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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 54

Chapter 54

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The study’s light was on, perfectly positioned to be gentle on the eyes. Qin Muye silently watched as Rong Qiu handed him such a contract. The paper was warm and carried the freshly printed ink scent.

Ever since he learned that Rong Qiu was printing a contract, he was in a state of intense shock.

Because he never knew that such an intimate relationship would require signing a contract.

However, Rong Qiu was persistent. After signing it himself, he looked directly at him with those blue eyes, carrying scrutiny and assessment, as if not signing would result in immediate dismissal.

He could even sense Rong Qiu’s impatience.

Sure enough—

“Commander Qin, are you signing or not?”

“Sign if you want, otherwise, leave.”

With words at this point, Qin Muye had no other choice. He quickly glanced over the contract. It wasn’t lengthy, the terms were clear, and both parties were distinctly labeled—no doubt, Rong Qiu was Party A, and he was Party B.

But who was Party A and who was Party B didn’t matter. Both parties could propose when to meet, and the other could express refusal. However, the refusal count should not exceed three times per month.

At the same time, both parties could initiate ending the relationship, and the other party should not obstruct. According to Rong Qiu’s intention, this statement was for him because Rong Qiu believed that he would find an omega partner in the future and would end this relationship.

Qin Muye’s heart felt like a bowstring being repeatedly plucked, and with each pull, the rebounding force sent shivers down his spine.

How did he and Rong Qiu end up at this point, having to sign a contract to maintain their relationship?

The freshly printed blank pages in his hand were moist with sweat. 

Holding a black signature pen, Qin Muye resembled a wilted eggplant. Eventually, the tip of the pen lightly moved, and the three words “Qin Muye” neatly appeared in the Party B column. As soon as he finished, Rong Qiu pushed a red ink pad towards him. Qin Muye looked up at the earnest Rong Qiu, who raised an eyebrow, indicating a nod. Qin Muye suppressed all complex emotions, weakly pressing down an alpha’s crimson fingerprint.

He handed the freshly signed contract to Rong Qiu, and, in return, Rong Qiu provided him with another contract that was already signed and stamped by him. Without a doubt, he could take this contract away.

In the same position, he signed his name and stamped his fingerprint.

The three words “Qin Muye” were tightly placed under Rong Qiu’s two words.

This was the only connection they had on this contract.

Rong Qiu’s signature was much more decisive than his. After handing the contract to Qin Muye, it took less than two seconds for Rong Qiu to sign and stamp the contract. Lowering his head slightly, he blew on the still-damp ink and then stored it in the drawer.

Rong Qiu planned to put it in the safe after Qin Muye left.

As he completed these actions, Qin Muye, sitting across from him, continued to gaze at him as if waiting for something. At first, Rong Qiu didn’t understand his meaning, but later, he thought of something. Rong Qiu suddenly licked his lips, coughed lightly, and said, “It’s late, and tomorrow is a workday. Commander Qin, you should go back early.”

Although they just signed this intimate contract, Rong Qiu hadn’t planned to immediately arrange a meeting with Qin Muye.

He was just too tired. Despite sitting in transportation for ten days, he still felt mentally and physically exhausted. All the passion had been exhausted during the journey, and now it was the sage time after the trip.

He simply couldn’t initiate anything.

Moreover, looking at the tall and imposing alpha in front of him, Rong Qiu felt that he couldn’t lose to him. Beta overpowering an alpha meant he needed to gather some information and observe a bit more. He couldn’t afford to lose face or dignity.

Rong Qiu’s rejection relieved Qin Muye as well.

Because he wasn’t prepared either.

Even though Rong Qiu had done the ‘bottom’ part before, so it wouldn’t be a big deal for him to be on the receiving end, he saw it as a give-and-take situation. As long as he could make Rong Qiu choose him, he was willing to go to any lengths. 

That’s how he rationalized it in his mind, but Qin Muye still felt somewhat uneasy. 

He couldn’t imagine Rong Qiu being on top of him. Whenever he thought about them being intimate in bed, Qin Muye could only think of the soft and obedient cute beta from five years ago, who would blush and feel hot all over, but still wouldn’t release his arms from around his neck. 

At night, Qin Muye laid in bed. 

Next to his pillow was the contract signed with Rong Qiu earlier that evening. 

Although they hadn’t done anything tonight, Rong Qiu had set a fixed date for their first time – three days from now. Rong Qiu had specifically asked if Qin Muye would be busy in three days, and if not, he should come straight to his place for their first appointment. 

If it weren’t for the position issue, he could have made the appointment for tomorrow. 

But things were different now. 

The roles were reversed. 

It was Rong Qiu on top of him.

Qin Muye’s thoughts were complex, like a ball of yarn without an end. He tried to untangle the problems but only ended up creating more knots.

At two in the morning, the alpha still couldn’t sleep. He widened his clear black pupils, tossing and turning dozens of times until he finally sighed and sat up. He reached for his phone and skillfully navigated to a certain person in his blacklist. 

There was a time difference between the Thirteenth Military District and the First Military District. While it was night on Qin Muye’s side, it was just noon on Su Ran’s side. Su Ran was on his way to a lunch meeting, and even though he was in the car, he was still looking at documents. The Su family was not as prominent as before. As the eldest son, Su Ran was forced to inherit the family business and had to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. 

Just as he finished reading the last page of a document, Su Ran’s phone beeped. He reflexively took out his phone from his pocket. 

Seeing that it was a message from Qin Muye, Su Ran suddenly straightened up. 

【Ah Ye: Do you have any videos about 0?】 


Su Ran didn’t know how to describe his feelings. He always felt that this message from Qin Muye didn’t seem like something he would send. What’s been going on lately? Either Ah Ye was asking him how to be a bedmate, or he was asking about 0.

The thing is, he had no experience in either of those things. 

He could only muster up the courage to contact some of the omegas he had previously been involved with, but after exchanging a few words, most of them blocked him, with some even adding insults. He had no luck with his inquiries until finally his former fiancée, who he had broken off the engagement with, responded to him.

“Go check the Federal AO Emotional Zone; many little Os openly share their experiences there. But why are you suddenly asking this question? Anything wrong? Thinking of becoming an O? You can come to me for advice~”

Su Ran copied his former fiancee’s response and sent it to Qin Muye.

As he expected, Qin Muye just said thanks and didn’t say anything more. When he tried to send another message, it showed that he had been blocked by the other party.

Su Ran took it well. Qin Muye was just a bit stubborn, but his heart was good. Otherwise, he wouldn’t come to him when facing a problem.

Su Ran sighed deeply, remembered something, and took some time to enter this emotional zone.

The posts in front of him were densely packed, with various colors, and the titles seemed to be coded.

Why couldn’t he understand any of this?!


Not only could Su Ran not understand, but Qin Muye also found it equally incomprehensible.

Opening the forum, it was lively inside, evident from the numerous users and posts refreshing every second. In the blink of an eye, new posts had replaced the old ones. But no matter how many were replaced, he couldn’t understand any of it.

Qin Muye’s eyebrows had long been furrowed.

Clearly, these were just square characters, but why could they combine into such difficult-to-understand terms like “Wu Tao Snake,” “Prop Regular,” and “Rua Lion”? There were both Chinese and English, making Qin Muye doubt the intelligence of his command system brain for the first time.

And there was also color differentiation between red and green.

The ways of speaking on both sides were completely different. Users with red IDs were more straightforward and rude in their comments, while those with green IDs were a bit more subtle and indirect. However, if a post had both red and green IDs, it would surely become a popular post.

