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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 78

Chapter 78

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“Fu! Fu Lang, come look!”

Lin Yu turned his head to see Tang Feng holding a bare-bottomed Dou Dou, his eyes shining with excitement.


Tang Feng happily brought Dou Dou over to Lin Yu.

“His eyes are open.”

Dou Dou’s big, watery eyes had just opened and couldn’t see far yet, giving him a dazed look.

Lin Yu reached out and gently touched Dou Dou’s face, enjoying the soft feel.

“He looks so silly.”

After his initial excitement, Tang Feng held Dou Dou’s face and spoke seriously.

Dou Dou pouted, feeling uncomfortable with his bare bottom, and squirmed a little. Fortunately, Lin Yu noticed his bottom wasn’t covered with a diaper yet and quickly handed one to Tang Feng.

“Look at me! I completely forgot!”

Tang Feng placed Dou Dou on the bed and touched his chubby, smooth, and soft little bottom, unable to resist giving it a gentle squeeze.

And then…

“Wah wah wah! Wah wah!”

Tang Feng was startled.

Since Dou Dou was born, the status of Tang Feng and Father Tang in the Tang household had plummeted, but they didn’t mind. They happily doted on chubby little Dou Dou every day.

“We need to start preparing for Dou Dou’s one-month celebration.”

After October arrived, Tang Amo began planning for Dou Dou’s full moon celebration on the 12th.

“We need to prepare more things this year.”

Tang Feng heard Tang Amo mumbling to himself and asked in confusion, “What if we prepare too much and don’t have enough people?”

“Don’t worry about the people. Now you’re the village’s Lord Xiucai and doctor. With your status, Dou Dou’s full moon celebration will surely have many guests. I need to think carefully about what we should buy.”

Tang Feng scratched his nose, then turned to put the harvested herbs into a winnowing basket, ready to take them to the medicine field for planting.

“Tang Feng?”

Tang Feng turned to the courtyard gate and saw Hu Qiang and his Fu Lang.

The color of Hu Qiang’s Fu Lang’s eyebrow birthmark had deepened.


Upon hearing Tang Feng’s words, both Hu Qiang and his Fu Lang had joyous expressions. “He went to work in the fields yesterday and accidentally fell. I was worried, so I brought him here to check.”

“It’s nothing serious. He was just too nervous.”

Tang Feng glanced at Hu Qiang, who was smiling foolishly, and said, “He needs to be more careful. Come, let me take a look.”

Hearing the voices in the courtyard, Lin Yu quickly brewed two cups of tea. He was fine now; his body was naturally stronger than most people’s. If Tang Feng hadn’t been watching him closely all the time, he would have been working in the fields.

Lin Yu walked steadily with Dou Dou in one arm and tea in the other.

Hu Qiang’s Fu Lang looked at the chubby Dou Dou in Lin Yu’s arms with affection. “Dou Dou.”

Dou Dou blinked and glanced at the person calling him.

“Now he can tell where the sound is coming from.”

Lin Yu explained from the side.

“There’s no major issue. Your health is very good,” Tang Feng withdrew his hand and said.

“Thank you, Dr. Tang.”

While Lin Yu and they were amusing the child, Hu Qiang, with a satisfied face, said to Tang Feng, “I didn’t expect to be so happy with him.”

“Just live well together.”

Hu Qiang nodded vigorously. “By the way, my uncle said that Wu Zhu’s engagement is set for the 22nd of this month.”

“I heard about it too, but Wu Zhu is not very willing.”

Hu Qiang’s uncle often said that Wu Zhu was single-mindedly intent on Wen Qing and unwilling to get married.

“I don’t think it’s that painful. I think my Amo has a good eye.”

Tang Feng also agreed with Hu Qiang’s words. Initially, Lin Yu was chosen by Tang Amo, and he had not seen Lin Yu before the marriage, but he was extremely pleased with him.

Shortly after Hu Qiang left, Wen Qing came to visit. Tang Feng went out to plant herbs, leaving them alone to talk.

Wen Qing frowned, looking troubled.

Lin Yu was not good at comforting or advising others, so for a while, he remained silent, with only Dou Dou’s shallow breathing sound in their ears.

