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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 26

Chapter 26

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In Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, Xue Yuan was like a disobedient and biting beast.

This kind of crazy beast somehow aroused the adventurous and dangerous nerves in Gu Yuanbai. Gu Yuanbai didn’t have the physical condition to tame the Ferghana horse, but Xue Yuan was different.

He became interested, even had a strong desire to conquer. Watching Xue Yuan tame the horse, Gu Yuanbai’s increasing desire for conquest over the past three years made him think about how to tame Xue Yuan.

It would be best if Xue Yuan became obedient and surrendered, and his madness was smoothed out in front of Gu Yuanbai. Only then would Gu Yuanbai feel that he had succeeded in conquest.

Xue Yuan spent half an hour, firmly subduing the proud and unruly Ferghana horse under him.

The horse was too tired to struggle, allowing him to control it, obediently walking towards the little emperor under Xue Yuan’s control.

Gu Yuanbai watched as the fierce Ferghana horse approached. Xue Yuan sat on the horse, smiling down from above. “Your Majesty, I have tamed the horse.”

Because of the intense struggle just now, the horse’s neck was covered in sweat, making its fur look as magnificent as fresh blood. Gu Yuanbai was overjoyed, stroking the horse’s neck, seeing the faint flow of blood under the skin.

“A good horse,” praised the emperor. “It truly lives up to the reputation of the Thousand-Mile Horse.”

The Ferghana horse neighed and wagged its tail.

Xue Yuan grinned, bent down from the horse, and reached out to Gu Yuanbai. With utmost respect, he said, “Your Majesty, how about I take you for a ride?”

The Chief Guard’s expression turned serious as he asked, “Guard Xue, are you sure the horse has been tamed by you?”

Xue Yuan smiled faintly, ignoring him.

On the side, Chu Wei furrowed his brows, disliking the man’s arrogant attitude.

However, Gu Yuanbai seemed delighted by the prospect. He laughed heartily, “With such a fine horse in front, how can I resist trying?”

However, as it was a new horse without any gear, Gu Yuanbai simply grasped Xue Yuan’s hand directly. Xue Yuan reciprocated, exerting his strength to lift Gu Yuanbai onto the horse’s back.

Gu Yuanbai sat securely, smiling as he ran his hand over the horse’s mane, decisively taking the reins from Xue Yuan. The young emperor’s dominance left Xue Yuan with no choice but to extend his hand from the emperor’s waist, gripping the reins together.

“Your Majesty,” he grumbled, “Are you just going to discard me once you’re done?”

Without reins or any riding gear, Xue Yuan could easily fall off the horse once it started running.

Gu Yuanbai’s lips curled up slightly, without answering, he tightened his legs around the horse’s belly and raised the reins, saying, “Let’s go!”

The Ferghana horse, known as the thousand mile horse, neighed loudly and dashed off swiftly.

Palace attendants hurriedly moved aside as they watched the Emperor and Xue Yuan ride towards the spacious horse field.

Behind the young emperor, Xue Yuan held onto Gu Yuanbai’s waist. Gu Yuanbai’s hair swept across his face, but Xue Yuan made no attempt to avoid it.

Feeling the black strands against his skin, Xue Yuan surprisingly found it bearable. Perhaps it was because the emperor was exceptionally clean, even his hair smelled faintly of fragrance.

Taking in the scent, Xue Yuan felt a calming effect, dispelling his previous frustrations.

Chu Wei’s eyes were sharp; he saw through Xue Yuan’s every move, and his disgust surged.

He looked coldly at Xue Yuan, gripping the pen tightly in his hand.

Because of his handsome appearance, Chu Wei often received advances from many men. To him, such looks were disgustingly invasive, like thick, crawling insects. Chu Wei detested those who were attracted to appearances alone, especially those with homosexual tendencies.

Though he didn’t possess such tendencies himself, being subjected to advances had made him observant. Unlike him, the Emperor held power, status, and authority as the ruler of Great Heng, the sole master of the palace. Who would dare cast such disrespectful gazes at him?

This Xue Yuan was clearly taking advantage of the Emperor’s naivety, acting so audaciously.

He was undoubtedly harboring ill intentions towards the Emperor!

Chu Wei’s gaze darkened.

The Chief Guard remained uneasy, sending for several horses. Before he could approach, a newly appointed Hanlin Academy scholar suddenly dropped his pen, seized a horse, and effortlessly mounted it. Chu Wei apologized to the Chief Guard as he rode off, “Please forgive my haste.”

As the horses galloped, the Chief Guard quickly mounted one and followed after the Emperor.

The palace horses were also fine steeds, but they had been domesticated, burdened with heavy harnesses. Naturally, they couldn’t match the speed of the legendary thousand-mile horse.

As the wind rushed by, Gu Yuanbai felt exhilarated, as if he were running with the wind. The midday sun bathed the imperial city in a golden glow. Amidst the high walls, the horse gave Gu Yuanbai the sensation of riding across the grasslands.

High clouds, miles of green grass, and robust horses on the grasslands. Gu Yuanbai had been to the grasslands before, riding horses there as well. However, those days were so distant that now, from deep within his heart, a desire arose to visit the grasslands again.

