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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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Xue Yuan placed Gu Yuanbai on the bed, and the palace attendants knelt down in a row.

Tian Fusheng’s eyes were tearful. He carefully removed the Emperor’s shoes and socks, rolled up his pants legs, revealing the swollen lump at his ankle.

The Emperor’s ankles were originally slender. Once swollen, they looked terrifying. Xue Yuan glanced down, frowned, and thought it was not good.

Gu Yuanbai looked expressionlessly at the door. In less than a moment, hurried footsteps approached. Zhang Xu, accompanied by the imperial physician, came to treat Gu Yuanbai’s injury. Behind them, General Xue, who had fallen to his knees as soon as he entered the room, awaited.

General Xue’s head knocked heavily on the ground, feeling desolate inside: “Your Majesty, I plead guilty.”

Two imperial physicians washed their hands and carefully touched Gu Yuanbai’s foot. His foot, like a piece of carved jade, looked like a work of art. Now, with these injuries, both physicians frowned, unsure how to proceed.

“What guilt does General Xue plead?” The Emperor’s voice showed no emotion.

General Xue said in despair, “Your Majesty was frightened in the General’s Manor, and Your Dragon Body was injured. The blame lies entirely with me.”

Gu Yuanbai said, “I find it quite coincidental. During the day, Heqin Wang sent a bowl of deer blood, which was accidentally spilled by a servant boy near the window. In the dead of night, evil wolves followed the scent of blood into my courtyard, precisely when everyone was asleep, and even the guards were exhausted. Even more coincidentally, I happened to wake up at this moment and encountered these two wolves. Lord Xue, I feel this is the will of heaven.”

Sweat dripped from General Xue’s forehead as he bowed deeply again.

Xue Yuan knelt behind his father. When the emperor remained silent, the entire room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. The guards standing by, hands resting on the hilts of their swords, cast cold and fierce glances at the members of the Xue household.

Earlier, when Gu Yuanbai had Xue Yuan carry him, it was a show of dominance over Xue Yuan; now, his words were a display of authority over General Xue.

Xue Yuan knelt on the ground, his expression grim.

Such a coincidence was unlikely, yet it happened. If he didn’t know better, Xue Yuan would have suspected that the emperor had predicted the two wolves would appear in the courtyard at night and had purposely gone there.

In the dead of night, the Xue residence was brightly lit. Hewin Wang’s servants, along with the Xue household servants, knelt in rows, while Commander Zhang Xu, with a stern expression, interrogated each one with his subordinates.

After a stick of incense, Zhang Xu, the chief guard, sent someone to bring the panicked Second Young Master Xue in front of the Emperor, while he himself stepped forward a few steps, whispering the situation to the Emperor’s ear.

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, glanced at the Second Young Master Xue, and then leisurely let it go.

The Second Young Master Xue was a fool. After knowing he wasn’t allowed to meet the Emperor today, he became jealous of Xue Yuan. The wolves in the mansion were Xue Yuan’s pets, and he had trained the wolf pack to be obedient. Every mealtime, they knew to run to Xue Yuan’s courtyard for food. Today, with the Emperor staying at the Xue mansion, Xue Yuan didn’t have time to feed the wolf pack. The Second Young Master Xue came up with a bad idea.

Late at night, while everyone was asleep, he released two hungry wolves, letting them run to Xue Yuan’s courtyard on their own. If they couldn’t find meat, they would bite people. If Xue Yuan got bitten, he wouldn’t be able to meet the Emperor the next day.

The only healthy son left in the Xue mansion would be the Second Young Master Xue. He actually went ahead with this plan.

But what he didn’t expect was that the hungry wolves, after a day without food, were attracted by the scent of deer blood and went straight to Gu Yuanbai’s place.

What a fool, Gu Yuanbai thought.

But despite being such a fool, he still liked having him in General Xue’s mansion.

Gu Yuanbai dismissed the others before letting Zhang Xu tell General Xue about the incident. As the embarrassing matter was slowly revealed by the guards around the Emperor, the Second Young Master Xue’s face turned crimson with embarrassment.

