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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Running Away Again, return Bodhi 

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“What’s going on?” Jiang Fuyue stood up abruptly.

Niu Rui said, “I don’t know either. Everything was fine before I went to sleep last night. My mom was about to rush back from City A to see the grandpa, and now this…”

“You take people—”

Just as he started speaking, her phone beeped with a message notification.

Jiang Fuyue opened it, seeing an unfamiliar number.

[Little Moon, you better behave. Master is about to set sail again, and that kid Niu Rui is even more troublesome than me. His mom coming back will make things even worse, so I’m leaving first. Remember to call me if you need anything, or just call for fun hhhhh~]

After reading it, Jiang Fuyue’s gaze fixed on the last wave symbol. She picked up her phone again and said to Niu Rui on the other end, “No need to look for him, let him go.”

“Huh? Just like that?”

“You can’t keep him here, and you can’t control him. Even if you find him and bring him back, he’ll just run away again.”

“…Oh.” It sounded like there was some truth to that.

“Keep the room he stayed in on the second floor vacant, clean it regularly, and make sure to have clean clothes and daily necessities ready.”

Niu Rui agreed, and the call ended.

Jiang Fuyue opened WeChat to add a friend but found a red dot in the upper right corner of the “Contacts” tab. Ye Qianji had already added her.

With a tap of her finger, she accepted the friend request.

After a vibration, a message popped up: You’ve added “The Most Handsome Guy in the World” as a friend. You can start chatting now.

Jiang Fuyue looked at the nickname and couldn’t help but twitch her mouth.

At that moment, the bell for class rang, so she put away her phone and went into the classroom.

Yesterday was the second group assignment, and today the results were out.

So when Yan Zhenfeng stepped onto the platform, everyone in the audience tensed up mentally.

“The results are out for the second assignment. Compared to the first one, both in terms of completion and average score, there’s a decline worth reflecting on…”

“Professor Yan, it’s not entirely our fault. This time the test papers were harder than the last.”

“Yeah! It took me twenty minutes just to read the questions, and my hands were shaking when I tried to answer the first one.”

“I felt dizzy and nauseous by the time I got to the last question.”


For a while, complaints filled the air.

Yan Zhenfeng patiently listened to their grievances. When the classroom quieted down again, he spoke again, “Was it that difficult? But the full marks weren’t necessarily lower than last time.”


“Full marks? Is there something wrong with my ears, or is there something wrong with my ears?”

“These questions actually have full marks?!”

“It sounds like Professor Yan implies there’s more than one.”

“Who’s so insane?”

“Seriously! Unbelievable…”

Soon, everyone knew the answer, unexpectedly, it was within reason.

Teacher Sun’s group once again scored five full marks.

Group score 50.

Jiang Fuyue completed three sets alone, adding 60.

Lin Shumo completed one set, adding 20.

Ling Xuan completed one set, adding 20.

“Isn’t this too overwhelming…”

“I should have joined Teacher Sun’s group earlier.”

“Humph, just you? To drag them down?”

“How will I drag them down?!”

“To not get full marks in that group is to drag them down.”


In the office, Sun Qun smiled all day long.

“Old Yan, originally you could have kept Ling Xuan, but unexpectedly the kid wasn’t willing to stay.”

Yan Zhenfeng: “…”

“Old Qin, you said before that no one would choose my group, but now everyone wants to.”

Qin Libin: “…”

“I never expected that as a chemistry teacher, I could have a day when people are eager to join my group. Wonderful~”

Yan Zhenfeng, Qin Libin: “You can slip away quickly…”

Sun Qun patted his hairpiece, very neat and perfect, then whistled and went to the cafeteria for lunch.

At the same time, at the Begonia Rain Internet Cafe.

“Xiao Zhang, open a computer for me.” As soon as he finished speaking, he placed a ten-yuan bill on the table.

The auntie glanced up, her face lit up with surprise, “Old Master, you’re back? Nothing happened yesterday? Why were those people chasing you?”

“Just kidding with the kid at home.”

“Oh! Have you found your family?”

Ye Qianji laughed, his old eyes squinting into a seam, revealing a mouthful of healthy white teeth. “Hmm, found them.”

“That’s great!” Saying that, she took the money and put it in the drawer, “Use any computer you want. But… since you’ve found your family, why don’t you use the internet at home?”

