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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 37

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Before the official team set off, no one could have anticipated that what was supposed to be a cross-level operation would end up in such a situation.

The official in charge had a bandage wrapped around his forehead, covering the injury from the impact. He had been unlucky enough to hit the metal frame inside the leather backrest, resulting in mild symptoms of concussion, such as dizziness, nausea, and impaired hearing.

However, he didn’t have time to dwell on this now; there was still a lot of work waiting for him.

Due to the sudden braking of the convoy just now, many people had suffered various degrees of abrasions. Fortunately, Taoist Song Yi had protected them in time, and no one had been harmed by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the skeletons.

The official in charge breathed a sigh of relief.

Ordinary injuries and injuries caused by ghosts and monsters were not the same. Now that they were in the suburbs and the car did not carry any relevant items such as talismans for treatment, it would be difficult to get support if someone really got into trouble.

“I didn’t expect things to turn out like this,” the official in charge said with a wry smile, shaking his head. After the computer broke down, he could only use his phone to communicate with subordinates and various teams, but he couldn’t receive some large files anymore.

And they couldn’t open the case they were looking at from decades ago either.

The official in charge sighed, “It’s just unfortunate that this happened now. If only it had been a few minutes later, we wouldn’t have missed out on the detailed files of the Jiang Yanran abduction case from years ago.”

Taoist Song Yi furrowed his brow, looking out the window at the valley with a serious and probing gaze. “It’s not your fault. No one could have anticipated such an issue here.”

The sky was dark, and Taoist Song Yi could only make out the rough Feng Shui of the valley, but the more he looked, the tighter his brow furrowed.

At first glance, this seemed like an excellent Feng Shui location, but upon considering the nearby road junction, one would realize that this place was like a leaky bowl, with all the energy flowing outward. Consequently, the natural order of energy nourishing the land was reversed, with the earth sending out energy instead.

As a result, all the bodies buried here would be stripped of their original vitality, with their flesh and blood becoming nutrients for the earth.

It’s likely that the skeletons attacking them just now were originally buried here, but due to the Feng Shui issue, they ended up in this state.

“Because there have never been any reports of unusual events here, I overlooked it, thinking we were just going to address the issues caused by the insularity and seclusion of Family Tomb Village and the Yang Clan, I didn’t bring the appropriate personnel.”

Soon, the official received feedback from his subordinates: “But I remember Mr. Yan asked me at night if I knew who renamed the Family Tomb Village and built the Ghost-Dispelling Well in Jia Village. Perhaps we can get some information from them.”

The Special Department acted swiftly, immediately locating the master who had helped the village with its issues in the past and obtaining their responses.

The master who renamed Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village several decades ago had passed away in an accident half a year ago, and it was his apprentice who answered the phone.

The disciple shared everything he knew.

Decades ago, his master received an invitation from an elder of the Yang Clan to go to Wangzi Village, as it was called then, to deal with a female ghost that posed a serious threat to the village’s safety.

According to the villagers, the female ghost was a sinner in her lifetime, so they buried her body under the ancestral hall in an attempt to suppress her. However, the female ghost caused havoc, killing almost all the villagers who had any impression of her during her lifetime. Within less than ten years, almost all the respected elders of the village had died in accidents.

The villagers believed that the female ghost targeted these respected individuals first because they were trying to protect the village.

During those ten years, the villagers had tried to seek help from various masters to solve the problem, but all returned empty-handed. In fact, one master even died in Wangzi Village because of it, which made many other masters reluctant to get involved with the village’s affairs.

So, in desperation and fear, the villagers finally turned to this well-known master, hoping he could restore peace to the village.

After hearing the villagers’ plight, the master was furious. He felt that the female ghost was ungrateful. After a fierce battle with her, he subdued the defeated female ghost’s spirit into the bones buried beneath the ancestral hall. To prevent any further mischief from her, he personally renamed Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village.

However, the villagers were still not at ease and requested the master to completely destroy the female ghost.

Because they said this female ghost was so dangerous that she even ruthlessly killed her own father during her lifetime and spared not even her newborn brother. They feared that such a dangerous ghost would eventually kill other villagers without hesitation.

The master fully understood their concerns and originally intended to follow the villagers’ wishes and destroy the female ghost.

However, when he tried to do so, the spells repeatedly failed, as if the supernatural beings refused to lend their power, and it felt as though heaven and earth were rebuking him.

Confused by this situation, the master assumed it was because the female ghost’s power had increased after killing several people, making it impossible for him to succeed.

With no other options, the master reluctantly built a Ghost-Dispelling Well in the female ghost’s former home, ensuring that if she ever broke free from the seal beneath the ancestral hall, she would be instantly killed by the spells inscribed on the well.

At first, everyone was overjoyed.

The villagers were thrilled that their lives had returned to normal, and the master gained widespread fame and increased his fees. Many people heard about the incident and eagerly sought his help with their own problems.

The master himself was pleased to have helped the villagers and left the southern region feeling fulfilled.

Then, strange occurrences began to unfold.

Ever since then, the master found himself unable to sleep well. Every night, when he closed his eyes, he would see the silhouette of a blood-red woman standing in the corner of his bedroom, silently staring at him with eyes full of resentment. This caused the master to jolt awake countless times, unable to find a moment’s rest.

The master suspected that it was the ghost from Family Tomb Village causing trouble, as she had died wearing a red bridal gown.

Though it was puzzling how the ghost could approach his residence, filled with cinnabar charms, the master quickly rearranged his living quarters. If the ghost dared to enter his dreams again, he was determined to ensure she would not return.

However, it proved futile.

Every night, the ghost entered his dreams, doing nothing but staring at the master with her blood-red eyes while he slept. Then, when he woke up startled, she would disappear without a trace.

Night after night, the master endured this torment, his mental state on the verge of collapse.

The sensation was akin to someone approaching with a knife while one slept, leaving only a mark before vanishing, never striking for real. It left one even more uneasy, unsure when death or harm would arrive.

Reluctantly, the master began seeking help from accomplished colleagues in the field of cultivation. However, after careful inquiries into the master’s situation, they all shook their heads in helplessness, unable to offer assistance.

Among them, a wandering hermit whom the master had met years ago offered an answer.

“Because you have karmic entanglement with that ghost, the laws of the universe deem it normal for her to come to you. It is because of this that no one can help you.”

“But, the ghost cannot harm you. If she were to harm you, the consequences would outweigh the cause, and she would bear the sins, no longer tolerated by the laws of the universe. So, you see, she is merely following you, never acting. Treat her as a constant companion, listen to what she wishes to tell you—perhaps, it might be better if you inquire of the ghost before taking any action. Now, whatever you do is just closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, without knowing if it’s too late.”

“According to my disciple, this is the karmic bond between you and the ghost, and others should not intervene.”

After imparting this advice, the hermit vanished like a passing cloud, leaving the master unable to trace his whereabouts.

With no other options, the master had to settle for this approach temporarily. However, he still clung to hope, tirelessly searching for a way to eliminate the ghost.

Yet, the ghost’s actions only became more audacious.

At first, the ghost only appeared in dreams, disappearing when the master woke up.

After several years, worn down by nights of constant disturbance, the master found the ghost no longer vanished upon waking. Instead, she remained in the corner of the room, silently staring with her blood-red eyes, even after he fell back asleep.

Then, the ghost’s presence extended beyond the nighttime hours. Whenever the master slept, she would appear in his dreams, wordless, just watching.

Recalling the advice of the wandering hermit from years ago, the master reluctantly approached the ghost, asking her what she wanted to convey.

But the ghost remained silent.

The master was driven to the brink of mental exhaustion, nerves frayed, utterly weary day and night.

Then, the ghost began to infiltrate the master’s real life.

She no longer contented herself with appearing in the master’s dreams.