“I finally understand why he didn’t accept me,” Wen Qing said, looking at Lin Yu.

“He was betrothed to another Ger, but when he was ten, that family moved away from town, and there has been no contact or news about them since then. He says he needs to know if the other person is married before he can make a decision.”

Lin Yu fell silent.

Wen Qing looked at the overcast sky, bitterness in his eyes. “I can’t wait any longer. I can’t afford to make a decision that doesn’t have a clear outcome.”

And so, what seemed to Lin Yu to be a conclusive end, Wen Qing and Zhang Lei did not end up together after all.

Zhang Lei thought about the Ger he grew up with, and Wen Qing couldn’t accept a decision with no clear outcome. They both found their peace separately, a different kind of relief.

On October 11th, Tang Amo and Father Tang went to town to purchase supplies. Tomorrow was Dou Dou’s full moon celebration, and they needed to prepare well to welcome the guests.

Tang Feng was busy at home, storing all the herbs and other things usually kept outside into the small storage room. Regardless of whether there would be many people or not tomorrow, he was worried about the mischievous children in the village.

Lin Yu put Dou Dou on the bed and started tidying up the clothes in the room.

Dou Dou had more clothes than both Lin Yu and Tang Feng combined—clothes for infancy, walking age, and even four or five years old. These were all made by Tang Amo and Lin Amo during their spare time.

Suddenly, Lin Yu saw Dou Dou’s small body shake twice, followed by a comfortable hum.

“What’s wrong?” Tang Feng finished washing his hands and saw Lin Yu coming out with Dou Dou in his arms.

“He peed. Can you hold him while I change his diaper? I’ll get a set of beddings.”


After Lin Yu left, Tang Feng held Dou Dou in front of him with an innocent expression. “You seem quite comfortable, little guy.”

Dou Dou, who couldn’t understand, made a humming sound.

Indeed, Tang Amo and Tang Father bought a lot of things.

Especially Tang Amo, who even bought a red blanket. “We’ll wrap Dou Dou in this tomorrow. It’s festive and auspicious.”

Early the next morning, the first visitors to the Tang household were naturally from the Lin family, followed by Old Xiucai Wang. Then came the Guo family, and as time passed, more and more people arrived.

“Congratulations, Dr. Tang!”

“Thank you, please come inside.”

“Congratulations, Lord Xiucai Tang!”


Tang Feng greeted the villagers who came to congratulate him with a smile on his face, while Lin Zhuang and Guo Mi, who had specially returned from the county town, helped out on the side.

“Just look at how lovely Dou Dou has grown.”

Wang Laomo couldn’t help but marvel as he held the red-cheeked Dou Dou.

“It’s all thanks to Dr. Tang. Look, even the child he’s had is so healthy!”

“I think it’s also because of Xiucai Tang’s abilities. With such a healthy body, the child naturally wouldn’t be lacking.”

Several elderly Amos gathered around, admiring Dou Dou who was sleeping soundly and occasionally blowing bubbles. Some people wanted to look but felt shy and could only sit on the sidelines, sneaking glances.


Wen Qing couldn’t stand seeing Wen Amo constantly looking towards Dou Dou’s direction, so he reached out and pulled him away.

Wen Amo immediately sat up straight, and with a sour tone, he said, “Your brother’s future children will definitely be even better!” He wasn’t jealous at all!

Wen Qing listened helplessly to Wen Amo’s sarcastic remarks.

Dou Dou’s full moon celebration was very lively. The food at home wasn’t enough, so Father Lin brought some wild game he had hunted to avoid any embarrassment.

“Today, thanks to our in-laws, if it weren’t for them providing us with the prepared New Year goods in time, it wouldn’t have been such a success.” After a day of bustling around to clean up the inside and outside of the house, the family sat in the main hall chatting.

“You should go to sleep,” Guo Laomo advised Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head. “Dou Dou will need to eat again in a while. I’ll sleep after he wakes up and has something to eat.”

“Dou Dou is really cute.”

Guo Mi said eagerly, looking at Dou Dou sleeping soundly with great affection.

Guo Laomo heard this and gave him a smack on the back of the head.


