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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 2

Chapter 2

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In the capital, there were two official academies: the Imperial Academy and the Grand Academy. That night, news from the Imperial Academy somehow reached the Grand Academy. The headmaster of the Grand Academy shamelessly issued an unsolicited cooperation invitation and assembled four cuju teams, planning to compete with the Imperial Academy in front of the emperor.

What’s the fun in just playing among yourselves? Include us! Our students are tall and strong, and excellent at playing cuju!”

The Grand Academy was adept at creating trouble for the Imperial Academy.

The next day, the Emperor indeed made an appearance. Dressed in regular attire, he sat in a pavilion draped with cloth. Despite the lingering chill of early spring, none of the attendants or civil and military officials dared to let the Emperor endure any more of the cold wind.

The pavilion was open only on the side facing the field, with a brazier nearby. The match had not yet started, but the field was already surrounded by citizens eager to catch a glimpse of the emperor.

Outside, the noise was almost deafening. Some even climbed trees, holding onto branches to get a better view.

Tang Mian’s fists were clenched so tightly they were almost numb. He felt an overwhelming tension in his chest. Glancing at the pavilion where the emperor was seated, his nervousness transformed into fierce determination.

His friend, the Shizi of Marquis Pingchang, nervously spoke to Tang Mian, “I think I have a cramp in my calf.”

Tang Mian was startled, “Rub it quickly. The match is about to start. We need to play brilliantly for the emperor.”

“It’s precisely because I know the Emperor is here that I’m nervous,” Marquis Pingchang Shizi said with a bitter expression. “When my father heard that I was going to play football for the Emperor today, he woke me up before dawn, making me practice boxing and running. I’m exhausted.” 

Tang Mian was taken aback. He paced back and forth worriedly. “Your Dragon Tail Move is excellent; we can’t do without you.”

Marquis Pingchan Shizi, feeling proud, tried to move his leg, wincing, “I’ll keep rubbing it.”

Most of the players were young boys who hadn’t yet come of age. Hearing that the emperor would be watching and seeing the large crowd, they were nervous but mostly excited.

“It’s still a bit cold outside, but these boys don’t mind,” Gu Yuanbai, wrapped in a fox fur cloak, remarked. “Look, they’re all in light clothes.”

Tian Fusheng, concerned for the emperor, carefully warmed a pot of tea, “Once they start running, they’ll sweat. But sweating can lead to chills. They’re young and can handle it.”

“Tell them to have ginger soup ready for after the match. Remind the academy to be cautious and avoid any mishaps.”

“Yes,” Tian Fusheng said, passing the order along.


A match between the two academies naturally attracted attention, with cheers and groans echoing far, even reaching a nearby hill.

Chu Wei, out for a spring outing with his classmates, saw the lively scene from afar. One classmate joked, “If I weren’t not interested in cuju, I’d join the fun too.”

Chu Wei’s expression was indifferent. He wore plain blue clothing and had an elegant and handsome appearance, exuding an aura of aloofness and coldness, truly like a jade figure. He was renowned throughout the capital as the number one most handsome man.

“Such commotion,” Chu Wei said. “When those above show a preference, those below will certainly cater to it.”

A classmate joked, “You should be glad that today’s Emperor isn’t obsessed with rare treasures. Otherwise, it would be another disaster for the people of the world.”

Chu Wei cast a cold glance at the crowd not far away. Ever since he became the top scholar seven years ago and then traveled for further studies, he had seen many suffering and starving people. This had only deepened his disappointment with those in power. The current Emperor, neither particularly competent nor particularly incompetent, had allowed powerful ministers to bully him for so many years, giving Chu Wei no reason to hold him in high regard.

His classmate could tell what he was thinking just by his expression. Smiling, he leisurely continued their stroll.

Although the Great Heng Empire seemed peaceful on the surface, those who understood the situation knew this peace wouldn’t last long.

Once the frail and sickly young emperor dies, internal strife and external threats will arise, with many eager to seize power. At that time, it will all come down to military strength.

Even if the emperor miraculously survives, how could he tame those wolves, hungry and desperate?

What could he use to tame them, his frail body?


The lively cuju match left the players drenched in sweat, and even the spectators were perspiring heavily. More importantly, as soon as the young players left the field, palace eunuchs served them steaming bowls of ginger soup. Upon learning that the emperor had specially instructed this, many poor students couldn’t help but tear up.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” they said, gulping down the ginger soup, their bodies warming up quickly. Some tall, strong youths wiped their reddened eyes and murmured, “The ginger soup is very good.”

