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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 5 Part 1

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Because the show wanted to create a relaxed and enjoyable feeling of friends traveling together, no other means of transportation were considered besides the travel minibus on the way to the destination.

However, this raised another issue. The destination, Family Tomb Village, was located to the south, quite a distance from Binhai City. The journey covered nearly 500 kilometers, taking about five to six hours to complete. Additionally, due to recent heavy rains and the monsoon season, there were some road closures along the way, caused by landslides. This meant that the journey required detours, taking smaller rural roads and lanes.

Heading south meant traversing mountainous terrain, and the area was prone to typhoons and monsoons during the summer. Consequently, many smaller roads followed the contours of the mountains, winding through complex landscapes.

With the primary road now blocked, the program’s convoy had no choice but to take the mountainous route. This not only posed some danger but also added extra time to the journey compared to the original estimate.

Upon receiving the news of the road closure, Zhang Wubing looked at the revised route with a bitter taste in his mouth.

We’ll arrive at the rural farmhouse two to three hours later than planned… Autumn days are shorter, and if we calculate based on the scheduled sunset at our destination, it’s likely to be almost dark when we arrive.

Moreover, we originally planned for the guests to arrive before dinner, so they could create a sense of urgency, find ingredients in the mountains, and prepare dinner. Having a natural time constraint would make the show more engaging, naturally creating humor and tension to attract viewers.”

However, now, it seemed that this plan would need some adjustments.

Zhang Wubing sat in the director’s car, feeling like his brain was going bald from thinking too much.

In the guest car behind, what started as lively conversation gradually turned into a somber atmosphere. Long hours of travel can be exhausting, and the guests began to feel the fatigue that came with sitting for an extended period. The repetitive scenery outside the car windows also contributed to visual fatigue.

As the guests grew weary, one by one, they succumbed to drowsiness, with only a few sporadic ones still engaged in conversation. Therefore, Zhang Wubing decided to adjust the angle of the live broadcast screen, focusing half of it on the window view.

When he received a message from Zhang Wubing, Yan Shixun, who had just awakened from a nap, was different from the others; he was still quite alert.

Yan Shixun lazily got up from his seat, and due to the limited space in the car, he had to make do with a half-stretch, loosening his slightly stiff muscles from the nap.

As he raised his arm, the hem of his clothes also lifted slightly, revealing his beautifully slender waist.

Ye Li blinked, his expression emotionless as he lowered his gaze.

Yan Shixun was feeling a bit puzzled. He found this sleep very comfortable, unlike the usual discomfort when he dozed off while sitting. Moreover, he hadn’t shifted to one side and been jolted awake by the car window after falling asleep.

Could it be that the seat adjustment was just perfect this time?

However, Yan Shixun only had a momentary suspicion and quickly dismissed the thought.

“Brother Yan, because the road ahead is completely blocked, we can only take a detour up the mountain on the mountain road. The road is narrow, so please remind the guests not to move around in the car, to prevent changing the vehicle’s center of gravity and making the driver lose control.”

Zhang Wubing’s voice came through the phone, “After passing through this mountain road, there will be another road ahead. Once we pass the toll booth, we’ll see the road leading to our destination, and we’ll be there soon.”

Yan Shixun stood in front of the tour bus, his long arm casually resting on the seat back, his tall figure half-leaning. He looked relaxed as he glanced at the guests sleeping in the back. He chuckled in response to Zhang Wubing’s words.

“Don’t worry, they’re all sound asleep and won’t run around. But to plan a journey lasting several hours. It’s been four hours and we’re still not there… Zhang Dabing, did you ever take a long-distance trip by car before?”

Zhang Wubing coughed awkwardly and looked at the live streaming main screen on his tablet in his hand. He said sheepishly, “Brother Yan, you’re right next to the main screen, and the audience can hear you. Give me a break, please!”

However, Zhang Wubing really hadn’t anticipated that a long bus journey could be this exhausting. He said, “My dad never allowed me to travel far before. Even when we did, it was always his secretary who planned it, and we would go by plane. Back then, I used to think that traveling by car was quite comfortable. I never imagined it would be this tiring now.”

“And the thing about planning the route should have been the job of the assistant director, but for some reason, I clearly remember hiring an assistant, but I just can’t seem to remember where the assistant went…”

So, can we really blame him for this? It’s clearly the assistant director’s fault. But wait, what was the name of the assistant director? He couldn’t even remember what the assistant looked like. Strange, did he really hire an assistant director?

