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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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“Do you know what’s being said in the village these days?”

“Brother, no need to say more. I know what you’re going to say. That’s not the case.”

Wen Qing’s response was clear and straightforward. He had no intention of doing that, and no matter what others said or thought, he couldn’t control them.

Wen Shu understood his brother’s thoughts naturally, as they were siblings.

“But the Tang family doesn’t know you don’t have this intention. Master Tang’s Fu Lang doesn’t know either. He’s about to give birth and can’t stand any shocks. Ah Qing, you need to understand, even if you haven’t done something, others might think it’s suspicious.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyes and took a sip of the peppermint tea Lin Yu had given him, feeling its cool, refreshing scent. After a while, he said softly, “I understand.”

Wen Shu had intended to say more, but seeing Wen Qing like this, he swallowed his words.

Wen Qing had always been reserved and did things his own way. No matter how others viewed him, once he made up his mind about something, he would not compromise too much.

He found it easy to talk to Lin Yu, and with his troubled mind, only there could he relax a bit. He didn’t expect others to speculate so wildly.

His brother was right; he needed to clarify things with Lin Yu.

The Tang family.

At the dinner table, Tang Amo occasionally glanced at Tang Feng, just staring at him with a scrutinizing gaze without saying anything.

Tang Feng was naturally more sensitive than most people, so he had felt the piercing gaze of Tang Amo early on. However, he also understood why Tang Amo was like this, so he didn’t think much of it.

Similarly, Lin Yu was unaffected by the outside world, eating and drinking as usual. If he hadn’t witnessed that incident with Tang Feng at the big stone earlier, he might have been affected now. But at this moment, like Tang Feng, he didn’t feel anything at all.

Seeing both of them acting as usual, Tang Amo secretly wondered if Lin Yu hadn’t yet understood the intentions of the Wen family’s Ger. Was that why he was so indifferent?

Yes, that must be it.

With this thought in mind, when Tang Feng was about to leave, Tang Amo grabbed him.


Tang Feng, who had been pulled into the backyard by Tang Amo, chuckled a little.

“You’re still laughing!”

Tang Amo glared at him.

“Do you know how bad the rumors in the village are now? Let me tell you, stop thinking nonsense. Lin Yu will be giving birth soon. If you dare to do anything to hurt him, I won’t spare you!”

Tang Feng looked at Tang Amo, who was getting angrier as he spoke, and touched his nose. “Don’t worry, I don’t have the time for that. Besides, don’t you trust your own son?”

Tang Amo looked up at the sky. He did trust him, but it was Wen Qing they were dealing with, and that made him a bit uneasy. The Hu family, the Wu family, and many other families in the village still held grudges against Wen’s family.

“Amo, I really don’t have that intention. If you don’t believe me, ask my Fu Lang. Both of us know very well what happened. He doesn’t have that intention either. He just being compared with Xiao Yu. Please put your mind at ease. I’m going to the county town now. I’ll be off.”

After saying this, Tang Feng stepped out, ready to leave.

“What are you going to the county town for?!”

Tang Amo grabbed him and asked sternly.

Tang Feng sighed helplessly. “Amo, your grandchild will be born soon. I need to buy milk fruit to have ready.”

“Milk fruit? Right! That’s necessary. I forgot about this. You need to buy enough for two months.”

“Alright, alright.”

“Don’t buy the wrong ones!”

“I won’t, don’t worry. No matter what, I’m still a Xiucai, I won’t make a mistake.”

Tang Feng almost laughed at Tang Amo’s words.

After Lin Yu gave the money to Tang Feng, he lay down on the bed to rest. Lately, he preferred lying down rather than standing, especially with his large belly and the hot weather, walking around was unbearable.

Under the scorching sun, Wen Qing walked towards the Tang family. When he reached the intersection between the Tang and Zhang families, he habitually glanced at the Zhang family. Unexpectedly, he met the eyes of Zhang Amo, who was hanging out quilts in the yard.

Both men were momentarily stunned, but Zhang Amo quickly realized and smiled, nodding at Wen Qing, who returned the smile somewhat flustered.

