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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 52

Chapter 52

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Seeing this contact name, the Beta boss didn’t immediately answer.

His eyes widened like copper bells, and for a moment, he had a brief suspicion, which quickly turned into intense shock.

D*mn it!

Is this for real?

Is this contact really the one he was thinking of?

Who else in the 13th Military District could be called the commander? Isn’t it the S-class Alpha who was recently transferred here? The Beta boss had never been clear about Rong Qiu’s specific job, but he could tell that Rong Qiu was someone significant. How else could such a person be in his contact list?

From now on, Rong Qiu was not his Brother Qiu but Grandpa Qiu!

The small bartender next to him, seeing that the boss hadn’t answered the call yet, looked a bit anxious.

Answer it! Answer it!

This is a call from the commander!

Ordinary civilians like them rarely have the chance to come into contact with people from the military district.

The boss cleared his throat solemnly.

Just as he pressed the button to answer the call, a deep and magnetic voice came from the phone, “Qiu Qiu, I’ve arrived at your place. The lights are off. Are you not at home?”

Qin Muye spoke these words while sitting in his car, parked not far from Rong Qiu’s villa.

The autumn night was clear, and the moonlight illuminated several rooms in various beautiful small villas. However, Rong Qiu’s villa was completely dark, with only two pitiful low streetlights outside still stubbornly shining.

In fact, he had arrived at seven o’clock.

A few days ago, he called Rong Qiu, hoping to have a meal together, but Rong Qiu refused, and he couldn’t tell if Rong Qiu’s refusal was just a casual excuse or if he really had something to do. If it was the latter, he didn’t want to disturb him. However, if it was the former, it meant he didn’t do well enough.

If they couldn’t even arrange a meal, how could he seek a more advanced position?

So, he decided to come in person.

And he brought some official business along.

Because he was concerned that if he only visited, he might be kicked out by Rong Qiu. Prepared for the worst, Qin Muye decided to make this visit.

He arrived when it wasn’t completely dark yet, but Rong Qiu’s villa was already dark.

Rong Qiu wouldn’t sleep so early.

Perhaps he hadn’t returned yet.

Thinking that Rong Qiu might have just gone out for dinner, or to take out the trash, or buy something small, Qin Muye quietly waited in the car.

Unexpectedly, it was already past ten.

Rong Qiu’s figure was nowhere to be seen.

Now, he had been waiting at Rong Qiu’s doorstep for three hours, and some households had already turned off their lights and gone to sleep, but Rong Qiu still hadn’t returned. Rong Qiu’s villa was pitch black, and only the moonlight illuminated a small part of it, which didn’t dispel the darkness in Qin Muye’s heart but instead pulled his already uneasy mindset into a cold abyss.

He didn’t want to control Rong Qiu.

But Rong Qiu hadn’t returned so late.

He was starting to worry.

So, he first called Rong Qin.

Rong Qin was busy and drinking at a bar. Upon hearing this, he straightforwardly said, “I’ve been too busy to go back these days. If Little Qiu hasn’t returned yet, he might still be at the institute. He’s been working overtime due to some issues with his experiments.”

Qin Muye wanted to ask more, but Rong Qin didn’t have time for him, “If you want to know, just call Little Qiu. But if he’s doing experiments, he might not have time to answer your call.”

After hanging up Rong Qin’s call.

He spent ten minutes confirming from the Mech Research Institute that Rong Qiu had already left work. The last clock-in time showed 9:25 PM.

He left the institute at 9:25 PM, and now it’s 10:27 PM.

Even if he had dinner first, it shouldn’t take this long.

Confirmed that Rong Qiu wasn’t at the Mech Research Institute.

His alpha mind was in chaos.

Images of Rong Qiu’s indifferent attitude when he called a few days ago flashed in his mind.

But he still called Rong Qiu.

It was just this one call.

As soon as he initiated the call, the fingers on the man’s hand, which were resting on the steering wheel, began to tap involuntarily. Initially rhythmic, but as the “du du du” sound continued to lengthen, the tapping fingers became chaotic, losing their rhythm, just like the owner of this body.

One second, two seconds felt infinitely long.

No answer.

Why hasn’t he answered yet?

As the busy tone disappeared, Qin Muye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Rong Qiu was still willing to answer his call.

But just as he finished saying this, there was no response from the other end, but he could vaguely hear the electronic music playing in the bar.


So, Rong Qiu went to the bar???

Is it that Beta bar?

Even though he already guessed, the handsome alpha still tried hard to keep his tone indifferent, like someone who didn’t care about it at all. He spoke as if nothing was wrong, trying to conceal the unease in his heart.

“Qiu Qiu, I’ve arrived at your place. The lights are off. Are you not at home?”

Beta boss: …

Ah ah ah ah ah!

The boss who answered the call had goosebumps all over the floor.

He was frightened.

No, he was shocked.

Initially, he had some doubts. The person displayed on the caller ID might just be a random name Rong Qiu casually added, similar to how he labeled his beta good friend as “Good Grandson.” Rong Qiu might be joking, labeling someone as Commander Qin.

He thought Rong Qiu and his good friend were quite playful.

But upon hearing the real voice, the Beta boss couldn’t be more sure.

Last week, Commander Qin had given a speech at the military district. Although he hadn’t seen the person, the voice was familiar. The deep and distinctive voice had already gathered a bunch of fans in the 13th Military District, even in his beta bar, many beta customers discussed Commander Qin.

Because Commander Qin always wore a mask during public appearances, never revealing his face.

Under such circumstances, all people could pry into were his voice and physique.

Every official statement from the Commander had a low, sharp voice, like a merciless blade or an emotionless machine, devoid of any human touch.

But now, this high-ranking Commander was calling his Brother Qiu.

His words were calm and gentle, even revealing a hint of concern.

Help, what kind of important figure was his Brother Qiu?

“Qiu Qiu? Can’t you hear my voice?”

When Qin Muye asked for the second time, the Beta boss finally reacted.

The Beta boss swallowed hard, inadvertently straightened his spine, pinched the bridge of his nose, and replied, “Uh, Mr. Qin, sorry, Mr. Rong went out for a smoke. He’ll be back soon.”

Hearing a stranger answer the call, Qin Muye, who was watching Rong Qiu’s villa from his car, immediately clenched his phone, and his expression darkened.

He quickly recognized the voice as that of the bar owner.

Now he could be completely sure.

Rong Qiu was indeed at the beta bar.

Qin Muye tightened his voice, “I’m coming right away.”

The call was abruptly hung up, leaving the Beta boss bewildered.

Commander Qin said he was coming, but this bar was a beta bar, and alphas couldn’t enter.

Wait a minute!

The one in trouble now is himself!

If this S-class alpha really comes to his bar, should he let him in?

On one side, there were bar regulations, and on the other, there was overwhelming authority.

The Beta boss was at a loss.

When Rong Qiu returned after smoking, he saw the Beta boss looking extremely anxious.

Rong Qiu casually smoothed his bangs, not too long but enough to be brushed backward. However, the rebellious strands trembled and slowly returned to the position hanging in front of his forehead. The non-compliant hair couldn’t hide the handsome features of the man, whose face shone like Nuwa’s most perfect creation under the bright light of the bar.

Such a face naturally attracted numerous beta admirers.

Rong Qiu declined their advances, sat directly in front of the Beta boss, and asked, “What’s wrong? Why do you look so serious?”

The scent of tobacco still lingered on him. Sitting under the halo of light, Rong Qiu’s entire being was captivating, making even the Beta boss take a couple of extra glances.

But the Beta boss quickly regained his composure. “Just now, a Mr. Qin called for you. I answered, and he said he’s coming over.”

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, and the azure light danced in his finely crafted brows and eyes.

Suppressing the post-drinking restlessness, Rong Qiu said, “I’ll go back right away.”

The Beta boss, with a long “Ah,” exclaimed, “You’re leaving just like that?”

“He’s coming, and you can’t let him in when he arrives. I won’t make it difficult for you,” Rong Qiu stood up and started putting on his jacket. His long and resilient pale arm slipped into a gray sports jacket. Rong Qiu zipped it up in three swift motions. The small metal zipper reached the base of his throat, accentuating the man’s exceptionally handsome face.