General Xue’s breathing gradually became heavier, his eyes widened, staring straight at his second son.

Xue Yuan chuckled coldly.

After a long while, General Xue seemed to age significantly in an instant. He bowed deeply to the Emperor, looking extremely haggard, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration.”

After driving away the irrelevant people, at least this ridiculous matter wouldn’t be spread to everyone’s ears.

At this moment, Gu Yuanbai’s expression softened, and he sighed, “Minister Xue, why go to such lengths? Since I know this was just a coincidence, I won’t pursue it further.”

The swollen ankle was right in front of him, looking horrifying. General Xue dared not look at it more than necessary, feeling condemnation in his heart with every glance. Tears welled up in his eyes as he said firmly, “It’s my son’s grave mistake. Whatever punishment Your Majesty deems fit is only fair. I will not utter a word of complaint!”

“I failed to protect Your Majesty, so I am also at fault,” General Xue’s voice trembled with emotion as tears streamed down his face. “It’s my fault for not teaching my son properly. I am willing to accept any punishment.”

Xue Yuan said politely, “The wolves belong to myself, so I am also at fault. If Your Majesty needs it, I can accompany you and serve at your side, Your Majesty’s command.”

Among the three, only his tone was indifferent. The Second Young Master Xue trembled when he heard this, almost wetting his pants with fear.

This embarrassing matter being brought before the Emperor had everyone on edge. No amount of apology would suffice. As long as it didn’t disgust the Emperor with the Xue family, General Xue was willing to do anything.

When he heard Xue Yuan’s words, he immediately recognized it as an opportunity to regain favor. Previously, the Emperor had specifically sent palace physicians to treat Xue Yuan, which meant the Emperor was now looking at Xue Yuan in a different light.

General Xue quickly added, “My worthless son may lack in literary talent, but his martial arts are acceptable. Although he can’t compare to the palace guards, he can still provide some protection. If Your Majesty doesn’t mind, let my son serve you in the palace.”

A faint smile curved Xue Yuan’s lips, but it soon turned into a sardonic smile.

The Emperor was extremely malicious. He pretended to consider it for a moment before reluctantly saying, “Very well, then.”

Tian Fusheng timely intervened, “General Xue, please go and rest with your two sons. It’s time to settle the Emperor.”

After they left, Gu Yuanbai finally leaned back on the bed. The imperial physician was applying medicine to his foot, causing a stinging sensation with every touch. The physician focused on his task, not daring to pause for even a moment. Gu Yuanbai endured until now. He leaned against the bed frame, waiting until the people were gone before he couldn’t help but groan softly.

Xue Yuan had already walked to the door, but he still heard the soft groan. He couldn’t help but glance back. The bed curtains blocked the Emperor’s face, but his hands tightly grasped his clothes, creating deep wrinkles in the silk clothing that belonged to Xue Yuan.

The Emperor was enduring from head to toe, his fair fingertips revealing his restraint. Even though it hurt badly, he only clenched his fingers tightly in restraint.

Xue Yuan’s brow suddenly furrowed, and he averted his gaze.

He still needed to wear those clothes. He couldn’t let them get torn.


The next day, the ministers’ families near the Xue mansion learned about the Emperor’s stay there last night.

Early in the morning, Chang Yuyan went to the Xue mansion’s gate. He visited Xue Yuan, then dragged him to meet the Emperor.

When they arrived, Gu Yuanbai was sitting on a chair, his swollen ankle being massaged by the imperial physician. His fair calves were exposed, and his feet rested on the physician’s knee.

The room lacked sunlight, so the physician needed to massage in a bright area. They sat in the courtyard, where the nearby tree had just sprouted green leaves. The sunlight shone on the Emperor, making him appear radiant.

As Xue Yuan and Chang Yuyan came in, they needed to be announced. The guards surrounded the Emperor and the physician in a circle, but walls were not impenetrable. Xue Yuan and Chang Yuyan could still see everything.

As soon as Chang Yuyan saw this scene, he lowered his head as if he had been scalded, feeling his face burning hot.

An attendant came to report, and Gu Yuanbai snapped out of his pain. He glanced in their direction and, with a frown, impatiently said, “I will not see them.”