The border nomadic tribes, that area would eventually become part of Great Heng’s territory, with Great Heng’s steeds galloping across it.

When the horse finally stopped, Xue Yuan took hold of the reins. “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai snapped out of his reverie, noticing a slight ache between his legs. Gu Yuanbai realized he had chafed his skin.

“Send for the imperial physician,” Gu Yuanbai admitted his weakness, “I seem to have chafed.”

Xue Yuan frowned, dismounted, and lifted Gu Yuanbai down. Once the Emperor was steady, Xue Yuan knelt and gently examined his thigh. “Here?”

The inner thighs were the most vulnerable to chafing.

Xue Yuan’s fingers were large and rough, but surprisingly delicate. Gu Yuanbai shook his head, “No.”

Finding it inconvenient to assess, Xue Yuan was about to lift Gu Yuanbai’s robe when the Emperor stopped him. “What are you doing, Guard Xue?”

Xue Yuan smiled, “Just checking for injuries, Your Majesty.”

“After checking, then what?” Gu Yuanbai found Xue Yuan’s eagerness somewhat foolish, “Are you planning to heal me with your bare hands?”

Being held down by someone made Xue Yuan uncomfortable. “If you don’t want me to see, I’ll get up obediently,” he said.

Gu Yuanbai replied, “That’s not what I asked.”

The young emperor was delicate and didn’t have much strength. The force with which he held Xue Yuan’s head was actually weaker than that of a wolf cub pouncing on him. But Xue Yuan quite liked seeing the emperor’s seemingly weak but actually strong demeanor. It amused him.

So, even though it was a bit uncomfortable, Xue Yuan fully cooperated. “I naturally can’t bandage it for Your Majesty, but after seeing the wound, at least I can feel reassured and not too guilty,” he said.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled at the mention of “guilt.” “I got on the horse myself and got injured by myself. There’s no need for Guard Xue to feel guilty, and I’m not someone who casually wrongs others,” he said.

“You Majesty speaks the truth,” Xue Yuan replied. “Can Your Majesty still walk?”

Gu Yuanbai released Xue Yuan and took a couple of steps, walking steadily and looking unaffected, then said, “I’m fine.”

The emperor’s appearance and demeanor could deceive people, but the sweat on his forehead couldn’t. Xue Yuan suddenly felt a bit helpless. He stood up, rolled up his sleeves, took a couple of steps towards Gu Yuanbai, then suddenly bent over and, caught off guard, carried Gu Yuanbai horizontally.

Gu Yuanbai was startled and his face immediately turned ashen. “Xue Jiuyao, put me down!”

“Your Majesty,” Xue Yuan said with a helpless tone, “I will walk slower and steadier. I’ll even take ten steps for every step. I’ve already been your beast of burden before. Since you have a ready-made mule here, why suffer unnecessarily?”

Gu Yuanbai fell silent, his expression fluctuating.

When he ordered Xue Yuan to act like a beast, Xue Yuan did so. But Xue Yuan shouldn’t take such liberties without his command.

However, Xue Yuan was right. It hurt to walk, and he couldn’t ride a horse or walk by himself. Only Xue Yuan could make the pain more bearable.

The Emperor was extremely light, and even though Xue Yuan had been dragged by a wild horse twice today, carrying him was not difficult.

Xue Yuan also didn’t forget to loop the reins of the blood-sweating horse around his wrist. Holding both a person and a horse, Gu Yuanbai marveled at Xue Yuan’s extraordinary stamina and strength. An ordinary person would be bedridden for half a month after such a fall, but Xue Yuan was still vigorous and lively.

Such a person on the battlefield could outlast his enemies by sheer endurance.

Xue Yuan hadn’t walked far carrying the Emperor when they heard the sound of approaching horses. Gu Yuanbai frowned, “Help me onto the horse.”

As a fellow man, Xue Yuan knew exactly what he was thinking. Without embarrassing the young Emperor, he placed him on the horse and then mounted himself.

Glancing at Gu Yuanbai’s tense posture and rigid back, Xue Yuan frowned but still placed his robe underneath him for cushioning.

When the young Emperor sat down, it was directly on Xue Yuan’s robe.

Gu Yuanbai’s eyelid twitched fiercely. “Xue Jiuyao?”

Xue Yuan held the reins with his left hand, ensuring the robe was firmly under the Emperor, preventing any movement. He frowned patiently, “Your Majesty, this is for your comfort.”

Despite Gu Yuanbai’s imposing authority and fearsome tactics, nothing could hide his frailty. It wasn’t out of disrespect that Xue Yuan treated him gently; it was simply a fact. The young Emperor was delicate, and even a minor jolt could cause him harm. Sitting on layers of robes was certainly more comfortable than directly on the horse’s back.

Fortunately, the young Emperor was light. With careful attention, the ride back wouldn’t be too uncomfortable.

Gu Yuanbai spoke coolly, “No need, take it away.”

“Your Majesty, don’t be stubborn,” Xue Yuan replied. “With my protection, you will suffer less.”

