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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 22

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Yan Shixun appeared somewhat absent-minded.

In the rural farmstay’s courtyard, there were occasional cries from the variety show celebrity. Evidently, the alcohol used for sterilizing wounds was too stimulating, causing this tough guy, who had been boasting just a few minutes ago, to scream in pain, evoking both sympathy and laughter from other guests.

Even the audience in front of the screen laughed along, praising this brother as a master who had made a name in the variety show world, achieving a full effect.

However, the atmosphere where Yan Shixun was located was in stark contrast to the laughter throughout the courtyard. He frowned and remained silent, his expression serious, as if he were in his own world.

The viewers crouching in front of his split-screen were not as relaxed as the viewers in front of other screens. Even their bullet comments were cautious, as if they had been thoroughly frightened.

After encountering those girls who sang folk songs but appeared unnaturally lively in the village, Yan Shixun realized the strangeness about them. He immediately turned and chased after them.

However, what he didn’t expect was that those girls had clearly run down the village road, but when he caught up to them and looked, he only heard their voices but couldn’t see them.

The girls’ tinkling laughter still echoed in his ears, scattered in the village slowly being engulfed by the night.

Gradually drifting away with it were the folk songs they sang with sweet, innocent voices, carrying a sense of vagueness and ethereality shrouded in thick fog, resonating amidst the mountains, blending into the twilight of the changing day into the night.

Yan Shixun quickly turned his head to look around at the surrounding environment, various speculations quickly arose in his mind. Perhaps it was the terrain, perhaps it was the lighting…


However, he had already taken a step forward, intending to chase after them, but then he hesitated.

Time was running late, and judging from the meaning revealed by Jiang Yanran, they were on the brink of danger.

If he were alone, he would undoubtedly forge ahead fearlessly, uncover all the truths, and resolve the matter involving Yang Hua and Yang Duo, as well as the commission from the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, and then leave.

But now, in addition to himself, the production team members were waiting for him at the rural farmstay.

Yan Shixun hadn’t fully assessed the situation in Family Tomb Village, and naturally, he wouldn’t let the production team members stay alone and face the possible danger.

So, he could only cast a final hurried glance in the direction the girls had disappeared and then swiftly returned to the rural farmstay.

Fortunately, all the guests and staff had already returned to the rural farmstay, and no one was outside.

As the last one to return, Yan Shixun asked the owner, Yang Yun, for a large iron chain and securely locked the rural farmstay’s gate, winding it several times and placing a glass on top. If anyone attempted to open the gate, it would cause the glass to shatter. In this way, he would wake up and know that someone was trying to enter.

He hoped tonight will be a peaceful night… by the time the sun rises tomorrow, he must ensure that the entire production crew leaves.

Yan Shixun’s eyes were filled with seriousness and determination as he glanced down at the tightly sealed gate he had personally secured.

He planned to contact Taoist Ma and Taoist Song from the Haiyun Temple later, asking them to come to the Jia Village to assist and take charge of the production crew.

Compared to the often unreliable Lu Xingxing, he had more trust in the long-standing reputation of the Taoists from the Haiyun Temple.

It was as if something deep within him was warning of a great danger on the horizon. His heart felt heavy, and he was unusually agitated. In such a situation, he could only find peace by entrusting the production crew to the Taoists from Haiyun Temple.

After seeing off the production crew, he would return to Family Tomb Village, not only for the request from Yang Guang, the owner of the breakfast shop, but also to investigate the eerie feeling he had repeatedly experienced in the village.

If he hadn’t seen anything, he might have let it go, but since he had, he couldn’t ignore it.

Yan Shixun had a strange premonition that if he neglected the matters in this Family Tomb Village or waited until after sending the production crew back to the nearby city before returning, it would be too late.

The situation will ferment to an uncontrollable point.

Just like decades ago, when Yang Guang settled Yang Hua and returned to the village, the tragedy had already unfolded and was irreparable.

Yan Shixun stayed apart from the guests, standing straight in front of the rural farmstay’s gate with a contemplative expression, catching Yang Yun’s attention.

“Mr. Yan, what are you doing?”

Yang Yun tapped the rusty, blood-brown padlock on his palm and looked at the tightly bound lock with curiosity, then asked with a smile, “Why is it wrapped so securely? Are you afraid someone might enter at night? But I’ve never seen a glass placed on top like this before. Mr. Yan, are you overly concerned?”

“Rest assured, Mr. Yan. My rural farmstay is close to the Moon Creek so the villagers rarely come this way. There aren’t many houses around, and it’s quite deserted here. Besides.”

Yang Yun spoke confidently, “You are safe inside the rural farmstay. Nothing can come in to harm you.”

Upon hearing Yang Yun’s assurance, Yan Shixun couldn’t help raising an eyebrow and looking at him with a probing gaze.

“Boss is that certain? Is there any basis for that? Tell me so I can put my mind at ease.”

Yan Shixun quickly adjusted his expression, concealing the guard and contemplation he had just displayed, making himself appear sincere and concerned. “To be honest, I have anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If I don’t know the reason, I won’t be able to sleep tonight. When I sleep in a strange place, I always feel uneasy unless the door is securely locked.”

Yang Yun’s face showed surprise. “Mr. Yan, you have so many conditions?”

Yan Shixun nodded without changing his expression. “Yes.”

Yang Yun looked at him sympathetically. “Well, I heard when I left the village that there’s a lot of pressure out there, and many people have various conditions. I didn’t expect Mr. Yan to look so formidable but still be affected. It’s not easy.”

Yang Yun nodded thoughtfully, and with Yan Shixun’s few words, their relationship seemed to have grown closer and friendlier.

“But Mr. Yan, rest assured, I never lie.” Yang Yun smiled, and a hint of determination crossed his face. “After all, I’m the boss of this rural farmstay, when it comes to my business, the people around me, and the villagers, there won’t be another incident.”

“Some things, once is more than enough; I won’t let them happen a second time.”

Yan Shixun’s figure came to a sudden halt, and the smile that had been on his lips slowly faded into a straight line. 

His gaze towards Yang Yun became subtle and peculiar.

Once was enough…What had Yang Yun experienced at the hands of the villagers before? It must have been a significant and severe injury, as his emotions ran so deep when he talked about it.

Yan Shixun thought about what Yang Yun had previously told him about being bullied by the villagers during his childhood, when he and his mother were completely dependent on each other.

Was this what Yang Yun was referring to?

No, that couldn’t be it. 

Yang Yun said “once,” but the bullying had lasted for over a decade.

So, did something else happen that Yang Yun didn’t mention?

Yan Shixun nearly furrowed his brow, but he quickly adjusted the tiny muscles on his face, concealing his suspicion and caution from Yang Yun.

After expressing his gratitude to Yang Yun, the two of them parted ways. Yang Yun smiled and mentioned that he was going to the backyard garden to check if any vegetables were ready to be picked for dinner that night.

Meanwhile, Yan Shixun stood at the gate for quite some time before turning around and motioning for Zhang Wubing to come over.

“Xiao Bing, did you tell the others to pack their things?”

After receiving an affirmative response from Zhang Wubing, Yan Shixun nodded and said solemnly, “Alright, don’t record the show too late tonight. Let’s conserve our energy and set out early tomorrow morning.”

