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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 19

Chapter 19

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Having his bare foot held tightly by a man was a strange sensation that instantly darkened Gu Yuanbai’s face. He tried to pull his foot away but couldn’t match Xue Yuan’s strength.

Xue Yuan was clearly doing this on purpose.

Gu Yuanbai raised his other foot, still wearing the dragon boot, and kicked Xue Yuan hard. However, Xue Yuan was prepared and took the kick without flinching, even lifting his eyes to smile lightly at Gu Yuanbai.

“Release me…” Gu Yuanbai began, but inhaling the mist caused him to cough violently. His foot shook in Xue Yuan’s grip with each cough. Despite his severe coughing, Xue Yuan nonchalantly removed the other dragon boot and sock, capturing the emperor’s other delicate ankle in his hand.

Tian Fusheng had long since left, and there was no one else around. Watching the young emperor cough so hard his eyes turned red, and seeing how he couldn’t move with both feet held by Xue Yuan, a strange sense of satisfaction rose in Xue Yuan. There was no one else here, and the frail young emperor was clearly no match for the strong and sturdy Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan grinned, feeling almost as if he were bullying the emperor.

The coughing gradually subsided, Gu Yuanbai’s chest heaving. Once he had calmed his breathing, the first thing he said was, “Very well, Xue Yuan.”

It was the same phrase he had used when punishing Xue Yuan that day.

Xue Yuan’s smile didn’t falter. He deliberately stroked the emperor’s foot, saying softly, “I was only worried about Your Majesty catching a cold. It was an act of loyalty.”

“Loyalty,” Gu Yuanbai repeated, nodding and smirking coldly. Then he shouted, “Guards!”

Dozens of guards rushed into the hall, led by the captain of the guards. He quickly approached Gu Yuanbai, speaking in a deep voice, “At your command, Your Majesty.”

Gu Yuanbai tried to pull his foot from Xue Yuan’s grasp, but even now Xue Yuan refused to let go, which almost made Gu Yuanbai laugh in anger. “Release my foot.”

Only then did Xue Yuan release his hold, smiling.

The emperor walked barefoot to the edge of the pool, turned, and glared coldly at Xue Yuan, who still wore a smile on his face. “Throw him into the water.”

The guards acted without hesitation, grabbing Xue Yuan and throwing him into the pool. Four guards jumped in after him to prevent his escape.

Xue Yuan didn’t struggle at all, staring straight at Gu Yuanbai as if waiting to see what the emperor would do next.

Gu Yuanbai had many ways to deal with him.

The future regent was held underwater repeatedly until he couldn’t breathe, then yanked back up. This happened several times, the sound of water splashing echoing through the hall. Xue Yuan’s hair came loose, and he breathed heavily. Only when Gu Yuanbai deemed it enough did he order them to stop.

Gu Yuanbai walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, speaking slowly, “Xue Yuan, how does it feel?”

“Feels great,” Xue Yuan panted, his eyes bloodshot, a smirk on his lips. “Bathing in the emperor’s water, naturally, feels great.”

Gu Yuanbai’s face darkened—Xue Yuan was clearly trying to disgust him on purpose.

Of course, Xue Yuan was trying to disgust him. He was furious just because his foot had been touched. So what if they were both men? Xue Yuan didn’t even like men.

The young emperor disliked being touched, but Xue Yuan couldn’t bear to let it slide.

The guards’ faces showed their fury, and they pressed down harder on Xue Yuan. He remained silent, only occasionally casting dark looks at the surrounding guards.

Gu Yuanbai, his expression sour, ordered, “Release him.”

Reluctantly, the four guards let go of Xue Yuan. He stood up in the pool, the water only reaching his hips, and rubbed his wrist, showing a sinister smile.

“Your Majesty,” he said politely, “Shall I continue to attend to you in the bath?”

“Get out,” Gu Yuanbai commanded. “Kneel outside and atone for the water you have polluted.”

After being submerged repeatedly, almost suffocating several times, he still had to atone to the pool.

Xue Yuan stepped out of the pool and followed the guards outside. The hall had more than one hot spring pool. As they reached the door, Xue Yuan glanced back and saw the young emperor heading toward another pool.

