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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 118

Chapter 118

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After the martial exams, a few promising candidates emerged. Gu Yuanbai assigned them to the army and navy, where they were trained under various generals.

This year’s martial arts champion is a young man named Su Ning. His father and his ancestors for three generations were all farmers. It is truly remarkable that a farming family could produce such an outstanding talent. Gu Yuanbai sent people to inquire and found out that Su Ning is the beloved disciple and son-in-law of a Langzhong from the Ministry of War. No wonder the Langzhong claimed to be ill and did not attend the martial arts examination this time; he was avoiding suspicion.

Half a month after the exams, those sent to the coast to investigate the source of the incense brought back an addict.

Gu Yuanbai, along with all the imperial physicians and trusted ministers, watched the addict’s withdrawal symptoms.

Those who had always thought the Emperor was making a fuss found their spines chilled when they witnessed the frenzied reaction of an addict experiencing withdrawal. This coldness seeped from their limbs to their very core, as if they were in the depths of winter.

The addict had no semblance of rationality, becoming as ferocious as a wild beast, no longer human but a ghost clinging to life.

It was only when the addict collapsed to the ground, foaming at the mouth, that the crowd felt a weight lift from their chests and could finally breathe again.

“Heart palpitations, pale or sallow complexion,” Gu Yuanbai said calmly, “nausea, retching. That’s how I felt a few days ago, weak in my limbs, with a rapid heartbeat.”

The ministers all looked at the Emperor, utterly astonished.

The Imperial Physicians from the Imperial Medical Institute knelt one by one, some of the elderly doctors with white hair were already choking back tears. “Your Majesty, we are guilty.”

“It’s not your fault for not noticing,” Gu Yuanbai said, looking at the addict who had fainted on the ground, his expression dark. “I had only been taking it for a little over ten days, with a minuscule dose each day. My reaction was just a bit extreme; you are not to blame.”

Gu Yuanbai dismissed the physicians and led the ministers back to the Xuanzheng Hall. Having witnessed the state of the addict, the ministers now understood why the Emperor had been so forceful in recent days, issuing decree after decree without listening to advice. It was infuriating that not only had they done nothing at the time, but they had also nearly hindered the Emperor.

The loyal ministers stood in small groups, silent and speechless. Gu Yuanbai perceived their thoughts and rapped his fingers on the edge of the table. “I didn’t call you here to stand around like wooden dummies. Pull yourselves together and come up with some useful suggestions for me.”

The ministers pulled themselves together and, along with the Emperor, carefully reviewed the events and reasons behind the situation.

Their discussion lasted until dinner. After the meal, the Emperor dismissed the ministers. Later, Kong Yilin came to report. He conveyed the findings of the Supervision Bureau’s investigation in Xixia and said, with great complexity, “This investigation into the incense has revealed deeply intertwined connections. One individual alone can implicate several high-ranking officials and influential figures. A cursory glance shows that almost no one is uninvolved.”

“That’s because those not involved are either already dead or imprisoned by the Emperor of Xixia,” Gu Yuanbai handed him a letter. “Smart people have learned to keep their mouths shut, and those who are worried have realized that mere talk is useless. Take this and have a look.”

Kong Yilin took the letter, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Gu Yuanbai leaned back in his chair, reflecting on the timing of Kong Yilin’s rebellion in the original text.

Given the Emperor of Xixia’s level of incense addiction, he wouldn’t survive long once the supply was cut off. Even if he didn’t die, he wouldn’t have the strength to muster an army to support Kong Yilin in launching a large-scale attack on Great Heng.

That must be the next successor.

The next successor of Xixia seems to be very ambitious and values talent highly. He understands the value of Kong Yilin and the cotton in his hands, so he offered Kong Yilin what he couldn’t obtain in Great Heng—power and status.

This suggests that he has an open mind and doesn’t care about a person’s origins, or perhaps he is so short of talent that he eagerly seeks it regardless of whether the person has Great Heng blood.

He also understands how to adapt to circumstances, showing flexibility. In the original text, the war between Great Heng and Xixia was Xue Yuan’s war of prowess. After realizing they couldn’t win, Xixia’s surrender was swift and decisive.