Zhang Wubing’s heart raced. He felt a bit uneasy and nervous due to Yan Shixun’s seriousness. “Brother Yan, nothing will go wrong, right…? How could this happen? We already reported to the responsible sirs and consulted with Master Song from Haiyun Temple. Master Song clearly said there shouldn’t be any problems in Family Tomb Village. He said that when things reach their extreme, they must reverse, even though the name is inauspicious, it’s a case of Yin turning into Yang. He said all of that. How could something like this happen?”

Even though Zhang Wubing had encountered supernatural occurrences throughout his life, he still wasn’t used to this kind of daily life, and it would frighten him each time.

On the other hand, Yan Shixun had long been accustomed to an unpredictable life without a fixed routine and had developed an unchanging calmness even in the face of an earth-shattering event.

Could turning his back to run away really solve the problem?

No, it wouldn’t. It would only weaken his own resolve, making the ghosts and creatures even more excited to catch up and leading to more severe consequences.

Even some freshly graduated Taoists and exorcists, driven by their inner fears, ended up fleeing and getting entangled by evil spirits. They couldn’t break free and ultimately had to give up their profession.

“No matter how many calculations a person makes, they still can’t completely predict the whims of heaven, earth, and ghosts. Clouds and fog are always shifting, the variables in life are forever on the move.”

Yan Shixun said in a calm tone, “Master Song’s calculations may not have been incorrect at the time when you handed over the information about Family Tomb Village to him. Perhaps the result was indeed as he predicted. However, something may have happened afterward that altered the clues and factors leading to the outcome, ultimately leading to a different conclusion.”

“It’s like a finely tuned instrument, where even the tiniest change in its components can result in significant disturbances, causing the instrument to move in a different direction. Among the countless possible outcomes, divination only captures the most likely possibility, but that doesn’t mean the other slim possibilities won’t occur. The universe always holds a glimmer of hope but also conceals dead ends.”

Zhang Wubing sniffled, his pitiful face clearly conveying to Yan Shixun——

That he didn’t understand.

He was just a finance student, and Yan Shixun’s words were too convoluted; his brain was starting to overheat.

Yan Shixun sighed and started to speak more plainly, “Do you know Murphy’s Law? It means that even if the probability of something happening is very low, it still has the possibility of occurring.”

“We are currently at such a juncture, propelled forward by all the causes and factors, leading to an unknown outcome. As for whether that result is good or bad, it can only be judged as such many years later, long after it has occurred. Misfortune and fortune are closely connected, so when you encounter danger and difficulties and feel fear and panic, who’s to say that it’s not your turn for luck to change?”


Yan Shixun gave Zhang Wubing a half-smile, threw his own handkerchief disdainfully, and instructed him to quickly wipe away his tears and runny nose.

“Hasn’t it not happened yet? Until the very moment when the event finally occurs, aside from the heavens and the earth, no one can predict its true course. I’m not worried, so why are you afraid?”

Zhang Wubing blew his nose loudly, earning an even more disdainful look from Yan Shixun.

Zhang Wubing looked even more pitiful. “Shouldn’t I be scared, then? QAQ.”

Yan Shixun: “…”

Hopeless. He rarely wanted to explain things to Zhang Wubing, but the young man just didn’t get it.

Yan Shixun remained expressionless, deciding to use a more straightforward approach that Zhang Wubing could accept.

—Straightforward and direct, with a clear plan.

“Absolutely do not go out tonight, and leave tomorrow morning. Do you hear me?”

Yan Shixun’s gaze at Zhang Wubing carried a chilling sense of danger, as if he was saying, “If you don’t understand, I’ll hit you.”

Zhang Wubing: “!!!”

“Alright! Brother Yan, you can count on me. I’ll take care of the things you’ve asked me to do, and I’ll make sure you will praise me for it. I’ll inform the staff and guests in a bit, ensuring they won’t go out at night.”

Zhang Wubing ran off without looking back.

Leaving Yan Shixun alone, he slowly straightened up from the posture he had when he was speaking to Zhang Wubing, his tall figure erect.

As the setting sun descended, the crimson hues in the sky matched the deep and light red leaves on the surrounding mountains, making it seem like blood was pouring down, drenching every forested hill.

In the residual, temperatureless light of the fading sun, he stood against the backlight, and the shadow slowly crept from the corner of the wall towards his feet, as if it wanted to swallow him.

In the dim and eerie blood-red twilight, a fiery spark seemed to ignite in Yan Shixun’s sharp, narrow eyes.

It was as bright as a blade.

The audience who had been waiting in front of the screen, watching Yan Shixun, saw this scene and instinctively held their breath, staring at Yan Shixun on the screen, not knowing how to react for quite some time.

[Oh my goodness… Mom, I’ve just seen a god. This man is ridiculously handsome! I used to consider myself a heartbreaker, with entertainment industry husbands lined up. I’d love one today and another tomorrow, not thinking twice. But I never expected that this ‘playboy among the flowers, leaves untouched’ would willingly surrender one day. Yan Shixun, I’ll remember that name. He’s like a rocket that landed in my heart, setting off fireworks.]

[I almost forgot to breathe. Brother Yan is absolutely incredible! In that moment just now, I was truly stunned. My heart was racing with excitement, but my hands on the keyboard just didn’t know what to type to accurately express the excitement in my heart. I even blushed from holding my breath! Ahhhh]

[I don’t know why, but watching that scene just now, I felt an inexplicable sense of emotion. Tears welled up uncontrollably, and my nose felt tingly. It’s as if, in places we can’t see, there’s Brother Yan and people like him, doing things to protect us that we don’t even know about leading us to have a secure life. I’m sorry, I might be getting emotional, but truly, my heart feels heavy, and I don’t know what to say.]

[I got serious goosebumps! Just a moment ago, when Brother Yan walked through the village, I was almost scared to death. That little girl started singing, and I had several layers of goosebumps all over my body. I had just started to calm down a bit when I witnessed that scene with Brother Yan, and the goosebumps came back; it felt like I got an electric shock. This show is, without a doubt, the scariest thing I’ve seen in all my years of watching horror movies and live horror broadcasts.

[! Anybody else like me, please raise your hand and tell me I’m not alone! Did you all hear what the little girl was singing just now? I think I caught some of it, and I literally gasped for breath. Why would a bride cry blood after crying tears? Why use blood to quell anger and such? It all sounds too bizarre! I’m a night owl, and it’s 1 AM here right now! When that song came on, I almost couldn’t catch my breath and was sent packing]

[F*ck! I found my people! I’m the same! And you know what’s the most despairing thing? Because of my fear, I got into bed early and tucked myself under the covers. And because I didn’t dare to put my hands and feet outside the blanket, I had the smart home assistant cast the screen on the wall. But just now, when that song played, it made my hair stand on end. When I tried to shout for the smart home assistant to turn off the sound, it malfunctioned! Damn it! It cranked up the volume to the max, and the song echoed throughout my house. The eerie music pierced my ears, my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. I struggled for over ten minutes to get the clueless assistant to mute the sound. Right now, I’m crying with tears all over my face, and my hands are trembling as I type]

[The person above, that’s really tough, but do you think you have it worse than me? I’m sobbing; it’s like I’m immersed in this show. Yesterday, my neighbor’s grandma passed away, and since then, they’ve been playing funeral music, along with a lot of recorded sobbing through loudspeakers. The sound is so loud, and my old house doesn’t have good soundproofing, so even with my doors and windows closed, the sound seeps in everywhere. It was under these circumstances that I heard that little girl singing just now. With the suona, erhu, and many people wailing, the atmosphere made it feel as eerie as a bride’s funeral procession, not a wedding. I’m alone at home, without anyone to brace me. Smiling and living on.jpg.]

