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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 38

Chapter 38

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Qin Muye’s expression seemed sorrowful.

Rong Qiu was completely puzzled.

Although Rong Qiu and Qin Muye weren’t close, in Rong Qiu’s mind, this S-class alpha should be a resolute and decisive man who wouldn’t easily reveal a vulnerable mindset. After all, those in high positions should be able to control their emotions.

So why did the man seem so visibly distressed now?

Was it just because Rong Qiu said they weren’t acquainted?

But he was telling the truth.

Moreover, Rong Qiu was sure that the man had mistaken him. Qin Muye seemed to regard him as someone significant from his past, and that intense emotional reaction during their first meeting stemmed from that memory.

That person must hold a crucial place in Qin Muye’s heart.

But what did it matter?

This incident wasn’t important to Rong Qiu.

In fact, Qin Muye mistaking him for someone else had brought him numerous troubles. 

If it weren’t for Qin Muye’s error, he wouldn’t have repeatedly met with him, and even spent time visiting his office. Even Director Qian had bothered him multiple times because of Qin Muye.

Rong Qiu, who disliked trouble, found Qin Muye to be a source of annoyance.

Too troublesome, too irritating.

It was so annoying that Rong Qiu didn’t want to bother with how Qin Muye would react.

Rong Qiu calmly walked to the counter, paid for the meal, and when passing by Qin Muye again, the man still maintained the same posture as he walked away. His eyes were dim, pupils dilated, displaying a vacant look without a specific focus.

Rong Qiu sighed inwardly, tapping the table lightly with his fingertips.

A signal.

He was leaving.

As Rong Qiu’s figure gradually moved away, finally disappearing beside the row of trees outside the window, Qin Muye couldn’t hold on any longer. The tense line of his shoulders collapsed, akin to a taut bowstring suddenly breaking, and the undeniable force of recoil caused his heart to palpitate violently.

Every moment seemed to mock his arrogance.

He thought of trying to retain him, but Rong Qiu didn’t remember him.

The more he thought, the more anxious and desolate he felt.

Qin Muye stared at the cold leftovers on the table.

Lately, it had been like this; things he had ignored five years ago were resurfacing in his heart.

The dishes on the table were different from what he remembered.

Five years ago, Rong Qiu would always order strongly flavored and spicy dishes for him. But now, the dishes on the table were plain and lacking, with many things Qin Muye wouldn’t eat, such as mushrooms and celery. These had their own unique flavors—some people liked them, but Qin Muye wouldn’t touch them.

So, Rong Qiu liked these?

That meant Rong Qiu deliberately emphasized his preferences when they were together.

Did he know…?

He did.

But Qin Muye still chose to ignore it because, at that time, the beta was just a bed companion to him. Even a future partner wouldn’t receive his wholehearted commitment, let alone a mere bed companion.

But was Rong Qiu really just a bed companion to him?

Qin Muye couldn’t understand his own heart.

All he knew was that after the reunion, he felt joy every time he met Rong Qiu, even though the joy was mixed with broken glass and cold knives. He still looked forward to meeting Rong Qiu.

When the owner came to clear the dishes, he even saw this extraordinary alpha showing signs of wanting to cry. With a face that made others envy the unfairness of the world, coupled with an upright figure, the contrasting sight of an alpha with moist red eyes was striking.

Geez, what era is it that one can witness an alpha crying?

The owner knew Rong Qiu, so he naturally had a favorable impression of Rong Qiu’s friends, especially since Qin Muye was clearly from the military, wearing military pants and boots.

The owner’s attitude improved even more.

“Young man, if you’re in a bad mood, did you encounter any difficulties?”

It wasn’t the peak dining time for the evening yet, so the owner decided to sit down and chat with Qin Muye.

It must be said that if Qin Muye was willing to put on a facade, it would be challenging for others to detect his indifferent nature. Rong Qiu didn’t notice this five years ago, and the current owner didn’t either.

After a brief conversation, the owner completely let down his guard and even admired this young alpha.

Only then did Qin Muye ask the question he wanted to ask.

“Does Little Qiu order these dishes every time he comes?”

“More or less. He likes mild flavors, and he rarely orders heavily seasoned dishes. Nowadays, there are very few young people who prefer light flavors. Mr. Rong is one of them. Even the owner of the bar next door, who often comes here with Mr. Rong, likes it too.”

