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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 43

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

A golden light radiated from Yan Shixun, swiftly sweeping outwards with an unstoppable force. It was so dazzling that one couldn’t look directly at it. With its unstoppable momentum, it devoured the blood moon and the darkness, illuminating the entire desolate Family Tomb Village.

The corpses, bewildered, raised their heads, their empty eyes staring at the sun-like brightness. Then, in the next moment, as the light touched them, the rotten corpses disintegrated into dust.

The female corpses, clad in wedding attire and emerging from the coffins, sensed the powerful threat emanating from Yan Shixun and immediately turned to flee. However, the resolute light pressed on, destroying everything in its path. Houses collapsed, the earth churned, and the female corpses, just as they began to flee, were engulfed by the advancing light, disappearing without a trace, without even a cry of agony.

The entire area surrounded by the Moon Mountain Range, a place steeped in darkness, was illuminated by this golden light, as if the sun itself had descended and exploded.

The earth trembled, and the wails of the spirits were extinguished in the next moment.

In a place unseen by anyone, at the very center of that light, Ye Li embraced Yan Shixun from behind in an extremely intimate manner. Despite Yan Shixun’s thin and blood-soaked figure, Ye Li’s icy face pressed against the nape of Yan Shixun’s neck. His long arm stretched out, firmly holding Yan Shixun’s arm, his temperatureless palm interlocking with Yan Shixun’s bloodstained hand. The cold, dry palm also became stained with Yan Shixun’s blood, as if thereby acquiring a human warmth.

“Yan Shixun, did you ultimately decide that the Yin God should not exist in the mortal realm?”

From Yan Shixun’s unseen perspective, Ye Li’s usually indifferent eyes were now ignited like a flame, reflecting the slender figure before him in the flickering light. Amidst the shimmering light, only the figure before him filled his entire field of vision.

Ye Li’s voice was magnetic and hoarse, as if suppressing an excitement that made him shiver. “You do not acknowledge the Yin God, yet you did not kill all the ghosts in this place. You found Jiang Yanran’s last connection to the mortal realm, took on Yang Yun’s obsession, but did not spare Yang Duo, believing she had her sins. Shixun….”

“Even if the good and evil trial of Fengdu was here, their judgment would be no different. To think that an exorcist like you could reach such a level… it surprises me.”

A gentle, cool breath fell behind his ear. Yan Shixun frowned, wanting to distance himself from Ye Li, but his arms were firmly trapped in Ye Li’s embrace, immovable as a mountain.

Ye Li was slightly taller and more robust than him, enveloping him completely with his sturdy frame, as if it were natural.

Yan Shixun tried several times, but the pain from his wounds intensified with each attempt, and his trembling muscles had little strength left. He couldn’t break free from Ye Li’s embrace.

He could feel it: after his talisman took effect, it wasn’t the familiar divine power he remembered, but a colder yet more majestic force pouring into his body, coursing through his meridians and freely acting upon his will, without any restriction or hindrance.

It was as if it wasn’t the power driven by the effects of the talisman, but another deity had handed him the authority, allowing him to wield and command as he pleased.

The chilling yet pure aura it emitted was no different from what Ye Li had imparted to him.

“Ye Li.”

Yan Shixun turned his head slightly, the corner of his eye catching a glimpse of the tall man behind him. The strands of dark hair that cascaded down his face cast shadows, and through those shadows, he saw no malice in Ye Li’s handsome and sharp features. Instead, it was like a collector beholding the most exquisite gem in the world, filled with astonishment and fondness, treasuring it to the utmost, fearing the slightest harm might befall it.

Although he had harbored doubts about this man who called himself “Ye Li,” Yan Shixun, who had encountered numerous people from all walks of life and had keen insight, had to admit that Ye Li harbored no ill will toward him.

So, his originally stern inquiry paused, and he calmly asked, “Who exactly are you?”

“I know you’re not just some assistant director summoned by Zhang Wubing, but I initially suspected you might be someone with a karmic connection to my late master. After all, the power you displayed earlier far exceeds the common understanding of this era.”