Under the cold snort from Yan Shixun, Zhang Wubing’s voice grew softer and softer, and in the end, he let out a pitiful sob, unable to face Yan Shixun and quickly hung up the phone.

Yan Shixun glanced at the tablet and saw a stream of “hahaha” comments mocking Zhang Wubing, along with viewers curious about the scenery outside the car window, urging him to adjust the angle of the main live broadcast screen quickly.

In the current angle of the main screen, most of it was focused on the guests. Only occasionally, due to a few bumps, could the view outside the car window be seen—a lush and green landscape, with a fresh, post-rain feeling, making one’s heart feel spacious and comfortable, even soothing the eyes considerably.

After adjusting the main live broadcast screen angle as per Zhang Wubing’s design, Yan Shixun felt a distinct “thud” from the wheels, indicating a sudden and intense bump.

Outside, the scenery had just disappeared from view, and the road signs on the highway were no longer visible. It seemed they had transitioned from the highway to a rural road, which was not as smooth and quite bumpy.

Many guests were startled by this sudden jolt.

And Lu Xingxing, who had stayed up late for several nights before coming to the show, slept the soundest. He had curled up in the back row of the car seats and was now sleeping like a log.

So when the car bumped, Lu Xingxing, who was sleeping in the most turbulent part of the vehicle, was completely caught off guard and tumbled off his seat with a muffled thud, landing firmly on the carpeted floor of the car.

This startled several guests, jolting them awake from their drowsy state as they quickly turned to look.

They saw Lu Xingxing’s face still bearing the imprint of the seat cushion, his hair disheveled, and a bewildered look on his face as he struggled vigorously between the rows of seats, limbs flailing.

Some guests couldn’t help but burst into laughter with a “puff” sound.

Yan Shixun chuckled softly, raising his arm to shield his head and maintaining a slightly sideways position to avoid the direction Lu Xingxing was charging towards. He said leisurely, “We’ve only met a few times, and you’re making such a grand entrance? Lu Xingxing, you’re really too polite.”

Lu Xingxing, who had been stunned by the fall, blinked his eyes. His sleep-addled brain slowly started working again, and he grasped Yan Shixun’s meaning.

Then his face turned beet red due to his current predicament and exuded a dark aura due to anger. He gritted his teeth and said, “Yan, Shi, Xun!”

Yan Shixun paid no attention to Lu Xingxing’s tone and lazily replied, “Hmm, I am here.”

Lu Xingxing: “…………”

I’m warning you sternly! Could you please act a little scared? Don’t act like I’m just greeting you! Are you not scared at all?

Yan Shixun’s handsome face showed no hint of emotion. Scared of a crab?

Lu Xingxing struggled to lift his head over the back of the chair, trying to make Yan Shixun see the murderous look in his eyes. At the same time, he made even greater efforts to move his limbs in the air, resembling a crab that had been turned over, looking both pitiful and comical.

The variety show celebrity burst into laughter, and the other guests also joined in after a moment of stunned silence, laughing heartily, filling the room with joy.

The variety show celebrity wiped away his tears of laughter, saying, “Oh my goodness, the comedy god has truly descended. I never expected that someone as young as Xingxing could have such comedic talent.”

Meanwhile, the audience in front of the main screen also noticed the poor Lu Xingxing trapped in the gap due to the guests collectively turning around.

[Is he a comedian? Oh my goodness, I can’t stop laughing, hahaha! How does he manage to be so funny?]

[Pfft, is he in a love-hate relationship with Brother Yan? It feels like this person named Lu Xingxing has some strange emotions towards Brother Yan, a mix of wanting to beat him up and being afraid. But when Brother Yan faces him, it’s like an adult playing with a child, just casually watching the child struggle with all their might.]

[The description in front is so vivid! It’s really like that! Hahaha, how did this person get stuck in the gap, it’s too funny!]

[Xingxing! Xingxing, what are you doing? Xingxing! You’re the leading independent musician of the younger generation, remember? You used to be so cool all the time. Did you forget that? You used to be so disdainful, saying no one could match your music scenes. Did you forget that? In that independent musician competition before, you made all your opponents lose their minds directly. Did you forget that? No, I absolutely refuse to admit that this person flailing their limbs like a crab is my Xingxing! Sobs, where did my handsome and domineering Xingxing go? Who is this goofball?]

[… It turns out that very few people can continue to be cool in front of Brother Yan. Just now, he seemed like he wanted to confront Brother Yan, but Brother Yan remained calm. It’s like punching into cotton, it’s miserable.]

