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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 28

Chapter 28

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On the way to the two offices, Gu Yuanbai’s head was still buzzing.

The emperor’s transportation in the palace included both carriages and sedan chairs. Gu Yuanbai rode in a carriage. The Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council had their offices, and the emperor occasionally inspected them. Thus, the ministers did not panic at the emperor’s visit. Gu Yuanbai let them continue their work, with only the Grand Chancellor accompanying him.

Gu Yuanbai walked slowly, while the Grand Chancellor briefed him on recent matters and had good tea prepared.

“No need for the trouble,” Gu Yuanbai said, “Official Zhao, I plan to form an Donglingwei from the imperial guards.”

Although the Grand Council managed military affairs, the execution of major orders was now in the emperor’s hands. The emperor’s intention to form a Donglingwei didn’t require consultation with the Grand Council.

The Grand Chancellor was puzzled, “What does Your Majesty mean?”

“I’ve instructed General Cheng,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, “The southern and northern divisions of the imperial guards total over two hundred thousand. I want to select two thousand from them. This is no simple task. Moreover, I need exceptional men. The Grand Council oversees military intelligence, border defenses, and the imperial guards. You must assist General Cheng in completing this task.”

The Grand Chancellor bowed, “I obey.”

After that, the Grand Chancellor discussed military defenses, border preparations, and cavalry issues with Gu Yuanbai. The Great Heng had a shortage of horses, few cavalry, and even fewer skilled in both riding and wielding weapons. Heavy cavalry was essential, serving as the spearhead in battle.

Gu Yuanbai, hearing this, smiled mysteriously, “Official Zhao, I think the issue with horses will soon be resolved.”

After Gu Yuanbai finished speaking, he smiled as he watched the Grand Chancellor scratching his head and cheeks in embarrassment.

After enjoying Lord Zhao’s anxious demeanor for a while, the Emperor leisurely left the Grand Council. The Grand Chancellor looked at the Emperor’s back, unable to laugh or cry, and said to the people around him, “The Emperor already has a plan in mind, but he refused to inform us. It really makes me feel as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat in my heart.”

Those around him laughed, “His Majesty is far-sighted.”

Indeed, whether raising or training soldiers, the emperor showed a trend of conquering the world. Infantry, cavalry—since the emperor’s time, the Grand Council had become busier than ever, yet this busyness brought a sense of indispensable importance.

The Grand Chancellor thought that if the Great Heng annexed Xixia and Mongolia, subduing the nomads on the grasslands… it would be remarkable.

Meanwhile, Gu Yuanbai had arrived at the Ministry of State Affairs.

The Ministry of State Affairs was bustling with numerous affairs. Ministers sometimes took work home after their shifts but were very satisfied, feeling fulfilled and happy in their busy lives.

Among the various institutions of the Great Heng, the Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council enjoyed the highest treatment. Details revealed their privileged status. Their meals were always sumptuous, featuring fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, with occasional snacks bestowed by the emperor. This exclusive dining alone made others green with envy.

Everyone in the court knew that the Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council were places where the emperor’s favored or trusted ministers worked. Entering these offices promised a bright future, akin to the former chief ministers who were the emperor’s trusted aides.

Talents from the Hanlin Academy and the Six Ministries all aspired to squeeze into these two offices.

After inspecting the Ministry of State Affairs, Gu Yuanbai felt there were still too few people. The affairs of the state were overwhelming, and these ministers couldn’t handle everything. They were all bent over their desks, diligently managing the state’s affairs. Gu Yuanbai cherished these talents, fearing that spending all day hunched over would harm their spines.

Since his arrival, apart from raising their heads to greet him, they hadn’t lifted their heads from their work.

Gu Yuanbai worried that at this rate, they would either ruin their spines or their eyes, which was unacceptable.

“How many more people does the Ministry of State Affairs need?” Gu Yuanbai asked.

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs smiled wryly, “Your Majesty, the more, the better.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded slightly, “There are many talented individuals among the new graduates, and even more in the Hanlin Academy who wish to join the Ministry of State Affairs, not to mention talents from the Six Ministries. Discuss with the ministers and draft a plan for me to review.”

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs beamed with joy, “Will we get the first pick of talents?”

Gu Yuanbai laughed, “That depends on whether the other ministers are willing to let them go.”

Before leaving, Gu Yuanbai reiterated the importance of rest for the Ministry of State Affairs. They should work during work hours, eat during meals, and sleep during rest. Adequate rest would enable them to handle affairs better, and a short nap in the afternoon, even if just for a while at their desks, was better than none.

“You are all the pillars of our dynasty,” Gu Yuanbai said, “Your health is more important than state affairs.”