“Put on your clothes quickly,” one of the palace eunuchs kindly advised. “It’s still early spring, you mustn’t catch a cold.”

As people gradually dispersed, Marquis Pingchang Shizi Li Yan, pinched his nose and downed a bowl of ginger soup, exclaiming, “Refreshing!”

Handing the bowl back to the eunuch, he draped his arm around Tang Mian’s shoulder, teasingly saying, “Mian Ger*, why haven’t you drunk yours yet? Are you reluctant?”
* brother; boy

Tang Mian’s ears turned red, and he quickly drank the soup in one gulp, “You just speak without thinking, always talking nonsense.”

As they chatted, a servant from Marquis Pingchang’s household ran over, “Young Master, the Old Master wants you to come quickly to see the emperor.”

Marquis Pingchang Shizi was stunned, “See the emperor?”

He immediately panicked, “I, I, I, I’m still wearing my cuju clothes.”

The servant urged, “Just put on any clothing for now. The Old Master is in a hurry.”

Marquis Pingchang Shizi quickly followed him to the pavilion to meet the emperor with his father.

Gu Yuanbai had just invited the headmasters of both academies for a talk. Hearing the report, he said, “Let them in.”

Marquis Pingchang and his son entered and greeted cautiously, “Your Majesty has just recovered, so this official came to check on you.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Why are you so formal with me? Sit.”

Marquis Pingchang sat properly nearby, his back straight, still tense.

How could he not be nervous? Those who haven’t faced the emperor can never truly understand. The emperor ascended the throne young, and after more than a decade, they thought they had figured out his character. But it turned out it was all a ruse. The emperor was only in his twenties, having just come of age last year!

While his father sat, Marquis Pingchang Shizi didn’t dare to. Gu Yuanbai noticed the young man who kept his head down and said, “This must be Yan Ger. You’ve grown so much.”

Marquis Pingchang replied, “He’s a mischievous boy, causing me more headaches as he grows.”

“That’s how young people should be,” Gu Yuanbai laughed. “Yan Ger, come sit by Zhen.”

Li Yan sat down nervously beside the Emperor. Although he was sitting nearby, there were still two people standing between them. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but after sitting down, Li Yan felt like he caught a whiff of a faint fragrance.

The palace used the finest incense, which became more intoxicating the longer one smelled it. Li Yan felt a shiver run through his body. Then he heard the emperor teasing, “Zhen has heard many Lords say Marquis Pingchang Shizi is handsome. It’s a pity they don’t have daughters to marry off; otherwise, they’d compete to be first.”

Marquis Pingchang felt proud, but Li Yan was embarrassed, fidgeting in his seat. The emperor, finding this amusing, said, “Yan Ger, look up and let me see you.”

Li Yan stiffly raised his head like an awkward duck, his face flushing red, and accidentally met the emperor’s gaze directly.

The emperor looked at him with slight surprise, while Li Yan’s mind went blank.

“Li Yan!” Marquis Pingchang snapped.

Startled, Li Yan almost jumped up. He quickly lowered his head, “Your Majesty, forgive my rudeness…”

Gu Yuanbai, liking this lively and vigorous youth, smiled, “Marquis Pingchang, there’s no need for such formality. Yan Ger is a good, straightforward boy.”

After a few more compliments, Marquis Pingchang let his son leave. Li Yan walked out in a daze, where Tang Mian was waiting anxiously. Seeing Li Yan, he waved eagerly.

Li Yan walked over, and the two silently walked through the crowd. After a few steps, Li Yan suddenly stopped, looked around, swallowed, and asked Tang Mian, “Did you get a good look at the emperor last time you were in the palace?”

Tang Mian nodded slightly, “Why do you ask? Did you see him this time? Don’t you usually follow your father’s rules strictly?”

Li Yan rubbed his head and chuckled, not answering the question. Instead, he dropped a bombshell, saying, “How about we team up and find an artist? I want to…” He pointed to the sky, feeling both fearful and thrillingly bold, “have that person painted.” 

Tang Mian jumped up in shock, “Are you crazy?!”

“I’m not crazy,” Li Yan winked, “We won’t draw him outright. You remember the eyes, I’ll remember the nose and mouth. We can combine the pieces when we want to see it. Otherwise, we can hide it safely. Who would know?”