[Huh? I know this person. Because I head the voie on the program a few days ago, my family found a master from Haiyun Temple to help me, and it’s him. He’s really skilled, my elders all acknowledge him, saying he’s genuinely talented. Why is he participating in a TV show? And as an independent musician? I’m so confused???]

[I… I also consulted a master a few days ago, but it was over the phone. Now that you mention it, this Lu Xingxing person has the same voice as that master.]

[No, give us science-believers a break! My worldview is on the brink of collapsing at any moment. Why is it that one after another, these guests on the show are all masters? First Brother Yan, now Lu Xingxing. My goodness, is this show poisonous? Are they giving away masters with every guest appearance?]

[Let me tell you something. in front. Do you know about Haiyun Temple? It’s one of the major Taoist temples in the country, the largest one in the entire central-southern region, and it’s officially affiliated with the government of Binhai City. These two masters are not only genuine masters but also have a connection with Haiyun Temple, especially Mr. Yan Shixun. He holds a very high position within Haiyun Temple. Many wealthy businessmen and celebrities who couldn’t invite the Taoists from Haiyun Temple with money show great respect to Mr. Yan Shixun. Some of them are even Mr. Yan Shixun’s junior disciples or nephews. Haiyun Temple also has some Taoists who are Mr. Yan Shixun’s grand-nephews.]

[What??? Brother Yan looks so young, like in his twenties. How can he have such a high seniority? Is this for real, or are you trying to fool us?]

[It seems to be true. Haiyun Temple is known for its spiritual practices like making wishes, drawing lots, and fortune-telling. When tourists from out of town visit Binhai City, they are often advised to go to Haiyun Temple to draw lots. I went there a couple of days ago, and I actually saw Brother Yan! I initially thought I was mistaken, but the Taoist manning the lot-drawing booth for tourists directly stood up and greeted Brother Yan with a bow, asking if his master uncle wanted to give it a try. Brother Yan declined and said he doesn’t do fortune-telling or lot-drawing. My goodness! That was indeed Brother Yan! That cool demeanor, only Brother Yan can pull it off.]

[I can’t hold it in either after seeing someone share this. I attend Binhai University, and I went to Haiyun Temple for a social practice investigation with my teachers and classmates. Guess what? I actually saw Brother Yan there! After the Haiyun Temple’s abbot, who welcomed us and finished his greeting, he even said, ‘Junior Brother Yan, I’ll be back later.’ When I saw that, I thought, ‘Wow, this is Brother Yan!’ I got excited and called out to him, but Brother Yan didn’t pay me much attention. He just told me to focus on my studies and not to chase after stars, especially him. Sobs, sobs, sobs. I thought from watching the show that Brother Yan would be a tough and cool guy, but in real life, he’s so gentle. I’m in love; Brother Yan is my idol!]

[???What’s going on? Please don’t shake me like this. I had just started believing in science again because of Brother Yan, and now you’re saying this. Sobs, sobs, sobs. How can there be a Taoist who advises people to believe in science every day and says that god statue is an electric action figure and ghosts are just light refractions? This doesn’t make sense!]

[Pfft, I think Brother Yan would be furious if he saw these comments. He probably met a fan and took the opportunity to advise her not to be a fan so that his popularity could decrease a bit, and he could go home sooner if he gets eliminated next time. But instead, after giving this advice, the fan’s enthusiasm skyrocketed! Yan Mais are quite rebellious.]

[Am I the only one here who’s admiring the scenery outside the window? It’s truly breathtaking. I admit I’ve always been a city kid and haven’t seen the beauty of the countryside, but this is just too stunning! It’s like a documentary, so incredibly beautiful. Where is this place? I want to go there too.]

[Oh my goodness, it really is. It’s so beautiful. The leaves outside are as green as jade, it almost looks unreal. I live in the mountains too, but I’ve never seen such a beautiful view. It’s really extraordinary.]

[When they went camping at Wild Wolf Peak before, I felt like I was under the vast sky. But this is a different kind of beauty, so unreal that it makes you wonder if this kind of scenery can truly exist in the world. It has this surreal, dreamlike quality, as if it’s been meticulously crafted and placed here for us to see, but we can’t touch it, or the dream will shatter.]

Not only were the viewers in front of their screens marveling at the beauty outside the car, but also the guests inside the car, without the barrier of a camera lens, were experiencing this picturesque scenery more vividly. They were in awe of this place that felt like a fairyland, so enchanting and beautiful.