Those who heard this were so moved that they wanted to work tirelessly for the emperor. Their spirits were so high it was intimidating. Gu Yuanbai, seeing his advice had made them even more enthusiastic, couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head as he left the Ministry of State Affairs.

If necessary, he could arrange regular health check-ups by the Imperial Medical Office. If they still wouldn’t move, Gu Yuanbai might even organize an official fitness program for officials.

There was a pond in front of the Ministry of State Affairs, half-covered with duckweed and the water dark. This time of year, the lotus leaves had not yet emerged.

Gu Yuanbai rubbed his temples and asked, “Where’s the carriage?”

Soon, someone brought the carriage over. The Chief Guard helped the emperor onto the carriage, and Tian Fusheng waited outside. Once the curtain and door were secured, the sun couldn’t reach the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai applied ointment and sighed as he felt the smooth skin on his palm. When he was ready, they had arrived at the Hanlin Academy.

In the Hanlin Academy, Chu Wei was playing chess with Kong Yilin.

One was the top graduate of the imperial examination, and the other the second. A crowd of new scholars and senior officials sipped tea and watched.

Chu Wei and Kong Yilin were deeply focused on their game. Chang Yuyan stood nearby, watching the game intently.

When Gu Yuanbai arrived and watched the game, a few young scholars glanced at him. Instantly, they were stunned, quickly averting their eyes, not daring to look again.

Who was this nobleman, even more distinguished and better looking than Lord Chu of the Hanlin Academy?

Inside, the crowd was engrossed in the game, while outside, they were distracted by Gu Yuanbai’s presence. His noble bearing and every movement were extraordinary, and despite his calm demeanor, no one dared to stare.

Only a few could casually enter and leave the Hanlin Academy.

Part of the guards stayed at the door while the rest followed the emperor. The Chief Guard subtly protected the emperor from potential disruptions, earning a smile of appreciation from Gu Yuanbai.

The Chief Guard’s face turned red, and he stood even straighter, not daring to slacken.

Outside, it was quiet. As Tang Mian walked over with a cup of tea, he saw the emperor and dropped his cup with a loud crash.

“Your Majesty?!”

The shout stirred the whole Hanlin Academy. Chu Wei and Kong Yilin looked up, seeing the smiling emperor, and quickly abandoned the game to bow with their colleagues.

Kong Yilin bowed deeply and respectfully. When the emperor said, “Rise,” he stood up with the others.

Despite his bowed head, Kong Yilin’s height was noticeable. Gu Yuanbai glanced around, walked to the chessboard, and took Kong Yilin’s seat, smiling, “A fine game.”

Chu Wei said, “Just a minor skill.”

“Minor skill?” Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “The chess game between my top graduate and the second is hardly minor.”

Chu Wei was startled.

Gu Yuanbai pointed to the opposite seat, “Sit down. I’ll play a game with the top graduate.”

Chu Wei complied, and Gu Yuanbai looked around, “Everyone else, except bangyan lang, disperse.”

The crowd bowed and quickly left. Once they were gone, Kong Yilin asked softly, “What are your orders, Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, “This game is halfway through. I’ll finish it, but you’ll be my advisor.”

Tian Fusheng brought a chair for Kong Yilin, who thanked him and sat beside the emperor.

They say you can tell a lot about a person from their chess game. Despite his calm appearance, Kong Yilin’s moves were sharp and risky, with crises and opportunities interconnected. Such a strategy meant one wrong move could lead to total loss. Although he seemed honest and reserved, his game revealed he was far from low-key—bold and strategic, with a touch of gambling.

This didn’t mean he wasn’t stable; rather, Kong Yilin was highly rational, steadily making bold moves.

In contrast, Chu Wei’s game was ever-changing, seemingly blocked on all sides, yet a sharp blade lay hidden. Gu Yuanbai, seeing this intense game, couldn’t resist and decisively made his move with a black piece.

Chu Wei followed closely with his white pieces.

When Gu Yuanbai played chess, he never hesitated. He always thought several steps ahead, placing his pieces quickly and decisively. This made him appear confident and composed, often forcing his opponents into disarray.

Chu Wei’s lips tightened into a straight line, and he took longer and longer to make his moves. Just as he was hesitating, Kong Yilin suddenly spoke, “Here.”

He pointed to a gap among the black pieces Gu Yuanbai had placed.

Chu Wei’s furrowed brow relaxed, and he thanked Kong Yilin earnestly, “Thank you.”

Holding a smooth white piece between his fingers, he carefully placed it in the indicated spot.

As soon as the piece was placed, Gu Yuanbai burst into a smile, and after a moment, Kong Yilin couldn’t help but show a hint of a smile as well.

“Minister Chu, bangyan lang is my advisor,” the emperor said with a grin, picking up a black piece with his fair fingers. “This is called walking into a trap, like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.”