“Amo, it’s so sunny outside, you should come in soon.”

Zhang Lei had just finished cleaning the pigsty when he saw his Amo busy in the yard again.

Wen Qing heard Zhang Lei’s voice and nodded at Zhang Amo again before heading towards the Tang family’s path.

“What are you looking at?”

Zhang Lei approached curiously when he saw Zhang Amo standing still.

“I was watching the Wen family’s Ger. He just went to the village chief’s house.”

Zhang Lei was startled and, thinking of the village gossip, unconsciously said, “Don’t listen to those gossipy tongues. Maybe he’s just going there for a chat.”

Zhang Amo suddenly turned and stared at him, making Zhang Lei jump.

“Why, why are you staring at me?”

Zhang Lei asked nervously.

Zhang Amo chuckled. “You’re not getting any younger. Isn’t it time to find a Fu Lang?”

“Oh, you’re at it again! Come on, come inside!”

Zhang Lei, flustered, pushed Zhang Amo into the house.

Lin Yu had just woken up from a nap when he heard a knock on the courtyard door.

Opening the door, sure enough, there stood Wen Qing outside.

“Come in.”

Wen Qing nodded.

After they both sat down, Wen Qing looked at Lin Yu’s belly, a bit embarrassed. “Don’t pay too much attention to the village gossip. I don’t have that intention. We just get along well, and lately, I’ve been feeling quite troubled, so I couldn’t help coming to see you. Please don’t think too much about it.”

“I haven’t thought much about it.”

Wen Qing blinked and looked up at the calm Lin Yu. “Then…that’s good then.”

He feared Lin Yu would become suspicious like Wen Shu had warned, which wouldn’t be good.

There was a moment of silence between them, but it wasn’t awkward at all.

After a while, Wen Qing’s voice, filled with confusion, softly broke the silence.

“To be honest, I still can’t understand what’s been troubling me.”

Lin Yu looked up at Wen Qing. From his eyes, Wen Qing saw only calmness and a concern that was hard to notice unless one paid close attention. It warmed his heart. Having such a friend who didn’t speak much was actually quite nice.

“It’s clear that we could be together, but he used reasons that he doesn’t see as problems at all to reject me.”

As Wen Qing spoke, his expression darkened. “Although I’m a Ger, there’s a limit to how thick-skinned I can be. It’s been like this several times. How can I accept this? How can I continue waiting?”

“My Amo has been arranging marriage meetings for me lately. I originally planned to wait until the next month when my brother’s exam results are out before deciding. But for some reason, Amo suddenly did this, so I’m anxious. The more anxious I get, the more troubled I feel.”

Lin Yu looked at Wen Qing, who seemed lost in thought, unsure of what to say. He didn’t know the full story between them and couldn’t make any assumptions. So, he simply made a cup of peppermint tea for Wen Qing.

“Have some. It’s cool and soothing, good for clearing your mind.”

The dry words came from Lin Yu’s dry expression, making Wen Qing couldn’t help but laugh.


Tang Amo and Father Tang returned home to see Lin Yu and Wen Qing sitting under the eaves, chatting and laughing. Tang Amo had been worried that Lin Yu might not judge people well, but when he saw Wen Qing’s genuine smile, he wondered if he had been overthinking it. Such a handsome and pure-looking person wouldn’t fancy his Ah Feng who grew up to look like a Ger. (Tang Feng: …)

“Village chief, Tang Amo, I’m bothering you again.”

“Don’t say that. Young people should get out and about more.”

Father Tang never thought that Wen Qing had any ulterior motives for visiting their home. In the whole village, the Wen family had a sense of pride and straightforwardness. They dared to act and didn’t play tricks. Despite Wen Qing being a Ger, he was the proudest person of their generation.

“Has Ah Feng not come back yet?” Tang Amo asked, recalling his previous unfounded worries and feeling uncomfortable looking at Wen Qing before him.

“Not so soon. He said he was going to the county town. Just hope he doesn’t buy the wrong things,” Father Tang said, putting down his hoe.

