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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 24

Chapter 24

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General Xue’s family, three generations of loyalty.

What does three generations of loyalty mean? It means that their family’s continuation is more secure than the throne itself, meaning that every generation in their family has talented military personnel. It also means that the people are familiar with them, and the army is familiar with them.

Their good reputation became more and more prominent, and the name of loyalty was crowned among the generals. To outsiders, it was such a high honor, but internally, it was a sickle.

Xue Yuan was mad, mad on the basis of three generations of loyalty. He was mad at his father’s servility, mad at leading troops, mad at the countless blood and lives on his hands.

A three-generation loyal family’s general wouldn’t be respectful to the Emperor, and the Emperor wouldn’t relax his vigilance because of it. Three generations, a general family since the founding of the nation

Because you’re afraid that I’ll punish your son, because you’re afraid that your son will bring trouble to your entire family.

Three generations of loyalty, a good reputation, can’t be easily killed. Killing them would chill one’s heart and leave a stench for thousands of years. Xue Yuan, talented as he was, was arrogant when he wanted to be. When he went mad, he was better off than someone with deep scheming.

Since ancient times, most wise emperors have had a large capacity for tolerance.

Gu Yuanbai naturally knew what the Xue family was thinking, and he had no intention of forcing the loyal ones to die. Ironically, Xue Yuan’s madness always crossed that line.

Gu Yuanbai originally wanted the protagonist in the book to inherit his aspirations and create a prosperous and peaceful Great Heng. He could even use Xue Yuan’s disrespect towards him to counteract General Xue and future Xue Yuans. He could even show the soldiers of the world how generous the current Emperor was.

But, Gu Yuanbai was really annoyed with Xue Yuan.

He took the jade pendant from Xue Yuan’s hand. Seeing the men and women engaging in illicit activities in broad daylight on the opposite bank, Gu Yuanbai said, “Capture that boy and take him to the abbot.”

The guards obeyed and swiftly crossed the stream like a gust of wind. The man who had raised his head was startled and tried to flee. However, he was a step too slow and was directly captured by the approaching guards.

“What are you doing!” The man struggled, and even the red dudao in his hand fell out, “This is Chengbao Temple! I’m a lay disciple of Chengbao Temple, why are you randomly arresting people?”

The guards pursed their lips and frowned, dragging the man away. As for the woman, they left her with a piece of clothing to cover herself, which was already quite benevolent.

Gu Yuanbai heard the man’s shouts from across the river. When he saw the man being dragged over, he noticed that the lustful monk still had a clear and clean appearance. He asked, “Are you a lay disciple of Chengbao Temple?”

The man knelt down under pressure, knowing that those who could enter and leave Chengbao Temple were not ordinary people. He stopped struggling and said with a bitter face, “Sir, this lay disciple hasn’t reached the point of being ordained yet. Even if it’s a relationship between a man and a woman, it hasn’t violated the law. Sir, please understand, this lay disciple has been suffering in the temple for over two months now, and can’t bear it any longer… Everyone is human, I just can’t stand seeing monks with sad faces every day.”

Of course, Gu Yuanbai understood his feelings as a man. Initially, he wasn’t angry, but now he felt a bit jealous.

Look at him, a lay disciple, half a monk, and he’s still having more fun than him!

Gu Yuanbai asked without much joy, “Even if you are a lay disciple, you should know that this is Chengbao Temple. By defiling this sacred place of Buddhism, are you still considered a lay disciple?”

The man’s expression changed slightly, “Sir, if Chengbao Temple is truly a sacred place of Buddhism, then the lay disciple naturally wouldn’t dare to do such things.”

Gu Yuanbai narrowed his eyes and said in a calm voice, “What do you mean?”

The man chuckled, “Sir, don’t think too much. What I mean is, there are many monks in Chengbao Temple, and they eat a lot of vegetarian meals. Many monks are so full that they’re round like barrels. If they can get away with it, then as a lay disciple, I can be even bolder.”

He shook his head and said with a smirk, “This is called ‘if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beams will be crooked’.”

“It seems that Chengbao Temple is already very wealthy,” Gu Yuanbai muttered, unable to help but smile, “Good, very good.”

