Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Fuyu has Crow (3)

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He happened to use this opportunity to chat with the woman. If he could get enough Fire Spirit Stones to help him recover and a spot to return to the Middle Realm in one go, it would be a good thing.

He didn’t expect this troublesome matter to save him a lot of time. Bai Chunsheng thought it was very beautiful.

Until he caught a glimpse of Yan Jingqiu rolling up his sleeves.

——What are you going to do?

“What are you going to do?” Bai Chunsheng asked in surprise.

He was so scared by Yan Yi’s sudden move that he almost forgot his plan to ignore Yan Yi.

No matter what he can’t let Yan Jingqiu ruin his good fortune.

Could it be that the pressure released by that Foundation Establishment cultivator just now made Yan Yi feel offended, and he wants to teach him a lesson?

How old is he?! Such a childish temper!

If he goes over there and solves these people without a word, Bai Chunsheng will only be able to pretend to be an ordinary person and enter the Yusheng Sect with Yan Yi.

Yan Yi rolled up his sleeves and said, “I’m just going over there to take a look.”

Going over there to take a look, what’s the point of rolling up his sleeves? Moreover, the girl over there is seriously injured and coughing up blood. What does it have to do with him?

In panic, Bai Chunsheng grabbed Yan Yi’s hand and transmitted his voice, “No! Don’t go, let’s go back!”

Yan Yi was caught by Bai Chunsheng and stood still.

He turned his head and looked at Bai Chunsheng. Yan Yi smiled and asked, “Are you still angry?”

Well, well, going over to take a look was just a pretense. Using his bad situation as leverage and threatening him was the real deal.

He really was a troublemaker.

At this point, Bai Chunsheng didn’t care anymore, especially since he wasn’t actually angry; half of his anger had been an act.

Bai Chunsheng reluctantly said, “I’m not angry anymore!”

Yan Yi happily took the opportunity to hold Bai Chunsheng’s hand back, and Bai Chunsheng initially wanted to pull his hand away, but Yan Yi held on tightly. They were already the last to fuss around, and if Bai Chunsheng tried to pull his hand out like he was playing tug-of-war with Yan Yi’s fingers, they’d probably be stared at by the group of guards and maids behind them.

It’s so embarrassing, so humiliating, Bai Chunsheng doesn’t want this.

There’s nothing to be done, Bai Chunsheng can only let Yan Yi hold his hand.

Except for Grandma, Bai Chunsheng has never held hands with anyone else.

He doesn’t like others touching his wings, after all, his feathers are so beautiful, he can’t afford to damage them.

He thinks this is very strange, Bai Jianghan says that only dao companions, good girls and children walking together, will hold hands.

To remove the child’s hat, when his fur was still fuzzy and gray, Bai Chunsheng couldn’t wait to tell his grandmother not to hold his hand while walking, as if he couldn’t walk yet.

Or maybe people in cultivation have different customs?

Once, when Bai Chunsheng visited Tianqing Sect, he did see a man and a woman, or a few female cultivators, holding hands and strolling together for leisure. But he had never seen two men holding hands.

Bai Chunsheng glanced ahead at the few people walking separately, except for Yan Yi who insisted on holding his hand.

This was really improper; Yan Jingqiu was such a troublemaker!

Could it be that Yan Yi didn’t know that two men wouldn’t hold hands?

That kind of thinking made some sense; maybe he thought that two men who were close friends would also walk hand in hand.

Considering that Yan Yi seemed to really think they were good friends, Bai Chunsheng reluctantly swallowed his pride and let him hold his hand.

—When no one was around, he would definitely shake off Yan Yi’s hand and warn him not to hold his hand like this in public, or he would get angry again.

When Yan Yi held Bai Chunsheng’s hand, he felt a cautious feeling. He knew that Bai Chunsheng was considered a formidable and talented demonic cultivator in the cultivation world. With just a casual movement of this slender, fair hand, the world before him could be turned upside down.