[Whew, just thinking about this scene is enough to scare me. No wonder Brother Yan’s scene earlier, both the barrage comments and regular comments, seemed like the entire internet froze for a moment – not a single message. Was everyone else scared too?

[This child has already been scared out of their wits! Please, I beg you all to send more barrage comments. I live alone, watching scenes like this is terrifying. If you send barrage comments, it comforts me, and it feels like I have someone watching with me.]

[Huh? If you’re scared, why not just leave? You’re this scared, but you’re still watching. What are you trying to prove?]

[To the person above, do you know there’s a certain kind of psychology like this? It’s quite frightening. Exit, exit… Oh, it seems really thrilling just now. Let me click back in, ahh, it’s so scary, hurry, walk away! Take a break and calm down. It’s oddly exciting. Open it again, ahhhh… look once more, it’s so interesting, AHHHH… That’s just how it goes, repeating in a loop. Don’t judge me, but I have a strong addiction. Proudly standing.jpg.]

[So true, I’m the same way. Back when I watched the episode at Wild Wolf Peak, I thought I was going to die from fright. I swore I wouldn’t watch this show again. But when this episode started, I couldn’t help but click in. I even played it during my late-night overtime, and the adrenaline rush is more effective than coffee.]

[But isn’t Brother Yan being overly cautious? Even if the villagers have a bad attitude toward Bai Shuang, they are just bullies who are afraid of those stronger than them. How could they have the courage to come over? Keep in mind that there are at least seven or eight adult male guests, plus the show’s behind-the-scenes crew, adding up to dozens of strong individuals. If you say this group can fend off a black bear, I’d believe it, so why would the villagers dare to come over? Plus, the courtyard of the rural farmstay has high walls, and there are dogs inside. Even if someone foolish tried to come in, they wouldn’t be able to easily sneak in. So, Brother Yan’s locking of the door to this extent is really too exaggerated.]

[Being cautious isn’t a bad thing. Haven’t you heard the saying “poverty brings out the worst in people”? Some old sayings have their reasons. Look at the show’s equipment, costing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars – very valuable. Even if the villagers don’t understand these things, they can see the guests and how they’re different from regular folks. What if someone had a bad intention, like planning to break in at night to rob? And Brother Yan’s actions are responsible; they provide an extra layer of security for everyone’s safety.]

[Indeed, after watching several episodes, Brother Yan appears to be very cautious and meticulous in many aspects. Sometimes, he’s prepared things well in advance, even in ways the directors couldn’t have thought of. He doesn’t brag about what he’s done, but once you encounter difficulties and need those preparations, you’ll realize that Brother Yan had already thought through all the issues.]

[Brother Yan has probably experienced a lot. He gives me the impression of someone who’s well-traveled, seen many things across the vast landscapes of our country, and holds many untold stories in his heart. He’s utterly fascinating. However, because of his diverse experiences, Brother Yan can’t just rush into situations without understanding the underlying reasons. He’s not an impulsive person, so he wouldn’t act without knowing the full story. Could it be that he wants to serve as a negative example for others?]

[My focus might be a bit skewed. Does Brother Yan really have anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders? It’s quite sad; I didn’t expect that someone as strong as Brother Yan could have such a fragile psyche.]

[? The person above, you might be a bit naive. Don’t you know that Brother Yan often casually jests in his daily speech? He doesn’t take it seriously even when making excuses for things he doesn’t want to disclose. Weren’t we all confused by Brother Yan’s talk earlier, thinking it made sense? Look at the boss’s expression – he’s another unfortunate soul who believed Brother Yan’s words wholeheartedly.]

[It’s not exactly deception; Brother Yan has a way with words. Did you not notice that after Brother Yan spoke, the boss was looking at him as if he was gazing at a good buddy who’d been through hardships together? People tend to be more tolerant and agreeable to those who share similar experiences or are weaker in some aspect. It’s almost instinctual to want to agree with their requests.]

[Brother Yan’s livestream is really different from all the others. On the An Nanyuan side, with Bai Shuang and the others, they seem to be having a blast, while here with Brother Yan, it’s both scary and it brought the director to tears. I’m both scared and amused.]

[Huddled under the covers, I silently crawled by… I’m so scared now that I dare not even turn on the air conditioning. Every little noise in the house while watching this show can startle me. When I feel a breeze behind me or by my ears, I keep thinking that someone is standing behind me, I always jump and look back. Even the sound of the air conditioning dripping water or the creaking of wood can give me shivers.]

[I’ve been a bit scared too. Seeing someone as capable as Brother Yan locking the door this way made me start to wonder if there might actually be something trying to break into my house. I hurriedly went and locked my front door, iron gate, and security door, then double-checked them, only then did I start to feel a bit safer.]

Yan Shixun stood behind the rural farmstay’s main gate, furrowing his brows as he gazed into the distant mountains. His long, slender fingers continually traced something on his long legs, appearing to be calculating a divination.

However, the more he calculated, the tighter his brows furrowed.

It seemed to affirm what he had just said – even if a person calculates a thousand times, they cannot outsmart heaven and earth. When heaven and earth remain silent, no one can obtain any answers.

Regardless of how he attempted to divine, all the hexagrams were in disarray, and each divination produced different results.

It was as if several different forces were pulling and contending with each other. Some forces would dominate for a while and then recede, severely affecting the hexagrams, causing them to constantly change. Some were very ominous, while others were highly auspicious. He couldn’t get a precise result.

The guests’ boisterous laughter resonated from the bedrooms all the way to the kitchen. The variety show celebrity was shouting at the top of his lungs, trying to appear tough but only received more laughter from the guests. This encouraged the variety show celebrity to shout even louder.

However, as they discussed dinner plans, An Nanyuan suddenly noticed that Yan Shixun’s figure had vanished from their surroundings.

“Hey? Didn’t Brother Yan come along? I remember he had already returned,” An Nanyuan curiously stuck his head out from the kitchen, peering into the yard, trying to spot Yan Shixun’s figure.

In the fading twilight as the sun gradually set, the brightly lit semi-open kitchen was surrounded by encroaching darkness.

An Nanyuan squinted his eyes, searching for quite some time before finally spotting Yan Shixun’s silhouette near the distant gate. However, as soon as he saw him clearly, he couldn’t help but inhale sharply.

Yan Shixun stood entirely within a dark red shadow, as if blood was pouring from the sky, engulfing him, looking like blood flowed freely everywhere.

The yard lights were far away from him, but they still illuminated him. The lingering crimson light of the evening sky stretched Yan Shixun’s figure, casting it on the wall behind him and the ground, resembling a sinister, writhing shadow with teeth and claws.

A gathering of ghosts loomed, extending bloody arms towards Yan Shixun from behind. They lurked in the darkness, concealed by the twilight and their own bloodthirst, silently watching Yan Shixun, waiting for an opportunity to strike…

An Nanyuan was startled by his own imagination and quickly covered his eyes, rubbing them before daring to look back toward Yan Shixun’s direction.

This time, everything had returned to normal.

