Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 16

Chapter 16: The White Phoenix Nest, Wutong Tree. (3)

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Bai Chunsheng thought to himself, knowing well that Yan Yi was so arrogant, he didn’t bother worrying about him. He might as well worry about himself.

Because of Bai Chunsheng’s strenuous opposition, Yan Yi had to abandon the idea of ​​returning to the Yunhai Small World.

Bai Chunsheng, with a keen sense of self-awareness, believed that he must have become a well-known wanted criminal by now. He figured his name and portrait were probably already hanging at the entrance checkpoints of the world rifts.

Returning to the Middle Realm through the world rift as before was absolutely impossible. As for the teleportation array of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, that would be suicidal.

After careful investigation of all the information about nearby small worlds and comparing the level of risk, Bai Chunsheng finally decided to go to the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm. The biggest difference between mortal realms and spiritual realms lies in the scale, with mortal realms being larger but having lower concentrations of spiritual energy. This means that there are many mortals in these realms who are naturally unable to cultivate. Cultivators typically don’t pay much attention to mortals, making it easy to blend in.

In the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm, there should be sects that maintain regular contact with the Grand World. These connections are private and fixed channels established by superior sects specifically to guide talented disciples who may appear in subordinate sects.

These disciples would be given a special material pass, which essentially meant “verified.” This pass would allow these talented disciples to tear through the channels leading to the world rifts without reaching the Nascent Soul stage, and then, with the help of this pass, they could travel to the designated sect’s guidance array.

That’s what Bai Chunsheng had his eyes on.

Although it might bring some trouble, overall, it was more advantageous than disadvantageous for Bai Chunsheng.

If worse came to worst, he could just find an opportunity to escape after entering the sect. For the superior sects, such ordinary disciples were replenished year after year from the subordinate sects. Losing two outer disciples from a subordinate sect probably wouldn’t even warrant posting a missing person notice.

And most importantly, according to the information, there exists an extremely special type of fire spirit stone mine in the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm. This fire spirit stone seems capable of nurturing the damaged bloodline power of demonic beasts.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Sect focuses on demonic beasts, few demonic beasts voluntarily burn their bloodline. It’s akin to a cultivator’s aptitude and foundation; damaging the bloodline is no different from damaging the foundation.

If resorting to such a last resort, it’s evident that one is pushed to the brink. Competition within the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is fierce, and demons who have to resort to burning their bloodlines to escape predicaments will only meet a more tragic end in the subsequent internal conflicts. After all, fire spirit stones can only nurture bloodlines, which takes time, and there are no quick results. In urgent situations like these, they are usually of no help and hardly serve any purpose.

As a result, there are only small-scale trades between the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm.

On the contrary, the Cuiwei Palace, specializing in nurturing and primarily using beast control as its main attack spell, engages in this specialized trade of fire spirit stones with the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm every decade. Their orders are almost dozens of times more than those of the remaining superior sects.

To a certain extent, the Cuiwei Palace has the closest exchanges with the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm among the superior sects.

Whether it’s the demonic cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect or the small beasts of the Cuiwei Palace, these demonic beasts couldn’t compare to Bai Chunsheng in any way.

Bai Chunsheng’s stature is definitely not on the same level as these small cats and dogs. The things they can use have almost no effect on Bai Chunsheng.

If they couldn’t find top-quality fire spirit stones in the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm, anything remaining, even if the quality was slightly lower, would only be thrown into his bed as a source of warmth.

Bai Chunsheng was aware of this, but he still embraced a glimmer of hope, hoping to find something worthwhile in the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm.

As for how to travel to the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm, Bai Chunsheng planned to use the Yunhai Small World as a transit station. First, he would follow the Chang Hen River back to the Yunhai Small World, then from the boundary wall almost adjacent to the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm, he would reach the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm.

Yan Yi had no objections. In fact, due to his amnesia, he didn’t quite understand what Bai Chunsheng was tinkering with in the first place.

The two of them frequently traveled back and forth in the void, wasting quite a bit of time.

By the time they returned to the Yunhai Small World, the sky over the small world had already darkened, with only a faint yellow moon hanging in the west. The clouds were thick, so there weren’t many stars visible.

However, there was now a problem that Bai Chunsheng had to face: there was only one room-like cabin and a bed that could barely be slept on aboard the ship.

Sword cultivators rarely needed sleep, so theoretically, only Bai Chunsheng, the injured demonic beast, needed to sleep. It was appropriate for Bai Chunsheng to sleep on the bed.

But Bai Chunsheng was feeling a bit uneasy again, and this time it wasn’t because he was afraid Yan Yi would run away.

He was worried that while he slept, with only him as the demonic beast in the cabin, and considering how close the Yunhai Small World was to the Ancient Forest Spirit Realm, what if pursuers from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect took advantage of his slumber to sneak in and capture him? It wouldn’t be safe at all.

Bai Chunsheng didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in the dungeons of the Water Abyss Realm just because of a moment of carelessness.

Yesterday, he had to sleep alone in the forest out of necessity. But today, with two people, Bai Chunsheng definitely didn’t want to stay separated from Yan Yi.

Yan Yi couldn’t understand Bai Chunsheng’s worries; he probably thought that these people wouldn’t dare to be so audacious.

This was why Bai Chunsheng hesitated to tell Yan Yi the truth about his fears. Bai Chunsheng also couldn’t comprehend why Yan Yi was so fearless.

Seeing Bai Chunsheng still not going to bed, Yan Yi found it strange and asked, “Why aren’t you going to sleep?”

He continued, “Isn’t it said that demonic beasts love to sleep, that when injured they need to sleep, when hungry they sleep, and even when full they sleep…”

Bai Chunsheng felt embarrassed to admit that he was afraid of being captured if he fell asleep as the only demonic onboard. Instead, he simply said, “I might have trouble sleeping alone.”

Yan Yi dismissed Bai Chunsheng’s explanation in his mind, he slept quite soundly yesterday. Bai Chunsheng even slept deeply while squatting on a stump covered in leaves. He hadn’t even noticed Yan Yi standing in front of him for so long.

Comparing yesterday’s events, Yan Yi’s guesses were constantly emerging only to be ruthlessly overturned by Bai Chunsheng.

His bottom line kept receding, and even his firm “impossible” had now turned into a hesitant “possible.”

Yan Yi couldn’t help but think again: “See? This guy really likes me.”

Seeing how Bai Chunsheng was making every effort to get close to him, even if they weren’t destined partners, Yan Yi was certain that Bai Chunsheng liked him.

But he couldn’t let Bai Chunsheng succeed.

After all, the current Yan Yi didn’t have memories of being together with Bai Chunsheng. Establishing a relationship had to be formal and solemn; he wasn’t someone who took things lightly.

So, Yan Yi calmly asked, “What do you need to sleep well now?”

“Just being in the same room will do, you can sleep on the bed.”

Bai Chunsheng thought to himself that he could sleep on the stool; as long as Yan Yi didn’t wander off, it would be fine.

Yan Yi’s expression turned conflicted, as if he couldn’t quite accept it.

Bai Chunsheng furrowed his brow, puzzled, and asked, “Is it not okay?”

“It’s okay, I guess…” Yan Yi hesitated.

Yan Yi walked over slowly and pulled back the covers, lying down. But the next moment, he lifted another corner of the covers, gesturing for Bai Chunsheng to join him. “All set.”

Bai Chunsheng: ???

All set what!??

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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