Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Fuyu has Crow (2)

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Bai Chunsheng stared at the bronze mirror for a while, pulling his thoughts back from his wild imagination of his original form.

Since there were no leads on the revenge plan for now, he couldn’t help but start thinking seriously about this somewhat bizarre case.

In the two rooms next door, there were also two foundational stage cultivators, a late foundational stage female cultivator and a mid foundational stage male cultivator. These two should both be wandering cultivators. After a rough glance, both of them had calm expressions. Bai Chunsheng didn’t think the murderer looked like either of these two.

The fact that the murderer didn’t take Hong Chunfeng’s Crow Puppet could explain three things. One, this person didn’t kill Hong Chunfeng for money. Two, the murderer lacked insight. Aside from these two, there was another explanation: after recognizing the value of the Crow Puppet, this person did not value this item at all.

Having come to this point, Bai Chunsheng quickly shook his head to eliminate the latter.

How could it be possible? If this person could do that, why bother killing Hong Chunfeng?

For love, for revenge?

As Bai Chunsheng thought about Hong Chunfeng’s death, Yan Yi sighed at the mirror.

He should have known and just worn a mask to conceal his face, that would’ve been pretty cool.

Now that it’s come to this, he can’t change it for now. Yan Yi still has to endure this face for a while, sitting somewhat disheartened next to Bai Chunsheng.

Yan Yi was disheartened, but Bai Chunsheng can’t tell.

It’s because the old Yan Yi rarely showed any expression, and if his mouth was open, it definitely wasn’t for anything good.

Bai Chunsheng hurriedly sent a message to Yan Yi, asking, “Why didn’t the murderer take Hong Chunfeng’s Crow Puppet?”

Yan Yi was surprised by this question from Bai Chunsheng. He didn’t expect Bai Chunsheng to be so concerned about this matter. “You really want to know who the murderer is?”

Bai Chunsheng: “I don’t want to.”

Yan Yi: “…”

Bai Chunsheng continued, “But being idle is also idle.”

Yan Yi indicated that he didn’t care about this matter. Compared to the murderer who killed Hong Chunfeng and caused the tragedy of wiping out the family, Yan Yi was more concerned about when this group of people would let him and Bai Chunsheng leave.

For Yan Yi, the plan to cancel his face transformation was more urgent.

However, Yan Yi thought back to what he had just seen in the mirror.

It was indeed a face he had created himself, and after looking at it for a long time, it actually seemed somewhat pleasing.

Yan Yi looked at Bai Chunsheng again. He was indeed his Dao companion. Even in his transformed appearance, one could faintly see the charm of the number one beauty.

“Nice,” Yan Yi thought.

Bai Chunsheng was stunned by Yan Yi’s gaze, involuntarily touching his own face. It had a normal nose and mouth.

Is Yan Yi crazy? Why was he looking at him for so long?

The two of them stared at each other in silence for a long time, then returned to Bai Chunsheng’s initial question.

Yan Yi corrected Bai Chunsheng, “I’m not him, ask him yourself, how would I know?”

Yan Yi had a sudden idea. “If you’re really so bored, why not go catch some mice? Catching mice is more interesting than catching a murderer.”

“Why?” Bai Chunsheng asked, puzzled.

“Because there might only be one murderer, but you can catch several mice,” Yan Yi explained.


Did Yan Yi even know what he was talking about?

Damn Yan Jingqiu, he must be trying to brush him off again!

Bai Chunsheng angrily said, “Fine, Yan Yi, don’t talk to me anymore.”

Yan Yi didn’t think he was brushing him off. He thought he had answered quite seriously.

Initially, he hadn’t paid much attention, just picked up a strange book from the shelf.

With the envoy of the Yusheng Sect not arriving until early tomorrow, the next stretch of time would be boring. He flipped through the book in his hand at random. It seemed to be a very cliché novel. After glancing through it briefly, he caught the main idea.

The gist of it was that a poor scholar was chosen by the landlord of the town to marry his daughter. After the scholar passed the imperial examination and became a top scholar, he forgot his roots and turned his back on his wife. Just as he was about to marry the princess and enjoy his new life, his abandoned wife showed up with their children.

Flipping further, Yan Yi saw that everyone, including the princess and the emperor, was crying, making a fuss, or even committing suicide.

Absurd and amusing.

That was it.

Seeing that Yan Yi had found a way to pass the time, Bai Chunsheng could only reluctantly start reading the Immortal Spirit Register.

Shen Yuying was indeed alive, but it was said that her wedding couldn’t go on.

They say the groom ran away and hasn’t been found to this day.

Haha, serves her right.

After a few minutes of silence, Yan Yi couldn’t help but speak first.

He sneakily glanced at Bai Chunsheng’s profile and saw that Bai Chunsheng was really quiet now. He wasn’t used to this. What was going on?

Was he really angry?

Yan Yi thought for a moment and deliberately spoke up, “It is indeed strange. How did Wang Yu know that Hong Chunfeng’s enemies were all dead? There might still be a few fish that slipped through the net.”

Bai Chunsheng decided to fight fire with fire this time, not even raising his head. “Hmph, really idle, you could also grab a cloth and wipe the bed board, after all, you need to sleep at night.”

Yan Yi: “.”

Oops, it looks like he really is angry.

The maids waiting at the door came up thoughtfully and poured two cups of tea, and brought a bag of roasted melon seeds and candied fruit.

This candied fruit seemed to be a specialty of Fuyu Mountain. The dried fruits, a reddish-brown color, were coated with a layer of snowy white sweet frosting, and the flesh was translucent like a gemstone.

