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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 75

Chapter 75

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Owner Huang leaned forward and pulled aside the dry hay, revealing exactly what he had been hoping for underneath.

Trembling, he reached out and took one, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. The fragrant aroma of the fuzzy Kiwi filled his nostrils, and he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

“This is the scent!”

Lin Zhuang watched him with amusement, finding it somewhat funny but knowing he couldn’t laugh out loud. His face turned red from holding back his laughter.

“Brother Huang, you’ve seen the goods. Shall we go inside and discuss?”

Tang Feng smiled.

“Of course! Please come in, both of you. Chang’an, quickly prepare some good tea.”

The servant hurriedly obeyed.

Once seated, Owner Huang couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. He looked at Tang Feng and Lin Zhuang and said, “I originally thought I would have to wait another year or two for you, Brother Tang. I never expected you to move so quickly. I truly admire you!”

“Brother Huang, there’s no need for such words. It’s just my good luck. Let’s skip the formalities. We shouldn’t keep these goods too long, as it takes quite some time to transport them to the capital or even to the imperial city. Let’s resolve this quickly, and you can make arrangements sooner.”

Tang Feng’s words pleased Owner Huang. He clapped his hands and chuckled, “Let’s continue like this then. Brother Tang, how do you propose we handle these goods?”

Previously, their contract stipulated long-term supply by Tang Feng, but this time it wasn’t for a long term, so they had to negotiate a solution now.

After considering his previously planned approach, Tang Feng pretended to ponder for a moment before saying, “They sell for five hundred copper coins each in the capital. I won’t adhere strictly to the contract this time. Let’s discuss this separately. After I can supply long-term, we can talk again. How much can you offer per unit?”

Five! Five hundred copper coins each?!

Lin Zhuang was shocked by Tang Feng’s words, but he managed to keep some composure, quickly lowering his head to conceal his surprise. Oh my god! He almost doubted he had a pair of fake ears!

Owner Huang thought for a moment and then held up three fingers.

“Three hundred copper coins each.”

Tang Feng remained silent, took a sip of the tea beside him, and Lin Zhuang, still in shock, hung his head. Before leaving home, Lin Amo also ordered him to listen to Tang Feng for everything, and it was best not to speak.

Seeing him like this, Owner Huang said with a slightly bitter smile, “Brother Tang, don’t think three hundred copper coins each is low. Consider this: we also have to spend manpower to transport these goods to the capital and then to the imperial city for trading. The back-and-forth in manpower and resources isn’t cheap.”

“Besides, there’s not that much to go around, so we can’t offer too high a price. Most likely, we’ll have to sell them in the capital city.”

Going all the way to the imperial city was too far, and with the limited quantity of goods, after covering costs, there wouldn’t be much profit. It made more sense to sell them in the capital.

“You’re right, Brother Huang,” Tang Feng nodded understandingly. “I should be able to come a few more times. Let’s go with the price you mentioned.”

Owner Huang nodded quickly, then turned to Lin Zhuang with a smile. “Do you have anything to add?”

Lin Zhuang shook his head quickly. “My brother-in-law can handle it.”

Brother-in-law? Owner Huang immediately understood. So, this was Tang Feng’s Fu Lang’s big brother.

“Very well, I’ll settle the price right away.”

Tang Feng and his companion watched as the servants in the yard carefully counted the kiwis on the cart.

Altogether, there were 1,110 kiwis. At 300 copper coins each, that’s 333 taels of silverstone.

“Brother Tang, please confirm if this total is correct.”

Tang Feng nodded. “That’s correct, no problem.”

Owner Huang smiled and immediately went back to his room to fetch the money and handed them to Tang Feng.

Lin Zhuang felt like he was floating.

“I wonder when Brother Tang will come next?”

Tang Feng pretended to think for a moment. “Let’s see, how about we come every two days? I estimate I can come around five more times.”

Owner Huang nodded repeatedly. “Good, good, good, I’ll be waiting for you at home then.”

“In that case, we’ll take our leave.”

“Why not stay and have a drink with us?”

Tang Feng shook his head. “Not today. Let’s gather again after everything with the kiwis is settled.”

Owner Huang nodded. “Alright then it’s decided.”

Once they left Huang’s house, Lin Zhuang was a bit bewildered. So much money, he had never seen so much before.

“Don’t be surprised, Big Brother. These are things from the mountains. We’re used to them, but in the distant capital, they’re considered extremely valuable. Big Brother, think about when we should go back to the mountains and pick more.”

Lin Zhuang chuckled and scratched his head. “Alright.”