Yan Shixun locked eyes with those narrow, smiling eyes, and in a serious tone, he said, “But now, I even begin to doubt whether you are still of human origin.”

Ye Li chuckled softly. Due to Yan Shixun’s slight turn of the head, their cheeks were pressed intimately close, and they could even see the slightest emotions in each other’s eyes. The warmth from their breath fell on each other’s skin as they spoke.

As their breaths intertwined and their gazes met, it felt as if nothing in the world could come between them.

“I have no karmic connection with your master.”

“I just want to establish karma connection with you.”

Ye Li’s voice was hoarse as he whispered in Yan Shixun’s ear, “As for who I am… that depends on how you perceive my role. I can be anyone you want me to be.”

It was like a feather brushing against his earlobe, causing a subtle itch.

Yan Shixun had never been this close to anyone before. He couldn’t help but turn his head slightly, trying to distance himself from Ye Li, but Ye Li moved closer instead.

“Yan Shixun, you always form yin-yang contracts with strangers, and the heavens and earth become witnesses to these contracts. Why not, let’s form a yin-yang contract as well.”

Ye Li smiled, his tone gentle yet laced with a seductive power. “Perhaps I am a villain, or maybe I pose a threat to others’ lives. You can freely speculate about my identity, assess and be wary of the threat I may bring. So, Yan Shixun, will you turn a blind eye?”

“Let me accompany you, and in return, you can freely explore my truth, learn everything about me.”

“How about it?”

Yan Shixun hesitated for a moment, pondering over Ye Li’s proposition.

Indeed, Ye Li’s proposal was tempting. It was one of the methods he had considered—keeping an eye on the yet-to-be-revealed danger, ensuring it was thwarted before it could manifest. And the fact that Ye Li himself had suggested it made it even better.

However, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

It felt like he was being led step by step toward Ye Li.

This sense of closeness, which he had never experienced before as someone who always walked alone, made him uncomfortable and made him want to flee.


“I’ve understood a principle since I was young: there are no actions without motives in this world. Every behavior has its cause. So, Ye Li, by presenting yourself to me and offering what I desire—what will you gain in return?”

Ye Li chuckled softly, the vibration of his chest transferring to Yan Shixun’s skin as they pressed against each other.

And under the radiance of the surrounding golden light, Ye Li’s originally cold and lifeless eyes became so bright that they were almost unbearable to look at.


—As you explore me, you will also draw closer to me.

And I will gain you.

By then, the entanglement of cause and effect will grow, and you will be left by the world, unable to be separated from me.

So, Yan Shixun, come to me.

The golden light obscured the sky, and the earth and mountains were overturned, causing Moon Mountain to tremble with a deafening roar. Giant rocks rolled down the mountainside, shattering and kicking up clouds of dust and debris.

And along with the collapse, this lifeless world ceased to exist.

The earth collapsed inch by inch, falling into the bottomless darkness. The outline of the graveyard village quickly vanished into the night, and the houses, which once held countless painful memories, would never again welcome the light of the sun.

Without realizing it, Lu Xingxing held his breath, looking up at the brilliant lights filling the sky, his expression dazed as he wondered—was Yan Shixun some kind of immortal descending to earth? Even after the collapse of the heavens and earth, were there still gods in existence?

Zhao Zhen and the others also widened their eyes in unison, staring at everything before them, shocked and unsure how to react.

But they were all too aware that this power came from Yan Shixun.

Zhao Zhen stared blankly for a long time, only to realize a dryness in his eyes. He blinked rapidly, tears welling up.

It was the witnessing of the miracle and brilliance of the heavens and earth, an overwhelming and moving experience from the depths of his soul.

As if in this moment, he was intimately close to the heavens and earth, and the heavens and earth were with him.

“Mr. Yan…” Zhao Zhen murmured softly, sighing as his words dissipated into the air.

Both Jiang Yanran and Yang Duo stopped their movements, standing still and looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

“How… is this possible?” Yang Duo shook her head in disbelief, retreating back with a face full of incredulity. “I am the Yin God! A Yin God!”