As he finished speaking, he placed his piece, and the previously even game tipped instantly in Gu Yuanbai’s favor. The outcome was now certain.

“….So that spot was deliberately left for me by Your Majesty,” Chu Wei realized, sighing. “Your Majesty is right, he is indeed Your Majesty’s advisor, and I fell for it easily.”

Kong Yilin said, “It is His Majesty’s excellent chess skills.”

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai looked up and clearly saw the color of Kong Yilin’s eyes. With Xixia blood in him, Kong Yilin’s eyes didn’t look like those of a native of the Great Heng Dynasty. However, his pupils were a light brown, not too unusual compared to others.

Judging from the chess game alone, Gu Yuanbai could see that Kong Yilin’s sharp and unconventional approach was not suitable for the officialdom or the battlefield. He was too radical.

However, Kong Yilin’s real talent couldn’t be wasted… Gu Yuanbai suddenly thought of the Supervision Bureau.

Compared to Chu Wei, Kong Yilin was perfect for the Supervision Bureau, a secretive body that operated on the edge of danger.

But Kong Yilin’s loyalty and attitude towards Great Heng needed to be assessed.

Gu Yuanbai set down the chess piece and stood up. Chu Wei and Kong Yilin waited behind him. After seeing the emperor off, the two stood at a distance, watching his departing figure.

The emperor boarded the carriage, and just as the curtain was about to fall, Kong Yilin moved. He lifted his robe and ran towards the emperor’s carriage. The guards drew their swords to stop him, and Kong Yilin shouted, “Your Majesty! I have something to report!”

Gu Yuanbai frowned, lifted the curtain, and said, “Let him come over.”

Kong Yilin ran over, breathing heavily, casting a shadow over Gu Yuanbai.

He was stimulated, daring to look up, his usual reserved and calm demeanor replaced by urgency. “Your Majesty…”

Kong Yilin looked tense, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Just as Gu Yuanbai thought he might be too nervous to speak, he said firmly, “I won’t hide it from Your Majesty, I have Xixia blood in me.”

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback but remained composed, “I know.”

Kong Yilin pressed his lips together, speaking softly, “Your Majesty, are you comfortable with me in the court?”

Gu Yuanbai responded irritably, “Do I not have the tolerance of the Tang Dynasty?”

During the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an was the world’s first truly international city, open and inclusive. Many foreigners studied, worked, and held official positions there. Over a hundred held ranks of fifth rank and above.

Gu Yuanbai placed Kong Yilin in the position of the second-highest scorer, partly to fulfill Chu Wei’s wish for the prestige of being the top scorer in three consecutive examinations, but there were also several other considerations.

Firstly, it was to silence some of the conservative and stubborn officials and scholars in the court. Secondly, he was unsure whether Kong Yilin’s rebellion in the original story was due to being dismissed from the palace examination or if it also involved resentment towards the Great Heng dynasty. By giving Kong Yilin a scare and then offering him hope, he intended to motivate him with the idea that effort could lead to advancement. Thirdly, given Kong Yilin’s Xixia heritage, his sharp essays might easily make him a target.

Gu Yuanbai naturally didn’t feel comfortable with someone capable of rebellion, but as an emperor, he wouldn’t regard anyone differently, not even if Liu Bang himself stood before him. In his eyes, even if the Great Heng dynasty didn’t exist in history, the renowned emperors of the past standing before him would be nothing more than equals.

Before anything had happened, as long as they were in his dynasty, on the land of Great Heng, they were all his subjects.

So, Gu Yuanbai overcame his personal misgivings and appointed Kong Yilin to the second place.

He needed to exert some pressure, to hold him down.

Hearing Gu Yuanbai’s words, Kong Yilin felt a surge of complex emotions. He said in a deep voice, “Your Majesty, two years ago, I visited Xixia and discovered a peculiar flower in a remote area.”

Gu Yuanbai’s left eye twitched, “What flower?”

“White cotton,” Kong Yilin said softly. “The locals called it white cotton. When I passed through, I used a quilt filled with its fluff. It was much warmer and lighter than those filled with dried grass. More importantly…”

He paused, then continued, “This white cotton seems easy to cultivate. In that remote area, it covered a vast expanse. An acre seemed to yield a large harvest.”

Gu Yuanbai thought, how fortunate he was to come across such good news.

He suddenly laughed, heartily patting Kong Yilin’s shoulder, and said, “Minister Kong, where are the seeds?”

Before cotton, the rich had various ways to keep warm, while the poor could only stuff their clothes with willow catkins, reed flowers, and dried plants. Cotton began to be planted during the Song Dynasty but wasn’t widely promoted. It wasn’t until the peasant emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who knew the harshness of cold, vigorously promoted cotton cultivation to solve the people’s cold issues.