Wet footprints trailed behind the emperor, who was still barefoot, his jade-like feet cleaner than the marble floor. Xue Yuan, drenched and dripping, wondered if the frail emperor, dressed lightly and barefoot, would fall ill.

Xue Yuan couldn’t help but laugh.

How could anyone be so frail?


When Gu Yuanbai emerged from the hall, he had changed into clean, neat inner clothes.

Other attendants held his outer garments, waiting to dress him as he stepped out. A maid dried his hair and said, “Your Majesty, the new scholars have completed their parade. The streets are bustling.”

“Today is a great day for the new scholars,” Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly. “They should be happy to see their names on the golden list.”

The court spent a lot of money after each imperial examination to give the new scholars a day of celebration. The grander the event, the more scholars across the land would aspire to take the exams.

Gu Yuanbai was pleased with such scenes. “In a few years, when the military examinations take place, it will be even livelier.”

The martial examinations of the Great Heng dynasty occur once every five years, and the selected martial scholars receive the same treatment as the new civil service scholars. These martial scholars are not only tested on personal military skills and physical strength but also required to be well-versed in military texts, various geographical terrains, sand table exercises, camp logistics, and strategies for surprise attacks and defenses.

Currently, any major initiatives the court wishes to undertake are still constrained by the treasury, but the best grain and money are prioritized for Great Heng’s soldiers. Infantry are provided with coarse grains and hardtack, enough to keep them full every meal, while heavy infantry and cavalry occasionally get meat. However, this isn’t sufficient. To ensure Great Heng’s soldiers are strong and robust, they also need regular supplies of meat and fruit.

This winter, Gu Yuanbai originally planned to open border markets during the time when the nomadic tribes were low on grain and oil, to establish cattle and horse trading channels. He intended to buy good livestock at low prices, sell part of it at high prices in Great Heng’s wealthy regions, and keep the rest to nourish soldiers and horses, supplementing their diet with meat.

However, a cold forced him to delay these plans to the next opportunity.

Gu Yuanbai values his soldiers and is willing to spend money on them. The soldiers of Great Heng are aware of this. Even before winter arrived, the emperor had already distributed winter clothes in the autumn. Salaries are never delayed, paid monthly, with each soldier receiving his due. There is a Supervision Bureau in the army to prevent embezzlement or oppression of soldiers. During salary distributions, senior officers must personally oversee the process, regardless of the weather.

The inspectors embedded within the army have deeply internalized Gu Yuanbai’s indoctrination and diligently promote the emperor’s benevolence towards the soldiers among their comrades.

Though Gu Yuanbai cannot personally attend to every detail, the soldiers constantly remember and speak of the emperor’s benevolence, feeling they fight for the emperor rather than for the generals. Regardless of the generals’ thoughts, the inspectors take pride in this sentiment, feeling motivated and inspired.

Due to the emperor’s favor, the soldiers are more dedicated. The palace guards, too, remain vigilant and diligent. When dealing with some guards misled by Li Huan, the palace soldiers were angrier than Gu Yuanbai himself.

This wasn’t Xue Yuan’s first time in the palace, but it was his first close encounter with the palace guards. As soon as they stepped outside the hall, the guards glared at him with intense hostility, as if they wished to kill him on the spot.

More protective than guard dogs.

Chief Guard Zhang Xu said coldly, “Since you, Young Master Xue, have entered the palace and become a guard of the emperor, you must prioritize the emperor. The emperor’s will is our goal; his orders are our reason for existence.”

Drenched and with wet clothes clinging to his strong body, Xue Yuan’s muscles were as powerful as those of the guards. He looked like a poised wolf, ready to pounce.

“Lord Zhang is right,” Xue Yuan said with a gentle smile, “I am also concerned about the emperor’s health.”

Zhang Xu, unaware of what had transpired inside the hall, clearly did not believe Xue Yuan’s words. He snorted coldly, “You better be.”