As Amo said, Tang Feng was capable and smart. Following him was the right choice.

Back in the Huang’s courtyard, a servant watched as Owner Huang, with an intoxicated expression, sniffed the kiwis, and asked, puzzled, “Master, should we send someone to follow them and find that place?”

Owner Huang opened his eyes, thought for a moment, then shook his head. “This isn’t what a gentleman would do. Since we’ve made an agreement, it’s mutually beneficial. There’s no need for that.”

Back at the Tang family’s home, Father Tang immediately surrounded Tang Feng. “How did it go? Did you sell them?”

“Of course, we sold them, and we made quite a bit of money. Big Brother has gone to call Father-in-law. Once he arrives, we’ll divide the money.”

“How much did you sell?”

Tang Amo asked from the side.

Tang Feng held up three fingers.

“Three hundred copper coins! That’s a lot! Well done, well done.”

Tang Amo said, quite satisfied. Selling these wild fruits for three hundred copper coins was very good.

But Father Tang knew it was far more than that. With a trembling voice, he said, “Three hundred silverstones?!”

“You’re joking! How could it be that much?”

Tang Amo was startled by Father Tang’s words, then laughed.

But Tang Feng nodded beside him.

Rubbing his eyes, Father Tang looked at Tang Feng in disbelief. “My goodness! How could there be so much?”

“Great! Great! Great!” Father Tang was so excited he couldn’t contain himself, pacing back and forth, repeatedly saying “great.”

Just as Lin Yu came out of the outhouse, he heard voices from the hall. He walked into the room and saw Father Tang full of excitement and Mother Tang looking incredulous.

“What’s going on here?”

“I mentioned how much money I got after selling, and then Amo was shocked.”

Lin Yu had been startled by the prices when discussing with Tang Feng last night, but despite being extremely happy now, he didn’t lose his composure.

Originally, Tang Feng estimated that Owner Huang might offer around two hundred or so, but he ended up giving three hundred, which was a surprise.

Father Lin and Lin Amo hurried over, and they were also shocked by the numbers Lin Zhuang had mentioned.

“But is it true? Is there really that much?!”

Lin Amo asked excitedly.

“It’s true, it’s true!”

Tang Amo replied repeatedly.

“I’ve already received the money. Take a look.”

Tang Feng placed the silverstones that Owner Huang had given on the table, and Tang Amo immediately closed the door to the hall.

“You have such a big heart, my child! How could you just bring out so much money like this?! What if someone finds out? What will happen then?!”

Tang Amo looked extremely nervous.

“It’s still Amo who’s thoughtful. Wasn’t it because I suddenly made so much money that I got a bit anxious?”

“I was shocked too. How come this stuff is so expensive? Yesterday, the few of us almost ate up a few silverstones,” Father Lin said, scratching his head.

“The more expensive, the better! We can earn more money, right?” Father Tang chuckled.

“That’s right!” Tang Amo said happily.

“Then let’s divide the money.”

“In total, three hundred and thirty-three silverstones, half for each of our families,” Tang Feng said.

“No way!” Lin Amo immediately refused. “You discovered these things, and you found the way to sell them. We can’t take so much.”

Father Tang and Tang Amo didn’t say anything. They were still immersed in this huge wealth. Moreover, Tang Feng had discovered these things, so how to handle them should be up to him. They had no objection.

“What Amo-in-law said makes sense. If father-in-law hadn’t told me where to find a lot of them, how could I have picked and sold them? Let’s stop with the polite talk and just do it this way, half and half.”

Lin Amo wanted to say something else, but Father Tang quickly said, “In-law, we’re all one family. It’s best to do good things together. Plus, your grandchildren will soon come out, and they will need money everywhere.”

“Look at you, you’ve even talked about my two granchildren!”

“Stop being polite. Hurry up and divide the money and return home to tidy up well!”

Tang Amo was determined to hide the money. It was too much, and he feared that if anyone found out, it might lead to trouble.

After dividing the money, Lin Amo and his family hurried home, not daring to delay for fear that something might happen on the way. Carrying a large sum of money was a feeling that most people couldn’t understand.

“Amo, you should keep the money.”

Tang Amo shook his head.

“You keep it. I’m afraid I’ll lose it. It makes me uneasy.”

“Amo, you keep it. I’m also afraid of losing it.”

Lin Yu said.

With so much money, he was worried he wouldn’t be able to protect it. Besides, the baby would be born soon, and there would be more to deal with.

Tang Amo gritted his teeth. “Alright, I’ll keep it!” He needed to think carefully about where to hide it.