From time to time, the imperial physician would put down his hand, rub his palms together to warm them, and then place them back on the ankle. A fine layer of sweat formed on Gu Yuanbai’s forehead, which the palace attendants thoughtfully wiped away. After what felt like an eternity, the imperial physician quietly reminded, “Your Majesty, you need to apply heat for another quarter of an hour.”


The warm cloth was placed on his ankle, and his furrowed brows finally relaxed. Gu Yuanbai leaned back in the chair with his eyes closed. After the quarter-hour passed, the imperial physician removed the cloth, and Tian Fusheng, crouching nearby, carefully put on his shoes and socks.

Tian Fusheng whispered, “Your Majesty, last night General Xue took Second Young Master Xue into the ancestral hall and punished him severely with family law, almost to the point of death. It’s said that afterwards, Eldest Young Master Xue took a cane into Second Young Master Xue’s room, and when he came out, Second Young Master Xue’s leg was already broken.”

The Emperor seemed indifferent, whether he heard it or not was unclear. It wasn’t until Tian Fusheng finished putting on his shoes and socks that Gu Yuanbai opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

The chief guard worriedly stepped forward, “Your Majesty, should I carry you to the carriage?”

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “I can walk there myself.”

Allowing Xue Yuan to carry him last night was to assert dominance. Now, in broad daylight, having someone carry him would be embarrassing.

The Xue mansion was not as large as the palace. Gu Yuanbai walked slowly but steadily to the mansion’s entrance. The imperial carriage was already prepared, and the entire Xue family came to bid farewell to the Emperor. Upon learning what happened last night, Old Madam Xue’s face turned pale, trembling as she knelt to perform a grand salute to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai patiently accepted her gesture before stepping onto the carriage.

Watching the Emperor depart, Chang Yuyan’s expression was complicated and disappointed. The Emperor had treated him warmly on previous occasions, but today, it was as if he hadn’t seen him at all, showing no interest. Even his request for an audience was denied. The sudden contrast made Chang Yuyan struggle to maintain his polite smile.

“Xue Yuan,” Chang Yuyan asked cautiously, “Did you offend the Emperor?”

The fact that the Emperor didn’t want to see him because of Xue Yuan was the only relief Chang Yuyan felt.

Upon hearing this, Xue Yuan’s temple vein bulged, “Shut up.”


Back in the palace, Gu Yuanbai couldn’t afford to rest. His first task was to deal with the accumulated government affairs of the past two days.

The Great Heng Dynasty had fourteen prefectures and two hundred and forty states. While there weren’t many memorials that needed to be submitted directly to the Emperor, the ministers of the Ministry of State Affairs would first categorize them by urgency, importance, and type, sending the ones that required the Emperor’s personal attention to Gu Yuanbai’s desk. They would handle the minor and tedious matters themselves, and after processing, the memorials would be reviewed by each other before being sent to the Military and Political Affairs Department of the Supervision Bureau for final inspection.

With this three-step process, coupled with the Emperor occasionally inspecting the Ministry of State Affairs, the ministers there were diligent, and rarely did memorials get returned for reevaluation by the Supervision Bureau.

However, when Gu Yuanbai was reviewing the memorials, he still felt a lot of inconvenience.

The memorials from the local officials, being far away, were even more eager to please the Emperor. They would often flatter extensively, taking up pages with colorful language while glossing over the essential points Gu Yuanbai wanted to understand.

Regarding the reform of evaluating local officials’ performance, Gu Yuanbai already had a plan. Memorial reform was essential in this, and after the new batch of scholars was selected, those dispatched to the localities could start making changes from the grassroots level.

It would be best if there was a template for memorials. They would only need to fill in the data of their own jurisdiction. If a unified habit was formed, not only would the officials’ performances be clear, but administrative agencies across the country would also reduce a lot of unnecessary workload, greatly improving efficiency.

“Tian Fusheng,” Gu Yuanbai rubbed his temples, feeling fatigued, “brew a cup of strong tea for me.”

Many times, as the dynasty extended, the constraints on the Emperor would increase.