Guo Mi winced from the slap but lowered his voice and glanced at Guo Laomo, thinking of Dou Dou still asleep.

“If the baby’s cute, why don’t you give birth to one!”

“I can’t give birth!”

Everyone laughed at this, and Guo Laomo and Guo Mi stayed overnight at the Tang’s family, while Third Uncle Guo and his wife went back home.

After Dou Dou woke up and had his milk fruit, everyone didn’t chat much and went back to their rooms to sleep.

“Mother-in-law brought a lucky silver lock. He really went to great lengths.”

Tang Feng said while lying in bed.

“And that’s not all. If I hadn’t stopped him, he was planning to get silver bracelets and anklets for Dou Dou.”

Tang Feng was startled. “Please don’t let him do that.”

Not only were those silver items expensive, but they could also be impractical for a baby.

“Of course, I won’t let him. He just wants to give Dou Dou the best. Big Brother-in-law’s expression almost changed today. Fortunately, Amo isn’t easily swayed.”

Tang Feng reached out and held Lin Yu’s hand. “Don’t worry too much. Let’s go to sleep.”

“Is Dr. Tang here?”

A somewhat elderly voice came from outside the Tang’s courtyard wall. Tang Feng had just finished hanging up the freshly washed diapers. He went to open the courtyard gate upon hearing the voice outside.

“Uncle, are you?”

Outside was an elderly man about sixty years old, leaning on a cane, his face covered in sweat. Upon seeing Tang Feng opening the gate, he hurriedly said, “I’ve come to see Dr. Tang for treatment.”

“I am Tang Feng. Please come in, Uncle.”

The elderly man was not from their village. He hesitated as he looked at the young Tang Feng.

“Who is it?”

Tang Amo heard Tang Feng open the door for so long without closing it, so he stuck his head out and asked.

“It’s an old man from another village here to see the doctor.”

“Then come in quickly,” Tang Amo said, stepping out of the main room to look at the elderly man.

“Are you really Dr. Tang?”

The elderly man looked at Tang Amo and then turned to ask Tang Feng again.

“Yes, Uncle. What’s troubling you?”

The elderly man dropped his cane and was about to kneel down to Tang Feng, but Tang Feng quickly caught him, startling both Tang Amo and himself.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 78

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 78

Chapter 78

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“Fu! Fu Lang, come look!"

Lin Yu turned his head to see Tang Feng holding a bare-bottomed Dou Dou, his eyes shining with excitement.


Tang Feng happily brought Dou Dou over to Lin Yu.

"His eyes are open."

Dou Dou's big, watery eyes had just opened and couldn't see far yet, giving him a dazed look.

Lin Yu reached out and gently touched Dou Dou's face, enjoying the soft feel.

"He looks so silly."

After his initial excitement, Tang Feng held Dou Dou's face and spoke seriously.

Dou Dou pouted, feeling uncomfortable with his bare bottom, and squirmed a little. Fortunately, Lin Yu noticed his bottom wasn't covered with a diaper yet and quickly handed one to Tang Feng.

"Look at me! I completely forgot!"

Tang Feng placed Dou Dou on the bed and touched his chubby, smooth, and soft little bottom, unable to resist giving it a gentle squeeze.

And then...

"Wah wah wah! Wah wah!"

Tang Feng was startled.

Since Dou Dou was born, the status of Tang Feng and Father Tang in the Tang household had plummeted, but they didn't mind. They happily doted on chubby little Dou Dou every day.

"We need to start preparing for Dou Dou's one-month celebration."

After October arrived, Tang Amo began planning for Dou Dou's full moon celebration on the 12th.

"We need to prepare more things this year."

Tang Feng heard Tang Amo mumbling to himself and asked in confusion, "What if we prepare too much and don't have enough people?"

"Don't worry about the people. Now you're the village’s Lord Xiucai and doctor. With your status, Dou Dou's full moon celebration will surely have many guests. I need to think carefully about what we should buy."

Tang Feng scratched his nose, then turned to put the harvested herbs into a winnowing basket, ready to take them to the medicine field for planting.

"Tang Feng?"

Tang Feng turned to the courtyard gate and saw Hu Qiang and his Fu Lang.