No more ghostly apparitions, no more blood, everything had disappeared.

Only Yan Shixun, with a body proportioned perfectly like that of a top-tier male model, stood independently beneath the wall and the gate.

Was it just a trick of the eye? Maybe he had been looking at things in well-lit areas all along, so his eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dim environment? Perhaps he had seen something and then looked into the shadows, causing double vision.

An Nanyuan mumbled to himself with a hint of skepticism but didn’t pay it much attention. He just rubbed his eyes and thought that he should start taking various supplements after returning. He was still young, his eyes shouldn’t be failing so soon.

“Brother Yan, we’re discussing what to eat tonight. Aren’t you coming over?”

An Nanyuan energetically waved his arm and called out to Yan Shixun from across the way, “If you’re not joining the discussion, we’ll just go with our own ideas, right? So if you have any dishes you want, you better speak up, Brother Yan.”

When Yan Shixun raised his gaze to look in that direction, there was still a lingering shadow of darkness and sharpness in his eyes.

Not until he saw the warm light spilling from the kitchen onto the ground outside, along with An Nanyuan’s radiant smile on his face, did his body pause for a moment, then his muscles gradually relaxed. The cold air around him dispersed.

It was as if he had taken a step back from the underworld and returned to the warmth of the mortal world, where he was infected and warmed by the smiles of those around him.

“You can decide for yourselves.”

Yan Shixun’s magnetic voice carried a hint of amusement as he walked gracefully toward the kitchen. “I’m not a picky eater. As long as the food is something edible, I’m fine with it.”

An Nanyuan gave a confident thumbs up and said, “You can rest assured, Brother Yan. The taste will definitely be good. After all, I’ve been a trainee for so many years, and I’ve improved my cooking skills while living alone. Besides, the others seem to be good at cooking too. Zhao Zhen said he often cooks for himself on the set.”

Just at that moment, Zhang Wubing, who was beaming with joy, came running from the backyard. He informed the guests that the owner, Yang Yun, had allowed them to catch chickens to eat. They were free to choose as many chickens as they liked, but they had to handle every step, from catching the chickens to cooking them, without any assistance from the owner or staff.

The guests were momentarily stunned before they erupted in a tremendous cheer.

“That’s great! We’ve just picked a lot of chestnuts, so we can make chestnut-roasted chicken. I’ll make this dish!”

“Chicken soup! Chicken soup! When it comes to autumn, chicken soup is the perfect choice. It warms you up, and you can add some scallions and chestnuts for a refreshing, non-greasy taste.”

“Director, did the owner say we can catch chickens, ducks, and geese? Can we catch big geese? When I was a kid, I was chased by the village’s big geese all the way, and it left me with psychological trauma. Seeing a big goose being stewed would make me so happy.”

“Roasted duck! I want roasted duck! It must be delicious.”

Zhang Wubing: “?? If you can catch them then go ahead.”

The guests decisively set down the ingredients they had prepared, filled with childlike curiosity and excitement. Everyone rushed out of the kitchen toward the chicken coop. Even the young master, Song Ci, was eager to give it a try.

As for the staff, they rushed into the frame, eagerly discussing the chicken soup for the evening’s extra meal while keeping an eye on the chickens and ducks in the coop, their eyes almost glowing green, their mouths watering.

Chicken and Duck: ??? What a terrifying upright ape!

Amid the lively hustle and cheers, Yan Shixun walked against the flow and headed towards the staff member who hadn’t gone with the others to catch chickens. 

Now, in the entire courtyard, only the two of them remained without having gone to catch chickens.

Yan Shixun found it somewhat amusing, but he also suddenly felt that there was some kind of fate between him and that staff member. So, he approached the staff member and greeted him.


Yan Shixun’s expression turned serious after he saw the platform interface the staff member showed him.

This document, received from a program viewer, detailed a case that had occurred in Family Tomb Village several decades ago. 

At the time, the case had caused quite a sensation locally, even involving law enforcement from outside the area. However, it had ultimately been left unresolved due to certain local peculiarities.

The person who sent the message also sincerely explained that this was a personal experience of someone they knew.

This acquaintance is one of the out-of-town law enforcement personnel who were involved in a case many years ago. After the case was indefinitely shelved, this young police officer immediately resigned in frustration. He has been independently tracking the case, which had no follow-up, for decades.

In order to seek help and attention, this police officer travels to the southern region every year, attempting to locate the participants or witnesses from the past and visiting all relevant individuals.

The police officer had made hundreds of trips to the southern region, enduring contempt and indifference. There were even instances where he was physically attacked by members of the local Yang clan, and numerous attempts were made to hinder his investigation. His body already carried lasting injuries from the initial case, which left him debilitated and in constant pain, uncertain how many more years he could endure.

However, he refuses to give up because if even he were to give up, no one would remember the girl from all those years ago.

It can be said that this police officer has exhausted his entire life in pursuit of that case.

If the production crew is interested in the events of that year and wishes to learn more, then speaking with this acquaintance directly would be the best option.

In exchange, he only wants to help this acquaintance fulfill his dream of revisiting the location of the case, the Family Tomb Village, which has remained unsolved for several decades.

In the end, the viewer of the show provided their detailed address, name, and phone number.

The language was simple, but every word and sentence carried sincerity and appeal.

“In this day and age, how can something like this still happen?” That staff members exclaimed. However, considering the snippets of conversation they had heard in Jia Village and Family Tomb Village, they found it somewhat understandable that such things might occur.

The staff member’s expression held a mix of admiration and sympathy, but they suggested, “While this officer is indeed admirable, and I sympathize with the plight of the college student involved in the case from decades ago… that term ‘pillar of the nation’ doesn’t seem too far-fetched. However, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with our show. Maybe we should advise him to contact the authorities.”

As they spoke, the staff member reached out to respond to the viewer on the tablet.


However, Yan Shixun raised his hand to stop them.

Yan Shixun’s slender hand took the tablet and he furrowed his brows as he looked at the phone number provided by the viewer.

“Brother Yan?” the staff member was puzzled.

“You don’t need to worry about this matter. Leave it to me.”

Yan Shixun closed his separate live stream and took out his phone, dialing the number provided.

The phone only rang once before being answered immediately.

It appeared that the person on the other end had been anxiously waiting by the phone, hoping that the show’s team would call them after seeing their message.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Yan Shixun’s calm and magnetic voice came through the phone’s clear connection.

The voice was reassuring, instilling a sense of security.

“I’m Yan Shixun. I can help you with the matter you mentioned.”

Yan Shixun didn’t give the other person a chance to speak. He continued in a steady and unyielding tone, “Officer Chen wants to come to Family Tomb Village? I will make the arrangements. Please wait for the call and prepare to leave. The Taoist from Haiyun Temple and official authority representatives will accompany you.”

“In return, please tell me the full details of the circumstances surrounding the case from years ago. Don’t leave out any details.”

There was a moment of astonishment on the other end of the phone before the person shouted with excitement, “It’s Brother Yan’s voice! It’s really Brother Yan! Oh my goodness, the person who was just on the camera called me! Uncle, Uncle, hurry over, the show’s team has agreed. Brother Yan is really amazing. This time, we can definitely do it!”

The phone quickly changed hands to another person.

In contrast to the young voice that answered the call, this person’s voice was deep and weathered, as if it had borne the weight of many difficult years, yet it never revealed its burdens to others.

