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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Borrowing the Laboratory, Rejecting Joint Use 

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Jiang Fuyue naturally couldn’t reach Shen Wenzhao.

He was one of the top biochemists in China, one of the founders of modern biochemistry in China.

He was the first to attempt to study the relationship between protein structure and function by partially hydrolyzing proteins using protein hydrolysis enzymes; he discovered that there were significant changes in the properties of cytochrome C1 before and after binding to mitochondria, proving that cytochrome B and succinate dehydrogenase are not the same substance; and he established a quantitative relationship formula and plotting method for the chemical modification of essential protein groups and the loss of activity, which was named after his surname.

He has served as vice researcher, researcher, and director of the Institute of Biochemistry and the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as deputy director of the Institute of Biophysics. He is now the director of the National Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules.

It could be said that Shen Wenzhao’s contributions in the field of biochemistry were comparable to Xu Kaiqing’s achievements in quantum physics.

They were both national treasures, known as the “two great stabilizers of the Chinese scientific community.”

How could a high school student like Jiang Fuyue, who was unknown to the public, possibly contact him?

Fortunately, there was Xu Kaiqing…

It was said that the two of them were longtime friends with a deep friendship.

“Are you looking for Old Shen?”

“Yes. I want to borrow the A1 laboratory for a while,” Jiang Fuyue explained her intention.

Before this, she had already learned about that laboratory through various channels. It was spacious, well-equipped, and had a comprehensive nature of interdisciplinary use in biochemistry and physics.

Such a laboratory was nowhere else to be found in Q University.

Xu Kaiqing, upon hearing this, calmly turned off the quantum model thermograph and got up from the console.

Jiang Fuyue conveniently switched the yellow switch in front of the platform to safety mode.

She then pulled out a clean handkerchief from the rack and handed it to him, accompanied by a sweet smile.

Well, it was an attitude of seeking favor from others.

Xu Kaiqing took the handkerchief and wiped his hands, somewhat sourly asking, “Why do you want to borrow the laboratory from the Biology Department? Isn’t my Physics Department suitable?”

He misunderstood Jiang Fuyue’s interest in biology and thought of suggesting an alternative. She even thought about pulling some strings as a loyal supporter of physics?

Alas, Xu Kaiqing couldn’t help but feel that having a broad knowledge wasn’t necessarily a good thing. It was too easy to become fickle. Before he could freely grow in the fertile soil of physics, did he have to sail through the stormy seas of biology?

When Yan Zhenfeng said that Jiang Fuyue was “floral,” he didn’t take it seriously at first, thinking that her ability to “worry” could easily conquer all disciplines, dominating countless fields.

But at this moment, Xu Kaiqing couldn’t help but want to complain from the bottom of his heart: Friend, you are really—too—fickle!

Upon hearing Xu Kaiqing’s vinegar-filled tone and seeing his clearly dissatisfied expression, Jiang Fuyue helplessly massaged her forehead.

No wonder Xu Kaiqing misunderstood. Strictly speaking, the A1 laboratory was indeed a biological laboratory.

It just happened to have the functions of both chemical and physical research at the same time.

“You’re overthinking. I have a paper in hand, which is about the physical analysis of bacterial movement. I need to use biochemical experimental equipment for data observation and recording.”

Xu Kaiqing was taken aback, “A physics paper?”

Jiang Fuyue twitched her lips, “What else?”

“In that case, why don’t you come to my laboratory? I’ll give you the highest level of access, and you can use the equipment however you want, just mess around.” With a wave of his hand, the current Xu Kaiqing fully embodied the essence of being a “local tycoon.”

If his doctoral students were present, they would probably be dumbfounded on the spot.

Was this the same Lao Xu who cried in front of the Academy of Sciences, the school, the foundation, and all the students, complaining about not having enough funds to spend?

Indeed, it wasn’t that they couldn’t win over the old professor’s heart or gain the recognition of the old national treasure, but neither of them was named “Jiang Fuyue,” so they don’t have the privilege of exclusive favor.

However, just when he finally decided to be generous, the other party didn’t seem to appreciate it—

Jiang Fuyue: “Do you have bacterial culture dishes, biochemical signal sensors, or self-organized blot synthesizers here?”


“Okay, I can do without all of that, just get me a few electron microscopes.” 

That casual tone was like saying “Get me a few heads of cabbage.”