The color of Hu Qiang's Fu Lang's eyebrow birthmark had deepened.


Upon hearing Tang Feng's words, both Hu Qiang and his Fu Lang had joyous expressions. "He went to work in the fields yesterday and accidentally fell. I was worried, so I brought him here to check."

"It's nothing serious. He was just too nervous."

Tang Feng glanced at Hu Qiang, who was smiling foolishly, and said, "He needs to be more careful. Come, let me take a look."

Hearing the voices in the courtyard, Lin Yu quickly brewed two cups of tea. He was fine now; his body was naturally stronger than most people's. If Tang Feng hadn't been watching him closely all the time, he would have been working in the fields.

Lin Yu walked steadily with Dou Dou in one arm and tea in the other.

Hu Qiang's Fu Lang looked at the chubby Dou Dou in Lin Yu's arms with affection. "Dou Dou."

Dou Dou blinked and glanced at the person calling him.

"Now he can tell where the sound is coming from."

Lin Yu explained from the side.

"There's no major issue. Your health is very good," Tang Feng withdrew his hand and said.

"Thank you, Dr. Tang."

While Lin Yu and they were amusing the child, Hu Qiang, with a satisfied face, said to Tang Feng, "I didn't expect to be so happy with him."

"Just live well together."

Hu Qiang nodded vigorously. "By the way, my uncle said that Wu Zhu's engagement is set for the 22nd of this month."

"I heard about it too, but Wu Zhu is not very willing."

Hu Qiang's uncle often said that Wu Zhu was single-mindedly intent on Wen Qing and unwilling to get married.

"I don't think it's that painful. I think my Amo has a good eye."

Tang Feng also agreed with Hu Qiang's words. Initially, Lin Yu was chosen by Tang Amo, and he had not seen Lin Yu before the marriage, but he was extremely pleased with him.

Shortly after Hu Qiang left, Wen Qing came to visit. Tang Feng went out to plant herbs, leaving them alone to talk.

Wen Qing frowned, looking troubled.

Lin Yu was not good at comforting or advising others, so for a while, he remained silent, with only Dou Dou's shallow breathing sound in their ears.

"I finally understand why he didn't accept me," Wen Qing said, looking at Lin Yu.

"He was betrothed to another Ger, but when he was ten, that family moved away from town, and there has been no contact or news about them since then. He says he needs to know if the other person is married before he can make a decision."

Lin Yu fell silent.

Wen Qing looked at the overcast sky, bitterness in his eyes. "I can't wait any longer. I can't afford to make a decision that doesn't have a clear outcome."

And so, what seemed to Lin Yu to be a conclusive end, Wen Qing and Zhang Lei did not end up together after all.

Zhang Lei thought about the Ger he grew up with, and Wen Qing couldn't accept a decision with no clear outcome. They both found their peace separately, a different kind of relief.

On October 11th, Tang Amo and Father Tang went to town to purchase supplies. Tomorrow was Dou Dou's full moon celebration, and they needed to prepare well to welcome the guests.

Tang Feng was busy at home, storing all the herbs and other things usually kept outside into the small storage room. Regardless of whether there would be many people or not tomorrow, he was worried about the mischievous children in the village.

Lin Yu put Dou Dou on the bed and started tidying up the clothes in the room.

Dou Dou had more clothes than both Lin Yu and Tang Feng combined—clothes for infancy, walking age, and even four or five years old. These were all made by Tang Amo and Lin Amo during their spare time.

Suddenly, Lin Yu saw Dou Dou's small body shake twice, followed by a comfortable hum.

"What's wrong?" Tang Feng finished washing his hands and saw Lin Yu coming out with Dou Dou in his arms.

"He peed. Can you hold him while I change his diaper? I'll get a set of beddings."


After Lin Yu left, Tang Feng held Dou Dou in front of him with an innocent expression. "You seem quite comfortable, little guy."

Dou Dou, who couldn't understand, made a humming sound.

Indeed, Tang Amo and Tang Father bought a lot of things.

Especially Tang Amo, who even bought a red blanket. "We'll wrap Dou Dou in this tomorrow. It's festive and auspicious."