“It’s more lively here with you! Oh, and play ‘Sweetness, turn up the volume.”

“Got it!”

The auntie nodded, her eyes scanning him again. My, my, the old man who used to only wear an undershirt when going out now wore a casual T-shirt today, loose and baggy, with letters all over the front and back. Though flashy, it looked quite good.

Wearing knee-length black shorts, he had on a pair of shoes that young people liked these days, high-top, black and red mixed, seemed to be called… A, A Cone?

Indeed, he found his family. Look at his attire. He should also consider changing his little backpack, it’s too black and…

“Old Master, want to order takeout for lunch? Just got a discount coupon, ten yuan off for every thirty spent.”


“What do you want?”

“Beef noodles, with a fried egg on top!”

The morning sunlight shone warmly through the glass window, casting a soft glow on the old man, as if it also illuminated his dim and aging eyebrows and eyes.

He put on his headphones, logged into the game, opened his personal center, and changed his nickname—

He changed “Where’s My Little Moon” to “My Little Moon is Back”.

He stared at the new nickname, nodded in satisfaction, and then accepted a team invitation from a certain elementary school student friend.

Hmm, it’s another day of sailing against the wind online.

Jiang Fuyue took the time to visit the hospital again.

This time, she went alone without Shen Qiannan, bringing fruits and flowers with her.

It felt somewhat solemn.

When she knocked on the door, Liang Bing was sitting on the hospital bed, with a laptop in front of her and many documents scattered around.

With a glance, it was either physics formulas or experimental data.

“You’re here.” Liang Bing waved at her. “Sorry for the mess, I can only ask you to sit on the chair.”

Jiang Fuyue put down the fruit basket and placed the flowers on the bedside table, replacing the previous bunch of lilies that were wilting. 

“You’re too kind, buying so many things…” Liang Bing felt embarrassed. 

But her eyes looking at the lilies clearly showed that she liked them. 

Jiang Fuyue smiled and asked her, “How do you feel now?” 

“It’s neither painful nor itchy, and my temper has also calmed down. The doctor said my condition is really rare. In the medical history of pituitary tumors, it’s considered a miracle.” 

“That’s good.” Jiang Fuyue glanced at the papers scattered on the side, probably one page of an experimental report. 

Liang Bing explained, “I may not be able to return to the lab for a short time. I officially applied for a long leave from Professor Xu yesterday. But scientific research is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you’ll retreat. There’s rarely such a thing as staying in place. Science and technology are advancing every day. According to incomplete statistics, an average of twelve research achievements are produced by each university every day. I can’t be lazy.” 

“So I thought even if I’m not in the lab, I should finish the unfinished projects, find a breakthrough in the stalled papers, and prepare for new topics…” 

As Liang Bing spoke, there was a smile on her face, and her eyes were bright. 

This was a person who truly devoted themselves to scientific research. 

At that moment, Jiang Fuyue felt that her ordinary features had become dazzlingly beautiful. 

“This is for you.” She handed the Phoenix Eye Bodhi to Liang Bing. 

The latter was stunned. “I can’t accept it!” She tried to take it off. 

Jiang Fuyue held her hand. “It will help with your treatment.” 

The last time they met in the ward, Liang Bing insisted on returning the Bodhi to Jiang Fuyue after learning its true value. 

At that time, she didn’t know what Master’s attitude was, and Liang Bing was very firm, so she temporarily accepted it. 

“This wasn’t given by me.” 

Liang Bing: “?” 

“The old man said you were the first person who, after paying for his meal, still wanted to send him home. He gave you this Bodhi as a gift, as both gratitude and blessing.” 

Ye Qianji’s original words were: Kind people should have good karma. 

She treated him to a meal, and he saved her life. Giving and receiving are never equal in value but rather in sincerity. 

Jiang Fuyue said, “Accept it.” 

Liang Bing pursed her lips. “Did you find the old gentleman?” 

“Yes, he asked me to say hello to you, to focus on getting better, and that everything will pass, and the future will be bright.” 

Liang Bing’s eyes turned red. “Thank you… really, thank you…” 

Before leaving, Jiang Fuyue casually asked, “Does Q University have an interdisciplinary laboratory for biochemistry and physics?” 