“How could a mere mortal, how could he shatter my world!”

In the trembling earth, only the ancestral hall remained intact.

As the golden light gradually faded, a tall figure emerged from within.


The sound of Martin boots echoed lightly as they touched the ground scattered with debris.

Yan Shixun’s figure moved gracefully through the shadows, his eyes cast downward, his handsome face calm, giving no hint of the astonishing feat he had just accomplished to terrify the ghosts.

“Humanity does not need a land of death. While people may err, that is no excuse for you to indiscriminately take lives. Their sins will be judged by the laws of the universe. And you, Yang Duo,”

Yan Shixun’s gaze turned cold as he looked at Yang Duo, “the consequences of your actions have far exceeded what was promised. Your actions have become the root of your evil. The innocent lives lost have become the burden of your guilt.”

“Life?” Yang Duo sneered, lips trembling with contempt as she looked at Yan Shixun, her eyes filled with murderous intent. “They were full of wrongdoing, not worth lamenting over! What’s wrong with me killing them?”

Unmoved, Yan Shixun asked coldly, “What about those newborn babies, and the young ones just starting to interact with the outside world? They have done nothing wrong.”

Yang Duo scoffed, “They owe me because of their ancestors’ deeds, and they will naturally have to pay! Moreover, they will make mistakes in the future. Can you guarantee that they won’t commit any sins until their death?”

“I cannot guarantee, and such a guarantee would be meaningless,” Yan Shixun responded indifferently. “What you’re saying is merely your imagination. Everyone makes mistakes, so should everyone be killed at birth for sins they haven’t committed? How can you decide their fate based on the sins they haven’t yet committed?”

“Yang Duo, take your resentment and sins to the courts of Fengdu for judgment.”

As Yan Shixun’s words fell, the entire ancestral hall suddenly shook violently. Bricks and stones tumbled down, the earth cracked open, and the shattered ancestral hall and ground rumbled, tilting and falling downwards.

Below was darkness, swallowing all light and sound.

Like the legendary hell.

Zhang Wubing and the others exclaimed in shock, but soon realized that the bricks and cracks had miraculously avoided harming them, completely bypassing their positions.

But Yang Duo, along with the collapsing earth, slowly descended.

Her screams pierced the air as she exerted all her strength to escape from the ground she had been standing on, but a force from below firmly grabbed her ankle, rendering her immobile.

Looking down, Yang Duo saw that the one gripping her ankle was a pair of stiff, decaying hands. Following those hands, she met the gaze of a cold, pale young face.

She vaguely remembered that it was one of the young villagers she had slaughtered.

Not only that, but more decaying hands emerged from the darkness, grabbing Yang Duo’s ankles, calves…

These hands belonged to men and women, young and old, even infants with tiny fingers.

Their murmurs echoed emptily in the darkness as they dragged Yang Duo, descending into hell together.

Yang Duo screamed in horror, desperately trying to kick them away, but more and more hands appeared, grabbing her. She reached out, clawing at the edges of the earth split apart, desperately trying to climb back up to her world.

The giant rock let out a resounding “crack!” as it mercilessly plummeted downward into the darkness.

Yang Duo, with bloodshot eyes, reached out desperately upward, but could only watch helplessly as she fell further away from the human realm, with only hell to embrace her and judge her sins.

In the last second before being engulfed by darkness, Yang Duo faintly saw the cold gaze cast down from above by Yan Shixun.

But to her surprise, there was no trace of mockery or pride in those eyes, only a profound and gentle sadness.

It was as if he was bidding her farewell.

Could this… be possible?

A tumultuous storm raged in Yang Duo’s heart, yet she couldn’t help but feel her once firm hatred begin to waver because of a single look from Yan Shixun.

Could it be… that I’ve truly gone astray?

In a daze, Yang Duo saw faces coming from all directions, their complexion pale and eyes empty, only their hands firmly grasping her, mouths muttering their own grievances and inquiries.

——Why did you kill me? I did nothing wrong.