The convoy had now entered a mountainous road, narrow and winding. The high-end tourist bus in the convoy was quite wide, so the driver had to drive cautiously, slowly climbing the hill.

Due to a recent heavy rain, the humidity in the mountains was extremely high. Surrounded by mountains, it formed a basin with trapped moisture that couldn’t dissipate, creating thick fog.

As the vehicle ascended on the winding mountain road, the fog obscured the road beneath the wheels, turning everything into a white expanse, making it seem like the car was driving in the clouds.

On the other side of the car, away from the mountain wall, you could clearly see the drifting clouds and mist in all directions, along with the verdant trees partially concealed within the fog. It looked as if it had been created in a bygone era, like special effects from a heavenly palace, with pavilions and towers hidden behind the clouds, and the grass as green as emeralds, as if crafted by divine hands.

The mist in the mountains slowly drifted, making it hard to tell whether one was in the earthly realm or in the heavens.

Seated on the side of the mountain cliff, Bai Shuang held her breath, murmuring in awe, “So beautiful…”

The people around her also seemed captivated, their breaths shallow, afraid to disturb the tranquility. Someone wondered, “Is this real…..”

Finally, from the cramped seat crevice, a flushed and disheveled Lu Xingxing crawled out, looking like he was about to rush out to find Yan Shixun. But then, Yan Shixun’s voice came through calmly.

“Don’t move.”

“We’re on a mountain road, it’s narrow. Please stay seated.”

Strangely, despite Yan Shixun’s voice not having a gentle tone, it had a magical calming effect on Lu Xingxing. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, calming him down from his previous anger and embarrassment. He collected himself and looked towards Yan Shixun.

Yan Shixun’s tall figure stood at the very front of the car, upright like a pine tree, his muscles tense. He was no longer the relaxed and playful person from before. Instead, he exuded a sharp and formidable aura.

Facing the others, he turned his head slightly to look out of the car window at the thick mist flowing by. His brows furrowed tightly, and his expression was serious.

Unlike the others who were enchanted and amazed by the beautiful scenery, Yan Shixun appeared to be on high alert, as if he had spotted some kind of danger.

As Lu Xingxing looked at Yan Shixun in this state, he recalled the words his master had spoken to him earlier.

“When I first entered the Haiyun Temple, I had the privilege of seeing Master Chengyun at a glance. He was an extraordinary genius, and even though he was kind-hearted, he had his own pride. My master, as well as the abbots and senior monks, all believed that Master Chengyun would never take on a disciple.”

At that time, Taoist Song Yi’s eyes were filled with reminiscence and emotion as he said to Lu Xingxing, “However, the proud Master Chengyun, who was like that, took in a child he found at the market more than a decade ago as his disciple. He’s the only one—both a closed-door disciple and a direct disciple. He taught that child all of his skills and abilities.”

As one of Taoist Song Yi’s disciples, Lu Xingxing understood how important it was for a Taoist, especially an accomplished one, to have closed-door disciples and direct disciples.

Today, the current head abbot of Haiyun Tem[;e was a direct disciple of the previous generation, while Master Chengyun was a closed-door disciple, the youngest but most gifted among them. This had amazed his fellow disciples, “A spark of enlightenment was all it took for a symbol; the world wastes ink and vermilion in vain.” The talent that the Dao Ancestor spoke of actually existed in reality.

“Master Chengyun cares deeply for this disciple. Despite traveling far and wide for decades, he made an exception and returned to Haiyun Temple, introducing this disciple to all the senior Taoists and abbots, seeking their help in reading the fate of his disciple.”

Taoist Song Yi sighed and shook his head at Lu Xingxing, “I was just like you back then. It was the first time I saw the legendary ‘Ghostly Facial Features’ as well. There are very few recorded cases of such facial features in history, and most of them met untimely deaths. They are both ghostly and human. Going against the heavens, living means defying fate. Of course, it’s because of the perilous nature of this facial features that anyone who survives and enters the sect becomes a person of extraordinary talent, a top figure in exorcising evil spirits. In the past, they could even become the founding masters of their own sects.”

“However, nobody knows just how high the specific talents of those with the ‘Ghostly Facial Features’ can be. Because no one has ever successfully grown up, let alone enter a sect for cultivation. But, Yan Shixun achieved it.”

In the bewildered gaze of Lu Xingxing, Taoist Song Yi looked nostalgic, as if lost in memories of the past, and continued, “Master Chengyun brought this disciple back originally because when he found him, he was nine years old, just at the first major turning point in his life—the Gate of Lifeless Demise. Master Chengyun wanted to gather the power of all the Taoists at the Haiyun Temple to help this disciple survive.”