After putting on his clothes, Rong Qiu didn’t rush to leave. He looked at the call log on his phone and found Qin Muye’s contact.

【Rong Qiu: No need to come to the bar. I’m heading back now.】

The message was sent without an immediate reply, like throwing a stone into calm water, causing no ripples.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, not concerned. He had already notified Qin Muye. If Qin Muye came to the bar and couldn’t find him, it wasn’t his responsibility.

Shaking his phone at the Beta boss, Rong Qiu nodded. “I’m leaving.”

But leaving didn’t go smoothly.

He had walked to the bar today, and since he had drunk quite a bit, he planned to take a taxi back.

Unexpectedly, a reckless alpha approached him on the roadside, not caring about his own life. Covered in the smell of alcohol, the alpha’s neck’s pheromone inhibitor was about to fall off, but it clung stubbornly. Seeing Rong Qiu, the alpha rushed towards him.

Rong Qiu was also intoxicated.

But he evaded the drunken alpha with tired steps.

Even when the drunken alpha lunged at him again, Rong Qiu couldn’t help it and threw a punch at his face. Seeing the alpha clutching his face and cursing, Rong Qiu also muttered under his breath. At the same time, he quickly dialed the local police’s number.

Reporting an alpha in a public place not wearing a pheromone inhibitor patch, attempting to disturb public order.

Since the last incident at the beta bar, the security in this area had become stricter. After Rong Qiu finished the call, it took only two minutes for the alpha police to arrive.

This time, it was the same old acquaintance.

The alpha police gave Rong Qiu a thumbs up. “I’ll apply for the ‘Good Samaritan and Model Citizen’ medal for you tomorrow.”

Rong Qiu waved his hand, indicating it wasn’t necessary, and his steps appeared a bit floating.

The alpha police noticed he had been drinking and expressed some concern. “Do you want us to give you a ride home?”

Rong Qiu shook his head. “I’m close to home, just a ten-minute walk.”

The alpha police nodded, “Then be careful, or you can have a friend come pick you up.”

Rong Qiu chuckled, thinking where would he have a friend come to pick him up.

The friends he made here weren’t real friends.

It’s really boring.

Either they have ulterior motives or they don’t stand by him when it matters.

He thought about how he had failed at being a person.

In twenty-five years of life, he didn’t even have a true friend.

Maybe it was the effect of drinking too much, but Rong Qiu, at this moment, felt unusually soft and contemplative.

Looking at the lively neon street lights around him, he felt like he was alone in a bizarre world, a world that didn’t welcome him, rejecting him. He tried to fit in desperately, but in the end, he was still left out.

Rong Qiu chuckled softly.

The police car had just driven away, and Rong Qiu hadn’t even taken a few steps away from the beta bar when a black Hummer appeared in front of him. It was moving very fast, clearly a distant silhouette just a second ago, and the next second, it confidently stopped in front of him.

Rong Qiu looked at the familiar Hummer that had come to a stop in front of him in surprise.

The soft mood that Rong Qiu had just experienced was completely shattered, as if he was in a dim and confused state, and a beam of light forcefully entered his world.

The man in the car stared straight at the beta in front of him.

In the short five minutes, Qin Muye’s mind had already imagined various dangerous scenarios that Rong Qiu might encounter. Especially when he saw police and a police car near Rong Qiu, his heart hung high in an instant.

There’s a police car!

Why is there a police car again!

Last time, when this beta bar was disrupted by alphas, the police were already called once.

Now, did Rong Qiu encounter trouble again?

Qin Muye’s prejudice against the beta bar deepened.

As an alpha, Qin Muye had never seriously looked at the beta bar. The only time he went in, the beta bar was already in chaos, with beta customers scattering everywhere. It was as if he hadn’t seen anything.

But in Qin Muye’s subconscious, the beta bar was similar to the City Western bar in A-star city where he used to go.

Dim and ambiguous lighting, freely flowing alcohol, mixed with the complex scent of pheromones. Even if it was the first meeting, as long as you set your eyes right, you could embrace and get intimate with alphas and omegas.

In such a beta bar, Rong Qiu was like a tempting piece of meat!

Dangerous and urgent.

Now he finally understood Rong Qiu’s feelings when he went to the bar to find him after dropping out, full of worry and anxiety filling his chest. Every breath felt heavy, as if inhaling scorching waves, and his throat was choked, unable to make a sound.

His nervous mood persisted until he parked the car.

The police car sped away, and Qin Muye scrutinized Rong Qiu from top to bottom, very carefully.

Rong Qiu looked fine, dressed in a neat and sharp sportswear. The gray-white cotton jacket and pants emphasized his slender figure. His high and straight nose, slightly pink lips pursed, looked even more delicate. Under this clear and thin profile, Qin Muye felt that Rong Qiu exuded an elegant and gentle beta charm.

Thinking about such a good-looking Rong Qiu exposed to the gazes of so many betas in the bar, the veins on Qin Muye’s arms bulged. The powerful hand gripping the steering wheel even trembled slightly, and the poor steering wheel had already been pinched into a noticeable depression.

Rong Qiu was oblivious.

The alcohol made Rong Qiu’s eyes a bit hot.

He looked at the car parked in front of him and then lowered his head to look at his phone. The corners of his eyes were already tinted with alcohol, but he himself was unaware. With these beautiful and moist eyes, he teased Qin Muye in the car.

“You came in five minutes. Commander Qin, quite fast, almost as fast as responding to an emergency.”

Everyone knew that among all the cars in the 13th Military District, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances were the fastest.

This statement from Rong Qiu was just teasing, but Qin Muye didn’t laugh.

Soon, the door on the passenger side was unlocked.

Qin Muye concealed all his complex emotions, and his fingertips on the steering wheel slightly acidified.

“Get in. I’ll take you home.”


Rong Qiu tiptoed and got into the car.

He didn’t speak.

Because the man’s gaze just now made him feel a bit strange, as if he was a suspect awaiting trial, exposed and visible in front of Qin Muye.

Just as he fastened his seatbelt after getting into the car, the magnetic voice of the man in the driver’s seat slowly reached Rong Qiu’s ears.

“Qiuqiu, would you rather come to the bar than have a meal with me?”


Realizing that the old account of being rejected for a meal last time was brought up by the man, Rong Qiu turned to look at Qin Muye with a sense of bewilderment. Rong Qiu, with half-opened windows, was blowing in the wind, and the night breeze messed up his originally well-groomed hair. But this kind of disorder brought a vivid breath to him.

“Commander Qin, these two are completely different.”

Eating with Qin Muye was like eating with a boss, while going to the bar to drink could allow him to relax.

So, they weren’t even comparable.

Who likes to eat with their boss, naturally, they want to let loose.

Qin Muye didn’t understand his meaning, “You can tell me if you want to go to the bar to vent your frustration.”

Qin Muye paused and added, “It’s dangerous to go to the bar alone so late, and besides, Rong Qin hasn’t accompanied you…”

The latter part of “I’m worried” was swallowed by the alpha. Qin Muye only used his serious black eyes to look at Rong Qiu.

He was afraid that if he said more, Rong Qiu would find him annoying.

Qin Muye’s eyes were filled with sorrow, and he still stared at Rong Qiu directly.

The alpha stared at him, and Rong Qiu stared back.

Rong Qiu was rebellious.

He understood the good intentions of the alpha, but he also found it funny. With a hint of alcohol in his breath, Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow and looked at Qin Muye, “Commander Qin, I’m already an adult. I’m twenty-five years old, not five. I have the ability and the qualifications to decide what I want to do. Moreover… from childhood to now, no one has ever taken care of me. Does Commander Qin want to take care of me now?!”

It was unsure what magic was in that last sentence, but as soon as the man heard it, he immediately withdrew his gaze, as if he had been shocked.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, becoming bolder and more aggressive.

“What did Commander Qin come here for today?”

“Is there official business to discuss?”

“Do you want to invite me to dinner?”

“Or do you want to talk about being bed partners again?”

Rong Qiu was too direct, and it made Qin Muye uncomfortable.