Under a hot post, Qin Muye found two opposing views.

【Pure and Innocent, Please Do Not Enter!!】

This post was very lively.

The wording of the main post was not complicated, so Qin Muye could understand. It mainly discussed which position would be the most comfortable.

Arguments started below.

Red IDs believed in simplicity and directness, the rougher, the better.

Green IDs believed in having appropriate foreplay.

As the discussion progressed, the unfamiliar terms that Qin Muye didn’t understand appeared, and he felt confused. However, he vaguely knew that these words were crucial to what he was learning.

Qin Muye delved into it, and as the day gradually brightened, he heard the doorbell downstairs. Tiredly, Qin Muye went downstairs to open the door.

Qin Zexi came in without even changing his shoes, sitting with large strides on the sofa, looking very angry. Even towards his younger brother, Qin Muye, his expression wasn’t pleasant. In fact, upon learning about the news that Rong Qiu was actively organizing a volunteer army, Qin Zexi was so angry that he couldn’t sleep well. He tried calling Rong Qin, but he didn’t answer, so he came to Qin Muye.

Qin Muye brought him a cup of hot water.

Qin Zexi didn’t drink it. With eyes similar to Qin Muye’s, he stared directly at Qin Muye. “Did you approve Rong Qiu’s application for the volunteer army?”

So, it was about this.

Qin Muye sat on the single sofa, silently nodding.

Qin Zexi was furious, gripping the pillow in his hands. “Ah Ye, you clearly knew I was arguing and having a cold war with him over this matter. Why did you still sign and approve his application?”

But Qin Muye didn’t feel he did anything wrong. “He has the qualifications to organize a volunteer army, and the process has been completed. The inspection is also qualified. I can’t find a reason to block him.”

“Can’t you just delay it if you can’t block it?! Can’t you just pretend you didn’t see it, drag it out until he can’t wait any longer and has to give up? If you approve his application now, he’ll immediately get this volunteer army organized?!”

“Brother.” Qin Muye interrupted Qin Zexi’s words with a serious expression. “Do you know why Rong Qiu did this? Why he argued and even had a cold war with you for so long?”

Qin Muye suddenly changed the subject, and Qin Zexi’s eyebrows raised, “Why did you suddenly bring up the argument between me and him? That’s a separate issue.” 

“No, it’s not.” 

Qin Muye looked at Qin Zexi, who seemed unaware of his mistake, and sighed heavily in his heart. He tried to explain to his brother as tactfully as possible. 

“Have you ever thought about why Rong Qin would do this? Because building a volunteer army is very important to him, brother. Even I know that Rong Qin is building a volunteer army to avenge his brother. What reason do we have to stop him? If the pirates aren’t eliminated, he will always have this thorn in his heart.” 

Qin Zexi and Qin Muye had a serious disagreement. 

Qin Zexi did not agree with Qin Muye’s viewpoint. 

The pirates have been around for so many years, wreaking havoc in the Thirteenth Military District for a long time, and even the Federation cannot deal with them. Can Rong Qin, just a beta, easily form a volunteer army and defeat them? 

If it were possible, why haven’t the alphas and betas in the Federal Military District already done so? 


Qin Muye sternly interrupted Qin Zexi’s words. “If you want to get along well with Rong Qin, never say such things to him and never express such thoughts.”

Qin Muye had always known that his brother also had severe hierarchical discrimination views. This arrogance was shaped by his privileged upbringing. But Qin Muye didn’t know that, in Qin Zexi’s eyes, Rong Qin, who was also a beta, must be mediocre and incapable, just like any other beta.

For some reason, Qin Muye’s mind suddenly brought up the image of Rong Qiu.

He had seen Rong Qiu’s bright appearance when he piloted the mecha, shining like a reflection in the light. He wanted to argue that what Qin Zexi said was wrong, but Qin Zexi couldn’t bear to listen to his words anymore.

With the same tall and handsome S-level alpha, Qin Zexi took over the thin sheet of paper behind Qin Muye’s sofa. In the bright daylight, there was a deafening sound. Qin Zexi was surrounded by thunderous roars as he looked at the bedmate contract in his hand with a pair of eagle eyes nearly splitting his gaze.

“Ah Ye, did you become a bedmate with a beta?”

“Ah Ye, how could you become a bedmate with a beta?”

Qin Muye’s calm eyes tried to snatch back the document from Qin Zexi, but Qin Zexi held it tightly, and Qin Muye had to let him have it.

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Not only did he become a bedmate with a beta, but he also became the one underneath the beta.

However, he didn’t say the latter part, fearing that saying it out loud would make Qin Zexi spit blood in anger.

Even though he didn’t say it, after Qin Zexi finished reading the contract, his face turned as cold as ice. Confirming that his dear brother wasn’t joking, his surprised expression completely shattered. The next moment, he slapped the contract with both their names on the coffee table. His tone was as hard as steel, ruthless and icy.

“Ah Ye, you really disappoint me.”


The morning conversation between the two brothers ended on a sour note.

On the other hand, Rong Qin was thrilled.

He had been busy with the volunteer army for the past few days, staying and eating in the company under his control. Having spent the night in the office, he was now bursting with energy as he inserted the key into Rong Qiu’s villa.

Upon opening the door, Rong Qiu was having breakfast.

Seeing Rong Qin return, Rong Qiu even thoughtfully brought another serving of breakfast.

“How has Brother Rong Qin been lately? Haven’t been back for almost half a month. Are you exceptionally busy?”

Despite sporting huge dark circles under his eyes, Rong Qiu was still radiant. “Busy, but it’s all worth it.”

“Has the paperwork for the volunteer army been approved?”

“Yes! Qiuqiu, you’re my lucky charm! The moment I put your name on it, the approval came through quickly. I can now proceed to form my own volunteer army!”

Rong Qiu congratulated him with a smile. “Is Brother Rong Qiu’s money enough? If not, I have some here.”

“Don’t worry, I have enough money for this. Save your money for yourself, consider it the fee for sleeping with Qin Muye in the future.”

Hearing Rong Qiu mention this sleeping fee, Rong Qiu inexplicably thought of what the beta boss had said about a fee for each time. It was quite intriguing.

He and Qin Muye shouldn’t need to pay such a fee.

However, Rong Qiu thought that Qin Muye was eager to be his bedmate, and not paying might be inappropriate. Giving him a free pass to sleep with an S-level alpha…

Rong Qin didn’t know Rong Qiu was seriously considering this bedmate fee, as he finished his breakfast. With his excitement about the approval settling down a bit, he was now concerned about Rong Qiu’s research institute.

“If you’re not working at this mecha research institute, where are you going?” Rong Qiu thought for a moment and gave a sincere suggestion, “Why not come to my side as a mecha consultant? But Qiuqiu, you can both pilot and design mechas, you’re talented wherever you go. Coming to my side might put you at a disadvantage.”

Rong Qiu poured both of them a cup of oat milk.

Since the incident with Chu Ming, he had developed some concerns about the cheese from R-star. He didn’t want to eat it anymore, so he chose oat milk as a substitute.

After slowly drinking the last sip of oat milk, Rong Qiu wiped his mouth with a tissue before saying, “Take a break first. We can discuss plans for next month.”

“Yes, it’s time to take a good break. You’ve been in the Thirteenth Military District for more than five years, and just a few days ago, it was the same time you went on a trip.”


Rong Qiu responded indifferently.