The next successor of Xixia is indeed a remarkable person. Could such a person be unaware of the harm caused by the national incense and allow it to spread unchecked?

Gu Yuanbai exhaled a breath and suddenly asked, “Do you know the Second Prince of Xixia?”

“The Second Prince of Xixia,” Kong Yilin was momentarily stunned, then recalled, “I only learned of him after he came to the capital. I don’t know much about him. He’s said to have an unremarkable reputation, average ability, and the only notable trait is his resilience.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled to himself, thinking, isn’t resilience enough?

He didn’t continue on this topic but instead teased, “Minister Kong, I heard that Lord Mi from the Censorate intends to marry his youngest daughter to you. Is that true?”

Kong Yilin’s face heated up. “Your Majesty, Lord Mi has no such intentions.”

“Oh?” Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow. “I heard that during your days off these past months, you frequently visit the temple and always seem to run into Lord Mi’s youngest daughter.”

Kong Yilin bowed and quickly excused himself.

As he was about to leave the palace, he glanced back and saw Lord Xue Yuan leaning close to the Emperor, whispering something. Kong Yilin showed no reaction, gave a polite smile to Tian Fusheng, and left quickly.


Xue Yuan whispered in the Emperor’s ear, “Your Majesty, on your next day off, why don’t you accompany me to the temple for some incense burning?”

For the past month, Xue Yuan had not made a single inappropriate move towards Gu Yuanbai. Sometimes, when Gu Yuanbai woke up in the middle of the night with his hair disheveled and asked Xue Yuan to fetch water, warm water occasionally trickled down from his lips. When Gu Yuanbai thought Xue Yuan might lean in to lick it off, Xue Yuan remained still, not daring to lift a finger to touch him.

The man who dared to massage him for an hour, constantly taking liberties in secret, seemed to have transformed overnight, restraining himself to the point of becoming almost a different person. When Gu Yuanbai emerged from the hot spring, water droplets from his hair formed a scattered trail, slipping from his neck to the dragon pattern on the hem of his robe. Yet, Xue Yuan would rather close his eyes and bow his head than glance at the Emperor.

How dull.

In recent days, the sight of Xue Yuan irritated Gu Yuanbai, leading him to wonder if this was part of the strategy, “after enticing comes playing hard to get.”

Were Xue Jiuyao’s military strategies going to be used on him one by one?

Not wanting to engage, Gu Yuanbai continued to handle his official documents with a cold expression. Xue Yuan, unmoving, softly advised, “Your Majesty, you should rest a bit. I’m concerned about your health.”

For some reason, his voice had also become hoarse over the past month.

“Get out,” Gu Yuanbai said, suppressing his irritation. “I live a simple life, resting every day.”

A smile touched Xue Yuan’s eyes. “Your Majesty, how can this be considered rest? It’s spring now, the perfect time when it’s neither too cold nor too hot. You don’t need to bring Tian Fusheng; just take me. I will take good care of you.”

Tian Fusheng, hearing this, panicked and nearly charged at Xue Yuan. “Lord Xue, I don’t like what you’re saying. His Majesty cannot leave the palace without me; it would be highly inconvenient.”

Gu Yuanbai flipped a page of his document. “Can’t I just stroll in my imperial garden?”

“That’s not the same,” Tian Fusheng also implored. “Your Majesty, you do need to go out for a walk.”

Gu Yuanbai had already intended to relax his long-tense nerves and had planned to go out for a spring outing on his next day off.

Looking up, he addressed the chief guard, “Do you also think I should go out to enjoy the spring scenery?”

The chief guard, surprised and honored, bowed and said earnestly, “I share the same thoughts as Lord Xue and Steward Tian. It would be beneficial.”

Gu Yuanbai glanced at Xue Yuan from the corner of his eye. As expected, Xue Yuan’s smile faltered, and he was now giving Zhang Xu a sinister look. Gu Yuanbai chuckled and then, with a cheerful tone, said, “Let’s go, then.”


On the day off, at Jingchen Temple.

Gu Yuanbai, dressed in regular clothes, followed a young monk who led the way to visit various temples.