The man looked at him strangely, then glanced at the group of guards behind Gu Yuanbai, and finally returned his gaze to Gu Yuanbai himself. He looked carefully, and finally showed a slightly nervous expression.

Gu Yuanbai asked, “Whose child are you?”

The man answered cautiously, bowing his head, “I’m from the Zhang family in Jingxi.”

The Yu family of Jiangnan, the Lu family of Huainan, the Yang family of Henan, and the Zhang family of Jingxi.

These four families were all major merchants in the world, big enough to do business with the imperial court. Among them, Huainan was close to the Jinghu South region. The Yu family of Jiangnan and the Lu family of Huainan were one of the powerful forces that Gu Yuanbai planned to use the hands of the enemy to conquer.

Gu Yuanbai could tolerate merchants. He even looked forward to more law-abiding merchants to promote the development of the economy. But he couldn’t tolerate merchants colluding with local officials. What was a powerful force? A person who was powerful and had privileges was a powerful force. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, the powerful and privileged families had weakened after the imperial examination system, but during the Qin and Han dynasties, land consolidation, population attachment, and the powerful and privileged families even planned everything beneficial to themselves within their scope, and then they were able to inherit their families.

They could do business, but they wanted power, they wanted to collude with officials, and once officials and merchants colluded, they both became powerful forces.

The Yang family of Henan was cautious and meticulous, and the Zhang family of Jingxi was not far from the imperial city. They also behaved properly under the Emperor’s nose. Such merchants were the ones Gu Yuanbai liked.

But he didn’t expect to meet someone from the Zhang family here.

“How did you become a lay disciple in Chengbao Temple?” Gu Yuanbai asked.

The sun was shining brightly at this moment, and Xue Yuan saw that Gu Yuanbai’s face was sunburned, so he said thoughtfully, “How about we find a pavilion to talk slowly?”

As soon as he spoke, the man kneeling on the ground looked at him, his expression stunned, and he got up and said, “Young Master Xue?!”

Xue Yuan raised an eyebrow, looking at him with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile.

In an instant, the kneeling man understood. His breathing became heavy, and he looked at Gu Yuanbai with a sneaky and excited glance, then swallowed hard and tried to say something but dared not.

He was still half-naked, with scratches and red marks from branches and leaves on his body. Seeing the young Emperor, it was hard for people not to misunderstand.

The chief guard shouted, “Outrageous!”

The man shuddered suddenly, quickly performed a deep bow, and knelt deeply on the ground, “Zhang Hao pays his respects to Your Majesty!”

Gu Yuanbai hadn’t spoken yet, but Xue Yuan chuckled and said, “Meeting the Emperor without wearing clothes?”

Zhang Hao blushed, unable to say a word.

Just at this moment, the guard who had gone ahead to scout the way returned. “Your Majesty, there is a pavilion up ahead. I also saw someone sent by Wan Taifei. He reported that Wan Taifei was feeling tired and had already gone down the mountain and returned to the villa.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded and followed the guards towards the pavilion, with Xue Yuan bringing up the rear. His hand rested on Zhang Hao’s neck, who trembled with fear, looking quite intimidated.

Xue Yuan asked, “Do you like women?”

Zhang Hao replied cautiously, “Young Master Xue, I only like women.”

So please don’t put your arm around me, I’m scared.

Xue Yuan smiled faintly, “Have you been with many women?”

Zhang Hao also smiled, a smile that all men understand with a hint of pride, “It’s because I’m too fond of women that my father sent me to Chengbao Temple for cultivation.”

“Oh,” Xue Yuan suddenly realized, reaching out to pull Zhang Hao closer and asking in a low voice, “Look at the Emperor’s lips, do they look like they haven’t been touched by rouge from a woman?”

Sweat instantly broke out on Zhang Hao’s forehead. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen.”

Xue Yuan chuckled and let him go, not saying anything more, and took a few steps forward to catch up with the young Emperor.

Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, gently soothing his pounding heart. 

He didn’t dare to talk about “His Majesty,” but from Xue Yuan’s appearance, it was easy to see—bushy eyebrows, high nose, tall and strong, with an obviously vigorous energy! The key was that he had never heard of Xue Yuan having any lovers or concubines. He was always obsessed with military training and fighting. Someone with such abundant energy and yet no women… It would be terrifying once he got one!