——Why seek revenge on me? I haven’t done anything.

Yang Duo slowly blinked her eyes, her beautiful face and body rapidly turning into bones. She wanted to take one last look at the human world, to reminisce about her life, but suddenly realized that she had forgotten.

Engulfed by the gloom for too long, she seemed to have forgotten her origins, just as Yan Shixun had said.

“I think… I really went astray…”

But it was too late.

Darkness surged forth, swallowing Yang Duo completely.

Yan Shixun withdrew his gaze from the darkness. He turned away from the lingering golden light and walked slowly but resolutely towards the disheveled Jiang Yanran, who was sitting on the ground.

He bent down slowly, extending his slender hand towards Jiang Yanran.

“Jiang Yanran, I’ll take you home.”

Jiang Yanran blinked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She reached out and firmly grasped the hand extended by Yan Shixuan.

“Yeah, let’s go home — with my uncle, let’s leave the Family Tomb Village.”

Yan Shixuan tightened his grip on Jiang Yanran’s hand, leading her towards the dazzling golden light.

As the light fell on Jiang Yanran, her disheveled appearance slowly faded away, her dress fluttering in the wind, her smile radiant.

A frail and stooped figure leaning on a cane stood not far away, smiling kindly at Jiang Yanran.

Jiang Yanran slowly widened her eyes, shouting in disbelief, “Uncle!”

The old man happily waved to her, “Yanran, I’ve come to take you home.”

He hurried towards Jiang Yanran, leaning on his cane, but as he walked, he discarded the cane, his posture straightening, his graying hair turning black, and the lines of worry on his face gradually disappearing.

He transformed into the middle-aged man that had remained in Jiang Yanran’s memory, with a hearty smile on his face as he opened his arms, waiting for Jiang Yanran to rush into his embrace.

Just like he used to wait at the train station every time, watching his niece emerge from the exit when she returned from college.

Jiang Yanran laughed, tears welling up in her eyes before her voice, streaming down her face uncontrollably.


She ran over, throwing herself into the middle-aged man’s arms, choked with emotion but unable to suppress her smile. “Yes, let’s go home together!”

In this moment, it felt as if time had reversed, returning them to a time long past.

Ten years ago, on that sunny summer day.

At the train station, Jiang Cheng waited for his niece, taking her luggage from her hands and listening to her tales of her internship with a smile. Amidst the bustling crowd, they carved out a warm atmosphere, laughing and chatting as they made their way home.

His heart was filled with enthusiasm, planning to cook his niece her favorite dishes. Meanwhile, his niece looked at the new streaks of white in his hair, determined to ensure her uncle lived a good life.

As a gentle breeze swept through, the path they walked was bathed in sunlight, free from any shadows.

Yan Shixun quietly watched as the soul gradually disappeared into the light, the severity on his sharp face softening slowly, warmth returning to his expression.

A tall figure strode to his side.

Yan Shixun glanced sideways, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

“I seem to owe you again, don’t I?”

Ye Li nodded with a light smile. “I couldn’t ask for more.”

Yan Shixun attempted to turn around to say something but pulled at his wound in the process. The sudden pain made him grimace, but he chuckled along, “You better hide your true self well. If I find out you’re really not human, don’t expect me to be gentle.”

Ye Li’s eyes sparkled with amusement, the icy edge melting into warmth.

He spread his arms, revealing his chest as if inviting exploration. “There are many truths about me, Yan Shixun. Looks like you have some digging to do. Fortunately, we have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

“Don’t we?”

Yan Shixun looked at him steadily for a moment, then chuckled lightly, turning to the others still trembling in the shrine.

“Why are you still cowering there? Waiting to die?” Yan Shixun nodded towards the direction of the light, nonchalantly adding, “Let’s go.”

With that, he took the lead with his long strides towards the golden light.

Ye Li walked alongside him.

Yan Shixun felt something and glanced sideways. He was accustomed to being alone, but surprisingly didn’t mind having someone by his side.

Perhaps… having someone around wasn’t such a bad thing after all?