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 74

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 5 Part 1

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Because the show wanted to create a relaxed and enjoyable feeling of friends traveling together, no other means of transportation were considered besides the travel minibus on the way to the destination.

However, this raised another issue. The destination, Family Tomb Village, was located to the south, quite a distance from Binhai City. The journey covered nearly 500 kilometers, taking about five to six hours to complete. Additionally, due to recent heavy rains and the monsoon season, there were some road closures along the way, caused by landslides. This meant that the journey required detours, taking smaller rural roads and lanes.

Heading south meant traversing mountainous terrain, and the area was prone to typhoons and monsoons during the summer. Consequently, many smaller roads followed the contours of the mountains, winding through complex landscapes.

With the primary road now blocked, the program's convoy had no choice but to take the mountainous route. This not only posed some danger but also added extra time to the journey compared to the original estimate.

Upon receiving the news of the road closure, Zhang Wubing looked at the revised route with a bitter taste in his mouth.

We'll arrive at the rural farmhouse two to three hours later than planned... Autumn days are shorter, and if we calculate based on the scheduled sunset at our destination, it's likely to be almost dark when we arrive.

Moreover, we originally planned for the guests to arrive before dinner, so they could create a sense of urgency, find ingredients in the mountains, and prepare dinner. Having a natural time constraint would make the show more engaging, naturally creating humor and tension to attract viewers."

However, now, it seemed that this plan would need some adjustments.

Zhang Wubing sat in the director's car, feeling like his brain was going bald from thinking too much.

In the guest car behind, what started as lively conversation gradually turned into a somber atmosphere. Long hours of travel can be exhausting, and the guests began to feel the fatigue that came with sitting for an extended period. The repetitive scenery outside the car windows also contributed to visual fatigue.

As the guests grew weary, one by one, they succumbed to drowsiness, with only a few sporadic ones still engaged in conversation. Therefore, Zhang Wubing decided to adjust the angle of the live broadcast screen, focusing half of it on the window view.

When he received a message from Zhang Wubing, Yan Shixun, who had just awakened from a nap, was different from the others; he was still quite alert.

Yan Shixun lazily got up from his seat, and due to the limited space in the car, he had to make do with a half-stretch, loosening his slightly stiff muscles from the nap.

As he raised his arm, the hem of his clothes also lifted slightly, revealing his beautifully slender waist.

Ye Li blinked, his expression emotionless as he lowered his gaze.

Yan Shixun was feeling a bit puzzled. He found this sleep very comfortable, unlike the usual discomfort when he dozed off while sitting. Moreover, he hadn't shifted to one side and been jolted awake by the car window after falling asleep.

Could it be that the seat adjustment was just perfect this time?

However, Yan Shixun only had a momentary suspicion and quickly dismissed the thought.

"Brother Yan, because the road ahead is completely blocked, we can only take a detour up the mountain on the mountain road. The road is narrow, so please remind the guests not to move around in the car, to prevent changing the vehicle's center of gravity and making the driver lose control."

Zhang Wubing's voice came through the phone, "After passing through this mountain road, there will be another road ahead. Once we pass the toll booth, we'll see the road leading to our destination, and we'll be there soon."

Yan Shixun stood in front of the tour bus, his long arm casually resting on the seat back, his tall figure half-leaning. He looked relaxed as he glanced at the guests sleeping in the back. He chuckled in response to Zhang Wubing's words.

"Don't worry, they're all sound asleep and won't run around. But to plan a journey lasting several hours. It's been four hours and we're still not there... Zhang Dabing, did you ever take a long-distance trip by car before?"

Zhang Wubing coughed awkwardly and looked at the live streaming main screen on his tablet in his hand. He said sheepishly, "Brother Yan, you're right next to the main screen, and the audience can hear you. Give me a break, please!"

However, Zhang Wubing really hadn't anticipated that a long bus journey could be this exhausting. He said, "My dad never allowed me to travel far before. Even when we did, it was always his secretary who planned it, and we would go by plane. Back then, I used to think that traveling by car was quite comfortable. I never imagined it would be this tiring now."

"And the thing about planning the route should have been the job of the assistant director, but for some reason, I clearly remember hiring an assistant, but I just can't seem to remember where the assistant went..."

So, can we really blame him for this? It's clearly the assistant director's fault. But wait, what was the name of the assistant director? He couldn't even remember what the assistant looked like. Strange, did he really hire an assistant director?