“Alright, I’ve decided,” Xu Kaiqing took a deep breath, smiled slightly, “I’ll help you contact Old Shen.”

Jiang Fuyue smirked: Sure thing.

Xu Kaiqing acted quickly and gave Jiang Fuyue a contact method in the afternoon.

“… Old Shen is currently attending an academic exchange conference in H City, not in the capital. This is his assistant’s phone number. You can communicate with them about the timing and arrangements.”


Jiang Fuyue dialed the number and after just a few words, the other party knew who she was, apparently having been informed in advance.

“… It’s like this, Professor Shen’s student is currently using this laboratory, and it will probably take another half month before it becomes available. Do you urgently need it by then?”

Half a month definitely wouldn’t work; the training camp would be over by then.

Jiang Fuyue tactfully explained the difficulties, then suggested, “…I heard that the laboratory is very spacious and can accommodate two research groups at the same time. I don’t have a group with me, just myself, so it would be simpler. Can I share it with Professor Shen’s student? Of course, they have priority to use the equipment, and I won’t argue.”

“Oh…” The other side seemed a bit embarrassed, but didn’t directly refuse.

Jiang Fuyue’s tone softened even more, “Is there any difficulty?”

Soft-spoken, clear and gentle.

Upon hearing this, the other person’s ears softened, and their heart softened along with it. “Well, Professor Shen’s student doesn’t like to share the laboratory with others. I need to consult with them first before I can give you an answer.”

Doesn’t like to share the laboratory with others?

Jiang Fuyue raised an eyebrow, what kind of quirk was that?

If they were always like this, wouldn’t it be necessary to build a separate laboratory just for them to conduct research comfortably?

She kept silently criticizing in her heart, but on the surface, Jiang Fuyue politely agreed.

When you’re under someone else’s roof…

“What have you been busy with lately?” Ling Xuan came out of the classroom and walked to Jiang Fuyue’s side, leaning on the railing beside her.

However, there was a gap of two people between them.

“I have some matters to attend to.”

Ling Xuan didn’t pursue further, “I’ve finished the questions you gave me last time, but there are a few places I don’t quite understand…”

After becoming teammates, Jiang Fuyue, considering the overall grades of the group, or perhaps due to her perfectionism, occasionally shared some questions with Ling Xuan, who was proactive himself. 

Most of these were non-competition questions, focusing on training thinking skills. 

At first, Ling Xuan was skeptical, feeling that doing papers unrelated to the competition during training seemed to miss the point and waste energy. But after persisting for a while, he found that his depth and breadth of thinking, as well as his ability to adapt, were far beyond what they were before. 

The same question, when he did it now versus before, approached from completely different angles and considerations. 

Only then did he understand why Jiang Fuyue always liked to read extracurricular books unrelated to the competition, or do questions that had nothing to do with the contest. 

She wanted to learn more than just a specific knowledge point or solution; she wanted to develop a certain way of thinking. It’s like… 

While everyone was focused on catching a fish, she had already discreetly set her sights on the entire fish pond. 

Ling Xuan seemed to understand where he had lost.

“I’ve looked at the explanations, but I’m still struggling a bit…” 

Half a year ago, Ling Xuan couldn’t imagine himself saying the words “struggling” like this. Now, however, he was quite calm about it. He was just telling the truth, nothing to be ashamed of. 

Jiang Fuyue didn’t show the slightest hint of mockery either, just a slight “Mm” sound. “Let’s discuss it inside.” 


The two of them entered the classroom. 

Lin Shumo sat in his seat, his eyes flickering slightly when he saw the two entering together. 


Inside Laboratory A1. 

After completing the 12th batch of S bacterial culture data recording, Xie Dingyuan suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to eat lunch. 

He took off his glasses, left the experimental platform, and went into the adjacent living area, opening the lunch box that his assistant had delivered two hours ago. The food had already gone cold. 

He didn’t mind, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating. 

If Zhong Ziang were to witness this scene, would he be shocked? This was the same uncle who used to calculate his salt intake with precision? 

Suddenly, his phone rang… 


“Professor Xie, sorry to disturb you, I’m Little Xu, Professor Shen’s assistant.” 

“Is there something?” “It’s like this, there are students from the Physics Department who want to share Laboratory A1 with you. What do you think?” 