“I want to invite you to dinner.”

But even as he said it, Qin Muye felt weary and helpless.

Sure enough, Rong Qiu chuckled.

“Commander Qin saying that…” Rong Qiu paused, a hint of mockery flashing in his eyes. “Commander Qin probably doesn’t believe it himself.”

The atmosphere fell into silence for a moment.

Qin Muye cleared his throat, looked seriously ahead, and tried to interrupt the conversation.

Rong Qiu mocked him inwardly.

He was a bit nasty after drinking.

Or maybe he just couldn’t stand alphas always acting high and mighty, trying to control the conversation. Rong Qiu took out his phone from his pocket and opened the call recording. He wanted to hear what Qin Muye said to the beta boss during that phone call.

There was some noise in the recording because the beta boss answered the call while the beta bar was buzzing with intense electronic music.

Fortunately, the conversation between Qin Muye and the beta boss was clear.

The phone call was innocent.

He just asked Rong Qiu’s whereabouts and then hung up.

Rong Qiu turned off the recording, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Muye’s surprised expression. It seemed that every time they met, Qin Muye would show this shocked look, but every time Rong Qiu found it amusing. An S-rank alpha, so lacking in experience?

“Phone recording, Commander Qin doesn’t understand?”

Qin Muye shook his head solemnly. “Qiuqiu, when did you start this habit?”

Daily calls, who would record them?

Was Rong Qiu worried about him… so he recorded to guard against him.

The car window was closed a bit smaller. Rong Qiu, not feeling the evening breeze, faced the intoxication, answering casually, “Forgot when I started, but after many setbacks, naturally, I’ve come to understand these things.”

He not only recorded calls but also set up cameras.

Otherwise, he would have to bear the consequences alone if the experimental equipment was tampered with.

Rong Qiu didn’t think there was anything wrong with recording phone calls.

So, he didn’t pay much attention to Qin Muye’s surprise.

Rong Qiu seemed calm as he browsed his phone, but his vision had become somewhat blurred. After all, he had been drinking, and maintaining such clarity for so long was rare. Afterward, Rong Qiu spoke less.

He didn’t know that Qin Muye’s mind was already in turmoil, with overwhelming waves.

Rong Qiu’s words seemed casual, but Qin Muye sensed the hardships Rong Qiu had faced over the years.

If Rong Qiu lived in an ordinary beta community, he wouldn’t suffer such severe second-gender discrimination. He would lead a normal life like other betas, maybe go to a regular university, find a job in a company, or open a shop of his liking to support himself.

It wasn’t Rong Qiu’s fault that he was exceptional.

Rong Qiu entered A University’s preparatory class at the age of fifteen, and despite establishing countless connections with alphas, their mentality hadn’t changed. Qin Muye, including his past self, still viewed betas as obedient, docile, stable, and reserved. Even if they were bullied, they wouldn’t seek help.

However, he ignored how much Rong Qiu had suffered.

As a beta standing at the top of the combat department, in the eyes of the entire A University combat department, Rong Qiu was considered an anomaly. Even if he was outstanding, he couldn’t shake off his inferior status in the eyes of alphas.

The blame wasn’t on Rong Qiu.

All the alphas who bullied Rong Qiu were at fault, including his past self.

-Rong Qiu’s grievances while studying were ignored.

-When Rong Qiu was on a mission and was misunderstood by the Fourth Military District due to a mistake in the mecha flight inspection, he didn’t investigate carefully.

-Even when they reunited, he only saw Rong Qiu become the chief mecha designer of the 13th Military District, shining brightly. He overlooked the injustices and efforts Rong Qiu had gone through.

Ultimately, it was because he never placed Rong Qiu on an equal footing.

But how could they be equal?

He was already willing to be the one below, wasn’t that enough…

Rong Qiu didn’t know Qin Muye had thought so much.

He belched lightly, wrinkling his nose at his own action.

Opening the car window a bit more, as if the wind blowing in his face could make him completely sober, Rong Qiu’s eyes were stung by the wind.

In less than half a minute, he frowned and pressed the car window back up.

Outside the window, there wasn’t much to see. Many shops were closing, and similarly, there were many couples going home hand in hand, carrying late-night snacks. They were just an ordinary sight of lovers in love.

Ordinary and commonplace.

But Rong Qiu didn’t want to look at them for too long.

Why look at things he didn’t have?

Rong Qiu rubbed his temples with one hand, attempting to alleviate the gradually rising drunkenness through this method.

The man driving remained the same as before, with a serious expression, but not in casual attire.

And tonight’s outfit was quite formal.

It seemed like he had really dressed up because he wanted to invite Rong Qiu to dinner.

Rong Qiu had a slight uniform fetish.

Before, he couldn’t stand it when his beta lover wore a simple uniform. Now, there was a mature and handsome man dressed in a perfectly fitting white shirt. Rong Qiu’s Adam’s apple rolled lightly.

Alcohol clouded his mind, and beauty entered his eyes.

As he enjoyed the view, Rong Qiu propped his elbow on the car window. Taking advantage of his intoxication, he openly admired Qin Muye.

The man wore a white shirt on top, without a tie. The top two buttons were undone, revealing the man’s strong and powerful neck, as well as half of his clearly defined collarbone. Unbuttoning one or two buttons gave a wilder look compared to being tightly buttoned, adding a touch of untamed charm.

The desires entwined in Rong Qiu’s heart were too complex: “Are you clean?”

Qin Muye:?

Suppressing the post-drinking heat on his face, Rong Qiu’s cheeks seemed to be steamed, and his gaze, scorching and hot, lost focus. His brain had been completely occupied by alcohol: “Can you ensure your health? I mean cleanliness, no diseases. I don’t want to get infected.”

Rong Qiu didn’t expect himself to say such words after drinking. He vaguely realized he was drunk, but within this drunkenness, there was a hint of sobriety that made him feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, Qin Muye didn’t respond to him.

It’s good that he didn’t respond.

He must be crazy to say such things to Qin Muye.

The two got out of the car in silence. Rong Qiu watched Qin Muye get out with him. It was just a polite remark, indicating that if there was no business to discuss, he could go home first, and Qin Muye could also go home early.

It was just a polite remark. Rong Qiu didn’t expect Qin Muye to nod silently and turn to the back seat to retrieve a black briefcase.

“A little thing, won’t take up too much of your time. But I see you seem a bit drunk. Can we still talk tonight?”

Qin Muye originally intended to bring up this matter while inviting Rong Qiu to dinner, but he would be busy again after today. The 13th Military District would undergo a major change, and he might not have time to meet Rong Qiu.

Rong Qiu probably hinted that if Qin Muye came to find him, there must be something important. Unexpectedly, Qin Muye endured it all the way and only mentioned it when they were about to part.

“Okay, take your time to explain later.”

Even in the haze of drunkenness, Rong Qiu remembered his advantage in piecing things together after drinking. To save time, he thought they might as well discuss it now. Whatever he couldn’t figure out tonight, he could reanalyze carefully tomorrow morning.

So Rong Qiu, looking at the alpha following closely behind him, once again led him to the study on the second floor.

Qin Muye was discussing matters related to the General Alliance with him. Since the newly appointed vice president of the General Alliance was an old designer from the Mecha Research Institute, Qin Muye wanted to hear Rong Qiu’s opinion.

Every newly appointed member of the General Alliance undergoes rigorous investigation by the military district.

And Rong Qiu was undoubtedly familiar with this vice president.

Coincidentally, it was the alpha captured by the surveillance cameras in his research lab.

Hearing Qin Muye say that this person was promoted to vice president of the General Alliance, Rong Qiu’s expression became extremely ugly.

“To be honest, I feel like throwing up.”

Qin Muye immediately brought him a trash can, looking particularly concerned. He even leaned slightly towards him, but realizing it was too intimate, he straightened up again.

Rong Qiu shook his head. “Not drunk vomiting, but disgusted vomiting because of this person.”

Listening to Qin Muye, this person is currently participating in the election for vice president of the General Alliance. No wonder he considered him a thorn in his side. Moreover, he had tampered with the experimental equipment. But this person probably didn’t expect that all his malicious actions were captured clearly by the hidden cameras.