Now, is this “white cotton” the same as the cotton we know today?

Kong Yilin hadn’t expected the emperor to believe his words so readily and was momentarily stunned. “The seeds are still at my home,” he said, somewhat dazed.

Gu Yuanbai nodded and laughed heartily. “If what Minister Kong says is true, this white cotton could solve the problem of cold for people all over the world. I will fully support it and remember Minister Kong’s contribution. If that day comes, Minister Kong, you will have saved many lives.”

Kong Yilin’s hand, holding his robe, trembled. He lowered his head and said, “I don’t deserve such praise from Your Majesty.”

“When I say you deserve it, you do,” Gu Yuanbai said firmly. “Why must Minister Kong be so humble?”

Kong Yilin remained silent for a long time, then took a step back, lifted his robe, and knelt, performing a grand ceremonial bow to Gu Yuanbai.

This bow represented the spine that had been crushed by years of humiliation, now standing tall again. It was a bow of gratitude to the emperor.

Kong Yilin had once been forced to leave Great Heng and go to Xixia, where he was not accepted. He was alone, unfamiliar with Xixia’s language and culture. When he saw the white cotton on the border, he realized it was an opportunity.

So, he took the imperial examination. If he succeeded, he would present this discovery to Great Heng’s emperor. If he failed, it would mean fate was against him.

He was talented and passed the exam, securing the second spot in the top tier—a perfect position.

Kong Yilin should have been satisfied, but the emperor’s open-mindedness made him even more ambitious.

The white cotton seeds were a way to make the emperor remember him, a ladder for his advancement.

But the emperor was far more enlightened and generous than he had imagined.

Thus, Kong Yilin’s bow was also mixed with feelings of guilt.

After instructing Kong Yilin to bring the cotton seeds the next day, Gu Yuanbai returned to the palace. In his bedchamber, after finishing his meal, he seemed to remember something. “Xue Yuan hasn’t returned yet?”

Tian Fusheng was taken aback and turned to look at the young eunuch beside him.

A palace maid stepped forward and said, “Your Majesty, Guard Xue returned before you did, but he was so dirty that to avoid any impropriety before you, an eunuch took him away to get cleaned up.”

Gu Yuanbai laughed out loud. “A general’s son, a fine guard, and now he’s doing all the dirty work.”


Tian Fusheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, wondering what Guard Xue had done to incur the emperor’s displeasure, as he hadn’t had a good day in a long time.

As they spoke, Xue Yuan entered. He was damp, his black hair dripping water down his back. If letting down his hair softened Gu Yuanbai’s features, it made Xue Yuan look even more intimidating.

With his sword-like brows and a grim expression, Xue Yuan saw Gu Yuanbai and forced a fake smile.

A very fake one.

Was he angry about doing the dirty work?

Xue Yuan walked up to Gu Yuanbai, saluted, and looked around the hall. “Your Majesty, where is the Compiler from yesterday?”

Last night, when he saw that top scholar holding the emperor’s waist and the emperor smiling at him, Xue Yuan had sneered repeatedly. He had to sneak a touch of Gu Yuanbai’s foot and hand, but this top scholar got to hold the emperor’s waist and make him smile?

But after a while, Xue Yuan calmed down.

The emperor didn’t like being touched intimately by others.

Upon reflection, the top scholar had only raised his hand behind the emperor, making it seem like he touched him.

Once he figured it out, Xue Yuan thought, good.

Clearly, this top scholar was deliberately provoking him. Although he didn’t know why, it had succeeded.

Anyone who provoked Xue Yuan, apart from the emperor, ended up dead.

The emperor was an exception; the ruler of the world, a hidden lion. He found it interesting.

But who was this Chu Wei?

Gu Yuanbai hadn’t smiled at him much but had smiled so beautifully at this person.

D*mn it.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly smiled and looked at Xue Yuan meaningfully. “Compiler Chu is, of course, at the Hanlin Academy.”

So, by this time, Xue Yuan had already noticed Chu Wei.

Gu Yuanbai intended to personally witness how their bond developed into a deep camaraderie and see them fall into the trap of having no descendants.

He could even give them a push, ensuring they solidified their bond early.

Finally seeing the signs, Gu Yuanbai was in a great mood. He instructed Tian Fusheng to bring two fine inkstones and handed them to Xue Yuan. “Send these to Compiler Chu and Compiler Kong at the Hanlin Academy. Tell them it is a reward from me for playing an excellent game of chess.”

Brother, I’m giving you an opportunity. Now it’s your turn!

Hurry up, form a strong bond with Chu Wei, and stop annoying me.

