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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 37

Chapter 37

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[Did Commander Qin deliberately come to bully my people?]

Rong Qiu’s tone was very indifferent, and his expression was very cold.

Although it was the expected reaction, Qin Muye still felt particularly uncomfortable in his heart. He tried to suppress the feeling and appeared calm.

It was like this again.

Since their reunion, Rong Qiu had stood against him countless times, accusing him, resenting him.

A voice repeatedly shouted in his heart:

—Apologize to him.

—Persuade him to stay.

—Tell him that Chu Ming, this alpha, is absolutely not suitable for him.

He should have apologized directly.

Apologize for his immature actions five years ago.

However, even though there were so many words he could choose from, what he blurted out was a sentence of limited effectiveness: “You are not suitable for each other.”

Not suitable for what?

As soon as the words were spoken, Qin Muye felt it was inappropriate himself.

Rong Qiu also froze.

After a long time, Rong Qiu reacted, “Did you deliberately come to my house just to say this? Commander Qin, what exactly do you want to do?”

Rong Qiu certainly didn’t think that Commander Qin came here just to scare Chu Ming in his house. However, considering the unfriendly attitude of the S-rank alpha towards Chu Ming just now, Rong Qiu couldn’t help but be angry.

Perhaps Chu Ming was implicated because of him.

Thinking like this, Rong Qiu felt a bit sorry for Chu Ming.

Especially when he recalled Chu Ming’s vulnerable state in front of Qin Muye just now, it made Rong Qiu even more uncomfortable.

Why were they both alphas, but because of their pheromone levels, he had to be inferior in all aspects?

Rong Qiu had already preconceived that Chu Ming had been bullied. Therefore, he naturally didn’t want to bring this S-rank alpha into the house. However, two people standing on a busy road like this was also inappropriate.

In the end, Rong Qiu took a step back. While turning the car key in his hand, he evaluated the S-rank commander in front of him. Then, he got into his car, “If there’s really something, discuss it with me at the restaurant.”

Qin Muye did not get into Rong Qiu’s car.

The two drove their own cars. Rong Qiu led the way in front, and when they reached the temporary parking lot near the restaurant, Rong Qiu remembered to inform Chu Ming.

He dialed Chu Ming’s number, notifying him that he wouldn’t be coming home for dinner tonight.

After a few seconds of silence on Chu Ming’s end, the voice of an alpha, full of grievances, came through the phone line, “So, Little Qiu is going out for dinner with the guest who just came over. I can make more dinner…?”

“No, it’s just inappropriate to bring him home. He’s not a familiar person.”

“Really not because of me?”

“How could it be? Don’t overthink it. Have a good meal by yourself at home.”

“Okay, then, have a good time with the guest outside. Just… be careful with that alpha gentleman. I feel like he’s a bit fierce. Otherwise, should I come and have dinner with Little Qiu and him?”

“No need, it’s too troublesome for you to come over now.”

While refusing Chu Ming, Rong Qiu waited for the person behind to get out of the car.

Qin Muye’s car had been closely following him the entire time, with a distance no more than five meters. Watching the low-key luxurious car in the rearview mirror, Rong Qiu had a thought along the way—drive faster, even faster, and ideally, turn into some small alley to shake off this alpha.

However, the road conditions were too good, and the road leading to the restaurant was wide and smooth. There wasn’t even any traffic congestion.

When the man got out of the car, Rong Qiu hung up on Chu Ming’s call.

As for the sentence Chu Ming sneaked in before hanging up, Rong Qiu didn’t catch it.

He just felt that Chu Ming was right.

Qin Muye did indeed look quite fierce.

But maybe it’s better if Chu Ming doesn’t come to accompany for dinner.

Chu Ming was so timid just opening the door; now, sitting at a table to eat might cause some trouble.

Rong Qiu put his phone back into his pocket and turned, leading the seemingly uncomfortable alpha to have a meal.


The restaurant Rong Qiu chose didn’t seem like a restaurant; it looked more like a regular eatery. The storefront appeared old, and the tables and chairs were made of old wood that had been used for many years.

However, the food was exquisite.

The owner had been running it for forty years, and if it weren’t for the old owner of the beta bar inviting him, he would have missed such a good place near his home.

So, every time he drank at the bar, the beta owner would accompany him here for a late-night meal.