And Director Qian chose to shield him because the list of personnel had already been reported. If at this time, it was found that a candidate for a key position was engaged in improper conduct, it would damage the reputation of the entire research institute.

Rong Qiu sneered, and the alcohol in his system seemed to dissipate.

Just thinking about the response from the research institute made him feel nauseous. Rong Qiu explained everything he knew to Qin Muye, even copying a copy of the video from the institute and giving it to him.

Qin Muye’s expression turned cold as well.

All the positions in the General Alliance were recommended by the heads of various research institutes to avoid suspicion. The director of the research institute does not hold any position in the General Alliance.

Originally, Qin Muye thought Director Qian would recommend Rong Qiu.

Because Rong Qiu had great potential. However, Director Qian actually brought up an alpha who was quite old, with an extremely impressive resume. He was also the chief mech designer of the Thirteenth Military Region, adorned with one halo after another. 

Unfortunately, this alpha with such impressive qualifications had a despicable character. 

Qin Muye assured Rong Qiu that the military district will deal with this matter. 

Rong Qiu nodded with a stern expression. “It’s alright, I trust the military district.” 

Although he looked very serious, Qin Muye could sense a hint of drunkenness, and even his heart warmed slightly. 

He gently accepted Rong Qiu’s words. “As long as you trust me, that’s all that matters.” 


Rong Qiu didn’t really trust Qin Muye. 

He was just a little drunk. 

Although he didn’t suffer from the aftermath of vomiting, dizziness, or drowsiness, his head still throbbed. Throughout all the conversations with Qin Muye afterwards, he maintained a stiff and reserved demeanor, not wanting Qin Muye to see him as a drunkard. 

Because Rong Qiu’s brother, Rong Qiu, had once teased him, calling him “brother” sweetly and childishly after getting drunk. 

He couldn’t imagine what he looked like being “sweet” and “childish,” but he was certain that if he couldn’t control himself today, he would regret it tomorrow. 

Qin Muye had already come down from the study with a folder, sitting in the living room, his expression serious as he reviewed the video copy provided by Rong Qiu. 

After pouring Qin Muye a glass of warm water, Rong Qiu went to the kitchen to make hangover soup for himself. 

However, he underestimated himself. While his mind was still in control, his body was not. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit him, causing him to lose his balance. As pots and pans clattered to the floor, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, tall and imposing like a towering mountain, silently enveloping him.

 “I’ll help you. What do you want to cook?” 

Qin Muye didn’t give Rong Qiu a chance to refuse. Rong Qiu let him take over, blinking slowly under the light of the kitchen lamp. “Hangover soup.” 


It’s evident that Qin Muye isn’t someone who often cooks; he needed reminders from Rong Qiu at every step.

From when the water boiled, to when to add the orange and mandarin peels, and how to control the heat, Rong Qiu had to stand beside Qin Muye, carefully watching every move.

Making this sobering soup was more tiring than if Rong Qiu had done it himself.

In the process, Qin Muye even got splashed with hot water.

Rong Qiu, calling him a kitchen waste, tried to shoo him away, but Qin Muye wouldn’t leave. He just stared at his fingertips, where small water blisters kept emerging despite repeated rinsing under the water flow. This S-rank proud alpha clearly fell into some self-doubt, and even Rong Qiu could sense a faint trace of disappointment in his expression.

Holding the bowl, Rong Qiu blew on the soup.

“Just cooking, Commander Qin doesn’t have to compete with me even in this. Everyone has their own expertise,” Rong Qiu teased with a smirk.

Qin Muye lightly touched the blister on his hand, unexpectedly flinching at the pain.

Rong Qiu found it amusing.

Qin Muye indeed fits the mold of a traditional alpha – can’t cook, can’t handle the kitchen, with the only merit being a willingness to try. Just this alone can outshine many alphas. However, Qin Muye felt it was not enough; he continued to run water over his burnt hand and casually asked, “Can Chu Ming cook?”

Rong Qiu honestly replied, “Yes.”

Although Chu Ming wasn’t particularly outstanding as a person, his culinary skills were decent.

Rong Qiu thought of something and added, “Zhao Nanchen can cook too. He learned it at culinary school, and some of his signature dishes were exceptionally well-made.”

Unfortunately, Zhao Nanchen was currently under Zhao Dongqi’s supervision, so Rong Qiu only occasionally ran into him during regular commuting hours.

Rong Qiu lightly blew on the orange peel sobering soup, which also contained sandalwood, green chrysanthemum, and white beans.

The best remedy for drunkenness, nausea, and acid reflux.

His intoxication wasn’t severe; just occasional dizziness. After a few sips, Rong Qiu became much more clear-headed and could see the disappointment on Qin Muye’s face.

In their recent meetings, Qin Muye’s disappointment had become the norm.

What’s there to be disappointed about?

Just because other alphas can cook, and he can’t, he’s upset?

Is alpha competitiveness this strong?

As a beta, Rong Qiu couldn’t comprehend the alpha world.

After finishing the soup, he put away the bowl.

Qin Muye was still sitting on his living room sofa, showing no intention of leaving. His palm was spread out, and the blister the size of a green bean was quite noticeable.

As if intentionally showing it off.

Seeing that Rong Qiu finally noticed his injury, Qin Muye slightly raised his arm, gesturing, “Don’t I need to go to the hospital?”

“Hospital?” Rong Qiu chuckled, his expression strangely ambiguous. “Sure, you should hurry to the hospital; otherwise, it’ll heal on its own in the next second.”

Qin Muye:…

Rong Qiu comforted him teasingly, “Commander Qin, listen to me. I have experience. For such a small blister that hasn’t popped, it’ll be absorbed on its own in less than two days. There’s really no need to waste money going to the hospital.”

In his heart, Rong Qiu complained about the precious bodies of alphas but didn’t realize that it made Qin Muye’s heart ache even more.

To think that Rong Qiu even had experience with this.

Thinking of how proficient Rong Qiu was even with recording on a phone, Qin Muye became even more regretful about the years Rong Qiu had gone through without him.

During his absence, did Rong Qiu have a difficult time?

The transition from the 13th Military District’s Mech Combat Army to the Mecha Research Institute was unimaginable, even for him.

Qin Muye fell into the painful memories of the past without realizing it, absentmindedly pressing on the blistered fingertip and emitting a long, painful “hiss.”

Surprisingly, Rong Qiu looked at Qin Muye in disbelief.

Is this about being scalded by water droplets on the hand or scalded in the brain? Just said there’s no need to go to the hospital, and now you’re directly popping the blister caused by the scald.

“I didn’t mean to…”

Seeing Qin Muye’s slightly bewildered look, Rong Qiu sighed, helpless, and the sigh gently quivered on his long eyelashes. It trembled with his movements, “Come here, let’s disinfect it with iodine.”

Whether it was his imagination or not, as soon as Rong Qiu spoke, Qin Muye gently nudged forward, with both hands resting on his knees.

Just like a puppy.

Rong Qiu shook his head repeatedly; how could he feel that this alpha was like a puppy? He opened the iodine bottle, took out a cotton swab, and disinfected Qin Muye. In the process, he casually observed Qin Muye’s expression. No longer resembling a puppy, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, resembling a lion that had been stroked.

“Be careful with disinfection; don’t touch those unclean things.”

“I’m very clean.”

“What?” Rong Qiu frowned. He told him not to touch unclean things; he didn’t say Qin Muye wasn’t clean.

“I don’t have any diseases.”


“If you don’t believe me, I can show you my health examination report.”

In the soft moonlight, the alpha’s voice flowed gently in the room.

It sounded good, but it left people puzzled.

“What are you saying…” Rong Qiu suddenly became dumbfounded.

He seemed to know what Qin Muye was saying because Qin Muye’s words seemed to be answering the question Rong Qiu asked in his car earlier.

-Are you clean?

-I’m very clean.

-Can you ensure your health?

-If you don’t believe me, I can show you my health examination report.


It all matched.

Qin Muye didn’t mention it in the car, but now he brought it up again. After drinking the sobering soup, Rong Qiu couldn’t use the excuse of pretending to be drunk anymore.