The guards around Zhang Xu cast unfriendly looks at Xue Yuan but remained silent. Xue Yuan found a place to kneel, fixed his disheveled hair, and waited as his clothes slowly dried in the sun. Finally, there was movement from the hall.

Xue Yuan looked back to see the young emperor, his face slightly flushed, looking much healthier than before. The emperor’s feet were now clad in crescent-white boots embroidered with dragon patterns, replacing the bright yellow dragon boots Xue Yuan had touched earlier, which he would likely never see again.

Everything the emperor used was of the highest quality. If water got on his clothes, the droplets would slide off like beads.

Gu Yuanbai walked, talking to a young eunuch beside him. Tian Fusheng had been sent to rest, and his young disciple was now attending the emperor. “When I take my midday rest, summon the Minister of Personnel and the Political Affairs Minister to see me in the Xuanzheng Hall in an hour.”

“Yes,” the young eunuch noted carefully, then hesitated, “Your Majesty, you haven’t eaten yet…”

“I’m not hungry,” Gu Yuanbai frowned, then sighed, compromising, “Prepare a meal, but have the Imperial Kitchen make fewer dishes, something light and easy on the stomach. No need to go overboard.”


Although he said not to go overboard, the Imperial Kitchen had been increasingly anxious as the emperor’s appetite had waned, eager to showcase their culinary skills and not daring to slack off.

The emperor wanted light food, and when the meal was finally served, Gu Yuanbai saw a dish of white jade tofu. The tofu was warm and smooth, without a single scratch, truly looking like jade, sprinkled with rice powder and broth. It melted in his mouth.

Along with the tofu, the kitchen served delicate dumplings that burst with fresh juice when bitten, their thin skins almost transparent. A vinegar dish was placed beside them, and even a child could eat the dumplings in one bite. Gu Yuanbai ate quite a few.

The attendants serving him were all smiles, pleased to see the emperor eating well. Xue Yuan, being the son of General Xue, and Zhang Xu stood on either side of Gu Yuanbai, watching as he ate.

Guard Zhang Xu silently watched for a while, a restrained smile appearing on his face.

After the meal, Gu Yuanbai washed his hands and rinsed his mouth before retreating to the inner hall for a nap.

The hall’s doors and windows were closed, and the dim light, combined with the relaxation from the hot spring, quickly lulled Gu Yuanbai to sleep.


Gu Yuanbai awoke feeling unwell.

He half-sat up, his throat parched and sore, the dizziness in his head only worsening, as if his head was filled with water, making it too heavy to lift.

“Someone…,” Gu Yuanbai’s throat was sore, his chest felt heavy. He grabbed onto the bed frame, breathing heavily.

He probably hadn’t slept for an hour yet, and there was no one in the inner hall at the moment. Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, relaxed a bit, then picked up the jade pendant next to the bed and dropped it heavily on the ground.

After a moment, a group of people rushed into the inner hall, flooding it with light. Gu Yuanbai turned his head, frowning.

“Your Majesty!”

As soon as Chief Guard saw Gu Yuanbai’s complexion, he was startled and rushed out to call the imperial physician. Gu Yuanbai coughed softly, and the palace attendants became somewhat flustered. Some poured water, some brought towels, and fire bowls were brought in one by one to warm up the room and help the emperor change his clothes.

Xue Yuan stood aside, watching Gu Yuanbai in this state, surprised that he was actually sick.

He was… too delicate.

Assisted to sit up, Gu Yuanbai swung his legs off the bed. The young eunuch was about to help him put on his shoes and socks when he was pushed aside.

Xue Yuan knelt down, naturally grasping Gu Yuanbai’s feet with proficiency. As soon as he touched them, his brows furrowed. He looked genuinely concerned, like a loyal subject, and worriedly said, “Why are they so cold?”

His palms were warm, and the heat felt comfortable when it transferred, at least more comfortable than wearing shoes and socks.

Gu Yuanbai wrapped himself in a fox fur cloak, still wrapped in blankets. His face, expressionless from the fever, emerged from the blankets. He looked at Xue Yuan, his gaze as if he was looking at a useful animal. He ordered hoarsely, “Then warm me up.”