Qin Muye keenly caught some information, “The owner of the bar next door?”

The restaurant owner nodded towards the left, “It’s the third one on the left, the beta bar. Mr. Rong often comes here for a late-night snack after drinking.”

Qin Muye’s heart twitched painfully.

He knew that five years later, Rong Qiu would smoke, but he didn’t know he would also drink. Moreover, he would go to the nearby beta bar.

Clearly, Rong Qiu’s cheeks would flush even with a little alcohol.

With such a low alcohol tolerance, Rong Qiu actually went to a bar.


The restaurant owner’s reminder was clear. The bar’s name was evident: “Beta Bar.” The fluorescent screen at the entrance showed that it was a place exclusively for beta entertainment and leisure. It looked ordinary, much like its target audience—beta individuals. If it weren’t for the sign that said “Beta Bar,” no one would associate this place with a bar and dance floor.

However, although the layout seemed relaxed, the management was quite strict.

Qin Muye was stopped at the entrance.

The person who stopped him was the owner of the beta bar.

Having just rested, the beta owner usually stayed awake during this time. “This alpha sir, we only allow betas to enter. If you want to go to a bar, you can turn left three streets down; there’s an AO Bar there.”

Because of previous disturbances caused by alphas, the bar owner was vigilant and naturally drove Qin Muye out when he saw this alpha.

Unperturbed, Qin Muye observed the well-dressed beta in front of him and guessed that he must be the bar owner.

Qin Muye lowered his voice, “Do you know Rong Qiu?”

The beta owner hesitated and didn’t answer directly.

Qin Muye asked a few more questions.

The beta owner answered with a mix of truth and falsehood.

Qin Muye saw that the beta was deliberately avoiding the topic, nodded slightly, and left with gentlemanly courtesy.

Seeing him get into his car, the beta owner finally felt at ease.

But he was truly frightened.

This alpha didn’t seem ordinary at all. The color of the pheromone inhibitor collar around his neck was so deep; he must be an A-level alpha or higher.

The beta owner didn’t dare to speculate too much.

If he knew that Qin Muye was one of the only two S-class alphas in the entire Federation, he might have taken a photo with him, a memento to boast about later with his peers.

Even if he only guessed that Qin Muye was an A-level alpha, it would still be surprising enough for the beta owner.

A-level alphas accounted for only one percent of the entire alpha population.

If he remembered correctly, Rong Qiu was a beta.

Surprisingly, he had such a good relationship with such a high-level alpha.

But maybe it wasn’t that surprising.

Rong Qiu was so outstanding.

In this bar alone, there were many excellent betas who wanted to date Rong Qiu.

Knowing an A-level alpha wouldn’t be a big deal for Rong Qiu.

So, the beta owner quickly forgot about this matter and didn’t take it to heart.

As for Qin Muye, who had left the beta bar, he didn’t drive away.

To be honest, he was feeling quite chaotic inside.

It was like there were countless tangled threads in his heart, interweaving, and even knotting up.

Qin Muye sat alone in the car for a long time, starting from sunset to the appearance of the stars and moon.

No progress.

It felt like he had reached the end of a road, and ahead was a dead end.

He never thought a beta would forget him.

Just five years.

In five years, the beta had forgotten him.

Was it really that easy to forget someone?

He had etched the beta’s face into his bones and blood, yet all he got was the label of a stranger.

The words “a stranger” sounded harsh in his ears.

There was anger and annoyance, but after the tumultuous emotions receded like a tide, what remained was a sense of confusion.

The tall and imposing alpha sat in the car, his expression unusually vulnerable.

If Rong Qiu remembered him, they could still have a connection. But now that Rong Qiu had forgotten him, what should he do?

Initiating a conversation about the events of five years ago was the quickest way to make Rong Qiu remember him. However, doing so would be equivalent to reopening Rong Qiu’s wounds. Even he found the events of five years ago confusing, and if Rong Qiu remembered and became resentful, it might be even worse.

What about the second option…

It seemed not viable either.

If he remained silent, they would forever stand on the parallel lines of strangers. Rong Qiu would still treat him as the unfamiliar military commander, a hierarchical relationship he didn’t want.

Even if Rong Qiu treated him with a good attitude, it would only be a subordinate’s respect towards a superior. 

And there were many things Rong Qiu wouldn’t give, which he couldn’t obtain.

