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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 41

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Yang Duo’s wedding gown transformed into thousands of blood-red threads, shooting in all directions with intense resentment and murderous intent. Zhang Wubing and Yang Tu were pale with fright, desperately trying to evade, but they couldn’t escape the attacks that came before them in an instant.

The entire world seemed under Yang Duo’s control, as if nothing could stop her. Just as she said, anyone who betrayed her deserved to die!

Yang Tu exclaimed in horror, but instead of hiding nearby, he urgently grabbed Yang Yun’s arm, instinctively trying to shield him behind himself.

— They were friends!

He couldn’t help the other when he was in the most pain, and he felt guilty enough for that. He couldn’t let him get hurt again!

At this moment, Yang Tu forgot the fact that Yang Yun had already committed suicide, acting purely on instinct.

But it was Yang Tu’s sincere actions that truly moved Yang Yun.

Initially, facing Yang Duo’s attacks without evasion or resistance, letting himself be harmed, Yang Yun finally moved.

He reached out his hand, just before the blood threads touched Yang Tu, he grabbed him and swiftly turned, swapping their positions. He now had his back facing Yang Duo, firmly shielding Yang Tu in front of him.

An invisible force suddenly emanated from Yang Yun, spreading throughout the ancestral hall, protecting the direction where Yan Shixun had left and Zhang Wubing under its influence.

The thousands of blood threads collided with the invisible barrier, bursting open suddenly into blood, showering down from the sky.

Amidst the swirling blood rain, like an arrow released from a bow, Yang Duo swiftly rushed towards Yang Yun. Underneath her sharp and slender nails, all obstacles seemed as fragile as paper, emitting sharp bursts of sound.

Then, it pierced through flesh and blood, plunging into Yang Yun’s back heart.

Yang Yun’s body stiffened instantly, a flicker of pain crossing his face. He raised his hand, tightly grasping the nail that had pierced through his heart from his chest, ignoring the pain, preventing it from going any further.

In front of him, the only remaining beautiful memory in his life, the one he had not sinned against…

His dear friend.

Yang Tu stared blankly at everything before him, until Yang Yun’s blood gushed out, drenching him, snapping him back to reality. He panicked, wanting to help Yang Yun but feeling utterly helpless.

“Yang Yun, Yang Yun!”

He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Yang Yun looked at Yang Tu, his expression stunned, then softened, and he smiled gently.

He remembered, many years ago, when all the children in the village were told by their parents not to get close to him because he was the fatherless wild child. No one played with him, except for Yang Tu, who came to Yang Duo’s house to pay respects with Yang Han. Cheerfully, Yang Tu grabbed his hand and took him to play on the mountain.

Throughout his growth, only Yang Tu had always stood by his side.

Unlike him, Yang Tu was someone with many friends, seemed to get along with everyone. Because of Yang Tu, those same-age peers gradually began to accept him, and their situation in the village improved a bit. Occasionally, their peers would bring some food, and they started to respect his mother.

Later, when Jia Village connected to the highway, they started to make money and interact with the outside world. Excitedly, Yang Tu came to find him and took him out too.

He saw a vast world he had never imagined.

Information, technology, openness, freedom, respect… Everything was overwhelming and astonishing.

These were things that Family Tomb Village didn’t have.

He realized that this could help him take his mother away from Family Tomb Village and return her to her family before she was trafficked.

So, he built up the farmstay business, made money, and everything seemed to be moving in a positive direction.

But… Family Tomb Village, the problems there were too numerous to count!

“Yang Tu, thank you for being my friend.”

Yang Yun smiled, but his figure was like a flickering candle in the wind, appearing and disappearing, ready to extinguish at any moment.

“Yang Yun, what’s wrong with you? What should I do? You tell me! I’m a fool, I couldn’t protect your mother, I didn’t notice what was happening to you, I even saw the body and stupidly thought you did something wrong. Yang Yun, you teach me, teach me what I should do to save you!”

Yang Tu’s face was stained with tears as he cried, sensing that something was wrong with Yang Yun’s words, which sounded like a final farewell.

However, Yang Yun didn’t pay any more attention to Yang Tu. He gritted his teeth and forcefully grabbed Yang Duo’s nail, refusing to let go even if it meant tearing his palm apart, determined to completely isolate the threat from Yang Duo outside and prevent her from harming Yang Tu in the slightest.

While Yang Duo pierced through Yang Yun’s heart, she also found herself drawn closer by Yang Yun’s strength, held captive by his will, unable to retract her hand.

She became ruthless, her hand stirring in Yang Yun’s heart, almost crushing it completely, blood and flesh flowing down her palm.

Yet, Yang Yun only grunted in pain, his body bending down, his figure becoming increasingly unstable, but he refused to release his grip.

“Yang Duo, that’s enough. Mr. Yan is right, you’ve gone too far.”

Yang Yun rasped, blood snaking down from the corner of his mouth. “When you slaughtered the entire village, I didn’t intervene because I felt guilty towards you. I’m filled with sins myself, and I have no right to stop you. But Yang Duo, among the many people you killed, they never wronged you.”

“Even Director Zhang and his crew, and Yang Tu, they’re not from Family Tomb Village. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They have nothing to do with your vendetta. You can’t kill them, and I won’t allow you to do so.”

Yang Yun could hardly see anything anymore.

Unlike Yang Duo, he had already sought revenge, eliminated his enemies. For him, the hatred had dissipated. What remained was a deep sense of guilt towards his mother.

As long as he could lay eyes on his mother again, apologize to her in person, fulfill his promise, he would be content, even if it meant breaking his oath.

Because hatred didn’t empower him, and the gloom of Family Tomb Village didn’t serve him at all.

He was far weaker compared to Yang Duo, who was soon to become a true Yin God.

Similar to living beings, the heart and the brain were both core positions of the soul. Having his heart shattered weakened Yang Yun’s already precarious strength even more severely. He could feel his soul rapidly disintegrating, almost unable to gather into a human form.


Yang Duo sneered, her face contorted with malice. “The world wronged me, so I wrong the world. What’s wrong with that! The mistake is yours. You lost everything because of those people, yet you still harbor unrealistic expectations towards them. Yang Yun, you deserve to die!”

“I originally planned to spare you, because you indirectly helped me to become a god. So, immediately after I become the Yin God, you could gain my power, and you could kill as many people as you wished. But now, I’ve changed my mind.”

A large amount of blood flowed down Yang Duo’s wedding dress, forming a river of blood on the ground, almost swallowing Yang Yun.

Meanwhile, the barrier he had set up in the ancestral hall was also crumbling.

“Yang Yun, since you refuse to awaken, then become my sustenance!”

With a sudden force, Yang Duo grabbed Yang Yun’s heart and swiftly withdrew her hand from his chest.

Yang Yun let out a pained groan as his chest was torn open, his strength rapidly fading.

His eyes slowly dimmed, and then, before Yang Tu’s eyes, he lay with hollow eyes, his body slowly sliding to the ground.

Yang Tu watched all this unfold in an instant, his brain barely able to react, only subconsciously reaching out to hold Yang Yun’s hand.

“Yang Yun…?” His voice trembled, unable to support Yang Yun’s slipping body between his arms.

With Yang Yun no longer there to shield him, Yang Tu was confronted with the now no longer beautiful but terrifying face of Yang Duo.