The pavilion was relatively clean. The attendants laid out blankets on the seats, and after Gu Yuanbai sat down, they brought a towel dampened with cool water to wipe away the slight sweat on his face.

Feeling a bit cooler, Gu Yuanbai felt much more comfortable. He was about to continue questioning Zhang Hao when he glanced at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan’s clothes were torn in several places, and although he had cleaned off the mud, the clothes still showed signs of how much damage he had suffered.

Feeling suddenly delighted, Gu Yuanbai raised the corners of his lips. With the cool breeze blowing, he felt as if he were instantly relieved of all burdens, and even when he spoke to Zhang Hao, he had a smile on his face, “Where is your father’s business route now?”

Zhang Hao was startled by the question, and myriad thoughts surged in his mind. The Emperor’s expression was normal, yet he asked such a question. Zhang Hao was excited, and bold ideas began to emerge in his mind.

He detailed all the various business routes his father had to Gu Yuanbai, from north to Henan, south to Jiangnan, east to Lizhou, and west to Shandong.

Gu Yuanbai listened carefully, sometimes pondering and asking a few sharp questions.

After the conversation, Zhang Hao’s face was covered in sweat. One of the attendants returned to the stream and brought back his clothes. He hurriedly put them on and wiped the sweat from his head with his sleeve.

Scared out of his wits, the Emperor’s train of thought was clear and precise. Several times he hit upon points that frightened Zhang Hao. If Zhang’s family had harbored any such intentions, he might have been coaxed into revealing them.

The Zhang family of Jingxi had been a lineage of business talents for several generations. However, in the hierarchy of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, successful merchants often faced heavy exploitation. The amount of money stripped from the Zhang family by various powerful and influential people was staggering. Each one took their share, believing that the Zhang family was incredibly wealthy, leaving the Zhangs unable to voice their grievances.

In contrast, families like the Yu family of Jiangnan and the Lu family of Huainan had solid backers, and only needed to pay respects to a single patron. The Zhang family had suffered enough and wanted to find a patron themselves. After much consideration, they learned about the Emperor’s plan to establish trade routes.

During the winter, the Emperor had also announced plans to open border markets, but that proposal eventually fell through. Upon receiving news about the Emperor’s current plans, Zhang Hao’s father returned to the capital from another province.

Zhang Hao had vaguely heard about the family’s plans, which seemed to involve currying favor with the Emperor through an official. Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Hao himself who ended up encountering the Emperor at Chengbao Temple.

After Gu Yuanbai asked everything he wanted to know, he had a rough idea in mind. He remained expressionless, nodded, and then let Zhang Hao leave.

A palace attendant asked softly, “Does Your Majesty want some refreshments?”

When the Emperor traveled, everything was meticulously arranged. Gu Yuanbai nodded, and the attendant took out an exquisite wooden box, from which he extracted delicate pastries and brewed tea with warm water.

Aside from everything else, just the small blanket Gu Yuanbai sat on was a noble palace blanket. The fur was made from the softest wool of lambs, mixed with fine silk, and then dyed with plant extracts multiple times to ensure each strand was evenly colored. The final product left a permanent floral fragrance on the blanket.

The blankets laid on the palace floor were made the same way. Royal luxury always lies in subtle details. This was the Emperor’s dignity, and also the ultimate enjoyment pursued by the people.

Just this small blanket alone, if the Silk Road were to be reopened, it could definitely sell for a price that satisfied Gu Yuanbai.

The national treasury stored the country’s fiscal revenue, and Gu Yuanbai also stored many such luxurious and exquisite items, waiting to cheat the real gold and silver from outside in the future.

Gu Yuanbai enjoyed the palace refreshments, thinking about how to use the Zhang family of Jingxi to form a fixed trade route with the border nomads. While lost in thought, he suddenly heard the chief guard say helplessly, “Your Majesty—”

Gu Yuanbai remembered the imperial physician’s warning against excessive indulgence. He smiled and pursed his lips, “Alright, I won’t think about it.”

Rarely relaxed, he didn’t want to think about such matters.