But it was still early now, and the nearby beta bar wasn’t lively yet. It would become busy around eight or nine in the evening when both the bar and the restaurant would start filling up.

Rong Qiu led the man in, and the owner was preparing the ingredients.

Rong Qiu found a seat for the man to sit down, but when he returned after ordering, Qin Muye was still standing.

Rong Qiu was puzzled, “Why aren’t you sitting?”

He had already sat down, but the man maintained a standing posture.

The man skillfully rinsed the bowl and chopsticks with hot water, finally pouring the water into a small basin on the side. Throughout this process, Qin Muye remained motionless like a wooden stake, even the owner nearby looked at him from the transparent kitchen several times.

Rong Qiu’s face slackened, “Are you going to eat or not? If not, don’t stand there and delay others.”

The person described as a hindrance, Qin Muye, showed a hint of struggle in his calm expression.

He had been happy all the way here, thinking that Rong Qiu came out to have a meal with him and hadn’t brought that alpha from his home.

However, he hadn’t been happy for long. Rong Qiu brought him to this shabby, small restaurant.

Was it intentional?

Rong Qiu was well aware that he was picky about his food.

Usually, the restaurants he went to demanded cleanliness and order, but this place was something else. The space was less than twenty square meters, and the tables and chairs were cramped and disorderly. The corners were smeared with grease, not overtly visible but still noticeable.

Qin Muye felt uncomfortable.

How could Rong Qiu bring him to eat in a place like this?

If this were him five years ago, he would have left without looking back. Qin Muye had been picky about food since he was a child. With a good family background, it was allowed. Even after entering A University, even though he had hidden his identity and became a beta, Su Ran and Rong Qiu still took care of these little quirks.

But Rong Qiu wouldn’t indulge him like before.

Rong Qiu deliberately brought him to this kind of place, probably to assert dominance over him.

It must be.

Moreover, the dishes Rong Qiu ordered didn’t suit his taste.

The flavors were bland, not too oily, and not very spicy.

Rong Qiu was probably showing off to him in this way.

Then, what should he do…

In Rong Qiu’s almost solidified gaze, Qin Muye chose to sit down.

His expression was a bit forced.

He tried hard to keep his gaze away from various stains, and his careful movements still revealed that he didn’t fit into this place.

But Rong Qiu didn’t notice.

Rong Qiu was hungry, and when he was hungry, his mind went blank, completely unaware of the noble alpha in front of him showing signs of discomfort. He focused on eating when the dishes arrived, and only after finishing about sixty or seventy percent of his meal did he notice the alpha in front of him hadn’t even touched his chopsticks.

Not only were the chopsticks untouched, but he hadn’t even taken a sip of water.

Maybe he’s not hungry.

What Rong Qiu didn’t know was that all the dishes he ordered were light and not a single one was to Qin Muye’s liking.

Rong Qiu held a cup and took a sip of lemonade. 

It was an extra drink the owner sent him, just enough to refresh his palate. But this sight made Qin Muye uncomfortable.

Rong Qiu enjoyed the complimentary drink so much, and it made Qin Muye wonder if the food at this restaurant was really that good.

So, when Rong Qiu was about to pick up his chopsticks for the second time, Qin Muye finally made a move.

Perhaps by coincidence, they both reached for the same piece of fish.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, looked at him mockingly, and lazily smirked. Without yielding an inch, he directly took back the piece of fish.

Eating is eating, but there’s no need to let him take what’s under his chopsticks.

Qin Muye hesitated for a moment, and his chopsticks ended up empty.

He decided not to compete with Rong Qiu.

The meal went on reasonably well, provided Rong Qiu treated the person in front of him as a silent statue.

After finishing the meal, Rong Qiu wiped his mouth and said, “Commander Qin, what urgent matter brings you here?”

He preferred to discuss matters after eating; Rong Qiu was afraid that he might fall into the schemes of some alpha when he was dizzy from hunger. Now that he was full, his mind was clear.

Rong Qiu thought that besides discussing matters related to the research institute, there wasn’t much else Qin Muye could talk to him about.