Time had worn away the exuberance of youth but left behind a solid and unwavering foundation.

“Mr. Yan, hello,” the elderly man spoke with composure. “I am Chen Rui, one of the individuals who handled the case back in the day.”

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 91

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 22

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Yan Shixun appeared somewhat absent-minded.

In the rural farmstay’s courtyard, there were occasional cries from the variety show celebrity. Evidently, the alcohol used for sterilizing wounds was too stimulating, causing this tough guy, who had been boasting just a few minutes ago, to scream in pain, evoking both sympathy and laughter from other guests.

Even the audience in front of the screen laughed along, praising this brother as a master who had made a name in the variety show world, achieving a full effect.

However, the atmosphere where Yan Shixun was located was in stark contrast to the laughter throughout the courtyard. He frowned and remained silent, his expression serious, as if he were in his own world.

The viewers crouching in front of his split-screen were not as relaxed as the viewers in front of other screens. Even their bullet comments were cautious, as if they had been thoroughly frightened.

After encountering those girls who sang folk songs but appeared unnaturally lively in the village, Yan Shixun realized the strangeness about them. He immediately turned and chased after them.

However, what he didn't expect was that those girls had clearly run down the village road, but when he caught up to them and looked, he only heard their voices but couldn't see them.

The girls' tinkling laughter still echoed in his ears, scattered in the village slowly being engulfed by the night.

Gradually drifting away with it were the folk songs they sang with sweet, innocent voices, carrying a sense of vagueness and ethereality shrouded in thick fog, resonating amidst the mountains, blending into the twilight of the changing day into the night.

Yan Shixun quickly turned his head to look around at the surrounding environment, various speculations quickly arose in his mind. Perhaps it was the terrain, perhaps it was the lighting...


However, he had already taken a step forward, intending to chase after them, but then he hesitated.

Time was running late, and judging from the meaning revealed by Jiang Yanran, they were on the brink of danger.

If he were alone, he would undoubtedly forge ahead fearlessly, uncover all the truths, and resolve the matter involving Yang Hua and Yang Duo, as well as the commission from the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, and then leave.

But now, in addition to himself, the production team members were waiting for him at the rural farmstay.

Yan Shixun hadn't fully assessed the situation in Family Tomb Village, and naturally, he wouldn't let the production team members stay alone and face the possible danger.

So, he could only cast a final hurried glance in the direction the girls had disappeared and then swiftly returned to the rural farmstay.

Fortunately, all the guests and staff had already returned to the rural farmstay, and no one was outside.

As the last one to return, Yan Shixun asked the owner, Yang Yun, for a large iron chain and securely locked the rural farmstay's gate, winding it several times and placing a glass on top. If anyone attempted to open the gate, it would cause the glass to shatter. In this way, he would wake up and know that someone was trying to enter.

He hoped tonight will be a peaceful night... by the time the sun rises tomorrow, he must ensure that the entire production crew leaves.

Yan Shixun's eyes were filled with seriousness and determination as he glanced down at the tightly sealed gate he had personally secured.

He planned to contact Taoist Ma and Taoist Song from the Haiyun Temple later, asking them to come to the Jia Village to assist and take charge of the production crew.

Compared to the often unreliable Lu Xingxing, he had more trust in the long-standing reputation of the Taoists from the Haiyun Temple.

It was as if something deep within him was warning of a great danger on the horizon. His heart felt heavy, and he was unusually agitated. In such a situation, he could only find peace by entrusting the production crew to the Taoists from Haiyun Temple.

After seeing off the production crew, he would return to Family Tomb Village, not only for the request from Yang Guang, the owner of the breakfast shop, but also to investigate the eerie feeling he had repeatedly experienced in the village.

If he hadn't seen anything, he might have let it go, but since he had, he couldn't ignore it.

Yan Shixun had a strange premonition that if he neglected the matters in this Family Tomb Village or waited until after sending the production crew back to the nearby city before returning, it would be too late.

The situation will ferment to an uncontrollable point.

Just like decades ago, when Yang Guang settled Yang Hua and returned to the village, the tragedy had already unfolded and was irreparable.

Yan Shixun stayed apart from the guests, standing straight in front of the rural farmstay’s gate with a contemplative expression, catching Yang Yun's attention.

"Mr. Yan, what are you doing?"

Yang Yun tapped the rusty, blood-brown padlock on his palm and looked at the tightly bound lock with curiosity, then asked with a smile, “Why is it wrapped so securely? Are you afraid someone might enter at night? But I've never seen a glass placed on top like this before. Mr. Yan, are you overly concerned?"

"Rest assured, Mr. Yan. My rural farmstay is close to the Moon Creek so the villagers rarely come this way. There aren't many houses around, and it's quite deserted here. Besides."

Yang Yun spoke confidently, "You are safe inside the rural farmstay. Nothing can come in to harm you."

Upon hearing Yang Yun's assurance, Yan Shixun couldn't help raising an eyebrow and looking at him with a probing gaze.

“Boss is that certain? Is there any basis for that? Tell me so I can put my mind at ease."

Yan Shixun quickly adjusted his expression, concealing the guard and contemplation he had just displayed, making himself appear sincere and concerned. "To be honest, I have anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If I don't know the reason, I won't be able to sleep tonight. When I sleep in a strange place, I always feel uneasy unless the door is securely locked."

Yang Yun's face showed surprise. "Mr. Yan, you have so many conditions?"

Yan Shixun nodded without changing his expression. "Yes."

Yang Yun looked at him sympathetically. "Well, I heard when I left the village that there's a lot of pressure out there, and many people have various conditions. I didn't expect Mr. Yan to look so formidable but still be affected. It's not easy."

Yang Yun nodded thoughtfully, and with Yan Shixun's few words, their relationship seemed to have grown closer and friendlier.

"But Mr. Yan, rest assured, I never lie." Yang Yun smiled, and a hint of determination crossed his face. "After all, I'm the boss of this rural farmstay, when it comes to my business, the people around me, and the villagers, there won't be another incident."

"Some things, once is more than enough; I won't let them happen a second time."

Yan Shixun's figure came to a sudden halt, and the smile that had been on his lips slowly faded into a straight line. 

His gaze towards Yang Yun became subtle and peculiar.

Once was enough...What had Yang Yun experienced at the hands of the villagers before? It must have been a significant and severe injury, as his emotions ran so deep when he talked about it.

Yan Shixun thought about what Yang Yun had previously told him about being bullied by the villagers during his childhood, when he and his mother were completely dependent on each other.

Was this what Yang Yun was referring to?

No, that couldn't be it. 

Yang Yun said "once," but the bullying had lasted for over a decade.

So, did something else happen that Yang Yun didn't mention?

Yan Shixun nearly furrowed his brow, but he quickly adjusted the tiny muscles on his face, concealing his suspicion and caution from Yang Yun.

After expressing his gratitude to Yang Yun, the two of them parted ways. Yang Yun smiled and mentioned that he was going to the backyard garden to check if any vegetables were ready to be picked for dinner that night.

Meanwhile, Yan Shixun stood at the gate for quite some time before turning around and motioning for Zhang Wubing to come over.

"Xiao Bing, did you tell the others to pack their things?"

After receiving an affirmative response from Zhang Wubing, Yan Shixun nodded and said solemnly, "Alright, don't record the show too late tonight. Let's conserve our energy and set out early tomorrow morning."