In every mirror, every corner of his eye, every reflection, every fleeting image that passed before him… the ghost manifested in every unnoticed corner of the master’s surroundings.

Even when the master was taking a shower, the bathroom mirror would reflect the ghost’s chilling visage. Lowering his head to wash his face and then raising it again, he would catch a glimpse of a flash of red disappearing from behind him in the mirror.

Walking on the street, the glass of storefront windows would reflect a sea of crimson, but when the master looked again, everything would vanish. He would simply glance sideways, only to feel a chilling sensation that the ghost was right behind him, but when he looked closely, everything appeared normal again…

The master was almost driven insane by his own fears, the uncertainty of when the blade might fall adding to his torment.

Finally, six months ago, the master’s torment came to an end as he had wished.

—The ghost suddenly appeared before the master in broad daylight, her red wedding attire transforming into a pool of blood, engulfing everything in its path.

The vengeful ghost who had haunted the master for decades finally acted with murderous intent.

According to his disciple, his master was killed by that malevolent spirit six months ago. Even they, the disciples, and friends of the master, barely escaped with their lives when they attempted to confront the ghost and were nearly killed. They had to flee the city and hide in one of the most renowned temples in the country to survive.

“A malevolent ghost?” asked Taoist Song Yi with a furrowed brow. “Did you actually see this malevolent ghost with your own eyes?”

The disciple gave a definitive answer: “Honestly speaking, as my master’s direct disciple, I’ve been by his side for many years. I’ve seen that ghost before, just like the bride she used to be, wearing a red wedding dress. Whenever my master’s guard was down, she would appear in places where she wouldn’t easily be noticed. I’ve witnessed several times with my master where we saw the reflection of that ghost in glass. But…”

He hesitated for a moment, then continued, “That ghost followed my master for decades and never actually harmed him. Until six months ago, she suddenly became more powerful, seemingly crazed, and neither my master nor any of us were a match for her. At the time, another senior colleague suggested that perhaps something unexpected happened at the burial site, causing the ghost to gain more Yin energy, or perhaps the ghost’s own grievances intensified, completely engulfing her rationality and memories as a human, leaving only resentment and obsession, which is why things turned out that way.”

“In the eyes of that ghost, what my master did probably didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was that she believed my master deserved to die,” the disciple’s voice saddened. “At that time, I was very close to my master, so I heard what that ghost said to him before killing him.”

“She asked my master why he didn’t help her, but helped the perpetrator.”

Listening to the words from the other end of the phone, Taoist Song Yi, with a furrowed brow, felt a sense of familiarity with the description. “Isn’t this the advice given by the wandering hermit your master met years ago? ‘Listen to what the ghost herself wants to say.'”

“The wandering hermit…” Taoist Song Yi paused. Although he felt his speculation was somewhat far-fetched, he still asked, “Is the name Li Chengyun?”

The disciple shook his head and honestly replied to Taoist Song Yi on the other end of the phone, “I’m not sure about the name of that hermit, but I know his Dharma name is Chengyun.”

That was correct.

The only peer who gave advice to the fellow who had already been killed by the fierce ghost was none other than the most talented disciple of Haiyun Temple in recorded history, Chengyun hermit.

With the identity of the wandering hermit confirmed, Taoist Song Yi’s doubts were also answered.

Master Uncle Li Chengyun had extremely high talent. In the path of cultivation, talent was far more important than diligence, as it represented resonance with the Dao of Heaven and Earth. If Master Uncle Li Chengyun said it was a karmic relationship between a person and a ghost, it meant that the fellow must have done something first, owed something to the ghost, so the ghost came to demand this retribution.

And what that fellow did…

“So, your master changed the name of Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village and managed to suppress the female ghost, helping the villagers deal with her, which is tantamount to helping the culprit. It seems that the information your master received from the villagers of Wangzi Village back then was wrong. It wasn’t the female ghost who was wicked and disrupting the peaceful life of the village, endangering the lives of the villagers. Instead, it was the villagers who killed the girl, and she returned as a vengeful ghost.”

“You just said the female ghost was wearing a red wedding dress…”

Song Yi subconsciously turned his head and made eye contact with the official in charge beside him.

They had just reviewed the decades-old case files of Family Tomb Village and the Yang Clan, knowing that this village, along with its clan, probably had dirty hands.

Mountains may change their appearance, but one’s true nature is hard to change.

If a village has always treated women with disdain, what can one expect from them in terms of kindness towards women?

Murderer, wedding dress, karma, revenge…

When these keywords are put together, all the possibilities that the official in charge could think of were grim situations.

His eyes widened slightly, looking back at Taoist Song Yi with an incredulous expression. “Could it be that the girl was sent for a ghost marriage by the villagers back then?”

“What?” The disciple on the other end of the phone vaguely heard the official’s words and immediately denied, “That’s impossible! My master said that the female ghost’s burial place was under the ancestral hall. If it was a ghost marriage, she should have been buried together with the other party.”

Taoist Song Yi asked for more details about the events from back then before hanging up the phone.

Although they didn’t confirm what exactly happened to the female ghost, everyone in the car felt a heavy atmosphere.

“Regardless of whether it was a ghost marriage or not, we can’t underestimate this female ghost,” the official in charge said anxiously. “Since the female ghost’s burial place is under the ancestral hall in Family Tomb Village, could the sudden loss of contact with the production crew and Mr. Yan be related to this?”

“And why specifically half a year ago?”

The official in charge looked at the few lines he hastily wrote in his notebook. Whether it was Yang Yun no longer appearing, the closure of the rural farmstay business, the bodies found in Moon Mountain and rural farmstay spots, or the Jia Village cutting off contact with other village out of anger, all these events occurred about half a year ago.

Half a year ago, what exactly happened in Family Tomb Village?

Looking at the series of bizarre events near Family Tomb Village, first the production crew encountered dangers and corpses one after another, then they were attacked by skeletons. However, despite being such a dangerous place, the Special Department had not received any reports for decades.

“The Yang Clan is reclusive and exclusive, and there’s no road leading to Family Tomb Village. So, it’s understandable that we don’t know what exactly happened there, but…”

“I hope Junior Brother Yan can turn the tide this time and ensure the safety of the production crew in Family Tomb Village,” Taoist Song Yi added.

But at the same time, he quietly admired Yan Shixun’s keen observation skills.

By the afternoon, Yan Shixun had already sensed the potential crisis in Family Tomb Village due to the anomalies. Although he hadn’t yet deduced exactly what it could be, he had already contacted the responsible official and Haiyun Temple, intending to immediately evacuate the production crew from the village and entrust their safety to Taoist Song Yi and others.

“The live broadcast signal is down, and the messages we sent haven’t been read by anyone. All communication methods have failed.”

The official in charge said with a heavy tone. “I hope Mr. Yan can resolve this smoothly, or else…”

The official in charge couldn’t continue, but Taoist Song Yi already understood what he meant.

——The female ghost already had a history of killing people, so her ferocity must be even greater at her burial site. Under such danger, if Yan Shixun couldn’t resolve it smoothly, they might find themselves surrounded by corpses upon entering Family Tomb Village…

Even after learning about the female ghost, the official in charge began to wonder whether the corpse seen by Yan Shixun and the production crew on Moon Mountain was a murder or a ghost murder.

The official in charge’s phone vibrated.

It was a text message from the deceased master’s disciple.

[I just checked my master’s notes and found something that might help you.

My master calculated the female ghost’s birth date to build the Ghost-Dispelling Well. Her name was Yang Duo, and she died at the age of sixteen. Counting the dates, her death date was exactly six days ago.]

Six days?

Taoist Song Yi’s heart jumped. “The seventh day after death is when the soul returns. It’s a time for settling scores and seeking revenge. That’s when the vengeful spirits are most powerful. It’s already past midnight. Today is the seventh day for that ghost’s death!”