Was he willing?

No, he would never be willing.

Since Rong Qiu had forgotten the past, starting anew would be a good beginning.

Qin Muye’s eyes, dark for a long time, finally lit up.

Yes, starting anew.

But the only problem now was how to start anew with Rong Qiu.

Qin Muye pondered this question without finding an answer.

Watching the electronic toll display in the temporary parking space continuously increasing, he remained unmoved.

In the end, it was his brother’s call asking why he hadn’t returned yet that brought him back to reality. Qin Muye hung up and hurried to his residence.


Qin Zexi had been waiting for Qin Muye for a long time.

He had been feeling troubled lately.

He had been in a cold war with Rong Qin for almost a month, during which there hadn’t been a single call or text.

Was this what a partner should be like?

Qin Zexi wished to immediately call Rong Qin and argue with him.

But his pride prevented him from initiating contact first.

Although it was Rong Qin who had unreasonably started the argument without any reason, why should he be the first to apologize?

He repeated in his heart countless times that if he contacted Rong Qin first, he would be a loser.

So, Qin Zexi had been holding back for so many days.

Now he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Qin Muye came back home and, before even changing his shoes, saw a broken phone lying miserably on the floor in the living room. On the sofa, a man who bore a resemblance to him was standing with arms crossed. His eagle-like eyes were like knives, leaving indelible marks wherever they glanced.

His brother had been in a bad mood for quite some time.

Since his brother moved in with him, he frequently broke things in the house, from the TV remote control to the floor-cleaning robot. This time, it was his own phone.

It seemed that the problem was really serious.

Before, his brother used to hold his phone whenever he had free time.

When Qin Muye asked if he was waiting for someone’s message, Qin Zexi immediately covered the phone on the sofa, retorting swiftly, “Why would I be waiting for someone’s message? I’m just checking the company’s financial reports.”

Qin Muye saw through his brother’s contradictory words but chose not to expose it directly. He reluctantly gave his elder brother some face.

However, Qin Muye could guess part of it.

It was probably a serious fight with Rong Qin, and this time it was quite severe.

So, Qin Zexi directly called Qin Muye back to drink away his sorrows.

Both S-class alphas had decent alcohol tolerance. Mixing red, white, and yellow wines, neither of them got each other drunk.

But it seemed that Qin Zexi, who had something on his mind, couldn’t hold back.

This slightly older S-class alpha, with a bottle in his arms, was filled with dissatisfaction, “What more does he want? I’ve been allowing his military power to develop in the army. He can even interfere in managing the businesses left by our ancestors in the Qin family. What is he still dissatisfied with? He even wants to establish an independent volunteer army to wipe out the pirates in the Thirteenth Military District. How capable is he? He wants to accomplish something that the entire Federation hasn’t done, and he thinks a beta like him can achieve it?”

Qin Zexi vented non-stop, and it was clear he harbored strong dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Rong Qin.

Qin Muye didn’t say much.

He quietly sat on the side, seemingly attentively listening.

He had his own concerns.

Drinking also served to drown his sorrows.

However, when he heard his brother openly despise betas, Qin Muye’s brows suddenly furrowed. He set down his wine glass, “Betas are no different from us. If given the space, they can be outstanding too.”

Just like Rong Qiu.

He excelled when he arrived at the Thirteenth Military District.

The achievements he obtained were definitely not inferior to any alpha.

Qin Zexi still disagreed.

Qin Muye knew that no matter what he said now, his brother wouldn’t be able to listen. He chose to remain silent and accompany him with the alcohol.

The two of them drank countless bottles for nearly half an hour.

Qin Zexi’s grievances were finally poured out.

Maybe Qin Zexi was drunk.

Or perhaps some belated yearning dared to emerge only after his brain was intoxicated with alcohol.

Towards the end, Qin Zexi’s words and actions were extremely improper.

His eyes were red, crying, and he even hugged Qin Muye’s thigh, saying repeatedly, “Ah Qin, don’t ignore me. I can’t sleep at night without you. Ah Qin, my glands hurt…”

Originally a tough guy made of steel, after drinking, Qin Muye turned into an alpha who only wanted to hold his beta partner and cry.

There was no trace of an S-class alpha.

Most importantly, Qin Muye was treated by Qin Zexi as a beta who rejected him, and he was even tightly choked. If he hadn’t taken the initiative to knock out his brother, his brother would have been planning to bite his glands.

