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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 79

Chapter 79

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“Uncle, what are you doing? Please, let’s talk inside.”

Tang Feng said, holding the elderly man who was still trying to kneel down.

Tang Amo who was on the side also became startled. “Yes, please come inside. Let’s discuss this slowly. Don’t do this.”

The old man urgently shook his head, his weathered face filled with anxiety. Tang Feng was about to check the old man’s pulse when he exclaimed, “It’s not me who’s sick, it’s my Fu Lang! I beg you, Dr. Tang, I have no way to carry him down alone. Please, come and help me save my Fu Lang!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get my medical kit now. I’ll go with you right away.”

Seeing the urgency, Tang Feng didn’t delay. He quickly returned to his room, grabbed his medical kit, and followed the old man.

Meanwhile, Lin Yu walked out of the house and looked at the sky. Thankfully, it wasn’t raining today.

The old man’s surname was Chen, and he lived in Chenjia Village, which was adjacent to Xiao Qingshan Village. Tang Feng had rarely heard of Chenjia Village before because it was a very small village with only thirty-six households, all surnamed Chen. It was poorer than even the Stone Village, but due to its small population, it wasn’t often talked about.

 Xiao Qingshan Village was located on the lower riverbank, with both a river and mountains, fertile land, and convenient access to water. In contrast, Chenjia Village was like Stone Village, surrounded by barren land. If they needed water, they had to fetch it from four or five miles away. This harsh environment not only led to poor harvests but also made it difficult for their young people to find spouses willing to marry into the village.

So, there were quite a few bachelors.

Not long ago, Tang Feng had heard that someone in Chenjia Village had recently “bought” a new Fu Lang. “Buying” a Fu Lang meant giving a satisfactory betrothal gift to the prospective groom’s family, then bringing the groom back home. After that, the groom couldn’t return to his family unless something happened. This was a common practice after failing to find a Fu Lang, and it was a mutual agreement, but Tang Feng still found it quite distasteful.

The path from Chenjia Village to  Xiao Qingshan Village was all mountain roads. Fortunately, Tang Feng’s health had recovered quite well. However, for Uncle Chen, who was worried about his Fu Lang at home, he kept rushing without stopping when he reached Tang’s home.

The downhill path was easier for him, but now that they were on the uphill return journey, Tang Feng could hear Uncle Chen’s heavy breathing and see his hair soaked with sweat. He wanted to ask him to stop and rest for a while before continuing, but Uncle Chen’s urgency didn’t allow him to.

Tang Feng could empathize. If something happened to Lin Yu, he wouldn’t be able to calm down either.

It took Tang Feng and Uncle Chen over an hour to reach Chenjia Village.

“Dr. Tang, come this way.”

Uncle Chen pointed to a path adjacent to the one leading into Chenjia Village.

Tang Feng was a bit puzzled, but seeing the anxiety in Uncle Chen’s eyes for his loved one, he followed him onto that path.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Tang Feng saw a house made of wooden boards between the trees. It looked quite old, with only two rooms—a kitchen and a bedroom.

“Doctor Tang! Hurry! Here! My Fu Lang is inside!”

After Uncle Chen opened the door, Tang Feng walked in with his medical kit.

On the bed lay an Amo with a dull, ashen, and yellowish complexion.

Tang Feng put down the medical kit and quickly went over, feeling the Amo’s pulse.

“Fu Lang! Are you feeling any better? I’m back. I brought the doctor. Please open your eyes and look at me, Fu Lang!”

However, the Amo remained unresponsive.

Uncle Chen, anxious, looked at Tang Feng. “Doctor Tang, is my Fu Lang going to be alright?”

Tang Feng withdrew his hand from checking the pulse and examined the Amo’s cold hands and feet, then his half-open eyes.

“Does he often have convulsions, foam at the mouth, but with minimal screaming?”

Uncle Chen, now convinced that Tang Feng could treat this illness, replied, “Yes, because of his symptoms during an episode, we had to move out of the village. The villagers said my Fu Lang was possessed…”

“I heard about a child in Xiao Qingshan Village with similar symptoms whom you cured, so I wanted you to see my Fu Lang too. But we’ve been busy these days. Yesterday, my Fu Lang had a sudden and severe episode. I couldn’t delay any longer and came to find you alone.”