Behind them, the world collapsed with a thunderous roar, sinking completely into darkness.

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 112

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 43

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

A golden light radiated from Yan Shixun, swiftly sweeping outwards with an unstoppable force. It was so dazzling that one couldn't look directly at it. With its unstoppable momentum, it devoured the blood moon and the darkness, illuminating the entire desolate Family Tomb Village.

The corpses, bewildered, raised their heads, their empty eyes staring at the sun-like brightness. Then, in the next moment, as the light touched them, the rotten corpses disintegrated into dust.

The female corpses, clad in wedding attire and emerging from the coffins, sensed the powerful threat emanating from Yan Shixun and immediately turned to flee. However, the resolute light pressed on, destroying everything in its path. Houses collapsed, the earth churned, and the female corpses, just as they began to flee, were engulfed by the advancing light, disappearing without a trace, without even a cry of agony.

The entire area surrounded by the Moon Mountain Range, a place steeped in darkness, was illuminated by this golden light, as if the sun itself had descended and exploded.

The earth trembled, and the wails of the spirits were extinguished in the next moment.

In a place unseen by anyone, at the very center of that light, Ye Li embraced Yan Shixun from behind in an extremely intimate manner. Despite Yan Shixun's thin and blood-soaked figure, Ye Li's icy face pressed against the nape of Yan Shixun's neck. His long arm stretched out, firmly holding Yan Shixun's arm, his temperatureless palm interlocking with Yan Shixun's bloodstained hand. The cold, dry palm also became stained with Yan Shixun's blood, as if thereby acquiring a human warmth.

"Yan Shixun, did you ultimately decide that the Yin God should not exist in the mortal realm?"

From Yan Shixun's unseen perspective, Ye Li's usually indifferent eyes were now ignited like a flame, reflecting the slender figure before him in the flickering light. Amidst the shimmering light, only the figure before him filled his entire field of vision.

Ye Li's voice was magnetic and hoarse, as if suppressing an excitement that made him shiver. "You do not acknowledge the Yin God, yet you did not kill all the ghosts in this place. You found Jiang Yanran's last connection to the mortal realm, took on Yang Yun's obsession, but did not spare Yang Duo, believing she had her sins. Shixun….”

“Even if the good and evil trial of Fengdu was here, their judgment would be no different. To think that an exorcist like you could reach such a level... it surprises me."

A gentle, cool breath fell behind his ear. Yan Shixun frowned, wanting to distance himself from Ye Li, but his arms were firmly trapped in Ye Li's embrace, immovable as a mountain.

Ye Li was slightly taller and more robust than him, enveloping him completely with his sturdy frame, as if it were natural.

Yan Shixun tried several times, but the pain from his wounds intensified with each attempt, and his trembling muscles had little strength left. He couldn't break free from Ye Li's embrace.

He could feel it: after his talisman took effect, it wasn't the familiar divine power he remembered, but a colder yet more majestic force pouring into his body, coursing through his meridians and freely acting upon his will, without any restriction or hindrance.

It was as if it wasn't the power driven by the effects of the talisman, but another deity had handed him the authority, allowing him to wield and command as he pleased.

The chilling yet pure aura it emitted was no different from what Ye Li had imparted to him.

"Ye Li."

Yan Shixun turned his head slightly, the corner of his eye catching a glimpse of the tall man behind him. The strands of dark hair that cascaded down his face cast shadows, and through those shadows, he saw no malice in Ye Li's handsome and sharp features. Instead, it was like a collector beholding the most exquisite gem in the world, filled with astonishment and fondness, treasuring it to the utmost, fearing the slightest harm might befall it.

Although he had harbored doubts about this man who called himself "Ye Li," Yan Shixun, who had encountered numerous people from all walks of life and had keen insight, had to admit that Ye Li harbored no ill will toward him.

So, his originally stern inquiry paused, and he calmly asked, "Who exactly are you?"

"I know you're not just some assistant director summoned by Zhang Wubing, but I initially suspected you might be someone with a karmic connection to my late master. After all, the power you displayed earlier far exceeds the common understanding of this era."