Xue Yuan narrowed his eyes, coldly smiling after hearing Gu Yuanbai’s words. “I obey.”

Inkstones could be deadly weapons.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 28

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 28

Chapter 28

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On the way to the two offices, Gu Yuanbai's head was still buzzing.

The emperor's transportation in the palace included both carriages and sedan chairs. Gu Yuanbai rode in a carriage. The Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council had their offices, and the emperor occasionally inspected them. Thus, the ministers did not panic at the emperor's visit. Gu Yuanbai let them continue their work, with only the Grand Chancellor accompanying him.

Gu Yuanbai walked slowly, while the Grand Chancellor briefed him on recent matters and had good tea prepared.

"No need for the trouble," Gu Yuanbai said, "Official Zhao, I plan to form an Donglingwei from the imperial guards."

Although the Grand Council managed military affairs, the execution of major orders was now in the emperor's hands. The emperor's intention to form a Donglingwei didn't require consultation with the Grand Council.

The Grand Chancellor was puzzled, "What does Your Majesty mean?"

"I've instructed General Cheng," Gu Yuanbai smiled, "The southern and northern divisions of the imperial guards total over two hundred thousand. I want to select two thousand from them. This is no simple task. Moreover, I need exceptional men. The Grand Council oversees military intelligence, border defenses, and the imperial guards. You must assist General Cheng in completing this task."

The Grand Chancellor bowed, "I obey."

After that, the Grand Chancellor discussed military defenses, border preparations, and cavalry issues with Gu Yuanbai. The Great Heng had a shortage of horses, few cavalry, and even fewer skilled in both riding and wielding weapons. Heavy cavalry was essential, serving as the spearhead in battle.

Gu Yuanbai, hearing this, smiled mysteriously, "Official Zhao, I think the issue with horses will soon be resolved."

After Gu Yuanbai finished speaking, he smiled as he watched the Grand Chancellor scratching his head and cheeks in embarrassment.

After enjoying Lord Zhao's anxious demeanor for a while, the Emperor leisurely left the Grand Council. The Grand Chancellor looked at the Emperor's back, unable to laugh or cry, and said to the people around him, "The Emperor already has a plan in mind, but he refused to inform us. It really makes me feel as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat in my heart."

Those around him laughed, "His Majesty is far-sighted."

Indeed, whether raising or training soldiers, the emperor showed a trend of conquering the world. Infantry, cavalry—since the emperor's time, the Grand Council had become busier than ever, yet this busyness brought a sense of indispensable importance.

The Grand Chancellor thought that if the Great Heng annexed Xixia and Mongolia, subduing the nomads on the grasslands… it would be remarkable.

Meanwhile, Gu Yuanbai had arrived at the Ministry of State Affairs.

The Ministry of State Affairs was bustling with numerous affairs. Ministers sometimes took work home after their shifts but were very satisfied, feeling fulfilled and happy in their busy lives.

Among the various institutions of the Great Heng, the Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council enjoyed the highest treatment. Details revealed their privileged status. Their meals were always sumptuous, featuring fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, with occasional snacks bestowed by the emperor. This exclusive dining alone made others green with envy.

Everyone in the court knew that the Ministry of State Affairs and the Grand Council were places where the emperor’s favored or trusted ministers worked. Entering these offices promised a bright future, akin to the former chief ministers who were the emperor’s trusted aides.

Talents from the Hanlin Academy and the Six Ministries all aspired to squeeze into these two offices.

After inspecting the Ministry of State Affairs, Gu Yuanbai felt there were still too few people. The affairs of the state were overwhelming, and these ministers couldn't handle everything. They were all bent over their desks, diligently managing the state's affairs. Gu Yuanbai cherished these talents, fearing that spending all day hunched over would harm their spines.

Since his arrival, apart from raising their heads to greet him, they hadn't lifted their heads from their work.

Gu Yuanbai worried that at this rate, they would either ruin their spines or their eyes, which was unacceptable.

"How many more people does the Ministry of State Affairs need?" Gu Yuanbai asked.

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs smiled wryly, "Your Majesty, the more, the better."

Gu Yuanbai nodded slightly, "There are many talented individuals among the new graduates, and even more in the Hanlin Academy who wish to join the Ministry of State Affairs, not to mention talents from the Six Ministries. Discuss with the ministers and draft a plan for me to review."

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs beamed with joy, "Will we get the first pick of talents?"

Gu Yuanbai laughed, "That depends on whether the other ministers are willing to let them go."

Before leaving, Gu Yuanbai reiterated the importance of rest for the Ministry of State Affairs. They should work during work hours, eat during meals, and sleep during rest. Adequate rest would enable them to handle affairs better, and a short nap in the afternoon, even if just for a while at their desks, was better than none.