Liang Bing pondered for a moment. “…Yes. But it was lent out half a month ago, it seems Professor Shen Wenzhao arranged it. You can contact him.”

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 179

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Running Away Again, return Bodhi 

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"What's going on?" Jiang Fuyue stood up abruptly.

Niu Rui said, "I don't know either. Everything was fine before I went to sleep last night. My mom was about to rush back from City A to see the grandpa, and now this..."

"You take people—"

Just as he started speaking, her phone beeped with a message notification.

Jiang Fuyue opened it, seeing an unfamiliar number.

[Little Moon, you better behave. Master is about to set sail again, and that kid Niu Rui is even more troublesome than me. His mom coming back will make things even worse, so I'm leaving first. Remember to call me if you need anything, or just call for fun hhhhh~]

After reading it, Jiang Fuyue's gaze fixed on the last wave symbol. She picked up her phone again and said to Niu Rui on the other end, "No need to look for him, let him go."

"Huh? Just like that?"

"You can't keep him here, and you can't control him. Even if you find him and bring him back, he'll just run away again."

"...Oh." It sounded like there was some truth to that.

"Keep the room he stayed in on the second floor vacant, clean it regularly, and make sure to have clean clothes and daily necessities ready."

Niu Rui agreed, and the call ended.

Jiang Fuyue opened WeChat to add a friend but found a red dot in the upper right corner of the "Contacts" tab. Ye Qianji had already added her.

With a tap of her finger, she accepted the friend request.

After a vibration, a message popped up: You've added "The Most Handsome Guy in the World" as a friend. You can start chatting now.

Jiang Fuyue looked at the nickname and couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

At that moment, the bell for class rang, so she put away her phone and went into the classroom.

Yesterday was the second group assignment, and today the results were out.

So when Yan Zhenfeng stepped onto the platform, everyone in the audience tensed up mentally.

"The results are out for the second assignment. Compared to the first one, both in terms of completion and average score, there's a decline worth reflecting on..."

"Professor Yan, it's not entirely our fault. This time the test papers were harder than the last."

"Yeah! It took me twenty minutes just to read the questions, and my hands were shaking when I tried to answer the first one."

"I felt dizzy and nauseous by the time I got to the last question."


For a while, complaints filled the air.

Yan Zhenfeng patiently listened to their grievances. When the classroom quieted down again, he spoke again, "Was it that difficult? But the full marks weren't necessarily lower than last time."


"Full marks? Is there something wrong with my ears, or is there something wrong with my ears?"

"These questions actually have full marks?!"

"It sounds like Professor Yan implies there's more than one."

"Who's so insane?"

"Seriously! Unbelievable..."

Soon, everyone knew the answer, unexpectedly, it was within reason.

Teacher Sun’s group once again scored five full marks.

Group score 50.

Jiang Fuyue completed three sets alone, adding 60.

Lin Shumo completed one set, adding 20.

Ling Xuan completed one set, adding 20.

"Isn't this too overwhelming..."

"I should have joined Teacher Sun's group earlier."

"Humph, just you? To drag them down?"

"How will I drag them down?!"

"To not get full marks in that group is to drag them down."


In the office, Sun Qun smiled all day long.

"Old Yan, originally you could have kept Ling Xuan, but unexpectedly the kid wasn't willing to stay."

Yan Zhenfeng: "..."

"Old Qin, you said before that no one would choose my group, but now everyone wants to."

Qin Libin: "..."

"I never expected that as a chemistry teacher, I could have a day when people are eager to join my group. Wonderful~"

Yan Zhenfeng, Qin Libin: "You can slip away quickly..."

Sun Qun patted his hairpiece, very neat and perfect, then whistled and went to the cafeteria for lunch.


At the same time, at the Begonia Rain Internet Cafe.

"Xiao Zhang, open a computer for me." As soon as he finished speaking, he placed a ten-yuan bill on the table.

The auntie glanced up, her face lit up with surprise, "Old Master, you're back? Nothing happened yesterday? Why were those people chasing you?"

"Just kidding with the kid at home."

"Oh! Have you found your family?"

Ye Qianji laughed, his old eyes squinting into a seam, revealing a mouthful of healthy white teeth. "Hmm, found them."

"That's great!" Saying that, she took the money and put it in the drawer, "Use any computer you want. But... since you've found your family, why don't you use the internet at home?"