“Do you have to mention that? How many times have I sent you to buy things, and you didn’t get what I asked for?” Tang Amo teased Father Tang.

Father Tang had a look on his face as if nothing had happened and went to wash his hands by the well.

“The village chief and his family are really interesting,” Wen Qing remarked, surprised by this side of the village chief. Father Tang was usually a serious and stern figure outside the Tang family’s door, but once back home, he became the oppressed bottom feeder of the Tang family’s food chain under Tang Amo’s rule…

After buying milk fruit, Tang Feng also bought a few pastries. Passing by the bookstore, he remembered that Third Uncle Guo’s birthday was coming soon, so he walked in.

There were more people in the bookstore in the county town, but it was quieter. Tang Feng noticed several young men wearing what seemed to be school uniforms.

Carrying his bags, Tang Feng attracted a few glances as soon as he entered the bookstore.

There are still people like this coming to the bookstore?

Tang Feng could only see that kind of information from their eyes and couldn’t help sighing in his heart. Just carrying a few things and being looked at like this, he even thought about taking Dou Dou to the bookstore to read books together after Dou Dou was born in the future, after all, learning should start from a young age.

Author’s note: “Exams”

“In the next class, we’ll have a unit test.”

Wen Shu dropped a bomb and then left.

At this moment, the people in the classroom had several different reactions.

Students who excelled in their studies, like Wen Qing and Lin Yu, had a look of “finally, unit test time” on their faces. They prepared with drafting paper and pens filled with ink.

Those with average academic performance, like Hu Qiang, Lin Zhuang, Zhang Lei, quickly took out their books to review the formulas they had underlined, afraid they might forget.

Students who struggled academically, like Tang Feng, kept fanning Lin Yu with his notebook. “Feeling hot? Look, you’re sweating. Drink some water.”

As attentive as a busy bee.

Lin Yu endured, saying, “You don’t have to do this.”

Tang Feng was serious. “Yes, I do!”

Lin Yu sighed. “You forgot, we’re supposed to change seats. I won’t be sitting next to you later.”

Tang Feng froze: … He forgot about that!!

(The small theatre takes place in a modern male school background.)

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 72

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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"Do you know what's being said in the village these days?"

"Brother, no need to say more. I know what you're going to say. That's not the case."

Wen Qing's response was clear and straightforward. He had no intention of doing that, and no matter what others said or thought, he couldn't control them.

Wen Shu understood his brother's thoughts naturally, as they were siblings.

"But the Tang family doesn't know you don't have this intention. Master Tang's Fu Lang doesn't know either. He's about to give birth and can't stand any shocks. Ah Qing, you need to understand, even if you haven't done something, others might think it's suspicious."

Wen Qing lowered his eyes and took a sip of the peppermint tea Lin Yu had given him, feeling its cool, refreshing scent. After a while, he said softly, "I understand."

Wen Shu had intended to say more, but seeing Wen Qing like this, he swallowed his words.

Wen Qing had always been reserved and did things his own way. No matter how others viewed him, once he made up his mind about something, he would not compromise too much.

He found it easy to talk to Lin Yu, and with his troubled mind, only there could he relax a bit. He didn't expect others to speculate so wildly.

His brother was right; he needed to clarify things with Lin Yu.

The Tang family.

At the dinner table, Tang Amo occasionally glanced at Tang Feng, just staring at him with a scrutinizing gaze without saying anything.

Tang Feng was naturally more sensitive than most people, so he had felt the piercing gaze of Tang Amo early on. However, he also understood why Tang Amo was like this, so he didn't think much of it.

Similarly, Lin Yu was unaffected by the outside world, eating and drinking as usual. If he hadn't witnessed that incident with Tang Feng at the big stone earlier, he might have been affected now. But at this moment, like Tang Feng, he didn't feel anything at all.

Seeing both of them acting as usual, Tang Amo secretly wondered if Lin Yu hadn't yet understood the intentions of the Wen family's Ger. Was that why he was so indifferent?

Yes, that must be it.

With this thought in mind, when Tang Feng was about to leave, Tang Amo grabbed him.


