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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 42

Chapter 42

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Rong Qiu was familiar with this type of miniature camera; he had placed them all over his office in the mecha research institute. Not because he was conspiratorial, but because necessary surveillance was essential for protection. What if someone entered his research room and stole his research results?

However, Rong Qiu couldn’t imagine that there would be such a camera in his own home.

This second-floor room was reserved for Brother Rong Qin, but Brother Rong Qin would never install a camera without Rong Qiu’s knowledge.

Rong Qiu made an effort to stay calm. He held the miniature camera in his hand and didn’t want to show drastic emotional fluctuations in front of Qin Muye. However, when he turned around, he saw Qin Muye, who was less than a foot away, looking at him with a concerned expression.

This was too close.

Rong Qiu couldn’t help but frown.

He leaned forward, pretending to be calm, and unscrewed the front door, “Brother Rong Qin’s matter is urgent. Hurry and find his suitcase.”

Qin Muye also didn’t know which suitcase belonged to Rong Qin, but since Rong Qiu said so, he nodded silently. When he brushed against Rong Qiu’s shoulder, he unintentionally made a gentle touch. Qin Muye’s steps paused for a moment, but he quickly continued walking.

Rong Qiu didn’t notice.

He lowered his head again, seriously looking at the miniature camera in his hand.

This model of camera was new, at least newer than the ones he had placed in his office. But to find out the monitoring content of this camera, a professional analysis would be required.

It probably wouldn’t yield results for a while.

When Qin Muye came out with a black suitcase, he saw Rong Qiu still with a troubled expression.

Seeing Rong Qiu looking serious and holding the miniature camera, Qin Muye, who had just taken the camera off, also became somewhat grim. He had not initially realized it was a camera. He only saw something flashing very faintly on the door frame and found this camera when he took it into his hands.

Combined with Rong Qiu’s obviously surprised expression, which was kept hidden from the outside, the result was obvious – Rong Qiu didn’t install this camera himself.

Someone else did!

Someone actually installed a camera in Rong Qiu’s home, and this angle happened to capture scenes of Rong Qiu coming out or leaving. Qin Muye thought even more; besides the camera on the door frame, were there any elsewhere, such as Rong Qiu’s bedroom or bathroom…

Just thinking about it made Qin Muye completely engulfed in anger.

Different from Rong Qiu’s indecision, Qin Muye directly determined who the person installing the camera was.

“70% rational analysis, 30% personal emotions.

It must be Chu Ming.

Thinking about how Chu Ming, over these years, has not given up on Rong Qiu with ill intentions, Qin Muye felt like he was soaking in a powder keg, eager to go out immediately and cause trouble for Chu Ming.

How could this happen?

While Qin Muye was contemplating how to fairly regain Rong Qiu’s trust, Chu Ming unexpectedly started playing dirty tricks.

But at the moment, Qin Muye couldn’t say much.

Does Rong Qiu not know who installed it?

Or even if he knows, is he unwilling to admit who installed it?

The former is okay.

If it’s the latter…

Qin Muye needs to carefully consider Chu Ming’s matter.

The more he thought about it, the more tricky it became. Qin Muye, carrying a black suitcase, had a face as dark as a black inkstone that had been stored for many years.

“Your house needs a thorough check.”

Rong Qiu’s gaze shifted from the tiny metal object and met his eyes.

Seeming puzzled.

Qin Muye let out a low “cough” and impartially said, “If you trust me, I can arrange for someone to retrieve the initial recording time from inside.”

This way, they could eliminate suspicious individuals from Rong Qiu’s villa one by one.

Rong Qiu didn’t respond to him. He just looked at the tall man in front of him with determination. “Commander Qin, is it you…”

“I what?”

Qin Muye frowned, but soon he understood Rong Qiu’s meaning. A bucket of cold water poured over him instantly.

Did Rong Qiu think he installed the camera?!

Rong Qiu suspected him!

The shock in the man’s eyes was too intense. Rong Qiu licked his lips and quickly looked away. “It’s nothing.”

Qin Muye, unusually, didn’t easily let it go. “Little Qiu, do you think I installed the camera?”

Rong Qiu’s fingertip moved slightly. “I’m just guessing randomly… anyone entering my house has this possibility, naturally Commander Qin would be included.”

A “click.”

The sound of something breaking.

Rong Qiu thought it might be tinnitus due to his excitement, but it wasn’t. The sound came from Qin Muye. Rong Qiu looked around, and finally, he saw Qin Muye’s fist bleeding. The bright red blood flowed down his clenched palm and eventually dripped onto the white ceramic floor.

Two drops of red, quite conspicuous, as if they fell into Rong Qiu’s heart.

Rong Qiu’s mind stirred, and he took a step back. “Commander Qin, your hand is bleeding.”

Qin Muye absentmindedly opened his hand. The handle of the suitcase was crushed by him, the sharp edges cut his palm, adding three more palm prints, looking quite serious, as his flattened palm was quickly blurred by the flowing blood.

Seeing Qin Muye motionless, Rong Qiu felt a bit depressed.

He said this out of instinctive suspicion.

He didn’t expect Qin Muye to be so sensitive.

He tucked the newly acquired miniature camera into his pocket and turned to go downstairs. “Let me quickly take care of you, and then Commander Qin, you need to bring the suitcase to Brother Rong Qin.”

Rong Qiu didn’t know how urgently Brother Rong Qin needed the suitcase, so he thought of first tending to Qin Muye’s injury.