Xue Yuan glanced at him, then tucked the young emperor’s feet into his arms, against his abdomen. He covered them with his wide sleeves and said, “As you command.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 19

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 19

Chapter 19

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Having his bare foot held tightly by a man was a strange sensation that instantly darkened Gu Yuanbai's face. He tried to pull his foot away but couldn't match Xue Yuan's strength.

Xue Yuan was clearly doing this on purpose.

Gu Yuanbai raised his other foot, still wearing the dragon boot, and kicked Xue Yuan hard. However, Xue Yuan was prepared and took the kick without flinching, even lifting his eyes to smile lightly at Gu Yuanbai.

"Release me..." Gu Yuanbai began, but inhaling the mist caused him to cough violently. His foot shook in Xue Yuan's grip with each cough. Despite his severe coughing, Xue Yuan nonchalantly removed the other dragon boot and sock, capturing the emperor's other delicate ankle in his hand.

Tian Fusheng had long since left, and there was no one else around. Watching the young emperor cough so hard his eyes turned red, and seeing how he couldn't move with both feet held by Xue Yuan, a strange sense of satisfaction rose in Xue Yuan. There was no one else here, and the frail young emperor was clearly no match for the strong and sturdy Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan grinned, feeling almost as if he were bullying the emperor.

The coughing gradually subsided, Gu Yuanbai's chest heaving. Once he had calmed his breathing, the first thing he said was, "Very well, Xue Yuan."

It was the same phrase he had used when punishing Xue Yuan that day.

Xue Yuan's smile didn't falter. He deliberately stroked the emperor's foot, saying softly, "I was only worried about Your Majesty catching a cold. It was an act of loyalty."

"Loyalty," Gu Yuanbai repeated, nodding and smirking coldly. Then he shouted, "Guards!"

Dozens of guards rushed into the hall, led by the captain of the guards. He quickly approached Gu Yuanbai, speaking in a deep voice, "At your command, Your Majesty."

Gu Yuanbai tried to pull his foot from Xue Yuan's grasp, but even now Xue Yuan refused to let go, which almost made Gu Yuanbai laugh in anger. "Release my foot."

Only then did Xue Yuan release his hold, smiling.

The emperor walked barefoot to the edge of the pool, turned, and glared coldly at Xue Yuan, who still wore a smile on his face. "Throw him into the water."

The guards acted without hesitation, grabbing Xue Yuan and throwing him into the pool. Four guards jumped in after him to prevent his escape.

Xue Yuan didn't struggle at all, staring straight at Gu Yuanbai as if waiting to see what the emperor would do next.

Gu Yuanbai had many ways to deal with him.

The future regent was held underwater repeatedly until he couldn't breathe, then yanked back up. This happened several times, the sound of water splashing echoing through the hall. Xue Yuan's hair came loose, and he breathed heavily. Only when Gu Yuanbai deemed it enough did he order them to stop.

Gu Yuanbai walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, speaking slowly, "Xue Yuan, how does it feel?"

"Feels great," Xue Yuan panted, his eyes bloodshot, a smirk on his lips. "Bathing in the emperor's water, naturally, feels great."

Gu Yuanbai's face darkened—Xue Yuan was clearly trying to disgust him on purpose.

Of course, Xue Yuan was trying to disgust him. He was furious just because his foot had been touched. So what if they were both men? Xue Yuan didn't even like men.

The young emperor disliked being touched, but Xue Yuan couldn't bear to let it slide.

The guards' faces showed their fury, and they pressed down harder on Xue Yuan. He remained silent, only occasionally casting dark looks at the surrounding guards.

Gu Yuanbai, his expression sour, ordered, "Release him."

Reluctantly, the four guards let go of Xue Yuan. He stood up in the pool, the water only reaching his hips, and rubbed his wrist, showing a sinister smile.

"Your Majesty," he said politely, "Shall I continue to attend to you in the bath?"

"Get out," Gu Yuanbai commanded. "Kneel outside and atone for the water you have polluted."

After being submerged repeatedly, almost suffocating several times, he still had to atone to the pool.