The logic was clear, but no man of pride would ride with a cushion under his bottom. Gu Yuanbai fell silent.

Xue Yuan glanced at him and said, “Your Majesty, someone is coming.”

He raised the reins and kicked the horse, causing Gu Yuanbai to fall back into his arms by inertia. Xue Yuan held him securely and rode towards the approaching horsemen.

The horse was slower than before, and the young Emperor’s back remained straight. Xue Yuan, seeing his unsteady posture, thought to himself how stubborn he was. He pulled Gu Yuanbai closer, letting him lean against his chest. “Your Majesty, you can lean on me.”

Being protected like this by another man made Gu Yuanbai feel humiliated. He ordered Xue Yuan to let go, but Xue Yuan pretended not to hear, causing Gu Yuanbai’s face to darken completely.

Chu Wei and the head of the imperial guards arrived, dismounting swiftly. “Is Your Majesty alright?”

Xue Yuan replied, “He has sustained some minor injuries.”

Gu Yuanbai remained silent, dismounting with a cold expression. Xue Yuan followed behind him, about to speak when the Emperor commanded sternly, “Kneel.”

With a thud, all three men dropped to their knees.

Eyes fixed on the ground, they knelt obediently, heads lowered in submissive reverence.

Despite the numerous times Gu Yuanbai had disciplined Xue Yuan, teaching him painful lessons, Xue Yuan remained undeterred.

“Xue Jiuyao, how dare you be so audacious,” Gu Yuanbai’s tone was unreadable, “Will you next extend your hand into my political affairs?”

Xue Yuan dared to carry him without permission and ignored his orders to let go. 

What dog would be so disobedient?

Xue Yuan’s expression stiffened, and he bowed deeply, “I dare not, Your Majesty. I beg for your punishment.”

The atmosphere froze, like ice, with no one daring to breathe loudly.

Xue Yuan begged for forgiveness once more.

“Guard Xue,” after a long pause, the Emperor spoke indifferently, “The hoofprints on this road are an eyesore. I order you to clean this road until no traces remain before you can leave your post and return to the palace.”

“Yes,” Xue Yuan bowed his head, his expression unreadable, “I will clean the road thoroughly.”

After this brief conversation, Xue Yuan soon realized the difficulty of his task.

The Emperor ordered palace servants to lead horses back and forth over the road, trampling it into a muddy mess with who knows what mixed in. Xue Yuan stood expressionless, watching the mess in silence.

The Emperor’s actions were blatant, not hiding his displeasure. He was clearly telling Xue Yuan: I am not happy, not at all.

“I’m too lazy to punish you in other ways. Since you’re not afraid of pain, go roll in the mud and horse dung,” said the emperor.

“His flesh is so soft, yet so tough with his temper,” Xue Yuan thought to himself.

He raised his right hand and looked at it for a moment. Just as he was about to put it down, he caught a faint scent. It was the same fragrance as the handkerchief and the clothes worn by the emperor earlier – the luxurious and extravagant scent of court incense, reserved only for nobility. This scent would linger on clothes for a long time once it had permeated them.

After being seated by the young emperor for a while, tossed around a few times, his hand had picked up the fragrance. Was the scent in the palace always this strong?

He idly thought, if the Emperor wore this scent every day, his entire body must smell delightful.

As he absentmindedly pondered, Xue Yuan picked up his cleaning tools.

Gu Yuanbai, still in his sleeping quarters, was unaware of what Xue Yuan was thinking. The imperial physician had brought him some medicine, and Gu Yuanbai applied it himself. After applying the ointment, he donned his clothes and stood up, the scent of the ointment spreading throughout the palace. Tian Fusheng, who was standing nearby, asked worriedly, “Your Majesty, how is your injury?”

“It’s just a scrape,” Gu Yuanbai said casually as he sat down. “When have I ever avoided such injuries? Did Qi Wang say anything?”

Tian Fusheng replied, “Qi Wang has been begging to see you.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, “He still has the face to see me?”

After scaring the imperial clan, quite a few people had thoroughly searched their residences, with covert assistance from the Supervision Bureau. They indeed found some of Lu Feng’s men. This discovery had terrified the clan members, and they had been tearfully grateful when receiving rewards from Gu Yuanbai.

Qi Wang and his entire family had been ruthlessly imprisoned. For those without real power or capability but with lofty ambitions, Gu Yuanbai never spared any face.

But he couldn’t be too excessive. Thus, Qi Wang’s family was given single cells, provided with good food and drink, and even entertained with performances.

However, these performances were rather bloody and terrifying.

This pampered family watched prisoners being tortured right before their eyes, with various cruel methods and the smell of blood lingering around. After a few days, Qi Wang’s family couldn’t sleep due to hunger but had no appetite at all, feeling nauseated at the sight of the lavish food. Within a few days, they had all become gaunt and haggard.

Initially, Qi Wang relied on being Gu Yuanbai’s uncle, demanding the jailers release him. But a few days later, the old man had lost all spirit, crying and pleading to see Gu Yuanbai, asking for mercy for the sake of their kinship.