When Rong Qiu heard no movement behind him, he turned suspiciously. Qin Muye was still maintaining the same appearance as before. It seemed that with just a simple sentence from Rong Qiu, he had hurt his heart. His expression was sadly regretful, described with Rong Qiu’s not-so-rich vocabulary. It felt like he was about to cry.

No way?

He provoked the S-rank alpha to tears…

Rong Qiu felt inexplicably guilty.

He turned around and tugged at the hem of Qin Muye’s clothes. “Quickly go downstairs; I’ll treat your wounds.”

This time, his tone carried a sense of command.

Qin Muye followed Rong Qiu.

But he knew that time waits for no one at the moment.

His big brother was still waiting for Brother Rong Qin’s suitcase.

Even if he was reluctant to leave Rong Qiu’s gentle care at the moment, he had to leave ruthlessly.

“No need, I’ll take the things back.”

After saying that, he placed the injured hand behind him. Using the handle on the side of the suitcase with the other hand, he followed behind Rong Qiu. The whole person was like an ancient pine that had grown for a hundred years, stable as a mountain.

Seeing that he didn’t listen to advice, Rong Qiu didn’t say much.

But after Qin Muye changed his shoes in the entrance, Rong Qiu stopped him and, with a firm posture, wiped Qin Muye’s hand injury with a sealed and clean alcohol pad from a temporary medical kit. He forcibly pulled Qin Muye’s hand over, and the unique coolness of medical alcohol made Qin Muye’s palm shrink for a second, but soon, the man clenched it tightly again.

After wiping away the bloodstains, Rong Qiu took out two large adhesive bandages from the temporary first aid kit and covered Qin Muye’s hand wound.

Knowing that Qin Muye was short on time, Rong Qiu’s movements were particularly efficient.

From stopping him to applying the bandages, it only took thirty seconds.

Ensuring that the alpha’s wound was well taken care of, Rong Qiu let go of this calmly injured alpha without any psychological burden.

“Alright, Commander Qin, take care.”


Qin Muye, who got in the car, was not as calm as Rong Qiu expected.

On the contrary, because of the fluctuation of emotions, he crushed the handle of the suitcase on the second floor. Rong Qiu’s villa was secretly equipped with cameras, and Rong Qiu’s suspicion was on him.

In Rong Qiu’s mind, is Chu Ming, that alpha, so reliable? He didn’t want any unpleasant people around Rong Qiu, especially Chu Ming. Such an improper alpha, how could he stay with Rong Qiu?

But what reason does he have to interfere in Rong Qiu’s private matters now?

The alpha’s mood was complex all the way.

Qin Muye drove back to his own villa in silence, handing the suitcase to Rong Qin. Taking his own suitcase, Rong Qin saw that the handle of the suitcase was broken, and Qin Muye’s hand seemed off, as if it was covered with an adhesive bandage.

Rong Qin frowned, “Did you go to Little Qiu’s house and snatch my suitcase?”

Otherwise, how did his suitcase end up like this, and Qin Muye’s hand got injured.

Qin Muye shook his head. He looked at the bandage on his palm, his expression incredibly gentle, as if he was enchanted. However, soon he thought of something, and his expression became serious again.

“I just went to Little Qiu’s house, and someone installed a camera on the second floor, right on the door frame of your room.”

“The second floor? In the room where I live? A camera?” Rong Qin, almost outraged, asked, “Is it Chu Ming?”

Rong Qin, like Qin Muye, thought of Chu Ming as the first person. 

In Rong Qin’s view, among the three people still living in Rong Qiu’s house, he trusted Rong Qiu and Zhao Nanchen. The only one he didn’t like was Chu Ming.

Qin Muye nodded, “I think it is.”

Then Qin Muye’s face darkened, “But Little Qiu suspects it’s me.”

Rong Qin: …

Rong Qin suddenly didn’t know what to say. 

It seemed that from Rong Qiu’s perspective, this S-rank alpha, Qin Muye, was much more dangerous than the A-rank alpha Chu Ming. Seeing Qin Muye carrying the blame that Chu Ming should bear, Rong Qin inexplicably felt a bit affectionate towards him.

But he had more important things to deal with.

Rong Qin placed the suitcase back in the room, “After I handle your brother’s matter, I will go to Little Qiu to speak for you. Although you are not great, such unacceptable behavior as installing a camera, you wouldn’t do…”

Qin Muye: …

Qin Muye didn’t care about Rong Qin’s opinion.

He returned to his study.

The desk was full of files that he couldn’t even look at.

His attention had been on his palm.

Because the Rong Qiu who carefully wiped his wound really was so gentle, gentle enough to make him hallucinate the Rong Qiu from five years ago, obedient, gentle, completely his Rong Qiu.

He really coveted this rare tenderness.

But the alpha soon calmed down.

With someone as good as Rong Qiu, there should be no room for bad people around him.

This Chu Ming had to be dealt with.

But the tricky part was that Chu Ming had gained Rong Qiu’s trust. What Qin Muye had to do was subtly push Chu Ming out of the picture without intensifying the negative impression Rong Qiu had of him.

If only he could get his hands on the miniature camera in Rong Qiu’s possession. He could analyze the source of that camera and the initial recording time.


It must be said that Rong Qiu and Qin Muye’s brainwaves were quite in sync at the moment.

Rong Qiu was also in the study on the second floor.

But before entering the study, he surveyed the entire second floor. Whether he was less sensitive than Qin Muye or there was only one miniature camera on the second floor, he found nothing after a full circle.