“You all take a rest for a while,” Gu Yuanbai said, “After resting, we’ll head down the mountain. Although the temple’s vegetarian meals are delicious, they lack a bit of meat.”

The guards found places to sit on their own, and as the mountain breeze blew through, Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes and rested against the backrest. After a while, he suddenly heard a few birdcalls nearby. Opening his eyes, he saw several sparrows perched on the stone table in the pavilion, pecking at the uneaten refreshments.

Gu Yuanbai reached out, picked up a piece of pastry, and broke it apart, offering it to the sparrows. But he had overestimated himself. After pecking a few times, Gu Yuanbai felt his palm ache and probably turned red.

He put down the broken food in his hand, looked around, and called out, “Xue Yuan.”

Xue Yuan, who was leaning against a pillar, glanced up at him and walked over. “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai gestured for him to extend his hand, and Xue Yuan glanced at the group of sparrows on the table, then smirked.

He obediently extended his hand, letting the Emperor place the broken food in his hand. When the sparrows became cautious and wanted to approach, he remained still.

Eventually, this human bird feeder gained their trust. The sparrows swarmed over, burying their heads in his palm to peck at the food.

Xue Yuan’s palm was still wounded from being dragged earlier, but the light pecking of the sparrows didn’t cause him any pain; instead, it felt somewhat itchy.

“Your Majesty,” Xue Yuan said with hidden meaning, “am I not obedient enough?”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “If you were obedient, you wouldn’t have injured my horse.”

“I was also punished by His Majesty and sent back.”

“You dared to gallop with me.”

Xue Yuan chuckled, suddenly gripping his hand tightly. The sparrows scattered, and one that didn’t manage to fly away was caught in his hand. With his other hand, he touched the chirping sparrow, revealing its head from his palm. “Sparrow feathers are soft. Your Majesty might want to try touching them?”

Gu Yuanbai lazily raised his hand and stroked the sparrow’s head, “Not bad.”

The sparrow’s feathers were gray, and they felt even more delicate when touched by his jade-like fingertips. Xue Yuan glanced down, suddenly finding a way to release the gloominess in his heart.

It seemed the young Emperor didn’t like being touched by humans?

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 24

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 24

Chapter 24

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General Xue's family, three generations of loyalty.

What does three generations of loyalty mean? It means that their family's continuation is more secure than the throne itself, meaning that every generation in their family has talented military personnel. It also means that the people are familiar with them, and the army is familiar with them.

Their good reputation became more and more prominent, and the name of loyalty was crowned among the generals. To outsiders, it was such a high honor, but internally, it was a sickle.

Xue Yuan was mad, mad on the basis of three generations of loyalty. He was mad at his father's servility, mad at leading troops, mad at the countless blood and lives on his hands.

A three-generation loyal family's general wouldn't be respectful to the Emperor, and the Emperor wouldn't relax his vigilance because of it. Three generations, a general family since the founding of the nation

Because you're afraid that I'll punish your son, because you're afraid that your son will bring trouble to your entire family.

Three generations of loyalty, a good reputation, can't be easily killed. Killing them would chill one's heart and leave a stench for thousands of years. Xue Yuan, talented as he was, was arrogant when he wanted to be. When he went mad, he was better off than someone with deep scheming.

Since ancient times, most wise emperors have had a large capacity for tolerance.

Gu Yuanbai naturally knew what the Xue family was thinking, and he had no intention of forcing the loyal ones to die. Ironically, Xue Yuan's madness always crossed that line.

Gu Yuanbai originally wanted the protagonist in the book to inherit his aspirations and create a prosperous and peaceful Great Heng. He could even use Xue Yuan's disrespect towards him to counteract General Xue and future Xue Yuans. He could even show the soldiers of the world how generous the current Emperor was.

But, Gu Yuanbai was really annoyed with Xue Yuan.

He took the jade pendant from Xue Yuan's hand. Seeing the men and women engaging in illicit activities in broad daylight on the opposite bank, Gu Yuanbai said, "Capture that boy and take him to the abbot."

The guards obeyed and swiftly crossed the stream like a gust of wind. The man who had raised his head was startled and tried to flee. However, he was a step too slow and was directly captured by the approaching guards.