Over the next half month, they went up the mountain every few days, each time with four people and four baskets. So, each time they sold, the money was roughly the same.

After selling five times, Tang Feng stopped going up the mountain to pick. They needed to leave some food for the monkeys. They couldn’t take everything.

As for transplanting the kiwi trees, that would have to wait until spring, when the growth and survival rates would be higher.

With good things happening, Tang Amo and Lin Amo were always smiling. The villagers thought it was because their grandchildren were about to be born and didn’t suspect anything else.

“How about we renovate the house?”

Tang Amo suddenly made a bold suggestion during dinner.

“Renovate now? That’s not possible,” Tang Feng shook his head. “Lin Yu will be giving birth soon.”

“That’s right! How could I forget? Let’s plan it after the baby is a month old. Your room is a bit small, so when we renovate, we should make it bigger. We’ll prepare a room for the baby, add two guest rooms, and a room for your father and me. Oh my, how many rooms will that be? How big a house will we need!” Tang Amo was already imagining how they would live in a larger house.

“Why don’t we buy a donkey cart first?”

Father Tang suggested.

“That’s a good idea. We could use it a lot. It would make trips to town and other places much easier.”

“Alright! I’ll go to town tomorrow to buy one!” Father Tang said loudly.

“By the way, should we change the baby’s milk fruit?”

Tang Amo, pulled back from thoughts of the house, started thinking about the milk fruit again.

“Amo, we already bought the milk fruit. There’s no need to change it, and it wasn’t cheap either.”

Lin Yu felt touched but, considering they had already bought the milk fruit, decided to speak up.

“It’s no trouble,” Tang Feng gently held Lin Yu’s hand. “Purple milk fruit can only be bought in the capital. I’ll ask Owner Huang; his family has people who travel to the capital regularly. I can ask him to bring some back for us. The baby can have the mix of what we have.”

Tang Feng naturally wanted the best for their child.

“Bring back plenty, bring back plenty. The baby needs to grow up chubby and strong!” Tang Amo always believed that Tang Feng had been sickly and weak as a child because he hadn’t eaten well. Now that the family could afford it, he wanted the baby to enjoy the best nutrition.

While Tang Feng went to town to ask Owner Huang to bring back milk fruit, Lin Yu, who was feeding the chickens, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He then noticed a warm sensation along the pregnancy line on his abdomen.

Supporting himself against the wall, he shouted, “Amo! I’m going into labor!”

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 75

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 75

Chapter 75

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Owner Huang leaned forward and pulled aside the dry hay, revealing exactly what he had been hoping for underneath.

Trembling, he reached out and took one, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. The fragrant aroma of the fuzzy Kiwi filled his nostrils, and he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"This is the scent!"

Lin Zhuang watched him with amusement, finding it somewhat funny but knowing he couldn't laugh out loud. His face turned red from holding back his laughter.

“Brother Huang, you've seen the goods. Shall we go inside and discuss?"

Tang Feng smiled.

"Of course! Please come in, both of you. Chang'an, quickly prepare some good tea.”

The servant hurriedly obeyed.

Once seated, Owner Huang couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He looked at Tang Feng and Lin Zhuang and said, "I originally thought I would have to wait another year or two for you, Brother Tang. I never expected you to move so quickly. I truly admire you!"

“Brother Huang, there's no need for such words. It's just my good luck. Let's skip the formalities. We shouldn't keep these goods too long, as it takes quite some time to transport them to the capital or even to the imperial city. Let's resolve this quickly, and you can make arrangements sooner."

Tang Feng's words pleased Owner Huang. He clapped his hands and chuckled, "Let's continue like this then. Brother Tang, how do you propose we handle these goods?"

Previously, their contract stipulated long-term supply by Tang Feng, but this time it wasn't for a long term, so they had to negotiate a solution now.

After considering his previously planned approach, Tang Feng pretended to ponder for a moment before saying, "They sell for five hundred copper coins each in the capital. I won't adhere strictly to the contract this time. Let's discuss this separately. After I can supply long-term, we can talk again. How much can you offer per unit?"

Five! Five hundred copper coins each?!

Lin Zhuang was shocked by Tang Feng's words, but he managed to keep some composure, quickly lowering his head to conceal his surprise. Oh my god! He almost doubted he had a pair of fake ears!

Owner Huang thought for a moment and then held up three fingers.

"Three hundred copper coins each."

Tang Feng remained silent, took a sip of the tea beside him, and Lin Zhuang, still in shock, hung his head. Before leaving home, Lin Amo also ordered him to listen to Tang Feng for everything, and it was best not to speak.