"You are all the pillars of our dynasty," Gu Yuanbai said, "Your health is more important than state affairs."

Those who heard this were so moved that they wanted to work tirelessly for the emperor. Their spirits were so high it was intimidating. Gu Yuanbai, seeing his advice had made them even more enthusiastic, couldn't help but laugh and shake his head as he left the Ministry of State Affairs.

If necessary, he could arrange regular health check-ups by the Imperial Medical Office. If they still wouldn't move, Gu Yuanbai might even organize an official fitness program for officials.

There was a pond in front of the Ministry of State Affairs, half-covered with duckweed and the water dark. This time of year, the lotus leaves had not yet emerged.

Gu Yuanbai rubbed his temples and asked, "Where's the carriage?"

Soon, someone brought the carriage over. The Chief Guard helped the emperor onto the carriage, and Tian Fusheng waited outside. Once the curtain and door were secured, the sun couldn't reach the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai applied ointment and sighed as he felt the smooth skin on his palm. When he was ready, they had arrived at the Hanlin Academy.

In the Hanlin Academy, Chu Wei was playing chess with Kong Yilin.

One was the top graduate of the imperial examination, and the other the second. A crowd of new scholars and senior officials sipped tea and watched.

Chu Wei and Kong Yilin were deeply focused on their game. Chang Yuyan stood nearby, watching the game intently.

When Gu Yuanbai arrived and watched the game, a few young scholars glanced at him. Instantly, they were stunned, quickly averting their eyes, not daring to look again.

Who was this nobleman, even more distinguished and better looking than Lord Chu of the Hanlin Academy?

Inside, the crowd was engrossed in the game, while outside, they were distracted by Gu Yuanbai’s presence. His noble bearing and every movement were extraordinary, and despite his calm demeanor, no one dared to stare.

Only a few could casually enter and leave the Hanlin Academy.

Part of the guards stayed at the door while the rest followed the emperor. The Chief Guard subtly protected the emperor from potential disruptions, earning a smile of appreciation from Gu Yuanbai.

The Chief Guard's face turned red, and he stood even straighter, not daring to slacken.

Outside, it was quiet. As Tang Mian walked over with a cup of tea, he saw the emperor and dropped his cup with a loud crash.

"Your Majesty?!"

The shout stirred the whole Hanlin Academy. Chu Wei and Kong Yilin looked up, seeing the smiling emperor, and quickly abandoned the game to bow with their colleagues.

Kong Yilin bowed deeply and respectfully. When the emperor said, "Rise," he stood up with the others.

Despite his bowed head, Kong Yilin’s height was noticeable. Gu Yuanbai glanced around, walked to the chessboard, and took Kong Yilin’s seat, smiling, "A fine game."

Chu Wei said, "Just a minor skill."

"Minor skill?" Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "The chess game between my top graduate and the second is hardly minor."

Chu Wei was startled.

Gu Yuanbai pointed to the opposite seat, "Sit down. I’ll play a game with the top graduate."

Chu Wei complied, and Gu Yuanbai looked around, "Everyone else, except bangyan lang, disperse."

The crowd bowed and quickly left. Once they were gone, Kong Yilin asked softly, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, "This game is halfway through. I’ll finish it, but you’ll be my advisor."

Tian Fusheng brought a chair for Kong Yilin, who thanked him and sat beside the emperor.

They say you can tell a lot about a person from their chess game. Despite his calm appearance, Kong Yilin's moves were sharp and risky, with crises and opportunities interconnected. Such a strategy meant one wrong move could lead to total loss. Although he seemed honest and reserved, his game revealed he was far from low-key—bold and strategic, with a touch of gambling.

This didn’t mean he wasn’t stable; rather, Kong Yilin was highly rational, steadily making bold moves.

In contrast, Chu Wei's game was ever-changing, seemingly blocked on all sides, yet a sharp blade lay hidden. Gu Yuanbai, seeing this intense game, couldn’t resist and decisively made his move with a black piece.

Chu Wei followed closely with his white pieces.

When Gu Yuanbai played chess, he never hesitated. He always thought several steps ahead, placing his pieces quickly and decisively. This made him appear confident and composed, often forcing his opponents into disarray.

Chu Wei's lips tightened into a straight line, and he took longer and longer to make his moves. Just as he was hesitating, Kong Yilin suddenly spoke, "Here."

He pointed to a gap among the black pieces Gu Yuanbai had placed.

Chu Wei's furrowed brow relaxed, and he thanked Kong Yilin earnestly, "Thank you."

Holding a smooth white piece between his fingers, he carefully placed it in the indicated spot.

As soon as the piece was placed, Gu Yuanbai burst into a smile, and after a moment, Kong Yilin couldn't help but show a hint of a smile as well.

