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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 144

Chapter 144

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Gu Yuanbai’s goals were never solely to win a war against Xixia.

Firstly, he intended to use a major victory to intimidate the region and implement a series of reforms upon returning home. Secondly, he aimed to seize the opportunity to invade Xixia, a country currently weakened but possessing many desirable assets.

Reputation, public support—Gu Yuanbai was greedy for all of these. Until now, he desired them all.

By rallying popular support, he could alleviate the military pressure within Great Heng and also counteract the negative effects of earthquakes.

As for releasing Li Angyi…

Gu Yuanbai squinted as he watched Li Angyi leave alone.

He raised his bow and arrow, the wooden bow fully drawn, then calmly lowered it.

Gu Yuanbai still intended to use the death of the Xixia emperor as a pretense.

Li Angyi still had some use. The benevolent emperor of Great Heng could grant him another day of life.

When Li Angyi died, Gu Yuanbai would personally send someone to inform him. Compared to the fanciful fate, what he lost to was Gu Yuanbai, who had prepared for this day and this war for a long time.

Fate never held you in such high regard—what holds you in high regard is Gu Yuanbai.


Two months later.

The Prefectural Mansion of Huining City in Xixia.

Ding Yan raised his head from his heavy winter clothes and lightly knocked on the door of the prefectural mansion.

Prefect Han had already prepared a feast awaiting him. Ding Yan took off his cloak and handed it to the servant. The outsiders quietly withdrew, leaving only the two of them in the room.

Prefect Han gestured with his cup to Ding Yan, sighing, “Brother Ziyan, what you said before was right. It’s a good thing I listened to your advice and closed the city early. The cities near the border have already been breached by the Great Heng people.”

Ding Yan, known as Liu Xian, smiled faintly and raised his cup to toast with him, “It’s because Prefect Han believed in me.”

After saying that, he seemed to recall those days when he wasn’t trusted, sighing heavily.

Prefect Han tried to comfort him with a few words, but Ding Yan shook his head, unwilling to discuss it further. “The country is on the brink of destruction, and the Imperial Palace in Xingqing is indulging in revelry, neglecting everything.”

Xingqing was the royal capital of Xixia. At this moment, the mistress of the royal capital was the mother of the youngest son of the late emperor, referred to by others as the Small King’s Madam.

Prefect Han’s face darkened upon hearing this. “Less than half a month since news of His Majesty’s death arrived, and they’ve already turned the royal capital into such a state.”

Ding Yan sighed, “Prefect Han, you’ve been staying in Huining City, shutting yourself away. Naturally, you’re unaware of what’s happening outside. They claim it’s revelry, but it’s really just self-deception. The Emperor of Great Heng has won the hearts of the people. I’ve heard that in many border cities under attack, some of the prefects and county magistrates have personally opened the city gates. At this rate, the Great Heng army will sooner or later reach Huining City.”

Prefect Han drank his wine with a solemn expression. “If they come, let them come. His Majesty was kind to me. Even if I die, I will defend Huining City. Huining City is easy to defend and hard to attack. Give them five months, and they won’t be able to take it!”

Ding Yan thought to himself, indeed, it was too difficult to attack.

“You mean you don’t know yet?” With his cup raised to his lips, Ding Yan lowered his voice and said, “His Majesty personally led an expedition, but heavy snowfall for twenty consecutive days blocked his path. When the sun finally shone, His Majesty dispatched troops to attack Great Heng, only to encounter a local uprising. After the ordeal, the people of Great Heng captured His Majesty, but their Emperor, in his benevolence, felt it was unjust to take advantage of His Majesty’s predicament, so he ordered his release. Yet, on the second day after His Majesty was released, he was killed by an arrow shot by our general, Zheng Zhepei.”

Prefect Han slammed his cup down, unable to contain his anger. “How could I not know! There’s a writer in Great Heng named Chang Yuyan who wrote articles mocking His Majesty, attributing his misfortunes to divine punishment from the heavy snow and local uprising. Those articles have spread to Xixia, and when I read them, I was furious; it’s all utter nonsense!”

He looked towards Ding Yan, seeking affirmation. “Brother Ziyan, tell me, isn’t this adding insult to injury?”

But Ding Yan remained silent.

“Brother Ziyan?” 

After a long pause, Ding Yan finally spoke, “Han, if I recall correctly, you were once imprisoned in the dungeon with General Zheng Zhepei for advising the late Emperor to ban incense, weren’t you?”