Director Qian mentioned that the Research Institute Alliance was currently undergoing reforms, and Qin Muye might want to investigate something. Rong Qiu wasn’t completely oblivious to political sensitivity. Several researchers in his circle seemed to be in trouble lately, but their research was never entirely clean. If they were now being investigated, Rong Qiu wasn’t surprised.

Perhaps Qin Muye wanted to use him to look into their mecha research institute. After all, in the minds of alphas, betas are usually more easily influenced. Offer a few benefits, and they might soften up.

Rong Qiu had encountered such situations when he first joined the mecha research institute. The then Vice Commander attempted to seize his research results, promising him various benefits. If Rong Qiu hadn’t been clever, distinguishing those promises as mere empty pledges, he might have fallen into a trap long ago, working for others in research.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t have a good impression of alphas.

Indeed, he had encountered too many alphas who were up to no good.

Subconsciously, he hoped that Commander Qin wouldn’t be the same. Qin Muye, as the commander of the 13th Military Region, held great power. If he was also corrupt and incompetent, things wouldn’t go well for Rong Qiu at the Mecha Research Institute.

However, what surprised Rong Qiu was that Qin Muye actually mentioned something baseless.

“About five years ago, I owe you an apology. If you’re willing to give me a chance, I can slowly explain…”

Qin Muye was willing to admit his mistakes.

Because he indeed made mistakes. The harm he caused Rong Qiu five years ago was irreparable. Now, all he could do was to do his best to make Rong Qiu forgive him.

If Rong Qiu was willing to give him a chance to start anew, that would be even better.

But to Rong Qiu, it sounded completely illogical.

Even more so, it filled Rong Qiu with question marks.

Wait, what’s going on?

What is this man talking about?

What happened five years ago?

He didn’t even know this S-class alpha five years ago.

Rong Qiu was confident in his memory. If he had known this S-class alpha five years ago, he would definitely remember Qin Muye. 

But the fact was, he only remembered Qin Muye’s face.

And that was only because Qin Muye’s face collided with his beta lover.

So now, this S-class alpha not only wanted to imitate his beta lover’s appearance and voice but also wanted to replicate memories between him and his lover?

Talking about events five years ago and coming to apologize.

It sounded like they had some pre-existing connection.

But in reality, they had just met for the first time this year.

Rong Qiu, holding a glass of lemonade, couldn’t help but interrupt Qin Muye when he finished his first sentence, “Commander, I think you’ve mistaken someone else.”

A hint of pain appeared on Qin Muye’s face, the inherent arrogance and pride having worn away, “Little Qiu, I won’t mistake you.”

Even though Rong Qiu had undergone significant changes, Qin Muye could still recognize him at a glance.

But Rong Qiu, with lowered long lashes, half-covered the cold gleam in his azure eyes, “Commander, you must have made a mistake. In the vast Federation, with so many people, it’s not surprising that there are two individuals who look alike.”

At least Qin Muye was quite similar to his beta lover.

“Little Qiu, don’t pretend not to know me… I know I was wrong.”

At this point, the alpha’s tone had completely softened, faintly carrying a sense of surrender.

But Rong Qiu remained unmoved.

Even with a thin layer of ice forming at the bottom of his eyes, he didn’t show any reaction.

“Commander Qin, I have no reason to deceive you. I genuinely don’t recognize you. It’s not that I’m pretending to be humble, but the fact is, with the vast difference in family background and secondary gender between us, how could a beta like me have the chance to know such an outstanding alpha like you?”

Rong Qiu spoke with a serious tone, displaying no signs of joking.

It seemed like he truly considered himself a stranger.

Qin Muye didn’t say anything.

This naturally proud alpha seemed completely stunned, his pitch-black pupils staring directly at Rong Qiu.

From a conventional perspective of emotional fluctuations, Rong Qiu, who had faced such an unpleasant and embarrassing situation, should have been furious when seeing Qin Muye after five years. But in reality, when Rong Qiu looked at him, his gaze was unfamiliar, and his attitude was distant and evasive during their conversation.

If this coldness was an act, it was too authentic.

The beta’s reaction was akin to the displeasure when being pestered by a stranger.


Annoyance from being pestered by a stranger…

Qin Muye’s heart suddenly turned cold, his breathing becoming visibly heavier. The veins on his forearm, displaying a bluish hue, looked fierce, as if enduring indescribable pain and regret.

After a long while, he finally had to admit.