Qin Muye watched as Rong Qiu lowered his head and stuffed the remaining iodine back into the medicine box, completely adopting an attitude of “I won’t listen, I won’t believe.” Disappointed, Qin Muye hung his head.

Sure enough, after saying that, what he saw was a beta retreating into its shell.

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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 52

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 52

Chapter 52

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Seeing this contact name, the Beta boss didn't immediately answer.

His eyes widened like copper bells, and for a moment, he had a brief suspicion, which quickly turned into intense shock.

D*mn it!

Is this for real?

Is this contact really the one he was thinking of?

Who else in the 13th Military District could be called the commander? Isn't it the S-class Alpha who was recently transferred here? The Beta boss had never been clear about Rong Qiu's specific job, but he could tell that Rong Qiu was someone significant. How else could such a person be in his contact list?

From now on, Rong Qiu was not his Brother Qiu but Grandpa Qiu!

The small bartender next to him, seeing that the boss hadn't answered the call yet, looked a bit anxious.

Answer it! Answer it!

This is a call from the commander!

Ordinary civilians like them rarely have the chance to come into contact with people from the military district.

The boss cleared his throat solemnly.

Just as he pressed the button to answer the call, a deep and magnetic voice came from the phone, "Qiu Qiu, I've arrived at your place. The lights are off. Are you not at home?"

Qin Muye spoke these words while sitting in his car, parked not far from Rong Qiu's villa.

The autumn night was clear, and the moonlight illuminated several rooms in various beautiful small villas. However, Rong Qiu's villa was completely dark, with only two pitiful low streetlights outside still stubbornly shining.

In fact, he had arrived at seven o'clock.

A few days ago, he called Rong Qiu, hoping to have a meal together, but Rong Qiu refused, and he couldn't tell if Rong Qiu's refusal was just a casual excuse or if he really had something to do. If it was the latter, he didn't want to disturb him. However, if it was the former, it meant he didn't do well enough.

If they couldn't even arrange a meal, how could he seek a more advanced position?

So, he decided to come in person.

And he brought some official business along.

Because he was concerned that if he only visited, he might be kicked out by Rong Qiu. Prepared for the worst, Qin Muye decided to make this visit.

He arrived when it wasn't completely dark yet, but Rong Qiu's villa was already dark.

Rong Qiu wouldn't sleep so early.

Perhaps he hadn't returned yet.

Thinking that Rong Qiu might have just gone out for dinner, or to take out the trash, or buy something small, Qin Muye quietly waited in the car.

Unexpectedly, it was already past ten.

Rong Qiu's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Now, he had been waiting at Rong Qiu's doorstep for three hours, and some households had already turned off their lights and gone to sleep, but Rong Qiu still hadn't returned. Rong Qiu's villa was pitch black, and only the moonlight illuminated a small part of it, which didn't dispel the darkness in Qin Muye's heart but instead pulled his already uneasy mindset into a cold abyss.

He didn't want to control Rong Qiu.

But Rong Qiu hadn't returned so late.

He was starting to worry.

So, he first called Rong Qin.

Rong Qin was busy and drinking at a bar. Upon hearing this, he straightforwardly said, "I've been too busy to go back these days. If Little Qiu hasn't returned yet, he might still be at the institute. He's been working overtime due to some issues with his experiments."

Qin Muye wanted to ask more, but Rong Qin didn't have time for him, "If you want to know, just call Little Qiu. But if he's doing experiments, he might not have time to answer your call."

After hanging up Rong Qin's call.

He spent ten minutes confirming from the Mech Research Institute that Rong Qiu had already left work. The last clock-in time showed 9:25 PM.

He left the institute at 9:25 PM, and now it's 10:27 PM.

Even if he had dinner first, it shouldn't take this long.

Confirmed that Rong Qiu wasn't at the Mech Research Institute.

His alpha mind was in chaos.

Images of Rong Qiu's indifferent attitude when he called a few days ago flashed in his mind.

But he still called Rong Qiu.

It was just this one call.

As soon as he initiated the call, the fingers on the man's hand, which were resting on the steering wheel, began to tap involuntarily. Initially rhythmic, but as the "du du du" sound continued to lengthen, the tapping fingers became chaotic, losing their rhythm, just like the owner of this body.

One second, two seconds felt infinitely long.

No answer.

Why hasn't he answered yet?

As the busy tone disappeared, Qin Muye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Rong Qiu was still willing to answer his call.

But just as he finished saying this, there was no response from the other end, but he could vaguely hear the electronic music playing in the bar.


So, Rong Qiu went to the bar???

Is it that Beta bar?

Even though he already guessed, the handsome alpha still tried hard to keep his tone indifferent, like someone who didn't care about it at all. He spoke as if nothing was wrong, trying to conceal the unease in his heart.

"Qiu Qiu, I've arrived at your place. The lights are off. Are you not at home?"

Beta boss: ...

Ah ah ah ah ah!

The boss who answered the call had goosebumps all over the floor.

He was frightened.

No, he was shocked.

Initially, he had some doubts. The person displayed on the caller ID might just be a random name Rong Qiu casually added, similar to how he labeled his beta good friend as "Good Grandson." Rong Qiu might be joking, labeling someone as Commander Qin.

He thought Rong Qiu and his good friend were quite playful.

But upon hearing the real voice, the Beta boss couldn't be more sure.

Last week, Commander Qin had given a speech at the military district. Although he hadn't seen the person, the voice was familiar. The deep and distinctive voice had already gathered a bunch of fans in the 13th Military District, even in his beta bar, many beta customers discussed Commander Qin.

Because Commander Qin always wore a mask during public appearances, never revealing his face.

Under such circumstances, all people could pry into were his voice and physique.

Every official statement from the Commander had a low, sharp voice, like a merciless blade or an emotionless machine, devoid of any human touch.

But now, this high-ranking Commander was calling his Brother Qiu.

His words were calm and gentle, even revealing a hint of concern.

Help, what kind of important figure was his Brother Qiu?

"Qiu Qiu? Can't you hear my voice?"

When Qin Muye asked for the second time, the Beta boss finally reacted.

The Beta boss swallowed hard, inadvertently straightened his spine, pinched the bridge of his nose, and replied, "Uh, Mr. Qin, sorry, Mr. Rong went out for a smoke. He'll be back soon."

Hearing a stranger answer the call, Qin Muye, who was watching Rong Qiu's villa from his car, immediately clenched his phone, and his expression darkened.

He quickly recognized the voice as that of the bar owner.

Now he could be completely sure.

Rong Qiu was indeed at the beta bar.

Qin Muye tightened his voice, "I'm coming right away."

The call was abruptly hung up, leaving the Beta boss bewildered.

Commander Qin said he was coming, but this bar was a beta bar, and alphas couldn't enter.

Wait a minute!

The one in trouble now is himself!

If this S-class alpha really comes to his bar, should he let him in?

On one side, there were bar regulations, and on the other, there was overwhelming authority.

The Beta boss was at a loss.

When Rong Qiu returned after smoking, he saw the Beta boss looking extremely anxious.

Rong Qiu casually smoothed his bangs, not too long but enough to be brushed backward. However, the rebellious strands trembled and slowly returned to the position hanging in front of his forehead. The non-compliant hair couldn't hide the handsome features of the man, whose face shone like Nuwa's most perfect creation under the bright light of the bar.

Such a face naturally attracted numerous beta admirers.

Rong Qiu declined their advances, sat directly in front of the Beta boss, and asked, "What's wrong? Why do you look so serious?"

The scent of tobacco still lingered on him. Sitting under the halo of light, Rong Qiu's entire being was captivating, making even the Beta boss take a couple of extra glances.

But the Beta boss quickly regained his composure. "Just now, a Mr. Qin called for you. I answered, and he said he's coming over."

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, and the azure light danced in his finely crafted brows and eyes.

Suppressing the post-drinking restlessness, Rong Qiu said, "I'll go back right away."

The Beta boss, with a long "Ah," exclaimed, "You're leaving just like that?"