In the end, he chose to enter the study.

Different from other places in the villa, his study had cameras, but he installed them himself. This was because the study contained his safe and other important documents.

Rong Qiu turned on the computer, accessed the study’s cameras, and fast-forwarded through multiple time periods.

An hour later.

Rong Qiu leaned back in his chair, finally able to relax. Fortunately, no one had entered the study.

What about the one on the door frame?

He was sure that the camera was definitely not installed by him.

So, there were only two possibilities now. Either there was a camera in that place before he moved in, or everyone who had been to his villa since he moved in was a suspect.

Today, he tested Qin Muye.

Qin Muye’s expression couldn’t be faked.

Not to mention that it’s Qin Muye’s first time visiting his home. After installing a camera and personally revealing it, Qin Muye has no reason to go through such trouble. 

Could it be merely an attempt to gain his trust by doing so? 

But such an operation seems too cumbersome. 

Rong Qiu didn’t think Qin Muye was that kind of person. 

Although they haven’t met many times, Qin Muye has left a profound impression in Rong Qiu’s heart. 

This S-level alpha, proud and disdainful, wouldn’t and shouldn’t engage in secretly installing cameras, only to deceive him afterwards. 

Rong Qiu already has a vague idea in his mind. 

He just didn’t want to admit it easily, didn’t want to admit that he treated Chu Ming so well, and Chu Ming still betrayed him.

So, tonight, he had to investigate.

The sky outside was already dark. Rong Qiu’s villa was located among a group of double-story villas. In the evening, there were no bright neon lights like those in commercial areas. There were only soft streetlights.

Rong Qiu turned on the living room TV and waited at home for a long time.

He wanted to talk to Chu Ming.

So, he left a message for Chu Ming.

But Chu Ming, who should have returned tonight, hadn’t returned yet, and he didn’t even reply to the messages. Was this intentional or unintentional? Just as he was about to throw his phone aside in annoyance, Rong Qiu found that someone else was contacting him.

Not Chu Ming.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow.

Why was it Qin Muye??

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): I can help you investigate the camera.】

Rong Qiu looked down at this message.

Before he could reply, another message arrived.

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): I’m helping you just to prove my innocence. I didn’t install that camera. If you don’t trust me, you can find someone to investigate on your own. My suggestion is that as long as you find the initial startup time and serial number of the camera, you can narrow down the suspects. But I can assure you that if the camera was in operation, its start time must be earlier than the time I came here today.】

Rong Qiu did plan to investigate.

He had friends in another research institute who he had already contacted. They would come for testing tomorrow.

Although it was something he should have handled on his own, now that there was an additional person offering advice and planning out everything for him, arranging all the details for his future, this kind of feeling was truly rare for Rong Qiu.

A very subtle feeling.

Was this what they called warmth?

He glanced at the long message sent by this S-rank alpha.

It was very long.

Or rather, unusually long.

So long that it seemed like pre-edited content.

Rong Qiu couldn’t understand him.

Rong Qiu typed to express his gratitude —

【Rong Qiu: Thank you, Commander Qin, but I’ve already contacted a friend to inspect it.】

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): .】

The other party responded instantly.

But what did this “.” mean?

Rong Qiu pondered for a moment and continued typing —

【Rong Qiu: Anyway, for today’s matter, I’m very grateful to Commander Qin.】

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): …】

Rong Qiu suddenly felt like throwing his phone.

How could they continue the conversation like this?

Whatever he said, the other person replied with a period.

What did the period mean? Did it signify ending the topic?

Rong Qiu realized.

Smartly, he didn’t reply anymore.


On the other end of the phone, a certain S-rank alpha maintained a serious expression, staring at his phone for quite some time.

Seconds ticked away.

Minutes passed by.

It had been twenty minutes.

The message bar was still empty.

Where was the new message?

Why hadn’t Rong Qiu invited him for a meal as a token of gratitude?!


Rong Qiu wasn’t very experienced in social interactions and genuinely hadn’t thought about inviting Qin Muye for a meal. In fact, he couldn’t even imagine that the famous commander of the Thirteenth Military District would actually want a meal from him.

He thought about it all night.

The next day, after work, the person he wanted to treat was his friend from another research institute.

He was also a beta.

Handing over the miniature camera to him, Rong Qiu ended the meal with peace of mind.

But when he returned home.

The relaxed mood from the daytime disappeared.

Although he confirmed there were no cameras at home, there was still some unease due to his lack of thoroughness. He wasn’t a professional and would inevitably overlook some cameras in such a large house within a short period.

And what made him even more uneasy was that Chu Ming had been gone for two days and one night.

Had Chu Ming discovered something?

Not only did he not return, but he also didn’t reply to messages. 

On the other hand, Zhao Nanchen returned once in the meantime, with clear dark circles under his eyes. He seemed to have been scolded by Zhao Dongqi last night. Today, he looked dispirited.

Seeing Rong Qiu still awake so late, Zhao Nanchen tried to cheer up and greeted him, “Good evening, Brother Little Qiu.”

“Yeah, why are you back so late?”

“I came to pick up my clothes. My brother asked me to pick up my clothes before going to the hotel.”

“Alright, you go. Wait a minute…”

“What’s wrong? Brother Little Qiu, do you have something else to do?”

“Have you seen a white vase on the second floor?”