"It's more lively here with you! Oh, and play 'Sweetness, turn up the volume."

"Got it!"

The auntie nodded, her eyes scanning him again. My, my, the old man who used to only wear an undershirt when going out now wore a casual T-shirt today, loose and baggy, with letters all over the front and back. Though flashy, it looked quite good.

Wearing knee-length black shorts, he had on a pair of shoes that young people liked these days, high-top, black and red mixed, seemed to be called... A, A Cone?

Indeed, he found his family. Look at his attire. He should also consider changing his little backpack, it's too black and...

"Old Master, want to order takeout for lunch? Just got a discount coupon, ten yuan off for every thirty spent."


"What do you want?"

"Beef noodles, with a fried egg on top!"

The morning sunlight shone warmly through the glass window, casting a soft glow on the old man, as if it also illuminated his dim and aging eyebrows and eyes.

He put on his headphones, logged into the game, opened his personal center, and changed his nickname—

He changed "Where's My Little Moon" to "My Little Moon is Back".

He stared at the new nickname, nodded in satisfaction, and then accepted a team invitation from a certain elementary school student friend.

Hmm, it's another day of sailing against the wind online.


Jiang Fuyue took the time to visit the hospital again.

This time, she went alone without Shen Qiannan, bringing fruits and flowers with her.

It felt somewhat solemn.

When she knocked on the door, Liang Bing was sitting on the hospital bed, with a laptop in front of her and many documents scattered around.

With a glance, it was either physics formulas or experimental data.

"You're here." Liang Bing waved at her. "Sorry for the mess, I can only ask you to sit on the chair."

Jiang Fuyue put down the fruit basket and placed the flowers on the bedside table, replacing the previous bunch of lilies that were wilting. 

"You're too kind, buying so many things..." Liang Bing felt embarrassed. 

But her eyes looking at the lilies clearly showed that she liked them. 

Jiang Fuyue smiled and asked her, "How do you feel now?" 

"It's neither painful nor itchy, and my temper has also calmed down. The doctor said my condition is really rare. In the medical history of pituitary tumors, it's considered a miracle." 

"That's good." Jiang Fuyue glanced at the papers scattered on the side, probably one page of an experimental report. 

Liang Bing explained, "I may not be able to return to the lab for a short time. I officially applied for a long leave from Professor Xu yesterday. But scientific research is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you'll retreat. There's rarely such a thing as staying in place. Science and technology are advancing every day. According to incomplete statistics, an average of twelve research achievements are produced by each university every day. I can't be lazy." 

"So I thought even if I'm not in the lab, I should finish the unfinished projects, find a breakthrough in the stalled papers, and prepare for new topics..." 

As Liang Bing spoke, there was a smile on her face, and her eyes were bright. 

This was a person who truly devoted themselves to scientific research. 

At that moment, Jiang Fuyue felt that her ordinary features had become dazzlingly beautiful. 

"This is for you." She handed the Phoenix Eye Bodhi to Liang Bing. 

The latter was stunned. "I can't accept it!" She tried to take it off. 

Jiang Fuyue held her hand. "It will help with your treatment." 

The last time they met in the ward, Liang Bing insisted on returning the Bodhi to Jiang Fuyue after learning its true value. 

At that time, she didn't know what Master's attitude was, and Liang Bing was very firm, so she temporarily accepted it. 

"This wasn't given by me." 

Liang Bing: "?" 

"The old man said you were the first person who, after paying for his meal, still wanted to send him home. He gave you this Bodhi as a gift, as both gratitude and blessing." 

Ye Qianji's original words were: Kind people should have good karma. 

She treated him to a meal, and he saved her life. Giving and receiving are never equal in value but rather in sincerity. 

Jiang Fuyue said, "Accept it." 

Liang Bing pursed her lips. "Did you find the old gentleman?" 

"Yes, he asked me to say hello to you, to focus on getting better, and that everything will pass, and the future will be bright." 

Liang Bing's eyes turned red. "Thank you... really, thank you..." 

Before leaving, Jiang Fuyue casually asked, "Does Q University have an interdisciplinary laboratory for biochemistry and physics?" 

Liang Bing pondered for a moment. "...Yes. But it was lent out half a month ago, it seems Professor Shen Wenzhao arranged it. You can contact him."

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