It was truly crazy.

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 38

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 38

Chapter 38

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Qin Muye's expression seemed sorrowful.

Rong Qiu was completely puzzled.

Although Rong Qiu and Qin Muye weren't close, in Rong Qiu's mind, this S-class alpha should be a resolute and decisive man who wouldn't easily reveal a vulnerable mindset. After all, those in high positions should be able to control their emotions.

So why did the man seem so visibly distressed now?

Was it just because Rong Qiu said they weren't acquainted?

But he was telling the truth.

Moreover, Rong Qiu was sure that the man had mistaken him. Qin Muye seemed to regard him as someone significant from his past, and that intense emotional reaction during their first meeting stemmed from that memory.

That person must hold a crucial place in Qin Muye's heart.

But what did it matter?

This incident wasn't important to Rong Qiu.

In fact, Qin Muye mistaking him for someone else had brought him numerous troubles. 

If it weren't for Qin Muye's error, he wouldn't have repeatedly met with him, and even spent time visiting his office. Even Director Qian had bothered him multiple times because of Qin Muye.

Rong Qiu, who disliked trouble, found Qin Muye to be a source of annoyance.

Too troublesome, too irritating.

It was so annoying that Rong Qiu didn't want to bother with how Qin Muye would react.

Rong Qiu calmly walked to the counter, paid for the meal, and when passing by Qin Muye again, the man still maintained the same posture as he walked away. His eyes were dim, pupils dilated, displaying a vacant look without a specific focus.

Rong Qiu sighed inwardly, tapping the table lightly with his fingertips.

A signal.

He was leaving.

As Rong Qiu's figure gradually moved away, finally disappearing beside the row of trees outside the window, Qin Muye couldn't hold on any longer. The tense line of his shoulders collapsed, akin to a taut bowstring suddenly breaking, and the undeniable force of recoil caused his heart to palpitate violently.

Every moment seemed to mock his arrogance.

He thought of trying to retain him, but Rong Qiu didn't remember him.

The more he thought, the more anxious and desolate he felt.

Qin Muye stared at the cold leftovers on the table.

Lately, it had been like this; things he had ignored five years ago were resurfacing in his heart.

The dishes on the table were different from what he remembered.

Five years ago, Rong Qiu would always order strongly flavored and spicy dishes for him. But now, the dishes on the table were plain and lacking, with many things Qin Muye wouldn't eat, such as mushrooms and celery. These had their own unique flavors—some people liked them, but Qin Muye wouldn't touch them.

So, Rong Qiu liked these?

That meant Rong Qiu deliberately emphasized his preferences when they were together.

Did he know...?

He did.

But Qin Muye still chose to ignore it because, at that time, the beta was just a bed companion to him. Even a future partner wouldn't receive his wholehearted commitment, let alone a mere bed companion.

But was Rong Qiu really just a bed companion to him?

Qin Muye couldn't understand his own heart.

All he knew was that after the reunion, he felt joy every time he met Rong Qiu, even though the joy was mixed with broken glass and cold knives. He still looked forward to meeting Rong Qiu.

When the owner came to clear the dishes, he even saw this extraordinary alpha showing signs of wanting to cry. With a face that made others envy the unfairness of the world, coupled with an upright figure, the contrasting sight of an alpha with moist red eyes was striking.

Geez, what era is it that one can witness an alpha crying?

The owner knew Rong Qiu, so he naturally had a favorable impression of Rong Qiu's friends, especially since Qin Muye was clearly from the military, wearing military pants and boots.

The owner's attitude improved even more.

"Young man, if you're in a bad mood, did you encounter any difficulties?"

It wasn't the peak dining time for the evening yet, so the owner decided to sit down and chat with Qin Muye.

It must be said that if Qin Muye was willing to put on a facade, it would be challenging for others to detect his indifferent nature. Rong Qiu didn't notice this five years ago, and the current owner didn't either.

After a brief conversation, the owner completely let down his guard and even admired this young alpha.

Only then did Qin Muye ask the question he wanted to ask.

"Does Little Qiu order these dishes every time he comes?"

"More or less. He likes mild flavors, and he rarely orders heavily seasoned dishes. Nowadays, there are very few young people who prefer light flavors. Mr. Rong is one of them. Even the owner of the bar next door, who often comes here with Mr. Rong, likes it too."