Zhang Wubing huddled, shivering all over, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

He didn’t know why, but when he opened his eyes, everything around him had changed.

He distinctly remembered sleeping in the farmstay room. Before going to bed, he had spoken with Brother Yan, who had warned him not to leave the room no matter what sounds he heard. So, before sleeping, he had checked the doors and windows, making sure they were securely locked before finally relaxing and lying down on the bed.

Due to the strenuous mountain climbing during the day, which was beyond Zhang Wubing’s usual routine, he quickly fell into a deep sleep, expecting a night of peaceful rest.

However, things didn’t go as planned.

Zhang Wubing had another nightmare.

This time, he was acutely aware that he was indeed dreaming because he found himself standing in a courtyard he had never seen before, surrounded by dilapidated buildings that looked quite old.

Feeling bewildered, Zhang Wubing looked around, unsure of how he ended up there.

But the conversation inside the house caught his attention.

“San’er, just relax. This time, I found you a woman who’s literate. She’s different from us. Just imagine, you marry a literate woman. Wouldn’t that give you some face?”

After making sure that nobody was watching him in the courtyard, Zhang Wubing tiptoed to the outside of the house and listened carefully to the conversation while pressing himself against the wall.

Inside the house, it seemed like two men were drinking and chatting, their conversation revolving around women and children.

An older man chuckled and advised, “Your wife is like a chicken that doesn’t lay eggs. After all these years, she hasn’t given birth to a son. Why are you still keeping her? Listen to Uncle’s advice, I’ve been through it all. You only have two daughters. Who will take care of you in your old age? Who will burn incense and paper offerings for you during festivals and on important occasions? After you die, you won’t leave behind any descendants. Aren’t you afraid your deceased father will curse you for being unfilial?”

“You can trust Uncle on this one. This girl is from the city, a good catch. You can tell she’s fertile just by looking at her. Buy her, and I guarantee you’ll have a son!”

The younger man hesitated, “But where would I get the money to buy her? You’re asking for ten yuan, it’s too expensive! I can’t afford it.”

The older man hurriedly reassured him, “Don’t worry, I have a solution.”

“Do you know that the clan leader has been looking for a sacrifice for the Land God recently? There’s no suitable candidate, and the clan leader is quite worried. But I remember, isn’t your eldest daughter just the right age to get married? You go and talk to the clan leader about it. He’ll definitely agree.”

Encouraged by the older man, he continued, “By helping the clan leader with this troublesome matter, you’ll earn his favor. Then, when you ask him for money to buy a new wife who can bear you a son, he’ll definitely agree!”

The younger man, swayed by his words, hesitated, “But I don’t know if the new wife will bear me a son. Yang Mian, that girl you sold to my cousin, they paid twelve yuan for her, and she only laid an egg! My cousin’s family regrets it deeply. Now they only have a little boy named Yang Yun, who doesn’t look very strong. I doubt that child will even survive to adulthood. If I buy…”

“Don’t worry, San’er, Uncle here is trustworthy! In business, integrity is key. If you buy her and she doesn’t lay eggs, Uncle will refund your money. How’s that sound?”

The younger man’s face lit up, “Uncle, you’re really kind. What will be the name of my new wife? After I talk to the clan leader about this, I’ll give you the money.”

With a sudden realization, Zhang Wubing’s heart skipped a beat. He finally understood where the sense of unease from overhearing this conversation stemmed from.

—— The conversation he overheard wasn’t just casual banter among acquaintances—it was a discussion about human trafficking!

In this day and age, how could they dare to be so brazen? Not reporting them would be inhumane!

Fuming with anger, Zhang Wubing pulled out his phone from his pocket, intending to report the incident to the authorities. However, as he watched the message with the crimson exclamation mark being sent, he blinked in confusion, realizing that his phone had lost its signal at some point.

12 at midnight.

Zhang Wubing furiously tapped on the screen of his phone, feeling helpless despite his rage.

As he pondered about quickly finding Yan Shixun and informing him of the situation, confident that Yan Shixun would have a solution, the gate of the courtyard was gently pushed open. Two young and beautiful women stealthily slipped in through the crack in the door.

Zhang Wubing quickly darted behind a large water tank nearby, fearing being discovered, his heart pounding wildly.

“Sister, are you going to agree to marry Brother Yang Guang?”

The younger girl, with rosy cheeks, looked excited. “I heard from Brother Han that Brother Yang Guang is now preparing money to build a house. He’s really good to you! When you marry him, you can live in Jia Village and don’t have to stay in Wangzi Village anymore.”

The older girl, who appeared to be of legal age, blushed at the suggestion and gently pushed the younger girl. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“I’m not talking nonsense! Besides, isn’t it great?” The girl smiled, her innocent eyes full of anticipation and longing for a new life. “Isn’t Jia Village much better than here? Girls born there aren’t afraid, they can have meat to eat, go to school, wear new clothes. How is living in Jia Village not better than here?”

The older girl blushed and lowered her head. “Well… But when are you going to talk to Yang Han? You’ve liked him for so many years, haven’t you?”

The younger girl pouted unhappily, playfully stomping her foot. “He’s just so dense! No matter what I say to him, he just laughs and doesn’t respond. Hmph, anyway, I’m still young. I’ll take it slow after you and Brother Yang Guang get married. There’s plenty of time. I don’t believe Brother Yang Han won’t be moved!”

The sister chuckled and affectionately rubbed the girl’s nose. “You’re still a young girl, yet you’re shameless enough to say that.”

Yang Han? The second son of the village head, Yang Han?

Zhang Wubing felt like his brain was overheating from processing all this. He distinctly remembered that Yang Han wasn’t married, still single to this day. So why did the girl sound so confident that Yang Han would marry her?

What’s going on?

Just then, the door, which had been tightly closed, was pushed open from the inside.

From behind the water tank, Zhang Wubing saw a man who looked to be around fifty walk out. His gaze was fixed directly on the older of the two girls.

“Yang Hua, Yang Duo is back?” The man grinned as he looked at the older girl, his gaze sweeping from her head to her feet, not so much like he was looking at a person but more like he was examining a commodity. “You’ve grown so big already? You’re just right for marriage this year, aren’t you?”

Feeling uncomfortable, the girl called Yang Hua took a step back, subconsciously extending her hand to shield her sister behind her. Her face turned sour as she called out, “Uncle Yang Mian.”

Acknowledging the call, the man known as Yang Mian nodded and then glanced meaningfully behind the door. “Growing up well, huh? That means you can ease your dad’s worries now. You’re a good girl.”

Yang Hua forced a smile to cover up her unease and quickly led her sister away, holding her hand.

Meanwhile, Yang Mian stood in the yard, grinning happily as he watched Yang Hua leave, not showing any sign of anger despite her attitude.

Shortly after, the door was pushed open again, and another middle-aged man walked out cheerfully. “Uncle Yang Mian, you’re right. A man needs a son after all. Let’s go! We’ll go to the clan leader right now and discuss this matter. But what about the one from my family before? Uncle Yang Mian, would you help me sell her?”

“That can be arranged. We’ll see how the clan leader arranges it.”

The two men left the yard laughing and chatting. It was only then that Zhang Wubing slowly stood up from behind the water tank, relieved, and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, he hadn’t been discovered. It was a pity he hadn’t brought a camera with him; otherwise, he could have recorded this as evidence for reporting.

Zhang Wubing patted his chest, feeling his heart still pounding fiercely from the recent tension.

As he contemplated, he absentmindedly turned around.

Suddenly, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of red.

A delicate red embroidered shoe appeared in his field of vision.

Zhang Wubing froze, slowly following the embroidered shoe with his eyes, gradually looking up.

The red bridal dress was glaringly red, the skeletal wrist protruding from the sleeve, with heavily decayed flesh still clinging to the bones, swaying slightly in the air.