In fact, this was his first time going on a trip from childhood to adulthood.

Growing up in an orphanage, there were no such good conditions for them to go out and play. Kind-hearted people occasionally donated toys, and getting one was already satisfying. During college, he had no time to play, either attending classes or working part-time, or spending time with his beta lover. He felt that he had too little time that truly belonged to him.

This month had about ten more days, and he would rest well before thoroughly emptying his mind. After all, he had already resigned from the research institute, so idling at home was not as good as planting flowers and plants.

Yesterday, Uncle was reorganizing the small flower bed outside his villa. The seeds planted six months ago hadn’t sprouted, and they were probably dead. Rong Qiu chose new flower seeds and replanted them. Regarding the matter of planting flowers, he was like Jiang Taigong fishing, willing candidates would come forth. Over the past few years, he had planted flowers five or six times, and there were only a few times when the timing was right.

Now it was Autumn, and Rong Qiu planted his fifth batch of flowers.

Still, they were golden roses.

If you’re going to plant, it has to be what you like.

Loosening the soil, burying the seeds, and watering.

By the time he reached the third step, the Zhao brothers unexpectedly arrived.

Ever since coming to the Thirteenth Military District, Zhao Dongqi had been mysteriously busy. Dealing with the criminals in the Thirteenth Military District during the day and taking the time to monitor Zhao Nanchen at night, it seemed that he wouldn’t return to the capital star for a short time. Now Zhao Dongqi had already bought a villa in another block, and the two brothers naturally stayed temporarily in the Thirteenth Military District.

Zhao Nanchen’s job naturally had to change.

Just like Chu Ming back then, Zhao Nanchen now worked in a sub-district under the Thirteenth Military District, with no day shifts and frequent night shifts. Zhao Nanchen’s visible health had improved significantly.

Zhao Nanchen didn’t know that Rong Qiu had already resigned from the research institute.

He and his brother Zhao Dongqi repeatedly emphasized that Rong Qiu had already gone to work, and they would only miss him if they drove over. However, after Zhao Dongqi heard the words, he still stubbornly drove him over, and brought a car full of prepared gifts.

Getting out of the car, seeing Rong Qiu working on the flower bed outside, Zhao Nanchen’s deer-like eyes widened even more.

“Is Little Rong Qiu not going to work today?”



Rong Qiu led the two brothers inside, but halfway through, Zhao Dongqi called Zhao Nanchen to go and carry the gifts.

Zhao Dongqi came not only to express his gratitude but also to conduct a follow-up visit on Rong Qiu. If it were an ordinary patient, there wouldn’t be this step, but since Rong Qiu was introduced by Rong Qin and had taken care of Zhao Nanchen for so long, he wanted to see how well Rong Qiu’s memory was holding up.

After several conversations, the results of this follow-up visit were similar to the previous ones.

Twenty minutes later, the two of them walked out of the guest room on the first floor.

At this point, Zhao Nanchen had already moved all the thank-you gifts. Rong Qiu took a closer look and was surprised to find so many, stacked in various sizes, reaching over a meter in height.

Zhao Dongqi smiled and explained, “These are all prepared by Zhao Nanchen himself. It’s his heartfelt gesture, not expensive.”

Upon hearing Zhao Dongqi’s words, Rong Qiu felt reassured.

He invited the two brothers to have a meal at home. Unexpectedly, Qin Muye came to see him in the meantime. When Rong Qiu opened the door, he was stunned for a moment. He clearly said they would meet on the third day, but it was only the first day.

Qin Muye didn’t come empty-handed; he brought a large food box.

“Encountered a place with delicious private dishes, brought you some.”

Qin Muye had to go back to work in the afternoon, and his office was in the Thirteenth Military District, a bit far from Rong Qiu’s villa. After delivering the food, he couldn’t even enter Rong Qiu’s house before leaving.

But when he heard the conversation inside Rong Qiu’s house, Qin Muye’s turning movement slightly stiffened.

Even though he shouldn’t have asked, he couldn’t resist.

Qin Muye looked at Rong Qiu seriously and pretended to be calm. “Do you have guests at home?”

“Little Qiu, who is it? Did Brother Rong Qin come back?” Zhao Nanchen suddenly came over to see.

Both Zhao Nanchen and Qin Muye fell silent.

The former was completely excited and shocked. Since transferring to the Thirteenth Military District, he had been hoping to meet Qin Muye one day. However, he didn’t expect to miss him in the military district but encounter him at Little Qiu’s house.

But soon, he furrowed his brows.

He remembered that when he and Little Qiu had dinner at the restaurant, they had encountered this commanding officer. At that time, Little Qiu’s attitude toward this commanding officer was extremely poor… This time, the commanding officer even came to his house. Could there be a conflict between him and Little Qiu?

Qin Muye was also surprised. His own misunderstanding had led to Zhao Nanchen being mistaken as Little Qiu’s extramarital partner. Just thinking about those words made Qin Muye’s face blush.

How could he have thought like that back then? Seeing a ring and assuming Little Qiu was married, encountering a strange alpha and assuming Little Qiu had an extramarital affair. If he had been more calm or thought a bit more, the reunion with Little Qiu wouldn’t have become such an awkward start.

But now, Qin Muye was calm.

At least he appeared calm.

He greeted Zhao Nanchen in a friendly manner, and Zhao Nanchen, full of enthusiasm, performed a 90-degree bow for Qin Muye.

“Commander Qin, hello!”

Qin Muye was startled by his gesture, looking at Rong Qiu. Rong Qiu helplessly covered his face.

“You’re his idol.” 

Zhao Nanchen nodded, his eyes shining even more.

Qin Muye hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out to shake hands with him.

Qin Muye didn’t enter the house; he only stood at the door for a few minutes, exchanged a few words with Rong Qiu and Zhao Nanchen, then turned and left.

Zhao Nanchen happily helped Rong Qiu carry the large food box.

In fact, Rong Qiu had already ordered food from a nearby restaurant, considering that both Zhao Nanchen and Zhao Dongqi were alphas and ate a lot. He ordered quite a bit. Qin Muye’s dishes added even more to the table, making it full to the brim, with almost no space left for bowls and chopsticks.

Zhao Dongqi asked who had come, and Zhao Nanchen quickly revealed everything. 

Knowing who the person was, Zhao Dongqi paused slightly. 

But no one noticed. 

After finishing their meal, Zhao Dongqi and Zhao Nanchen prepared to leave. However, before departing, Zhao Dongqi hesitated for a moment. He and Rong Qin gave a few reminders, urging them not to dwell on the past, emphasizing that memories are just memories. 

But Zhao Dongqi had said similar words to Rong Qin every time. 

Rong Qin seemed to take them to heart, yet at the same time, it felt like he didn’t.


But Qin Muye only briefly appeared on the first day. On the second and third days, he was nowhere to be seen. They had arranged to meet on the third evening, and the two of them still hadn’t contacted each other.

Rong Qiu was free, and he wondered if the first time he invited Qin Muye would bring him joy.

Because, during dinner, he watched the news and saw Qin Muye. Qin Muye had been very busy lately, dressed in a handsome military uniform, still wearing a mask. However, the revealed eyes and brows were extremely charming. He was giving a report for the Thirteenth Military District, his voice deep and distant, coupled with the face that hadn’t been exposed in public yet, making it more mysterious and enticing.

Rong Qiu took out his phone; Qin Muye should have finished work by now.

In his contact list, all the chat backgrounds with his contacts were photos of his beta lover.