Zhao Nanchen was puzzled, “I haven’t been to the second floor, but there’s a vase on the terrace. It’s pink, the one Chu Ming uses to arrange lilies. You can use that if you’re in a hurry, Brother Little Qiu.”

“Okay, you go. I’m not in a hurry.”

Having subtly probed Zhao Nanchen, Rong Qiu’s mood improved slightly.

It seemed it wasn’t Zhao Nanchen.

But that was expected. Zhao Nanchen was straightforward and wouldn’t do such things.

After seeing off Zhao Nanchen, Rong Qiu, who had also brought the keys, went out to throw away the garbage.

The garbage disposal station was a bit far from his villa. Rong Qiu walked a hundred steps further, threw away the trash, and went to the nearest supermarket to buy a pack of cigarettes.

He was upset.

He wanted to smoke.

After just one cigarette, Rong Qiu stopped in time.

He threw the remaining cigarette butt into the trash can’s dedicated ashtray, savoring the smell of smoke. He clapped his hands, ready to leave. As he was about to leave, he saw a car coming from not far away. It was expensive and luxurious, giving him a very familiar feeling.

Rong Qiu stopped and looked more closely.

Sure enough, it was the car of a certain alpha.

He waved his hand, and the car stopped next to him.

Qin Muye didn’t expect to be discovered by Rong Qiu.

Moreover, he was discovered just after passing through the gate. At this moment, the palm of the alpha tightly gripped the steering wheel. He hadn’t organized his words yet, so his throat was dry, and he couldn’t squeeze out any words.

Rong Qiu was the first to speak.

“Commander Qin? Why are you here so late?”

In fact, ever since he clarified things with Qin Muye and made it clear that he wasn’t the person Qin Muye remembered, Qin Muye’s attitude towards him had been quite good.

Alphas had many different facets.

Take now, for example, the half-open car window for the breeze. It clearly illuminated the man’s face, shining brightly. He asked a question but didn’t answer, appearing dull and bewildered.

This kind of expression made Rong Qiu want to laugh a bit.

And he really did laugh.

With Rong Qiu’s laughter, Qin Muye immediately pursed his lips, returning to his previous cold and distant demeanor. “I came to find you.”

“Specially came to find me?”


Qin Muye struggled to restrain himself. “I was afraid you might misunderstand me.”

“O,” Rong Qiu said, still wanting to say something, but Qin Muye turned his head and opened the passenger door for Rong Qiu.

“Get in.”

Rong Qiu didn’t understand.

“Chu Ming is in the back.”

Chu Ming hadn’t noticed him and was still registering at the security booth. Rong Qiu retracted his gaze and got into Qin Muye’s car.

Getting in the car didn’t solve the problem.

Rong Qiu sat in the front passenger seat with his arms crossed. With matters on his mind, he actually gave orders to Qin Muye, “Hurry, let’s go back before he comes back.”

Not knowing which word lifted the mood of this alpha, while Rong Qiu was rehearsing in his mind how to face Chu Ming later, Qin Muye’s lips had already curled up slightly, forming a subtle, almost imperceptible smile.


They arrived home quickly, thanks to their fast driving.

As Qin Muye followed him in, Rong Qiu had no intention of letting Qin Muye sit in the living room. It wouldn’t work for the three of them to confront each other together. He wanted the alpha to retreat to the terrace for a while. The terrace curtains and door curtains were drawn, making it impossible to see who was inside.

Qin Muye was reluctant, but he followed Rong Qiu’s lead.

Ensuring everything was in order, Rong Qiu returned to the sofa.

All he could do now was wait for Chu Ming to come back.

Chu Ming returned promptly.

Rong Qiu thought Chu Ming would directly address the matter upon his return. However, Chu Ming, as usual, acted as if spending these two nights away was nothing special.

The A-rank alpha in military uniform changed his shoes but didn’t remove his military jacket.

Rong Qiu kept looking at him.

Chu Ming remained unaffected, and the atmosphere became tense.

Rong Qiu didn’t believe that Chu Ming was unaware that he had discovered the camera.

So why was he so indifferent now? 

Was Chu Ming pretending?

If Chu Ming was truly a villain, staying by his side for so long and maintaining this disguise would be terrifying.

Just thinking about it, Rong Qiu’s neck started to sweat, even though the air conditioning in his house was set to the optimal temperature. His feet still felt cold.

He watched as Chu Ming approached step by step, finally sitting on the single sofa beside him, wearing a gentle and benevolent expression.

“Brother Little Qiu, didn’t sleep so late. Are you waiting for me?”


As soon as the word “I” came out, Rong Qiu felt something was wrong.

He wanted to sit up straight but felt powerless.

Realizing something, Rong Qiu’s azure eyes widened with surprise. Confirming his suspicions, the young man’s eyes almost split open in disbelief.

Chu Ming actually dared to… drug him.

Rong Qiu, now realizing he couldn’t hold his breath anymore, was fully conscious, but his limbs felt weak. Whatever drug it was, it worked quickly. In just a few seconds, his limbs lost their strength, leaving him in a state of paralysis similar to that of a patient.

Chu Ming tore apart all of his disguises.

Beneath the military uniform of an alpha was a spray bottle containing a transparent liquid.

Chu Ming placed it in front of Rong Qiu.

He didn’t say a word, but the meaning was clear.

The young alpha smiled brightly, just like the first time they met at A University. Chu Ming was still that junior blushing profusely upon seeing him.

But now, Chu Ming’s face was not red, but his eyes were.

Rong Qiu could clearly see that Chu Ming’s eyes were filled with lust.