And Zhang Wubing finally saw what was in front of him.

— It was a female corpse dressed in a bridal gown.

Her flesh exposed outside the wedding dress had decayed to the point where her original appearance was unrecognizable, but even more horrifying was her face.

No ears, no mouth, no eyes.

The female corpse in front of Zhang Wubing had her ears cut off, leaving only empty sockets in her eye sockets, no mouth, and white, grim teeth exposed.

The female corpse stared at Zhang Wubing with empty eye sockets, then slowly raised her hand, wanting to grab Zhang Wubing’s clothes with her decaying hand.

Startled, Zhang Wubing managed to shout “Holy crap!” before turning around and running desperately, trying to pull away from the female corpse.

What’s happening! Wasn’t it supposed to be a dream? Why is there still a ghost appearing?! Ahhh!

Zhang Wubing dashed out of the courtyard like a gust of wind, running blindly along the road, his lungs aching from the strain, but he dared not stop, nor did he dare to look back to see if the female corpse was following him.

He had experience with this! As long as he didn’t look back, the female corpse didn’t exist! He wouldn’t be afraid!

Zhang Wubing desperately tried to reassure himself, but he didn’t notice that in front of him, he had run into a dark area where he couldn’t see the road ahead clearly, and he collided with something.

Instinctively, he reached out to block, but all he felt was stickiness in his hands, as if he had plunged them into a lump of rotting flesh, cold and stiff, emanating a chilling coldness.

Forced to stop in his tracks, Zhang Wubing felt as if something had blown a breath of air towards him, the stench of decay hitting his face and neck along with the cold wind, causing goosebumps to rise all over his body.

Suppressing the urge to scratch madly at the goosebumps covering his arms, Zhang Wubing subconsciously lifted his head slowly, instinctively wanting to see clearly what was standing in front of him.

And then he saw it: the female corpse, dressed in bridal attire, which he thought he had left far behind in his mad dash, was now standing right in front of him.

And his fingers were resting on the decayed palm of the female corpse.

At this close distance, almost face to face, Zhang Wubing could even see the decayed neck and shoulders of the female corpse protruding from the bridal gown, oozing with corpse fluids. Blurry chunks of flesh hung from the neckline, and long white maggots wriggled out from the wounds, continuously squirming and swaying as if trying to move in his direction.

The ears of the corpse appeared to have been severed after death, with no blood flowing, only the clear view of the decayed surface revealing muscles and stark white bones underneath.

As for the putrid wind he had felt earlier, it had emanated from the mouth of the corpse, now devoid of lips.

Feeling the chilling touch emanating from the corpse, Zhang Wubing was almost turning into stone himself at this point, feeling helpless and at a loss for what to do.

He wanted to bolt backward, putting distance between himself and the corpse, and ideally find out where Brother Yan was or find a way to wake up. But the problem was, in his extreme nervousness and fear, his legs felt as heavy as lead, making it impossible for him to move, let alone run away.

“Um, I-I have no grudge against you, why are you coming after me?”

Zhang Wubing pleaded with a trembling voice, tears in his eyes, trying to reason with the corpse. “If you have a grievance, go after whoever wronged you, can’t you? I’ve lived a righteous life, I don’t even know who you are.”

“I-I know someone who’s very powerful, if you have any grievances, he can help you! Really, just let me go, don’t kill me, I can really help you.”

Zhang Wubing choked back a sob, sniffing back his snot, but he felt like all his words had fallen on deaf ears.

This is bad.

A chill ran down Zhang Wubing’s spine as he realized his plan might be falling apart.

This shouldn’t be happening! He’d seen Brother Yan and those ghosts talk, and with just a few casual words, everything worked out. So why wasn’t it working here? What went wrong?

But there was no time for Zhang Wubing to dwell on it. Seeing his plan fail, the corpse slowly reached out its arm, placing it on his shoulder. Zhang Wubing quickly raised his hand and threw the corpse’s arm aside, forcibly suppressing his trembling, and then turned around and bolted.


Zhang Wubing’s desperate cries echoed through the silent village, but there was no response from anyone.

His eyes widened in terror as he felt like everything in front of him was like a malfunctioning screen, covered with abstract mosaics. Blood-red shadows gradually crept in from the edges of his vision, eventually enveloping everything.

Finally, Zhang Wubing’s legs gave out, and with a thud, he collapsed to the ground.

Unconsciousness took hold.

When Zhang Wubing opened his eyes again, his first instinct was to scramble to his feet, hands raised defensively as he looked around warily.

But the female corpse had vanished without a trace, replaced by the quiet night in the village.

He took a few bewildered steps forward, and as he peered around, he spotted a young man standing by the wall at the corner.

The person’s face bore a striking resemblance to Yang Han, as Zhang Wubing remembered him, but he looked even younger and more lively, devoid of any malice or gloominess in his upright features.

It seemed like Yang Han was waiting for someone, his hands in his pockets as he paced back and forth, occasionally glancing up the village road with a hint of impatience.

A figure emerged from the distance under the cover of darkness, catching Yang Han’s attention. He hurriedly walked a few steps to meet them. “Yang Guang, why did you take so long? Didn’t you see what time we agreed upon?”

“Sorry, sorry, I was busy earning money for our new house with Hua’er, couldn’t rush back in time.” The young man called Yang Guang seemed to have run all the way back, still panting slightly. “You said it’s urgent, what’s going on?”

“It’s about Yang Hua and Yang Duo!”

Yang Han looked around warily.

Zhang Wubing immediately retreated behind the wall, holding his breath and listening intently.

After confirming that there was no one around, Yang Han lowered his voice. “You know, Yang Hua’s father wants to sell her and her sister to the clan leader.”

Yang Guang was surprised. “What?”

Yang Han quickly gestured for Yang Guang to speak softly. “I overheard it from my dad. He came back from Wangzi Village today and was furious, saying that the neighboring village wants to marry Yang Hua and Yang Duo to the Land God! You know what it means to marry the Land God, right? It’s like giving up their lives!”

“No, no, I have to stop them,” Yang Guang said, turning to leave.

But Yang Han pulled him back. “How are you going to stop them? Who will help you? Yang Guang, listen to me, Yang Hua and Yang Duo are in great danger. We need to come up with a plan to save them.”

“Then, how about this? I’ll talk to my dad first, and then we’ll take Yang Hua and Yang Duo to hide in the city until things calm down, and then we can come back.”

Yang Han said, “My dad will surely understand. He also thinks this whole thing is outrageous. If it weren’t for my mom stopping him, he would have gone to confront those elders.”

Yang Guang looked at Yang Han solemnly for a moment before nodding faintly. “I understand.”

“I’ll take Hua’er away.”

Yang Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief and explained his plan to Yang Guang, but Yang Guang seemed distracted, only nodding along absentmindedly.

But amidst the nervousness and relief, Yang Han didn’t notice. After briefing his good friend, he patted Yang Guang on the shoulder, bid farewell, and turned to walk back home.

Yang Guang, meanwhile, stood still with his head hung low, not moving for a while.

The shadow fell on Yang Guang’s face, obscuring his eyes and expression.

He seemed almost melded with the darkness.

Zhang Wubing watched the young man named Yang Guang with confusion, unsure of his intentions for standing there. Was the news too sudden, too much to digest at once?

After a while, Yang Guang spoke hoarsely, softly saying, “Yang Han, I’m sorry.”

“But I can’t risk waiting for you to plan those things. I grew up in this village and I know too well how things are handled here. Once caught, we’re finished.”

“The most important thing is, Hua’er won’t survive.”

“I’ll take Hua’er away, tonight, but Yang Duo…”

Yang Guang glanced in the direction where Yang Han had left, then gritted his teeth and made a decision, “I’m sorry, brother, but nothing should happen to Hua’er!”