Despite this, Yan Yi continued to handle Bai Chunsheng with caution and care.

He felt Bai Chunsheng move slightly, but he still held on, making Yan Yi feel like he had taken a calming pill, repeatedly confirming the reality.

Bai Chunsheng is indeed his Dao companion.

Although it’s rare for men to marry as Dao companions, it’s not unheard of.

Just as expected.

The wide daoist robe covered their hands, so no one knew they were holding hands as they walked back to the Fuyu Daoist Mansion where their rooms were arranged.

Bai Chunsheng was extremely satisfied with this outcome. How could two men walk holding hands together?

If someone saw them, they would think Bai Chunsheng didn’t understand etiquette, and he’d feel so embarrassed he’d want to bury his head in his wings and pretend to be dead.

It’s not that he didn’t understand. It was clearly Yan Yi who didn’t understand. After all, Bai Chunsheng was the top disciple of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

On the way back, Bai Chunsheng didn’t think about anything else except worrying about how to calmly respond if someone jumped out to accuse him of not knowing manners.

As soon as they returned to the room and Yan Yi closed the door, Bai Chunsheng couldn’t wait to point at Yan Yi’s nose and say, “In the future, I won’t allow you to hold my hand when there are people around. Got it?”

Is he embarrassed? Yan Yi wondered.

He innocently shrugged and said, “Can I do it when there’s no one around?”

Bai Chunsheng wrinkled his nose in confusion. “What’s wrong with you? Why do you like holding other people’s hands?”

“When there’s no one around…”

He actually didn’t mind this much. It’s just that he felt if someone saw them, they might gossip behind their backs about not knowing etiquette, and Bai Chunsheng’s pride as a little White Phoenix couldn’t accept such slander.

But if no one saw… it wasn’t that big a deal. Yan Yi’s hand was warm and quite comfortable.

The biggest advantage was, if someone tried to ambush him, Bai Chunsheng wouldn’t be afraid at all. He could just throw Yan Yi out to meet the enemy.

Besides, Yan Yi rarely made any demands of him. It was Bai Chunsheng who had plenty of requests for Yan Yi. As long as no one saw, holding hands was no big deal: “When there’s no one around, if you want to, go ahead and hold my hand.”

Outside, the sky quickly turned to nightfall with the crisp chirping of birds as the evening bells of Fuyu Mountain rang.

In the Shattered Stone Mortal Realm, it was a tradition to eat only two meals a day.

With no dinner, Bai Chunsheng kicked off his shoes early and got into bed, pulling the blanket over himself, preparing to sleep.

There were two beds in the room, but Yan Yi didn’t sleep.

As a sword cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage and an abstinent cultivator, he didn’t need as much sleep as the average person.

Yan Yi picked up the scroll he had only read halfway through the day. It was at a crucial point, and he continued reading down the page.

Outside the room, the maidservant saw the light on and brought a roasted chicken, two pounds of beef, and a jar of Fuyu wine for Yan Jingqiu’s late-night snack.

After the maidservant left, Yan Yi thought about practicing some illusion techniques in the middle of the night. Maybe next time he could look more handsome, so he dispelled the original illusion.

Bai Chunsheng was sound asleep when he suddenly smelled the sweet aroma of food and woke up half-dreaming.

Bleary-eyed, Bai Chunsheng thought he was dreaming. The dim, yellowish light added to the dreamlike feeling. His steps were light and airy, as if walking on soft ground. Yan Jingqiu in front of him also seemed hazy, as if sitting left and right, unsteadily. If he wasn’t paying attention, Bai Chunsheng would have thought there were three Yan Jingqius sitting there.

“How eerie,” Bai Chunsheng thought dazedly.

But Yan Jingqiu seemed to have something edible in his hand. Bai Chunsheng was groggy and couldn’t figure out what Yan Jingqiu was doing, or even what he himself was supposed to do.

Yan Yi was deeply engrossed in the scroll, halfway through, and noticed Bai Chunsheng’s movement. He was about to ask why he suddenly woke up.