Mercy, my foot!

Gu Yuanbai spared his life only because he was still useful. He was already grooming the next candidate for the throne; why would he care about kinship?

Qi Wang dared to interfere, to covet the throne, and foolishly conspired with Lu Feng’s men. In Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, such foolish royal relatives were even more stupid than the second young master of the Xue family.

Without teaching him a lesson, he’d dare again.

Gu Yuanbai believed there were certainly others in the court backing Qi Wang, with high-ranking officials among them. Otherwise, Qi Wang, that coward, wouldn’t have dared to act on Lu Feng’s incitement alone.

The blood he spat couldn’t be in vain. Since he couldn’t physically punish Qi Wang’s family, he had to resort to psychological torture.

Speaking of Qi Wang reminded Gu Yuanbai of his youngest son. “His intelligence is said to rival mine when I was a child, a naturally kind and benevolent boy. His name seems to be Gu Wen, right?”

Tian Fusheng replied, “Yes, Your Majesty. As you ordered, young master Gu Wen wasn’t arrested and remains in Qi Wang’s residence, cared for by the servants.”

Gu Yuanbai sighed and shook his head. “When the late emperor was still alive, Qi Wang was quite obedient. Now he dares to be so bold, thinking I’m in poor health and taking a risk.”

That’s what made it so infuriating! Tian Fusheng knew how much the Emperor had done for the Great Heng dynasty and how diligently he worked every day. Being an emperor was not easy. If people like Qi Wang took the throne, they would become puppets of Lu Feng in no time!

But the issue with Qi Wang also served as a reminder to Gu Yuanbai that the next successor must be chosen from within the imperial clan.

After pondering for a while, Gu Yuanbai said, “I don’t want to…”

He didn’t want to raise a successor like Emperor Yingzong of Song, who, after Emperor Renzong’s death, wanted to honor his biological father as the Emperor and Emperor Renzong as the Emperor Uncle. If Gu Yuanbai were in Renzong’s place, he would be furious.

The late emperor’s situation was similar to Emperor Renzong’s, who had lost his offspring early and had no children. Only after forty did he adopt the young Heqin Wang, telling him he was always the late emperor’s biological son but was raised by the clan due to the high infant mortality in the palace.

When Gu Yuanbai was born, the late emperor was overjoyed but didn’t send Heqin Wang away like Renzong did. Instead, he raised both sons under his care, grooming one as the future emperor and the other as a military leader. Later, seeing Heqin Wang’s talent in commanding troops, the late emperor allowed him to play a supporting role in the empire.

In this regard, the late emperor did better than Emperor Renzong.

However, if Gu Yuanbai were to die, he couldn’t decide the successor. The Supervision Bureau was still searching for renowned physicians but hadn’t made significant progress yet, as the department was too young, and the empire too vast.

While talking with Tian Fusheng, Chu Wei stood silently, neither reacting nor letting the conversation affect him.

When Gu Yuanbai’s thoughts returned, he glanced at Chu Wei and paused.

A future capable minister with prime ministerial abilities, the Supervision Bureau lacked a leader who could extend its reach across the empire. This leader needed immense patience, deep strategy, and unwavering loyalty.

After a few seconds of consideration, Gu Yuanbai dismissed the idea of Chu Wei joining the Supervision Bureau.

Chu Wei had talent and might become a great minister in the future, but not now. As for loyalty? Forget it. Gu Yuanbai didn’t trust him.

Noticing the Emperor’s gaze, Chu Wei closed his book, stepped forward, and bowed. “Your Majesty, do you have any orders?”

“Minister Chu, have you interacted with the top scorers, Bangyan Lang and Tanhua Lang, since you took office?” Gu Yuanbai took a sip of tea. “You three are all talented and should get along well.”

Chu Wei was silent for a moment before saying, “As you said, Your Majesty, the three of us get along well enough.”

Kong Yilin was fine, quiet and diligent. But the third-placed Chang Yuyan had a good reputation before their interaction, only for Chu Wei to discover he was a fake scholar whose poems expressed concern for the nation, but whose actions did not match his words.

As for Kong Yilin… Chu Wei furrowed his brow. Usually so low-key, Kong Yilin had unexpectedly volunteered today when the Hanlin Academy was dispatching someone to the emperor’s side, eager to serve and speak to the emperor.

Even though he was ultimately declined, Kong Yilin remained graceful, sitting back down without any visible sign of regret on his calm face.

Despite Kong Yilin’s low profile, Chu Wei instinctively sensed he was not a simple character.

Gu Yuanbai smiled and asked casually, “What do you think of Bangyan Lang, Official Chu?”

Indeed, the emperor had a special regard for Kong Yilin.

Chu Wei lowered his eyes and calmly replied, “Bangyan Lang is highly talented.”

Five words, nothing more.

Gu Yuanbai waited for a while but didn’t hear anything further, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Chu Wei’s personality, coupled with Xue Yuan’s, would they not choke each other to death if they were together?

Thinking of Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai recalled that he should be shoveling horse manure at the moment. Embracing a slightly malicious thought, Gu Yuanbai stood up and said mischievously, “Come, accompany me for a walk.”