Zhang Wubing's heart raced. He felt a bit uneasy and nervous due to Yan Shixun's seriousness. “Brother Yan, nothing will go wrong, right…? How could this happen? We already reported to the responsible sirs and consulted with Master Song from Haiyun Temple. Master Song clearly said there shouldn't be any problems in Family Tomb Village. He said that when things reach their extreme, they must reverse, even though the name is inauspicious, it's a case of Yin turning into Yang. He said all of that. How could something like this happen?"

Even though Zhang Wubing had encountered supernatural occurrences throughout his life, he still wasn't used to this kind of daily life, and it would frighten him each time.

On the other hand, Yan Shixun had long been accustomed to an unpredictable life without a fixed routine and had developed an unchanging calmness even in the face of an earth-shattering event.

Could turning his back to run away really solve the problem?

No, it wouldn't. It would only weaken his own resolve, making the ghosts and creatures even more excited to catch up and leading to more severe consequences.

Even some freshly graduated Taoists and exorcists, driven by their inner fears, ended up fleeing and getting entangled by evil spirits. They couldn't break free and ultimately had to give up their profession.

"No matter how many calculations a person makes, they still can't completely predict the whims of heaven, earth, and ghosts. Clouds and fog are always shifting, the variables in life are forever on the move."

Yan Shixun said in a calm tone, "Master Song's calculations may not have been incorrect at the time when you handed over the information about Family Tomb Village to him. Perhaps the result was indeed as he predicted. However, something may have happened afterward that altered the clues and factors leading to the outcome, ultimately leading to a different conclusion."

"It's like a finely tuned instrument, where even the tiniest change in its components can result in significant disturbances, causing the instrument to move in a different direction. Among the countless possible outcomes, divination only captures the most likely possibility, but that doesn't mean the other slim possibilities won't occur. The universe always holds a glimmer of hope but also conceals dead ends."

Zhang Wubing sniffled, his pitiful face clearly conveying to Yan Shixun——

That he didn't understand.

He was just a finance student, and Yan Shixun's words were too convoluted; his brain was starting to overheat.

Yan Shixun sighed and started to speak more plainly, "Do you know Murphy's Law? It means that even if the probability of something happening is very low, it still has the possibility of occurring."

"We are currently at such a juncture, propelled forward by all the causes and factors, leading to an unknown outcome. As for whether that result is good or bad, it can only be judged as such many years later, long after it has occurred. Misfortune and fortune are closely connected, so when you encounter danger and difficulties and feel fear and panic, who's to say that it's not your turn for luck to change?"


Yan Shixun gave Zhang Wubing a half-smile, threw his own handkerchief disdainfully, and instructed him to quickly wipe away his tears and runny nose.

“Hasn't it not happened yet? Until the very moment when the event finally occurs, aside from the heavens and the earth, no one can predict its true course. I'm not worried, so why are you afraid?"

Zhang Wubing blew his nose loudly, earning an even more disdainful look from Yan Shixun.

Zhang Wubing looked even more pitiful. "Shouldn't I be scared, then? QAQ."

Yan Shixun: "..."

Hopeless. He rarely wanted to explain things to Zhang Wubing, but the young man just didn't get it.

Yan Shixun remained expressionless, deciding to use a more straightforward approach that Zhang Wubing could accept.

—Straightforward and direct, with a clear plan.

"Absolutely do not go out tonight, and leave tomorrow morning. Do you hear me?"

Yan Shixun's gaze at Zhang Wubing carried a chilling sense of danger, as if he was saying, "If you don't understand, I'll hit you."

Zhang Wubing: "!!!"

"Alright! Brother Yan, you can count on me. I'll take care of the things you've asked me to do, and I'll make sure you will praise me for it. I'll inform the staff and guests in a bit, ensuring they won't go out at night."

Zhang Wubing ran off without looking back.

Leaving Yan Shixun alone, he slowly straightened up from the posture he had when he was speaking to Zhang Wubing, his tall figure erect.

As the setting sun descended, the crimson hues in the sky matched the deep and light red leaves on the surrounding mountains, making it seem like blood was pouring down, drenching every forested hill.

In the residual, temperatureless light of the fading sun, he stood against the backlight, and the shadow slowly crept from the corner of the wall towards his feet, as if it wanted to swallow him.

In the dim and eerie blood-red twilight, a fiery spark seemed to ignite in Yan Shixun's sharp, narrow eyes.

It was as bright as a blade.

The audience who had been waiting in front of the screen, watching Yan Shixun, saw this scene and instinctively held their breath, staring at Yan Shixun on the screen, not knowing how to react for quite some time.

[Oh my goodness... Mom, I've just seen a god. This man is ridiculously handsome! I used to consider myself a heartbreaker, with entertainment industry husbands lined up. I'd love one today and another tomorrow, not thinking twice. But I never expected that this 'playboy among the flowers, leaves untouched' would willingly surrender one day. Yan Shixun, I'll remember that name. He's like a rocket that landed in my heart, setting off fireworks.]

[I almost forgot to breathe. Brother Yan is absolutely incredible! In that moment just now, I was truly stunned. My heart was racing with excitement, but my hands on the keyboard just didn't know what to type to accurately express the excitement in my heart. I even blushed from holding my breath! Ahhhh]

[I don't know why, but watching that scene just now, I felt an inexplicable sense of emotion. Tears welled up uncontrollably, and my nose felt tingly. It's as if, in places we can't see, there's Brother Yan and people like him, doing things to protect us that we don't even know about leading us to have a secure life. I'm sorry, I might be getting emotional, but truly, my heart feels heavy, and I don't know what to say.]

[I got serious goosebumps! Just a moment ago, when Brother Yan walked through the village, I was almost scared to death. That little girl started singing, and I had several layers of goosebumps all over my body. I had just started to calm down a bit when I witnessed that scene with Brother Yan, and the goosebumps came back; it felt like I got an electric shock. This show is, without a doubt, the scariest thing I've seen in all my years of watching horror movies and live horror broadcasts.

[! Anybody else like me, please raise your hand and tell me I'm not alone! Did you all hear what the little girl was singing just now? I think I caught some of it, and I literally gasped for breath. Why would a bride cry blood after crying tears? Why use blood to quell anger and such? It all sounds too bizarre! I'm a night owl, and it's 1 AM here right now! When that song came on, I almost couldn't catch my breath and was sent packing]

[F*ck! I found my people! I'm the same! And you know what's the most despairing thing? Because of my fear, I got into bed early and tucked myself under the covers. And because I didn't dare to put my hands and feet outside the blanket, I had the smart home assistant cast the screen on the wall. But just now, when that song played, it made my hair stand on end. When I tried to shout for the smart home assistant to turn off the sound, it malfunctioned! Damn it! It cranked up the volume to the max, and the song echoed throughout my house. The eerie music pierced my ears, my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. I struggled for over ten minutes to get the clueless assistant to mute the sound. Right now, I'm crying with tears all over my face, and my hands are trembling as I type]

[The person above, that's really tough, but do you think you have it worse than me? I'm sobbing; it's like I'm immersed in this show. Yesterday, my neighbor's grandma passed away, and since then, they've been playing funeral music, along with a lot of recorded sobbing through loudspeakers. The sound is so loud, and my old house doesn't have good soundproofing, so even with my doors and windows closed, the sound seeps in everywhere. It was under these circumstances that I heard that little girl singing just now. With the suona, erhu, and many people wailing, the atmosphere made it feel as eerie as a bride's funeral procession, not a wedding. I'm alone at home, without anyone to brace me. Smiling and living on.jpg.]