Yan Shixun locked eyes with those narrow, smiling eyes, and in a serious tone, he said, "But now, I even begin to doubt whether you are still of human origin."

Ye Li chuckled softly. Due to Yan Shixun's slight turn of the head, their cheeks were pressed intimately close, and they could even see the slightest emotions in each other's eyes. The warmth from their breath fell on each other's skin as they spoke.

As their breaths intertwined and their gazes met, it felt as if nothing in the world could come between them.

"I have no karmic connection with your master."

"I just want to establish karma connection with you."

Ye Li's voice was hoarse as he whispered in Yan Shixun's ear, "As for who I am... that depends on how you perceive my role. I can be anyone you want me to be."

It was like a feather brushing against his earlobe, causing a subtle itch.

Yan Shixun had never been this close to anyone before. He couldn't help but turn his head slightly, trying to distance himself from Ye Li, but Ye Li moved closer instead.

"Yan Shixun, you always form yin-yang contracts with strangers, and the heavens and earth become witnesses to these contracts. Why not, let's form a yin-yang contract as well."

Ye Li smiled, his tone gentle yet laced with a seductive power. "Perhaps I am a villain, or maybe I pose a threat to others' lives. You can freely speculate about my identity, assess and be wary of the threat I may bring. So, Yan Shixun, will you turn a blind eye?"

"Let me accompany you, and in return, you can freely explore my truth, learn everything about me."

"How about it?"

Yan Shixun hesitated for a moment, pondering over Ye Li's proposition.

Indeed, Ye Li's proposal was tempting. It was one of the methods he had considered—keeping an eye on the yet-to-be-revealed danger, ensuring it was thwarted before it could manifest. And the fact that Ye Li himself had suggested it made it even better.

However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

It felt like he was being led step by step toward Ye Li.

This sense of closeness, which he had never experienced before as someone who always walked alone, made him uncomfortable and made him want to flee.


"I've understood a principle since I was young: there are no actions without motives in this world. Every behavior has its cause. So, Ye Li, by presenting yourself to me and offering what I desire—what will you gain in return?"

Ye Li chuckled softly, the vibration of his chest transferring to Yan Shixun's skin as they pressed against each other.

And under the radiance of the surrounding golden light, Ye Li's originally cold and lifeless eyes became so bright that they were almost unbearable to look at.


—As you explore me, you will also draw closer to me.

And I will gain you.

By then, the entanglement of cause and effect will grow, and you will be left by the world, unable to be separated from me.

So, Yan Shixun, come to me.


The golden light obscured the sky, and the earth and mountains were overturned, causing Moon Mountain to tremble with a deafening roar. Giant rocks rolled down the mountainside, shattering and kicking up clouds of dust and debris.

And along with the collapse, this lifeless world ceased to exist.

The earth collapsed inch by inch, falling into the bottomless darkness. The outline of the graveyard village quickly vanished into the night, and the houses, which once held countless painful memories, would never again welcome the light of the sun.

Without realizing it, Lu Xingxing held his breath, looking up at the brilliant lights filling the sky, his expression dazed as he wondered—was Yan Shixun some kind of immortal descending to earth? Even after the collapse of the heavens and earth, were there still gods in existence?

Zhao Zhen and the others also widened their eyes in unison, staring at everything before them, shocked and unsure how to react.

But they were all too aware that this power came from Yan Shixun.

Zhao Zhen stared blankly for a long time, only to realize a dryness in his eyes. He blinked rapidly, tears welling up.

It was the witnessing of the miracle and brilliance of the heavens and earth, an overwhelming and moving experience from the depths of his soul.

As if in this moment, he was intimately close to the heavens and earth, and the heavens and earth were with him.

"Mr. Yan..." Zhao Zhen murmured softly, sighing as his words dissipated into the air.

Both Jiang Yanran and Yang Duo stopped their movements, standing still and looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

"How... is this possible?" Yang Duo shook her head in disbelief, retreating back with a face full of incredulity. "I am the Yin God! A Yin God!”