Qin Muye keenly caught some information, "The owner of the bar next door?"

The restaurant owner nodded towards the left, "It's the third one on the left, the beta bar. Mr. Rong often comes here for a late-night snack after drinking."

Qin Muye's heart twitched painfully.

He knew that five years later, Rong Qiu would smoke, but he didn't know he would also drink. Moreover, he would go to the nearby beta bar.

Clearly, Rong Qiu's cheeks would flush even with a little alcohol.

With such a low alcohol tolerance, Rong Qiu actually went to a bar.


The restaurant owner's reminder was clear. The bar's name was evident: "Beta Bar." The fluorescent screen at the entrance showed that it was a place exclusively for beta entertainment and leisure. It looked ordinary, much like its target audience—beta individuals. If it weren't for the sign that said "Beta Bar," no one would associate this place with a bar and dance floor.

However, although the layout seemed relaxed, the management was quite strict.

Qin Muye was stopped at the entrance.

The person who stopped him was the owner of the beta bar.

Having just rested, the beta owner usually stayed awake during this time. "This alpha sir, we only allow betas to enter. If you want to go to a bar, you can turn left three streets down; there's an AO Bar there."

Because of previous disturbances caused by alphas, the bar owner was vigilant and naturally drove Qin Muye out when he saw this alpha.

Unperturbed, Qin Muye observed the well-dressed beta in front of him and guessed that he must be the bar owner.

Qin Muye lowered his voice, "Do you know Rong Qiu?"

The beta owner hesitated and didn't answer directly.

Qin Muye asked a few more questions.

The beta owner answered with a mix of truth and falsehood.

Qin Muye saw that the beta was deliberately avoiding the topic, nodded slightly, and left with gentlemanly courtesy.

Seeing him get into his car, the beta owner finally felt at ease.

But he was truly frightened.

This alpha didn't seem ordinary at all. The color of the pheromone inhibitor collar around his neck was so deep; he must be an A-level alpha or higher.

The beta owner didn't dare to speculate too much.

If he knew that Qin Muye was one of the only two S-class alphas in the entire Federation, he might have taken a photo with him, a memento to boast about later with his peers.

Even if he only guessed that Qin Muye was an A-level alpha, it would still be surprising enough for the beta owner.

A-level alphas accounted for only one percent of the entire alpha population.

If he remembered correctly, Rong Qiu was a beta.

Surprisingly, he had such a good relationship with such a high-level alpha.

But maybe it wasn't that surprising.

Rong Qiu was so outstanding.

In this bar alone, there were many excellent betas who wanted to date Rong Qiu.

Knowing an A-level alpha wouldn't be a big deal for Rong Qiu.

So, the beta owner quickly forgot about this matter and didn't take it to heart.

As for Qin Muye, who had left the beta bar, he didn't drive away.

To be honest, he was feeling quite chaotic inside.

It was like there were countless tangled threads in his heart, interweaving, and even knotting up.

Qin Muye sat alone in the car for a long time, starting from sunset to the appearance of the stars and moon.

No progress.

It felt like he had reached the end of a road, and ahead was a dead end.

He never thought a beta would forget him.

Just five years.

In five years, the beta had forgotten him.

Was it really that easy to forget someone?

He had etched the beta's face into his bones and blood, yet all he got was the label of a stranger.

The words "a stranger" sounded harsh in his ears.

There was anger and annoyance, but after the tumultuous emotions receded like a tide, what remained was a sense of confusion.

The tall and imposing alpha sat in the car, his expression unusually vulnerable.

If Rong Qiu remembered him, they could still have a connection. But now that Rong Qiu had forgotten him, what should he do?

Initiating a conversation about the events of five years ago was the quickest way to make Rong Qiu remember him. However, doing so would be equivalent to reopening Rong Qiu's wounds. Even he found the events of five years ago confusing, and if Rong Qiu remembered and became resentful, it might be even worse.

What about the second option…

It seemed not viable either.

If he remained silent, they would forever stand on the parallel lines of strangers. Rong Qiu would still treat him as the unfamiliar military commander, a hierarchical relationship he didn't want.

Even if Rong Qiu treated him with a good attitude, it would only be a subordinate's respect towards a superior. 

And there were many things Rong Qiu wouldn't give, which he couldn't obtain.

Was he willing?

No, he would never be willing.