The previous emperor was a devout Buddhist, earnestly kneeling and worshipping the deities without reservation. Although Gu Yuanbai was a materialist, his experience of time travel made him wonder about the existence of spirits and deities, regardless of his belief. 

Standing in the center of the temple with his hands clasped behind his back, his slender figure draped in blue robes like bamboo, Gu Yuanbai gazed directly at the golden Buddha without averting his eyes. 

The golden Buddha, meticulously polished to a pristine shine, had eyes that seemed to glow with wisdom. It appeared to be looking back at Gu Yuanbai, its lips beneath the thick ears slightly upturned in a benevolent smile. 

Gu Yuanbai stared for a while, feeling a stirring in his heart, when suddenly Xue Yuan, with a grim expression, grabbed his wrist and said, “Stop looking.”

His train of thought interrupted, Gu Yuanbai glanced down at the hand gripping his wrist, let out a few cold laughs, and abruptly shook it off.

Weren’t you playing hard to get? Then keep your hands off me.

Shaking off the hand immediately lifted Gu Yuanbai’s spirits. Smiling, he cheerfully admired the temple’s scenery with a novice monk. Although he did not worship the Buddha himself, he didn’t stop those around him from doing so. The palace attendants and guards, with his permission, lit incense and earnestly paid their respects to the Buddha statues in each temple they passed.

After they had seen everything there was to see, the group enjoyed a vegetarian meal in the temple.

The scent of sandalwood in the temple was extremely sleep-inducing. After the meal, Gu Yuanbai felt drowsy and took a nap in the side room. When he woke up, he heard the sound of thunder and heavy rain clearly in his ears. He propped himself up and looked outside, seeing that although it was just past noon, the sky was dark and gloomy, with a hint of coldness and wind. It was indeed raining.

“Someone come.”

A palace attendant entered the room and helped the Emperor get up. Gu Yuanbai looked around and frowned, “Why are there fewer people?”

Before he finished speaking, a few drenched people came running in the rain. They were Xue Yuan and a few guards who were missing earlier. They ran under the corridor, wetting the dry ground with their dripping water, splashing it everywhere.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 118

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 118

Chapter 118

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After the martial exams, a few promising candidates emerged. Gu Yuanbai assigned them to the army and navy, where they were trained under various generals.

This year's martial arts champion is a young man named Su Ning. His father and his ancestors for three generations were all farmers. It is truly remarkable that a farming family could produce such an outstanding talent. Gu Yuanbai sent people to inquire and found out that Su Ning is the beloved disciple and son-in-law of a Langzhong from the Ministry of War. No wonder the Langzhong claimed to be ill and did not attend the martial arts examination this time; he was avoiding suspicion.

Half a month after the exams, those sent to the coast to investigate the source of the incense brought back an addict.

Gu Yuanbai, along with all the imperial physicians and trusted ministers, watched the addict's withdrawal symptoms.

Those who had always thought the Emperor was making a fuss found their spines chilled when they witnessed the frenzied reaction of an addict experiencing withdrawal. This coldness seeped from their limbs to their very core, as if they were in the depths of winter.

The addict had no semblance of rationality, becoming as ferocious as a wild beast, no longer human but a ghost clinging to life.

It was only when the addict collapsed to the ground, foaming at the mouth, that the crowd felt a weight lift from their chests and could finally breathe again.

"Heart palpitations, pale or sallow complexion," Gu Yuanbai said calmly, "nausea, retching. That's how I felt a few days ago, weak in my limbs, with a rapid heartbeat."

The ministers all looked at the Emperor, utterly astonished.

The Imperial Physicians from the Imperial Medical Institute knelt one by one, some of the elderly doctors with white hair were already choking back tears. "Your Majesty, we are guilty."

"It's not your fault for not noticing," Gu Yuanbai said, looking at the addict who had fainted on the ground, his expression dark. "I had only been taking it for a little over ten days, with a minuscule dose each day. My reaction was just a bit extreme; you are not to blame."