[Whew, just thinking about this scene is enough to scare me. No wonder Brother Yan’s scene earlier, both the barrage comments and regular comments, seemed like the entire internet froze for a moment – not a single message. Was everyone else scared too?

[This child has already been scared out of their wits! Please, I beg you all to send more barrage comments. I live alone, watching scenes like this is terrifying. If you send barrage comments, it comforts me, and it feels like I have someone watching with me.]

[Huh? If you're scared, why not just leave? You're this scared, but you're still watching. What are you trying to prove?]

[To the person above, do you know there's a certain kind of psychology like this? It's quite frightening. Exit, exit... Oh, it seems really thrilling just now. Let me click back in, ahh, it's so scary, hurry, walk away! Take a break and calm down. It's oddly exciting. Open it again, ahhhh... look once more, it's so interesting, AHHHH… That's just how it goes, repeating in a loop. Don't judge me, but I have a strong addiction. Proudly standing.jpg.]

[So true, I'm the same way. Back when I watched the episode at Wild Wolf Peak, I thought I was going to die from fright. I swore I wouldn't watch this show again. But when this episode started, I couldn't help but click in. I even played it during my late-night overtime, and the adrenaline rush is more effective than coffee.]

[But isn't Brother Yan being overly cautious? Even if the villagers have a bad attitude toward Bai Shuang, they are just bullies who are afraid of those stronger than them. How could they have the courage to come over? Keep in mind that there are at least seven or eight adult male guests, plus the show's behind-the-scenes crew, adding up to dozens of strong individuals. If you say this group can fend off a black bear, I'd believe it, so why would the villagers dare to come over? Plus, the courtyard of the rural farmstay has high walls, and there are dogs inside. Even if someone foolish tried to come in, they wouldn't be able to easily sneak in. So, Brother Yan’s locking of the door to this extent is really too exaggerated.]

[Being cautious isn't a bad thing. Haven't you heard the saying "poverty brings out the worst in people"? Some old sayings have their reasons. Look at the show's equipment, costing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars – very valuable. Even if the villagers don't understand these things, they can see the guests and how they're different from regular folks. What if someone had a bad intention, like planning to break in at night to rob? And Brother Yan’s actions are responsible; they provide an extra layer of security for everyone's safety.]

[Indeed, after watching several episodes, Brother Yan appears to be very cautious and meticulous in many aspects. Sometimes, he's prepared things well in advance, even in ways the directors couldn't have thought of. He doesn't brag about what he's done, but once you encounter difficulties and need those preparations, you'll realize that Brother Yan had already thought through all the issues.]

[Brother Yan has probably experienced a lot. He gives me the impression of someone who's well-traveled, seen many things across the vast landscapes of our country, and holds many untold stories in his heart. He's utterly fascinating. However, because of his diverse experiences, Brother Yan can't just rush into situations without understanding the underlying reasons. He's not an impulsive person, so he wouldn't act without knowing the full story. Could it be that he wants to serve as a negative example for others?]

[My focus might be a bit skewed. Does Brother Yan really have anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders? It's quite sad; I didn't expect that someone as strong as Brother Yan could have such a fragile psyche.]

[? The person above, you might be a bit naive. Don't you know that Brother Yan often casually jests in his daily speech? He doesn't take it seriously even when making excuses for things he doesn't want to disclose. Weren't we all confused by Brother Yan's talk earlier, thinking it made sense? Look at the boss's expression – he's another unfortunate soul who believed Brother Yan's words wholeheartedly.]

[It's not exactly deception; Brother Yan has a way with words. Did you not notice that after Brother Yan spoke, the boss was looking at him as if he was gazing at a good buddy who'd been through hardships together? People tend to be more tolerant and agreeable to those who share similar experiences or are weaker in some aspect. It's almost instinctual to want to agree with their requests.]

[Brother Yan's livestream is really different from all the others. On the An Nanyuan side, with Bai Shuang and the others, they seem to be having a blast, while here with Brother Yan, it's both scary and it brought the director to tears. I'm both scared and amused.]

[Huddled under the covers, I silently crawled by... I'm so scared now that I dare not even turn on the air conditioning. Every little noise in the house while watching this show can startle me. When I feel a breeze behind me or by my ears, I keep thinking that someone is standing behind me, I always jump and look back. Even the sound of the air conditioning dripping water or the creaking of wood can give me shivers.]

[I've been a bit scared too. Seeing someone as capable as Brother Yan locking the door this way made me start to wonder if there might actually be something trying to break into my house. I hurriedly went and locked my front door, iron gate, and security door, then double-checked them, only then did I start to feel a bit safer.]

Yan Shixun stood behind the rural farmstay’s main gate, furrowing his brows as he gazed into the distant mountains. His long, slender fingers continually traced something on his long legs, appearing to be calculating a divination.

However, the more he calculated, the tighter his brows furrowed.

It seemed to affirm what he had just said – even if a person calculates a thousand times, they cannot outsmart heaven and earth. When heaven and earth remain silent, no one can obtain any answers.

Regardless of how he attempted to divine, all the hexagrams were in disarray, and each divination produced different results.

It was as if several different forces were pulling and contending with each other. Some forces would dominate for a while and then recede, severely affecting the hexagrams, causing them to constantly change. Some were very ominous, while others were highly auspicious. He couldn't get a precise result.

The guests' boisterous laughter resonated from the bedrooms all the way to the kitchen. The variety show celebrity was shouting at the top of his lungs, trying to appear tough but only received more laughter from the guests. This encouraged the variety show celebrity to shout even louder.

However, as they discussed dinner plans, An Nanyuan suddenly noticed that Yan Shixun’s figure had vanished from their surroundings.

"Hey? Didn't Brother Yan come along? I remember he had already returned," An Nanyuan curiously stuck his head out from the kitchen, peering into the yard, trying to spot Yan Shixun's figure.

In the fading twilight as the sun gradually set, the brightly lit semi-open kitchen was surrounded by encroaching darkness.

An Nanyuan squinted his eyes, searching for quite some time before finally spotting Yan Shixun's silhouette near the distant gate. However, as soon as he saw him clearly, he couldn't help but inhale sharply.

Yan Shixun stood entirely within a dark red shadow, as if blood was pouring from the sky, engulfing him, looking like blood flowed freely everywhere.

The yard lights were far away from him, but they still illuminated him. The lingering crimson light of the evening sky stretched Yan Shixun's figure, casting it on the wall behind him and the ground, resembling a sinister, writhing shadow with teeth and claws.

A gathering of ghosts loomed, extending bloody arms towards Yan Shixun from behind. They lurked in the darkness, concealed by the twilight and their own bloodthirst, silently watching Yan Shixun, waiting for an opportunity to strike...

An Nanyuan was startled by his own imagination and quickly covered his eyes, rubbing them before daring to look back toward Yan Shixun's direction.

This time, everything had returned to normal.

No more ghostly apparitions, no more blood, everything had disappeared.

Only Yan Shixun, with a body proportioned perfectly like that of a top-tier male model, stood independently beneath the wall and the gate.