Prefect Han nodded.

“When I was returning from Xingqing Prefecture, General Zheng’s mansion was being ransacked, and the family members were being beheaded. His eldest son, Zheng Wencai, who was very famous, had always held the Emperor in high esteem. He was grateful to the Emperor for clearing the reputations of many and for banning the national incense, even writing numerous articles praising the Emperor’s benevolence and foresight. However, on the day he was beheaded, his face was twisted with rage, and he roared that he had been blind, saying…”

Prefect Han urged, “What did he say?”

“He said that it was the current Emperor of Xixia who sold poisonous incense and caused the late Emperor and many officials and people to fall into addiction.” Ding Yan’s statement was shocking.

Prefect Han suddenly stood up. “Impossible!”

“Brother Han, don’t be hasty. I also think this is baseless,” Ding Yan said calmly. “His Majesty is gentle and has shown kindness to both you and me. But I can’t figure out why General Zheng, who has always repaid enmity with enmity and kindness with gratitude, would unquestioningly hand over military power to His Majesty, only to shoot a cold arrow at him now. I pondered and couldn’t believe the Zheng family’s words either. I just feel that perhaps it was the Small King’s Madam who used some underhanded means to force General Zheng’s hand.”

“Yes, yes,” Prefect Han sat back down in dismay. “She must have employed some tactics.”

Ding Yan silently drank his wine, finished his meal, and excused himself to rest.

At night, Prefect Han still dwelt on Ding Yan’s words, unable to sleep. He even woke his wife, who was beside him, with his constant tossing and turning.

His wife impatiently slapped him. “What are you thinking about, not letting me sleep?”

Prefect Han couldn’t help but tell her about what Ding Yan had said during the day, “Brother Ziyan personally heard General Zheng Zhepei’s eldest son say such words…”

His wife fell silent for a moment. “Husband, don’t be angry with what I’m about to say. Regardless of whether this incense is related to His Majesty, he was one person before he became Emperor and another after. Who would have thought he would ascend to the throne? This person is truly unfathomable. You, I’m worried that you might accidentally step into a quagmire.”

Prefect Han solemnly replied, “Nonsense.”

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, you know in your heart,” his wife said, “Regardless of whether His Majesty is connected to this incense or not, the situation in Xixia is in chaos right now. If you want to guard Huining City for the deceased Emperor, you might as well open the city gates when the soldiers of Great Heng come and take the initiative. Great Heng treats surrendering cities with courtesy and benevolence, their soldiers have rules, they don’t harm the people. They are at least better than bandits and rebels, these things are known to everyone. If you want to be loyal to the late Emperor, you should also see if the people in the city have the intention to die with you to defend the city.”

Prefect Han was speechless.

Xixia had already been severely hit by the incense incident, and uprisings had sprung up everywhere. Now with the death of His Majesty, the turmoil in the royal city, and the invasion by Great Heng, it seemed to give the suffering people a hope of relief.

Even more people were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the righteous and kind Great Heng army.

Prefect Han spent a restless night.

The next day, he went deep into the midst of the people with Ding Yan.

For the next five days, Prefect Han was extremely exhausted. It was at this time that another heinous event occurred in the royal city.

The Small King’s Madam sent troops to repel the Great Heng army and failed. She actually killed the general and the ministers responsible for transporting food and military supplies. Now, the court officials were all living in fear.

Prefect Han sighed incessantly, feeling even more burdened by the relationship between His Majesty, whom he was loyal to and grateful for, and the Xixia national incense. These suspicions were like a growing tree, the more he recalled, the more perplexing they became.

Was it really unrelated to His Majesty?


The Great Heng army, with high morale, became an even more spirited force after merging with the 100,000-strong garrison.

Three months later, this army reached Huining City. The city’s residents hid behind their doors, peeking through windows and cracks at the Great Heng troops. The prefect, Han Wen, who had initially planned to take advantage of the terrain and defend the city to the death, silently opened the city gates.

Gu Yuanbai treated him with courtesy, and the Great Heng soldiers, as rumored, were strictly disciplined.

The dire situation Han Wen had expected, where neither inside nor outside were spared, did not occur. Nor did the feared scenes of Great Heng plundering and robbing the populace.

He anxiously received the Emperor of Great Heng, and after multiple conversations with Gu Yuanbai, he repeatedly attempted to hand over the governance of Huining City.