Rong Qiu had truly forgotten him.

How could Rong Qiu forget him?!

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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 37

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 37

Chapter 37

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

[Did Commander Qin deliberately come to bully my people?]

Rong Qiu's tone was very indifferent, and his expression was very cold.

Although it was the expected reaction, Qin Muye still felt particularly uncomfortable in his heart. He tried to suppress the feeling and appeared calm.

It was like this again.

Since their reunion, Rong Qiu had stood against him countless times, accusing him, resenting him.

A voice repeatedly shouted in his heart:

—Apologize to him.

—Persuade him to stay.

—Tell him that Chu Ming, this alpha, is absolutely not suitable for him.

He should have apologized directly.

Apologize for his immature actions five years ago.

However, even though there were so many words he could choose from, what he blurted out was a sentence of limited effectiveness: "You are not suitable for each other."

Not suitable for what?

As soon as the words were spoken, Qin Muye felt it was inappropriate himself.

Rong Qiu also froze.

After a long time, Rong Qiu reacted, "Did you deliberately come to my house just to say this? Commander Qin, what exactly do you want to do?"

Rong Qiu certainly didn't think that Commander Qin came here just to scare Chu Ming in his house. However, considering the unfriendly attitude of the S-rank alpha towards Chu Ming just now, Rong Qiu couldn't help but be angry.

Perhaps Chu Ming was implicated because of him.

Thinking like this, Rong Qiu felt a bit sorry for Chu Ming.

Especially when he recalled Chu Ming's vulnerable state in front of Qin Muye just now, it made Rong Qiu even more uncomfortable.

Why were they both alphas, but because of their pheromone levels, he had to be inferior in all aspects?

Rong Qiu had already preconceived that Chu Ming had been bullied. Therefore, he naturally didn't want to bring this S-rank alpha into the house. However, two people standing on a busy road like this was also inappropriate.

In the end, Rong Qiu took a step back. While turning the car key in his hand, he evaluated the S-rank commander in front of him. Then, he got into his car, "If there's really something, discuss it with me at the restaurant."

Qin Muye did not get into Rong Qiu's car.

The two drove their own cars. Rong Qiu led the way in front, and when they reached the temporary parking lot near the restaurant, Rong Qiu remembered to inform Chu Ming.

He dialed Chu Ming's number, notifying him that he wouldn't be coming home for dinner tonight.

After a few seconds of silence on Chu Ming's end, the voice of an alpha, full of grievances, came through the phone line, "So, Little Qiu is going out for dinner with the guest who just came over. I can make more dinner...?"

"No, it's just inappropriate to bring him home. He's not a familiar person."

"Really not because of me?"

"How could it be? Don't overthink it. Have a good meal by yourself at home."

"Okay, then, have a good time with the guest outside. Just... be careful with that alpha gentleman. I feel like he's a bit fierce. Otherwise, should I come and have dinner with Little Qiu and him?"

"No need, it's too troublesome for you to come over now."

While refusing Chu Ming, Rong Qiu waited for the person behind to get out of the car.

Qin Muye's car had been closely following him the entire time, with a distance no more than five meters. Watching the low-key luxurious car in the rearview mirror, Rong Qiu had a thought along the way—drive faster, even faster, and ideally, turn into some small alley to shake off this alpha.

However, the road conditions were too good, and the road leading to the restaurant was wide and smooth. There wasn't even any traffic congestion.

When the man got out of the car, Rong Qiu hung up on Chu Ming's call.

As for the sentence Chu Ming sneaked in before hanging up, Rong Qiu didn't catch it.

He just felt that Chu Ming was right.

Qin Muye did indeed look quite fierce.

But maybe it's better if Chu Ming doesn't come to accompany for dinner.

Chu Ming was so timid just opening the door; now, sitting at a table to eat might cause some trouble.

Rong Qiu put his phone back into his pocket and turned, leading the seemingly uncomfortable alpha to have a meal.


The restaurant Rong Qiu chose didn't seem like a restaurant; it looked more like a regular eatery. The storefront appeared old, and the tables and chairs were made of old wood that had been used for many years.

However, the food was exquisite.

The owner had been running it for forty years, and if it weren't for the old owner of the beta bar inviting him, he would have missed such a good place near his home.