I’ll take you to see the future brotherhood of socialism and let you witness how your future brother is shoveling horse manure.

How could such a scene be missed?

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 26

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 26

Chapter 26

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In Gu Yuanbai's eyes, Xue Yuan was like a disobedient and biting beast.

This kind of crazy beast somehow aroused the adventurous and dangerous nerves in Gu Yuanbai. Gu Yuanbai didn't have the physical condition to tame the Ferghana horse, but Xue Yuan was different.

He became interested, even had a strong desire to conquer. Watching Xue Yuan tame the horse, Gu Yuanbai's increasing desire for conquest over the past three years made him think about how to tame Xue Yuan.

It would be best if Xue Yuan became obedient and surrendered, and his madness was smoothed out in front of Gu Yuanbai. Only then would Gu Yuanbai feel that he had succeeded in conquest.

Xue Yuan spent half an hour, firmly subduing the proud and unruly Ferghana horse under him.

The horse was too tired to struggle, allowing him to control it, obediently walking towards the little emperor under Xue Yuan's control.

Gu Yuanbai watched as the fierce Ferghana horse approached. Xue Yuan sat on the horse, smiling down from above. "Your Majesty, I have tamed the horse."

Because of the intense struggle just now, the horse's neck was covered in sweat, making its fur look as magnificent as fresh blood. Gu Yuanbai was overjoyed, stroking the horse's neck, seeing the faint flow of blood under the skin.

"A good horse," praised the emperor. "It truly lives up to the reputation of the Thousand-Mile Horse."

The Ferghana horse neighed and wagged its tail.

Xue Yuan grinned, bent down from the horse, and reached out to Gu Yuanbai. With utmost respect, he said, "Your Majesty, how about I take you for a ride?"

The Chief Guard's expression turned serious as he asked, "Guard Xue, are you sure the horse has been tamed by you?"

Xue Yuan smiled faintly, ignoring him.

On the side, Chu Wei furrowed his brows, disliking the man's arrogant attitude.

However, Gu Yuanbai seemed delighted by the prospect. He laughed heartily, "With such a fine horse in front, how can I resist trying?"

However, as it was a new horse without any gear, Gu Yuanbai simply grasped Xue Yuan's hand directly. Xue Yuan reciprocated, exerting his strength to lift Gu Yuanbai onto the horse's back.

Gu Yuanbai sat securely, smiling as he ran his hand over the horse's mane, decisively taking the reins from Xue Yuan. The young emperor's dominance left Xue Yuan with no choice but to extend his hand from the emperor's waist, gripping the reins together.

"Your Majesty," he grumbled, "Are you just going to discard me once you're done?"

Without reins or any riding gear, Xue Yuan could easily fall off the horse once it started running.

Gu Yuanbai's lips curled up slightly, without answering, he tightened his legs around the horse's belly and raised the reins, saying, "Let's go!"

The Ferghana horse, known as the thousand mile horse, neighed loudly and dashed off swiftly.

Palace attendants hurriedly moved aside as they watched the Emperor and Xue Yuan ride towards the spacious horse field.

Behind the young emperor, Xue Yuan held onto Gu Yuanbai's waist. Gu Yuanbai's hair swept across his face, but Xue Yuan made no attempt to avoid it.

Feeling the black strands against his skin, Xue Yuan surprisingly found it bearable. Perhaps it was because the emperor was exceptionally clean, even his hair smelled faintly of fragrance.

Taking in the scent, Xue Yuan felt a calming effect, dispelling his previous frustrations.

Chu Wei's eyes were sharp; he saw through Xue Yuan's every move, and his disgust surged.

He looked coldly at Xue Yuan, gripping the pen tightly in his hand.

Because of his handsome appearance, Chu Wei often received advances from many men. To him, such looks were disgustingly invasive, like thick, crawling insects. Chu Wei detested those who were attracted to appearances alone, especially those with homosexual tendencies.

Though he didn't possess such tendencies himself, being subjected to advances had made him observant. Unlike him, the Emperor held power, status, and authority as the ruler of Great Heng, the sole master of the palace. Who would dare cast such disrespectful gazes at him?

This Xue Yuan was clearly taking advantage of the Emperor's naivety, acting so audaciously.

He was undoubtedly harboring ill intentions towards the Emperor!

Chu Wei's gaze darkened.

The Chief Guard remained uneasy, sending for several horses. Before he could approach, a newly appointed Hanlin Academy scholar suddenly dropped his pen, seized a horse, and effortlessly mounted it. Chu Wei apologized to the Chief Guard as he rode off, "Please forgive my haste."

As the horses galloped, the Chief Guard quickly mounted one and followed after the Emperor.

The palace horses were also fine steeds, but they had been domesticated, burdened with heavy harnesses. Naturally, they couldn't match the speed of the legendary thousand-mile horse.

As the wind rushed by, Gu Yuanbai felt exhilarated, as if he were running with the wind. The midday sun bathed the imperial city in a golden glow. Amidst the high walls, the horse gave Gu Yuanbai the sensation of riding across the grasslands.