“I haven’t cured it, but I have some medicine that can alleviate the symptoms. This illness isn’t particularly severe. His episodes should be infrequent and short.”

After opening the medical kit and administering a few acupuncture points to Chen Amo, Tang Feng thought about the herbs he had seen on his way there. “I’ll go into the mountains to gather some medicinal herbs. You stay here with him.”

On the way from Chenjia Village to Xiao Qingshan Village, Tang Feng had spotted several common but rare herbs.

Chen Amo also had epilepsy, specifically a type called Yin epilepsy. Possibly due to the stable emotions from their good relationship, his episodes were less frequent.

When Tang Feng returned to the Chen residence, Chen Amo had already woken up.

Tang Feng examined him again: his tongue coating was greasy and white, and his pulse was deep and fine.

He prescribed Sheng Nan Xing, Sheng Ban Xia, and Sheng Bai Fu Zi for their pungent and warm properties to dispel phlegm, as well as Ban Xia to reverse the qi and resolve stagnation.

After preparing the medicine and giving it to Chen Amo, Tang Feng spent a long time explaining the use of the remaining herbs to Uncle Chen. Then he packed up his things to leave.

Uncle Chen gathered all the silver coins in the house and handed them to Tang Feng, his face flushed with gratitude. “Doctor Tang, you’ve gone through so much trouble coming all this way and preparing the medicine for my Fu Lang. I will definitely bring you the remaining money for the medicine in a few days.”

Tang Feng smiled gently and took just one copper coin from Uncle Chen’s hand. “One copper coin is enough, Uncle. The herbs were gathered from the mountains, and I just prepared the medicine.”

“How can that be! Doctor Tang, please take it!”

Tang Feng shook his head. “Really, one copper coin is enough. Uncle, please remember to gather these herbs I mentioned every half month and give them to your Fu Lang. This will help stabilize his condition and reduce the frequency of his episodes.”

Uncle Chen quickly nodded, unsure how to express the gratitude he felt.

“It’s getting late, and my family is waiting for me. Take care, Uncle.”

“Let me see you off!”

“No need. Your Fu Lang hasn’t gone to bed yet. Take good care of him. Goodbye, Uncle!”

Uncle Chen watched as Tang Feng walked down the mountain path alone, looking at the copper coin in his hand and repeatedly muttering, “Such a good person, such a good person!”

As Tang Feng descended the mountain, he was filled with emotions.

When Chen Amo woke up, the look they shared was one of disbelief at being able to see each other again.

Such affection moved Tang Feng deeply. He initially didn’t want to accept any payment, but in this place, if you didn’t take any money, people would feel the illness wasn’t fully treated. So, he symbolically accepted a copper coin.

Many people in this world suffered from epilepsy. However, in this era, people believed in ghosts and gods. They wanted to stay away from or even drive out those with epilepsy.

When Tang Feng returned home and was soaking his feet, Lin Yu noticed several blisters on his feet. The uphill path was tough, and the downhill path wasn’t any easier, especially since he had descended in the dark.

“After you finish washing up, wait for me in bed.”

Lin Yu said, making Tang Feng’s heart skip a beat. He watched Lin Yu’s back, thinking to himself that his Fu Lang wasn’t usually so forward.

But when Tang Feng was about to dry his feet with a cloth and saw the blisters, he immediately understood.

He felt a mix of happiness and disappointment. He was happy that Lin Yu always noticed when he was hurt, but disappointed that it wasn’t for the reason he had hoped…

Tang Feng lay on the bed, playing with Dou Dou while Lin Yu used a needle to pierce the blisters on his feet.

After piercing them, Lin Yu squeezed out the fluid, cleaned the area, and applied some of Tang Feng’s homemade medicinal powder.

“Go get my socks. I’ll put them on so I don’t accidentally dirty the bed.”

“Just leave it like this. It’s fine.”

Lin Yu replied, worried that covering the wounds might cause them to fester.

“Don’t worry. I know my own body best. Besides, it’s starting to get colder, and if the medicine gets on the bedclothes, they won’t dry quickly after washing.”

Lin Yu knew he was just making excuses, but he couldn’t argue with him. Reluctantly, he fetched Tang Feng’s white socks and helped him put them on.