So, every time he drank at the bar, the beta owner would accompany him here for a late-night meal.

But it was still early now, and the nearby beta bar wasn't lively yet. It would become busy around eight or nine in the evening when both the bar and the restaurant would start filling up.

Rong Qiu led the man in, and the owner was preparing the ingredients.

Rong Qiu found a seat for the man to sit down, but when he returned after ordering, Qin Muye was still standing.

Rong Qiu was puzzled, "Why aren't you sitting?"

He had already sat down, but the man maintained a standing posture.

The man skillfully rinsed the bowl and chopsticks with hot water, finally pouring the water into a small basin on the side. Throughout this process, Qin Muye remained motionless like a wooden stake, even the owner nearby looked at him from the transparent kitchen several times.

Rong Qiu's face slackened, "Are you going to eat or not? If not, don't stand there and delay others."

The person described as a hindrance, Qin Muye, showed a hint of struggle in his calm expression.

He had been happy all the way here, thinking that Rong Qiu came out to have a meal with him and hadn't brought that alpha from his home.

However, he hadn't been happy for long. Rong Qiu brought him to this shabby, small restaurant.

Was it intentional?

Rong Qiu was well aware that he was picky about his food.

Usually, the restaurants he went to demanded cleanliness and order, but this place was something else. The space was less than twenty square meters, and the tables and chairs were cramped and disorderly. The corners were smeared with grease, not overtly visible but still noticeable.

Qin Muye felt uncomfortable.

How could Rong Qiu bring him to eat in a place like this?

If this were him five years ago, he would have left without looking back. Qin Muye had been picky about food since he was a child. With a good family background, it was allowed. Even after entering A University, even though he had hidden his identity and became a beta, Su Ran and Rong Qiu still took care of these little quirks.

But Rong Qiu wouldn't indulge him like before.

Rong Qiu deliberately brought him to this kind of place, probably to assert dominance over him.

It must be.

Moreover, the dishes Rong Qiu ordered didn't suit his taste.

The flavors were bland, not too oily, and not very spicy.

Rong Qiu was probably showing off to him in this way.

Then, what should he do...

In Rong Qiu's almost solidified gaze, Qin Muye chose to sit down.

His expression was a bit forced.

He tried hard to keep his gaze away from various stains, and his careful movements still revealed that he didn't fit into this place.

But Rong Qiu didn't notice.

Rong Qiu was hungry, and when he was hungry, his mind went blank, completely unaware of the noble alpha in front of him showing signs of discomfort. He focused on eating when the dishes arrived, and only after finishing about sixty or seventy percent of his meal did he notice the alpha in front of him hadn't even touched his chopsticks.

Not only were the chopsticks untouched, but he hadn't even taken a sip of water.

Maybe he's not hungry.

What Rong Qiu didn't know was that all the dishes he ordered were light and not a single one was to Qin Muye's liking.

Rong Qiu held a cup and took a sip of lemonade. 

It was an extra drink the owner sent him, just enough to refresh his palate. But this sight made Qin Muye uncomfortable.

Rong Qiu enjoyed the complimentary drink so much, and it made Qin Muye wonder if the food at this restaurant was really that good.

So, when Rong Qiu was about to pick up his chopsticks for the second time, Qin Muye finally made a move.

Perhaps by coincidence, they both reached for the same piece of fish.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, looked at him mockingly, and lazily smirked. Without yielding an inch, he directly took back the piece of fish.

Eating is eating, but there's no need to let him take what's under his chopsticks.

Qin Muye hesitated for a moment, and his chopsticks ended up empty.

He decided not to compete with Rong Qiu.

The meal went on reasonably well, provided Rong Qiu treated the person in front of him as a silent statue.

After finishing the meal, Rong Qiu wiped his mouth and said, "Commander Qin, what urgent matter brings you here?"

He preferred to discuss matters after eating; Rong Qiu was afraid that he might fall into the schemes of some alpha when he was dizzy from hunger. Now that he was full, his mind was clear.

Rong Qiu thought that besides discussing matters related to the research institute, there wasn't much else Qin Muye could talk to him about.

Director Qian mentioned that the Research Institute Alliance was currently undergoing reforms, and Qin Muye might want to investigate something. Rong Qiu wasn't completely oblivious to political sensitivity. Several researchers in his circle seemed to be in trouble lately, but their research was never entirely clean. If they were now being investigated, Rong Qiu wasn't surprised.