Under the cold snort from Yan Shixun, Zhang Wubing's voice grew softer and softer, and in the end, he let out a pitiful sob, unable to face Yan Shixun and quickly hung up the phone.

Yan Shixun glanced at the tablet and saw a stream of "hahaha" comments mocking Zhang Wubing, along with viewers curious about the scenery outside the car window, urging him to adjust the angle of the main live broadcast screen quickly.

In the current angle of the main screen, most of it was focused on the guests. Only occasionally, due to a few bumps, could the view outside the car window be seen—a lush and green landscape, with a fresh, post-rain feeling, making one's heart feel spacious and comfortable, even soothing the eyes considerably.

After adjusting the main live broadcast screen angle as per Zhang Wubing's design, Yan Shixun felt a distinct "thud" from the wheels, indicating a sudden and intense bump.

Outside, the scenery had just disappeared from view, and the road signs on the highway were no longer visible. It seemed they had transitioned from the highway to a rural road, which was not as smooth and quite bumpy.

Many guests were startled by this sudden jolt.

And Lu Xingxing, who had stayed up late for several nights before coming to the show, slept the soundest. He had curled up in the back row of the car seats and was now sleeping like a log.

So when the car bumped, Lu Xingxing, who was sleeping in the most turbulent part of the vehicle, was completely caught off guard and tumbled off his seat with a muffled thud, landing firmly on the carpeted floor of the car.

This startled several guests, jolting them awake from their drowsy state as they quickly turned to look.

They saw Lu Xingxing's face still bearing the imprint of the seat cushion, his hair disheveled, and a bewildered look on his face as he struggled vigorously between the rows of seats, limbs flailing.

Some guests couldn't help but burst into laughter with a "puff" sound.

Yan Shixun chuckled softly, raising his arm to shield his head and maintaining a slightly sideways position to avoid the direction Lu Xingxing was charging towards. He said leisurely, "We've only met a few times, and you're making such a grand entrance? Lu Xingxing, you're really too polite."

Lu Xingxing, who had been stunned by the fall, blinked his eyes. His sleep-addled brain slowly started working again, and he grasped Yan Shixun's meaning.

Then his face turned beet red due to his current predicament and exuded a dark aura due to anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yan, Shi, Xun!"

Yan Shixun paid no attention to Lu Xingxing's tone and lazily replied, "Hmm, I am here."

Lu Xingxing: "............"

I'm warning you sternly! Could you please act a little scared? Don't act like I'm just greeting you! Are you not scared at all?

Yan Shixun's handsome face showed no hint of emotion. Scared of a crab?

Lu Xingxing struggled to lift his head over the back of the chair, trying to make Yan Shixun see the murderous look in his eyes. At the same time, he made even greater efforts to move his limbs in the air, resembling a crab that had been turned over, looking both pitiful and comical.

The variety show celebrity burst into laughter, and the other guests also joined in after a moment of stunned silence, laughing heartily, filling the room with joy.

The variety show celebrity wiped away his tears of laughter, saying, "Oh my goodness, the comedy god has truly descended. I never expected that someone as young as Xingxing could have such comedic talent."

Meanwhile, the audience in front of the main screen also noticed the poor Lu Xingxing trapped in the gap due to the guests collectively turning around.

[Is he a comedian? Oh my goodness, I can't stop laughing, hahaha! How does he manage to be so funny?]

[Pfft, is he in a love-hate relationship with Brother Yan? It feels like this person named Lu Xingxing has some strange emotions towards Brother Yan, a mix of wanting to beat him up and being afraid. But when Brother Yan faces him, it's like an adult playing with a child, just casually watching the child struggle with all their might.]

[The description in front is so vivid! It's really like that! Hahaha, how did this person get stuck in the gap, it's too funny!]

[Xingxing! Xingxing, what are you doing? Xingxing! You're the leading independent musician of the younger generation, remember? You used to be so cool all the time. Did you forget that? You used to be so disdainful, saying no one could match your music scenes. Did you forget that? In that independent musician competition before, you made all your opponents lose their minds directly. Did you forget that? No, I absolutely refuse to admit that this person flailing their limbs like a crab is my Xingxing! Sobs, where did my handsome and domineering Xingxing go? Who is this goofball?]

[... It turns out that very few people can continue to be cool in front of Brother Yan. Just now, he seemed like he wanted to confront Brother Yan, but Brother Yan remained calm. It's like punching into cotton, it's miserable.]