"He's coming, and you can't let him in when he arrives. I won't make it difficult for you," Rong Qiu stood up and started putting on his jacket. His long and resilient pale arm slipped into a gray sports jacket. Rong Qiu zipped it up in three swift motions. The small metal zipper reached the base of his throat, accentuating the man's exceptionally handsome face.

After putting on his clothes, Rong Qiu didn't rush to leave. He looked at the call log on his phone and found Qin Muye's contact.

【Rong Qiu: No need to come to the bar. I'm heading back now.】

The message was sent without an immediate reply, like throwing a stone into calm water, causing no ripples.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, not concerned. He had already notified Qin Muye. If Qin Muye came to the bar and couldn't find him, it wasn't his responsibility.

Shaking his phone at the Beta boss, Rong Qiu nodded. "I'm leaving."

But leaving didn't go smoothly.

He had walked to the bar today, and since he had drunk quite a bit, he planned to take a taxi back.

Unexpectedly, a reckless alpha approached him on the roadside, not caring about his own life. Covered in the smell of alcohol, the alpha's neck's pheromone inhibitor was about to fall off, but it clung stubbornly. Seeing Rong Qiu, the alpha rushed towards him.

Rong Qiu was also intoxicated.

But he evaded the drunken alpha with tired steps.

Even when the drunken alpha lunged at him again, Rong Qiu couldn't help it and threw a punch at his face. Seeing the alpha clutching his face and cursing, Rong Qiu also muttered under his breath. At the same time, he quickly dialed the local police's number.

Reporting an alpha in a public place not wearing a pheromone inhibitor patch, attempting to disturb public order.

Since the last incident at the beta bar, the security in this area had become stricter. After Rong Qiu finished the call, it took only two minutes for the alpha police to arrive.

This time, it was the same old acquaintance.

The alpha police gave Rong Qiu a thumbs up. "I'll apply for the 'Good Samaritan and Model Citizen' medal for you tomorrow."

Rong Qiu waved his hand, indicating it wasn't necessary, and his steps appeared a bit floating.

The alpha police noticed he had been drinking and expressed some concern. "Do you want us to give you a ride home?"

Rong Qiu shook his head. "I'm close to home, just a ten-minute walk."

The alpha police nodded, "Then be careful, or you can have a friend come pick you up."

Rong Qiu chuckled, thinking where would he have a friend come to pick him up.

The friends he made here weren't real friends.

It's really boring.

Either they have ulterior motives or they don't stand by him when it matters.

He thought about how he had failed at being a person.

In twenty-five years of life, he didn't even have a true friend.

Maybe it was the effect of drinking too much, but Rong Qiu, at this moment, felt unusually soft and contemplative.

Looking at the lively neon street lights around him, he felt like he was alone in a bizarre world, a world that didn't welcome him, rejecting him. He tried to fit in desperately, but in the end, he was still left out.

Rong Qiu chuckled softly.

The police car had just driven away, and Rong Qiu hadn't even taken a few steps away from the beta bar when a black Hummer appeared in front of him. It was moving very fast, clearly a distant silhouette just a second ago, and the next second, it confidently stopped in front of him.

Rong Qiu looked at the familiar Hummer that had come to a stop in front of him in surprise.

The soft mood that Rong Qiu had just experienced was completely shattered, as if he was in a dim and confused state, and a beam of light forcefully entered his world.

The man in the car stared straight at the beta in front of him.

In the short five minutes, Qin Muye's mind had already imagined various dangerous scenarios that Rong Qiu might encounter. Especially when he saw police and a police car near Rong Qiu, his heart hung high in an instant.

There's a police car!

Why is there a police car again!

Last time, when this beta bar was disrupted by alphas, the police were already called once.

Now, did Rong Qiu encounter trouble again?

Qin Muye's prejudice against the beta bar deepened.

As an alpha, Qin Muye had never seriously looked at the beta bar. The only time he went in, the beta bar was already in chaos, with beta customers scattering everywhere. It was as if he hadn't seen anything.

But in Qin Muye's subconscious, the beta bar was similar to the City Western bar in A-star city where he used to go.

Dim and ambiguous lighting, freely flowing alcohol, mixed with the complex scent of pheromones. Even if it was the first meeting, as long as you set your eyes right, you could embrace and get intimate with alphas and omegas.

In such a beta bar, Rong Qiu was like a tempting piece of meat!

Dangerous and urgent.

Now he finally understood Rong Qiu's feelings when he went to the bar to find him after dropping out, full of worry and anxiety filling his chest. Every breath felt heavy, as if inhaling scorching waves, and his throat was choked, unable to make a sound.

His nervous mood persisted until he parked the car.

The police car sped away, and Qin Muye scrutinized Rong Qiu from top to bottom, very carefully.

Rong Qiu looked fine, dressed in a neat and sharp sportswear. The gray-white cotton jacket and pants emphasized his slender figure. His high and straight nose, slightly pink lips pursed, looked even more delicate. Under this clear and thin profile, Qin Muye felt that Rong Qiu exuded an elegant and gentle beta charm.

Thinking about such a good-looking Rong Qiu exposed to the gazes of so many betas in the bar, the veins on Qin Muye's arms bulged. The powerful hand gripping the steering wheel even trembled slightly, and the poor steering wheel had already been pinched into a noticeable depression.

Rong Qiu was oblivious.

The alcohol made Rong Qiu's eyes a bit hot.

He looked at the car parked in front of him and then lowered his head to look at his phone. The corners of his eyes were already tinted with alcohol, but he himself was unaware. With these beautiful and moist eyes, he teased Qin Muye in the car.

"You came in five minutes. Commander Qin, quite fast, almost as fast as responding to an emergency."

Everyone knew that among all the cars in the 13th Military District, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances were the fastest.

This statement from Rong Qiu was just teasing, but Qin Muye didn't laugh.

Soon, the door on the passenger side was unlocked.

Qin Muye concealed all his complex emotions, and his fingertips on the steering wheel slightly acidified.

"Get in. I'll take you home."


Rong Qiu tiptoed and got into the car.

He didn't speak.

Because the man's gaze just now made him feel a bit strange, as if he was a suspect awaiting trial, exposed and visible in front of Qin Muye.

Just as he fastened his seatbelt after getting into the car, the magnetic voice of the man in the driver's seat slowly reached Rong Qiu's ears.

"Qiuqiu, would you rather come to the bar than have a meal with me?"


Realizing that the old account of being rejected for a meal last time was brought up by the man, Rong Qiu turned to look at Qin Muye with a sense of bewilderment. Rong Qiu, with half-opened windows, was blowing in the wind, and the night breeze messed up his originally well-groomed hair. But this kind of disorder brought a vivid breath to him.

"Commander Qin, these two are completely different."

Eating with Qin Muye was like eating with a boss, while going to the bar to drink could allow him to relax.

So, they weren't even comparable.

Who likes to eat with their boss, naturally, they want to let loose.

Qin Muye didn't understand his meaning, "You can tell me if you want to go to the bar to vent your frustration."

Qin Muye paused and added, "It's dangerous to go to the bar alone so late, and besides, Rong Qin hasn't accompanied you..."

The latter part of "I'm worried" was swallowed by the alpha. Qin Muye only used his serious black eyes to look at Rong Qiu.

He was afraid that if he said more, Rong Qiu would find him annoying.

Qin Muye's eyes were filled with sorrow, and he still stared at Rong Qiu directly.

The alpha stared at him, and Rong Qiu stared back.

Rong Qiu was rebellious.

He understood the good intentions of the alpha, but he also found it funny. With a hint of alcohol in his breath, Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow and looked at Qin Muye, "Commander Qin, I'm already an adult. I'm twenty-five years old, not five. I have the ability and the qualifications to decide what I want to do. Moreover... from childhood to now, no one has ever taken care of me. Does Commander Qin want to take care of me now?!"

It was unsure what magic was in that last sentence, but as soon as the man heard it, he immediately withdrew his gaze, as if he had been shocked.

Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow, becoming bolder and more aggressive.

"What did Commander Qin come here for today?"

"Is there official business to discuss?"

"Do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"Or do you want to talk about being bed partners again?"

Rong Qiu was too direct, and it made Qin Muye uncomfortable.