Seeing him like this, Owner Huang said with a slightly bitter smile, “Brother Tang, don't think three hundred copper coins each is low. Consider this: we also have to spend manpower to transport these goods to the capital and then to the imperial city for trading. The back-and-forth in manpower and resources isn't cheap."

"Besides, there's not that much to go around, so we can't offer too high a price. Most likely, we'll have to sell them in the capital city.”

Going all the way to the imperial city was too far, and with the limited quantity of goods, after covering costs, there wouldn't be much profit. It made more sense to sell them in the capital.

"You're right, Brother Huang,” Tang Feng nodded understandingly. "I should be able to come a few more times. Let's go with the price you mentioned."

Owner Huang nodded quickly, then turned to Lin Zhuang with a smile. "Do you have anything to add?"

Lin Zhuang shook his head quickly. "My brother-in-law can handle it."

Brother-in-law? Owner Huang immediately understood. So, this was Tang Feng's Fu Lang’s big brother.

"Very well, I'll settle the price right away.”

Tang Feng and his companion watched as the servants in the yard carefully counted the kiwis on the cart.

Altogether, there were 1,110 kiwis. At 300 copper coins each, that's 333 taels of silverstone.

“Brother Tang, please confirm if this total is correct.”

Tang Feng nodded. "That's correct, no problem."

Owner Huang smiled and immediately went back to his room to fetch the money and handed them to Tang Feng.

Lin Zhuang felt like he was floating.

"I wonder when Brother Tang will come next?"

Tang Feng pretended to think for a moment. "Let's see, how about we come every two days? I estimate I can come around five more times."

Owner Huang nodded repeatedly. “Good, good, good, I'll be waiting for you at home then."

"In that case, we'll take our leave.”

"Why not stay and have a drink with us?"

Tang Feng shook his head. "Not today. Let's gather again after everything with the kiwis is settled."

Owner Huang nodded. "Alright then it’s decided."

Once they left Huang's house, Lin Zhuang was a bit bewildered. So much money, he had never seen so much before.

"Don't be surprised, Big Brother. These are things from the mountains. We're used to them, but in the distant capital, they're considered extremely valuable. Big Brother, think about when we should go back to the mountains and pick more.”

Lin Zhuang chuckled and scratched his head. "Alright."

As Amo said, Tang Feng was capable and smart. Following him was the right choice.

Back in the Huang's courtyard, a servant watched as Owner Huang, with an intoxicated expression, sniffed the kiwis, and asked, puzzled, "Master, should we send someone to follow them and find that place?"

Owner Huang opened his eyes, thought for a moment, then shook his head. "This isn't what a gentleman would do. Since we've made an agreement, it's mutually beneficial. There's no need for that."

Back at the Tang family's home, Father Tang immediately surrounded Tang Feng. "How did it go? Did you sell them?"

"Of course, we sold them, and we made quite a bit of money. Big Brother has gone to call Father-in-law. Once he arrives, we'll divide the money.”

"How much did you sell?"

Tang Amo asked from the side.

Tang Feng held up three fingers.

"Three hundred copper coins! That's a lot! Well done, well done.”

Tang Amo said, quite satisfied. Selling these wild fruits for three hundred copper coins was very good.

But Father Tang knew it was far more than that. With a trembling voice, he said, "Three hundred silverstones?!"

"You're joking! How could it be that much?"

Tang Amo was startled by Father Tang's words, then laughed.

But Tang Feng nodded beside him.

Rubbing his eyes, Father Tang looked at Tang Feng in disbelief. "My goodness! How could there be so much?"

"Great! Great! Great!" Father Tang was so excited he couldn't contain himself, pacing back and forth, repeatedly saying "great."

Just as Lin Yu came out of the outhouse, he heard voices from the hall. He walked into the room and saw Father Tang full of excitement and Mother Tang looking incredulous.

“What's going on here?”

“I mentioned how much money I got after selling, and then Amo was shocked.”

Lin Yu had been startled by the prices when discussing with Tang Feng last night, but despite being extremely happy now, he didn't lose his composure.

Originally, Tang Feng estimated that Owner Huang might offer around two hundred or so, but he ended up giving three hundred, which was a surprise.

Father Lin and Lin Amo hurried over, and they were also shocked by the numbers Lin Zhuang had mentioned.

“But is it true? Is there really that much?!”

Lin Amo asked excitedly.

“It’s true, it's true!”

Tang Amo replied repeatedly.

“I've already received the money. Take a look.”

Tang Feng placed the silverstones that Owner Huang had given on the table, and Tang Amo immediately closed the door to the hall.