Gu Yuanbai merely smiled and said, “No rush.”

Every time Gu Yuanbai occupied a city, he would stay for a while.

He would register households and check for potential threats. In preparation for future educational reforms, this was an opportunity to establish official schools. Great Heng’s policies were highly favorable to the people, and in each city, policies had to be abolished and reestablished. Great Heng officials would be sent to govern these areas, while the original officials were either transferred or assessed for their ability to remain. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Gu Yuanbai generally transferred officials who voluntarily surrendered to another location.

There are still some powerful figures who have seized the country’s resources and become malignant tumors.

Redistributing land to the common people makes the reorganization of Xixia much more comfortable than that of Great Heng. With two hundred thousand troops outside the city, who would dare not to comply?

As for the common people, once they have tangibly received benefits, they will be completely devoted to Great Heng.

During the Great Heng army’s reorganization of Huining City, Ding Yan, using the alias Liu Xian, secretly met the Emperor. Afterwards, he donned his cloak and left the city, dusty and tired.


Gu Yuanbai watched as Xue Yuan took his medicine.

Five months ago, Xue Yuan could only lie in bed unable to move, but now his injuries had long since healed. Gu Yuanbai’s gaze made Xue Yuan stiffen his fingers and his scalp tingle with unease. He couldn’t help but say, “Your Majesty, can I stop taking it?”

“No, you musn’t,” Gu Yuanbai raised his sleeve, revealing a wrist bone, his expression gentle, “Your injury hasn’t fully healed.”

Xue Yuan responded unconsciously, “That minor injury had healed three months ago—”

He watched helplessly as Gu Yuanbai lowered his eyes, a shallow shadow veiling them, revealing a hint of hidden sorrow.

“—I’ll take it,” Xue Yuan didn’t even last a finger snap before tossing aside the spoon and cautiously drank down a bowl of white porcelain medicine, “I’ve finished it, please don’t be sad.”

After a long and arduous journey, he hadn’t brought even a speck of sandstorm color to His Majesty. The sharp gem had been polished even smoother, shimmering with a warmth that pierced Xue Yuan’s heart whenever he looked at it.

Gu Yuanbai glanced back at the medicine bowl, his eyes gleaming with delight.

Unable to resist, Xue Yuan stepped forward. “I really am better now.”

“A hundred days of healing bones and tendons,” Gu Yuanbai stood to attend to state affairs, “you must listen to me.”

“Alright, I’ll listen to you,” Xue Yuan followed closely behind, “I’ll take it whenever Your Majesty wants me to.”

Gu Yuanbai’s lips curved slightly, producing a memorial document, “Starting today, you can stop.”

Xue Yuan’s eyes brightened, “Really?”

“Really,” Gu Yuanbai rubbed his fingertip against his knuckle, his jade ring as warm and smooth as ever, teasing him, “You’ve only been drinking this medicinal soup for a few months, yet every day you wear such a bitter expression.”

Xue Yuan denied it, “Isn’t it because I’m worried that the bitterness will make Your Majesty uncomfortable?”

At his words, Gu Yuanbai looked up at him. A glint flickered in the corner of his eye, like a red thread, lingering around Xue Yuan, “I’ve been drinking medicine for many years, and during this time, I’ve never stopped. Could it be that I too am unpleasant?”

“I… I don’t know,” Xue Yuan spoke slowly, “After all, Your Majesty hasn’t let me get close for a long time.”

The implication in his words was already blatant, causing Gu Yuanbai to chuckle. Setting aside state affairs, he propped his elbow on the table and beckoned with his finger towards Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan approached like a thirsty person suddenly spotting a plump plum, and in an instant, he leaned over.

The Emperor lifted his sleeve, the wide robe covering their faces, his feathery lashes trembling slightly as he lightly pressed his lips against Xue Yuan’s, “What does it taste like?”

“Sweet,” Xue Yuan closed his eyes, his nose twitching as he sniffed the faint fragrance between the Emperor’s lips and teeth, “subtly sweet.”

Amused by his response, the Emperor kissed him again, soothingly saying, “Good. Once I’ve finished handling state affairs, I’ll play with you tonight.”

The sleeve, filled with the fragrance of incense, dropped down, leaving Xue Yuan with cheeks flushed by the Emperor’s comforting words. He stood in a daze for a while before obediently moving to the side and staring at the Emperor without moving.