“I remember you. You’re Yang Han’s favorite nephew.”

Yang Duo’s eyes were swirling with blood: “And Yang Han betrayed me.”

She slowly extended her hand, covered in flesh and blood, pointing at Yang Tu.

“——So, are you digging here to find a coffin?” Yan Shixun crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the two people, who were dirty from the mud. “Zhao Zhen not sensing it is one thing, but what about you, Lu Xingxing?”

He pointed to the coffin beneath their feet. “Even if both of you woke up in coffins, it doesn’t mean there are people from the crew in other coffins, Lu Xingxing. Before you start working, don’t you check the aura inside?”

“There are no living beings inside.”

Because Zhao Zhen woke up inside a coffin and found Lu Xingxing there, he naturally assumed that there might be other coffins buried in the ancestral hall containing the missing members of the crew. After sharing his speculation with Lu Xingxing, the two of them rolled up their sleeves and began to dig up the coffin.

Coincidentally, Lu Xingxing actually used his knowledge of Feng Shui and geomancy to guess where coffins might be buried based on the layout of the ancestral hall, and indeed found one when they dug it up.

But the problem was—

Yan Shixun didn’t sense even the slightest hint of positive energy from that coffin, only a thick aura of death seeping through the coffin wood.

He looked down at the coffin beneath Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen’s feet, nailed with nine-inch nails and poured with molten iron, clear signs of preventing corpse resurrection.

Since Yang Duo was buried here as a god’s bride and the villagers were so skilled at it, she wouldn’t be the first. Those girls before her, most likely, were also buried here.

If Lu Xingxing rashly opened the coffin, he wouldn’t find acquaintances from the crew waiting for him, but rather resentful corpses.

What Lu Xingxing would open would be nothing but a Pandora’s box filled with danger.

Upon hearing Yan Shixun’s words, Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen exchanged glances.

Although Zhao Zhen didn’t understand the situation fully, he had already experienced Lu Xingxing’s unreliability. So, his gaze carried a hint of suspicion as well.

Lu Xingxing immediately became unhappy and complained, “If you didn’t say there were other people in the coffins, would I be digging here with you? What’s with the way you’re looking at me now?”

Zhao Zhen: “Then you could also check it out like Mr. Yan did.”

“?? Although I hate to admit it, isn’t this guy my Master Uncle? When he catches ghosts, I was still a rebellious teenager. Isn’t it natural for him to be stronger than me? Otherwise, why would he be my Master Uncle?”

“…You’re so shamelessly confident about it, it’s the first time I’ve seen it.”

Yan Shixun furrowed his brows, sensing a chill creeping up his spine.

It felt like there was some danger lurking behind him, unseen and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

“You can come up and argue instead of standing at someone else’s doorstep. The owner of the coffin probably wouldn’t want to see you stepping on it and still arguing. Lu Xingxing, you’re loud, shut up.”

Yan Shixuan lifted his head. “Like I said earlier, the Yin God could appear in the ancestral hall at any time. Instead of arguing here, it’s better to pay more attention to our surroundings.”

The two exchanged a glance, quickly climbed out of the hole they had dug with their own hands, and attempted to refill it with soil.

“Mr. Yan, is what you said about Yang Duo being the Yin God true?”

Zhao Zhen hesitated but still asked, “I just saw Yang Duo, who was just a pitiful little girl, and in the end, she turned into a skeleton. No matter how I look at it, it doesn’t seem like the person Mr. Yan described.”

“Perhaps Yang Duo won’t, but the Yin God will.”

Yan Shixuan’s voice was calm as he said, “She’s no longer herself. Excessive Yin energy and resentment have completely obliterated her memory and rationality. She’s now more like a vessel for negative emotions. What you experienced and saw just now was probably Yang Duo’s discarded memories and emotions as a human before she became the Yin God. It was her when she was still pure.”

“Zhao Zhen, don’t hope too much that ghosts will be kind. If you don’t have the corresponding power or leverage, when they come to kill you, you’ll be defenseless.”

Yan Shixuan glanced at Zhao Zhen and Lu Xingxing with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Don’t expect your opponents to show mercy. You must always be prepared for battle when dealing with ghosts. If you’re not careful, you’ll be the one who suffers.”

“Especially you, Lu Xingxing —although I know you haven’t completed your training under Taoist Song, if you continue to be reckless like this, there may come a day when your master will have to collect your body.”

Lu Xingxing coughed nervously, realizing his recklessness. “I-I understand.”

He had initially wanted to argue, but the look in Yan Shixun’s eyes suddenly turned sharp.

—From the trinket hanging around Lu Xingxing’s chest, Yan Shixun caught a glimpse of a blurry red ghostly face.

Feeling a sense of danger, Yan Shixun decisively turned around, tearing off the blood-stained fabric tied to his chest with one hand, and quickly chanted a spell. Visible to the naked eye, the fabric that had been limp in his hand straightened instantly, becoming like a rod that Yan Shixun held horizontally in front of him, blocking the approaching ghostly figure.

The red ghostly figure, with a fierce expression, lunged towards Yan Shixun from a distance, but upon touching Yan Shixun’s bloodied fabric, it suddenly burst into flames.

The ghostly figure was taken aback, but before it could even scream, it was consumed by the flames, leaving nothing behind.

Lu Xingxing, who had just noticed the ghostly figure, was left dumbfounded.

“Damn! Do you have eyes on the back of your head? I’ve only heard of people having a third eye on their foreheads, but do you have one at the back of your head too?”

Yan Shixun didn’t have time to address Lu Xingxing’s curiosity. His gaze scanned the courtyard warily and he noticed that, at some point, the shadows of the covered corridors and corners were filled with blood-red figures.

They congregated in the most inconspicuous places of the buildings, seething with a menacing energy.

Yan Shixun quickly understood what was happening.

—Yang Duo had already arrived at the ancestral hall.

This was Yang Duo’s domain, where she held sway over everything. Though she still awaited the opportune moment to truly become the Yin God, the power Yang Duo currently wielded was already formidable enough.

Sneaking up on and attacking Yan Shixun without being detected would be too easy.

If Yang Duo were here… Yang Yun!

Yan Shixun’s expression changed abruptly.

With Yang Yun, Zhang Wubing, and Yang Tu together, it was uncertain how long they could hold out against Yang Duo if they were to face her. But Yang Duo would show no mercy towards Yang Yun, who stood opposed to her.

He had to hurry back to the main hall of the ancestral hall.

Immediately, Yan Shixun called the two men, taking long strides towards the ancestral hall. The fierce power emanating from the blood-stained fabric in his hand caused the blood-colored shadows in his path to retreat, sensing the danger and refraining from attacking recklessly, as if awaiting orders.

“No need to be so tense, Brother Yan,” Lu Xingxing said nonchalantly. “With me here, I’ll protect Zhao Zhen. You go ahead and do your thing.”

Yan Shixun snorted coldly. “If it were just you, as a member of the trade, I wouldn’t care whether you live or die. But Zhao Zhen is just an ordinary person. I don’t want you to cause him to lose his life because of you.”

“If I had arrived a moment later earlier, and you had opened the coffin, I might have had to collect two corpses for you now.”

Lu Xingxing rubbed his nose, choosing not to speak.

But as they walked back from the courtyard to the ancestral hall, even the most laid-back Lu Xingxing sensed that something was wrong.