Bai Chunsheng’s breath drew closer and closer, unusually close.

Approaching like a fish on the hook, Bai Chunsheng delicately nibbled away at the roasted chicken leg Yan Yi had just picked up. His lowered brows and eyes were tender and affectionate, his heart full of earnestness for the food. To Yan Yi, Bai Chunsheng seemed completely unguarded.

A cool breeze blew in from the half-open window on the northwest side, causing the candle flames to flicker and dance. The shadows of the two figures seemed to intertwine and sway in the flickering candlelight.

Bai Chunsheng’s breath seemed to linger around Yan Yi’s neck, making Yan Yi feel completely frozen. He remembered the mist beast he had killed in the Lian Guang Secret Realm.

He felt like the dead body of a wild beast drained of blood, stiff and with his mind blank.

When Yan Yi came to his senses, Bai Chunsheng had already taken the chicken leg from his hand and eaten it clean. After that, he continued to search for other things to eat.

In just a moment, he had quietly and swiftly eaten a lot of food, even finishing the jar of wine.

Yan Yi: “…”

Why did he suddenly seduce him like this?

That was Yan Yi’s first reaction.

Yan Yi’s second reaction was: Something’s not right.

He reached out and waved his hand in front of Bai Chunsheng’s face, finding that Bai Chunsheng had no reaction at all, as if he were trapped in a nightmare.

—Demon beasts have such good insomnia, they sleep twice a day, and they won’t wake up when they eat in a dream.

Bai Chunsheng vaguely remembered that after eating, he couldn’t just go back to sleep all dirty like this. On the side, Yan Yi watched as he raised his hand, seeming like he had drunk too much of the Fuyu wine and was intoxicated, trying to form hand seals. Bai Chunsheng was sleepwalking and drinking, with both actions combined. Now he was a tipsy duck, and how could he possibly remember the hand seals? He tried several times but couldn’t get them right.

Suddenly, he got angry with himself, standing in place and raising his right hand, ready to bite.

How could he even get mad at himself like this?

Yan Yi quickly intervened, taking out a clean cloth from Shen Yuying’s storage bag, dampening it with a water spell, and helping sleepwalking Bai Chunsheng wipe his mouth and hands.

After Bai Chunsheng sleepwalked drowsily, he naturally continued to sleep. He wobbled and kicked off his shoes before lying back on the bed.

Yan Yi heard him muttering in his sleep and leaned in to listen carefully. Bai Chunsheng was quietly murmuring, “Yan, Yan…”

When Yan Yi heard Bai Chunsheng whispering his name even in his dreams, his heart trembled, and a blush instantly crawled from his neck to behind his ears. He was almost flustered, so much so that he fumbled around, wanting to calmly read the book to steady himself, but after fussing around for a while, he sat back in front of the table, staring at the words, but unable to focus.

In the 17th chapter of the book: “Wang Sheng cried out, ‘How could this be my fault!’ He sobbed uncontrollably…”

Just those few words, Yan Yi read them over and over again, but he couldn’t get into it. He stared so much that he felt illiterate, then he threw the book down as if waking from a dream.

But as he came to his senses, Yan Yi’s mind was still on the scene that had just happened.

Next time, this couldn’t happen again, Yan Yi gritted his teeth and thought, should he and Bai Chunsheng talk about it, ask him to be more restrained and not disturb his peace of mind?

But Bai Chunsheng was asleep, dreaming. Could he really blame him for that?

Then who should he blame? Blame himself?

Of course, blame himself for losing what he had! Yan Yi quickly resolved his internal struggle and turned his focus on himself.

Why had he lost his memory? It was still a mystery, but ultimately it was because he wasn’t strong enough.

Bai Chunsheng, lying on the bed, turned over and was still muttering to himself. Just now he could not remember what he wanted to say, “Yan, Yan Yan…”

He finally remembered. It turned out to be: Damn Yan Jingqiu!

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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