"Minister Chu, bangyan lang is my advisor," the emperor said with a grin, picking up a black piece with his fair fingers. "This is called walking into a trap, like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

As he finished speaking, he placed his piece, and the previously even game tipped instantly in Gu Yuanbai's favor. The outcome was now certain.

"....So that spot was deliberately left for me by Your Majesty," Chu Wei realized, sighing. "Your Majesty is right, he is indeed Your Majesty's advisor, and I fell for it easily."

Kong Yilin said, "It is His Majesty's excellent chess skills."

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai looked up and clearly saw the color of Kong Yilin's eyes. With Xixia blood in him, Kong Yilin’s eyes didn’t look like those of a native of the Great Heng Dynasty. However, his pupils were a light brown, not too unusual compared to others.

Judging from the chess game alone, Gu Yuanbai could see that Kong Yilin's sharp and unconventional approach was not suitable for the officialdom or the battlefield. He was too radical.

However, Kong Yilin's real talent couldn't be wasted... Gu Yuanbai suddenly thought of the Supervision Bureau.

Compared to Chu Wei, Kong Yilin was perfect for the Supervision Bureau, a secretive body that operated on the edge of danger.

But Kong Yilin’s loyalty and attitude towards Great Heng needed to be assessed.

Gu Yuanbai set down the chess piece and stood up. Chu Wei and Kong Yilin waited behind him. After seeing the emperor off, the two stood at a distance, watching his departing figure.

The emperor boarded the carriage, and just as the curtain was about to fall, Kong Yilin moved. He lifted his robe and ran towards the emperor's carriage. The guards drew their swords to stop him, and Kong Yilin shouted, "Your Majesty! I have something to report!"

Gu Yuanbai frowned, lifted the curtain, and said, "Let him come over."

Kong Yilin ran over, breathing heavily, casting a shadow over Gu Yuanbai.

He was stimulated, daring to look up, his usual reserved and calm demeanor replaced by urgency. "Your Majesty..."

Kong Yilin looked tense, his Adam's apple bobbing. Just as Gu Yuanbai thought he might be too nervous to speak, he said firmly, "I won't hide it from Your Majesty, I have Xixia blood in me."

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback but remained composed, "I know."

Kong Yilin pressed his lips together, speaking softly, "Your Majesty, are you comfortable with me in the court?"

Gu Yuanbai responded irritably, "Do I not have the tolerance of the Tang Dynasty?"

During the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was the world's first truly international city, open and inclusive. Many foreigners studied, worked, and held official positions there. Over a hundred held ranks of fifth rank and above.

Gu Yuanbai placed Kong Yilin in the position of the second-highest scorer, partly to fulfill Chu Wei's wish for the prestige of being the top scorer in three consecutive examinations, but there were also several other considerations.

Firstly, it was to silence some of the conservative and stubborn officials and scholars in the court. Secondly, he was unsure whether Kong Yilin's rebellion in the original story was due to being dismissed from the palace examination or if it also involved resentment towards the Great Heng dynasty. By giving Kong Yilin a scare and then offering him hope, he intended to motivate him with the idea that effort could lead to advancement. Thirdly, given Kong Yilin's Xixia heritage, his sharp essays might easily make him a target.

Gu Yuanbai naturally didn't feel comfortable with someone capable of rebellion, but as an emperor, he wouldn't regard anyone differently, not even if Liu Bang himself stood before him. In his eyes, even if the Great Heng dynasty didn't exist in history, the renowned emperors of the past standing before him would be nothing more than equals.

Before anything had happened, as long as they were in his dynasty, on the land of Great Heng, they were all his subjects.

So, Gu Yuanbai overcame his personal misgivings and appointed Kong Yilin to the second place.

He needed to exert some pressure, to hold him down.

Hearing Gu Yuanbai's words, Kong Yilin felt a surge of complex emotions. He said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, two years ago, I visited Xixia and discovered a peculiar flower in a remote area."

Gu Yuanbai's left eye twitched, "What flower?"

"White cotton," Kong Yilin said softly. "The locals called it white cotton. When I passed through, I used a quilt filled with its fluff. It was much warmer and lighter than those filled with dried grass. More importantly..."

He paused, then continued, "This white cotton seems easy to cultivate. In that remote area, it covered a vast expanse. An acre seemed to yield a large harvest."

Gu Yuanbai thought, how fortunate he was to come across such good news.

He suddenly laughed, heartily patting Kong Yilin's shoulder, and said, "Minister Kong, where are the seeds?"

Before cotton, the rich had various ways to keep warm, while the poor could only stuff their clothes with willow catkins, reed flowers, and dried plants. Cotton began to be planted during the Song Dynasty but wasn't widely promoted. It wasn’t until the peasant emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who knew the harshness of cold, vigorously promoted cotton cultivation to solve the people's cold issues.