After a while, Xue Yuan’s face flushed, his breathing quickened, and he gave himself a slap.

Xue Jiuyao, why are you acting like a little girl?

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 144

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 144

Chapter 144

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Gu Yuanbai's goals were never solely to win a war against Xixia.

Firstly, he intended to use a major victory to intimidate the region and implement a series of reforms upon returning home. Secondly, he aimed to seize the opportunity to invade Xixia, a country currently weakened but possessing many desirable assets.

Reputation, public support—Gu Yuanbai was greedy for all of these. Until now, he desired them all.

By rallying popular support, he could alleviate the military pressure within Great Heng and also counteract the negative effects of earthquakes.

As for releasing Li Angyi...

Gu Yuanbai squinted as he watched Li Angyi leave alone.

He raised his bow and arrow, the wooden bow fully drawn, then calmly lowered it.

Gu Yuanbai still intended to use the death of the Xixia emperor as a pretense.

Li Angyi still had some use. The benevolent emperor of Great Heng could grant him another day of life.

When Li Angyi died, Gu Yuanbai would personally send someone to inform him. Compared to the fanciful fate, what he lost to was Gu Yuanbai, who had prepared for this day and this war for a long time.

Fate never held you in such high regard—what holds you in high regard is Gu Yuanbai.


Two months later.

The Prefectural Mansion of Huining City in Xixia.

Ding Yan raised his head from his heavy winter clothes and lightly knocked on the door of the prefectural mansion.

Prefect Han had already prepared a feast awaiting him. Ding Yan took off his cloak and handed it to the servant. The outsiders quietly withdrew, leaving only the two of them in the room.

Prefect Han gestured with his cup to Ding Yan, sighing, "Brother Ziyan, what you said before was right. It's a good thing I listened to your advice and closed the city early. The cities near the border have already been breached by the Great Heng people."

Ding Yan, known as Liu Xian, smiled faintly and raised his cup to toast with him, "It's because Prefect Han believed in me."

After saying that, he seemed to recall those days when he wasn't trusted, sighing heavily.

Prefect Han tried to comfort him with a few words, but Ding Yan shook his head, unwilling to discuss it further. "The country is on the brink of destruction, and the Imperial Palace in Xingqing is indulging in revelry, neglecting everything."

Xingqing was the royal capital of Xixia. At this moment, the mistress of the royal capital was the mother of the youngest son of the late emperor, referred to by others as the Small King's Madam.

Prefect Han's face darkened upon hearing this. "Less than half a month since news of His Majesty's death arrived, and they've already turned the royal capital into such a state."

Ding Yan sighed, "Prefect Han, you've been staying in Huining City, shutting yourself away. Naturally, you're unaware of what's happening outside. They claim it's revelry, but it's really just self-deception. The Emperor of Great Heng has won the hearts of the people. I've heard that in many border cities under attack, some of the prefects and county magistrates have personally opened the city gates. At this rate, the Great Heng army will sooner or later reach Huining City."

Prefect Han drank his wine with a solemn expression. "If they come, let them come. His Majesty was kind to me. Even if I die, I will defend Huining City. Huining City is easy to defend and hard to attack. Give them five months, and they won't be able to take it!"

Ding Yan thought to himself, indeed, it was too difficult to attack.

"You mean you don't know yet?" With his cup raised to his lips, Ding Yan lowered his voice and said, "His Majesty personally led an expedition, but heavy snowfall for twenty consecutive days blocked his path. When the sun finally shone, His Majesty dispatched troops to attack Great Heng, only to encounter a local uprising. After the ordeal, the people of Great Heng captured His Majesty, but their Emperor, in his benevolence, felt it was unjust to take advantage of His Majesty's predicament, so he ordered his release. Yet, on the second day after His Majesty was released, he was killed by an arrow shot by our general, Zheng Zhepei."

Prefect Han slammed his cup down, unable to contain his anger. "How could I not know! There's a writer in Great Heng named Chang Yuyan who wrote articles mocking His Majesty, attributing his misfortunes to divine punishment from the heavy snow and local uprising. Those articles have spread to Xixia, and when I read them, I was furious; it's all utter nonsense!"

He looked towards Ding Yan, seeking affirmation. "Brother Ziyan, tell me, isn't this adding insult to injury?"

But Ding Yan remained silent.

"Brother Ziyan?" 