Bai Chunsheng couldn’t resist. When Yan Yi wasn’t looking, he secretly ate several pieces of the candied fruit.

Actually, Yan Yi saw it.

But he pretended he didn’t.

Yan Yi turned the page in the book in his hand and happened to see a note from the author: “Friction is inevitable in life. The best way to resolve a quarrel between couples is to let both calm down. When a person is enraged, they can’t listen to reason. Time will soothe anger, and after a while, both people may not be angry anymore.”

It made some sense. Yan Yi decided to follow this advice.

He wondered if Bai Chunsheng was still angry.

He didn’t know why Bai Chunsheng was angry, maybe it involved some past events when they were young?

But he forgot.

If Bai Chunsheng didn’t like it, he could avoid this topic next time.

Halfway through reading the book, Bai Chunsheng saw Yan Yi suddenly close the page and heard hurried footsteps outside the room.

A Foundation Establishment cultivator guarding the door went up to meet him, and the newcomer was a Qi Refining cultivator. Though he walked quickly, there was no sign of panic on his face. He bowed to Yan Yi and Bai Chunsheng, saying, “An envoy from the Yusheng Sect has arrived and is waiting for you in the hall.”

The hall was built entirely of redwood, with pillars supporting the ceiling intricately carved with wood sculptures. In the center hung a portrait of the Buddha. There was no shortage of fruit cakes and other delicacies.

A woman wearing a blue fairy-sleeve dress, holding a sword, sat at the main table. Her dress was embroidered with golden thread into an image of a phoenix. This woman was stunningly beautiful with fiery red lips and very pale skin. Her features were delicate, with slightly upturned eyes and eyebrows. Aside from being stunning, she also seemed somewhat sharp.

She did not seem like an easy person to talk to.

The woman, Mu Hua, was in the early stage of Golden Core realm, but her state seemed unstable, likely having recently crossed the realm. With her cultivation level, handling matters involving Foundation Establishment cultivators was more than adequate.

Wang Yu dutifully said, “Fairy Mu Hua is a Golden Core cultivator of the Yusheng Sect. With her intervention, she will find the real culprit and clear everyone’s name. Of course, for those who have committed crimes on Fuyu Mountain, we will certainly not be lenient.”

Several more people arrived gradually, mostly Foundation Establishment cultivators, but the most suspicious ones included seven late-stage Foundation  Establishment cultivators, including Bai Chunsheng and Yan Yi. Three men and four women, all quite distinctive in appearance.

Wang Yu was about to speak again when the Fairy from Yusheng Sect suddenly coughed heavily, clutching her chest.

Mu Hua coughed up several mouthfuls of blood onto her handkerchief, her face turning deathly pale.

Staring blankly at the blood on her handkerchief for a moment, she suddenly collapsed unconscious.

Yan Yi estimated that Bai Chunsheng’s anger should have subsided by now. He took the opportunity to send Bai Chunsheng a message, testing his attitude, “It seems she took a direct blow to the chest, her Golden Core has a crack.”

One should see things through to the end, even anger.

Bai Chunsheng didn’t forget quite that quickly. He remembered how Yan Yi had just brushed him off and asked him to catch mice to pass the time.

In other words, was he annoyed by him?

Just say it straight out. Why beat around the bush? Hmph!

Yan Yi continued to transmit his voice, “If it were me, I would directly rebuild the Golden Core. When it’s time to make a decision, you must be decisive.”

Bai Chunsheng persisted in silence, maintaining a continuous smirk.

Yan Yi: “…” Is he still angry?

The several people who had been guarding Mu Hua anxiously crowded around her. One of them took out a golden medicine bottle from their storage pouch.

Soon after, the temperature in the hall seemed to rise slightly.

Carefully, he poured out a red pill from the medicine bottle and placed it in Mu Hua’s mouth.

After a moment, Mu Hua slowly regained consciousness, but her complexion remained ugly.

She leaned slightly on the female cultivator supporting her.

Among those guarding Mu Hua was a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, dressed in a dark black cashmere robe with a green jade pendant hanging from his waist. He had handsome features, but was currently wearing a grim expression.

This person, with an unfriendly tone, said, “Tingting is seriously injured. It’s not appropriate to have her interrogate today. Let’s let her rest first.”

Among the seven suspects, three men and four women, the remaining male Foundation Establishment cultivator sneered, “Yusheng Sect is really mighty. Are we supposed to just let you order us around? Incompetent…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he immediately collapsed to the ground, spraying out a mouthful of blood.

The mid-stage Golden Core cultivator said coldly, “Don’t say things you shouldn’t say.”

Wang Yu hurriedly intervened to calm the situation, saying, “Please everyone, return for a moment. We will definitely give you a satisfactory result.”

With a Golden Core cultivator present and having just shown his strength, who would dare to disobey now?

Though everyone was angry, they dared not show it and could only return the way they came.

Among the crowd returning, only Bai Chunsheng turned back and lightly sniffed. It wasn’t exactly a cure, but the injured Bai Phoenix bloodline seemed more active than usual. Though barely perceptible, it was indeed showing signs of improvement.

Bai Chunsheng’s eyes lit up. Surely, the Yusheng Sect woman carried a Fire Spirit Stone that was effective for him.

If even a lowly messenger carried such a high-grade Fire Spirit Stone, didn’t this indicate that the Yusheng Sect had a massive reserve?

Bai Chunsheng had decided. He would go to the Yusheng Sect.

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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