Understanding what had happened, Rong Qiu summoned all his strength and kicked over the table in front of him.

This d*mn alpha, he wanted to kill him!

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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 42

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 42

Chapter 42

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Rong Qiu was familiar with this type of miniature camera; he had placed them all over his office in the mecha research institute. Not because he was conspiratorial, but because necessary surveillance was essential for protection. What if someone entered his research room and stole his research results?

However, Rong Qiu couldn't imagine that there would be such a camera in his own home.

This second-floor room was reserved for Brother Rong Qin, but Brother Rong Qin would never install a camera without Rong Qiu's knowledge.

Rong Qiu made an effort to stay calm. He held the miniature camera in his hand and didn't want to show drastic emotional fluctuations in front of Qin Muye. However, when he turned around, he saw Qin Muye, who was less than a foot away, looking at him with a concerned expression.

This was too close.

Rong Qiu couldn't help but frown.

He leaned forward, pretending to be calm, and unscrewed the front door, "Brother Rong Qin's matter is urgent. Hurry and find his suitcase."

Qin Muye also didn't know which suitcase belonged to Rong Qin, but since Rong Qiu said so, he nodded silently. When he brushed against Rong Qiu's shoulder, he unintentionally made a gentle touch. Qin Muye's steps paused for a moment, but he quickly continued walking.

Rong Qiu didn't notice.

He lowered his head again, seriously looking at the miniature camera in his hand.

This model of camera was new, at least newer than the ones he had placed in his office. But to find out the monitoring content of this camera, a professional analysis would be required.

It probably wouldn't yield results for a while.

When Qin Muye came out with a black suitcase, he saw Rong Qiu still with a troubled expression.

Seeing Rong Qiu looking serious and holding the miniature camera, Qin Muye, who had just taken the camera off, also became somewhat grim. He had not initially realized it was a camera. He only saw something flashing very faintly on the door frame and found this camera when he took it into his hands.

Combined with Rong Qiu's obviously surprised expression, which was kept hidden from the outside, the result was obvious – Rong Qiu didn't install this camera himself.

Someone else did!

Someone actually installed a camera in Rong Qiu's home, and this angle happened to capture scenes of Rong Qiu coming out or leaving. Qin Muye thought even more; besides the camera on the door frame, were there any elsewhere, such as Rong Qiu's bedroom or bathroom…

Just thinking about it made Qin Muye completely engulfed in anger.

Different from Rong Qiu's indecision, Qin Muye directly determined who the person installing the camera was.

"70% rational analysis, 30% personal emotions.

It must be Chu Ming.

Thinking about how Chu Ming, over these years, has not given up on Rong Qiu with ill intentions, Qin Muye felt like he was soaking in a powder keg, eager to go out immediately and cause trouble for Chu Ming.

How could this happen?

While Qin Muye was contemplating how to fairly regain Rong Qiu's trust, Chu Ming unexpectedly started playing dirty tricks.

But at the moment, Qin Muye couldn't say much.

Does Rong Qiu not know who installed it?

Or even if he knows, is he unwilling to admit who installed it?

The former is okay.

If it's the latter...

Qin Muye needs to carefully consider Chu Ming's matter.

The more he thought about it, the more tricky it became. Qin Muye, carrying a black suitcase, had a face as dark as a black inkstone that had been stored for many years.

"Your house needs a thorough check."

Rong Qiu's gaze shifted from the tiny metal object and met his eyes.

Seeming puzzled.

Qin Muye let out a low "cough" and impartially said, "If you trust me, I can arrange for someone to retrieve the initial recording time from inside."

This way, they could eliminate suspicious individuals from Rong Qiu's villa one by one.

Rong Qiu didn't respond to him. He just looked at the tall man in front of him with determination. "Commander Qin, is it you..."

"I what?"

Qin Muye frowned, but soon he understood Rong Qiu's meaning. A bucket of cold water poured over him instantly.

Did Rong Qiu think he installed the camera?!

Rong Qiu suspected him!

The shock in the man's eyes was too intense. Rong Qiu licked his lips and quickly looked away. "It's nothing."

Qin Muye, unusually, didn't easily let it go. "Little Qiu, do you think I installed the camera?"

Rong Qiu's fingertip moved slightly. "I'm just guessing randomly... anyone entering my house has this possibility, naturally Commander Qin would be included."

A "click."

The sound of something breaking.

Rong Qiu thought it might be tinnitus due to his excitement, but it wasn't. The sound came from Qin Muye. Rong Qiu looked around, and finally, he saw Qin Muye's fist bleeding. The bright red blood flowed down his clenched palm and eventually dripped onto the white ceramic floor.

Two drops of red, quite conspicuous, as if they fell into Rong Qiu's heart.

Rong Qiu's mind stirred, and he took a step back. "Commander Qin, your hand is bleeding."

Qin Muye absentmindedly opened his hand. The handle of the suitcase was crushed by him, the sharp edges cut his palm, adding three more palm prints, looking quite serious, as his flattened palm was quickly blurred by the flowing blood.

Seeing Qin Muye motionless, Rong Qiu felt a bit depressed.

He said this out of instinctive suspicion.

He didn't expect Qin Muye to be so sensitive.

He tucked the newly acquired miniature camera into his pocket and turned to go downstairs. "Let me quickly take care of you, and then Commander Qin, you need to bring the suitcase to Brother Rong Qin."