High clouds, miles of green grass, and robust horses on the grasslands. Gu Yuanbai had been to the grasslands before, riding horses there as well. However, those days were so distant that now, from deep within his heart, a desire arose to visit the grasslands again.

The border nomadic tribes, that area would eventually become part of Great Heng's territory, with Great Heng's steeds galloping across it.

When the horse finally stopped, Xue Yuan took hold of the reins. "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai snapped out of his reverie, noticing a slight ache between his legs. Gu Yuanbai realized he had chafed his skin.

"Send for the imperial physician," Gu Yuanbai admitted his weakness, "I seem to have chafed."

Xue Yuan frowned, dismounted, and lifted Gu Yuanbai down. Once the Emperor was steady, Xue Yuan knelt and gently examined his thigh. "Here?"

The inner thighs were the most vulnerable to chafing.

Xue Yuan's fingers were large and rough, but surprisingly delicate. Gu Yuanbai shook his head, "No."

Finding it inconvenient to assess, Xue Yuan was about to lift Gu Yuanbai's robe when the Emperor stopped him. "What are you doing, Guard Xue?"

Xue Yuan smiled, "Just checking for injuries, Your Majesty."

"After checking, then what?" Gu Yuanbai found Xue Yuan's eagerness somewhat foolish, "Are you planning to heal me with your bare hands?"

Being held down by someone made Xue Yuan uncomfortable. "If you don't want me to see, I'll get up obediently," he said.

Gu Yuanbai replied, "That's not what I asked."

The young emperor was delicate and didn't have much strength. The force with which he held Xue Yuan's head was actually weaker than that of a wolf cub pouncing on him. But Xue Yuan quite liked seeing the emperor's seemingly weak but actually strong demeanor. It amused him.

So, even though it was a bit uncomfortable, Xue Yuan fully cooperated. "I naturally can't bandage it for Your Majesty, but after seeing the wound, at least I can feel reassured and not too guilty," he said.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled at the mention of "guilt." "I got on the horse myself and got injured by myself. There's no need for Guard Xue to feel guilty, and I'm not someone who casually wrongs others," he said.

"You Majesty speaks the truth," Xue Yuan replied. "Can Your Majesty still walk?"

Gu Yuanbai released Xue Yuan and took a couple of steps, walking steadily and looking unaffected, then said, "I'm fine."

The emperor's appearance and demeanor could deceive people, but the sweat on his forehead couldn't. Xue Yuan suddenly felt a bit helpless. He stood up, rolled up his sleeves, took a couple of steps towards Gu Yuanbai, then suddenly bent over and, caught off guard, carried Gu Yuanbai horizontally.

Gu Yuanbai was startled and his face immediately turned ashen. "Xue Jiuyao, put me down!"

"Your Majesty," Xue Yuan said with a helpless tone, "I will walk slower and steadier. I'll even take ten steps for every step. I've already been your beast of burden before. Since you have a ready-made mule here, why suffer unnecessarily?"

Gu Yuanbai fell silent, his expression fluctuating.

When he ordered Xue Yuan to act like a beast, Xue Yuan did so. But Xue Yuan shouldn't take such liberties without his command.

However, Xue Yuan was right. It hurt to walk, and he couldn't ride a horse or walk by himself. Only Xue Yuan could make the pain more bearable.

The Emperor was extremely light, and even though Xue Yuan had been dragged by a wild horse twice today, carrying him was not difficult.

Xue Yuan also didn't forget to loop the reins of the blood-sweating horse around his wrist. Holding both a person and a horse, Gu Yuanbai marveled at Xue Yuan's extraordinary stamina and strength. An ordinary person would be bedridden for half a month after such a fall, but Xue Yuan was still vigorous and lively.

Such a person on the battlefield could outlast his enemies by sheer endurance.

Xue Yuan hadn't walked far carrying the Emperor when they heard the sound of approaching horses. Gu Yuanbai frowned, "Help me onto the horse."

As a fellow man, Xue Yuan knew exactly what he was thinking. Without embarrassing the young Emperor, he placed him on the horse and then mounted himself.

Glancing at Gu Yuanbai's tense posture and rigid back, Xue Yuan frowned but still placed his robe underneath him for cushioning.

When the young Emperor sat down, it was directly on Xue Yuan's robe.

Gu Yuanbai's eyelid twitched fiercely. "Xue Jiuyao?"

Xue Yuan held the reins with his left hand, ensuring the robe was firmly under the Emperor, preventing any movement. He frowned patiently, "Your Majesty, this is for your comfort."

Despite Gu Yuanbai's imposing authority and fearsome tactics, nothing could hide his frailty. It wasn't out of disrespect that Xue Yuan treated him gently; it was simply a fact. The young Emperor was delicate, and even a minor jolt could cause him harm. Sitting on layers of robes was certainly more comfortable than directly on the horse's back.

Fortunately, the young Emperor was light. With careful attention, the ride back wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

Gu Yuanbai spoke coolly, "No need, take it away."

"Your Majesty, don't be stubborn," Xue Yuan replied. "With my protection, you will suffer less."