Perhaps Qin Muye wanted to use him to look into their mecha research institute. After all, in the minds of alphas, betas are usually more easily influenced. Offer a few benefits, and they might soften up.

Rong Qiu had encountered such situations when he first joined the mecha research institute. The then Vice Commander attempted to seize his research results, promising him various benefits. If Rong Qiu hadn't been clever, distinguishing those promises as mere empty pledges, he might have fallen into a trap long ago, working for others in research.

It's no wonder he doesn't have a good impression of alphas.

Indeed, he had encountered too many alphas who were up to no good.

Subconsciously, he hoped that Commander Qin wouldn't be the same. Qin Muye, as the commander of the 13th Military Region, held great power. If he was also corrupt and incompetent, things wouldn't go well for Rong Qiu at the Mecha Research Institute.

However, what surprised Rong Qiu was that Qin Muye actually mentioned something baseless.

"About five years ago, I owe you an apology. If you're willing to give me a chance, I can slowly explain..."

Qin Muye was willing to admit his mistakes.

Because he indeed made mistakes. The harm he caused Rong Qiu five years ago was irreparable. Now, all he could do was to do his best to make Rong Qiu forgive him.

If Rong Qiu was willing to give him a chance to start anew, that would be even better.

But to Rong Qiu, it sounded completely illogical.

Even more so, it filled Rong Qiu with question marks.

Wait, what's going on?

What is this man talking about?

What happened five years ago?

He didn't even know this S-class alpha five years ago.

Rong Qiu was confident in his memory. If he had known this S-class alpha five years ago, he would definitely remember Qin Muye. 

But the fact was, he only remembered Qin Muye's face.

And that was only because Qin Muye's face collided with his beta lover.

So now, this S-class alpha not only wanted to imitate his beta lover's appearance and voice but also wanted to replicate memories between him and his lover?

Talking about events five years ago and coming to apologize.

It sounded like they had some pre-existing connection.

But in reality, they had just met for the first time this year.

Rong Qiu, holding a glass of lemonade, couldn't help but interrupt Qin Muye when he finished his first sentence, "Commander, I think you've mistaken someone else."

A hint of pain appeared on Qin Muye's face, the inherent arrogance and pride having worn away, "Little Qiu, I won't mistake you."

Even though Rong Qiu had undergone significant changes, Qin Muye could still recognize him at a glance.

But Rong Qiu, with lowered long lashes, half-covered the cold gleam in his azure eyes, "Commander, you must have made a mistake. In the vast Federation, with so many people, it's not surprising that there are two individuals who look alike."

At least Qin Muye was quite similar to his beta lover.

"Little Qiu, don't pretend not to know me... I know I was wrong."

At this point, the alpha's tone had completely softened, faintly carrying a sense of surrender.

But Rong Qiu remained unmoved.

Even with a thin layer of ice forming at the bottom of his eyes, he didn't show any reaction.

"Commander Qin, I have no reason to deceive you. I genuinely don't recognize you. It's not that I'm pretending to be humble, but the fact is, with the vast difference in family background and secondary gender between us, how could a beta like me have the chance to know such an outstanding alpha like you?"

Rong Qiu spoke with a serious tone, displaying no signs of joking.

It seemed like he truly considered himself a stranger.

Qin Muye didn't say anything.

This naturally proud alpha seemed completely stunned, his pitch-black pupils staring directly at Rong Qiu.

From a conventional perspective of emotional fluctuations, Rong Qiu, who had faced such an unpleasant and embarrassing situation, should have been furious when seeing Qin Muye after five years. But in reality, when Rong Qiu looked at him, his gaze was unfamiliar, and his attitude was distant and evasive during their conversation.

If this coldness was an act, it was too authentic.

The beta's reaction was akin to the displeasure when being pestered by a stranger.


Annoyance from being pestered by a stranger...

Qin Muye's heart suddenly turned cold, his breathing becoming visibly heavier. The veins on his forearm, displaying a bluish hue, looked fierce, as if enduring indescribable pain and regret.

After a long while, he finally had to admit.

Rong Qiu had truly forgotten him.

How could Rong Qiu forget him?!

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