“I can do it myself.”

“Just lie down. I’ll do it.”

Tang Amo, who had intended to chat with Lin Yu, quietly left when he overheard their conversation from the other room. He thought to herself.

I didn’t realize Xiao Yu could be so assertive!

Inside the room.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Yu, who was bowing his head to put on socks for him, and thought about the Chen couple living in the mountains. Their home could barely shield them from the elements. Suddenly, Tang Feng felt that their own lives were incredibly blessed.

He began to tell Lin Yu about the couple in the mountains.

After hearing the story, Lin Yu’s face was full of complex emotions. “Didn’t our old village also have several people like that? Some of them have already moved away. I wonder how they are doing now. If they knew you could treat this illness, they would definitely come.”

“This kind of illness isn’t something I can completely cure. I can only alleviate the symptoms, make their suffering a bit less, and help them feel they aren’t strange.”

“But other doctors can’t do anything, and you’ve found a way. That alone makes you much better than them. Husband, your medical skills are truly remarkable.”

Tang Feng could only laugh it off, saying, “It’s all thanks to my master.”

Author’s Note: <<Do It Yourself>>

Ever since Tang Amo overheard the conversation between Tang Feng and Lin Yu at the door, he couldn’t help but secretly observe Lin Yu whenever possible.

When Tang Feng tried to help carry firewood, Lin Yu simply shouldered it and said, “I’ll do it.”

When Tang Feng wanted to help clean the yard, Lin Yu snatched the broom from his hands and said, “I’ll do it.”

When Dou Dou soiled his clothes, Tang Feng was about to wash them, but Lin Yu handed the naked baby to him, took the dirty clothes, and said, “I’ll do it.”

As a result, Tang Amo, who had been secretly observing everything, came to a conclusion.

Lin Yu was used to doing everything himself, so he probably felt the need to take the initiative in the bedroom as well.

Therefore, to prevent Lin Yu from getting too “tired,” Tang Amo intervened whenever Lin Yu said he would do something. He quickly handed the task to Tang Feng, saying, “Sometimes, you need to relax and enjoy yourself, whether it’s housework or anything else.”

Lin Yu: ?

Tang Feng: ?

Dou Dou: Sleeping soundly ∩_∩

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 79

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 79

Chapter 79

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"Uncle, what are you doing? Please, let's talk inside.”

Tang Feng said, holding the elderly man who was still trying to kneel down.

Tang Amo who was on the side also became startled. "Yes, please come inside. Let's discuss this slowly. Don't do this."

The old man urgently shook his head, his weathered face filled with anxiety. Tang Feng was about to check the old man's pulse when he exclaimed, "It's not me who's sick, it's my Fu Lang! I beg you, Dr. Tang, I have no way to carry him down alone. Please, come and help me save my Fu Lang!"

"Don't worry, I'll get my medical kit now. I'll go with you right away."

Seeing the urgency, Tang Feng didn't delay. He quickly returned to his room, grabbed his medical kit, and followed the old man.

Meanwhile, Lin Yu walked out of the house and looked at the sky. Thankfully, it wasn't raining today.

The old man's surname was Chen, and he lived in Chenjia Village, which was adjacent to Xiao Qingshan Village. Tang Feng had rarely heard of Chenjia Village before because it was a very small village with only thirty-six households, all surnamed Chen. It was poorer than even the Stone Village, but due to its small population, it wasn't often talked about.

 Xiao Qingshan Village was located on the lower riverbank, with both a river and mountains, fertile land, and convenient access to water. In contrast, Chenjia Village was like Stone Village, surrounded by barren land. If they needed water, they had to fetch it from four or five miles away. This harsh environment not only led to poor harvests but also made it difficult for their young people to find spouses willing to marry into the village.

So, there were quite a few bachelors.

Not long ago, Tang Feng had heard that someone in Chenjia Village had recently "bought" a new Fu Lang. "Buying" a Fu Lang meant giving a satisfactory betrothal gift to the prospective groom's family, then bringing the groom back home. After that, the groom couldn't return to his family unless something happened. This was a common practice after failing to find a Fu Lang, and it was a mutual agreement, but Tang Feng still found it quite distasteful.