Rong Qiu looked at Qin Muye on TV, then looked at the beta lover on his phone. On a whim, Rong Qiu started playing the game of finding the differences.

No matter from which angle he looked, the two people seemed to be carved from the same mold. One had a slightly more youthful temperament, while the other was exceptionally mature. Apart from that, there were no other differences. No, Rong Qiu thought for a moment. He remembered a tiny red mole on his beta lover’s ear, and Qin Muye’s ear… he had never observed it up close, so he didn’t know if it was there.

But he thought there probably wasn’t. How could it be such a coincidence? They looked exactly alike, even the mole was in the same position.

But with a slight distraction, Rong Qiu quickly regained focus.

He glanced at the time on his phone; it was still early. Some things could be prepared in advance.


On the first day, Qin Muye was absent-minded. He read many things on AO emotion forums, using the squeezed-out time. Finally, he understood those strange words. It was only because he understood that he felt that the tricks he and Rong Qiu played in bed were just that.

Single actions, single location, with no other advantages except for the long duration. Even the extended duration became a point of criticism on numerous omega forums.

Qin Muye seriously reflected on himself.

But reflecting to the end inevitably brought a sense of sadness. What was the use of reviewing these now? He was already the one below, and even if he became proficient again, it wouldn’t be of any use on Rong Qiu.

The next day, Qin Muye was even more nervous. From the moment he opened his eyes, an invisible tension seemed to tighten a string, and any movement or sound could potentially snap that string.

On the third day, which was today, he couldn’t bear it anymore and chose to take the initiative at noon, personally coming to find Rong Qiu.

The result seemed fine. When Rong Qiu saw him, there was only a slight surprise, and his blue pupils slightly widened. However, negative expressions like dislike or annoyance, after Qin Muye carefully observed, were not found.

After leaving Rong Qiu’s house at noon, Qin Muye felt restless.

He felt that the chair he was sitting on was too hard, but when he sat on the sofa, it felt too soft. No matter how he moved, he couldn’t find a comfortable position.

Finally, after enduring until the end of the workday, Qin Muye was still very nervous. Beforehand, he took a shower and then stood in front of the closet for a long time. Later, he put on Rong Qiu’s favorite white shirt, styled his hair a bit after drying it, making him look like a college student named Ah Ye.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Qin Muye realized that as an individual constantly growing, he couldn’t perceive his own growth changes. However, whether the changes were significant or not, the people around him could clearly see.

After the dispute with Qin Zexi, Qin Muye took a photo and sent it to Qin Zexi, asking him how he compared to five years ago.

Unfortunately, for some reason, Qin Zexi did not reply to him.

Qin Muye felt a bit uneasy.

After thinking it over, Qin Muye could only send it to Su Ran.

Having gone through this once, Su Ran had transitioned from the initial anxiety to a more indifferent state now. Looking at the photo, Su Ran earnestly gave his advice.

“Make your hair a bit messy, don’t be so stiff.”

“Take off the watch on your wrist; at that time, Ah Ye wouldn’t wear such an expensive one. Replace it with a six-figure one.”

“Although Ah Ye didn’t smile much back then, you don’t have to show such a bitter and resentful expression. Don’t be too stern; soften your expression a bit. Oh, and act a little cocky.”

Qin Muye absorbed everything Su Ran said in the past few days, but the last point puzzled him. What did it mean to act a little cocky? Was he that arrogant back then?

Finding his own dark history, Qin Muye was not willing to admit it.

Honestly, he should be happy to see Rong Qiu this time, but his current mood was like going to a grave. Would Rong Qiu accept it? If Rong Qiu treated him as his beta lover from five years ago, it would mean that Rong Qiu hadn’t had any sexual activity in these five years.

So, Rong Qiu’s memories were all false, including Rong Qiu thinking he was the number one.

Qin Muye’s eyes lit up. Why did it take him so long to understand such an important point?!

Rong Qiu was never the number one; he had always been the zero below.

But how could he tell Rong Qiu?

Or maybe this matter shouldn’t be mentioned at all.

Could Rong Qiu accept it? One significant reason Rong Qiu accepted him was that Rong Qiu didn’t want to be suppressed, and he never even considered being suppressed by an alpha. Qin Muye could imagine that if he proposed to be the one on top, Rong Qiu would immediately say goodbye according to the terms of the contract.

So, even if he figured it out, what was the use? He couldn’t stimulate Rong Qiu now.

He even had to become the propeller for Rong Qiu to maintain his memories.


During the time when Qin Muye drove over, Rong Qiu had already prepared the things he needed for tonight.

But he hadn’t taken a shower yet.

Rong Qiu’s mood was also not calm.

After all, this was his first bed partner in his life. If it couldn’t be done quickly, he might as well end it this time.

After Qin Muye came in awkwardly, Rong Qiu directly led him to his second-floor room. Rong Qiu had a strong possessiveness and a sense of private space. Even though the entire villa, all the rooms, and furniture belonged to him, he still had areas he was accustomed to.

The first and second floors, and what made him feel the safest were the master bedroom and the study on the second floor. So, he rarely allowed strangers to step into these two places.

When the tall man came in, the originally spacious master bedroom seemed to be instantly filled up, appearing somewhat low and narrow.

Rong Qiu had prepared a lot of things, lubricant, condoms, and even spare sheets were spread out.

Qin Muye averted his gaze woodenly: “Why is it so troublesome to prepare? Why not go to a hotel?”

Blowing his hair, Rong Qiu said, “I don’t like hotels.”

Qin Muye: “?”

Rong Qiu: “I dislike the bed there.”

Rong Qiu had been disliking the bed all along. It wasn’t that he couldn’t sleep well, but he would feel uncomfortable sleeping on an external bed. He would toss and turn the whole night. Even if he managed to fall asleep, it wouldn’t be restful.

Qin Muye never knew that Rong Qiu would dislike the bed.

Because every time he invited Rong Qiu to a hotel five years ago, Rong Qiu always looked entirely happy.

This reminded Qin Muye of the time when Rong Qiu gave up on the exam and went to the bar to find him. When he woke up in the morning, he was lying on the sofa, and Rong Qiu was resting his head on his arm, leaning against the edge of the bed. At that time, he thought Rong Qiu had stayed up all night to take care of him. Unexpectedly, it might be because the bed was uncomfortable, and Rong Qiu chose to shrink his own space, leaning against the edge of the bed.

Qin Muye’s heart felt a dull ache.

But Rong Qiu didn’t share his sentimentality. After drying his hair, Rong Qiu, looking at his well-defined muscles, felt satisfied. When Qin Muye came out, he saw that Qin Muye had already undone his windbreaker to reveal a pure white shirt underneath. Rong Qiu still thought that the alpha’s shirt looked better.

Rong Qiu asked why Qin Muye was wearing a shirt even after work.

Qin Muye said he thought Rong Qiu would like it.

Rong Qiu’s hand paused, chuckling: “Commander Qin is quite good at pleasing others.”

Qin Muye’s face turned slightly red: “Yeah.”

Rong Qiu was straightforward; he patted the bed beside him: “Commander Qin, lie down.”

Rong Qin’s words were devoid of any emotion, as if he weren’t about to make love, but rather about to perform surgery himself. He even strictly instructed Qin Muye on how to lie down, the curvature of his lips, and even demanded that his slightly disheveled hair be smoothed out.

Having done all this, Rong Qiu looked at the alpha lying on the bed, and his satisfaction expanded a bit. He leaned in, and the distance between them became so close that they could kiss at any moment.