The military and imperial powers during the founding of the dynasty were vibrant, and the first emperors had the ability to shake the table. They had armies and the might to conquer, and their reforms could come from top to bottom. However, as the dynasty aged, the Emperor’s power would diminish.

The Great Heng Dynasty was surrounded by powerful local clans. These local forces were powerful, annexing land illegally and engaging in various crimes, some even taking lives recklessly. These were the ancient versions of criminal syndicates. How could the central government tolerate the local authorities? They held tens of thousands of acres of fertile land and peasants, some colluding with officials, some even controlling the government.

Aristocratic families are interconnected, and one vine can drag along a whole patch of mud.

The Emperor not only had to balance the bureaucratic group, eunuch group, and military nobles but also deal with these powerful local clans.

Such a situation could only be broken through with firm measures, and then the new order could be reconstructed by Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai knew that there were neighboring enemy states coveting the Great Heng Dynasty and also knew about some unstable factors within the borders.

And some of the instability within the borders was due to his own indulgence.

He deliberately let some remnants of the minister Lu Feng go, turning a blind eye to their escape because Gu Yuanbai still found them useful.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, his position as Emperor was precarious, and the realm was about to enter turmoil.

But what they didn’t know was that Gu Yuanbai was waiting for this turmoil, even subtly pushing the changes within the borders. He had driven Lu Feng’s remnants to where he wanted them to go, planning to use the turmoil to uproot the deepest part of the tumor within the Great Heng Dynasty.

He planned to use the enemy’s power to flatten the land and wealth of the powerful local clans.

After the enemies flattened the powerful local clans, Gu Yuanbai would use the most benevolent reputation to take over the land, peasants, and wealth that fell into enemy hands.

He would use the name of the king, standing at the highest moral point, to wipe out these brutal and greedy rebel armies.

Author’s Note: If you’re interested, you can check out Professor Jia Fangfang’s “The Powerful Forces of the Song Dynasty and Their Relationship with Local Officials”. This article vividly describes the dangers of powerful local clans. This story aims to eliminate some disobedient and harmful powerful local clans. It will use strong measures and try to protect innocent civilians. I apologize if it seems cruel.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 14

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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Xue Yuan placed Gu Yuanbai on the bed, and the palace attendants knelt down in a row.

Tian Fusheng's eyes were tearful. He carefully removed the Emperor's shoes and socks, rolled up his pants legs, revealing the swollen lump at his ankle.

The Emperor's ankles were originally slender. Once swollen, they looked terrifying. Xue Yuan glanced down, frowned, and thought it was not good.

Gu Yuanbai looked expressionlessly at the door. In less than a moment, hurried footsteps approached. Zhang Xu, accompanied by the imperial physician, came to treat Gu Yuanbai's injury. Behind them, General Xue, who had fallen to his knees as soon as he entered the room, awaited.

General Xue's head knocked heavily on the ground, feeling desolate inside: "Your Majesty, I plead guilty."

Two imperial physicians washed their hands and carefully touched Gu Yuanbai's foot. His foot, like a piece of carved jade, looked like a work of art. Now, with these injuries, both physicians frowned, unsure how to proceed.

"What guilt does General Xue plead?" The Emperor's voice showed no emotion.

General Xue said in despair, "Your Majesty was frightened in the General's Manor, and Your Dragon Body was injured. The blame lies entirely with me."

Gu Yuanbai said, "I find it quite coincidental. During the day, Heqin Wang sent a bowl of deer blood, which was accidentally spilled by a servant boy near the window. In the dead of night, evil wolves followed the scent of blood into my courtyard, precisely when everyone was asleep, and even the guards were exhausted. Even more coincidentally, I happened to wake up at this moment and encountered these two wolves. Lord Xue, I feel this is the will of heaven."

Sweat dripped from General Xue's forehead as he bowed deeply again.

Xue Yuan knelt behind his father. When the emperor remained silent, the entire room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. The guards standing by, hands resting on the hilts of their swords, cast cold and fierce glances at the members of the Xue household.