The logic was clear, but no man of pride would ride with a cushion under his bottom. Gu Yuanbai fell silent.

Xue Yuan glanced at him and said, "Your Majesty, someone is coming."

He raised the reins and kicked the horse, causing Gu Yuanbai to fall back into his arms by inertia. Xue Yuan held him securely and rode towards the approaching horsemen.

The horse was slower than before, and the young Emperor's back remained straight. Xue Yuan, seeing his unsteady posture, thought to himself how stubborn he was. He pulled Gu Yuanbai closer, letting him lean against his chest. "Your Majesty, you can lean on me."

Being protected like this by another man made Gu Yuanbai feel humiliated. He ordered Xue Yuan to let go, but Xue Yuan pretended not to hear, causing Gu Yuanbai's face to darken completely.

Chu Wei and the head of the imperial guards arrived, dismounting swiftly. "Is Your Majesty alright?"

Xue Yuan replied, "He has sustained some minor injuries."

Gu Yuanbai remained silent, dismounting with a cold expression. Xue Yuan followed behind him, about to speak when the Emperor commanded sternly, "Kneel."

With a thud, all three men dropped to their knees.

Eyes fixed on the ground, they knelt obediently, heads lowered in submissive reverence.

Despite the numerous times Gu Yuanbai had disciplined Xue Yuan, teaching him painful lessons, Xue Yuan remained undeterred.

"Xue Jiuyao, how dare you be so audacious," Gu Yuanbai's tone was unreadable, "Will you next extend your hand into my political affairs?"

Xue Yuan dared to carry him without permission and ignored his orders to let go. 

What dog would be so disobedient?

Xue Yuan's expression stiffened, and he bowed deeply, "I dare not, Your Majesty. I beg for your punishment."

The atmosphere froze, like ice, with no one daring to breathe loudly.

Xue Yuan begged for forgiveness once more.

"Guard Xue," after a long pause, the Emperor spoke indifferently, "The hoofprints on this road are an eyesore. I order you to clean this road until no traces remain before you can leave your post and return to the palace."

"Yes," Xue Yuan bowed his head, his expression unreadable, "I will clean the road thoroughly."

After this brief conversation, Xue Yuan soon realized the difficulty of his task.

The Emperor ordered palace servants to lead horses back and forth over the road, trampling it into a muddy mess with who knows what mixed in. Xue Yuan stood expressionless, watching the mess in silence.

The Emperor's actions were blatant, not hiding his displeasure. He was clearly telling Xue Yuan: I am not happy, not at all.

"I'm too lazy to punish you in other ways. Since you're not afraid of pain, go roll in the mud and horse dung," said the emperor.

"His flesh is so soft, yet so tough with his temper," Xue Yuan thought to himself.

He raised his right hand and looked at it for a moment. Just as he was about to put it down, he caught a faint scent. It was the same fragrance as the handkerchief and the clothes worn by the emperor earlier - the luxurious and extravagant scent of court incense, reserved only for nobility. This scent would linger on clothes for a long time once it had permeated them.

After being seated by the young emperor for a while, tossed around a few times, his hand had picked up the fragrance. Was the scent in the palace always this strong?

He idly thought, if the Emperor wore this scent every day, his entire body must smell delightful.

As he absentmindedly pondered, Xue Yuan picked up his cleaning tools.

Gu Yuanbai, still in his sleeping quarters, was unaware of what Xue Yuan was thinking. The imperial physician had brought him some medicine, and Gu Yuanbai applied it himself. After applying the ointment, he donned his clothes and stood up, the scent of the ointment spreading throughout the palace. Tian Fusheng, who was standing nearby, asked worriedly, "Your Majesty, how is your injury?"

"It's just a scrape," Gu Yuanbai said casually as he sat down. "When have I ever avoided such injuries? Did Qi Wang say anything?"

Tian Fusheng replied, "Qi Wang has been begging to see you."

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, "He still has the face to see me?"

After scaring the imperial clan, quite a few people had thoroughly searched their residences, with covert assistance from the Supervision Bureau. They indeed found some of Lu Feng's men. This discovery had terrified the clan members, and they had been tearfully grateful when receiving rewards from Gu Yuanbai.

Qi Wang and his entire family had been ruthlessly imprisoned. For those without real power or capability but with lofty ambitions, Gu Yuanbai never spared any face.

But he couldn't be too excessive. Thus, Qi Wang's family was given single cells, provided with good food and drink, and even entertained with performances.

However, these performances were rather bloody and terrifying.

This pampered family watched prisoners being tortured right before their eyes, with various cruel methods and the smell of blood lingering around. After a few days, Qi Wang's family couldn't sleep due to hunger but had no appetite at all, feeling nauseated at the sight of the lavish food. Within a few days, they had all become gaunt and haggard.

Initially, Qi Wang relied on being Gu Yuanbai's uncle, demanding the jailers release him. But a few days later, the old man had lost all spirit, crying and pleading to see Gu Yuanbai, asking for mercy for the sake of their kinship.

Mercy, my foot!