Qin Muye lifted his head slightly.

But Rong Qiu, with lowered brows and a cold tone, wasn’t negotiating but informing.

“Just actions, no kissing.”


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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 54

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 54

Chapter 54

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The study's light was on, perfectly positioned to be gentle on the eyes. Qin Muye silently watched as Rong Qiu handed him such a contract. The paper was warm and carried the freshly printed ink scent.

Ever since he learned that Rong Qiu was printing a contract, he was in a state of intense shock.

Because he never knew that such an intimate relationship would require signing a contract.

However, Rong Qiu was persistent. After signing it himself, he looked directly at him with those blue eyes, carrying scrutiny and assessment, as if not signing would result in immediate dismissal.

He could even sense Rong Qiu's impatience.

Sure enough—

"Commander Qin, are you signing or not?"

"Sign if you want, otherwise, leave."

With words at this point, Qin Muye had no other choice. He quickly glanced over the contract. It wasn't lengthy, the terms were clear, and both parties were distinctly labeled—no doubt, Rong Qiu was Party A, and he was Party B.

But who was Party A and who was Party B didn't matter. Both parties could propose when to meet, and the other could express refusal. However, the refusal count should not exceed three times per month.

At the same time, both parties could initiate ending the relationship, and the other party should not obstruct. According to Rong Qiu's intention, this statement was for him because Rong Qiu believed that he would find an omega partner in the future and would end this relationship.

Qin Muye's heart felt like a bowstring being repeatedly plucked, and with each pull, the rebounding force sent shivers down his spine.

How did he and Rong Qiu end up at this point, having to sign a contract to maintain their relationship?

The freshly printed blank pages in his hand were moist with sweat. 

Holding a black signature pen, Qin Muye resembled a wilted eggplant. Eventually, the tip of the pen lightly moved, and the three words "Qin Muye" neatly appeared in the Party B column. As soon as he finished, Rong Qiu pushed a red ink pad towards him. Qin Muye looked up at the earnest Rong Qiu, who raised an eyebrow, indicating a nod. Qin Muye suppressed all complex emotions, weakly pressing down an alpha's crimson fingerprint.

He handed the freshly signed contract to Rong Qiu, and, in return, Rong Qiu provided him with another contract that was already signed and stamped by him. Without a doubt, he could take this contract away.

In the same position, he signed his name and stamped his fingerprint.

The three words "Qin Muye" were tightly placed under Rong Qiu's two words.

This was the only connection they had on this contract.

Rong Qiu's signature was much more decisive than his. After handing the contract to Qin Muye, it took less than two seconds for Rong Qiu to sign and stamp the contract. Lowering his head slightly, he blew on the still-damp ink and then stored it in the drawer.

Rong Qiu planned to put it in the safe after Qin Muye left.

As he completed these actions, Qin Muye, sitting across from him, continued to gaze at him as if waiting for something. At first, Rong Qiu didn't understand his meaning, but later, he thought of something. Rong Qiu suddenly licked his lips, coughed lightly, and said, "It's late, and tomorrow is a workday. Commander Qin, you should go back early."

Although they just signed this intimate contract, Rong Qiu hadn't planned to immediately arrange a meeting with Qin Muye.

He was just too tired. Despite sitting in transportation for ten days, he still felt mentally and physically exhausted. All the passion had been exhausted during the journey, and now it was the sage time after the trip.

He simply couldn't initiate anything.

Moreover, looking at the tall and imposing alpha in front of him, Rong Qiu felt that he couldn't lose to him. Beta overpowering an alpha meant he needed to gather some information and observe a bit more. He couldn't afford to lose face or dignity.

Rong Qiu's rejection relieved Qin Muye as well.

Because he wasn't prepared either.

Even though Rong Qiu had done the 'bottom' part before, so it wouldn't be a big deal for him to be on the receiving end, he saw it as a give-and-take situation. As long as he could make Rong Qiu choose him, he was willing to go to any lengths. 

That's how he rationalized it in his mind, but Qin Muye still felt somewhat uneasy. 

He couldn't imagine Rong Qiu being on top of him. Whenever he thought about them being intimate in bed, Qin Muye could only think of the soft and obedient cute beta from five years ago, who would blush and feel hot all over, but still wouldn't release his arms from around his neck. 

At night, Qin Muye laid in bed. 

Next to his pillow was the contract signed with Rong Qiu earlier that evening. 

Although they hadn't done anything tonight, Rong Qiu had set a fixed date for their first time - three days from now. Rong Qiu had specifically asked if Qin Muye would be busy in three days, and if not, he should come straight to his place for their first appointment. 

If it weren't for the position issue, he could have made the appointment for tomorrow. 

But things were different now. 

The roles were reversed. 

It was Rong Qiu on top of him.

Qin Muye's thoughts were complex, like a ball of yarn without an end. He tried to untangle the problems but only ended up creating more knots.

At two in the morning, the alpha still couldn't sleep. He widened his clear black pupils, tossing and turning dozens of times until he finally sighed and sat up. He reached for his phone and skillfully navigated to a certain person in his blacklist. 

There was a time difference between the Thirteenth Military District and the First Military District. While it was night on Qin Muye's side, it was just noon on Su Ran's side. Su Ran was on his way to a lunch meeting, and even though he was in the car, he was still looking at documents. The Su family was not as prominent as before. As the eldest son, Su Ran was forced to inherit the family business and had to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. 

Just as he finished reading the last page of a document, Su Ran's phone beeped. He reflexively took out his phone from his pocket. 

Seeing that it was a message from Qin Muye, Su Ran suddenly straightened up. 

【Ah Ye: Do you have any videos about 0?】 


Su Ran didn't know how to describe his feelings. He always felt that this message from Qin Muye didn't seem like something he would send. What's been going on lately? Either Ah Ye was asking him how to be a bedmate, or he was asking about 0.

The thing is, he had no experience in either of those things. 

He could only muster up the courage to contact some of the omegas he had previously been involved with, but after exchanging a few words, most of them blocked him, with some even adding insults. He had no luck with his inquiries until finally his former fiancée, who he had broken off the engagement with, responded to him.

"Go check the Federal AO Emotional Zone; many little Os openly share their experiences there. But why are you suddenly asking this question? Anything wrong? Thinking of becoming an O? You can come to me for advice~"

Su Ran copied his former fiancee's response and sent it to Qin Muye.

As he expected, Qin Muye just said thanks and didn't say anything more. When he tried to send another message, it showed that he had been blocked by the other party.

Su Ran took it well. Qin Muye was just a bit stubborn, but his heart was good. Otherwise, he wouldn't come to him when facing a problem.

Su Ran sighed deeply, remembered something, and took some time to enter this emotional zone.

The posts in front of him were densely packed, with various colors, and the titles seemed to be coded.

Why couldn't he understand any of this?!


Not only could Su Ran not understand, but Qin Muye also found it equally incomprehensible.

Opening the forum, it was lively inside, evident from the numerous users and posts refreshing every second. In the blink of an eye, new posts had replaced the old ones. But no matter how many were replaced, he couldn't understand any of it.

Qin Muye's eyebrows had long been furrowed.

Clearly, these were just square characters, but why could they combine into such difficult-to-understand terms like "Wu Tao Snake," "Prop Regular," and "Rua Lion"? There were both Chinese and English, making Qin Muye doubt the intelligence of his command system brain for the first time.

And there was also color differentiation between red and green.