Earlier, when Gu Yuanbai had Xue Yuan carry him, it was a show of dominance over Xue Yuan; now, his words were a display of authority over General Xue.

Xue Yuan knelt on the ground, his expression grim.

Such a coincidence was unlikely, yet it happened. If he didn’t know better, Xue Yuan would have suspected that the emperor had predicted the two wolves would appear in the courtyard at night and had purposely gone there.

In the dead of night, the Xue residence was brightly lit. Hewin Wang's servants, along with the Xue household servants, knelt in rows, while Commander Zhang Xu, with a stern expression, interrogated each one with his subordinates.

After a stick of incense, Zhang Xu, the chief guard, sent someone to bring the panicked Second Young Master Xue in front of the Emperor, while he himself stepped forward a few steps, whispering the situation to the Emperor's ear.

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, glanced at the Second Young Master Xue, and then leisurely let it go.

The Second Young Master Xue was a fool. After knowing he wasn't allowed to meet the Emperor today, he became jealous of Xue Yuan. The wolves in the mansion were Xue Yuan's pets, and he had trained the wolf pack to be obedient. Every mealtime, they knew to run to Xue Yuan's courtyard for food. Today, with the Emperor staying at the Xue mansion, Xue Yuan didn't have time to feed the wolf pack. The Second Young Master Xue came up with a bad idea.

Late at night, while everyone was asleep, he released two hungry wolves, letting them run to Xue Yuan's courtyard on their own. If they couldn't find meat, they would bite people. If Xue Yuan got bitten, he wouldn't be able to meet the Emperor the next day.

The only healthy son left in the Xue mansion would be the Second Young Master Xue. He actually went ahead with this plan.

But what he didn't expect was that the hungry wolves, after a day without food, were attracted by the scent of deer blood and went straight to Gu Yuanbai's place.

What a fool, Gu Yuanbai thought.

But despite being such a fool, he still liked having him in General Xue's mansion.

Gu Yuanbai dismissed the others before letting Zhang Xu tell General Xue about the incident. As the embarrassing matter was slowly revealed by the guards around the Emperor, the Second Young Master Xue's face turned crimson with embarrassment.

General Xue's breathing gradually became heavier, his eyes widened, staring straight at his second son.

Xue Yuan chuckled coldly.

After a long while, General Xue seemed to age significantly in an instant. He bowed deeply to the Emperor, looking extremely haggard, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration."

After driving away the irrelevant people, at least this ridiculous matter wouldn't be spread to everyone's ears.

At this moment, Gu Yuanbai's expression softened, and he sighed, "Minister Xue, why go to such lengths? Since I know this was just a coincidence, I won't pursue it further."

The swollen ankle was right in front of him, looking horrifying. General Xue dared not look at it more than necessary, feeling condemnation in his heart with every glance. Tears welled up in his eyes as he said firmly, "It's my son's grave mistake. Whatever punishment Your Majesty deems fit is only fair. I will not utter a word of complaint!"

"I failed to protect Your Majesty, so I am also at fault," General Xue's voice trembled with emotion as tears streamed down his face. "It's my fault for not teaching my son properly. I am willing to accept any punishment."

Xue Yuan said politely, "The wolves belong to myself, so I am also at fault. If Your Majesty needs it, I can accompany you and serve at your side, Your Majesty's command."

Among the three, only his tone was indifferent. The Second Young Master Xue trembled when he heard this, almost wetting his pants with fear.

This embarrassing matter being brought before the Emperor had everyone on edge. No amount of apology would suffice. As long as it didn't disgust the Emperor with the Xue family, General Xue was willing to do anything.

When he heard Xue Yuan's words, he immediately recognized it as an opportunity to regain favor. Previously, the Emperor had specifically sent palace physicians to treat Xue Yuan, which meant the Emperor was now looking at Xue Yuan in a different light.

General Xue quickly added, "My worthless son may lack in literary talent, but his martial arts are acceptable. Although he can't compare to the palace guards, he can still provide some protection. If Your Majesty doesn't mind, let my son serve you in the palace."

A faint smile curved Xue Yuan's lips, but it soon turned into a sardonic smile.