"What are you doing!" The man struggled, and even the red dudao in his hand fell out, "This is Chengbao Temple! I'm a lay disciple of Chengbao Temple, why are you randomly arresting people?"

The guards pursed their lips and frowned, dragging the man away. As for the woman, they left her with a piece of clothing to cover herself, which was already quite benevolent.

Gu Yuanbai heard the man's shouts from across the river. When he saw the man being dragged over, he noticed that the lustful monk still had a clear and clean appearance. He asked, "Are you a lay disciple of Chengbao Temple?"

The man knelt down under pressure, knowing that those who could enter and leave Chengbao Temple were not ordinary people. He stopped struggling and said with a bitter face, "Sir, this lay disciple hasn't reached the point of being ordained yet. Even if it's a relationship between a man and a woman, it hasn't violated the law. Sir, please understand, this lay disciple has been suffering in the temple for over two months now, and can't bear it any longer... Everyone is human, I just can't stand seeing monks with sad faces every day."

Of course, Gu Yuanbai understood his feelings as a man. Initially, he wasn't angry, but now he felt a bit jealous.

Look at him, a lay disciple, half a monk, and he's still having more fun than him!

Gu Yuanbai asked without much joy, "Even if you are a lay disciple, you should know that this is Chengbao Temple. By defiling this sacred place of Buddhism, are you still considered a lay disciple?"

The man's expression changed slightly, "Sir, if Chengbao Temple is truly a sacred place of Buddhism, then the lay disciple naturally wouldn't dare to do such things."

Gu Yuanbai narrowed his eyes and said in a calm voice, "What do you mean?"

The man chuckled, "Sir, don't think too much. What I mean is, there are many monks in Chengbao Temple, and they eat a lot of vegetarian meals. Many monks are so full that they're round like barrels. If they can get away with it, then as a lay disciple, I can be even bolder."

He shook his head and said with a smirk, "This is called 'if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beams will be crooked'."

"It seems that Chengbao Temple is already very wealthy," Gu Yuanbai muttered, unable to help but smile, "Good, very good."

The man looked at him strangely, then glanced at the group of guards behind Gu Yuanbai, and finally returned his gaze to Gu Yuanbai himself. He looked carefully, and finally showed a slightly nervous expression.

Gu Yuanbai asked, "Whose child are you?"

The man answered cautiously, bowing his head, "I'm from the Zhang family in Jingxi."

The Yu family of Jiangnan, the Lu family of Huainan, the Yang family of Henan, and the Zhang family of Jingxi.

These four families were all major merchants in the world, big enough to do business with the imperial court. Among them, Huainan was close to the Jinghu South region. The Yu family of Jiangnan and the Lu family of Huainan were one of the powerful forces that Gu Yuanbai planned to use the hands of the enemy to conquer.

Gu Yuanbai could tolerate merchants. He even looked forward to more law-abiding merchants to promote the development of the economy. But he couldn't tolerate merchants colluding with local officials. What was a powerful force? A person who was powerful and had privileges was a powerful force. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, the powerful and privileged families had weakened after the imperial examination system, but during the Qin and Han dynasties, land consolidation, population attachment, and the powerful and privileged families even planned everything beneficial to themselves within their scope, and then they were able to inherit their families.

They could do business, but they wanted power, they wanted to collude with officials, and once officials and merchants colluded, they both became powerful forces.

The Yang family of Henan was cautious and meticulous, and the Zhang family of Jingxi was not far from the imperial city. They also behaved properly under the Emperor's nose. Such merchants were the ones Gu Yuanbai liked.

But he didn't expect to meet someone from the Zhang family here.

"How did you become a lay disciple in Chengbao Temple?" Gu Yuanbai asked.

The sun was shining brightly at this moment, and Xue Yuan saw that Gu Yuanbai's face was sunburned, so he said thoughtfully, "How about we find a pavilion to talk slowly?"

As soon as he spoke, the man kneeling on the ground looked at him, his expression stunned, and he got up and said, "Young Master Xue?!"

Xue Yuan raised an eyebrow, looking at him with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

In an instant, the kneeling man understood. His breathing became heavy, and he looked at Gu Yuanbai with a sneaky and excited glance, then swallowed hard and tried to say something but dared not.