Gu Yuanbai dismissed the physicians and led the ministers back to the Xuanzheng Hall. Having witnessed the state of the addict, the ministers now understood why the Emperor had been so forceful in recent days, issuing decree after decree without listening to advice. It was infuriating that not only had they done nothing at the time, but they had also nearly hindered the Emperor.

The loyal ministers stood in small groups, silent and speechless. Gu Yuanbai perceived their thoughts and rapped his fingers on the edge of the table. "I didn't call you here to stand around like wooden dummies. Pull yourselves together and come up with some useful suggestions for me."

The ministers pulled themselves together and, along with the Emperor, carefully reviewed the events and reasons behind the situation.

Their discussion lasted until dinner. After the meal, the Emperor dismissed the ministers. Later, Kong Yilin came to report. He conveyed the findings of the Supervision Bureau's investigation in Xixia and said, with great complexity, "This investigation into the incense has revealed deeply intertwined connections. One individual alone can implicate several high-ranking officials and influential figures. A cursory glance shows that almost no one is uninvolved."

"That's because those not involved are either already dead or imprisoned by the Emperor of Xixia," Gu Yuanbai handed him a letter. "Smart people have learned to keep their mouths shut, and those who are worried have realized that mere talk is useless. Take this and have a look."

Kong Yilin took the letter, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Gu Yuanbai leaned back in his chair, reflecting on the timing of Kong Yilin's rebellion in the original text.

Given the Emperor of Xixia's level of incense addiction, he wouldn't survive long once the supply was cut off. Even if he didn't die, he wouldn't have the strength to muster an army to support Kong Yilin in launching a large-scale attack on Great Heng.

That must be the next successor.

The next successor of Xixia seems to be very ambitious and values talent highly. He understands the value of Kong Yilin and the cotton in his hands, so he offered Kong Yilin what he couldn’t obtain in Great Heng—power and status.

This suggests that he has an open mind and doesn't care about a person's origins, or perhaps he is so short of talent that he eagerly seeks it regardless of whether the person has Great Heng blood.

He also understands how to adapt to circumstances, showing flexibility. In the original text, the war between Great Heng and Xixia was Xue Yuan’s war of prowess. After realizing they couldn’t win, Xixia’s surrender was swift and decisive.

The next successor of Xixia is indeed a remarkable person. Could such a person be unaware of the harm caused by the national incense and allow it to spread unchecked?

Gu Yuanbai exhaled a breath and suddenly asked, “Do you know the Second Prince of Xixia?”

“The Second Prince of Xixia,” Kong Yilin was momentarily stunned, then recalled, “I only learned of him after he came to the capital. I don’t know much about him. He’s said to have an unremarkable reputation, average ability, and the only notable trait is his resilience.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled to himself, thinking, isn’t resilience enough?

He didn’t continue on this topic but instead teased, “Minister Kong, I heard that Lord Mi from the Censorate intends to marry his youngest daughter to you. Is that true?”

Kong Yilin's face heated up. “Your Majesty, Lord Mi has no such intentions.”

“Oh?” Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow. “I heard that during your days off these past months, you frequently visit the temple and always seem to run into Lord Mi’s youngest daughter.”

Kong Yilin bowed and quickly excused himself.

As he was about to leave the palace, he glanced back and saw Lord Xue Yuan leaning close to the Emperor, whispering something. Kong Yilin showed no reaction, gave a polite smile to Tian Fusheng, and left quickly.


Xue Yuan whispered in the Emperor’s ear, “Your Majesty, on your next day off, why don’t you accompany me to the temple for some incense burning?”

For the past month, Xue Yuan had not made a single inappropriate move towards Gu Yuanbai. Sometimes, when Gu Yuanbai woke up in the middle of the night with his hair disheveled and asked Xue Yuan to fetch water, warm water occasionally trickled down from his lips. When Gu Yuanbai thought Xue Yuan might lean in to lick it off, Xue Yuan remained still, not daring to lift a finger to touch him.

The man who dared to massage him for an hour, constantly taking liberties in secret, seemed to have transformed overnight, restraining himself to the point of becoming almost a different person. When Gu Yuanbai emerged from the hot spring, water droplets from his hair formed a scattered trail, slipping from his neck to the dragon pattern on the hem of his robe. Yet, Xue Yuan would rather close his eyes and bow his head than glance at the Emperor.