“How could a mere mortal, how could he shatter my world!"

In the trembling earth, only the ancestral hall remained intact.

As the golden light gradually faded, a tall figure emerged from within.


The sound of Martin boots echoed lightly as they touched the ground scattered with debris.

Yan Shixun's figure moved gracefully through the shadows, his eyes cast downward, his handsome face calm, giving no hint of the astonishing feat he had just accomplished to terrify the ghosts.

"Humanity does not need a land of death. While people may err, that is no excuse for you to indiscriminately take lives. Their sins will be judged by the laws of the universe. And you, Yang Duo,"

Yan Shixun's gaze turned cold as he looked at Yang Duo, "the consequences of your actions have far exceeded what was promised. Your actions have become the root of your evil. The innocent lives lost have become the burden of your guilt."

"Life?" Yang Duo sneered, lips trembling with contempt as she looked at Yan Shixun, her eyes filled with murderous intent. "They were full of wrongdoing, not worth lamenting over! What's wrong with me killing them?"

Unmoved, Yan Shixun asked coldly, "What about those newborn babies, and the young ones just starting to interact with the outside world? They have done nothing wrong."

Yang Duo scoffed, "They owe me because of their ancestors' deeds, and they will naturally have to pay! Moreover, they will make mistakes in the future. Can you guarantee that they won't commit any sins until their death?"

"I cannot guarantee, and such a guarantee would be meaningless," Yan Shixun responded indifferently. "What you're saying is merely your imagination. Everyone makes mistakes, so should everyone be killed at birth for sins they haven't committed? How can you decide their fate based on the sins they haven't yet committed?"

"Yang Duo, take your resentment and sins to the courts of Fengdu for judgment."

As Yan Shixun's words fell, the entire ancestral hall suddenly shook violently. Bricks and stones tumbled down, the earth cracked open, and the shattered ancestral hall and ground rumbled, tilting and falling downwards.

Below was darkness, swallowing all light and sound.

Like the legendary hell.

Zhang Wubing and the others exclaimed in shock, but soon realized that the bricks and cracks had miraculously avoided harming them, completely bypassing their positions.

But Yang Duo, along with the collapsing earth, slowly descended.

Her screams pierced the air as she exerted all her strength to escape from the ground she had been standing on, but a force from below firmly grabbed her ankle, rendering her immobile.

Looking down, Yang Duo saw that the one gripping her ankle was a pair of stiff, decaying hands. Following those hands, she met the gaze of a cold, pale young face.

She vaguely remembered that it was one of the young villagers she had slaughtered.

Not only that, but more decaying hands emerged from the darkness, grabbing Yang Duo's ankles, calves...

These hands belonged to men and women, young and old, even infants with tiny fingers.

Their murmurs echoed emptily in the darkness as they dragged Yang Duo, descending into hell together.

Yang Duo screamed in horror, desperately trying to kick them away, but more and more hands appeared, grabbing her. She reached out, clawing at the edges of the earth split apart, desperately trying to climb back up to her world.

The giant rock let out a resounding "crack!" as it mercilessly plummeted downward into the darkness.

Yang Duo, with bloodshot eyes, reached out desperately upward, but could only watch helplessly as she fell further away from the human realm, with only hell to embrace her and judge her sins.

In the last second before being engulfed by darkness, Yang Duo faintly saw the cold gaze cast down from above by Yan Shixun.

But to her surprise, there was no trace of mockery or pride in those eyes, only a profound and gentle sadness.

It was as if he was bidding her farewell.

Could this... be possible?

A tumultuous storm raged in Yang Duo's heart, yet she couldn't help but feel her once firm hatred begin to waver because of a single look from Yan Shixun.

Could it be... that I've truly gone astray?

In a daze, Yang Duo saw faces coming from all directions, their complexion pale and eyes empty, only their hands firmly grasping her, mouths muttering their own grievances and inquiries.

——Why did you kill me? I did nothing wrong.

——Why seek revenge on me? I haven't done anything.

