Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The White Phoenix Nest, Wutong Tree. (4)

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Bai Chunsheng was stumped. He hesitated, looking at Yan Yi, wondering if Yan Yi had problems with his ears or his brain.

Does amnesia affect intelligence?

It’s really terrifying.

He instinctively wanted to correct Yan Yi, but then he thought better of it. Considering his current situation of being dependent on others, it might be best to listen to Yan Yi. Besides, what’s the big deal? Sleeping on the same bed as Yan Yi would be safer!

Bai Chunsheng endured it.

With a grimace, he transformed into his original form and clumsily climbed onto the bed from the side Yan Yi had lifted the covers. Bai Chunsheng didn’t want to appear so clumsy, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that two grown men sharing a bed was rather odd.

Unfortunately, his original form was naturally soft and fluffy, lacking in dignity.

Bai Chunsheng crawled into bed, trying to imitate the way humans sleep. He wasn’t used to it, so he stretched out his neck and rested his head firmly on the pillow. In this position, he looked like a goose ready for slaughter, with a sense of resignation.

Yan Yi sat beside him and said, “You look like you’re dead.”

Bai Chunsheng couldn’t bear it anymore and angrily retorted, “If you don’t speak, no one will think you’re mute!”

However, after listening to Yan Yi’s opinion, Bai Chunsheng gradually, under the influence of habit, curled himself up and couldn’t help but use his wings to hug his head. After lying down for a short while, he completely forgot about the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and the Water Abyss Realm, as if they were out of sight.

Soon, Bai Chunsheng fell into a deep and sweet sleep, completely unaware that Yan Yi was quietly watching him.

Yan Yi glanced at Bai Chunsheng for a few moments. He had thought Bai Chunsheng’s words were somewhat believable, thinking that Bai Chunsheng was genuinely afraid. He was hesitating whether to coax him to sleep when Bai Chunsheng quickly fell asleep.

Sure enough, pretending to be unable to sleep was fake, while wanting to get close to him was the truth.

Well, Bai Chunsheng was really good at acting cute.

Yan Yi withdrew his hand.

The next day, as the sun rose in the east, Bai Chunsheng slept until the first rays of dawn sunlight shone onto the bed, waking him up.

Suppressing the urge to chirp, Bai Chunsheng rubbed his eyes and transformed into his human form.

Yan Yi walked in from outside, carrying two fish of the same species as yesterday’s but slightly larger. These two fish had already been cooked, but they looked a bit burnt.

Bai Chunsheng realized as he picked one up that these grilled fish were even more burnt than they appeared. He muttered softly to himself, “Can’t even control the fire properly.”

Unexpectedly, Yan Jingqiu had spells he wasn’t good at.

Yan Yi watched as Bai Chunsheng held up a fish much larger than his own face, taking a small bite to taste. After tasting it, Bai Chunsheng clearly hesitated.

It was hard to imagine how Yan Yi managed to make this fish, which should have been delicious even with minimal effort, emit a faint burnt taste from the inside out.

Bai Chunsheng didn’t show the slightest hint of disgust. He quietly finished the fish Yan Yi had given him. However, he made a silent vow to himself that if there was ever another time when they needed to prepare food, he wouldn’t let Yan Yi handle it again.

After a while, once Bai Chunsheng had finished tidying up, Yan Yi also realized through practice that he didn’t have much talent in cooking. He frowned as he ate the fish he had made.

Yan Yi said, “Let’s go, it’s about time.”

As they got ashore, flames suddenly engulfed the boat, the fire growing taller and fiercer. The high temperature agitated the beasts underwater, causing waves to surge and black smoke to billow.

Seeing that Yan Yi wasn’t planning to retrieve the boat and had even set it on fire, Bai Chunsheng was extremely surprised and asked, “Aren’t we taking this boat with us?”

Despite the boat’s owner exerting pressure, the fact that it had been able to navigate the Chang Hen River for so long showed that the quality of the boat was quite decent. Storing it away could come in handy in case they encountered any trouble.