After a long pause, Ding Yan finally spoke, "Han, if I recall correctly, you were once imprisoned in the dungeon with General Zheng Zhepei for advising the late Emperor to ban incense, weren't you?"

Prefect Han nodded.

"When I was returning from Xingqing Prefecture, General Zheng's mansion was being ransacked, and the family members were being beheaded. His eldest son, Zheng Wencai, who was very famous, had always held the Emperor in high esteem. He was grateful to the Emperor for clearing the reputations of many and for banning the national incense, even writing numerous articles praising the Emperor's benevolence and foresight. However, on the day he was beheaded, his face was twisted with rage, and he roared that he had been blind, saying..."

Prefect Han urged, "What did he say?"

"He said that it was the current Emperor of Xixia who sold poisonous incense and caused the late Emperor and many officials and people to fall into addiction." Ding Yan's statement was shocking.

Prefect Han suddenly stood up. "Impossible!"

"Brother Han, don't be hasty. I also think this is baseless," Ding Yan said calmly. "His Majesty is gentle and has shown kindness to both you and me. But I can't figure out why General Zheng, who has always repaid enmity with enmity and kindness with gratitude, would unquestioningly hand over military power to His Majesty, only to shoot a cold arrow at him now. I pondered and couldn't believe the Zheng family's words either. I just feel that perhaps it was the Small King's Madam who used some underhanded means to force General Zheng's hand."

"Yes, yes," Prefect Han sat back down in dismay. "She must have employed some tactics."

Ding Yan silently drank his wine, finished his meal, and excused himself to rest.

At night, Prefect Han still dwelt on Ding Yan's words, unable to sleep. He even woke his wife, who was beside him, with his constant tossing and turning.

His wife impatiently slapped him. "What are you thinking about, not letting me sleep?"

Prefect Han couldn't help but tell her about what Ding Yan had said during the day, "Brother Ziyan personally heard General Zheng Zhepei's eldest son say such words..."

His wife fell silent for a moment. "Husband, don't be angry with what I'm about to say. Regardless of whether this incense is related to His Majesty, he was one person before he became Emperor and another after. Who would have thought he would ascend to the throne? This person is truly unfathomable. You, I’m worried that you might accidentally step into a quagmire."

Prefect Han solemnly replied, "Nonsense."

"Whether it's nonsense or not, you know in your heart," his wife said, "Regardless of whether His Majesty is connected to this incense or not, the situation in Xixia is in chaos right now. If you want to guard Huining City for the deceased Emperor, you might as well open the city gates when the soldiers of Great Heng come and take the initiative. Great Heng treats surrendering cities with courtesy and benevolence, their soldiers have rules, they don't harm the people. They are at least better than bandits and rebels, these things are known to everyone. If you want to be loyal to the late Emperor, you should also see if the people in the city have the intention to die with you to defend the city."

Prefect Han was speechless.

Xixia had already been severely hit by the incense incident, and uprisings had sprung up everywhere. Now with the death of His Majesty, the turmoil in the royal city, and the invasion by Great Heng, it seemed to give the suffering people a hope of relief.

Even more people were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the righteous and kind Great Heng army.

Prefect Han spent a restless night.

The next day, he went deep into the midst of the people with Ding Yan.

For the next five days, Prefect Han was extremely exhausted. It was at this time that another heinous event occurred in the royal city.

The Small King's Madam sent troops to repel the Great Heng army and failed. She actually killed the general and the ministers responsible for transporting food and military supplies. Now, the court officials were all living in fear.

Prefect Han sighed incessantly, feeling even more burdened by the relationship between His Majesty, whom he was loyal to and grateful for, and the Xixia national incense. These suspicions were like a growing tree, the more he recalled, the more perplexing they became.

Was it really unrelated to His Majesty?


The Great Heng army, with high morale, became an even more spirited force after merging with the 100,000-strong garrison.

Three months later, this army reached Huining City. The city's residents hid behind their doors, peeking through windows and cracks at the Great Heng troops. The prefect, Han Wen, who had initially planned to take advantage of the terrain and defend the city to the death, silently opened the city gates.

Gu Yuanbai treated him with courtesy, and the Great Heng soldiers, as rumored, were strictly disciplined.

The dire situation Han Wen had expected, where neither inside nor outside were spared, did not occur. Nor did the feared scenes of Great Heng plundering and robbing the populace.

He anxiously received the Emperor of Great Heng, and after multiple conversations with Gu Yuanbai, he repeatedly attempted to hand over the governance of Huining City.