The coldness, the darkness, the increasingly strong smell of blood…

This didn’t feel like the ancestral hall anymore; it felt more like walking into a tomb!

“Yang Yun! Yang Yun!”

The desperate cry of Yang Tu echoed from the ancestral hall.

Yan Shixun’s footsteps paused, then he quickly dashed towards the ancestral hall.

Before he left the ancestral hall, although it was dilapidated, everything seemed normal.

But now, as the ancestral hall reappeared before Yan Shixun, it was covered in blood, with rivers of blood submerging the flagstone floor.

Yan Shixun’s heart skipped a beat.

Yang Duo was much more urgent than he had anticipated. If he hadn’t taken the time to search for Lu Xingxing and the others, Yang Duo would have already reached the ancestral hall. And from Yang Tu’s cries, it seemed that they had already encountered an attack.

Turning around the corner, Yan Shixun finally saw what had happened.

Yang Tu was kneeling on the ground, holding Yang Yun in his arms, crying uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Yang Yun had closed his eyes, blood flowing from every pore in his skin, almost blending with the river of blood beneath him, staining Yang Tu’s body crimson.

Zhang Wubing squatted beside the two, feeling helpless and unable to assist. He could only glare ahead, like a fighter refusing to yield to tyranny.

Standing before them was Yang Duo.

She looked down at them coldly and disdainfully. Completely devoid of warmth and goodwill, she resembled a true Yin God, full of malice and danger.

This indicated that Yang Duo’s power was increasing.

And the source of that power… was Yang Yun.

“Yang Duo.”

The sound of Martin boots stepping into the blood river echoed with splashes of blood.

Yan Shixun’s handsome face turned cold, his eyes filled with anger as he appeared before the confronting parties.

“You fled swiftly just now, but I didn’t expect you to dare show up before me now, seeking death.”

Yan Shixun’s gaze slid from the pleasantly surprised Zhang Wubing to Yang Duo once again. “What’s the matter, don’t you want to be the Yin God anymore? Are you seeking liberation from me?”

Yang Duo turned her head slowly, her eyes filled with resentment as she looked at Yan Shixun. “No, it’s precisely to become the Yin God that I came here. You know that very well, which is why you’re waiting here for me.”

“Living beings full of lies. I underestimated you just now, but I didn’t expect you to be so deeply entrenched in evil. But this time…”

Yang Duo sneered, “You won’t escape.”

“You, and all the living beings with you, will die here!”

Yang Duo extended her claws and charged straight at Yan Shixun, moving so swiftly that she left behind only a blur of red.

Her arm, which had turned into bones after being injured by Yan Shixun earlier, had now been restored to its original state under the nourishment of newfound power. Her nails were sharper than before, capable of tearing through the air.

Shrinking to inches.

Yan Shixun’s pupils contracted, realizing the dire situation.

It seemed that after gaining Yang Yun’s power, Yang Duo had taken another step closer to becoming the Yin God, even acquiring some of the Yin God’s abilities.

Despite the heavy weight on his heart, Yan Shixun’s movements remained swift and decisive. Without hesitation, he used the blood-stained cloth strip in his hand to block Yang Duo’s attacks.

In the midst of his actions, the wound on his chest, which had begun to scab over, was torn open again, staining Yan Shixun’s shirt with fresh blood.

Swiftly sidestepping to evade Yang Duo’s attack, Yan Shixun also softened the cloth strip in his hand, intending to use it to restrain Yang Duo when her momentum couldn’t be controlled.

But the disparity between a Yin God and a human is immense, akin to the difference between heaven and earth.

Standing on her own burial ground with the power of the Yin God, Yang Duo had already become vastly different from before. Especially now that she knew about Yan Shixun’s blood restraining her, she regarded Yan Shixun with greater importance and wariness.

As Yan Shixun’s muscles tensed, preparing to act, Yang Duo, in that split second of proximity, curled her ruby lips into a malicious yet alluring smile.

Yan Shixun frowned, subconsciously sensing something amiss because of that smile.

Before he could fully grasp the situation, there was a sudden sound of air being torn behind him.

Caught between two fronts.

Yan Shixun lunged at Yang Duo in front of him while swiftly ducking to evade the attack from behind.

But it was too fast.

In a world dominated by the Yin God, Yan Shixun’s ability to communicate with gods was almost completely nullified. Moreover, he was injured, and every movement involuntarily paused as his muscles tugged at his wounds.

In such a state, facing the Yin God, he had almost no chance of winning.

Yan Shixun grunted, his sturdy shoulders trembling, and the cloth in his hand barely held steady.

A bloodline as thick as an iron cable pierced through his shoulder from behind.

Not only that, but dozens of similar bloodlines surged from the blood river, rushing towards Yan Shixun from all directions.

The angles were so acute that he could hardly avoid them.

Moreover, Yan Shixun was pinned in place by the bloodline that pierced his shoulder, unable to move much.

He was like a target, with arrows aimed at him from every direction.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably have already despaired under the fear and pain.

But Yan Shixun’s eyes became sharper and brighter, and the pain was like the best stimulant for him, continuously increasing adrenaline.

He tightened his muscles, becoming more agile and flexible under the attacks of a dozen or so, paying no heed to the fact that his shoulder, pierced through, was widening the wound, causing more severe pain as blood streamed down, soaking his shirt.

But what he gained from the widening wound was worth it.

All of the attacks were narrowly avoided by Yan Shixun, protecting his brain and heart.

Yet, the cost was also bloody.

His abdomen and thighs were pierced, although he had calculated to avoid vital organs and arteries in his abdomen and thighs, the pain still made everything go dark in front of him for a moment, almost unable to see clearly, and his movements slowed down.

In the moment when Yan Shixun lost balance due to pain, Yang Duo did not give up this excellent opportunity. She ruthlessly broke her own nails, covered in blood, and thrust them towards Yan Shixun’s throat.

She went for the kill, aiming to completely eliminate this obstacle in her path to becoming an Yin God, and to leave no place for anyone who dared to betray her.

However, Yan Shixun gritted his teeth, controlling the involuntary trembling of his muscles due to pain, and watched as Yang Duo approached inch by inch. He forced himself to tilt his head to the side.

The nails didn’t land on his throat, but plunged deeply into his collarbone.

Beside him, Zhang Wubing exclaimed in horror, “Brother Yan!!”

Blood sprayed down, and where it met the blood river on the ground, flames erupted fiercely, only to be covered by the constantly flowing blood, gradually diminishing the flames.

The back-and-forth battle continued, with the vast amount of Yin energy slowly depleting the impact of Yan Shixun’s attacks until they dissipated.

After missing her strike, Yang Duo quickly retreated away from Yan Shixun, avoiding any splashes of his blood onto herself.

This was the first time she had suffered such a severe injury since slaughtering everyone in the village cemetery.

All because of Yan Shixun’s blood.

So, when she looked at Yan Shixun again, she no longer dared to underestimate him as before. Instead, she became extremely vigilant.

Yan Shixun probably sensed the extent of his injuries and guessed that Yang Duo had initially aimed for his heart and brain, but he managed to evade all vital points. Although his limbs and abdomen were equally severely injured, his life was not immediately threatened.

He took a breath, twitched his lips into a smile, and leaned back slightly, “Well done. It seems the Yin energy hasn’t taken away all of your sanity—no, I should say, it’s the Yin God guiding your actions.”