The man’s brow furrowed, his tone cold and firm, “I don’t agree.” 

Oh dear, Xie 99, your wife is gone.

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 180

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Borrowing the Laboratory, Rejecting Joint Use 

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Jiang Fuyue naturally couldn't reach Shen Wenzhao.

He was one of the top biochemists in China, one of the founders of modern biochemistry in China.

He was the first to attempt to study the relationship between protein structure and function by partially hydrolyzing proteins using protein hydrolysis enzymes; he discovered that there were significant changes in the properties of cytochrome C1 before and after binding to mitochondria, proving that cytochrome B and succinate dehydrogenase are not the same substance; and he established a quantitative relationship formula and plotting method for the chemical modification of essential protein groups and the loss of activity, which was named after his surname.

He has served as vice researcher, researcher, and director of the Institute of Biochemistry and the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as deputy director of the Institute of Biophysics. He is now the director of the National Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules.

It could be said that Shen Wenzhao's contributions in the field of biochemistry were comparable to Xu Kaiqing's achievements in quantum physics.

They were both national treasures, known as the "two great stabilizers of the Chinese scientific community."

How could a high school student like Jiang Fuyue, who was unknown to the public, possibly contact him?

Fortunately, there was Xu Kaiqing...

It was said that the two of them were longtime friends with a deep friendship.

"Are you looking for Old Shen?"

"Yes. I want to borrow the A1 laboratory for a while," Jiang Fuyue explained her intention.

Before this, she had already learned about that laboratory through various channels. It was spacious, well-equipped, and had a comprehensive nature of interdisciplinary use in biochemistry and physics.

Such a laboratory was nowhere else to be found in Q University.

Xu Kaiqing, upon hearing this, calmly turned off the quantum model thermograph and got up from the console.

Jiang Fuyue conveniently switched the yellow switch in front of the platform to safety mode.

She then pulled out a clean handkerchief from the rack and handed it to him, accompanied by a sweet smile.

Well, it was an attitude of seeking favor from others.

Xu Kaiqing took the handkerchief and wiped his hands, somewhat sourly asking, "Why do you want to borrow the laboratory from the Biology Department? Isn't my Physics Department suitable?"

He misunderstood Jiang Fuyue's interest in biology and thought of suggesting an alternative. She even thought about pulling some strings as a loyal supporter of physics?

Alas, Xu Kaiqing couldn't help but feel that having a broad knowledge wasn't necessarily a good thing. It was too easy to become fickle. Before he could freely grow in the fertile soil of physics, did he have to sail through the stormy seas of biology?

When Yan Zhenfeng said that Jiang Fuyue was "floral," he didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that her ability to "worry" could easily conquer all disciplines, dominating countless fields.

But at this moment, Xu Kaiqing couldn't help but want to complain from the bottom of his heart: Friend, you are really—too—fickle!

Upon hearing Xu Kaiqing's vinegar-filled tone and seeing his clearly dissatisfied expression, Jiang Fuyue helplessly massaged her forehead.

No wonder Xu Kaiqing misunderstood. Strictly speaking, the A1 laboratory was indeed a biological laboratory.

It just happened to have the functions of both chemical and physical research at the same time.

"You're overthinking. I have a paper in hand, which is about the physical analysis of bacterial movement. I need to use biochemical experimental equipment for data observation and recording."

Xu Kaiqing was taken aback, "A physics paper?"

Jiang Fuyue twitched her lips, "What else?"

"In that case, why don't you come to my laboratory? I'll give you the highest level of access, and you can use the equipment however you want, just mess around." With a wave of his hand, the current Xu Kaiqing fully embodied the essence of being a "local tycoon."

If his doctoral students were present, they would probably be dumbfounded on the spot.

Was this the same Lao Xu who cried in front of the Academy of Sciences, the school, the foundation, and all the students, complaining about not having enough funds to spend?

Indeed, it wasn't that they couldn't win over the old professor's heart or gain the recognition of the old national treasure, but neither of them was named "Jiang Fuyue," so they don't have the privilege of exclusive favor.

However, just when he finally decided to be generous, the other party didn't seem to appreciate it—

Jiang Fuyue: "Do you have bacterial culture dishes, biochemical signal sensors, or self-organized blot synthesizers here?"


"Okay, I can do without all of that, just get me a few electron microscopes." 

That casual tone was like saying "Get me a few heads of cabbage."