Tang Mian swallowed nervously. Recalling the emperor’s face from that glimpse, he looked at Li Yan and realized they were both set on this plan.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 2

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 2

Chapter 2

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In the capital, there were two official academies: the Imperial Academy and the Grand Academy. That night, news from the Imperial Academy somehow reached the Grand Academy. The headmaster of the Grand Academy shamelessly issued an unsolicited cooperation invitation and assembled four cuju teams, planning to compete with the Imperial Academy in front of the emperor.

What's the fun in just playing among yourselves? Include us! Our students are tall and strong, and excellent at playing cuju!"

The Grand Academy was adept at creating trouble for the Imperial Academy.

The next day, the Emperor indeed made an appearance. Dressed in regular attire, he sat in a pavilion draped with cloth. Despite the lingering chill of early spring, none of the attendants or civil and military officials dared to let the Emperor endure any more of the cold wind.

The pavilion was open only on the side facing the field, with a brazier nearby. The match had not yet started, but the field was already surrounded by citizens eager to catch a glimpse of the emperor.

Outside, the noise was almost deafening. Some even climbed trees, holding onto branches to get a better view.

Tang Mian's fists were clenched so tightly they were almost numb. He felt an overwhelming tension in his chest. Glancing at the pavilion where the emperor was seated, his nervousness transformed into fierce determination.

His friend, the Shizi of Marquis Pingchang, nervously spoke to Tang Mian, "I think I have a cramp in my calf."

Tang Mian was startled, "Rub it quickly. The match is about to start. We need to play brilliantly for the emperor."

"It's precisely because I know the Emperor is here that I'm nervous," Marquis Pingchang Shizi said with a bitter expression. "When my father heard that I was going to play football for the Emperor today, he woke me up before dawn, making me practice boxing and running. I'm exhausted." 

Tang Mian was taken aback. He paced back and forth worriedly. "Your Dragon Tail Move is excellent; we can't do without you."

Marquis Pingchan Shizi, feeling proud, tried to move his leg, wincing, "I'll keep rubbing it."

Most of the players were young boys who hadn't yet come of age. Hearing that the emperor would be watching and seeing the large crowd, they were nervous but mostly excited.

"It's still a bit cold outside, but these boys don't mind," Gu Yuanbai, wrapped in a fox fur cloak, remarked. "Look, they're all in light clothes."

Tian Fusheng, concerned for the emperor, carefully warmed a pot of tea, "Once they start running, they'll sweat. But sweating can lead to chills. They're young and can handle it."

"Tell them to have ginger soup ready for after the match. Remind the academy to be cautious and avoid any mishaps."

"Yes," Tian Fusheng said, passing the order along.


A match between the two academies naturally attracted attention, with cheers and groans echoing far, even reaching a nearby hill.

Chu Wei, out for a spring outing with his classmates, saw the lively scene from afar. One classmate joked, "If I weren’t not interested in cuju, I'd join the fun too."

Chu Wei's expression was indifferent. He wore plain blue clothing and had an elegant and handsome appearance, exuding an aura of aloofness and coldness, truly like a jade figure. He was renowned throughout the capital as the number one most handsome man.

"Such commotion," Chu Wei said. "When those above show a preference, those below will certainly cater to it."

A classmate joked, "You should be glad that today's Emperor isn't obsessed with rare treasures. Otherwise, it would be another disaster for the people of the world."

Chu Wei cast a cold glance at the crowd not far away. Ever since he became the top scholar seven years ago and then traveled for further studies, he had seen many suffering and starving people. This had only deepened his disappointment with those in power. The current Emperor, neither particularly competent nor particularly incompetent, had allowed powerful ministers to bully him for so many years, giving Chu Wei no reason to hold him in high regard.

His classmate could tell what he was thinking just by his expression. Smiling, he leisurely continued their stroll.

Although the Great Heng Empire seemed peaceful on the surface, those who understood the situation knew this peace wouldn't last long.

Once the frail and sickly young emperor dies, internal strife and external threats will arise, with many eager to seize power. At that time, it will all come down to military strength.

Even if the emperor miraculously survives, how could he tame those wolves, hungry and desperate?

What could he use to tame them, his frail body?


The lively cuju match left the players drenched in sweat, and even the spectators were perspiring heavily. More importantly, as soon as the young players left the field, palace eunuchs served them steaming bowls of ginger soup. Upon learning that the emperor had specially instructed this, many poor students couldn't help but tear up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," they said, gulping down the ginger soup, their bodies warming up quickly. Some tall, strong youths wiped their reddened eyes and murmured, "The ginger soup is very good."