Rong Qiu didn't know how urgently Brother Rong Qin needed the suitcase, so he thought of first tending to Qin Muye's injury.

When Rong Qiu heard no movement behind him, he turned suspiciously. Qin Muye was still maintaining the same appearance as before. It seemed that with just a simple sentence from Rong Qiu, he had hurt his heart. His expression was sadly regretful, described with Rong Qiu's not-so-rich vocabulary. It felt like he was about to cry.

No way?

He provoked the S-rank alpha to tears...

Rong Qiu felt inexplicably guilty.

He turned around and tugged at the hem of Qin Muye's clothes. "Quickly go downstairs; I'll treat your wounds."

This time, his tone carried a sense of command.

Qin Muye followed Rong Qiu.

But he knew that time waits for no one at the moment.

His big brother was still waiting for Brother Rong Qin's suitcase.

Even if he was reluctant to leave Rong Qiu's gentle care at the moment, he had to leave ruthlessly.

"No need, I'll take the things back."

After saying that, he placed the injured hand behind him. Using the handle on the side of the suitcase with the other hand, he followed behind Rong Qiu. The whole person was like an ancient pine that had grown for a hundred years, stable as a mountain.

Seeing that he didn't listen to advice, Rong Qiu didn't say much.

But after Qin Muye changed his shoes in the entrance, Rong Qiu stopped him and, with a firm posture, wiped Qin Muye's hand injury with a sealed and clean alcohol pad from a temporary medical kit. He forcibly pulled Qin Muye's hand over, and the unique coolness of medical alcohol made Qin Muye's palm shrink for a second, but soon, the man clenched it tightly again.

After wiping away the bloodstains, Rong Qiu took out two large adhesive bandages from the temporary first aid kit and covered Qin Muye's hand wound.

Knowing that Qin Muye was short on time, Rong Qiu's movements were particularly efficient.

From stopping him to applying the bandages, it only took thirty seconds.

Ensuring that the alpha's wound was well taken care of, Rong Qiu let go of this calmly injured alpha without any psychological burden.

"Alright, Commander Qin, take care."


Qin Muye, who got in the car, was not as calm as Rong Qiu expected.

On the contrary, because of the fluctuation of emotions, he crushed the handle of the suitcase on the second floor. Rong Qiu's villa was secretly equipped with cameras, and Rong Qiu's suspicion was on him.

In Rong Qiu's mind, is Chu Ming, that alpha, so reliable? He didn't want any unpleasant people around Rong Qiu, especially Chu Ming. Such an improper alpha, how could he stay with Rong Qiu?

But what reason does he have to interfere in Rong Qiu's private matters now?

The alpha's mood was complex all the way.

Qin Muye drove back to his own villa in silence, handing the suitcase to Rong Qin. Taking his own suitcase, Rong Qin saw that the handle of the suitcase was broken, and Qin Muye's hand seemed off, as if it was covered with an adhesive bandage.

Rong Qin frowned, "Did you go to Little Qiu's house and snatch my suitcase?"

Otherwise, how did his suitcase end up like this, and Qin Muye's hand got injured.

Qin Muye shook his head. He looked at the bandage on his palm, his expression incredibly gentle, as if he was enchanted. However, soon he thought of something, and his expression became serious again.

"I just went to Little Qiu's house, and someone installed a camera on the second floor, right on the door frame of your room."

"The second floor? In the room where I live? A camera?" Rong Qin, almost outraged, asked, "Is it Chu Ming?"

Rong Qin, like Qin Muye, thought of Chu Ming as the first person. 

In Rong Qin's view, among the three people still living in Rong Qiu's house, he trusted Rong Qiu and Zhao Nanchen. The only one he didn't like was Chu Ming.

Qin Muye nodded, "I think it is."

Then Qin Muye's face darkened, "But Little Qiu suspects it's me."

Rong Qin: ...

Rong Qin suddenly didn't know what to say. 

It seemed that from Rong Qiu's perspective, this S-rank alpha, Qin Muye, was much more dangerous than the A-rank alpha Chu Ming. Seeing Qin Muye carrying the blame that Chu Ming should bear, Rong Qin inexplicably felt a bit affectionate towards him.

But he had more important things to deal with.

Rong Qin placed the suitcase back in the room, "After I handle your brother's matter, I will go to Little Qiu to speak for you. Although you are not great, such unacceptable behavior as installing a camera, you wouldn't do..."

Qin Muye: ...

Qin Muye didn't care about Rong Qin's opinion.

He returned to his study.

The desk was full of files that he couldn't even look at.

His attention had been on his palm.

Because the Rong Qiu who carefully wiped his wound really was so gentle, gentle enough to make him hallucinate the Rong Qiu from five years ago, obedient, gentle, completely his Rong Qiu.

He really coveted this rare tenderness.

But the alpha soon calmed down.

With someone as good as Rong Qiu, there should be no room for bad people around him.

This Chu Ming had to be dealt with.

But the tricky part was that Chu Ming had gained Rong Qiu's trust. What Qin Muye had to do was subtly push Chu Ming out of the picture without intensifying the negative impression Rong Qiu had of him.

If only he could get his hands on the miniature camera in Rong Qiu's possession. He could analyze the source of that camera and the initial recording time.


It must be said that Rong Qiu and Qin Muye's brainwaves were quite in sync at the moment.

Rong Qiu was also in the study on the second floor.

But before entering the study, he surveyed the entire second floor. Whether he was less sensitive than Qin Muye or there was only one miniature camera on the second floor, he found nothing after a full circle.