Early the next morning, the first visitors to the Tang household were naturally from the Lin family, followed by Old Xiucai Wang. Then came the Guo family, and as time passed, more and more people arrived.

"Congratulations, Dr. Tang!"

"Thank you, please come inside."

"Congratulations, Lord Xiucai Tang!"


Tang Feng greeted the villagers who came to congratulate him with a smile on his face, while Lin Zhuang and Guo Mi, who had specially returned from the county town, helped out on the side.

"Just look at how lovely Dou Dou has grown."

Wang Laomo couldn't help but marvel as he held the red-cheeked Dou Dou.

"It's all thanks to Dr. Tang. Look, even the child he's had is so healthy!"

"I think it's also because of Xiucai Tang's abilities. With such a healthy body, the child naturally wouldn't be lacking."

Several elderly Amos gathered around, admiring Dou Dou who was sleeping soundly and occasionally blowing bubbles. Some people wanted to look but felt shy and could only sit on the sidelines, sneaking glances.


Wen Qing couldn't stand seeing Wen Amo constantly looking towards Dou Dou's direction, so he reached out and pulled him away.

Wen Amo immediately sat up straight, and with a sour tone, he said, "Your brother's future children will definitely be even better!" He wasn't jealous at all!

Wen Qing listened helplessly to Wen Amo's sarcastic remarks.

Dou Dou's full moon celebration was very lively. The food at home wasn't enough, so Father Lin brought some wild game he had hunted to avoid any embarrassment.

"Today, thanks to our in-laws, if it weren't for them providing us with the prepared New Year goods in time, it wouldn't have been such a success." After a day of bustling around to clean up the inside and outside of the house, the family sat in the main hall chatting.

"You should go to sleep," Guo Laomo advised Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head. "Dou Dou will need to eat again in a while. I'll sleep after he wakes up and has something to eat."

"Dou Dou is really cute.”

Guo Mi said eagerly, looking at Dou Dou sleeping soundly with great affection.

Guo Laomo heard this and gave him a smack on the back of the head.


Guo Mi winced from the slap but lowered his voice and glanced at Guo Laomo, thinking of Dou Dou still asleep.

“If the baby’s cute, why don’t you give birth to one!”

"I can’t give birth!”

Everyone laughed at this, and Guo Laomo and Guo Mi stayed overnight at the Tang’s family, while Third Uncle Guo and his wife went back home.

After Dou Dou woke up and had his milk fruit, everyone didn't chat much and went back to their rooms to sleep.

“Mother-in-law brought a lucky silver lock. He really went to great lengths.”

Tang Feng said while lying in bed.

"And that's not all. If I hadn't stopped him, he was planning to get silver bracelets and anklets for Dou Dou.”

Tang Feng was startled. "Please don't let him do that."

Not only were those silver items expensive, but they could also be impractical for a baby.

"Of course, I won't let him. He just wants to give Dou Dou the best. Big Brother-in-law’s expression almost changed today. Fortunately, Amo isn't easily swayed.”

Tang Feng reached out and held Lin Yu's hand. "Don't worry too much. Let's go to sleep."

"Is Dr. Tang here?"

A somewhat elderly voice came from outside the Tang's courtyard wall. Tang Feng had just finished hanging up the freshly washed diapers. He went to open the courtyard gate upon hearing the voice outside.

"Uncle, are you?"

Outside was an elderly man about sixty years old, leaning on a cane, his face covered in sweat. Upon seeing Tang Feng opening the gate, he hurriedly said, "I've come to see Dr. Tang for treatment."

"I am Tang Feng. Please come in, Uncle."

The elderly man was not from their village. He hesitated as he looked at the young Tang Feng.

"Who is it?"

Tang Amo heard Tang Feng open the door for so long without closing it, so he stuck his head out and asked.

"It's an old man from another village here to see the doctor.”

"Then come in quickly," Tang Amo said, stepping out of the main room to look at the elderly man.

"Are you really Dr. Tang?"

The elderly man looked at Tang Amo and then turned to ask Tang Feng again.

"Yes, Uncle. What's troubling you?"

The elderly man dropped his cane and was about to kneel down to Tang Feng, but Tang Feng quickly caught him, startling both Tang Amo and himself.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (。’▽’。)♡

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