"Put on your clothes quickly," one of the palace eunuchs kindly advised. "It's still early spring, you mustn't catch a cold."

As people gradually dispersed, Marquis Pingchang Shizi Li Yan, pinched his nose and downed a bowl of ginger soup, exclaiming, "Refreshing!"

Handing the bowl back to the eunuch, he draped his arm around Tang Mian's shoulder, teasingly saying, "Mian Ger*, why haven't you drunk yours yet? Are you reluctant?"
* brother; boy

Tang Mian's ears turned red, and he quickly drank the soup in one gulp, "You just speak without thinking, always talking nonsense."

As they chatted, a servant from Marquis Pingchang's household ran over, "Young Master, the Old Master wants you to come quickly to see the emperor."

Marquis Pingchang Shizi was stunned, "See the emperor?"

He immediately panicked, "I, I, I, I’m still wearing my cuju clothes."

The servant urged, "Just put on any clothing for now. The Old Master is in a hurry."

Marquis Pingchang Shizi quickly followed him to the pavilion to meet the emperor with his father.

Gu Yuanbai had just invited the headmasters of both academies for a talk. Hearing the report, he said, "Let them in."

Marquis Pingchang and his son entered and greeted cautiously, "Your Majesty has just recovered, so this official came to check on you."

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Why are you so formal with me? Sit."

Marquis Pingchang sat properly nearby, his back straight, still tense.

How could he not be nervous? Those who haven't faced the emperor can never truly understand. The emperor ascended the throne young, and after more than a decade, they thought they had figured out his character. But it turned out it was all a ruse. The emperor was only in his twenties, having just come of age last year!

While his father sat, Marquis Pingchang Shizi didn't dare to. Gu Yuanbai noticed the young man who kept his head down and said, "This must be Yan Ger. You've grown so much."

Marquis Pingchang replied, "He’s a mischievous boy, causing me more headaches as he grows."

"That's how young people should be," Gu Yuanbai laughed. "Yan Ger, come sit by Zhen."

Li Yan sat down nervously beside the Emperor. Although he was sitting nearby, there were still two people standing between them. He wasn't sure if it was just his imagination, but after sitting down, Li Yan felt like he caught a whiff of a faint fragrance.

The palace used the finest incense, which became more intoxicating the longer one smelled it. Li Yan felt a shiver run through his body. Then he heard the emperor teasing, "Zhen has heard many Lords say Marquis Pingchang Shizi is handsome. It's a pity they don't have daughters to marry off; otherwise, they'd compete to be first."

Marquis Pingchang felt proud, but Li Yan was embarrassed, fidgeting in his seat. The emperor, finding this amusing, said, "Yan Ger, look up and let me see you."

Li Yan stiffly raised his head like an awkward duck, his face flushing red, and accidentally met the emperor's gaze directly.

The emperor looked at him with slight surprise, while Li Yan's mind went blank.

"Li Yan!" Marquis Pingchang snapped.

Startled, Li Yan almost jumped up. He quickly lowered his head, "Your Majesty, forgive my rudeness..."

Gu Yuanbai, liking this lively and vigorous youth, smiled, "Marquis Pingchang, there's no need for such formality. Yan Ger is a good, straightforward boy."

After a few more compliments, Marquis Pingchang let his son leave. Li Yan walked out in a daze, where Tang Mian was waiting anxiously. Seeing Li Yan, he waved eagerly.

Li Yan walked over, and the two silently walked through the crowd. After a few steps, Li Yan suddenly stopped, looked around, swallowed, and asked Tang Mian, "Did you get a good look at the emperor last time you were in the palace?"

Tang Mian nodded slightly, "Why do you ask? Did you see him this time? Don’t you usually follow your father’s rules strictly?"

Li Yan rubbed his head and chuckled, not answering the question. Instead, he dropped a bombshell, saying, "How about we team up and find an artist? I want to..." He pointed to the sky, feeling both fearful and thrillingly bold, "have that person painted." 

Tang Mian jumped up in shock, "Are you crazy?!"

"I'm not crazy," Li Yan winked, "We won't draw him outright. You remember the eyes, I'll remember the nose and mouth. We can combine the pieces when we want to see it. Otherwise, we can hide it safely. Who would know?"

Tang Mian swallowed nervously. Recalling the emperor's face from that glimpse, he looked at Li Yan and realized they were both set on this plan.

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