Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A Solitary Pond

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The mountain wind swept snow into the temple hall, causing the curtains to flutter wildly.

Before the altar, the candlelight flickered, casting a red glow on the young man’s tear-filled eyes.

The Han Shan Sect Leader summoned the head attendant urgently, “Quickly, help Elder Meng to the side hall to rest!”

He feared that Meng Xueli might be provoked again, and might commit suicide on the spot out of despair, staining the ground with blood.

With his lips tightly pressed together, the young man followed several attendants of the Han Shan Sect as they walked out. Seeing this, representatives from other sects hurriedly made way, clearing a path.

Regardless of their thoughts or opinions about Meng Xueli, in this situation, no one wanted to bear the stigma of ‘forcing his widow to commit suicide in front of Ji Xiao’s memorial tablet.'”


The main hall of the Han Shan Sect was used to receive guests and hold meetings, grand and spacious. Adjacent to it, the side hall occupied less than a tenth of its space but was arranged in a more casual and comfortable manner, serving as a small meeting room for the Sect Leader, peak masters, and elders to discuss matters on ordinary days.

Meng Xueli sat on a soft chair in the side hall, while the attendant brewed calming tea for him.

The amber-colored tea, with white steam rising, enveloped the room. Meng Xueli held the cup in his hands and smiled as he thanked the attendant.

The attendant just sighed.

After he finished the tea, someone brought several plates of melon seeds and snacks.

Meng Xueli, who had just eaten before coming to the temple, stopped them, saying, “I can’t eat anymore, let’s not waste it.”

The attendant advised, “Your health is important, please have a little more.”

As the daylight gradually dimmed and the candles in the hall were lit, footsteps were heard outside. The peak masters of the Han Shan Sect conversed as they walked into the hall.

After bidding farewell to the guests, they seemed relieved, no longer as solemn as they were in the temple.

Originally consisting of five peaks—Taian, Yueque, Chongbi, Liulan, and Ziyun—the Han Shan Sect added the sixth peak, Changchun, after Ji Xiao and Meng Xueli merged. Meng Xueli was about to stand up to greet them, but the Sect Leader waved his hand, signaling for him to remain seated.

Except for the Sect Leader, who sat at the head of the hall, the other peak masters took their seats casually. Some smiled at him, some nodded lightly. Compared to three years ago at the merging ceremony, their demeanor, though polite, felt more intimate now.

“Are you sure you want to go to the Hanhai Secret Realm? Have you really thought it through?” the Sect Leader asked.

Meng Xueli nodded, but before he could speak, someone exclaimed anxiously, “You just made a decision in front of all the sects. It’s too late to change your mind now!”

The Peak Master of Yueque, with a middle-aged face and a tall, thin figure, had the most impatient temper. Dealing with various sects today had already left him frustrated.

The Peak Master of Chongbi interjected, “It’s not too late. There are plenty of ways—going into seclusion, pretending to be sick, or getting lost.”

He had a slightly chubby figure and a gentle smile, wearing a tall hat that made him look more like a scholar than a swordsman.

The Peak Master of Liulan interrupted, “Calling those methods is absurd! It’s utterly disrespectful to his personal wishes!”

With long eyebrows and a long beard, he had been in charge of the Hall of Law for many years, accustomed to speaking sternly. 


The Peak Master of Chongbi sneered coldly, “Do we have to wait until he dies to show him respect? Next spring, when he reunites with Ji Xiao in the underworld, and Ji Xiao asks him why he’s there, he’ll say it’s because your sect is incompetent, unable to even protect him… Have you ever thought about Ji Xiao’s feelings?”

As the debate continued, Meng Xueli watched them argue with interest, helping himself to some melon seeds.

The Peak Master of Liulan glanced at the young man, who seemed oblivious to the impending danger next spring. Feeling frustrated, he said, “How did Ji Xiao raise you like this? If you don’t wise up soon, in the future…” He paused, realizing that lecturing this kid about the bigger picture and matters of life and death would probably be lost on him. Instead, he banged the table and declared, “From now on, no more melon seeds for you!”

Meng Xueli’s hand trembled, and the melon seeds fell to the ground with a “clatter.”

The Peak Master of Ziyun glanced at the Peak Master of Liulan and said softly, “What are you shouting for? You’re scaring the child.”

She was a beautiful woman, gracefully waving a purple fan. “I have an idea. We can arrange a few reliable direct disciples to form a team with him. They’ll choose less populated areas to traverse. As long as they avoid conflict for seven days, they can simply forfeit and leave the secret realm using a teleportation array.”

She turned to Meng Xueli. “Just treat it like a spring outing to relax.”

“That’s the only way.” The Peak Master asked, “While Ji Xiao was alive, did he teach you any survival techniques?”