The path from Chenjia Village to  Xiao Qingshan Village was all mountain roads. Fortunately, Tang Feng's health had recovered quite well. However, for Uncle Chen, who was worried about his Fu Lang at home, he kept rushing without stopping when he reached Tang's home.

The downhill path was easier for him, but now that they were on the uphill return journey, Tang Feng could hear Uncle Chen's heavy breathing and see his hair soaked with sweat. He wanted to ask him to stop and rest for a while before continuing, but Uncle Chen's urgency didn't allow him to.

Tang Feng could empathize. If something happened to Lin Yu, he wouldn't be able to calm down either.

It took Tang Feng and Uncle Chen over an hour to reach Chenjia Village.

"Dr. Tang, come this way.”

Uncle Chen pointed to a path adjacent to the one leading into Chenjia Village.

Tang Feng was a bit puzzled, but seeing the anxiety in Uncle Chen's eyes for his loved one, he followed him onto that path.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Tang Feng saw a house made of wooden boards between the trees. It looked quite old, with only two rooms—a kitchen and a bedroom.

"Doctor Tang! Hurry! Here! My Fu Lang is inside!"

After Uncle Chen opened the door, Tang Feng walked in with his medical kit.

On the bed lay an Amo with a dull, ashen, and yellowish complexion.

Tang Feng put down the medical kit and quickly went over, feeling the Amo’s pulse.

“Fu Lang! Are you feeling any better? I'm back. I brought the doctor. Please open your eyes and look at me, Fu Lang!"

However, the Amo remained unresponsive.

Uncle Chen, anxious, looked at Tang Feng. "Doctor Tang, is my Fu Lang going to be alright?"

Tang Feng withdrew his hand from checking the pulse and examined the Amo’s cold hands and feet, then his half-open eyes.

"Does he often have convulsions, foam at the mouth, but with minimal screaming?"

Uncle Chen, now convinced that Tang Feng could treat this illness, replied, "Yes, because of his symptoms during an episode, we had to move out of the village. The villagers said my Fu Lang was possessed..."

"I heard about a child in Xiao Qingshan Village with similar symptoms whom you cured, so I wanted you to see my Fu Lang too. But we've been busy these days. Yesterday, my Fu Lang had a sudden and severe episode. I couldn't delay any longer and came to find you alone."

"I haven't cured it, but I have some medicine that can alleviate the symptoms. This illness isn't particularly severe. His episodes should be infrequent and short."

After opening the medical kit and administering a few acupuncture points to Chen Amo, Tang Feng thought about the herbs he had seen on his way there. "I'll go into the mountains to gather some medicinal herbs. You stay here with him.”

On the way from Chenjia Village to Xiao Qingshan Village, Tang Feng had spotted several common but rare herbs.

Chen Amo also had epilepsy, specifically a type called Yin epilepsy. Possibly due to the stable emotions from their good relationship, his episodes were less frequent.

When Tang Feng returned to the Chen residence, Chen Amo had already woken up.

Tang Feng examined him again: his tongue coating was greasy and white, and his pulse was deep and fine.

He prescribed Sheng Nan Xing, Sheng Ban Xia, and Sheng Bai Fu Zi for their pungent and warm properties to dispel phlegm, as well as Ban Xia to reverse the qi and resolve stagnation.

After preparing the medicine and giving it to Chen Amo, Tang Feng spent a long time explaining the use of the remaining herbs to Uncle Chen. Then he packed up his things to leave.

Uncle Chen gathered all the silver coins in the house and handed them to Tang Feng, his face flushed with gratitude. "Doctor Tang, you've gone through so much trouble coming all this way and preparing the medicine for my Fu Lang. I will definitely bring you the remaining money for the medicine in a few days."

Tang Feng smiled gently and took just one copper coin from Uncle Chen's hand. "One copper coin is enough, Uncle. The herbs were gathered from the mountains, and I just prepared the medicine."

"How can that be! Doctor Tang, please take it!"

Tang Feng shook his head. "Really, one copper coin is enough. Uncle, please remember to gather these herbs I mentioned every half month and give them to your Fu Lang. This will help stabilize his condition and reduce the frequency of his episodes."

Uncle Chen quickly nodded, unsure how to express the gratitude he felt.

"It's getting late, and my family is waiting for me. Take care, Uncle.”

"Let me see you off!"