[Huh? I know this person. Because I head the voie on the program a few days ago, my family found a master from Haiyun Temple to help me, and it's him. He's really skilled, my elders all acknowledge him, saying he's genuinely talented. Why is he participating in a TV show? And as an independent musician? I'm so confused???]

[I... I also consulted a master a few days ago, but it was over the phone. Now that you mention it, this Lu Xingxing person has the same voice as that master.]

[No, give us science-believers a break! My worldview is on the brink of collapsing at any moment. Why is it that one after another, these guests on the show are all masters? First Brother Yan, now Lu Xingxing. My goodness, is this show poisonous? Are they giving away masters with every guest appearance?]

[Let me tell you something. in front. Do you know about Haiyun Temple? It's one of the major Taoist temples in the country, the largest one in the entire central-southern region, and it's officially affiliated with the government of Binhai City. These two masters are not only genuine masters but also have a connection with Haiyun Temple, especially Mr. Yan Shixun. He holds a very high position within Haiyun Temple. Many wealthy businessmen and celebrities who couldn't invite the Taoists from Haiyun Temple with money show great respect to Mr. Yan Shixun. Some of them are even Mr. Yan Shixun's junior disciples or nephews. Haiyun Temple also has some Taoists who are Mr. Yan Shixun's grand-nephews.]

[What??? Brother Yan looks so young, like in his twenties. How can he have such a high seniority? Is this for real, or are you trying to fool us?]

[It seems to be true. Haiyun Temple is known for its spiritual practices like making wishes, drawing lots, and fortune-telling. When tourists from out of town visit Binhai City, they are often advised to go to Haiyun Temple to draw lots. I went there a couple of days ago, and I actually saw Brother Yan! I initially thought I was mistaken, but the Taoist manning the lot-drawing booth for tourists directly stood up and greeted Brother Yan with a bow, asking if his master uncle wanted to give it a try. Brother Yan declined and said he doesn't do fortune-telling or lot-drawing. My goodness! That was indeed Brother Yan! That cool demeanor, only Brother Yan can pull it off.]

[I can't hold it in either after seeing someone share this. I attend Binhai University, and I went to Haiyun Temple for a social practice investigation with my teachers and classmates. Guess what? I actually saw Brother Yan there! After the Haiyun Temple's abbot, who welcomed us and finished his greeting, he even said, 'Junior Brother Yan, I'll be back later.' When I saw that, I thought, 'Wow, this is Brother Yan!' I got excited and called out to him, but Brother Yan didn't pay me much attention. He just told me to focus on my studies and not to chase after stars, especially him. Sobs, sobs, sobs. I thought from watching the show that Brother Yan would be a tough and cool guy, but in real life, he's so gentle. I'm in love; Brother Yan is my idol!]

[???What's going on? Please don't shake me like this. I had just started believing in science again because of Brother Yan, and now you're saying this. Sobs, sobs, sobs. How can there be a Taoist who advises people to believe in science every day and says that god statue is an electric action figure and ghosts are just light refractions? This doesn't make sense!]

[Pfft, I think Brother Yan would be furious if he saw these comments. He probably met a fan and took the opportunity to advise her not to be a fan so that his popularity could decrease a bit, and he could go home sooner if he gets eliminated next time. But instead, after giving this advice, the fan's enthusiasm skyrocketed! Yan Mais are quite rebellious.]

[Am I the only one here who's admiring the scenery outside the window? It's truly breathtaking. I admit I've always been a city kid and haven't seen the beauty of the countryside, but this is just too stunning! It's like a documentary, so incredibly beautiful. Where is this place? I want to go there too.]

[Oh my goodness, it really is. It's so beautiful. The leaves outside are as green as jade, it almost looks unreal. I live in the mountains too, but I've never seen such a beautiful view. It's really extraordinary.]

[When they went camping at Wild Wolf Peak before, I felt like I was under the vast sky. But this is a different kind of beauty, so unreal that it makes you wonder if this kind of scenery can truly exist in the world. It has this surreal, dreamlike quality, as if it's been meticulously crafted and placed here for us to see, but we can't touch it, or the dream will shatter.]

Not only were the viewers in front of their screens marveling at the beauty outside the car, but also the guests inside the car, without the barrier of a camera lens, were experiencing this picturesque scenery more vividly. They were in awe of this place that felt like a fairyland, so enchanting and beautiful.

The convoy had now entered a mountainous road, narrow and winding. The high-end tourist bus in the convoy was quite wide, so the driver had to drive cautiously, slowly climbing the hill.