He was still half-naked, with scratches and red marks from branches and leaves on his body. Seeing the young Emperor, it was hard for people not to misunderstand.

The chief guard shouted, "Outrageous!"

The man shuddered suddenly, quickly performed a deep bow, and knelt deeply on the ground, "Zhang Hao pays his respects to Your Majesty!"

Gu Yuanbai hadn't spoken yet, but Xue Yuan chuckled and said, "Meeting the Emperor without wearing clothes?"

Zhang Hao blushed, unable to say a word.

Just at this moment, the guard who had gone ahead to scout the way returned. "Your Majesty, there is a pavilion up ahead. I also saw someone sent by Wan Taifei. He reported that Wan Taifei was feeling tired and had already gone down the mountain and returned to the villa."

Gu Yuanbai nodded and followed the guards towards the pavilion, with Xue Yuan bringing up the rear. His hand rested on Zhang Hao's neck, who trembled with fear, looking quite intimidated.

Xue Yuan asked, "Do you like women?"

Zhang Hao replied cautiously, "Young Master Xue, I only like women."

So please don't put your arm around me, I'm scared.

Xue Yuan smiled faintly, "Have you been with many women?"

Zhang Hao also smiled, a smile that all men understand with a hint of pride, "It's because I'm too fond of women that my father sent me to Chengbao Temple for cultivation."

"Oh," Xue Yuan suddenly realized, reaching out to pull Zhang Hao closer and asking in a low voice, "Look at the Emperor's lips, do they look like they haven't been touched by rouge from a woman?"

Sweat instantly broke out on Zhang Hao's forehead. "I don't know, I haven't seen."

Xue Yuan chuckled and let him go, not saying anything more, and took a few steps forward to catch up with the young Emperor.

Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, gently soothing his pounding heart. 

He didn't dare to talk about "His Majesty," but from Xue Yuan's appearance, it was easy to see—bushy eyebrows, high nose, tall and strong, with an obviously vigorous energy! The key was that he had never heard of Xue Yuan having any lovers or concubines. He was always obsessed with military training and fighting. Someone with such abundant energy and yet no women... It would be terrifying once he got one!

The pavilion was relatively clean. The attendants laid out blankets on the seats, and after Gu Yuanbai sat down, they brought a towel dampened with cool water to wipe away the slight sweat on his face.

Feeling a bit cooler, Gu Yuanbai felt much more comfortable. He was about to continue questioning Zhang Hao when he glanced at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan's clothes were torn in several places, and although he had cleaned off the mud, the clothes still showed signs of how much damage he had suffered.

Feeling suddenly delighted, Gu Yuanbai raised the corners of his lips. With the cool breeze blowing, he felt as if he were instantly relieved of all burdens, and even when he spoke to Zhang Hao, he had a smile on his face, "Where is your father's business route now?"

Zhang Hao was startled by the question, and myriad thoughts surged in his mind. The Emperor's expression was normal, yet he asked such a question. Zhang Hao was excited, and bold ideas began to emerge in his mind.

He detailed all the various business routes his father had to Gu Yuanbai, from north to Henan, south to Jiangnan, east to Lizhou, and west to Shandong.

Gu Yuanbai listened carefully, sometimes pondering and asking a few sharp questions.

After the conversation, Zhang Hao's face was covered in sweat. One of the attendants returned to the stream and brought back his clothes. He hurriedly put them on and wiped the sweat from his head with his sleeve.

Scared out of his wits, the Emperor's train of thought was clear and precise. Several times he hit upon points that frightened Zhang Hao. If Zhang's family had harbored any such intentions, he might have been coaxed into revealing them.

The Zhang family of Jingxi had been a lineage of business talents for several generations. However, in the hierarchy of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, successful merchants often faced heavy exploitation. The amount of money stripped from the Zhang family by various powerful and influential people was staggering. Each one took their share, believing that the Zhang family was incredibly wealthy, leaving the Zhangs unable to voice their grievances.

In contrast, families like the Yu family of Jiangnan and the Lu family of Huainan had solid backers, and only needed to pay respects to a single patron. The Zhang family had suffered enough and wanted to find a patron themselves. After much consideration, they learned about the Emperor's plan to establish trade routes.