In the end, he chose to enter the study.

Different from other places in the villa, his study had cameras, but he installed them himself. This was because the study contained his safe and other important documents.

Rong Qiu turned on the computer, accessed the study's cameras, and fast-forwarded through multiple time periods.

An hour later.

Rong Qiu leaned back in his chair, finally able to relax. Fortunately, no one had entered the study.

What about the one on the door frame?

He was sure that the camera was definitely not installed by him.

So, there were only two possibilities now. Either there was a camera in that place before he moved in, or everyone who had been to his villa since he moved in was a suspect.

Today, he tested Qin Muye.

Qin Muye's expression couldn't be faked.

Not to mention that it's Qin Muye's first time visiting his home. After installing a camera and personally revealing it, Qin Muye has no reason to go through such trouble. 

Could it be merely an attempt to gain his trust by doing so? 

But such an operation seems too cumbersome. 

Rong Qiu didn't think Qin Muye was that kind of person. 

Although they haven't met many times, Qin Muye has left a profound impression in Rong Qiu's heart. 

This S-level alpha, proud and disdainful, wouldn't and shouldn't engage in secretly installing cameras, only to deceive him afterwards. 

Rong Qiu already has a vague idea in his mind. 

He just didn't want to admit it easily, didn't want to admit that he treated Chu Ming so well, and Chu Ming still betrayed him.

So, tonight, he had to investigate.

The sky outside was already dark. Rong Qiu's villa was located among a group of double-story villas. In the evening, there were no bright neon lights like those in commercial areas. There were only soft streetlights.

Rong Qiu turned on the living room TV and waited at home for a long time.

He wanted to talk to Chu Ming.

So, he left a message for Chu Ming.

But Chu Ming, who should have returned tonight, hadn't returned yet, and he didn't even reply to the messages. Was this intentional or unintentional? Just as he was about to throw his phone aside in annoyance, Rong Qiu found that someone else was contacting him.

Not Chu Ming.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow.

Why was it Qin Muye??

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): I can help you investigate the camera.】

Rong Qiu looked down at this message.

Before he could reply, another message arrived.

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): I'm helping you just to prove my innocence. I didn't install that camera. If you don't trust me, you can find someone to investigate on your own. My suggestion is that as long as you find the initial startup time and serial number of the camera, you can narrow down the suspects. But I can assure you that if the camera was in operation, its start time must be earlier than the time I came here today.】

Rong Qiu did plan to investigate.

He had friends in another research institute who he had already contacted. They would come for testing tomorrow.

Although it was something he should have handled on his own, now that there was an additional person offering advice and planning out everything for him, arranging all the details for his future, this kind of feeling was truly rare for Rong Qiu.

A very subtle feeling.

Was this what they called warmth?

He glanced at the long message sent by this S-rank alpha.

It was very long.

Or rather, unusually long.

So long that it seemed like pre-edited content.

Rong Qiu couldn't understand him.

Rong Qiu typed to express his gratitude —

【Rong Qiu: Thank you, Commander Qin, but I've already contacted a friend to inspect it.】

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): .】

The other party responded instantly.

But what did this "." mean?

Rong Qiu pondered for a moment and continued typing —

【Rong Qiu: Anyway, for today's matter, I'm very grateful to Commander Qin.】

【Commander Qin (Qin Muye): ...】

Rong Qiu suddenly felt like throwing his phone.

How could they continue the conversation like this?

Whatever he said, the other person replied with a period.

What did the period mean? Did it signify ending the topic?

Rong Qiu realized.

Smartly, he didn't reply anymore.


On the other end of the phone, a certain S-rank alpha maintained a serious expression, staring at his phone for quite some time.

Seconds ticked away.

Minutes passed by.

It had been twenty minutes.

The message bar was still empty.

Where was the new message?

Why hadn't Rong Qiu invited him for a meal as a token of gratitude?!


Rong Qiu wasn't very experienced in social interactions and genuinely hadn't thought about inviting Qin Muye for a meal. In fact, he couldn't even imagine that the famous commander of the Thirteenth Military District would actually want a meal from him.

He thought about it all night.

The next day, after work, the person he wanted to treat was his friend from another research institute.

He was also a beta.

Handing over the miniature camera to him, Rong Qiu ended the meal with peace of mind.

But when he returned home.

The relaxed mood from the daytime disappeared.

Although he confirmed there were no cameras at home, there was still some unease due to his lack of thoroughness. He wasn't a professional and would inevitably overlook some cameras in such a large house within a short period.

And what made him even more uneasy was that Chu Ming had been gone for two days and one night.

Had Chu Ming discovered something?

Not only did he not return, but he also didn't reply to messages. 

On the other hand, Zhao Nanchen returned once in the meantime, with clear dark circles under his eyes. He seemed to have been scolded by Zhao Dongqi last night. Today, he looked dispirited.

Seeing Rong Qiu still awake so late, Zhao Nanchen tried to cheer up and greeted him, "Good evening, Brother Little Qiu."

"Yeah, why are you back so late?"

"I came to pick up my clothes. My brother asked me to pick up my clothes before going to the hotel."

"Alright, you go. Wait a minute..."

"What's wrong? Brother Little Qiu, do you have something else to do?"

"Have you seen a white vase on the second floor?"

Zhao Nanchen was puzzled, "I haven't been to the second floor, but there's a vase on the terrace. It's pink, the one Chu Ming uses to arrange lilies. You can use that if you're in a hurry, Brother Little Qiu."

