant, leaving me behind to wash dishes to cover your debt..." 

In the eyes of the world, Lou Mingyue was a stunning talent, capable of anything. At twenty-two, she stood at the pinnacle of the gods, becoming an unbeatable legend, wielding the power of life and death over the Lou family. 

But no one knew that before returning to the Lou family, she was just a naive and innocent girl. 

After her mother's death, she followed Ye Qianji everywhere, traveling all over the country and making it her home. With her feet stepping in every province and city of China, she encountered people of all kinds and witnessed countless joys and sorrows. 

Ye Qianji was poor, and she suffered with him. 

Later, in order to improve their lives, she racked her brains to make money. Rather than calling it wandering, it was more like a study tour. Ye Qianji showed her everything, teaching her with words and deeds. It's no exaggeration to say that Lou Mingyue's ability to inherit the Lou family and step by step rise to the height of "Capital’s Legend" after the age of eighteen owed much to these experiences in her childhood. 

During this period, posing as "Lousheng", she cross-dressed as a man, founded the Yufeng Group, later adopted Long Tian and Liu Jinzhong, and even impulsively created the S-SA academic trading intranet... 

Her first half of life was colorful because of Ye Qianji, but of course, there were also numerous embarrassments. 

The aforementioned were just two or three insignificant incidents among many. 

The bigger and more embarrassing incidents were yet to be reported to the old man! 

Cough cough cough... Ye Qianji coughed, "Stop it already! I believe you, isn't that enough?" 

"Twenty years, my little moon has finally come back..."

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