Due to a recent heavy rain, the humidity in the mountains was extremely high. Surrounded by mountains, it formed a basin with trapped moisture that couldn't dissipate, creating thick fog.

As the vehicle ascended on the winding mountain road, the fog obscured the road beneath the wheels, turning everything into a white expanse, making it seem like the car was driving in the clouds.

On the other side of the car, away from the mountain wall, you could clearly see the drifting clouds and mist in all directions, along with the verdant trees partially concealed within the fog. It looked as if it had been created in a bygone era, like special effects from a heavenly palace, with pavilions and towers hidden behind the clouds, and the grass as green as emeralds, as if crafted by divine hands.

The mist in the mountains slowly drifted, making it hard to tell whether one was in the earthly realm or in the heavens.

Seated on the side of the mountain cliff, Bai Shuang held her breath, murmuring in awe, "So beautiful..."

The people around her also seemed captivated, their breaths shallow, afraid to disturb the tranquility. Someone wondered, "Is this real....."

Finally, from the cramped seat crevice, a flushed and disheveled Lu Xingxing crawled out, looking like he was about to rush out to find Yan Shixun. But then, Yan Shixun's voice came through calmly.

"Don't move."

"We're on a mountain road, it's narrow. Please stay seated."

Strangely, despite Yan Shixun's voice not having a gentle tone, it had a magical calming effect on Lu Xingxing. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, calming him down from his previous anger and embarrassment. He collected himself and looked towards Yan Shixun.

Yan Shixun's tall figure stood at the very front of the car, upright like a pine tree, his muscles tense. He was no longer the relaxed and playful person from before. Instead, he exuded a sharp and formidable aura.

Facing the others, he turned his head slightly to look out of the car window at the thick mist flowing by. His brows furrowed tightly, and his expression was serious.

Unlike the others who were enchanted and amazed by the beautiful scenery, Yan Shixun appeared to be on high alert, as if he had spotted some kind of danger.

As Lu Xingxing looked at Yan Shixun in this state, he recalled the words his master had spoken to him earlier.

"When I first entered the Haiyun Temple, I had the privilege of seeing Master Chengyun at a glance. He was an extraordinary genius, and even though he was kind-hearted, he had his own pride. My master, as well as the abbots and senior monks, all believed that Master Chengyun would never take on a disciple."

At that time, Taoist Song Yi's eyes were filled with reminiscence and emotion as he said to Lu Xingxing, "However, the proud Master Chengyun, who was like that, took in a child he found at the market more than a decade ago as his disciple. He's the only one—both a closed-door disciple and a direct disciple. He taught that child all of his skills and abilities."

As one of Taoist Song Yi's disciples, Lu Xingxing understood how important it was for a Taoist, especially an accomplished one, to have closed-door disciples and direct disciples.

Today, the current head abbot of Haiyun Tem[;e was a direct disciple of the previous generation, while Master Chengyun was a closed-door disciple, the youngest but most gifted among them. This had amazed his fellow disciples, "A spark of enlightenment was all it took for a symbol; the world wastes ink and vermilion in vain." The talent that the Dao Ancestor spoke of actually existed in reality.

"Master Chengyun cares deeply for this disciple. Despite traveling far and wide for decades, he made an exception and returned to Haiyun Temple, introducing this disciple to all the senior Taoists and abbots, seeking their help in reading the fate of his disciple."

Taoist Song Yi sighed and shook his head at Lu Xingxing, "I was just like you back then. It was the first time I saw the legendary 'Ghostly Facial Features' as well. There are very few recorded cases of such facial features in history, and most of them met untimely deaths. They are both ghostly and human. Going against the heavens, living means defying fate. Of course, it's because of the perilous nature of this facial features that anyone who survives and enters the sect becomes a person of extraordinary talent, a top figure in exorcising evil spirits. In the past, they could even become the founding masters of their own sects."

"However, nobody knows just how high the specific talents of those with the 'Ghostly Facial Features' can be. Because no one has ever successfully grown up, let alone enter a sect for cultivation. But, Yan Shixun achieved it."

In the bewildered gaze of Lu Xingxing, Taoist Song Yi looked nostalgic, as if lost in memories of the past, and continued, "Master Chengyun brought this disciple back originally because when he found him, he was nine years old, just at the first major turning point in his life—the Gate of Lifeless Demise. Master Chengyun wanted to gather the power of all the Taoists at the Haiyun Temple to help this disciple survive."

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the update

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