Zhang Wubing watched as Yang Guang turned and ran towards the silhouette of Moon Mountain, a chill running through him. Suddenly, he realized —

Yang Guang was planning to take Yang Hua away alone, regardless of Yang Duo’s fate!

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 106

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 37

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Before the official team set off, no one could have anticipated that what was supposed to be a cross-level operation would end up in such a situation.

The official in charge had a bandage wrapped around his forehead, covering the injury from the impact. He had been unlucky enough to hit the metal frame inside the leather backrest, resulting in mild symptoms of concussion, such as dizziness, nausea, and impaired hearing.

However, he didn't have time to dwell on this now; there was still a lot of work waiting for him.

Due to the sudden braking of the convoy just now, many people had suffered various degrees of abrasions. Fortunately, Taoist Song Yi had protected them in time, and no one had been harmed by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the skeletons.

The official in charge breathed a sigh of relief.

Ordinary injuries and injuries caused by ghosts and monsters were not the same. Now that they were in the suburbs and the car did not carry any relevant items such as talismans for treatment, it would be difficult to get support if someone really got into trouble.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this," the official in charge said with a wry smile, shaking his head. After the computer broke down, he could only use his phone to communicate with subordinates and various teams, but he couldn't receive some large files anymore.

And they couldn't open the case they were looking at from decades ago either.

The official in charge sighed, "It's just unfortunate that this happened now. If only it had been a few minutes later, we wouldn't have missed out on the detailed files of the Jiang Yanran abduction case from years ago."

Taoist Song Yi furrowed his brow, looking out the window at the valley with a serious and probing gaze. "It's not your fault. No one could have anticipated such an issue here."

The sky was dark, and Taoist Song Yi could only make out the rough Feng Shui of the valley, but the more he looked, the tighter his brow furrowed.

At first glance, this seemed like an excellent Feng Shui location, but upon considering the nearby road junction, one would realize that this place was like a leaky bowl, with all the energy flowing outward. Consequently, the natural order of energy nourishing the land was reversed, with the earth sending out energy instead.

As a result, all the bodies buried here would be stripped of their original vitality, with their flesh and blood becoming nutrients for the earth.

It's likely that the skeletons attacking them just now were originally buried here, but due to the Feng Shui issue, they ended up in this state.

"Because there have never been any reports of unusual events here, I overlooked it, thinking we were just going to address the issues caused by the insularity and seclusion of Family Tomb Village and the Yang Clan, I didn't bring the appropriate personnel."

Soon, the official received feedback from his subordinates: "But I remember Mr. Yan asked me at night if I knew who renamed the Family Tomb Village and built the Ghost-Dispelling Well in Jia Village. Perhaps we can get some information from them."

The Special Department acted swiftly, immediately locating the master who had helped the village with its issues in the past and obtaining their responses.

The master who renamed Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village several decades ago had passed away in an accident half a year ago, and it was his apprentice who answered the phone.

The disciple shared everything he knew.

Decades ago, his master received an invitation from an elder of the Yang Clan to go to Wangzi Village, as it was called then, to deal with a female ghost that posed a serious threat to the village's safety.

According to the villagers, the female ghost was a sinner in her lifetime, so they buried her body under the ancestral hall in an attempt to suppress her. However, the female ghost caused havoc, killing almost all the villagers who had any impression of her during her lifetime. Within less than ten years, almost all the respected elders of the village had died in accidents.

The villagers believed that the female ghost targeted these respected individuals first because they were trying to protect the village.

During those ten years, the villagers had tried to seek help from various masters to solve the problem, but all returned empty-handed. In fact, one master even died in Wangzi Village because of it, which made many other masters reluctant to get involved with the village's affairs.

So, in desperation and fear, the villagers finally turned to this well-known master, hoping he could restore peace to the village.

After hearing the villagers' plight, the master was furious. He felt that the female ghost was ungrateful. After a fierce battle with her, he subdued the defeated female ghost's spirit into the bones buried beneath the ancestral hall. To prevent any further mischief from her, he personally renamed Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village.

However, the villagers were still not at ease and requested the master to completely destroy the female ghost.

Because they said this female ghost was so dangerous that she even ruthlessly killed her own father during her lifetime and spared not even her newborn brother. They feared that such a dangerous ghost would eventually kill other villagers without hesitation.

The master fully understood their concerns and originally intended to follow the villagers' wishes and destroy the female ghost.

However, when he tried to do so, the spells repeatedly failed, as if the supernatural beings refused to lend their power, and it felt as though heaven and earth were rebuking him.

Confused by this situation, the master assumed it was because the female ghost's power had increased after killing several people, making it impossible for him to succeed.

With no other options, the master reluctantly built a Ghost-Dispelling Well in the female ghost's former home, ensuring that if she ever broke free from the seal beneath the ancestral hall, she would be instantly killed by the spells inscribed on the well.

At first, everyone was overjoyed.

The villagers were thrilled that their lives had returned to normal, and the master gained widespread fame and increased his fees. Many people heard about the incident and eagerly sought his help with their own problems.

The master himself was pleased to have helped the villagers and left the southern region feeling fulfilled.

Then, strange occurrences began to unfold.

Ever since then, the master found himself unable to sleep well. Every night, when he closed his eyes, he would see the silhouette of a blood-red woman standing in the corner of his bedroom, silently staring at him with eyes full of resentment. This caused the master to jolt awake countless times, unable to find a moment's rest.

The master suspected that it was the ghost from Family Tomb Village causing trouble, as she had died wearing a red bridal gown.

Though it was puzzling how the ghost could approach his residence, filled with cinnabar charms, the master quickly rearranged his living quarters. If the ghost dared to enter his dreams again, he was determined to ensure she would not return.

However, it proved futile.

Every night, the ghost entered his dreams, doing nothing but staring at the master with her blood-red eyes while he slept. Then, when he woke up startled, she would disappear without a trace.

Night after night, the master endured this torment, his mental state on the verge of collapse.

The sensation was akin to someone approaching with a knife while one slept, leaving only a mark before vanishing, never striking for real. It left one even more uneasy, unsure when death or harm would arrive.

Reluctantly, the master began seeking help from accomplished colleagues in the field of cultivation. However, after careful inquiries into the master's situation, they all shook their heads in helplessness, unable to offer assistance.

Among them, a wandering hermit whom the master had met years ago offered an answer.

"Because you have karmic entanglement with that ghost, the laws of the universe deem it normal for her to come to you. It is because of this that no one can help you."

"But, the ghost cannot harm you. If she were to harm you, the consequences would outweigh the cause, and she would bear the sins, no longer tolerated by the laws of the universe. So, you see, she is merely following you, never acting. Treat her as a constant companion, listen to what she wishes to tell you—perhaps, it might be better if you inquire of the ghost before taking any action. Now, whatever you do is just closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, without knowing if it's too late."

"According to my disciple, this is the karmic bond between you and the ghost, and others should not intervene."

After imparting this advice, the hermit vanished like a passing cloud, leaving the master unable to trace his whereabouts.

With no other options, the master had to settle for this approach temporarily. However, he still clung to hope, tirelessly searching for a way to eliminate the ghost.

Yet, the ghost's actions only became more audacious.

At first, the ghost only appeared in dreams, disappearing when the master woke up.

After several years, worn down by nights of constant disturbance, the master found the ghost no longer vanished upon waking. Instead, she remained in the corner of the room, silently staring with her blood-red eyes, even after he fell back asleep.

Then, the ghost's presence extended beyond the nighttime hours. Whenever the master slept, she would appear in his dreams, wordless, just watching.

Recalling the advice of the wandering hermit from years ago, the master reluctantly approached the ghost, asking her what she wanted to convey.

But the ghost remained silent.

The master was driven to the brink of mental exhaustion, nerves frayed, utterly weary day and night.