“You have such a big heart, my child! How could you just bring out so much money like this?! What if someone finds out? What will happen then?!”

Tang Amo looked extremely nervous.

“It’s still Amo who’s thoughtful. Wasn't it because I suddenly made so much money that I got a bit anxious?"

"I was shocked too. How come this stuff is so expensive? Yesterday, the few of us almost ate up a few silverstones," Father Lin said, scratching his head.

"The more expensive, the better! We can earn more money, right?" Father Tang chuckled.

"That's right!" Tang Amo said happily.

"Then let's divide the money.”

"In total, three hundred and thirty-three silverstones, half for each of our families," Tang Feng said.

"No way!" Lin Amo immediately refused. "You discovered these things, and you found the way to sell them. We can't take so much."

Father Tang and Tang Amo didn't say anything. They were still immersed in this huge wealth. Moreover, Tang Feng had discovered these things, so how to handle them should be up to him. They had no objection.

"What Amo-in-law said makes sense. If father-in-law hadn't told me where to find a lot of them, how could I have picked and sold them? Let's stop with the polite talk and just do it this way, half and half."

Lin Amo wanted to say something else, but Father Tang quickly said, “In-law, we're all one family. It's best to do good things together. Plus, your grandchildren will soon come out, and they will need money everywhere."

"Look at you, you've even talked about my two granchildren!”

"Stop being polite. Hurry up and divide the money and return home to tidy up well!"

Tang Amo was determined to hide the money. It was too much, and he feared that if anyone found out, it might lead to trouble.

After dividing the money, Lin Amo and his family hurried home, not daring to delay for fear that something might happen on the way. Carrying a large sum of money was a feeling that most people couldn't understand.

“Amo, you should keep the money.”

Tang Amo shook his head.

"You keep it. I'm afraid I'll lose it. It makes me uneasy."

“Amo, you keep it. I'm also afraid of losing it.”

Lin Yu said.

With so much money, he was worried he wouldn't be able to protect it. Besides, the baby would be born soon, and there would be more to deal with.

Tang Amo gritted his teeth. "Alright, I'll keep it!" He needed to think carefully about where to hide it.

Over the next half month, they went up the mountain every few days, each time with four people and four baskets. So, each time they sold, the money was roughly the same.

After selling five times, Tang Feng stopped going up the mountain to pick. They needed to leave some food for the monkeys. They couldn't take everything.

As for transplanting the kiwi trees, that would have to wait until spring, when the growth and survival rates would be higher.

With good things happening, Tang Amo and Lin Amo were always smiling. The villagers thought it was because their grandchildren were about to be born and didn't suspect anything else.

"How about we renovate the house?"

Tang Amo suddenly made a bold suggestion during dinner.

"Renovate now? That's not possible," Tang Feng shook his head. "Lin Yu will be giving birth soon."

"That's right! How could I forget? Let's plan it after the baby is a month old. Your room is a bit small, so when we renovate, we should make it bigger. We'll prepare a room for the baby, add two guest rooms, and a room for your father and me. Oh my, how many rooms will that be? How big a house will we need!" Tang Amo was already imagining how they would live in a larger house.

"Why don't we buy a donkey cart first?"

Father Tang suggested.

"That's a good idea. We could use it a lot. It would make trips to town and other places much easier."

"Alright! I'll go to town tomorrow to buy one!" Father Tang said loudly.

"By the way, should we change the baby's milk fruit?"

Tang Amo, pulled back from thoughts of the house, started thinking about the milk fruit again.

“Amo, we already bought the milk fruit. There's no need to change it, and it wasn't cheap either.”

Lin Yu felt touched but, considering they had already bought the milk fruit, decided to speak up.

"It's no trouble," Tang Feng gently held Lin Yu's hand. "Purple milk fruit can only be bought in the capital. I'll ask Owner Huang; his family has people who travel to the capital regularly. I can ask him to bring some back for us. The baby can have the mix of what we have."

Tang Feng naturally wanted the best for their child.

"Bring back plenty, bring back plenty. The baby needs to grow up chubby and strong!" Tang Amo always believed that Tang Feng had been sickly and weak as a child because he hadn't eaten well. Now that the family could afford it, he wanted the baby to enjoy the best nutrition.

While Tang Feng went to town to ask Owner Huang to bring back milk fruit, Lin Yu, who was feeding the chickens, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He then noticed a warm sensation along the pregnancy line on his abdomen.

Supporting himself against the wall, he shouted, “Amo! I'm going into labor!"

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. LicoLico says:

    The baby is here! OoO
    Thank You for the new chapter (♥→o←♥)

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