"Okay, you go. I'm not in a hurry."

Having subtly probed Zhao Nanchen, Rong Qiu's mood improved slightly.

It seemed it wasn't Zhao Nanchen.

But that was expected. Zhao Nanchen was straightforward and wouldn't do such things.

After seeing off Zhao Nanchen, Rong Qiu, who had also brought the keys, went out to throw away the garbage.

The garbage disposal station was a bit far from his villa. Rong Qiu walked a hundred steps further, threw away the trash, and went to the nearest supermarket to buy a pack of cigarettes.

He was upset.

He wanted to smoke.

After just one cigarette, Rong Qiu stopped in time.

He threw the remaining cigarette butt into the trash can's dedicated ashtray, savoring the smell of smoke. He clapped his hands, ready to leave. As he was about to leave, he saw a car coming from not far away. It was expensive and luxurious, giving him a very familiar feeling.

Rong Qiu stopped and looked more closely.

Sure enough, it was the car of a certain alpha.

He waved his hand, and the car stopped next to him.

Qin Muye didn't expect to be discovered by Rong Qiu.

Moreover, he was discovered just after passing through the gate. At this moment, the palm of the alpha tightly gripped the steering wheel. He hadn't organized his words yet, so his throat was dry, and he couldn't squeeze out any words.

Rong Qiu was the first to speak.

"Commander Qin? Why are you here so late?"

In fact, ever since he clarified things with Qin Muye and made it clear that he wasn't the person Qin Muye remembered, Qin Muye's attitude towards him had been quite good.

Alphas had many different facets.

Take now, for example, the half-open car window for the breeze. It clearly illuminated the man's face, shining brightly. He asked a question but didn't answer, appearing dull and bewildered.

This kind of expression made Rong Qiu want to laugh a bit.

And he really did laugh.

With Rong Qiu's laughter, Qin Muye immediately pursed his lips, returning to his previous cold and distant demeanor. "I came to find you."

"Specially came to find me?"


Qin Muye struggled to restrain himself. "I was afraid you might misunderstand me."

"O," Rong Qiu said, still wanting to say something, but Qin Muye turned his head and opened the passenger door for Rong Qiu.

"Get in."

Rong Qiu didn't understand.

"Chu Ming is in the back."

Chu Ming hadn't noticed him and was still registering at the security booth. Rong Qiu retracted his gaze and got into Qin Muye's car.

Getting in the car didn't solve the problem.

Rong Qiu sat in the front passenger seat with his arms crossed. With matters on his mind, he actually gave orders to Qin Muye, "Hurry, let's go back before he comes back."

Not knowing which word lifted the mood of this alpha, while Rong Qiu was rehearsing in his mind how to face Chu Ming later, Qin Muye's lips had already curled up slightly, forming a subtle, almost imperceptible smile.


They arrived home quickly, thanks to their fast driving.

As Qin Muye followed him in, Rong Qiu had no intention of letting Qin Muye sit in the living room. It wouldn't work for the three of them to confront each other together. He wanted the alpha to retreat to the terrace for a while. The terrace curtains and door curtains were drawn, making it impossible to see who was inside.

Qin Muye was reluctant, but he followed Rong Qiu's lead.

Ensuring everything was in order, Rong Qiu returned to the sofa.

All he could do now was wait for Chu Ming to come back.

Chu Ming returned promptly.

Rong Qiu thought Chu Ming would directly address the matter upon his return. However, Chu Ming, as usual, acted as if spending these two nights away was nothing special.

The A-rank alpha in military uniform changed his shoes but didn't remove his military jacket.

Rong Qiu kept looking at him.

Chu Ming remained unaffected, and the atmosphere became tense.

Rong Qiu didn't believe that Chu Ming was unaware that he had discovered the camera.

So why was he so indifferent now? 

Was Chu Ming pretending?

If Chu Ming was truly a villain, staying by his side for so long and maintaining this disguise would be terrifying.

Just thinking about it, Rong Qiu's neck started to sweat, even though the air conditioning in his house was set to the optimal temperature. His feet still felt cold.

He watched as Chu Ming approached step by step, finally sitting on the single sofa beside him, wearing a gentle and benevolent expression.

"Brother Little Qiu, didn't sleep so late. Are you waiting for me?"


As soon as the word "I" came out, Rong Qiu felt something was wrong.

He wanted to sit up straight but felt powerless.

Realizing something, Rong Qiu's azure eyes widened with surprise. Confirming his suspicions, the young man's eyes almost split open in disbelief.

Chu Ming actually dared to... drug him.

Rong Qiu, now realizing he couldn't hold his breath anymore, was fully conscious, but his limbs felt weak. Whatever drug it was, it worked quickly. In just a few seconds, his limbs lost their strength, leaving him in a state of paralysis similar to that of a patient.

Chu Ming tore apart all of his disguises.

Beneath the military uniform of an alpha was a spray bottle containing a transparent liquid.

Chu Ming placed it in front of Rong Qiu.

He didn't say a word, but the meaning was clear.

The young alpha smiled brightly, just like the first time they met at A University. Chu Ming was still that junior blushing profusely upon seeing him.

But now, Chu Ming's face was not red, but his eyes were.

Rong Qiu could clearly see that Chu Ming's eyes were filled with lust.

Understanding what had happened, Rong Qiu summoned all his strength and kicked over the table in front of him.

This d*mn alpha, he wanted to kill him!

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