Gu Yuanbai merely smiled and said, "No rush."

Every time Gu Yuanbai occupied a city, he would stay for a while.

He would register households and check for potential threats. In preparation for future educational reforms, this was an opportunity to establish official schools. Great Heng's policies were highly favorable to the people, and in each city, policies had to be abolished and reestablished. Great Heng officials would be sent to govern these areas, while the original officials were either transferred or assessed for their ability to remain. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Gu Yuanbai generally transferred officials who voluntarily surrendered to another location.

There are still some powerful figures who have seized the country's resources and become malignant tumors.

Redistributing land to the common people makes the reorganization of Xixia much more comfortable than that of Great Heng. With two hundred thousand troops outside the city, who would dare not to comply?

As for the common people, once they have tangibly received benefits, they will be completely devoted to Great Heng.

During the Great Heng army's reorganization of Huining City, Ding Yan, using the alias Liu Xian, secretly met the Emperor. Afterwards, he donned his cloak and left the city, dusty and tired.


Gu Yuanbai watched as Xue Yuan took his medicine.

Five months ago, Xue Yuan could only lie in bed unable to move, but now his injuries had long since healed. Gu Yuanbai's gaze made Xue Yuan stiffen his fingers and his scalp tingle with unease. He couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, can I stop taking it?"

"No, you musn't," Gu Yuanbai raised his sleeve, revealing a wrist bone, his expression gentle, "Your injury hasn't fully healed."

Xue Yuan responded unconsciously, "That minor injury had healed three months ago—"

He watched helplessly as Gu Yuanbai lowered his eyes, a shallow shadow veiling them, revealing a hint of hidden sorrow.

"—I'll take it," Xue Yuan didn't even last a finger snap before tossing aside the spoon and cautiously drank down a bowl of white porcelain medicine, "I've finished it, please don't be sad."

After a long and arduous journey, he hadn't brought even a speck of sandstorm color to His Majesty. The sharp gem had been polished even smoother, shimmering with a warmth that pierced Xue Yuan's heart whenever he looked at it.

Gu Yuanbai glanced back at the medicine bowl, his eyes gleaming with delight.

Unable to resist, Xue Yuan stepped forward. "I really am better now."

"A hundred days of healing bones and tendons," Gu Yuanbai stood to attend to state affairs, "you must listen to me."

"Alright, I'll listen to you," Xue Yuan followed closely behind, "I'll take it whenever Your Majesty wants me to."

Gu Yuanbai's lips curved slightly, producing a memorial document, "Starting today, you can stop."

Xue Yuan's eyes brightened, "Really?"

"Really," Gu Yuanbai rubbed his fingertip against his knuckle, his jade ring as warm and smooth as ever, teasing him, "You've only been drinking this medicinal soup for a few months, yet every day you wear such a bitter expression."

Xue Yuan denied it, "Isn't it because I'm worried that the bitterness will make Your Majesty uncomfortable?"

At his words, Gu Yuanbai looked up at him. A glint flickered in the corner of his eye, like a red thread, lingering around Xue Yuan, "I've been drinking medicine for many years, and during this time, I've never stopped. Could it be that I too am unpleasant?"

"I... I don't know," Xue Yuan spoke slowly, "After all, Your Majesty hasn't let me get close for a long time."

The implication in his words was already blatant, causing Gu Yuanbai to chuckle. Setting aside state affairs, he propped his elbow on the table and beckoned with his finger towards Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan approached like a thirsty person suddenly spotting a plump plum, and in an instant, he leaned over.

The Emperor lifted his sleeve, the wide robe covering their faces, his feathery lashes trembling slightly as he lightly pressed his lips against Xue Yuan's, "What does it taste like?"

"Sweet," Xue Yuan closed his eyes, his nose twitching as he sniffed the faint fragrance between the Emperor's lips and teeth, "subtly sweet."

Amused by his response, the Emperor kissed him again, soothingly saying, "Good. Once I've finished handling state affairs, I'll play with you tonight."

The sleeve, filled with the fragrance of incense, dropped down, leaving Xue Yuan with cheeks flushed by the Emperor's comforting words. He stood in a daze for a while before obediently moving to the side and staring at the Emperor without moving.

After a while, Xue Yuan's face flushed, his breathing quickened, and he gave himself a slap.

Xue Jiuyao, why are you acting like a little girl?

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