Then, the ghost began to infiltrate the master's real life.

She no longer contented herself with appearing in the master's dreams.

In every mirror, every corner of his eye, every reflection, every fleeting image that passed before him... the ghost manifested in every unnoticed corner of the master's surroundings.

Even when the master was taking a shower, the bathroom mirror would reflect the ghost's chilling visage. Lowering his head to wash his face and then raising it again, he would catch a glimpse of a flash of red disappearing from behind him in the mirror.

Walking on the street, the glass of storefront windows would reflect a sea of crimson, but when the master looked again, everything would vanish. He would simply glance sideways, only to feel a chilling sensation that the ghost was right behind him, but when he looked closely, everything appeared normal again...

The master was almost driven insane by his own fears, the uncertainty of when the blade might fall adding to his torment.

Finally, six months ago, the master's torment came to an end as he had wished.

—The ghost suddenly appeared before the master in broad daylight, her red wedding attire transforming into a pool of blood, engulfing everything in its path.

The vengeful ghost who had haunted the master for decades finally acted with murderous intent.

According to his disciple, his master was killed by that malevolent spirit six months ago. Even they, the disciples, and friends of the master, barely escaped with their lives when they attempted to confront the ghost and were nearly killed. They had to flee the city and hide in one of the most renowned temples in the country to survive.

"A malevolent ghost?” asked Taoist Song Yi with a furrowed brow. "Did you actually see this malevolent ghost with your own eyes?"

The disciple gave a definitive answer: "Honestly speaking, as my master's direct disciple, I've been by his side for many years. I've seen that ghost before, just like the bride she used to be, wearing a red wedding dress. Whenever my master's guard was down, she would appear in places where she wouldn't easily be noticed. I've witnessed several times with my master where we saw the reflection of that ghost in glass. But..."

He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "That ghost followed my master for decades and never actually harmed him. Until six months ago, she suddenly became more powerful, seemingly crazed, and neither my master nor any of us were a match for her. At the time, another senior colleague suggested that perhaps something unexpected happened at the burial site, causing the ghost to gain more Yin energy, or perhaps the ghost's own grievances intensified, completely engulfing her rationality and memories as a human, leaving only resentment and obsession, which is why things turned out that way."

"In the eyes of that ghost, what my master did probably didn't matter anymore. What mattered was that she believed my master deserved to die," the disciple's voice saddened. "At that time, I was very close to my master, so I heard what that ghost said to him before killing him."

"She asked my master why he didn't help her, but helped the perpetrator."

Listening to the words from the other end of the phone, Taoist Song Yi, with a furrowed brow, felt a sense of familiarity with the description. "Isn't this the advice given by the wandering hermit your master met years ago? 'Listen to what the ghost herself wants to say.'"

"The wandering hermit..." Taoist Song Yi paused. Although he felt his speculation was somewhat far-fetched, he still asked, "Is the name Li Chengyun?"

The disciple shook his head and honestly replied to Taoist Song Yi on the other end of the phone, "I'm not sure about the name of that hermit, but I know his Dharma name is Chengyun."

That was correct.

The only peer who gave advice to the fellow who had already been killed by the fierce ghost was none other than the most talented disciple of Haiyun Temple in recorded history, Chengyun hermit.

With the identity of the wandering hermit confirmed, Taoist Song Yi's doubts were also answered.

Master Uncle Li Chengyun had extremely high talent. In the path of cultivation, talent was far more important than diligence, as it represented resonance with the Dao of Heaven and Earth. If Master Uncle Li Chengyun said it was a karmic relationship between a person and a ghost, it meant that the fellow must have done something first, owed something to the ghost, so the ghost came to demand this retribution.

And what that fellow did...

"So, your master changed the name of Wangzi Village to Family Tomb Village and managed to suppress the female ghost, helping the villagers deal with her, which is tantamount to helping the culprit. It seems that the information your master received from the villagers of Wangzi Village back then was wrong. It wasn't the female ghost who was wicked and disrupting the peaceful life of the village, endangering the lives of the villagers. Instead, it was the villagers who killed the girl, and she returned as a vengeful ghost."

"You just said the female ghost was wearing a red wedding dress..."

Song Yi subconsciously turned his head and made eye contact with the official in charge beside him.

They had just reviewed the decades-old case files of Family Tomb Village and the Yang Clan, knowing that this village, along with its clan, probably had dirty hands.

Mountains may change their appearance, but one's true nature is hard to change.

If a village has always treated women with disdain, what can one expect from them in terms of kindness towards women?

Murderer, wedding dress, karma, revenge...

When these keywords are put together, all the possibilities that the official in charge could think of were grim situations.

His eyes widened slightly, looking back at Taoist Song Yi with an incredulous expression. "Could it be that the girl was sent for a ghost marriage by the villagers back then?"

"What?" The disciple on the other end of the phone vaguely heard the official's words and immediately denied, "That's impossible! My master said that the female ghost's burial place was under the ancestral hall. If it was a ghost marriage, she should have been buried together with the other party."

Taoist Song Yi asked for more details about the events from back then before hanging up the phone.

Although they didn't confirm what exactly happened to the female ghost, everyone in the car felt a heavy atmosphere.

"Regardless of whether it was a ghost marriage or not, we can't underestimate this female ghost," the official in charge said anxiously. "Since the female ghost's burial place is under the ancestral hall in Family Tomb Village, could the sudden loss of contact with the production crew and Mr. Yan be related to this?"

"And why specifically half a year ago?"

The official in charge looked at the few lines he hastily wrote in his notebook. Whether it was Yang Yun no longer appearing, the closure of the rural farmstay business, the bodies found in Moon Mountain and rural farmstay spots, or the Jia Village cutting off contact with other village out of anger, all these events occurred about half a year ago.

Half a year ago, what exactly happened in Family Tomb Village?

Looking at the series of bizarre events near Family Tomb Village, first the production crew encountered dangers and corpses one after another, then they were attacked by skeletons. However, despite being such a dangerous place, the Special Department had not received any reports for decades.

"The Yang Clan is reclusive and exclusive, and there's no road leading to Family Tomb Village. So, it's understandable that we don't know what exactly happened there, but..."

"I hope Junior Brother Yan can turn the tide this time and ensure the safety of the production crew in Family Tomb Village," Taoist Song Yi added.

But at the same time, he quietly admired Yan Shixun's keen observation skills.

By the afternoon, Yan Shixun had already sensed the potential crisis in Family Tomb Village due to the anomalies. Although he hadn't yet deduced exactly what it could be, he had already contacted the responsible official and Haiyun Temple, intending to immediately evacuate the production crew from the village and entrust their safety to Taoist Song Yi and others.

"The live broadcast signal is down, and the messages we sent haven't been read by anyone. All communication methods have failed.”

The official in charge said with a heavy tone. "I hope Mr. Yan can resolve this smoothly, or else..."

The official in charge couldn't continue, but Taoist Song Yi already understood what he meant.

——The female ghost already had a history of killing people, so her ferocity must be even greater at her burial site. Under such danger, if Yan Shixun couldn't resolve it smoothly, they might find themselves surrounded by corpses upon entering Family Tomb Village...

Even after learning about the female ghost, the official in charge began to wonder whether the corpse seen by Yan Shixun and the production crew on Moon Mountain was a murder or a ghost murder.

The official in charge's phone vibrated.

It was a text message from the deceased master's disciple.

[I just checked my master's notes and found something that might help you.

My master calculated the female ghost’s birth date to build the Ghost-Dispelling Well. Her name was Yang Duo, and she died at the age of sixteen. Counting the dates, her death date was exactly six days ago.]

Six days?

Taoist Song Yi’s heart jumped. "The seventh day after death is when the soul returns. It's a time for settling scores and seeking revenge. That's when the vengeful spirits are most powerful. It's already past midnight. Today is the seventh day for that ghost’s death!”