How dull.

In recent days, the sight of Xue Yuan irritated Gu Yuanbai, leading him to wonder if this was part of the strategy, "after enticing comes playing hard to get."

Were Xue Jiuyao's military strategies going to be used on him one by one?

Not wanting to engage, Gu Yuanbai continued to handle his official documents with a cold expression. Xue Yuan, unmoving, softly advised, "Your Majesty, you should rest a bit. I'm concerned about your health."

For some reason, his voice had also become hoarse over the past month.

"Get out," Gu Yuanbai said, suppressing his irritation. "I live a simple life, resting every day."

A smile touched Xue Yuan's eyes. "Your Majesty, how can this be considered rest? It's spring now, the perfect time when it's neither too cold nor too hot. You don't need to bring Tian Fusheng; just take me. I will take good care of you."

Tian Fusheng, hearing this, panicked and nearly charged at Xue Yuan. "Lord Xue, I don’t like what you’re saying. His Majesty cannot leave the palace without me; it would be highly inconvenient."

Gu Yuanbai flipped a page of his document. "Can't I just stroll in my imperial garden?"

"That's not the same," Tian Fusheng also implored. "Your Majesty, you do need to go out for a walk."

Gu Yuanbai had already intended to relax his long-tense nerves and had planned to go out for a spring outing on his next day off.

Looking up, he addressed the chief guard, "Do you also think I should go out to enjoy the spring scenery?"

The chief guard, surprised and honored, bowed and said earnestly, "I share the same thoughts as Lord Xue and Steward Tian. It would be beneficial."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at Xue Yuan from the corner of his eye. As expected, Xue Yuan's smile faltered, and he was now giving Zhang Xu a sinister look. Gu Yuanbai chuckled and then, with a cheerful tone, said, "Let's go, then."


On the day off, at Jingchen Temple.

Gu Yuanbai, dressed in regular clothes, followed a young monk who led the way to visit various temples.

The previous emperor was a devout Buddhist, earnestly kneeling and worshipping the deities without reservation. Although Gu Yuanbai was a materialist, his experience of time travel made him wonder about the existence of spirits and deities, regardless of his belief. 

Standing in the center of the temple with his hands clasped behind his back, his slender figure draped in blue robes like bamboo, Gu Yuanbai gazed directly at the golden Buddha without averting his eyes. 

The golden Buddha, meticulously polished to a pristine shine, had eyes that seemed to glow with wisdom. It appeared to be looking back at Gu Yuanbai, its lips beneath the thick ears slightly upturned in a benevolent smile. 

Gu Yuanbai stared for a while, feeling a stirring in his heart, when suddenly Xue Yuan, with a grim expression, grabbed his wrist and said, "Stop looking."

His train of thought interrupted, Gu Yuanbai glanced down at the hand gripping his wrist, let out a few cold laughs, and abruptly shook it off.

Weren't you playing hard to get? Then keep your hands off me.

Shaking off the hand immediately lifted Gu Yuanbai's spirits. Smiling, he cheerfully admired the temple's scenery with a novice monk. Although he did not worship the Buddha himself, he didn't stop those around him from doing so. The palace attendants and guards, with his permission, lit incense and earnestly paid their respects to the Buddha statues in each temple they passed.

After they had seen everything there was to see, the group enjoyed a vegetarian meal in the temple.

The scent of sandalwood in the temple was extremely sleep-inducing. After the meal, Gu Yuanbai felt drowsy and took a nap in the side room. When he woke up, he heard the sound of thunder and heavy rain clearly in his ears. He propped himself up and looked outside, seeing that although it was just past noon, the sky was dark and gloomy, with a hint of coldness and wind. It was indeed raining.

"Someone come."

A palace attendant entered the room and helped the Emperor get up. Gu Yuanbai looked around and frowned, "Why are there fewer people?"

Before he finished speaking, a few drenched people came running in the rain. They were Xue Yuan and a few guards who were missing earlier. They ran under the corridor, wetting the dry ground with their dripping water, splashing it everywhere.

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