“Trading everything you have—memories, soul, name—for an illusory power. Yang Duo, do you still remember your original direction?”

Even in a disadvantaged position, Yan Shixun showed no panic. Despite the large amount of blood flowing from his body, almost turning him into a bloodied figure, he continued to smile, as if he were the ultimate victor, with a touch of pity in his eyes. “How pitiful, Yang Duo.”

“You once held the most precious things in your hands, but you chose to let them go.”

“I don’t care.”

Yang Duo’s voice was cold, “It’s you who, facing death, still speak in flowery language.”

Hastily approaching footsteps were heard, and behind, Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen happened to enter the ancestral hall.

They looked at Yan Shixun, who was confronting Yang Duo with severe injuries, their eyes filled with shock. “Brother Yan!”

“Mr. Yan!”

Yan Shixun heard the calls but didn’t turn around. He fluttered his eyelashes, smiling at Yang Duo. “Guess, will you be faster in killing them, or will I risk everything to kill you?”

Yang Duo slowly shifted her gaze back from the two individuals to Yan Shixun, her eyes filled with malice.

He just tilted his head, smiling crookedly because of the muscles involving his neck and clavicle, then he chuckled, “Hissed” softly.

Then he said, “I don’t mind if you try, and to be honest, I’m curious too. If we both go all out, who will win? But unfortunately, we probably won’t have the chance to find out.”

Yan Shixun’s gaze slid over the people beside him, then he reached out, gritting his teeth to control the trembling muscles, and reached into his pocket, retrieving his phone.

“Now, what I’m even more curious about is, just like I asked you before, why did you think I would stand before you unprepared?”

Yan Shixun shook his phone, smiling. “Yang Duo, when you died, smartphones weren’t a thing yet, right? They weren’t used much by the people in Family Tomb Village. You probably don’t know what this is?”

His smile held a deeper meaning. “One must keep up with the times, you know. Being stuck in the past is not an option.”

With that, he pressed the play button on the phone interface, and a recording started playing.

“I’m going to take Jiang Yanran home. What her uncle couldn’t do, I’ll take over and continue.”

The voice, old yet resolute, echoed in the quiet ancestral hall, resounding with determination. “I’ve been working on this for decades, and I’m not afraid to spend another few decades! I won’t give up until I die. The child who left home, it’s time to come back.”

If an official were present, they would recognize that voice as that of the old police officer, Chen Rui.

But Yang Duo didn’t know. She looked at Yan Shixuan with confusion and mockery. “Is this your preparation?”


Yan Shixuan nodded confidently. “From Jiang Yanran’s clearly higher level of rationality and freedom compared to others, I guessed that she wasn’t under your control. I even thought she might be an Yin God. Her power is probably on par with yours.”

Yang Duo sneered. “So what?”

Acknowledged, good.

Yan Shixuan mentally ticked a box. He continued calmly, “When Yang Yun appeared in the ancestral hall, it made me realize another thing—Jiang Yanran is also here.”

“The unique geographical location of Family Tomb Village ensures that it’s easier for Yin Gods to be born here. However, once a Yin God forms, it creates a vortex of spiritual energy, trapping all Yin energy and spirits here. And you, you’re no exception to this rule.”

Yan Shixuan spoke calmly, “Yang Duo, not everyone wants to stay in Family Tomb Village forever. Yang Yun wants to find his mother. Does Jiang Yanran really want to stay here?”

“No. It’s just that a large amount of Yin energy has clouded her judgment, causing her to forget most of her memories from her previous life, only remembering the hatred. She forgot that there are people who want to take her home.”

Suddenly, Yan Shixuan raised his head and looked at an empty spot in the ancestral hall, calling out loudly, “Jiang Yanran, do you really want to stay in a place full of enemies forever? Your uncle died here too. Don’t you want to take him home?”

“Perhaps you’ve forgotten, not everyone has given up on you. Do you remember the young police officer from the official institution who almost died trying to save you?”

Yan Shixuan’s voice is steady and powerful:“He’s Chen Rui. For decades, he has never forgotten about you. Your uncle entrusted him before he died to take you home. He has been looking for you all this time. He wants to take you home, Jiang Yanran. It’s been decades, you and your uncle should go home.”

As his voice trailed off, the ancestral hall fell silent once again.

But soon, ripples appeared in the previously empty space.

Jiang Yanran appeared slowly, her face expressionless, her eyes hollow and lost.

“Chen… Rui?” she repeated softly, her voice filled with emptiness and confusion.

Yang Duo looked at Jiang Yanran in astonishment, a hint of subtle panic flashing across her previously fierce face. “Yanran, he’s lying to you, just like Yang Laosan deceived your uncle and got him killed! Don’t believe him!”

“You’re panicking, Yang Duo.”

Yan Shixuan asked softly, with a smile on his face:“Is it because you know that Jiang Yanran also gathers Yin energy in her body? If she resists, you might not necessarily win?”

Yang Duo’s gaze swept over fiercely. “Shut up!”

But Yan Shixun reopened the play button on his phone.

The voice of the old policeman, recorded when he spoke with him, played repeatedly in the ancestral hall.

Yang Duo was flustered, not knowing how to stop it.

But Jiang Yanran, listening to the repeated playback, gradually remembered everything.

Yes… She remembered a pair of bright and resolute eyes from that year.

That person told her that he would definitely take her home.

So, his name was Chen Rui…

So, someone never gave up on her after all…

Jiang Yanran stared at Yan Shixun, tears silently streaming down her cheeks.

“Someone wants to take me home?”

“Yes,” Yan Shixun said solemnly. “It’s time for you to go home, Jiang Yanran. Your home isn’t here. Remember? Your home with your uncle?”

“He was killed by the people of Family Tomb Village. Do you want his remains and spirit to be trapped here forever, facing enemies day and night? Your uncle risked his life to bring you home. Now, it’s your turn to take him home.”

Yang Duo’s eyes widened with fury, shouting sharply, “Shut up!”

But Yan Shixun paid no attention, instead deliberately lowering his voice, sounding softer and more sincere. “Jiang Yanran, take him home.”


Jiang Yanran blinked slowly, and memories and emotions engulfed by darkness suddenly flooded back under her will.

With the help of Yan Shixuan and her own determination, she began to remember everything.

“Home, home, my uncle is waiting for me to come home.” Jiang Yanran laughed and cried, “I will bring those villains to justice, I will make sure they are judged!”

Her bright eyes sharpened and became clear. She looked up at Yang Duo and said slowly, “I will not stay in the Family Tomb Village.”

“Yang Duo, I appreciate your help after my death, but I will never allow myself and my uncle to be trapped here because you became the Yin God.”

The smile on Jiang Yanran’s face disappeared, revealing the fierce and ruthless side that had always been hidden beneath her smile.

She rose on her tiptoes, like a bullet accompanied by a howling wind and piercing through the air, charging towards Yang Duo with unstoppable force.

“Yang Duo, you will not become the Yin God!”

Yang Duo was shocked, but immediately fought back fiercely.

A fierce battle between ghosts ensued, engulfing the surroundings in darkness.

The wind howled violently in the ancestral hall, knocking over all the memorial tablets, its shrieks echoing like the wails of vengeful spirits.