"I want to invite you to dinner."

But even as he said it, Qin Muye felt weary and helpless.

Sure enough, Rong Qiu chuckled.

"Commander Qin saying that..." Rong Qiu paused, a hint of mockery flashing in his eyes. "Commander Qin probably doesn't believe it himself."

The atmosphere fell into silence for a moment.

Qin Muye cleared his throat, looked seriously ahead, and tried to interrupt the conversation.

Rong Qiu mocked him inwardly.

He was a bit nasty after drinking.

Or maybe he just couldn't stand alphas always acting high and mighty, trying to control the conversation. Rong Qiu took out his phone from his pocket and opened the call recording. He wanted to hear what Qin Muye said to the beta boss during that phone call.

There was some noise in the recording because the beta boss answered the call while the beta bar was buzzing with intense electronic music.

Fortunately, the conversation between Qin Muye and the beta boss was clear.

The phone call was innocent.

He just asked Rong Qiu's whereabouts and then hung up.

Rong Qiu turned off the recording, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Muye's surprised expression. It seemed that every time they met, Qin Muye would show this shocked look, but every time Rong Qiu found it amusing. An S-rank alpha, so lacking in experience?

"Phone recording, Commander Qin doesn't understand?"

Qin Muye shook his head solemnly. "Qiuqiu, when did you start this habit?"

Daily calls, who would record them?

Was Rong Qiu worried about him... so he recorded to guard against him.

The car window was closed a bit smaller. Rong Qiu, not feeling the evening breeze, faced the intoxication, answering casually, "Forgot when I started, but after many setbacks, naturally, I've come to understand these things."

He not only recorded calls but also set up cameras.

Otherwise, he would have to bear the consequences alone if the experimental equipment was tampered with.

Rong Qiu didn't think there was anything wrong with recording phone calls.

So, he didn't pay much attention to Qin Muye's surprise.

Rong Qiu seemed calm as he browsed his phone, but his vision had become somewhat blurred. After all, he had been drinking, and maintaining such clarity for so long was rare. Afterward, Rong Qiu spoke less.

He didn't know that Qin Muye's mind was already in turmoil, with overwhelming waves.

Rong Qiu's words seemed casual, but Qin Muye sensed the hardships Rong Qiu had faced over the years.

If Rong Qiu lived in an ordinary beta community, he wouldn't suffer such severe second-gender discrimination. He would lead a normal life like other betas, maybe go to a regular university, find a job in a company, or open a shop of his liking to support himself.

It wasn't Rong Qiu's fault that he was exceptional.

Rong Qiu entered A University's preparatory class at the age of fifteen, and despite establishing countless connections with alphas, their mentality hadn't changed. Qin Muye, including his past self, still viewed betas as obedient, docile, stable, and reserved. Even if they were bullied, they wouldn't seek help.

However, he ignored how much Rong Qiu had suffered.

As a beta standing at the top of the combat department, in the eyes of the entire A University combat department, Rong Qiu was considered an anomaly. Even if he was outstanding, he couldn't shake off his inferior status in the eyes of alphas.

The blame wasn't on Rong Qiu.

All the alphas who bullied Rong Qiu were at fault, including his past self.

-Rong Qiu's grievances while studying were ignored.

-When Rong Qiu was on a mission and was misunderstood by the Fourth Military District due to a mistake in the mecha flight inspection, he didn't investigate carefully.

-Even when they reunited, he only saw Rong Qiu become the chief mecha designer of the 13th Military District, shining brightly. He overlooked the injustices and efforts Rong Qiu had gone through.

Ultimately, it was because he never placed Rong Qiu on an equal footing.

But how could they be equal?

He was already willing to be the one below, wasn't that enough...

Rong Qiu didn't know Qin Muye had thought so much.

He belched lightly, wrinkling his nose at his own action.

Opening the car window a bit more, as if the wind blowing in his face could make him completely sober, Rong Qiu's eyes were stung by the wind.

In less than half a minute, he frowned and pressed the car window back up.

Outside the window, there wasn't much to see. Many shops were closing, and similarly, there were many couples going home hand in hand, carrying late-night snacks. They were just an ordinary sight of lovers in love.

Ordinary and commonplace.

But Rong Qiu didn't want to look at them for too long.

Why look at things he didn't have?

Rong Qiu rubbed his temples with one hand, attempting to alleviate the gradually rising drunkenness through this method.

The man driving remained the same as before, with a serious expression, but not in casual attire.

And tonight's outfit was quite formal.

It seemed like he had really dressed up because he wanted to invite Rong Qiu to dinner.

Rong Qiu had a slight uniform fetish.

Before, he couldn't stand it when his beta lover wore a simple uniform. Now, there was a mature and handsome man dressed in a perfectly fitting white shirt. Rong Qiu's Adam's apple rolled lightly.

Alcohol clouded his mind, and beauty entered his eyes.

As he enjoyed the view, Rong Qiu propped his elbow on the car window. Taking advantage of his intoxication, he openly admired Qin Muye.

The man wore a white shirt on top, without a tie. The top two buttons were undone, revealing the man's strong and powerful neck, as well as half of his clearly defined collarbone. Unbuttoning one or two buttons gave a wilder look compared to being tightly buttoned, adding a touch of untamed charm.

The desires entwined in Rong Qiu's heart were too complex: "Are you clean?"

Qin Muye:?

Suppressing the post-drinking heat on his face, Rong Qiu's cheeks seemed to be steamed, and his gaze, scorching and hot, lost focus. His brain had been completely occupied by alcohol: "Can you ensure your health? I mean cleanliness, no diseases. I don't want to get infected."

Rong Qiu didn't expect himself to say such words after drinking. He vaguely realized he was drunk, but within this drunkenness, there was a hint of sobriety that made him feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, Qin Muye didn't respond to him.

It's good that he didn't respond.

He must be crazy to say such things to Qin Muye.

The two got out of the car in silence. Rong Qiu watched Qin Muye get out with him. It was just a polite remark, indicating that if there was no business to discuss, he could go home first, and Qin Muye could also go home early.

It was just a polite remark. Rong Qiu didn't expect Qin Muye to nod silently and turn to the back seat to retrieve a black briefcase.

"A little thing, won't take up too much of your time. But I see you seem a bit drunk. Can we still talk tonight?"

Qin Muye originally intended to bring up this matter while inviting Rong Qiu to dinner, but he would be busy again after today. The 13th Military District would undergo a major change, and he might not have time to meet Rong Qiu.

Rong Qiu probably hinted that if Qin Muye came to find him, there must be something important. Unexpectedly, Qin Muye endured it all the way and only mentioned it when they were about to part.

"Okay, take your time to explain later."

Even in the haze of drunkenness, Rong Qiu remembered his advantage in piecing things together after drinking. To save time, he thought they might as well discuss it now. Whatever he couldn't figure out tonight, he could reanalyze carefully tomorrow morning.

So Rong Qiu, looking at the alpha following closely behind him, once again led him to the study on the second floor.

Qin Muye was discussing matters related to the General Alliance with him. Since the newly appointed vice president of the General Alliance was an old designer from the Mecha Research Institute, Qin Muye wanted to hear Rong Qiu's opinion.

Every newly appointed member of the General Alliance undergoes rigorous investigation by the military district.

And Rong Qiu was undoubtedly familiar with this vice president.

Coincidentally, it was the alpha captured by the surveillance cameras in his research lab.

Hearing Qin Muye say that this person was promoted to vice president of the General Alliance, Rong Qiu's expression became extremely ugly.

"To be honest, I feel like throwing up."

Qin Muye immediately brought him a trash can, looking particularly concerned. He even leaned slightly towards him, but realizing it was too intimate, he straightened up again.

Rong Qiu shook his head. "Not drunk vomiting, but disgusted vomiting because of this person."

Listening to Qin Muye, this person is currently participating in the election for vice president of the General Alliance. No wonder he considered him a thorn in his side. Moreover, he had tampered with the experimental equipment. But this person probably didn't expect that all his malicious actions were captured clearly by the hidden cameras.

And Director Qian chose to shield him because the list of personnel had already been reported. If at this time, it was found that a candidate for a key position was engaged in improper conduct, it would damage the reputation of the entire research institute.