The Emperor was extremely malicious. He pretended to consider it for a moment before reluctantly saying, "Very well, then."

Tian Fusheng timely intervened, "General Xue, please go and rest with your two sons. It's time to settle the Emperor."

After they left, Gu Yuanbai finally leaned back on the bed. The imperial physician was applying medicine to his foot, causing a stinging sensation with every touch. The physician focused on his task, not daring to pause for even a moment. Gu Yuanbai endured until now. He leaned against the bed frame, waiting until the people were gone before he couldn't help but groan softly.

Xue Yuan had already walked to the door, but he still heard the soft groan. He couldn't help but glance back. The bed curtains blocked the Emperor's face, but his hands tightly grasped his clothes, creating deep wrinkles in the silk clothing that belonged to Xue Yuan.

The Emperor was enduring from head to toe, his fair fingertips revealing his restraint. Even though it hurt badly, he only clenched his fingers tightly in restraint.

Xue Yuan's brow suddenly furrowed, and he averted his gaze.

He still needed to wear those clothes. He couldn't let them get torn.


The next day, the ministers' families near the Xue mansion learned about the Emperor's stay there last night.

Early in the morning, Chang Yuyan went to the Xue mansion's gate. He visited Xue Yuan, then dragged him to meet the Emperor.

When they arrived, Gu Yuanbai was sitting on a chair, his swollen ankle being massaged by the imperial physician. His fair calves were exposed, and his feet rested on the physician's knee.

The room lacked sunlight, so the physician needed to massage in a bright area. They sat in the courtyard, where the nearby tree had just sprouted green leaves. The sunlight shone on the Emperor, making him appear radiant.

As Xue Yuan and Chang Yuyan came in, they needed to be announced. The guards surrounded the Emperor and the physician in a circle, but walls were not impenetrable. Xue Yuan and Chang Yuyan could still see everything.

As soon as Chang Yuyan saw this scene, he lowered his head as if he had been scalded, feeling his face burning hot.

An attendant came to report, and Gu Yuanbai snapped out of his pain. He glanced in their direction and, with a frown, impatiently said, "I will not see them."

From time to time, the imperial physician would put down his hand, rub his palms together to warm them, and then place them back on the ankle. A fine layer of sweat formed on Gu Yuanbai's forehead, which the palace attendants thoughtfully wiped away. After what felt like an eternity, the imperial physician quietly reminded, "Your Majesty, you need to apply heat for another quarter of an hour."


The warm cloth was placed on his ankle, and his furrowed brows finally relaxed. Gu Yuanbai leaned back in the chair with his eyes closed. After the quarter-hour passed, the imperial physician removed the cloth, and Tian Fusheng, crouching nearby, carefully put on his shoes and socks.

Tian Fusheng whispered, "Your Majesty, last night General Xue took Second Young Master Xue into the ancestral hall and punished him severely with family law, almost to the point of death. It's said that afterwards, Eldest Young Master Xue took a cane into Second Young Master Xue's room, and when he came out, Second Young Master Xue's leg was already broken."

The Emperor seemed indifferent, whether he heard it or not was unclear. It wasn't until Tian Fusheng finished putting on his shoes and socks that Gu Yuanbai opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

The chief guard worriedly stepped forward, "Your Majesty, should I carry you to the carriage?"

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "I can walk there myself."

Allowing Xue Yuan to carry him last night was to assert dominance. Now, in broad daylight, having someone carry him would be embarrassing.

The Xue mansion was not as large as the palace. Gu Yuanbai walked slowly but steadily to the mansion's entrance. The imperial carriage was already prepared, and the entire Xue family came to bid farewell to the Emperor. Upon learning what happened last night, Old Madam Xue's face turned pale, trembling as she knelt to perform a grand salute to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai patiently accepted her gesture before stepping onto the carriage.

Watching the Emperor depart, Chang Yuyan's expression was complicated and disappointed. The Emperor had treated him warmly on previous occasions, but today, it was as if he hadn't seen him at all, showing no interest. Even his request for an audience was denied. The sudden contrast made Chang Yuyan struggle to maintain his polite smile.