In the midst of such imminent danger and fierce winds, Yan Shixun’s slender figure stood tall, his straight spine unbent by pain and severe injuries.

He lowered his gaze and smiled gently, “Yang Duo, this is the preparation I’ve made for you.”

Ciacia/N: the spell will be trasnlated from now on.

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 110

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 41

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Yang Duo's wedding gown transformed into thousands of blood-red threads, shooting in all directions with intense resentment and murderous intent. Zhang Wubing and Yang Tu were pale with fright, desperately trying to evade, but they couldn't escape the attacks that came before them in an instant.

The entire world seemed under Yang Duo's control, as if nothing could stop her. Just as she said, anyone who betrayed her deserved to die!

Yang Tu exclaimed in horror, but instead of hiding nearby, he urgently grabbed Yang Yun's arm, instinctively trying to shield him behind himself.

— They were friends!

He couldn't help the other when he was in the most pain, and he felt guilty enough for that. He couldn't let him get hurt again!

At this moment, Yang Tu forgot the fact that Yang Yun had already committed suicide, acting purely on instinct.

But it was Yang Tu's sincere actions that truly moved Yang Yun.

Initially, facing Yang Duo's attacks without evasion or resistance, letting himself be harmed, Yang Yun finally moved.

He reached out his hand, just before the blood threads touched Yang Tu, he grabbed him and swiftly turned, swapping their positions. He now had his back facing Yang Duo, firmly shielding Yang Tu in front of him.

An invisible force suddenly emanated from Yang Yun, spreading throughout the ancestral hall, protecting the direction where Yan Shixun had left and Zhang Wubing under its influence.

The thousands of blood threads collided with the invisible barrier, bursting open suddenly into blood, showering down from the sky.

Amidst the swirling blood rain, like an arrow released from a bow, Yang Duo swiftly rushed towards Yang Yun. Underneath her sharp and slender nails, all obstacles seemed as fragile as paper, emitting sharp bursts of sound.

Then, it pierced through flesh and blood, plunging into Yang Yun's back heart.

Yang Yun's body stiffened instantly, a flicker of pain crossing his face. He raised his hand, tightly grasping the nail that had pierced through his heart from his chest, ignoring the pain, preventing it from going any further.

In front of him, the only remaining beautiful memory in his life, the one he had not sinned against...

His dear friend.

Yang Tu stared blankly at everything before him, until Yang Yun's blood gushed out, drenching him, snapping him back to reality. He panicked, wanting to help Yang Yun but feeling utterly helpless.

"Yang Yun, Yang Yun!"

He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Yang Yun looked at Yang Tu, his expression stunned, then softened, and he smiled gently.

He remembered, many years ago, when all the children in the village were told by their parents not to get close to him because he was the fatherless wild child. No one played with him, except for Yang Tu, who came to Yang Duo's house to pay respects with Yang Han. Cheerfully, Yang Tu grabbed his hand and took him to play on the mountain.

Throughout his growth, only Yang Tu had always stood by his side.

Unlike him, Yang Tu was someone with many friends, seemed to get along with everyone. Because of Yang Tu, those same-age peers gradually began to accept him, and their situation in the village improved a bit. Occasionally, their peers would bring some food, and they started to respect his mother.

Later, when Jia Village connected to the highway, they started to make money and interact with the outside world. Excitedly, Yang Tu came to find him and took him out too.

He saw a vast world he had never imagined.

Information, technology, openness, freedom, respect... Everything was overwhelming and astonishing.

These were things that Family Tomb Village didn't have.

He realized that this could help him take his mother away from Family Tomb Village and return her to her family before she was trafficked.

So, he built up the farmstay business, made money, and everything seemed to be moving in a positive direction.

But... Family Tomb Village, the problems there were too numerous to count!

"Yang Tu, thank you for being my friend."

Yang Yun smiled, but his figure was like a flickering candle in the wind, appearing and disappearing, ready to extinguish at any moment.

"Yang Yun, what's wrong with you? What should I do? You tell me! I'm a fool, I couldn't protect your mother, I didn't notice what was happening to you, I even saw the body and stupidly thought you did something wrong. Yang Yun, you teach me, teach me what I should do to save you!"

Yang Tu's face was stained with tears as he cried, sensing that something was wrong with Yang Yun's words, which sounded like a final farewell.

However, Yang Yun didn't pay any more attention to Yang Tu. He gritted his teeth and forcefully grabbed Yang Duo's nail, refusing to let go even if it meant tearing his palm apart, determined to completely isolate the threat from Yang Duo outside and prevent her from harming Yang Tu in the slightest.

While Yang Duo pierced through Yang Yun's heart, she also found herself drawn closer by Yang Yun's strength, held captive by his will, unable to retract her hand.

She became ruthless, her hand stirring in Yang Yun's heart, almost crushing it completely, blood and flesh flowing down her palm.

Yet, Yang Yun only grunted in pain, his body bending down, his figure becoming increasingly unstable, but he refused to release his grip.

"Yang Duo, that's enough. Mr. Yan is right, you've gone too far.”

Yang Yun rasped, blood snaking down from the corner of his mouth. "When you slaughtered the entire village, I didn't intervene because I felt guilty towards you. I'm filled with sins myself, and I have no right to stop you. But Yang Duo, among the many people you killed, they never wronged you."

"Even Director Zhang and his crew, and Yang Tu, they're not from Family Tomb Village. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They have nothing to do with your vendetta. You can't kill them, and I won't allow you to do so."

Yang Yun could hardly see anything anymore.

Unlike Yang Duo, he had already sought revenge, eliminated his enemies. For him, the hatred had dissipated. What remained was a deep sense of guilt towards his mother.

As long as he could lay eyes on his mother again, apologize to her in person, fulfill his promise, he would be content, even if it meant breaking his oath.

Because hatred didn't empower him, and the gloom of Family Tomb Village didn't serve him at all.

He was far weaker compared to Yang Duo, who was soon to become a true Yin God.

Similar to living beings, the heart and the brain were both core positions of the soul. Having his heart shattered weakened Yang Yun's already precarious strength even more severely. He could feel his soul rapidly disintegrating, almost unable to gather into a human form.


Yang Duo sneered, her face contorted with malice. "The world wronged me, so I wrong the world. What's wrong with that! The mistake is yours. You lost everything because of those people, yet you still harbor unrealistic expectations towards them. Yang Yun, you deserve to die!"

"I originally planned to spare you, because you indirectly helped me to become a god. So, immediately after I become the Yin God, you could gain my power, and you could kill as many people as you wished. But now, I've changed my mind."

A large amount of blood flowed down Yang Duo's wedding dress, forming a river of blood on the ground, almost swallowing Yang Yun.

Meanwhile, the barrier he had set up in the ancestral hall was also crumbling.

"Yang Yun, since you refuse to awaken, then become my sustenance!"

With a sudden force, Yang Duo grabbed Yang Yun's heart and swiftly withdrew her hand from his chest.

Yang Yun let out a pained groan as his chest was torn open, his strength rapidly fading.

His eyes slowly dimmed, and then, before Yang Tu's eyes, he lay with hollow eyes, his body slowly sliding to the ground.

Yang Tu watched all this unfold in an instant, his brain barely able to react, only subconsciously reaching out to hold Yang Yun's hand.

"Yang Yun...?" His voice trembled, unable to support Yang Yun's slipping body between his arms.