The ways of speaking on both sides were completely different. Users with red IDs were more straightforward and rude in their comments, while those with green IDs were a bit more subtle and indirect. However, if a post had both red and green IDs, it would surely become a popular post.

Under a hot post, Qin Muye found two opposing views.

【Pure and Innocent, Please Do Not Enter!!】

This post was very lively.

The wording of the main post was not complicated, so Qin Muye could understand. It mainly discussed which position would be the most comfortable.

Arguments started below.

Red IDs believed in simplicity and directness, the rougher, the better.

Green IDs believed in having appropriate foreplay.

As the discussion progressed, the unfamiliar terms that Qin Muye didn't understand appeared, and he felt confused. However, he vaguely knew that these words were crucial to what he was learning.

Qin Muye delved into it, and as the day gradually brightened, he heard the doorbell downstairs. Tiredly, Qin Muye went downstairs to open the door.

Qin Zexi came in without even changing his shoes, sitting with large strides on the sofa, looking very angry. Even towards his younger brother, Qin Muye, his expression wasn't pleasant. In fact, upon learning about the news that Rong Qiu was actively organizing a volunteer army, Qin Zexi was so angry that he couldn't sleep well. He tried calling Rong Qin, but he didn't answer, so he came to Qin Muye.

Qin Muye brought him a cup of hot water.

Qin Zexi didn't drink it. With eyes similar to Qin Muye's, he stared directly at Qin Muye. "Did you approve Rong Qiu's application for the volunteer army?"

So, it was about this.

Qin Muye sat on the single sofa, silently nodding.

Qin Zexi was furious, gripping the pillow in his hands. "Ah Ye, you clearly knew I was arguing and having a cold war with him over this matter. Why did you still sign and approve his application?"

But Qin Muye didn't feel he did anything wrong. "He has the qualifications to organize a volunteer army, and the process has been completed. The inspection is also qualified. I can't find a reason to block him."

"Can't you just delay it if you can't block it?! Can't you just pretend you didn't see it, drag it out until he can't wait any longer and has to give up? If you approve his application now, he'll immediately get this volunteer army organized?!"

"Brother." Qin Muye interrupted Qin Zexi's words with a serious expression. "Do you know why Rong Qiu did this? Why he argued and even had a cold war with you for so long?"

Qin Muye suddenly changed the subject, and Qin Zexi's eyebrows raised, "Why did you suddenly bring up the argument between me and him? That's a separate issue." 

"No, it's not." 

Qin Muye looked at Qin Zexi, who seemed unaware of his mistake, and sighed heavily in his heart. He tried to explain to his brother as tactfully as possible. 

"Have you ever thought about why Rong Qin would do this? Because building a volunteer army is very important to him, brother. Even I know that Rong Qin is building a volunteer army to avenge his brother. What reason do we have to stop him? If the pirates aren't eliminated, he will always have this thorn in his heart." 

Qin Zexi and Qin Muye had a serious disagreement. 

Qin Zexi did not agree with Qin Muye's viewpoint. 

The pirates have been around for so many years, wreaking havoc in the Thirteenth Military District for a long time, and even the Federation cannot deal with them. Can Rong Qin, just a beta, easily form a volunteer army and defeat them? 

If it were possible, why haven't the alphas and betas in the Federal Military District already done so? 


Qin Muye sternly interrupted Qin Zexi's words. "If you want to get along well with Rong Qin, never say such things to him and never express such thoughts."

Qin Muye had always known that his brother also had severe hierarchical discrimination views. This arrogance was shaped by his privileged upbringing. But Qin Muye didn't know that, in Qin Zexi's eyes, Rong Qin, who was also a beta, must be mediocre and incapable, just like any other beta.

For some reason, Qin Muye's mind suddenly brought up the image of Rong Qiu.

He had seen Rong Qiu's bright appearance when he piloted the mecha, shining like a reflection in the light. He wanted to argue that what Qin Zexi said was wrong, but Qin Zexi couldn't bear to listen to his words anymore.

With the same tall and handsome S-level alpha, Qin Zexi took over the thin sheet of paper behind Qin Muye's sofa. In the bright daylight, there was a deafening sound. Qin Zexi was surrounded by thunderous roars as he looked at the bedmate contract in his hand with a pair of eagle eyes nearly splitting his gaze.

"Ah Ye, did you become a bedmate with a beta?"

"Ah Ye, how could you become a bedmate with a beta?"

Qin Muye's calm eyes tried to snatch back the document from Qin Zexi, but Qin Zexi held it tightly, and Qin Muye had to let him have it.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Not only did he become a bedmate with a beta, but he also became the one underneath the beta.

However, he didn't say the latter part, fearing that saying it out loud would make Qin Zexi spit blood in anger.

Even though he didn't say it, after Qin Zexi finished reading the contract, his face turned as cold as ice. Confirming that his dear brother wasn't joking, his surprised expression completely shattered. The next moment, he slapped the contract with both their names on the coffee table. His tone was as hard as steel, ruthless and icy.

"Ah Ye, you really disappoint me."


The morning conversation between the two brothers ended on a sour note.

On the other hand, Rong Qin was thrilled.

He had been busy with the volunteer army for the past few days, staying and eating in the company under his control. Having spent the night in the office, he was now bursting with energy as he inserted the key into Rong Qiu's villa.

Upon opening the door, Rong Qiu was having breakfast.

Seeing Rong Qin return, Rong Qiu even thoughtfully brought another serving of breakfast.

"How has Brother Rong Qin been lately? Haven't been back for almost half a month. Are you exceptionally busy?"

Despite sporting huge dark circles under his eyes, Rong Qiu was still radiant. "Busy, but it's all worth it."

"Has the paperwork for the volunteer army been approved?"

"Yes! Qiuqiu, you're my lucky charm! The moment I put your name on it, the approval came through quickly. I can now proceed to form my own volunteer army!"

Rong Qiu congratulated him with a smile. "Is Brother Rong Qiu's money enough? If not, I have some here."

"Don't worry, I have enough money for this. Save your money for yourself, consider it the fee for sleeping with Qin Muye in the future."

Hearing Rong Qiu mention this sleeping fee, Rong Qiu inexplicably thought of what the beta boss had said about a fee for each time. It was quite intriguing.

He and Qin Muye shouldn't need to pay such a fee.

However, Rong Qiu thought that Qin Muye was eager to be his bedmate, and not paying might be inappropriate. Giving him a free pass to sleep with an S-level alpha...

Rong Qin didn't know Rong Qiu was seriously considering this bedmate fee, as he finished his breakfast. With his excitement about the approval settling down a bit, he was now concerned about Rong Qiu's research institute.

"If you're not working at this mecha research institute, where are you going?" Rong Qiu thought for a moment and gave a sincere suggestion, "Why not come to my side as a mecha consultant? But Qiuqiu, you can both pilot and design mechas, you're talented wherever you go. Coming to my side might put you at a disadvantage."

Rong Qiu poured both of them a cup of oat milk.

Since the incident with Chu Ming, he had developed some concerns about the cheese from R-star. He didn't want to eat it anymore, so he chose oat milk as a substitute.

After slowly drinking the last sip of oat milk, Rong Qiu wiped his mouth with a tissue before saying, "Take a break first. We can discuss plans for next month."

"Yes, it's time to take a good break. You've been in the Thirteenth Military District for more than five years, and just a few days ago, it was the same time you went on a trip."


Rong Qiu responded indifferently.

In fact, this was his first time going on a trip from childhood to adulthood.