Zhang Wubing huddled, shivering all over, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

He didn't know why, but when he opened his eyes, everything around him had changed.

He distinctly remembered sleeping in the farmstay room. Before going to bed, he had spoken with Brother Yan, who had warned him not to leave the room no matter what sounds he heard. So, before sleeping, he had checked the doors and windows, making sure they were securely locked before finally relaxing and lying down on the bed.

Due to the strenuous mountain climbing during the day, which was beyond Zhang Wubing's usual routine, he quickly fell into a deep sleep, expecting a night of peaceful rest.

However, things didn't go as planned.

Zhang Wubing had another nightmare.

This time, he was acutely aware that he was indeed dreaming because he found himself standing in a courtyard he had never seen before, surrounded by dilapidated buildings that looked quite old.

Feeling bewildered, Zhang Wubing looked around, unsure of how he ended up there.

But the conversation inside the house caught his attention.

"San'er, just relax. This time, I found you a woman who’s literate. She's different from us. Just imagine, you marry a literate woman. Wouldn't that give you some face?"

After making sure that nobody was watching him in the courtyard, Zhang Wubing tiptoed to the outside of the house and listened carefully to the conversation while pressing himself against the wall.

Inside the house, it seemed like two men were drinking and chatting, their conversation revolving around women and children.

An older man chuckled and advised, "Your wife is like a chicken that doesn't lay eggs. After all these years, she hasn't given birth to a son. Why are you still keeping her? Listen to Uncle's advice, I've been through it all. You only have two daughters. Who will take care of you in your old age? Who will burn incense and paper offerings for you during festivals and on important occasions? After you die, you won't leave behind any descendants. Aren't you afraid your deceased father will curse you for being unfilial?"

"You can trust Uncle on this one. This girl is from the city, a good catch. You can tell she's fertile just by looking at her. Buy her, and I guarantee you'll have a son!"

The younger man hesitated, "But where would I get the money to buy her? You're asking for ten yuan, it's too expensive! I can't afford it."

The older man hurriedly reassured him, "Don't worry, I have a solution."

"Do you know that the clan leader has been looking for a sacrifice for the Land God recently? There's no suitable candidate, and the clan leader is quite worried. But I remember, isn't your eldest daughter just the right age to get married? You go and talk to the clan leader about it. He'll definitely agree."

Encouraged by the older man, he continued, "By helping the clan leader with this troublesome matter, you'll earn his favor. Then, when you ask him for money to buy a new wife who can bear you a son, he'll definitely agree!"

The younger man, swayed by his words, hesitated, "But I don't know if the new wife will bear me a son. Yang Mian, that girl you sold to my cousin, they paid twelve yuan for her, and she only laid an egg! My cousin's family regrets it deeply. Now they only have a little boy named Yang Yun, who doesn't look very strong. I doubt that child will even survive to adulthood. If I buy..."

"Don't worry, San'er, Uncle here is trustworthy! In business, integrity is key. If you buy her and she doesn't lay eggs, Uncle will refund your money. How's that sound?"

The younger man's face lit up, "Uncle, you're really kind. What will be the name of my new wife? After I talk to the clan leader about this, I'll give you the money."

With a sudden realization, Zhang Wubing's heart skipped a beat. He finally understood where the sense of unease from overhearing this conversation stemmed from.

—— The conversation he overheard wasn't just casual banter among acquaintances—it was a discussion about human trafficking!

In this day and age, how could they dare to be so brazen? Not reporting them would be inhumane!

Fuming with anger, Zhang Wubing pulled out his phone from his pocket, intending to report the incident to the authorities. However, as he watched the message with the crimson exclamation mark being sent, he blinked in confusion, realizing that his phone had lost its signal at some point.

12 at midnight.

Zhang Wubing furiously tapped on the screen of his phone, feeling helpless despite his rage.

As he pondered about quickly finding Yan Shixun and informing him of the situation, confident that Yan Shixun would have a solution, the gate of the courtyard was gently pushed open. Two young and beautiful women stealthily slipped in through the crack in the door.

Zhang Wubing quickly darted behind a large water tank nearby, fearing being discovered, his heart pounding wildly.

"Sister, are you going to agree to marry Brother Yang Guang?"

The younger girl, with rosy cheeks, looked excited. "I heard from Brother Han that Brother Yang Guang is now preparing money to build a house. He's really good to you! When you marry him, you can live in Jia Village and don't have to stay in Wangzi Village anymore."

The older girl, who appeared to be of legal age, blushed at the suggestion and gently pushed the younger girl. "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense! Besides, isn't it great?" The girl smiled, her innocent eyes full of anticipation and longing for a new life. "Isn't Jia Village much better than here? Girls born there aren't afraid, they can have meat to eat, go to school, wear new clothes. How is living in Jia Village not better than here?"

The older girl blushed and lowered her head. "Well... But when are you going to talk to Yang Han? You've liked him for so many years, haven't you?"

The younger girl pouted unhappily, playfully stomping her foot. "He's just so dense! No matter what I say to him, he just laughs and doesn't respond. Hmph, anyway, I'm still young. I'll take it slow after you and Brother Yang Guang get married. There's plenty of time. I don't believe Brother Yang Han won't be moved!"

The sister chuckled and affectionately rubbed the girl's nose. "You're still a young girl, yet you're shameless enough to say that."

Yang Han? The second son of the village head, Yang Han?

Zhang Wubing felt like his brain was overheating from processing all this. He distinctly remembered that Yang Han wasn't married, still single to this day. So why did the girl sound so confident that Yang Han would marry her?

What's going on?

Just then, the door, which had been tightly closed, was pushed open from the inside.

From behind the water tank, Zhang Wubing saw a man who looked to be around fifty walk out. His gaze was fixed directly on the older of the two girls.

"Yang Hua, Yang Duo is back?" The man grinned as he looked at the older girl, his gaze sweeping from her head to her feet, not so much like he was looking at a person but more like he was examining a commodity. "You've grown so big already? You're just right for marriage this year, aren't you?"

Feeling uncomfortable, the girl called Yang Hua took a step back, subconsciously extending her hand to shield her sister behind her. Her face turned sour as she called out, "Uncle Yang Mian."

Acknowledging the call, the man known as Yang Mian nodded and then glanced meaningfully behind the door. "Growing up well, huh? That means you can ease your dad's worries now. You're a good girl."

Yang Hua forced a smile to cover up her unease and quickly led her sister away, holding her hand.

Meanwhile, Yang Mian stood in the yard, grinning happily as he watched Yang Hua leave, not showing any sign of anger despite her attitude.

Shortly after, the door was pushed open again, and another middle-aged man walked out cheerfully. "Uncle Yang Mian, you're right. A man needs a son after all. Let's go! We'll go to the clan leader right now and discuss this matter. But what about the one from my family before? Uncle Yang Mian, would you help me sell her?"

"That can be arranged. We'll see how the clan leader arranges it."


The two men left the yard laughing and chatting. It was only then that Zhang Wubing slowly stood up from behind the water tank, relieved, and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, he hadn't been discovered. It was a pity he hadn't brought a camera with him; otherwise, he could have recorded this as evidence for reporting.

Zhang Wubing patted his chest, feeling his heart still pounding fiercely from the recent tension.

As he contemplated, he absentmindedly turned around.

Suddenly, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of red.

A delicate red embroidered shoe appeared in his field of vision.

Zhang Wubing froze, slowly following the embroidered shoe with his eyes, gradually looking up.

The red bridal dress was glaringly red, the skeletal wrist protruding from the sleeve, with heavily decayed flesh still clinging to the bones, swaying slightly in the air.

And Zhang Wubing finally saw what was in front of him.

— It was a female corpse dressed in a bridal gown.