"Alright, I've decided," Xu Kaiqing took a deep breath, smiled slightly, "I'll help you contact Old Shen."

Jiang Fuyue smirked: Sure thing.


Xu Kaiqing acted quickly and gave Jiang Fuyue a contact method in the afternoon.

"... Old Shen is currently attending an academic exchange conference in H City, not in the capital. This is his assistant's phone number. You can communicate with them about the timing and arrangements."


Jiang Fuyue dialed the number and after just a few words, the other party knew who she was, apparently having been informed in advance.

"... It's like this, Professor Shen's student is currently using this laboratory, and it will probably take another half month before it becomes available. Do you urgently need it by then?"

Half a month definitely wouldn't work; the training camp would be over by then.

Jiang Fuyue tactfully explained the difficulties, then suggested, "...I heard that the laboratory is very spacious and can accommodate two research groups at the same time. I don't have a group with me, just myself, so it would be simpler. Can I share it with Professor Shen's student? Of course, they have priority to use the equipment, and I won't argue."

"Oh..." The other side seemed a bit embarrassed, but didn't directly refuse.

Jiang Fuyue's tone softened even more, "Is there any difficulty?"

Soft-spoken, clear and gentle.

Upon hearing this, the other person's ears softened, and their heart softened along with it. "Well, Professor Shen's student doesn't like to share the laboratory with others. I need to consult with them first before I can give you an answer."

Doesn't like to share the laboratory with others?

Jiang Fuyue raised an eyebrow, what kind of quirk was that?

If they were always like this, wouldn't it be necessary to build a separate laboratory just for them to conduct research comfortably?

She kept silently criticizing in her heart, but on the surface, Jiang Fuyue politely agreed.

When you're under someone else's roof...

"What have you been busy with lately?" Ling Xuan came out of the classroom and walked to Jiang Fuyue's side, leaning on the railing beside her.

However, there was a gap of two people between them.

"I have some matters to attend to."

Ling Xuan didn't pursue further, "I've finished the questions you gave me last time, but there are a few places I don't quite understand..."

After becoming teammates, Jiang Fuyue, considering the overall grades of the group, or perhaps due to her perfectionism, occasionally shared some questions with Ling Xuan, who was proactive himself. 

Most of these were non-competition questions, focusing on training thinking skills. 

At first, Ling Xuan was skeptical, feeling that doing papers unrelated to the competition during training seemed to miss the point and waste energy. But after persisting for a while, he found that his depth and breadth of thinking, as well as his ability to adapt, were far beyond what they were before. 

The same question, when he did it now versus before, approached from completely different angles and considerations. 

Only then did he understand why Jiang Fuyue always liked to read extracurricular books unrelated to the competition, or do questions that had nothing to do with the contest. 

She wanted to learn more than just a specific knowledge point or solution; she wanted to develop a certain way of thinking. It's like... 

While everyone was focused on catching a fish, she had already discreetly set her sights on the entire fish pond. 

Ling Xuan seemed to understand where he had lost.

"I've looked at the explanations, but I'm still struggling a bit..." 

Half a year ago, Ling Xuan couldn't imagine himself saying the words "struggling" like this. Now, however, he was quite calm about it. He was just telling the truth, nothing to be ashamed of. 

Jiang Fuyue didn't show the slightest hint of mockery either, just a slight "Mm" sound. "Let's discuss it inside." 


The two of them entered the classroom. 

Lin Shumo sat in his seat, his eyes flickering slightly when he saw the two entering together. 


Inside Laboratory A1. 

After completing the 12th batch of S bacterial culture data recording, Xie Dingyuan suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to eat lunch. 

He took off his glasses, left the experimental platform, and went into the adjacent living area, opening the lunch box that his assistant had delivered two hours ago. The food had already gone cold. 

He didn't mind, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating. 

If Zhong Ziang were to witness this scene, would he be shocked? This was the same uncle who used to calculate his salt intake with precision? 

Suddenly, his phone rang... 


"Professor Xie, sorry to disturb you, I'm Little Xu, Professor Shen's assistant." 

"Is there something?" "It's like this, there are students from the Physics Department who want to share Laboratory A1 with you. What do you think?" 

The man's brow furrowed, his tone cold and firm, "I don't agree." 

Oh dear, Xie 99, your wife is gone.

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