Growing up in an orphanage, there were no such good conditions for them to go out and play. Kind-hearted people occasionally donated toys, and getting one was already satisfying. During college, he had no time to play, either attending classes or working part-time, or spending time with his beta lover. He felt that he had too little time that truly belonged to him.

This month had about ten more days, and he would rest well before thoroughly emptying his mind. After all, he had already resigned from the research institute, so idling at home was not as good as planting flowers and plants.

Yesterday, Uncle was reorganizing the small flower bed outside his villa. The seeds planted six months ago hadn't sprouted, and they were probably dead. Rong Qiu chose new flower seeds and replanted them. Regarding the matter of planting flowers, he was like Jiang Taigong fishing, willing candidates would come forth. Over the past few years, he had planted flowers five or six times, and there were only a few times when the timing was right.

Now it was Autumn, and Rong Qiu planted his fifth batch of flowers.

Still, they were golden roses.

If you're going to plant, it has to be what you like.

Loosening the soil, burying the seeds, and watering.

By the time he reached the third step, the Zhao brothers unexpectedly arrived.

Ever since coming to the Thirteenth Military District, Zhao Dongqi had been mysteriously busy. Dealing with the criminals in the Thirteenth Military District during the day and taking the time to monitor Zhao Nanchen at night, it seemed that he wouldn't return to the capital star for a short time. Now Zhao Dongqi had already bought a villa in another block, and the two brothers naturally stayed temporarily in the Thirteenth Military District.

Zhao Nanchen's job naturally had to change.

Just like Chu Ming back then, Zhao Nanchen now worked in a sub-district under the Thirteenth Military District, with no day shifts and frequent night shifts. Zhao Nanchen's visible health had improved significantly.

Zhao Nanchen didn't know that Rong Qiu had already resigned from the research institute.

He and his brother Zhao Dongqi repeatedly emphasized that Rong Qiu had already gone to work, and they would only miss him if they drove over. However, after Zhao Dongqi heard the words, he still stubbornly drove him over, and brought a car full of prepared gifts.

Getting out of the car, seeing Rong Qiu working on the flower bed outside, Zhao Nanchen's deer-like eyes widened even more.

"Is Little Rong Qiu not going to work today?"



Rong Qiu led the two brothers inside, but halfway through, Zhao Dongqi called Zhao Nanchen to go and carry the gifts.

Zhao Dongqi came not only to express his gratitude but also to conduct a follow-up visit on Rong Qiu. If it were an ordinary patient, there wouldn't be this step, but since Rong Qiu was introduced by Rong Qin and had taken care of Zhao Nanchen for so long, he wanted to see how well Rong Qiu's memory was holding up.

After several conversations, the results of this follow-up visit were similar to the previous ones.

Twenty minutes later, the two of them walked out of the guest room on the first floor.

At this point, Zhao Nanchen had already moved all the thank-you gifts. Rong Qiu took a closer look and was surprised to find so many, stacked in various sizes, reaching over a meter in height.

Zhao Dongqi smiled and explained, "These are all prepared by Zhao Nanchen himself. It's his heartfelt gesture, not expensive."

Upon hearing Zhao Dongqi's words, Rong Qiu felt reassured.

He invited the two brothers to have a meal at home. Unexpectedly, Qin Muye came to see him in the meantime. When Rong Qiu opened the door, he was stunned for a moment. He clearly said they would meet on the third day, but it was only the first day.

Qin Muye didn't come empty-handed; he brought a large food box.

"Encountered a place with delicious private dishes, brought you some."

Qin Muye had to go back to work in the afternoon, and his office was in the Thirteenth Military District, a bit far from Rong Qiu's villa. After delivering the food, he couldn't even enter Rong Qiu's house before leaving.

But when he heard the conversation inside Rong Qiu's house, Qin Muye's turning movement slightly stiffened.

Even though he shouldn't have asked, he couldn't resist.

Qin Muye looked at Rong Qiu seriously and pretended to be calm. "Do you have guests at home?"

"Little Qiu, who is it? Did Brother Rong Qin come back?" Zhao Nanchen suddenly came over to see.

Both Zhao Nanchen and Qin Muye fell silent.

The former was completely excited and shocked. Since transferring to the Thirteenth Military District, he had been hoping to meet Qin Muye one day. However, he didn't expect to miss him in the military district but encounter him at Little Qiu's house.

But soon, he furrowed his brows.

He remembered that when he and Little Qiu had dinner at the restaurant, they had encountered this commanding officer. At that time, Little Qiu's attitude toward this commanding officer was extremely poor... This time, the commanding officer even came to his house. Could there be a conflict between him and Little Qiu?

Qin Muye was also surprised. His own misunderstanding had led to Zhao Nanchen being mistaken as Little Qiu's extramarital partner. Just thinking about those words made Qin Muye's face blush.

How could he have thought like that back then? Seeing a ring and assuming Little Qiu was married, encountering a strange alpha and assuming Little Qiu had an extramarital affair. If he had been more calm or thought a bit more, the reunion with Little Qiu wouldn't have become such an awkward start.

But now, Qin Muye was calm.

At least he appeared calm.

He greeted Zhao Nanchen in a friendly manner, and Zhao Nanchen, full of enthusiasm, performed a 90-degree bow for Qin Muye.

"Commander Qin, hello!"

Qin Muye was startled by his gesture, looking at Rong Qiu. Rong Qiu helplessly covered his face.

"You’re his idol." 

Zhao Nanchen nodded, his eyes shining even more.

Qin Muye hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out to shake hands with him.

Qin Muye didn't enter the house; he only stood at the door for a few minutes, exchanged a few words with Rong Qiu and Zhao Nanchen, then turned and left.

Zhao Nanchen happily helped Rong Qiu carry the large food box.

In fact, Rong Qiu had already ordered food from a nearby restaurant, considering that both Zhao Nanchen and Zhao Dongqi were alphas and ate a lot. He ordered quite a bit. Qin Muye's dishes added even more to the table, making it full to the brim, with almost no space left for bowls and chopsticks.

Zhao Dongqi asked who had come, and Zhao Nanchen quickly revealed everything. 

Knowing who the person was, Zhao Dongqi paused slightly. 

But no one noticed. 

After finishing their meal, Zhao Dongqi and Zhao Nanchen prepared to leave. However, before departing, Zhao Dongqi hesitated for a moment. He and Rong Qin gave a few reminders, urging them not to dwell on the past, emphasizing that memories are just memories. 

But Zhao Dongqi had said similar words to Rong Qin every time. 

Rong Qin seemed to take them to heart, yet at the same time, it felt like he didn't.


But Qin Muye only briefly appeared on the first day. On the second and third days, he was nowhere to be seen. They had arranged to meet on the third evening, and the two of them still hadn't contacted each other.

Rong Qiu was free, and he wondered if the first time he invited Qin Muye would bring him joy.

Because, during dinner, he watched the news and saw Qin Muye. Qin Muye had been very busy lately, dressed in a handsome military uniform, still wearing a mask. However, the revealed eyes and brows were extremely charming. He was giving a report for the Thirteenth Military District, his voice deep and distant, coupled with the face that hadn't been exposed in public yet, making it more mysterious and enticing.

Rong Qiu took out his phone; Qin Muye should have finished work by now.

In his contact list, all the chat backgrounds with his contacts were photos of his beta lover.

Rong Qiu looked at Qin Muye on TV, then looked at the beta lover on his phone. On a whim, Rong Qiu started playing the game of finding the differences.