Was it just a trick of the eye? Maybe he had been looking at things in well-lit areas all along, so his eyes hadn't adjusted to the dim environment? Perhaps he had seen something and then looked into the shadows, causing double vision.

An Nanyuan mumbled to himself with a hint of skepticism but didn't pay it much attention. He just rubbed his eyes and thought that he should start taking various supplements after returning. He was still young, his eyes shouldn't be failing so soon.

"Brother Yan, we're discussing what to eat tonight. Aren't you coming over?"

An Nanyuan energetically waved his arm and called out to Yan Shixun from across the way, "If you're not joining the discussion, we'll just go with our own ideas, right? So if you have any dishes you want, you better speak up, Brother Yan.”

When Yan Shixun raised his gaze to look in that direction, there was still a lingering shadow of darkness and sharpness in his eyes.

Not until he saw the warm light spilling from the kitchen onto the ground outside, along with An Nanyuan's radiant smile on his face, did his body pause for a moment, then his muscles gradually relaxed. The cold air around him dispersed.

It was as if he had taken a step back from the underworld and returned to the warmth of the mortal world, where he was infected and warmed by the smiles of those around him.

"You can decide for yourselves."

Yan Shixun's magnetic voice carried a hint of amusement as he walked gracefully toward the kitchen. "I'm not a picky eater. As long as the food is something edible, I'm fine with it."

An Nanyuan gave a confident thumbs up and said, "You can rest assured, Brother Yan. The taste will definitely be good. After all, I've been a trainee for so many years, and I've improved my cooking skills while living alone. Besides, the others seem to be good at cooking too. Zhao Zhen said he often cooks for himself on the set."

Just at that moment, Zhang Wubing, who was beaming with joy, came running from the backyard. He informed the guests that the owner, Yang Yun, had allowed them to catch chickens to eat. They were free to choose as many chickens as they liked, but they had to handle every step, from catching the chickens to cooking them, without any assistance from the owner or staff.

The guests were momentarily stunned before they erupted in a tremendous cheer.

"That's great! We've just picked a lot of chestnuts, so we can make chestnut-roasted chicken. I'll make this dish!"

"Chicken soup! Chicken soup! When it comes to autumn, chicken soup is the perfect choice. It warms you up, and you can add some scallions and chestnuts for a refreshing, non-greasy taste."

"Director, did the owner say we can catch chickens, ducks, and geese? Can we catch big geese? When I was a kid, I was chased by the village's big geese all the way, and it left me with psychological trauma. Seeing a big goose being stewed would make me so happy."

“Roasted duck! I want roasted duck! It must be delicious."

Zhang Wubing: "?? If you can catch them then go ahead.”

The guests decisively set down the ingredients they had prepared, filled with childlike curiosity and excitement. Everyone rushed out of the kitchen toward the chicken coop. Even the young master, Song Ci, was eager to give it a try.

As for the staff, they rushed into the frame, eagerly discussing the chicken soup for the evening's extra meal while keeping an eye on the chickens and ducks in the coop, their eyes almost glowing green, their mouths watering.

Chicken and Duck: ??? What a terrifying upright ape!

Amid the lively hustle and cheers, Yan Shixun walked against the flow and headed towards the staff member who hadn't gone with the others to catch chickens. 

Now, in the entire courtyard, only the two of them remained without having gone to catch chickens.

Yan Shixun found it somewhat amusing, but he also suddenly felt that there was some kind of fate between him and that staff member. So, he approached the staff member and greeted him.


Yan Shixun's expression turned serious after he saw the platform interface the staff member showed him.

This document, received from a program viewer, detailed a case that had occurred in Family Tomb Village several decades ago. 

At the time, the case had caused quite a sensation locally, even involving law enforcement from outside the area. However, it had ultimately been left unresolved due to certain local peculiarities.

The person who sent the message also sincerely explained that this was a personal experience of someone they knew.

This acquaintance is one of the out-of-town law enforcement personnel who were involved in a case many years ago. After the case was indefinitely shelved, this young police officer immediately resigned in frustration. He has been independently tracking the case, which had no follow-up, for decades.

In order to seek help and attention, this police officer travels to the southern region every year, attempting to locate the participants or witnesses from the past and visiting all relevant individuals.

The police officer had made hundreds of trips to the southern region, enduring contempt and indifference. There were even instances where he was physically attacked by members of the local Yang clan, and numerous attempts were made to hinder his investigation. His body already carried lasting injuries from the initial case, which left him debilitated and in constant pain, uncertain how many more years he could endure.

However, he refuses to give up because if even he were to give up, no one would remember the girl from all those years ago.

It can be said that this police officer has exhausted his entire life in pursuit of that case.

If the production crew is interested in the events of that year and wishes to learn more, then speaking with this acquaintance directly would be the best option.

In exchange, he only wants to help this acquaintance fulfill his dream of revisiting the location of the case, the Family Tomb Village, which has remained unsolved for several decades.

In the end, the viewer of the show provided their detailed address, name, and phone number.

The language was simple, but every word and sentence carried sincerity and appeal.

"In this day and age, how can something like this still happen?" That staff members exclaimed. However, considering the snippets of conversation they had heard in Jia Village and Family Tomb Village, they found it somewhat understandable that such things might occur.

The staff member's expression held a mix of admiration and sympathy, but they suggested, "While this officer is indeed admirable, and I sympathize with the plight of the college student involved in the case from decades ago... that term 'pillar of the nation' doesn't seem too far-fetched. However, it doesn't seem to have much to do with our show. Maybe we should advise him to contact the authorities."

As they spoke, the staff member reached out to respond to the viewer on the tablet.


However, Yan Shixun raised his hand to stop them.

Yan Shixun's slender hand took the tablet and he furrowed his brows as he looked at the phone number provided by the viewer.

“Brother Yan?” the staff member was puzzled.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Leave it to me.”

Yan Shixun closed his separate live stream and took out his phone, dialing the number provided.

The phone only rang once before being answered immediately.

It appeared that the person on the other end had been anxiously waiting by the phone, hoping that the show's team would call them after seeing their message.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Yan Shixun's calm and magnetic voice came through the phone's clear connection.

The voice was reassuring, instilling a sense of security.

"I'm Yan Shixun. I can help you with the matter you mentioned."

Yan Shixun didn't give the other person a chance to speak. He continued in a steady and unyielding tone, "Officer Chen wants to come to Family Tomb Village? I will make the arrangements. Please wait for the call and prepare to leave. The Taoist from Haiyun Temple and official authority representatives will accompany you."

"In return, please tell me the full details of the circumstances surrounding the case from years ago. Don't leave out any details."

There was a moment of astonishment on the other end of the phone before the person shouted with excitement, "It's Brother Yan’s voice! It's really Brother Yan! Oh my goodness, the person who was just on the camera called me! Uncle, Uncle, hurry over, the show's team has agreed. Brother Yan is really amazing. This time, we can definitely do it!"

The phone quickly changed hands to another person.

In contrast to the young voice that answered the call, this person's voice was deep and weathered, as if it had borne the weight of many difficult years, yet it never revealed its burdens to others.

Time had worn away the exuberance of youth but left behind a solid and unwavering foundation.

"Mr. Yan, hello," the elderly man spoke with composure. "I am Chen Rui, one of the individuals who handled the case back in the day."

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