"No need. Your Fu Lang hasn't gone to bed yet. Take good care of him. Goodbye, Uncle!”

Uncle Chen watched as Tang Feng walked down the mountain path alone, looking at the copper coin in his hand and repeatedly muttering, "Such a good person, such a good person!"

As Tang Feng descended the mountain, he was filled with emotions.

When Chen Amo woke up, the look they shared was one of disbelief at being able to see each other again.

Such affection moved Tang Feng deeply. He initially didn't want to accept any payment, but in this place, if you didn't take any money, people would feel the illness wasn't fully treated. So, he symbolically accepted a copper coin.

Many people in this world suffered from epilepsy. However, in this era, people believed in ghosts and gods. They wanted to stay away from or even drive out those with epilepsy.

When Tang Feng returned home and was soaking his feet, Lin Yu noticed several blisters on his feet. The uphill path was tough, and the downhill path wasn't any easier, especially since he had descended in the dark.

"After you finish washing up, wait for me in bed.”

Lin Yu said, making Tang Feng's heart skip a beat. He watched Lin Yu's back, thinking to himself that his Fu Lang wasn't usually so forward.

But when Tang Feng was about to dry his feet with a cloth and saw the blisters, he immediately understood.

He felt a mix of happiness and disappointment. He was happy that Lin Yu always noticed when he was hurt, but disappointed that it wasn't for the reason he had hoped...

Tang Feng lay on the bed, playing with Dou Dou while Lin Yu used a needle to pierce the blisters on his feet.

After piercing them, Lin Yu squeezed out the fluid, cleaned the area, and applied some of Tang Feng's homemade medicinal powder.

"Go get my socks. I'll put them on so I don't accidentally dirty the bed.”

"Just leave it like this. It's fine.”

Lin Yu replied, worried that covering the wounds might cause them to fester.

"Don't worry. I know my own body best. Besides, it's starting to get colder, and if the medicine gets on the bedclothes, they won't dry quickly after washing."

Lin Yu knew he was just making excuses, but he couldn't argue with him. Reluctantly, he fetched Tang Feng's white socks and helped him put them on.

"I can do it myself.”

"Just lie down. I'll do it.”

Tang Amo, who had intended to chat with Lin Yu, quietly left when he overheard their conversation from the other room. He thought to herself.

I didn't realize Xiao Yu could be so assertive!

Inside the room.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Yu, who was bowing his head to put on socks for him, and thought about the Chen couple living in the mountains. Their home could barely shield them from the elements. Suddenly, Tang Feng felt that their own lives were incredibly blessed.

He began to tell Lin Yu about the couple in the mountains.

After hearing the story, Lin Yu's face was full of complex emotions. "Didn't our old village also have several people like that? Some of them have already moved away. I wonder how they are doing now. If they knew you could treat this illness, they would definitely come."

"This kind of illness isn't something I can completely cure. I can only alleviate the symptoms, make their suffering a bit less, and help them feel they aren't strange."

"But other doctors can't do anything, and you've found a way. That alone makes you much better than them. Husband, your medical skills are truly remarkable."

Tang Feng could only laugh it off, saying, "It's all thanks to my master."

Author's Note: <<Do It Yourself>>

Ever since Tang Amo overheard the conversation between Tang Feng and Lin Yu at the door, he couldn't help but secretly observe Lin Yu whenever possible.

When Tang Feng tried to help carry firewood, Lin Yu simply shouldered it and said, "I'll do it."

When Tang Feng wanted to help clean the yard, Lin Yu snatched the broom from his hands and said, "I'll do it."

When Dou Dou soiled his clothes, Tang Feng was about to wash them, but Lin Yu handed the naked baby to him, took the dirty clothes, and said, "I'll do it."

As a result, Tang Amo, who had been secretly observing everything, came to a conclusion.

Lin Yu was used to doing everything himself, so he probably felt the need to take the initiative in the bedroom as well.

Therefore, to prevent Lin Yu from getting too "tired," Tang Amo intervened whenever Lin Yu said he would do something. He quickly handed the task to Tang Feng, saying, "Sometimes, you need to relax and enjoy yourself, whether it's housework or anything else."

Lin Yu: ?

Tang Feng: ?

Dou Dou: Sleeping soundly ∩_∩

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

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