During the winter, the Emperor had also announced plans to open border markets, but that proposal eventually fell through. Upon receiving news about the Emperor's current plans, Zhang Hao's father returned to the capital from another province.

Zhang Hao had vaguely heard about the family's plans, which seemed to involve currying favor with the Emperor through an official. Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Hao himself who ended up encountering the Emperor at Chengbao Temple.

After Gu Yuanbai asked everything he wanted to know, he had a rough idea in mind. He remained expressionless, nodded, and then let Zhang Hao leave.

A palace attendant asked softly, "Does Your Majesty want some refreshments?"

When the Emperor traveled, everything was meticulously arranged. Gu Yuanbai nodded, and the attendant took out an exquisite wooden box, from which he extracted delicate pastries and brewed tea with warm water.

Aside from everything else, just the small blanket Gu Yuanbai sat on was a noble palace blanket. The fur was made from the softest wool of lambs, mixed with fine silk, and then dyed with plant extracts multiple times to ensure each strand was evenly colored. The final product left a permanent floral fragrance on the blanket.

The blankets laid on the palace floor were made the same way. Royal luxury always lies in subtle details. This was the Emperor's dignity, and also the ultimate enjoyment pursued by the people.

Just this small blanket alone, if the Silk Road were to be reopened, it could definitely sell for a price that satisfied Gu Yuanbai.

The national treasury stored the country's fiscal revenue, and Gu Yuanbai also stored many such luxurious and exquisite items, waiting to cheat the real gold and silver from outside in the future.

Gu Yuanbai enjoyed the palace refreshments, thinking about how to use the Zhang family of Jingxi to form a fixed trade route with the border nomads. While lost in thought, he suddenly heard the chief guard say helplessly, "Your Majesty—"

Gu Yuanbai remembered the imperial physician's warning against excessive indulgence. He smiled and pursed his lips, "Alright, I won't think about it."

Rarely relaxed, he didn't want to think about such matters.

"You all take a rest for a while," Gu Yuanbai said, "After resting, we'll head down the mountain. Although the temple's vegetarian meals are delicious, they lack a bit of meat."

The guards found places to sit on their own, and as the mountain breeze blew through, Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes and rested against the backrest. After a while, he suddenly heard a few birdcalls nearby. Opening his eyes, he saw several sparrows perched on the stone table in the pavilion, pecking at the uneaten refreshments.

Gu Yuanbai reached out, picked up a piece of pastry, and broke it apart, offering it to the sparrows. But he had overestimated himself. After pecking a few times, Gu Yuanbai felt his palm ache and probably turned red.

He put down the broken food in his hand, looked around, and called out, "Xue Yuan."

Xue Yuan, who was leaning against a pillar, glanced up at him and walked over. "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai gestured for him to extend his hand, and Xue Yuan glanced at the group of sparrows on the table, then smirked.

He obediently extended his hand, letting the Emperor place the broken food in his hand. When the sparrows became cautious and wanted to approach, he remained still.

Eventually, this human bird feeder gained their trust. The sparrows swarmed over, burying their heads in his palm to peck at the food.

Xue Yuan's palm was still wounded from being dragged earlier, but the light pecking of the sparrows didn't cause him any pain; instead, it felt somewhat itchy.

"Your Majesty," Xue Yuan said with hidden meaning, "am I not obedient enough?"

Gu Yuanbai replied, "If you were obedient, you wouldn't have injured my horse."

"I was also punished by His Majesty and sent back."

"You dared to gallop with me."

Xue Yuan chuckled, suddenly gripping his hand tightly. The sparrows scattered, and one that didn't manage to fly away was caught in his hand. With his other hand, he touched the chirping sparrow, revealing its head from his palm. "Sparrow feathers are soft. Your Majesty might want to try touching them?"

Gu Yuanbai lazily raised his hand and stroked the sparrow's head, "Not bad."

The sparrow's feathers were gray, and they felt even more delicate when touched by his jade-like fingertips. Xue Yuan glanced down, suddenly finding a way to release the gloominess in his heart.

It seemed the young Emperor didn't like being touched by humans?

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