Tang Feng, who had been pulled into the backyard by Tang Amo, chuckled a little.

“You’re still laughing!"

Tang Amo glared at him.

"Do you know how bad the rumors in the village are now? Let me tell you, stop thinking nonsense. Lin Yu will be giving birth soon. If you dare to do anything to hurt him, I won't spare you!"

Tang Feng looked at Tang Amo, who was getting angrier as he spoke, and touched his nose. "Don't worry, I don't have the time for that. Besides, don't you trust your own son?"

Tang Amo looked up at the sky. He did trust him, but it was Wen Qing they were dealing with, and that made him a bit uneasy. The Hu family, the Wu family, and many other families in the village still held grudges against Wen's family.

"Amo, I really don't have that intention. If you don't believe me, ask my Fu Lang. Both of us know very well what happened. He doesn't have that intention either. He just being compared with Xiao Yu. Please put your mind at ease. I'm going to the county town now. I'll be off."

After saying this, Tang Feng stepped out, ready to leave.

"What are you going to the county town for?!"

Tang Amo grabbed him and asked sternly.

Tang Feng sighed helplessly. "Amo, your grandchild will be born soon. I need to buy milk fruit to have ready."

“Milk fruit? Right! That's necessary. I forgot about this. You need to buy enough for two months.”

"Alright, alright."

"Don't buy the wrong ones!"

"I won't, don't worry. No matter what, I’m still a Xiucai, I won't make a mistake."

Tang Feng almost laughed at Tang Amo’s words.

After Lin Yu gave the money to Tang Feng, he lay down on the bed to rest. Lately, he preferred lying down rather than standing, especially with his large belly and the hot weather, walking around was unbearable.

Under the scorching sun, Wen Qing walked towards the Tang family. When he reached the intersection between the Tang and Zhang families, he habitually glanced at the Zhang family. Unexpectedly, he met the eyes of Zhang Amo, who was hanging out quilts in the yard.

Both men were momentarily stunned, but Zhang Amo quickly realized and smiled, nodding at Wen Qing, who returned the smile somewhat flustered.

"Amo, it's so sunny outside, you should come in soon.”

Zhang Lei had just finished cleaning the pigsty when he saw his Amo busy in the yard again.

Wen Qing heard Zhang Lei's voice and nodded at Zhang Amo again before heading towards the Tang family's path.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhang Lei approached curiously when he saw Zhang Amo standing still.

"I was watching the Wen family's Ger. He just went to the village chief’s house.”

Zhang Lei was startled and, thinking of the village gossip, unconsciously said, "Don't listen to those gossipy tongues. Maybe he's just going there for a chat."

Zhang Amo suddenly turned and stared at him, making Zhang Lei jump.

"Why, why are you staring at me?"

Zhang Lei asked nervously.

Zhang Amo chuckled. "You're not getting any younger. Isn't it time to find a Fu Lang?”

"Oh, you're at it again! Come on, come inside!"

Zhang Lei, flustered, pushed Zhang Amo into the house.

Lin Yu had just woken up from a nap when he heard a knock on the courtyard door.

Opening the door, sure enough, there stood Wen Qing outside.

"Come in."

Wen Qing nodded.

After they both sat down, Wen Qing looked at Lin Yu's belly, a bit embarrassed. "Don't pay too much attention to the village gossip. I don't have that intention. We just get along well, and lately, I've been feeling quite troubled, so I couldn't help coming to see you. Please don't think too much about it."

"I haven't thought much about it."

Wen Qing blinked and looked up at the calm Lin Yu. “Then…that's good then."

He feared Lin Yu would become suspicious like Wen Shu had warned, which wouldn't be good.

There was a moment of silence between them, but it wasn't awkward at all.

After a while, Wen Qing's voice, filled with confusion, softly broke the silence.

"To be honest, I still can't understand what's been troubling me."

Lin Yu looked up at Wen Qing. From his eyes, Wen Qing saw only calmness and a concern that was hard to notice unless one paid close attention. It warmed his heart. Having such a friend who didn't speak much was actually quite nice.