Gu Yuanbai spared his life only because he was still useful. He was already grooming the next candidate for the throne; why would he care about kinship?

Qi Wang dared to interfere, to covet the throne, and foolishly conspired with Lu Feng's men. In Gu Yuanbai's eyes, such foolish royal relatives were even more stupid than the second young master of the Xue family.

Without teaching him a lesson, he'd dare again.

Gu Yuanbai believed there were certainly others in the court backing Qi Wang, with high-ranking officials among them. Otherwise, Qi Wang, that coward, wouldn't have dared to act on Lu Feng's incitement alone.

The blood he spat couldn't be in vain. Since he couldn't physically punish Qi Wang's family, he had to resort to psychological torture.

Speaking of Qi Wang reminded Gu Yuanbai of his youngest son. "His intelligence is said to rival mine when I was a child, a naturally kind and benevolent boy. His name seems to be Gu Wen, right?"

Tian Fusheng replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. As you ordered, young master Gu Wen wasn't arrested and remains in Qi Wang's residence, cared for by the servants."

Gu Yuanbai sighed and shook his head. "When the late emperor was still alive, Qi Wang was quite obedient. Now he dares to be so bold, thinking I'm in poor health and taking a risk."

That's what made it so infuriating! Tian Fusheng knew how much the Emperor had done for the Great Heng dynasty and how diligently he worked every day. Being an emperor was not easy. If people like Qi Wang took the throne, they would become puppets of Lu Feng in no time!

But the issue with Qi Wang also served as a reminder to Gu Yuanbai that the next successor must be chosen from within the imperial clan.

After pondering for a while, Gu Yuanbai said, "I don't want to..."

He didn't want to raise a successor like Emperor Yingzong of Song, who, after Emperor Renzong's death, wanted to honor his biological father as the Emperor and Emperor Renzong as the Emperor Uncle. If Gu Yuanbai were in Renzong's place, he would be furious.

The late emperor's situation was similar to Emperor Renzong's, who had lost his offspring early and had no children. Only after forty did he adopt the young Heqin Wang, telling him he was always the late emperor's biological son but was raised by the clan due to the high infant mortality in the palace.

When Gu Yuanbai was born, the late emperor was overjoyed but didn't send Heqin Wang away like Renzong did. Instead, he raised both sons under his care, grooming one as the future emperor and the other as a military leader. Later, seeing Heqin Wang's talent in commanding troops, the late emperor allowed him to play a supporting role in the empire.

In this regard, the late emperor did better than Emperor Renzong.

However, if Gu Yuanbai were to die, he couldn't decide the successor. The Supervision Bureau was still searching for renowned physicians but hadn't made significant progress yet, as the department was too young, and the empire too vast.

While talking with Tian Fusheng, Chu Wei stood silently, neither reacting nor letting the conversation affect him.

When Gu Yuanbai's thoughts returned, he glanced at Chu Wei and paused.

A future capable minister with prime ministerial abilities, the Supervision Bureau lacked a leader who could extend its reach across the empire. This leader needed immense patience, deep strategy, and unwavering loyalty.

After a few seconds of consideration, Gu Yuanbai dismissed the idea of Chu Wei joining the Supervision Bureau.

Chu Wei had talent and might become a great minister in the future, but not now. As for loyalty? Forget it. Gu Yuanbai didn't trust him.

Noticing the Emperor's gaze, Chu Wei closed his book, stepped forward, and bowed. "Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

"Minister Chu, have you interacted with the top scorers, Bangyan Lang and Tanhua Lang, since you took office?" Gu Yuanbai took a sip of tea. "You three are all talented and should get along well."

Chu Wei was silent for a moment before saying, "As you said, Your Majesty, the three of us get along well enough."

Kong Yilin was fine, quiet and diligent. But the third-placed Chang Yuyan had a good reputation before their interaction, only for Chu Wei to discover he was a fake scholar whose poems expressed concern for the nation, but whose actions did not match his words.

As for Kong Yilin... Chu Wei furrowed his brow. Usually so low-key, Kong Yilin had unexpectedly volunteered today when the Hanlin Academy was dispatching someone to the emperor’s side, eager to serve and speak to the emperor.

Even though he was ultimately declined, Kong Yilin remained graceful, sitting back down without any visible sign of regret on his calm face.

Despite Kong Yilin’s low profile, Chu Wei instinctively sensed he was not a simple character.

Gu Yuanbai smiled and asked casually, "What do you think of Bangyan Lang, Official Chu?"

Indeed, the emperor had a special regard for Kong Yilin.

Chu Wei lowered his eyes and calmly replied, "Bangyan Lang is highly talented."

Five words, nothing more.

Gu Yuanbai waited for a while but didn’t hear anything further, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Wei’s personality, coupled with Xue Yuan’s, would they not choke each other to death if they were together?

Thinking of Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai recalled that he should be shoveling horse manure at the moment. Embracing a slightly malicious thought, Gu Yuanbai stood up and said mischievously, "Come, accompany me for a walk."

I’ll take you to see the future brotherhood of socialism and let you witness how your future brother is shoveling horse manure.

How could such a scene be missed?

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