Rong Qiu sneered, and the alcohol in his system seemed to dissipate.

Just thinking about the response from the research institute made him feel nauseous. Rong Qiu explained everything he knew to Qin Muye, even copying a copy of the video from the institute and giving it to him.

Qin Muye's expression turned cold as well.

All the positions in the General Alliance were recommended by the heads of various research institutes to avoid suspicion. The director of the research institute does not hold any position in the General Alliance.

Originally, Qin Muye thought Director Qian would recommend Rong Qiu.

Because Rong Qiu had great potential. However, Director Qian actually brought up an alpha who was quite old, with an extremely impressive resume. He was also the chief mech designer of the Thirteenth Military Region, adorned with one halo after another. 

Unfortunately, this alpha with such impressive qualifications had a despicable character. 

Qin Muye assured Rong Qiu that the military district will deal with this matter. 

Rong Qiu nodded with a stern expression. "It's alright, I trust the military district." 

Although he looked very serious, Qin Muye could sense a hint of drunkenness, and even his heart warmed slightly. 

He gently accepted Rong Qiu's words. "As long as you trust me, that's all that matters." 


Rong Qiu didn't really trust Qin Muye. 

He was just a little drunk. 

Although he didn't suffer from the aftermath of vomiting, dizziness, or drowsiness, his head still throbbed. Throughout all the conversations with Qin Muye afterwards, he maintained a stiff and reserved demeanor, not wanting Qin Muye to see him as a drunkard. 

Because Rong Qiu's brother, Rong Qiu, had once teased him, calling him "brother" sweetly and childishly after getting drunk. 

He couldn't imagine what he looked like being "sweet" and "childish," but he was certain that if he couldn't control himself today, he would regret it tomorrow. 

Qin Muye had already come down from the study with a folder, sitting in the living room, his expression serious as he reviewed the video copy provided by Rong Qiu. 

After pouring Qin Muye a glass of warm water, Rong Qiu went to the kitchen to make hangover soup for himself. 

However, he underestimated himself. While his mind was still in control, his body was not. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit him, causing him to lose his balance. As pots and pans clattered to the floor, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, tall and imposing like a towering mountain, silently enveloping him.

 "I'll help you. What do you want to cook?" 

Qin Muye didn't give Rong Qiu a chance to refuse. Rong Qiu let him take over, blinking slowly under the light of the kitchen lamp. "Hangover soup." 


It's evident that Qin Muye isn't someone who often cooks; he needed reminders from Rong Qiu at every step.

From when the water boiled, to when to add the orange and mandarin peels, and how to control the heat, Rong Qiu had to stand beside Qin Muye, carefully watching every move.

Making this sobering soup was more tiring than if Rong Qiu had done it himself.

In the process, Qin Muye even got splashed with hot water.

Rong Qiu, calling him a kitchen waste, tried to shoo him away, but Qin Muye wouldn't leave. He just stared at his fingertips, where small water blisters kept emerging despite repeated rinsing under the water flow. This S-rank proud alpha clearly fell into some self-doubt, and even Rong Qiu could sense a faint trace of disappointment in his expression.

Holding the bowl, Rong Qiu blew on the soup.

"Just cooking, Commander Qin doesn't have to compete with me even in this. Everyone has their own expertise," Rong Qiu teased with a smirk.

Qin Muye lightly touched the blister on his hand, unexpectedly flinching at the pain.

Rong Qiu found it amusing.

Qin Muye indeed fits the mold of a traditional alpha – can't cook, can't handle the kitchen, with the only merit being a willingness to try. Just this alone can outshine many alphas. However, Qin Muye felt it was not enough; he continued to run water over his burnt hand and casually asked, "Can Chu Ming cook?"

Rong Qiu honestly replied, "Yes."

Although Chu Ming wasn't particularly outstanding as a person, his culinary skills were decent.

Rong Qiu thought of something and added, "Zhao Nanchen can cook too. He learned it at culinary school, and some of his signature dishes were exceptionally well-made."

Unfortunately, Zhao Nanchen was currently under Zhao Dongqi's supervision, so Rong Qiu only occasionally ran into him during regular commuting hours.

Rong Qiu lightly blew on the orange peel sobering soup, which also contained sandalwood, green chrysanthemum, and white beans.

The best remedy for drunkenness, nausea, and acid reflux.

His intoxication wasn't severe; just occasional dizziness. After a few sips, Rong Qiu became much more clear-headed and could see the disappointment on Qin Muye's face.

In their recent meetings, Qin Muye's disappointment had become the norm.

What's there to be disappointed about?

Just because other alphas can cook, and he can't, he's upset?

Is alpha competitiveness this strong?

As a beta, Rong Qiu couldn't comprehend the alpha world.

After finishing the soup, he put away the bowl.

Qin Muye was still sitting on his living room sofa, showing no intention of leaving. His palm was spread out, and the blister the size of a green bean was quite noticeable.

As if intentionally showing it off.

Seeing that Rong Qiu finally noticed his injury, Qin Muye slightly raised his arm, gesturing, "Don't I need to go to the hospital?"

"Hospital?" Rong Qiu chuckled, his expression strangely ambiguous. "Sure, you should hurry to the hospital; otherwise, it'll heal on its own in the next second."

Qin Muye:...

Rong Qiu comforted him teasingly, "Commander Qin, listen to me. I have experience. For such a small blister that hasn't popped, it'll be absorbed on its own in less than two days. There's really no need to waste money going to the hospital."

In his heart, Rong Qiu complained about the precious bodies of alphas but didn't realize that it made Qin Muye's heart ache even more.

To think that Rong Qiu even had experience with this.

Thinking of how proficient Rong Qiu was even with recording on a phone, Qin Muye became even more regretful about the years Rong Qiu had gone through without him.

During his absence, did Rong Qiu have a difficult time?

The transition from the 13th Military District's Mech Combat Army to the Mecha Research Institute was unimaginable, even for him.

Qin Muye fell into the painful memories of the past without realizing it, absentmindedly pressing on the blistered fingertip and emitting a long, painful "hiss."

Surprisingly, Rong Qiu looked at Qin Muye in disbelief.

Is this about being scalded by water droplets on the hand or scalded in the brain? Just said there's no need to go to the hospital, and now you're directly popping the blister caused by the scald.

"I didn't mean to..."

Seeing Qin Muye's slightly bewildered look, Rong Qiu sighed, helpless, and the sigh gently quivered on his long eyelashes. It trembled with his movements, "Come here, let's disinfect it with iodine."

Whether it was his imagination or not, as soon as Rong Qiu spoke, Qin Muye gently nudged forward, with both hands resting on his knees.

Just like a puppy.

Rong Qiu shook his head repeatedly; how could he feel that this alpha was like a puppy? He opened the iodine bottle, took out a cotton swab, and disinfected Qin Muye. In the process, he casually observed Qin Muye's expression. No longer resembling a puppy, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, resembling a lion that had been stroked.

"Be careful with disinfection; don't touch those unclean things."

"I'm very clean."

"What?" Rong Qiu frowned. He told him not to touch unclean things; he didn't say Qin Muye wasn't clean.

"I don't have any diseases."


"If you don't believe me, I can show you my health examination report."

In the soft moonlight, the alpha's voice flowed gently in the room.

It sounded good, but it left people puzzled.

"What are you saying..." Rong Qiu suddenly became dumbfounded.

He seemed to know what Qin Muye was saying because Qin Muye's words seemed to be answering the question Rong Qiu asked in his car earlier.

-Are you clean?

-I'm very clean.

-Can you ensure your health?

-If you don't believe me, I can show you my health examination report.


It all matched.

Qin Muye didn't mention it in the car, but now he brought it up again. After drinking the sobering soup, Rong Qiu couldn't use the excuse of pretending to be drunk anymore.

Qin Muye watched as Rong Qiu lowered his head and stuffed the remaining iodine back into the medicine box, completely adopting an attitude of "I won't listen, I won't believe." Disappointed, Qin Muye hung his head.

Sure enough, after saying that, what he saw was a beta retreating into its shell.

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