Her flesh exposed outside the wedding dress had decayed to the point where her original appearance was unrecognizable, but even more horrifying was her face.

No ears, no mouth, no eyes.

The female corpse in front of Zhang Wubing had her ears cut off, leaving only empty sockets in her eye sockets, no mouth, and white, grim teeth exposed.

The female corpse stared at Zhang Wubing with empty eye sockets, then slowly raised her hand, wanting to grab Zhang Wubing's clothes with her decaying hand.

Startled, Zhang Wubing managed to shout "Holy crap!" before turning around and running desperately, trying to pull away from the female corpse.

What's happening! Wasn't it supposed to be a dream? Why is there still a ghost appearing?! Ahhh!

Zhang Wubing dashed out of the courtyard like a gust of wind, running blindly along the road, his lungs aching from the strain, but he dared not stop, nor did he dare to look back to see if the female corpse was following him.

He had experience with this! As long as he didn't look back, the female corpse didn't exist! He wouldn't be afraid!

Zhang Wubing desperately tried to reassure himself, but he didn't notice that in front of him, he had run into a dark area where he couldn't see the road ahead clearly, and he collided with something.

Instinctively, he reached out to block, but all he felt was stickiness in his hands, as if he had plunged them into a lump of rotting flesh, cold and stiff, emanating a chilling coldness.

Forced to stop in his tracks, Zhang Wubing felt as if something had blown a breath of air towards him, the stench of decay hitting his face and neck along with the cold wind, causing goosebumps to rise all over his body.

Suppressing the urge to scratch madly at the goosebumps covering his arms, Zhang Wubing subconsciously lifted his head slowly, instinctively wanting to see clearly what was standing in front of him.

And then he saw it: the female corpse, dressed in bridal attire, which he thought he had left far behind in his mad dash, was now standing right in front of him.

And his fingers were resting on the decayed palm of the female corpse.

At this close distance, almost face to face, Zhang Wubing could even see the decayed neck and shoulders of the female corpse protruding from the bridal gown, oozing with corpse fluids. Blurry chunks of flesh hung from the neckline, and long white maggots wriggled out from the wounds, continuously squirming and swaying as if trying to move in his direction.

The ears of the corpse appeared to have been severed after death, with no blood flowing, only the clear view of the decayed surface revealing muscles and stark white bones underneath.

As for the putrid wind he had felt earlier, it had emanated from the mouth of the corpse, now devoid of lips.

Feeling the chilling touch emanating from the corpse, Zhang Wubing was almost turning into stone himself at this point, feeling helpless and at a loss for what to do.

He wanted to bolt backward, putting distance between himself and the corpse, and ideally find out where Brother Yan was or find a way to wake up. But the problem was, in his extreme nervousness and fear, his legs felt as heavy as lead, making it impossible for him to move, let alone run away.

"Um, I-I have no grudge against you, why are you coming after me?"

Zhang Wubing pleaded with a trembling voice, tears in his eyes, trying to reason with the corpse. "If you have a grievance, go after whoever wronged you, can't you? I've lived a righteous life, I don't even know who you are."

"I-I know someone who's very powerful, if you have any grievances, he can help you! Really, just let me go, don't kill me, I can really help you."

Zhang Wubing choked back a sob, sniffing back his snot, but he felt like all his words had fallen on deaf ears.

This is bad.

A chill ran down Zhang Wubing's spine as he realized his plan might be falling apart.

This shouldn't be happening! He'd seen Brother Yan and those ghosts talk, and with just a few casual words, everything worked out. So why wasn't it working here? What went wrong?

But there was no time for Zhang Wubing to dwell on it. Seeing his plan fail, the corpse slowly reached out its arm, placing it on his shoulder. Zhang Wubing quickly raised his hand and threw the corpse's arm aside, forcibly suppressing his trembling, and then turned around and bolted.


Zhang Wubing's desperate cries echoed through the silent village, but there was no response from anyone.

His eyes widened in terror as he felt like everything in front of him was like a malfunctioning screen, covered with abstract mosaics. Blood-red shadows gradually crept in from the edges of his vision, eventually enveloping everything.

Finally, Zhang Wubing's legs gave out, and with a thud, he collapsed to the ground.

Unconsciousness took hold.


When Zhang Wubing opened his eyes again, his first instinct was to scramble to his feet, hands raised defensively as he looked around warily.

But the female corpse had vanished without a trace, replaced by the quiet night in the village.

He took a few bewildered steps forward, and as he peered around, he spotted a young man standing by the wall at the corner.

The person's face bore a striking resemblance to Yang Han, as Zhang Wubing remembered him, but he looked even younger and more lively, devoid of any malice or gloominess in his upright features.

It seemed like Yang Han was waiting for someone, his hands in his pockets as he paced back and forth, occasionally glancing up the village road with a hint of impatience.

A figure emerged from the distance under the cover of darkness, catching Yang Han's attention. He hurriedly walked a few steps to meet them. "Yang Guang, why did you take so long? Didn't you see what time we agreed upon?"

"Sorry, sorry, I was busy earning money for our new house with Hua'er, couldn't rush back in time." The young man called Yang Guang seemed to have run all the way back, still panting slightly. "You said it's urgent, what's going on?"

"It's about Yang Hua and Yang Duo!"

Yang Han looked around warily.

Zhang Wubing immediately retreated behind the wall, holding his breath and listening intently.

After confirming that there was no one around, Yang Han lowered his voice. "You know, Yang Hua's father wants to sell her and her sister to the clan leader."

Yang Guang was surprised. "What?"

Yang Han quickly gestured for Yang Guang to speak softly. "I overheard it from my dad. He came back from Wangzi Village today and was furious, saying that the neighboring village wants to marry Yang Hua and Yang Duo to the Land God! You know what it means to marry the Land God, right? It's like giving up their lives!"

"No, no, I have to stop them," Yang Guang said, turning to leave.

But Yang Han pulled him back. "How are you going to stop them? Who will help you? Yang Guang, listen to me, Yang Hua and Yang Duo are in great danger. We need to come up with a plan to save them."

"Then, how about this? I'll talk to my dad first, and then we'll take Yang Hua and Yang Duo to hide in the city until things calm down, and then we can come back.”

Yang Han said, "My dad will surely understand. He also thinks this whole thing is outrageous. If it weren't for my mom stopping him, he would have gone to confront those elders."

Yang Guang looked at Yang Han solemnly for a moment before nodding faintly. "I understand."

"I'll take Hua’er away.”

Yang Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief and explained his plan to Yang Guang, but Yang Guang seemed distracted, only nodding along absentmindedly.

But amidst the nervousness and relief, Yang Han didn't notice. After briefing his good friend, he patted Yang Guang on the shoulder, bid farewell, and turned to walk back home.

Yang Guang, meanwhile, stood still with his head hung low, not moving for a while.

The shadow fell on Yang Guang's face, obscuring his eyes and expression.

He seemed almost melded with the darkness.

Zhang Wubing watched the young man named Yang Guang with confusion, unsure of his intentions for standing there. Was the news too sudden, too much to digest at once?

After a while, Yang Guang spoke hoarsely, softly saying, "Yang Han, I'm sorry."

"But I can't risk waiting for you to plan those things. I grew up in this village and I know too well how things are handled here. Once caught, we're finished."

"The most important thing is, Hua'er won't survive."

"I'll take Hua'er away, tonight, but Yang Duo..."

Yang Guang glanced in the direction where Yang Han had left, then gritted his teeth and made a decision, "I'm sorry, brother, but nothing should happen to Hua'er!"

Zhang Wubing watched as Yang Guang turned and ran towards the silhouette of Moon Mountain, a chill running through him. Suddenly, he realized —

Yang Guang was planning to take Yang Hua away alone, regardless of Yang Duo's fate!

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the update

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