No matter from which angle he looked, the two people seemed to be carved from the same mold. One had a slightly more youthful temperament, while the other was exceptionally mature. Apart from that, there were no other differences. No, Rong Qiu thought for a moment. He remembered a tiny red mole on his beta lover's ear, and Qin Muye's ear... he had never observed it up close, so he didn't know if it was there.

But he thought there probably wasn't. How could it be such a coincidence? They looked exactly alike, even the mole was in the same position.

But with a slight distraction, Rong Qiu quickly regained focus.

He glanced at the time on his phone; it was still early. Some things could be prepared in advance.


On the first day, Qin Muye was absent-minded. He read many things on AO emotion forums, using the squeezed-out time. Finally, he understood those strange words. It was only because he understood that he felt that the tricks he and Rong Qiu played in bed were just that.

Single actions, single location, with no other advantages except for the long duration. Even the extended duration became a point of criticism on numerous omega forums.

Qin Muye seriously reflected on himself.

But reflecting to the end inevitably brought a sense of sadness. What was the use of reviewing these now? He was already the one below, and even if he became proficient again, it wouldn't be of any use on Rong Qiu.

The next day, Qin Muye was even more nervous. From the moment he opened his eyes, an invisible tension seemed to tighten a string, and any movement or sound could potentially snap that string.

On the third day, which was today, he couldn't bear it anymore and chose to take the initiative at noon, personally coming to find Rong Qiu.

The result seemed fine. When Rong Qiu saw him, there was only a slight surprise, and his blue pupils slightly widened. However, negative expressions like dislike or annoyance, after Qin Muye carefully observed, were not found.

After leaving Rong Qiu's house at noon, Qin Muye felt restless.

He felt that the chair he was sitting on was too hard, but when he sat on the sofa, it felt too soft. No matter how he moved, he couldn't find a comfortable position.

Finally, after enduring until the end of the workday, Qin Muye was still very nervous. Beforehand, he took a shower and then stood in front of the closet for a long time. Later, he put on Rong Qiu's favorite white shirt, styled his hair a bit after drying it, making him look like a college student named Ah Ye.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Qin Muye realized that as an individual constantly growing, he couldn't perceive his own growth changes. However, whether the changes were significant or not, the people around him could clearly see.

After the dispute with Qin Zexi, Qin Muye took a photo and sent it to Qin Zexi, asking him how he compared to five years ago.

Unfortunately, for some reason, Qin Zexi did not reply to him.

Qin Muye felt a bit uneasy.

After thinking it over, Qin Muye could only send it to Su Ran.

Having gone through this once, Su Ran had transitioned from the initial anxiety to a more indifferent state now. Looking at the photo, Su Ran earnestly gave his advice.

"Make your hair a bit messy, don't be so stiff."

"Take off the watch on your wrist; at that time, Ah Ye wouldn't wear such an expensive one. Replace it with a six-figure one."

"Although Ah Ye didn't smile much back then, you don't have to show such a bitter and resentful expression. Don't be too stern; soften your expression a bit. Oh, and act a little cocky."

Qin Muye absorbed everything Su Ran said in the past few days, but the last point puzzled him. What did it mean to act a little cocky? Was he that arrogant back then?

Finding his own dark history, Qin Muye was not willing to admit it.

Honestly, he should be happy to see Rong Qiu this time, but his current mood was like going to a grave. Would Rong Qiu accept it? If Rong Qiu treated him as his beta lover from five years ago, it would mean that Rong Qiu hadn't had any sexual activity in these five years.

So, Rong Qiu's memories were all false, including Rong Qiu thinking he was the number one.

Qin Muye's eyes lit up. Why did it take him so long to understand such an important point?!

Rong Qiu was never the number one; he had always been the zero below.

But how could he tell Rong Qiu?

Or maybe this matter shouldn't be mentioned at all.

Could Rong Qiu accept it? One significant reason Rong Qiu accepted him was that Rong Qiu didn't want to be suppressed, and he never even considered being suppressed by an alpha. Qin Muye could imagine that if he proposed to be the one on top, Rong Qiu would immediately say goodbye according to the terms of the contract.

So, even if he figured it out, what was the use? He couldn't stimulate Rong Qiu now.

He even had to become the propeller for Rong Qiu to maintain his memories.


During the time when Qin Muye drove over, Rong Qiu had already prepared the things he needed for tonight.

But he hadn't taken a shower yet.

Rong Qiu's mood was also not calm.

After all, this was his first bed partner in his life. If it couldn't be done quickly, he might as well end it this time.

After Qin Muye came in awkwardly, Rong Qiu directly led him to his second-floor room. Rong Qiu had a strong possessiveness and a sense of private space. Even though the entire villa, all the rooms, and furniture belonged to him, he still had areas he was accustomed to.

The first and second floors, and what made him feel the safest were the master bedroom and the study on the second floor. So, he rarely allowed strangers to step into these two places.

When the tall man came in, the originally spacious master bedroom seemed to be instantly filled up, appearing somewhat low and narrow.

Rong Qiu had prepared a lot of things, lubricant, condoms, and even spare sheets were spread out.

Qin Muye averted his gaze woodenly: "Why is it so troublesome to prepare? Why not go to a hotel?"

Blowing his hair, Rong Qiu said, "I don't like hotels."

Qin Muye: "?"

Rong Qiu: "I dislike the bed there."

Rong Qiu had been disliking the bed all along. It wasn't that he couldn't sleep well, but he would feel uncomfortable sleeping on an external bed. He would toss and turn the whole night. Even if he managed to fall asleep, it wouldn't be restful.

Qin Muye never knew that Rong Qiu would dislike the bed.

Because every time he invited Rong Qiu to a hotel five years ago, Rong Qiu always looked entirely happy.

This reminded Qin Muye of the time when Rong Qiu gave up on the exam and went to the bar to find him. When he woke up in the morning, he was lying on the sofa, and Rong Qiu was resting his head on his arm, leaning against the edge of the bed. At that time, he thought Rong Qiu had stayed up all night to take care of him. Unexpectedly, it might be because the bed was uncomfortable, and Rong Qiu chose to shrink his own space, leaning against the edge of the bed.

Qin Muye's heart felt a dull ache.

But Rong Qiu didn't share his sentimentality. After drying his hair, Rong Qiu, looking at his well-defined muscles, felt satisfied. When Qin Muye came out, he saw that Qin Muye had already undone his windbreaker to reveal a pure white shirt underneath. Rong Qiu still thought that the alpha's shirt looked better.

Rong Qiu asked why Qin Muye was wearing a shirt even after work.

Qin Muye said he thought Rong Qiu would like it.

Rong Qiu's hand paused, chuckling: "Commander Qin is quite good at pleasing others."

Qin Muye's face turned slightly red: "Yeah."

Rong Qiu was straightforward; he patted the bed beside him: "Commander Qin, lie down."

Rong Qin's words were devoid of any emotion, as if he weren't about to make love, but rather about to perform surgery himself. He even strictly instructed Qin Muye on how to lie down, the curvature of his lips, and even demanded that his slightly disheveled hair be smoothed out.

Having done all this, Rong Qiu looked at the alpha lying on the bed, and his satisfaction expanded a bit. He leaned in, and the distance between them became so close that they could kiss at any moment.

Qin Muye lifted his head slightly.

But Rong Qiu, with lowered brows and a cold tone, wasn't negotiating but informing.

"Just actions, no kissing."


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  1. FireFoxWinterWolf says:

    Thank you for the double update~ ????

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