Yang Duo slowly blinked her eyes, her beautiful face and body rapidly turning into bones. She wanted to take one last look at the human world, to reminisce about her life, but suddenly realized that she had forgotten.

Engulfed by the gloom for too long, she seemed to have forgotten her origins, just as Yan Shixun had said.

"I think... I really went astray..."

But it was too late.

Darkness surged forth, swallowing Yang Duo completely.

Yan Shixun withdrew his gaze from the darkness. He turned away from the lingering golden light and walked slowly but resolutely towards the disheveled Jiang Yanran, who was sitting on the ground.

He bent down slowly, extending his slender hand towards Jiang Yanran.

"Jiang Yanran, I'll take you home."

Jiang Yanran blinked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She reached out and firmly grasped the hand extended by Yan Shixuan.

"Yeah, let's go home — with my uncle, let's leave the Family Tomb Village.”

Yan Shixuan tightened his grip on Jiang Yanran's hand, leading her towards the dazzling golden light.

As the light fell on Jiang Yanran, her disheveled appearance slowly faded away, her dress fluttering in the wind, her smile radiant.

A frail and stooped figure leaning on a cane stood not far away, smiling kindly at Jiang Yanran.

Jiang Yanran slowly widened her eyes, shouting in disbelief, "Uncle!"

The old man happily waved to her, "Yanran, I've come to take you home."

He hurried towards Jiang Yanran, leaning on his cane, but as he walked, he discarded the cane, his posture straightening, his graying hair turning black, and the lines of worry on his face gradually disappearing.

He transformed into the middle-aged man that had remained in Jiang Yanran's memory, with a hearty smile on his face as he opened his arms, waiting for Jiang Yanran to rush into his embrace.

Just like he used to wait at the train station every time, watching his niece emerge from the exit when she returned from college.

Jiang Yanran laughed, tears welling up in her eyes before her voice, streaming down her face uncontrollably.


She ran over, throwing herself into the middle-aged man's arms, choked with emotion but unable to suppress her smile. "Yes, let's go home together!"

In this moment, it felt as if time had reversed, returning them to a time long past.

Ten years ago, on that sunny summer day.

At the train station, Jiang Cheng waited for his niece, taking her luggage from her hands and listening to her tales of her internship with a smile. Amidst the bustling crowd, they carved out a warm atmosphere, laughing and chatting as they made their way home.

His heart was filled with enthusiasm, planning to cook his niece her favorite dishes. Meanwhile, his niece looked at the new streaks of white in his hair, determined to ensure her uncle lived a good life.

As a gentle breeze swept through, the path they walked was bathed in sunlight, free from any shadows.


Yan Shixun quietly watched as the soul gradually disappeared into the light, the severity on his sharp face softening slowly, warmth returning to his expression.

A tall figure strode to his side.

Yan Shixun glanced sideways, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I seem to owe you again, don't I?"

Ye Li nodded with a light smile. "I couldn't ask for more."

Yan Shixun attempted to turn around to say something but pulled at his wound in the process. The sudden pain made him grimace, but he chuckled along, "You better hide your true self well. If I find out you're really not human, don't expect me to be gentle."

Ye Li's eyes sparkled with amusement, the icy edge melting into warmth.

He spread his arms, revealing his chest as if inviting exploration. "There are many truths about me, Yan Shixun. Looks like you have some digging to do. Fortunately, we have plenty of time to get to know each other."

"Don't we?"

Yan Shixun looked at him steadily for a moment, then chuckled lightly, turning to the others still trembling in the shrine.

"Why are you still cowering there? Waiting to die?" Yan Shixun nodded towards the direction of the light, nonchalantly adding, "Let's go."

With that, he took the lead with his long strides towards the golden light.

Ye Li walked alongside him.

Yan Shixun felt something and glanced sideways. He was accustomed to being alone, but surprisingly didn't mind having someone by his side.

Perhaps... having someone around wasn't such a bad thing after all?

Behind them, the world collapsed with a thunderous roar, sinking completely into darkness.

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