"Xue Yuan," Chang Yuyan asked cautiously, "Did you offend the Emperor?"

The fact that the Emperor didn't want to see him because of Xue Yuan was the only relief Chang Yuyan felt.

Upon hearing this, Xue Yuan's temple vein bulged, "Shut up."


Back in the palace, Gu Yuanbai couldn't afford to rest. His first task was to deal with the accumulated government affairs of the past two days.

The Great Heng Dynasty had fourteen prefectures and two hundred and forty states. While there weren't many memorials that needed to be submitted directly to the Emperor, the ministers of the Ministry of State Affairs would first categorize them by urgency, importance, and type, sending the ones that required the Emperor's personal attention to Gu Yuanbai's desk. They would handle the minor and tedious matters themselves, and after processing, the memorials would be reviewed by each other before being sent to the Military and Political Affairs Department of the Supervision Bureau for final inspection.

With this three-step process, coupled with the Emperor occasionally inspecting the Ministry of State Affairs, the ministers there were diligent, and rarely did memorials get returned for reevaluation by the Supervision Bureau.

However, when Gu Yuanbai was reviewing the memorials, he still felt a lot of inconvenience.

The memorials from the local officials, being far away, were even more eager to please the Emperor. They would often flatter extensively, taking up pages with colorful language while glossing over the essential points Gu Yuanbai wanted to understand.

Regarding the reform of evaluating local officials' performance, Gu Yuanbai already had a plan. Memorial reform was essential in this, and after the new batch of scholars was selected, those dispatched to the localities could start making changes from the grassroots level.

It would be best if there was a template for memorials. They would only need to fill in the data of their own jurisdiction. If a unified habit was formed, not only would the officials' performances be clear, but administrative agencies across the country would also reduce a lot of unnecessary workload, greatly improving efficiency.

"Tian Fusheng," Gu Yuanbai rubbed his temples, feeling fatigued, "brew a cup of strong tea for me."

Many times, as the dynasty extended, the constraints on the Emperor would increase.

The military and imperial powers during the founding of the dynasty were vibrant, and the first emperors had the ability to shake the table. They had armies and the might to conquer, and their reforms could come from top to bottom. However, as the dynasty aged, the Emperor's power would diminish.

The Great Heng Dynasty was surrounded by powerful local clans. These local forces were powerful, annexing land illegally and engaging in various crimes, some even taking lives recklessly. These were the ancient versions of criminal syndicates. How could the central government tolerate the local authorities? They held tens of thousands of acres of fertile land and peasants, some colluding with officials, some even controlling the government.

Aristocratic families are interconnected, and one vine can drag along a whole patch of mud.

The Emperor not only had to balance the bureaucratic group, eunuch group, and military nobles but also deal with these powerful local clans.

Such a situation could only be broken through with firm measures, and then the new order could be reconstructed by Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai knew that there were neighboring enemy states coveting the Great Heng Dynasty and also knew about some unstable factors within the borders.

And some of the instability within the borders was due to his own indulgence.

He deliberately let some remnants of the minister Lu Feng go, turning a blind eye to their escape because Gu Yuanbai still found them useful.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, his position as Emperor was precarious, and the realm was about to enter turmoil.

But what they didn't know was that Gu Yuanbai was waiting for this turmoil, even subtly pushing the changes within the borders. He had driven Lu Feng's remnants to where he wanted them to go, planning to use the turmoil to uproot the deepest part of the tumor within the Great Heng Dynasty.

He planned to use the enemy's power to flatten the land and wealth of the powerful local clans.

After the enemies flattened the powerful local clans, Gu Yuanbai would use the most benevolent reputation to take over the land, peasants, and wealth that fell into enemy hands.

He would use the name of the king, standing at the highest moral point, to wipe out these brutal and greedy rebel armies.

Author's Note: If you're interested, you can check out Professor Jia Fangfang's "The Powerful Forces of the Song Dynasty and Their Relationship with Local Officials". This article vividly describes the dangers of powerful local clans. This story aims to eliminate some disobedient and harmful powerful local clans. It will use strong measures and try to protect innocent civilians. I apologize if it seems cruel.

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