Yan Yi replied, “I haven’t subdued this treasure.”

His response was succinct, but Bai Chunsheng understood his meaning. Subduing ownerless treasures was straightforward, but forcefully subduing treasures already owned by someone else was much more complex. It required driving away the original owner’s consciousness, a task that consumed a great deal of effort and mental energy.

This boat was probably one of the spoils Yan Yi had snatched from the Yuwen family. Compared to the effort required, Yan Yi felt it wasn’t worth it to forcibly subdue it. So, he simply suppressed the original owner’s consciousness and used it.

Although this allowed him to use the boat normally, it inflicted significant damage to the treasure, and he couldn’t gain access to certain privileges that only the true owner could obtain.

Perhaps this boat was originally an excellent protective treasure, but Yan Yi didn’t care about it at all; he simply used it as a real boat.

Anyone who saw this would surely criticize Yan Yi for squandering a valuable treasure.

Bai Chunsheng lamented, “This treasure has suffered heavy damage, and the original owner’s consciousness is likely almost gone. It’s a good opportunity for you to subdue it now. It’s still salvageable; after all, this is a treasure of considerable grade, better to have it than not.”

Yan Yi scrutinized the boat, now charred and dilapidated from the flames, with river water seeping in through the burnt wood cracks.

A few moments later, the once intact boat sank into the river as if a building were collapsing.

Beneath the surface of the river, fierce beasts and fish scrambled and fought, fleeing from the chaos.

Having a different opinion from Bai Chunsheng, Yan Yi smiled and said, “If it can be abandoned, then let it be. Don’t cling to it.”

Thousands of miles away, atop the Guanghan Peak of the Tianqing Sect in the Middle Realm, a middle-aged Daoist in a yellowish-white robe, with a nose like an eagle’s beak and a gaunt figure, stomped his feet in frustration. “A Dao Stage level treasure, and Yan Yi just discards it like that! He’s truly heartless!”

The Daoist muttered, “Of course he’s heartless; it’s not his possession.”

After a while, he began to wail in agony, “That belongs to me!”

This man was Song Keming, the second elder of the Guanghan Peak in the Tianqing Sect. He was one of the several Dao Stage cultivators who had clashed with Yan Yi in the Lian Guang Secret Realm some time ago. He was lucky to have escaped with severe injuries, but his entire storage bag had fallen into Yan Yi’s hands.

Several months ago, it was Song Keming who initiated the siege against Yan Yi.

Relying on the connections he had accumulated over the years and, most importantly, his thick skin, he managed to gather a group of intimidating followers.

As a result, first, the former old hag Bai Jianghan from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect went crazy and ran to the Yan family to rob them before her lifespan was up, destroying several main peaks of the Taixu Sect, insisting that Yan Jianhang must not die peacefully.

Then, within the Tianqing Sect, there had been some troubling rumors circulating from the Upper Heaven Cave recently.

Bo Yan, who had previously kept to himself, suddenly intervened in the affairs of the Middle Realm and took up residence in the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Although there had been no significant movements in these past few days, Bo Yan was known for his profound scheming. Clearly, something big was about to happen.

Now, the entire Middle Realm was in chaos, and nobody cared about Yan Yi, who had emerged only a few months ago.

Geniuses come every year, but after Yan Jingqiu’s death, there were shameless individuals everywhere claiming to be exceptionally talented sword cultivators and shamelessly comparing themselves to Yan Jingqiu. It’s ridiculous how prevalent it is.

But who can truly compare to the Little Immortal Sovereign? They’re all just imposters.

Being shameless means they can say anything.

Song Keming was preoccupied with the treasures in his storage bag. Just a few days ago, he warned others to be cautious of Yan Yi, but Xia Lihong, a scattered immortal from the East Sea, mocked him, saying, “The Tianqing Sect has been living too comfortably. Have you forgotten how to wield a sword?”

Song Keming held back his anger, thinking to himself, “Just wait until you encounter him, then you’ll see.”

Wait for your turn. I’ll burn incense for you on the seventh day!

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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