Xue Yuan stepped out of the pool and followed the guards outside. The hall had more than one hot spring pool. As they reached the door, Xue Yuan glanced back and saw the young emperor heading toward another pool.

Wet footprints trailed behind the emperor, who was still barefoot, his jade-like feet cleaner than the marble floor. Xue Yuan, drenched and dripping, wondered if the frail emperor, dressed lightly and barefoot, would fall ill.

Xue Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

How could anyone be so frail?


When Gu Yuanbai emerged from the hall, he had changed into clean, neat inner clothes.

Other attendants held his outer garments, waiting to dress him as he stepped out. A maid dried his hair and said, "Your Majesty, the new scholars have completed their parade. The streets are bustling."

"Today is a great day for the new scholars," Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly. "They should be happy to see their names on the golden list."

The court spent a lot of money after each imperial examination to give the new scholars a day of celebration. The grander the event, the more scholars across the land would aspire to take the exams.

Gu Yuanbai was pleased with such scenes. "In a few years, when the military examinations take place, it will be even livelier."

The martial examinations of the Great Heng dynasty occur once every five years, and the selected martial scholars receive the same treatment as the new civil service scholars. These martial scholars are not only tested on personal military skills and physical strength but also required to be well-versed in military texts, various geographical terrains, sand table exercises, camp logistics, and strategies for surprise attacks and defenses.

Currently, any major initiatives the court wishes to undertake are still constrained by the treasury, but the best grain and money are prioritized for Great Heng's soldiers. Infantry are provided with coarse grains and hardtack, enough to keep them full every meal, while heavy infantry and cavalry occasionally get meat. However, this isn't sufficient. To ensure Great Heng’s soldiers are strong and robust, they also need regular supplies of meat and fruit.

This winter, Gu Yuanbai originally planned to open border markets during the time when the nomadic tribes were low on grain and oil, to establish cattle and horse trading channels. He intended to buy good livestock at low prices, sell part of it at high prices in Great Heng’s wealthy regions, and keep the rest to nourish soldiers and horses, supplementing their diet with meat.

However, a cold forced him to delay these plans to the next opportunity.

Gu Yuanbai values his soldiers and is willing to spend money on them. The soldiers of Great Heng are aware of this. Even before winter arrived, the emperor had already distributed winter clothes in the autumn. Salaries are never delayed, paid monthly, with each soldier receiving his due. There is a Supervision Bureau in the army to prevent embezzlement or oppression of soldiers. During salary distributions, senior officers must personally oversee the process, regardless of the weather.

The inspectors embedded within the army have deeply internalized Gu Yuanbai’s indoctrination and diligently promote the emperor’s benevolence towards the soldiers among their comrades.

Though Gu Yuanbai cannot personally attend to every detail, the soldiers constantly remember and speak of the emperor’s benevolence, feeling they fight for the emperor rather than for the generals. Regardless of the generals' thoughts, the inspectors take pride in this sentiment, feeling motivated and inspired.

Due to the emperor's favor, the soldiers are more dedicated. The palace guards, too, remain vigilant and diligent. When dealing with some guards misled by Li Huan, the palace soldiers were angrier than Gu Yuanbai himself.

This wasn't Xue Yuan’s first time in the palace, but it was his first close encounter with the palace guards. As soon as they stepped outside the hall, the guards glared at him with intense hostility, as if they wished to kill him on the spot.

More protective than guard dogs.

Chief Guard Zhang Xu said coldly, "Since you, Young Master Xue, have entered the palace and become a guard of the emperor, you must prioritize the emperor. The emperor’s will is our goal; his orders are our reason for existence."

Drenched and with wet clothes clinging to his strong body, Xue Yuan’s muscles were as powerful as those of the guards. He looked like a poised wolf, ready to pounce.

"Lord Zhang is right," Xue Yuan said with a gentle smile, "I am also concerned about the emperor's health."

Zhang Xu, unaware of what had transpired inside the hall, clearly did not believe Xue Yuan’s words. He snorted coldly, "You better be."

The guards around Zhang Xu cast unfriendly looks at Xue Yuan but remained silent. Xue Yuan found a place to kneel, fixed his disheveled hair, and waited as his clothes slowly dried in the sun. Finally, there was movement from the hall.