Meng Xueli replied honestly, “Not really, but he left behind plenty of pills and magical artifacts.”


“How can you rely on external objects?” The Peak Master of Liulan sighed deeply. “Ji Xiao was wise throughout his life, how could he have been so confused about you?”

The Peak Master of Ziyun said, “There are still four months until the competition. During this time, spend more time in the Hall of Law, the Library, and the Sword Training Platform. Read and learn as much as you can, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Make yourself proficient in using those magical artifacts.”

While the Han Shan Sect was founded on the principles of swordsmanship, she didn’t mention learning the sword, because time was running short, and learning the sword was already too late.

The Sect Leader saw Meng Xueli off. “Alright, Xueli, you’ve had a tiring day. Go back and rest early.”

Meng Xueli stood up and thanked each Peak Master before leaving.  


After he left, the side hall remained brightly lit.

The Peak Master of Chongbi said to the Peak Master of Ziyun, “Senior Sister, I remember you used to dislike him the most.”

The Peak Master of Ziyun smiled. “Can’t I change my mind? Today, all the sects came aggressively, and when he caused a commotion in the temple, they couldn’t save face, so they hurried down the mountain… In the past, I thought he wasn’t worthy of Ji Xiao, but I was mistaken. They truly love each other. If I had a partner willing to die for me after my death, I…”

“Senior Sister, be careful with your words!” The Peak Master of Yueque interrupted her.


In the mortal realm, cultivators believe in the spiritual aspect of the heavenly way and avoid mentioning their own misfortunes. Few people would speak out like Meng Xueli did, saying, “If I follow him, what does it matter?”

At Changchun Peak.

Under the peach blossom tree, the night was tranquil.

Qiao Xianming came as a guest, and the young disciple served fine tea along with various dried fruits and sweets.

Meng Xueli returned accompanied by the chilly moonlight, seeing Qiao Xianming enjoying himself with food and drink, feeling content. He couldn’t help but advise, “Xian’er*, things are not the same as before on this mountain. We need to be frugal from now on, splitting one spirit stone into two halves. Please eat less.”  

Note: Qiao Xianming’s nickname


Qiao Xianming ignored Meng Xueli’s advice and hugged the fruit plate to his chest. “What happened today? Tell me.”

So Meng Xueli started from his arrival at the shrine, recounting how he tearfully called out to Ji Xiao’s spirit at his memorial tablet…

Before he could finish, Qiao Xianming retched, feeling too nauseated to eat.

Taking the fruit plate, Meng Xueli began munching on it. “You wanted to hear it yourself.”

Qiao Xianming asked, “Since you don’t use swords, why do you need ‘Endless Sky’?”

Meng Xueli retorted, “Why should someone else have my Dao companion’s belongings?”

“Are you really… secretly in love with Ji Xiao?” Qiao Xianming teased, raising an eyebrow.

Meng Xueli jumped up as if stung. “Nonsense!”

Qiao Xianming waved off the argument. “Alright, it’s nonsense. But is that ‘Endless Sky’ sword really in your possession? Show it to your brother here, let me broaden my horizons.”

The demon clan didn’t favor using artifacts; they relied more on innate abilities manifested in their true forms during combat, with sharp claws, teeth, wings, or beaks. However, when faced with renowned divine weapons from the mortal realm, they couldn’t help but be curious.

After a moment of thought, Meng Xueli replied, “Follow me.”

Qiao Xianming hurried to catch up. The two of them walked through the flowers and willows until they reached the pond where Meng Xueli fed the fish during the day.

The pond water shimmered with reflected light, with a few flower petals floating on the surface. Three ornamental carps swam gracefully, their movements reflected in the moonlit water.

Meng Xueli pointed to the pond and said, “Here is the core of the Changchun Peak’s formation. ‘Endless Sky’ is buried underneath, serving as the cornerstone.”

Qiao Xianming was surprised. “Ji Xiao doesn’t use it?”

Meng Xueli replied casually, “Ji Xiao’s mastery of swordsmanship is already complete. The sword arises from the heart. It has been many years since he last used a real sword.”

Qiao Xianming remarked, “Then there’s no need to bury it. It seems like a waste…”

“Who knows what he was thinking,” Meng Xueli said, gazing at the moon reflected in the water, his expression inscrutable, his voice calm. “Perhaps he feared that a hundred years later, the formation wouldn’t be able to contain me, and I would escape to cause trouble in the mortal realm. So he wanted to use the power of this sword to completely suppress me. But who would have thought that just three years later, the one who set up the formation would die, and the divine consciousness left in the formation would dissipate. This elaborate ‘Eternal Spring Formation’ now only serves its ‘Spring’ purpose.”

Author’s Note:

Ji Xiao: Heh heh.

Luo Mingchuan: Forget it, forget it, brother.

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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