With Yang Yun no longer there to shield him, Yang Tu was confronted with the now no longer beautiful but terrifying face of Yang Duo.

"I remember you. You're Yang Han's favorite nephew.”

Yang Duo's eyes were swirling with blood: “And Yang Han betrayed me."

She slowly extended her hand, covered in flesh and blood, pointing at Yang Tu.


"——So, are you digging here to find a coffin?" Yan Shixun crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the two people, who were dirty from the mud. "Zhao Zhen not sensing it is one thing, but what about you, Lu Xingxing?"

He pointed to the coffin beneath their feet. "Even if both of you woke up in coffins, it doesn't mean there are people from the crew in other coffins, Lu Xingxing. Before you start working, don't you check the aura inside?"

"There are no living beings inside."

Because Zhao Zhen woke up inside a coffin and found Lu Xingxing there, he naturally assumed that there might be other coffins buried in the ancestral hall containing the missing members of the crew. After sharing his speculation with Lu Xingxing, the two of them rolled up their sleeves and began to dig up the coffin.

Coincidentally, Lu Xingxing actually used his knowledge of Feng Shui and geomancy to guess where coffins might be buried based on the layout of the ancestral hall, and indeed found one when they dug it up.

But the problem was—

Yan Shixun didn't sense even the slightest hint of positive energy from that coffin, only a thick aura of death seeping through the coffin wood.

He looked down at the coffin beneath Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen's feet, nailed with nine-inch nails and poured with molten iron, clear signs of preventing corpse resurrection.

Since Yang Duo was buried here as a god’s bride and the villagers were so skilled at it, she wouldn't be the first. Those girls before her, most likely, were also buried here.

If Lu Xingxing rashly opened the coffin, he wouldn't find acquaintances from the crew waiting for him, but rather resentful corpses.

What Lu Xingxing would open would be nothing but a Pandora's box filled with danger.

Upon hearing Yan Shixun's words, Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen exchanged glances.

Although Zhao Zhen didn't understand the situation fully, he had already experienced Lu Xingxing's unreliability. So, his gaze carried a hint of suspicion as well.

Lu Xingxing immediately became unhappy and complained, "If you didn't say there were other people in the coffins, would I be digging here with you? What's with the way you're looking at me now?"

Zhao Zhen: "Then you could also check it out like Mr. Yan did."

"?? Although I hate to admit it, isn't this guy my Master Uncle? When he catches ghosts, I was still a rebellious teenager. Isn't it natural for him to be stronger than me? Otherwise, why would he be my Master Uncle?"

"...You're so shamelessly confident about it, it's the first time I've seen it."

Yan Shixun furrowed his brows, sensing a chill creeping up his spine.

It felt like there was some danger lurking behind him, unseen and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

"You can come up and argue instead of standing at someone else's doorstep. The owner of the coffin probably wouldn't want to see you stepping on it and still arguing. Lu Xingxing, you're loud, shut up.”

Yan Shixuan lifted his head. "Like I said earlier, the Yin God could appear in the ancestral hall at any time. Instead of arguing here, it's better to pay more attention to our surroundings."

The two exchanged a glance, quickly climbed out of the hole they had dug with their own hands, and attempted to refill it with soil.

"Mr. Yan, is what you said about Yang Duo being the Yin God true?"

Zhao Zhen hesitated but still asked, "I just saw Yang Duo, who was just a pitiful little girl, and in the end, she turned into a skeleton. No matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem like the person Mr. Yan described."

"Perhaps Yang Duo won't, but the Yin God will."

Yan Shixuan's voice was calm as he said, "She's no longer herself. Excessive Yin energy and resentment have completely obliterated her memory and rationality. She's now more like a vessel for negative emotions. What you experienced and saw just now was probably Yang Duo's discarded memories and emotions as a human before she became the Yin God. It was her when she was still pure."

"Zhao Zhen, don't hope too much that ghosts will be kind. If you don't have the corresponding power or leverage, when they come to kill you, you'll be defenseless."

Yan Shixuan glanced at Zhao Zhen and Lu Xingxing with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Don't expect your opponents to show mercy. You must always be prepared for battle when dealing with ghosts. If you're not careful, you'll be the one who suffers."

"Especially you, Lu Xingxing —although I know you haven't completed your training under Taoist Song, if you continue to be reckless like this, there may come a day when your master will have to collect your body."

Lu Xingxing coughed nervously, realizing his recklessness. "I-I understand.”

He had initially wanted to argue, but the look in Yan Shixun's eyes suddenly turned sharp.

—From the trinket hanging around Lu Xingxing's chest, Yan Shixun caught a glimpse of a blurry red ghostly face.

Feeling a sense of danger, Yan Shixun decisively turned around, tearing off the blood-stained fabric tied to his chest with one hand, and quickly chanted a spell. Visible to the naked eye, the fabric that had been limp in his hand straightened instantly, becoming like a rod that Yan Shixun held horizontally in front of him, blocking the approaching ghostly figure.

The red ghostly figure, with a fierce expression, lunged towards Yan Shixun from a distance, but upon touching Yan Shixun's bloodied fabric, it suddenly burst into flames.

The ghostly figure was taken aback, but before it could even scream, it was consumed by the flames, leaving nothing behind.

Lu Xingxing, who had just noticed the ghostly figure, was left dumbfounded.

"Damn! Do you have eyes on the back of your head? I've only heard of people having a third eye on their foreheads, but do you have one at the back of your head too?"

Yan Shixun didn't have time to address Lu Xingxing's curiosity. His gaze scanned the courtyard warily and he noticed that, at some point, the shadows of the covered corridors and corners were filled with blood-red figures.

They congregated in the most inconspicuous places of the buildings, seething with a menacing energy.

Yan Shixun quickly understood what was happening.

—Yang Duo had already arrived at the ancestral hall.

This was Yang Duo's domain, where she held sway over everything. Though she still awaited the opportune moment to truly become the Yin God, the power Yang Duo currently wielded was already formidable enough.

Sneaking up on and attacking Yan Shixun without being detected would be too easy.

If Yang Duo were here... Yang Yun!

Yan Shixun's expression changed abruptly.

With Yang Yun, Zhang Wubing, and Yang Tu together, it was uncertain how long they could hold out against Yang Duo if they were to face her. But Yang Duo would show no mercy towards Yang Yun, who stood opposed to her.

He had to hurry back to the main hall of the ancestral hall.

Immediately, Yan Shixun called the two men, taking long strides towards the ancestral hall. The fierce power emanating from the blood-stained fabric in his hand caused the blood-colored shadows in his path to retreat, sensing the danger and refraining from attacking recklessly, as if awaiting orders.

"No need to be so tense, Brother Yan,” Lu Xingxing said nonchalantly. "With me here, I'll protect Zhao Zhen. You go ahead and do your thing."

Yan Shixun snorted coldly. "If it were just you, as a member of the trade, I wouldn't care whether you live or die. But Zhao Zhen is just an ordinary person. I don't want you to cause him to lose his life because of you."

"If I had arrived a moment later earlier, and you had opened the coffin, I might have had to collect two corpses for you now."

Lu Xingxing rubbed his nose, choosing not to speak.

But as they walked back from the courtyard to the ancestral hall, even the most laid-back Lu Xingxing sensed that something was wrong.