Xue Yuan looked back to see the young emperor, his face slightly flushed, looking much healthier than before. The emperor's feet were now clad in crescent-white boots embroidered with dragon patterns, replacing the bright yellow dragon boots Xue Yuan had touched earlier, which he would likely never see again.

Everything the emperor used was of the highest quality. If water got on his clothes, the droplets would slide off like beads.

Gu Yuanbai walked, talking to a young eunuch beside him. Tian Fusheng had been sent to rest, and his young disciple was now attending the emperor. "When I take my midday rest, summon the Minister of Personnel and the Political Affairs Minister to see me in the Xuanzheng Hall in an hour."

"Yes," the young eunuch noted carefully, then hesitated, "Your Majesty, you haven’t eaten yet…"

"I'm not hungry," Gu Yuanbai frowned, then sighed, compromising, "Prepare a meal, but have the Imperial Kitchen make fewer dishes, something light and easy on the stomach. No need to go overboard."


Although he said not to go overboard, the Imperial Kitchen had been increasingly anxious as the emperor’s appetite had waned, eager to showcase their culinary skills and not daring to slack off.

The emperor wanted light food, and when the meal was finally served, Gu Yuanbai saw a dish of white jade tofu. The tofu was warm and smooth, without a single scratch, truly looking like jade, sprinkled with rice powder and broth. It melted in his mouth.

Along with the tofu, the kitchen served delicate dumplings that burst with fresh juice when bitten, their thin skins almost transparent. A vinegar dish was placed beside them, and even a child could eat the dumplings in one bite. Gu Yuanbai ate quite a few.

The attendants serving him were all smiles, pleased to see the emperor eating well. Xue Yuan, being the son of General Xue, and Zhang Xu stood on either side of Gu Yuanbai, watching as he ate.

Guard Zhang Xu silently watched for a while, a restrained smile appearing on his face.

After the meal, Gu Yuanbai washed his hands and rinsed his mouth before retreating to the inner hall for a nap.

The hall's doors and windows were closed, and the dim light, combined with the relaxation from the hot spring, quickly lulled Gu Yuanbai to sleep.


Gu Yuanbai awoke feeling unwell.

He half-sat up, his throat parched and sore, the dizziness in his head only worsening, as if his head was filled with water, making it too heavy to lift.

"Someone...," Gu Yuanbai's throat was sore, his chest felt heavy. He grabbed onto the bed frame, breathing heavily.

He probably hadn't slept for an hour yet, and there was no one in the inner hall at the moment. Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, relaxed a bit, then picked up the jade pendant next to the bed and dropped it heavily on the ground.

After a moment, a group of people rushed into the inner hall, flooding it with light. Gu Yuanbai turned his head, frowning.

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as Chief Guard saw Gu Yuanbai's complexion, he was startled and rushed out to call the imperial physician. Gu Yuanbai coughed softly, and the palace attendants became somewhat flustered. Some poured water, some brought towels, and fire bowls were brought in one by one to warm up the room and help the emperor change his clothes.

Xue Yuan stood aside, watching Gu Yuanbai in this state, surprised that he was actually sick.

He was... too delicate.

Assisted to sit up, Gu Yuanbai swung his legs off the bed. The young eunuch was about to help him put on his shoes and socks when he was pushed aside.

Xue Yuan knelt down, naturally grasping Gu Yuanbai's feet with proficiency. As soon as he touched them, his brows furrowed. He looked genuinely concerned, like a loyal subject, and worriedly said, "Why are they so cold?"

His palms were warm, and the heat felt comfortable when it transferred, at least more comfortable than wearing shoes and socks.

Gu Yuanbai wrapped himself in a fox fur cloak, still wrapped in blankets. His face, expressionless from the fever, emerged from the blankets. He looked at Xue Yuan, his gaze as if he was looking at a useful animal. He ordered hoarsely, "Then warm me up."

Xue Yuan glanced at him, then tucked the young emperor's feet into his arms, against his abdomen. He covered them with his wide sleeves and said, "As you command."

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