Since Rong Qiu had forgotten the past, starting anew would be a good beginning.

Qin Muye's eyes, dark for a long time, finally lit up.

Yes, starting anew.

But the only problem now was how to start anew with Rong Qiu.

Qin Muye pondered this question without finding an answer.

Watching the electronic toll display in the temporary parking space continuously increasing, he remained unmoved.

In the end, it was his brother's call asking why he hadn't returned yet that brought him back to reality. Qin Muye hung up and hurried to his residence.


Qin Zexi had been waiting for Qin Muye for a long time.

He had been feeling troubled lately.

He had been in a cold war with Rong Qin for almost a month, during which there hadn't been a single call or text.

Was this what a partner should be like?

Qin Zexi wished to immediately call Rong Qin and argue with him.

But his pride prevented him from initiating contact first.

Although it was Rong Qin who had unreasonably started the argument without any reason, why should he be the first to apologize?

He repeated in his heart countless times that if he contacted Rong Qin first, he would be a loser.

So, Qin Zexi had been holding back for so many days.

Now he couldn't hold back any longer.

Qin Muye came back home and, before even changing his shoes, saw a broken phone lying miserably on the floor in the living room. On the sofa, a man who bore a resemblance to him was standing with arms crossed. His eagle-like eyes were like knives, leaving indelible marks wherever they glanced.

His brother had been in a bad mood for quite some time.

Since his brother moved in with him, he frequently broke things in the house, from the TV remote control to the floor-cleaning robot. This time, it was his own phone.

It seemed that the problem was really serious.

Before, his brother used to hold his phone whenever he had free time.

When Qin Muye asked if he was waiting for someone's message, Qin Zexi immediately covered the phone on the sofa, retorting swiftly, "Why would I be waiting for someone's message? I'm just checking the company's financial reports."

Qin Muye saw through his brother's contradictory words but chose not to expose it directly. He reluctantly gave his elder brother some face.

However, Qin Muye could guess part of it.

It was probably a serious fight with Rong Qin, and this time it was quite severe.

So, Qin Zexi directly called Qin Muye back to drink away his sorrows.

Both S-class alphas had decent alcohol tolerance. Mixing red, white, and yellow wines, neither of them got each other drunk.

But it seemed that Qin Zexi, who had something on his mind, couldn't hold back.

This slightly older S-class alpha, with a bottle in his arms, was filled with dissatisfaction, "What more does he want? I've been allowing his military power to develop in the army. He can even interfere in managing the businesses left by our ancestors in the Qin family. What is he still dissatisfied with? He even wants to establish an independent volunteer army to wipe out the pirates in the Thirteenth Military District. How capable is he? He wants to accomplish something that the entire Federation hasn't done, and he thinks a beta like him can achieve it?"

Qin Zexi vented non-stop, and it was clear he harbored strong dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Rong Qin.

Qin Muye didn't say much.

He quietly sat on the side, seemingly attentively listening.

He had his own concerns.

Drinking also served to drown his sorrows.

However, when he heard his brother openly despise betas, Qin Muye's brows suddenly furrowed. He set down his wine glass, "Betas are no different from us. If given the space, they can be outstanding too."

Just like Rong Qiu.

He excelled when he arrived at the Thirteenth Military District.

The achievements he obtained were definitely not inferior to any alpha.

Qin Zexi still disagreed.

Qin Muye knew that no matter what he said now, his brother wouldn't be able to listen. He chose to remain silent and accompany him with the alcohol.

The two of them drank countless bottles for nearly half an hour.

Qin Zexi's grievances were finally poured out.

Maybe Qin Zexi was drunk.

Or perhaps some belated yearning dared to emerge only after his brain was intoxicated with alcohol.

Towards the end, Qin Zexi's words and actions were extremely improper.

His eyes were red, crying, and he even hugged Qin Muye's thigh, saying repeatedly, "Ah Qin, don't ignore me. I can't sleep at night without you. Ah Qin, my glands hurt..."

Originally a tough guy made of steel, after drinking, Qin Muye turned into an alpha who only wanted to hold his beta partner and cry.

There was no trace of an S-class alpha.

Most importantly, Qin Muye was treated by Qin Zexi as a beta who rejected him, and he was even tightly choked. If he hadn't taken the initiative to knock out his brother, his brother would have been planning to bite his glands.

It was truly crazy.

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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