"It's clear that we could be together, but he used reasons that he doesn't see as problems at all to reject me."

As Wen Qing spoke, his expression darkened. "Although I'm a Ger, there's a limit to how thick-skinned I can be. It's been like this several times. How can I accept this? How can I continue waiting?"

"My Amo has been arranging marriage meetings for me lately. I originally planned to wait until the next month when my brother's exam results are out before deciding. But for some reason, Amo suddenly did this, so I'm anxious. The more anxious I get, the more troubled I feel."

Lin Yu looked at Wen Qing, who seemed lost in thought, unsure of what to say. He didn't know the full story between them and couldn't make any assumptions. So, he simply made a cup of peppermint tea for Wen Qing.

"Have some. It's cool and soothing, good for clearing your mind."

The dry words came from Lin Yu's dry expression, making Wen Qing couldn't help but laugh.


Tang Amo and Father Tang returned home to see Lin Yu and Wen Qing sitting under the eaves, chatting and laughing. Tang Amo had been worried that Lin Yu might not judge people well, but when he saw Wen Qing's genuine smile, he wondered if he had been overthinking it. Such a handsome and pure-looking person wouldn't fancy his Ah Feng who grew up to look like a Ger. (Tang Feng: ...)

"Village chief, Tang Amo, I'm bothering you again."

"Don't say that. Young people should get out and about more."

Father Tang never thought that Wen Qing had any ulterior motives for visiting their home. In the whole village, the Wen family had a sense of pride and straightforwardness. They dared to act and didn't play tricks. Despite Wen Qing being a Ger, he was the proudest person of their generation.

"Has Ah Feng not come back yet?" Tang Amo asked, recalling his previous unfounded worries and feeling uncomfortable looking at Wen Qing before him.

"Not so soon. He said he was going to the county town. Just hope he doesn't buy the wrong things," Father Tang said, putting down his hoe.

"Do you have to mention that? How many times have I sent you to buy things, and you didn't get what I asked for?" Tang Amo teased Father Tang.

Father Tang had a look on his face as if nothing had happened and went to wash his hands by the well.

"The village chief and his family are really interesting," Wen Qing remarked, surprised by this side of the village chief. Father Tang was usually a serious and stern figure outside the Tang family's door, but once back home, he became the oppressed bottom feeder of the Tang family's food chain under Tang Amo’s rule...

After buying milk fruit, Tang Feng also bought a few pastries. Passing by the bookstore, he remembered that Third Uncle Guo's birthday was coming soon, so he walked in.

There were more people in the bookstore in the county town, but it was quieter. Tang Feng noticed several young men wearing what seemed to be school uniforms.

Carrying his bags, Tang Feng attracted a few glances as soon as he entered the bookstore.

There are still people like this coming to the bookstore?

Tang Feng could only see that kind of information from their eyes and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Just carrying a few things and being looked at like this, he even thought about taking Dou Dou to the bookstore to read books together after Dou Dou was born in the future, after all, learning should start from a young age.

Author's note: "Exams"

"In the next class, we'll have a unit test.”

Wen Shu dropped a bomb and then left.

At this moment, the people in the classroom had several different reactions.

Students who excelled in their studies, like Wen Qing and Lin Yu, had a look of "finally, unit test time" on their faces. They prepared with drafting paper and pens filled with ink.

Those with average academic performance, like Hu Qiang, Lin Zhuang, Zhang Lei, quickly took out their books to review the formulas they had underlined, afraid they might forget.

Students who struggled academically, like Tang Feng, kept fanning Lin Yu with his notebook. "Feeling hot? Look, you're sweating. Drink some water."

As attentive as a busy bee.

Lin Yu endured, saying, "You don't have to do this."

Tang Feng was serious. "Yes, I do!"

Lin Yu sighed. "You forgot, we're supposed to change seats. I won't be sitting next to you later."

Tang Feng froze: ... He forgot about that!!

(The small theatre takes place in a modern male school background.)

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. Alia says:

    Gracias por el cap!!!

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