The coldness, the darkness, the increasingly strong smell of blood...

This didn't feel like the ancestral hall anymore; it felt more like walking into a tomb!

"Yang Yun! Yang Yun!"

The desperate cry of Yang Tu echoed from the ancestral hall.

Yan Shixun's footsteps paused, then he quickly dashed towards the ancestral hall.

Before he left the ancestral hall, although it was dilapidated, everything seemed normal.

But now, as the ancestral hall reappeared before Yan Shixun, it was covered in blood, with rivers of blood submerging the flagstone floor.

Yan Shixun's heart skipped a beat.

Yang Duo was much more urgent than he had anticipated. If he hadn't taken the time to search for Lu Xingxing and the others, Yang Duo would have already reached the ancestral hall. And from Yang Tu's cries, it seemed that they had already encountered an attack.

Turning around the corner, Yan Shixun finally saw what had happened.

Yang Tu was kneeling on the ground, holding Yang Yun in his arms, crying uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Yang Yun had closed his eyes, blood flowing from every pore in his skin, almost blending with the river of blood beneath him, staining Yang Tu's body crimson.

Zhang Wubing squatted beside the two, feeling helpless and unable to assist. He could only glare ahead, like a fighter refusing to yield to tyranny.

Standing before them was Yang Duo.

She looked down at them coldly and disdainfully. Completely devoid of warmth and goodwill, she resembled a true Yin God, full of malice and danger.

This indicated that Yang Duo's power was increasing.

And the source of that power... was Yang Yun.

"Yang Duo."

The sound of Martin boots stepping into the blood river echoed with splashes of blood.

Yan Shixun's handsome face turned cold, his eyes filled with anger as he appeared before the confronting parties.

"You fled swiftly just now, but I didn't expect you to dare show up before me now, seeking death."

Yan Shixun's gaze slid from the pleasantly surprised Zhang Wubing to Yang Duo once again. "What's the matter, don't you want to be the Yin God anymore? Are you seeking liberation from me?"

Yang Duo turned her head slowly, her eyes filled with resentment as she looked at Yan Shixun. "No, it's precisely to become the Yin God that I came here. You know that very well, which is why you're waiting here for me."

"Living beings full of lies. I underestimated you just now, but I didn't expect you to be so deeply entrenched in evil. But this time..."

Yang Duo sneered, "You won't escape."

"You, and all the living beings with you, will die here!"

Yang Duo extended her claws and charged straight at Yan Shixun, moving so swiftly that she left behind only a blur of red.

Her arm, which had turned into bones after being injured by Yan Shixun earlier, had now been restored to its original state under the nourishment of newfound power. Her nails were sharper than before, capable of tearing through the air.

Shrinking to inches.

Yan Shixun's pupils contracted, realizing the dire situation.

It seemed that after gaining Yang Yun's power, Yang Duo had taken another step closer to becoming the Yin God, even acquiring some of the Yin God's abilities.

Despite the heavy weight on his heart, Yan Shixun's movements remained swift and decisive. Without hesitation, he used the blood-stained cloth strip in his hand to block Yang Duo's attacks.

In the midst of his actions, the wound on his chest, which had begun to scab over, was torn open again, staining Yan Shixun's shirt with fresh blood.

Swiftly sidestepping to evade Yang Duo's attack, Yan Shixun also softened the cloth strip in his hand, intending to use it to restrain Yang Duo when her momentum couldn't be controlled.

But the disparity between a Yin God and a human is immense, akin to the difference between heaven and earth.

Standing on her own burial ground with the power of the Yin God, Yang Duo had already become vastly different from before. Especially now that she knew about Yan Shixun's blood restraining her, she regarded Yan Shixun with greater importance and wariness.

As Yan Shixun's muscles tensed, preparing to act, Yang Duo, in that split second of proximity, curled her ruby lips into a malicious yet alluring smile.

Yan Shixun frowned, subconsciously sensing something amiss because of that smile.

Before he could fully grasp the situation, there was a sudden sound of air being torn behind him.

Caught between two fronts.

Yan Shixun lunged at Yang Duo in front of him while swiftly ducking to evade the attack from behind.

But it was too fast.

In a world dominated by the Yin God, Yan Shixun's ability to communicate with gods was almost completely nullified. Moreover, he was injured, and every movement involuntarily paused as his muscles tugged at his wounds.

In such a state, facing the Yin God, he had almost no chance of winning.

Yan Shixun grunted, his sturdy shoulders trembling, and the cloth in his hand barely held steady.

A bloodline as thick as an iron cable pierced through his shoulder from behind.

Not only that, but dozens of similar bloodlines surged from the blood river, rushing towards Yan Shixun from all directions.

The angles were so acute that he could hardly avoid them.

Moreover, Yan Shixun was pinned in place by the bloodline that pierced his shoulder, unable to move much.

He was like a target, with arrows aimed at him from every direction.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably have already despaired under the fear and pain.

But Yan Shixun's eyes became sharper and brighter, and the pain was like the best stimulant for him, continuously increasing adrenaline.

He tightened his muscles, becoming more agile and flexible under the attacks of a dozen or so, paying no heed to the fact that his shoulder, pierced through, was widening the wound, causing more severe pain as blood streamed down, soaking his shirt.

But what he gained from the widening wound was worth it.

All of the attacks were narrowly avoided by Yan Shixun, protecting his brain and heart.

Yet, the cost was also bloody.

His abdomen and thighs were pierced, although he had calculated to avoid vital organs and arteries in his abdomen and thighs, the pain still made everything go dark in front of him for a moment, almost unable to see clearly, and his movements slowed down.

In the moment when Yan Shixun lost balance due to pain, Yang Duo did not give up this excellent opportunity. She ruthlessly broke her own nails, covered in blood, and thrust them towards Yan Shixun's throat.

She went for the kill, aiming to completely eliminate this obstacle in her path to becoming an Yin God, and to leave no place for anyone who dared to betray her.

However, Yan Shixun gritted his teeth, controlling the involuntary trembling of his muscles due to pain, and watched as Yang Duo approached inch by inch. He forced himself to tilt his head to the side.

The nails didn't land on his throat, but plunged deeply into his collarbone.

Beside him, Zhang Wubing exclaimed in horror, “Brother Yan!!”

Blood sprayed down, and where it met the blood river on the ground, flames erupted fiercely, only to be covered by the constantly flowing blood, gradually diminishing the flames.

The back-and-forth battle continued, with the vast amount of Yin energy slowly depleting the impact of Yan Shixun's attacks until they dissipated.

After missing her strike, Yang Duo quickly retreated away from Yan Shixun, avoiding any splashes of his blood onto herself.

This was the first time she had suffered such a severe injury since slaughtering everyone in the village cemetery.

All because of Yan Shixun's blood.

So, when she looked at Yan Shixun again, she no longer dared to underestimate him as before. Instead, she became extremely vigilant.

Yan Shixun probably sensed the extent of his injuries and guessed that Yang Duo had initially aimed for his heart and brain, but he managed to evade all vital points. Although his limbs and abdomen were equally severely injured, his life was not immediately threatened.

He took a breath, twitched his lips into a smile, and leaned back slightly, "Well done. It seems the Yin energy hasn't taken away all of your sanity—no, I should say, it's the Yin God guiding your actions."

"Trading everything you have—memories, soul, name—for an illusory power. Yang Duo, do you still remember your original direction?"