Now, is this "white cotton" the same as the cotton we know today?

Kong Yilin hadn't expected the emperor to believe his words so readily and was momentarily stunned. "The seeds are still at my home," he said, somewhat dazed.

Gu Yuanbai nodded and laughed heartily. "If what Minister Kong says is true, this white cotton could solve the problem of cold for people all over the world. I will fully support it and remember Minister Kong's contribution. If that day comes, Minister Kong, you will have saved many lives."

Kong Yilin's hand, holding his robe, trembled. He lowered his head and said, "I don't deserve such praise from Your Majesty."

"When I say you deserve it, you do," Gu Yuanbai said firmly. "Why must Minister Kong be so humble?"

Kong Yilin remained silent for a long time, then took a step back, lifted his robe, and knelt, performing a grand ceremonial bow to Gu Yuanbai.

This bow represented the spine that had been crushed by years of humiliation, now standing tall again. It was a bow of gratitude to the emperor.

Kong Yilin had once been forced to leave Great Heng and go to Xixia, where he was not accepted. He was alone, unfamiliar with Xixia's language and culture. When he saw the white cotton on the border, he realized it was an opportunity.

So, he took the imperial examination. If he succeeded, he would present this discovery to Great Heng's emperor. If he failed, it would mean fate was against him.

He was talented and passed the exam, securing the second spot in the top tier—a perfect position.

Kong Yilin should have been satisfied, but the emperor's open-mindedness made him even more ambitious.

The white cotton seeds were a way to make the emperor remember him, a ladder for his advancement.

But the emperor was far more enlightened and generous than he had imagined.

Thus, Kong Yilin's bow was also mixed with feelings of guilt.

After instructing Kong Yilin to bring the cotton seeds the next day, Gu Yuanbai returned to the palace. In his bedchamber, after finishing his meal, he seemed to remember something. "Xue Yuan hasn't returned yet?"

Tian Fusheng was taken aback and turned to look at the young eunuch beside him.

A palace maid stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Guard Xue returned before you did, but he was so dirty that to avoid any impropriety before you, an eunuch took him away to get cleaned up."

Gu Yuanbai laughed out loud. "A general's son, a fine guard, and now he's doing all the dirty work."


Tian Fusheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, wondering what Guard Xue had done to incur the emperor's displeasure, as he hadn't had a good day in a long time.

As they spoke, Xue Yuan entered. He was damp, his black hair dripping water down his back. If letting down his hair softened Gu Yuanbai's features, it made Xue Yuan look even more intimidating.

With his sword-like brows and a grim expression, Xue Yuan saw Gu Yuanbai and forced a fake smile.

A very fake one.

Was he angry about doing the dirty work?

Xue Yuan walked up to Gu Yuanbai, saluted, and looked around the hall. "Your Majesty, where is the Compiler from yesterday?"

Last night, when he saw that top scholar holding the emperor's waist and the emperor smiling at him, Xue Yuan had sneered repeatedly. He had to sneak a touch of Gu Yuanbai's foot and hand, but this top scholar got to hold the emperor's waist and make him smile?

But after a while, Xue Yuan calmed down.

The emperor didn't like being touched intimately by others.

Upon reflection, the top scholar had only raised his hand behind the emperor, making it seem like he touched him.

Once he figured it out, Xue Yuan thought, good.

Clearly, this top scholar was deliberately provoking him. Although he didn't know why, it had succeeded.

Anyone who provoked Xue Yuan, apart from the emperor, ended up dead.

The emperor was an exception; the ruler of the world, a hidden lion. He found it interesting.

But who was this Chu Wei?

Gu Yuanbai hadn't smiled at him much but had smiled so beautifully at this person.

D*mn it.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly smiled and looked at Xue Yuan meaningfully. "Compiler Chu is, of course, at the Hanlin Academy."

So, by this time, Xue Yuan had already noticed Chu Wei.

Gu Yuanbai intended to personally witness how their bond developed into a deep camaraderie and see them fall into the trap of having no descendants.

He could even give them a push, ensuring they solidified their bond early.

Finally seeing the signs, Gu Yuanbai was in a great mood. He instructed Tian Fusheng to bring two fine inkstones and handed them to Xue Yuan. "Send these to Compiler Chu and Compiler Kong at the Hanlin Academy. Tell them it is a reward from me for playing an excellent game of chess."

Brother, I'm giving you an opportunity. Now it's your turn!

Hurry up, form a strong bond with Chu Wei, and stop annoying me.

Xue Yuan narrowed his eyes, coldly smiling after hearing Gu Yuanbai's words. "I obey."

Inkstones could be deadly weapons.

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