Even in a disadvantaged position, Yan Shixun showed no panic. Despite the large amount of blood flowing from his body, almost turning him into a bloodied figure, he continued to smile, as if he were the ultimate victor, with a touch of pity in his eyes. "How pitiful, Yang Duo."

"You once held the most precious things in your hands, but you chose to let them go."

"I don't care."

Yang Duo's voice was cold, "It's you who, facing death, still speak in flowery language."

Hastily approaching footsteps were heard, and behind, Lu Xingxing and Zhao Zhen happened to enter the ancestral hall.

They looked at Yan Shixun, who was confronting Yang Duo with severe injuries, their eyes filled with shock. “Brother Yan!”

"Mr. Yan!"

Yan Shixun heard the calls but didn't turn around. He fluttered his eyelashes, smiling at Yang Duo. "Guess, will you be faster in killing them, or will I risk everything to kill you?"

Yang Duo slowly shifted her gaze back from the two individuals to Yan Shixun, her eyes filled with malice.

He just tilted his head, smiling crookedly because of the muscles involving his neck and clavicle, then he chuckled, "Hissed" softly.

Then he said, "I don't mind if you try, and to be honest, I'm curious too. If we both go all out, who will win? But unfortunately, we probably won't have the chance to find out."

Yan Shixun's gaze slid over the people beside him, then he reached out, gritting his teeth to control the trembling muscles, and reached into his pocket, retrieving his phone.

"Now, what I'm even more curious about is, just like I asked you before, why did you think I would stand before you unprepared?"

Yan Shixun shook his phone, smiling. "Yang Duo, when you died, smartphones weren't a thing yet, right? They weren't used much by the people in Family Tomb Village. You probably don't know what this is?"

His smile held a deeper meaning. "One must keep up with the times, you know. Being stuck in the past is not an option."

With that, he pressed the play button on the phone interface, and a recording started playing.

"I'm going to take Jiang Yanran home. What her uncle couldn't do, I'll take over and continue."

The voice, old yet resolute, echoed in the quiet ancestral hall, resounding with determination. "I've been working on this for decades, and I'm not afraid to spend another few decades! I won't give up until I die. The child who left home, it's time to come back."

If an official were present, they would recognize that voice as that of the old police officer, Chen Rui.

But Yang Duo didn't know. She looked at Yan Shixuan with confusion and mockery. "Is this your preparation?"


Yan Shixuan nodded confidently. "From Jiang Yanran's clearly higher level of rationality and freedom compared to others, I guessed that she wasn't under your control. I even thought she might be an Yin God. Her power is probably on par with yours."

Yang Duo sneered. "So what?"

Acknowledged, good.

Yan Shixuan mentally ticked a box. He continued calmly, "When Yang Yun appeared in the ancestral hall, it made me realize another thing—Jiang Yanran is also here."

"The unique geographical location of Family Tomb Village ensures that it's easier for Yin Gods to be born here. However, once a Yin God forms, it creates a vortex of spiritual energy, trapping all Yin energy and spirits here. And you, you're no exception to this rule."

Yan Shixuan spoke calmly, "Yang Duo, not everyone wants to stay in Family Tomb Village forever. Yang Yun wants to find his mother. Does Jiang Yanran really want to stay here?"

"No. It's just that a large amount of Yin energy has clouded her judgment, causing her to forget most of her memories from her previous life, only remembering the hatred. She forgot that there are people who want to take her home."

Suddenly, Yan Shixuan raised his head and looked at an empty spot in the ancestral hall, calling out loudly, "Jiang Yanran, do you really want to stay in a place full of enemies forever? Your uncle died here too. Don't you want to take him home?"

"Perhaps you've forgotten, not everyone has given up on you. Do you remember the young police officer from the official institution who almost died trying to save you?"

Yan Shixuan's voice is steady and powerful:“He's Chen Rui. For decades, he has never forgotten about you. Your uncle entrusted him before he died to take you home. He has been looking for you all this time. He wants to take you home, Jiang Yanran. It's been decades, you and your uncle should go home."

As his voice trailed off, the ancestral hall fell silent once again.

But soon, ripples appeared in the previously empty space.

Jiang Yanran appeared slowly, her face expressionless, her eyes hollow and lost.

"Chen... Rui?" she repeated softly, her voice filled with emptiness and confusion.

Yang Duo looked at Jiang Yanran in astonishment, a hint of subtle panic flashing across her previously fierce face. "Yanran, he's lying to you, just like Yang Laosan deceived your uncle and got him killed! Don't believe him!"

"You're panicking, Yang Duo."

Yan Shixuan asked softly, with a smile on his face:“Is it because you know that Jiang Yanran also gathers Yin energy in her body? If she resists, you might not necessarily win?”

Yang Duo's gaze swept over fiercely. "Shut up!"

But Yan Shixun reopened the play button on his phone.

The voice of the old policeman, recorded when he spoke with him, played repeatedly in the ancestral hall.

Yang Duo was flustered, not knowing how to stop it.

But Jiang Yanran, listening to the repeated playback, gradually remembered everything.

Yes... She remembered a pair of bright and resolute eyes from that year.

That person told her that he would definitely take her home.

So, his name was Chen Rui...

So, someone never gave up on her after all...

Jiang Yanran stared at Yan Shixun, tears silently streaming down her cheeks.

"Someone wants to take me home?"

"Yes," Yan Shixun said solemnly. "It's time for you to go home, Jiang Yanran. Your home isn't here. Remember? Your home with your uncle?"

"He was killed by the people of Family Tomb Village. Do you want his remains and spirit to be trapped here forever, facing enemies day and night? Your uncle risked his life to bring you home. Now, it's your turn to take him home."

Yang Duo's eyes widened with fury, shouting sharply, "Shut up!"

But Yan Shixun paid no attention, instead deliberately lowering his voice, sounding softer and more sincere. "Jiang Yanran, take him home."


Jiang Yanran blinked slowly, and memories and emotions engulfed by darkness suddenly flooded back under her will.

With the help of Yan Shixuan and her own determination, she began to remember everything.

"Home, home, my uncle is waiting for me to come home." Jiang Yanran laughed and cried, "I will bring those villains to justice, I will make sure they are judged!"

Her bright eyes sharpened and became clear. She looked up at Yang Duo and said slowly, "I will not stay in the Family Tomb Village.”

"Yang Duo, I appreciate your help after my death, but I will never allow myself and my uncle to be trapped here because you became the Yin God."

The smile on Jiang Yanran's face disappeared, revealing the fierce and ruthless side that had always been hidden beneath her smile.

She rose on her tiptoes, like a bullet accompanied by a howling wind and piercing through the air, charging towards Yang Duo with unstoppable force.

"Yang Duo, you will not become the Yin God!"

Yang Duo was shocked, but immediately fought back fiercely.

A fierce battle between ghosts ensued, engulfing the surroundings in darkness.

The wind howled violently in the ancestral hall, knocking over all the memorial tablets, its shrieks echoing like the wails of vengeful spirits.

In the midst of such imminent danger and fierce winds, Yan Shixun's slender figure stood tall, his straight spine unbent by pain and severe injuries.

He lowered his gaze and smiled gently, "Yang Duo, this is the preparation I've made for you."

Ciacia/N: the spell will be trasnlated from now on.

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