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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 36

Chapter 36

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These soldiers, strong and well-fed by Gu Yuanbai, were powerful and enduring. Catching fish in the river and hunting in the mountains was a piece of cake.

Xue Yuan didn’t let them go deep into the forest. The soldiers caught some wild chickens and rabbits at the foot of the mountain and paired them with fish and shrimp from the river, enjoying a delicious meal.

Xue Yuan looked around and said, “They sure can eat.”

An officer beside him laughed, “The emperor has given them big appetites. Just feeding these soldiers in the capital takes this much every day!”

The officer held up two hands.

“They eat well now,” Xue Yuan said, turning to the fire. The flames flickered in his eyes like the fires in the snowy borderlands. He said quietly, “A few years ago, while guarding the border against the nomads, my men were so hungry they ate the straw from their clothes.”

In the dead of winter, the border was cold enough to kill. The nomads had no food and repeatedly crossed the border, forcing Xue Yuan to station his troops at the frontier. The snow was thick, no grass in sight, and a single step could freeze half a leg.

Standing in the cold for less than a quarter of an hour, their faces would be covered in ice and snow. They had to urinate in hiding, or risk freezing their genitals.

But as soldiers of Great Heng, they had to guard the winter supplies for the poor citizens, no matter how bitter it was.

Xue Yuan remembered clearly how the court’s supplies and winter clothes were delayed. When the food ran out, they couldn’t rob their own people like the nomads. So, they ate snow when thirsty, ate snow when hungry, filling their stomachs with it.

Snow couldn’t satisfy hunger; it turned to water in the stomach. With no hunting possible in the dead of winter and not wanting to eat the horses taken from the nomads, they handed the horses over to the court when desperate.

In such cold, soldiers starved and ate the straw from their clothes.

Straw didn’t help much, and many soldiers either froze or starved to death. Xue Yuan wondered then, what the h*ll was the capital doing?

Where was the emperor? The ministers?

Had they all died?

They remembered asking for horses, cattle, and sheep, but where was the food?

For a commander, watching his soldiers starve and freeze like that was truly distressing.

At that time, Xue Yuan grew to despise the rulers in the capital.

Those who stuffed themselves with meat until oil dripped from their mouths would never understand what it meant to starve.

The officer showed interest in Xue Yuan’s experiences at the border. “Sir, you must have earned some military honors?”

Xue Yuan smirked. “I’m useless. Not a single military honor.”

The officer looked at him skeptically, clearly not believing him but refrained from pressing further. He handed Xue Yuan a piece of roasted rabbit meat, which Xue Yuan devoured with the same voracity as the soldiers beside him.

The commotion at the foot of the mountain was significant, and the lookouts had reported the pile of heads to Liu Yun. Liu Yun personally went to the edge to look down and saw the imperial soldiers eating, drinking, and laughing around the fire, as if celebrating.

What were they celebrating? They hadn’t captured him yet. What was there to celebrate?

Liu Yun’s face darkened. He thought, could these people already have a plan to deal with him?


The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. He was convinced they were celebrating their victory prematurely, flaunting their strength and signaling their impending success in storming Xiguang Mountain to kill him.

Looking at the pile of heads, Liu Yun shuddered, a chill running through him. He couldn’t help but think that if their supplies were exhausted within a month, his head might be added to that pile.

Xiguang Mountain could hold out for at most a month.

“Keep a close watch on them,” Liu Yun ordered repeatedly, emphasizing that any movement had to be reported immediately.

The frightened lookout stammered, “Y-yes.”

Soon, the soldiers at the foot of the mountain finished their meal and gathered at the call of their leader, preparing to move out. Seeing this, the lookout yelled, “Chief! Something’s wrong!”

Liu Yun rushed over and saw the soldiers starting to pile firewood at the base of the mountain.

“They’re going to… burn the mountain?” he murmured in disbelief.

Other leaders of the stronghold, equally shocked and horrified, confirmed the news. They saw the imperial soldiers chopping wood and piling it at the foot of the mountain.

“They’re going to burn us alive!”

Liu Yun, looking grim, said, “The night is damp and heavy with dew. They can’t get a fire going, and they don’t have enough time to gather that much wood. We should pack up and escape down the mountain while the enemy sleeps.”

Many leaders agreed, realizing staying meant certain death, and a nighttime escape offered a slim chance of survival.

Coincidentally, Xue Yuan had the same thought.

At night, the soldiers quietly maintained their camp while the bandits, certain the imperial troops were asleep, began their descent.

The darkness hid them, but it also concealed Xue Yuan’s ambush. With archers in place, he waited until all the bandits were on flat ground before signaling the attack. Arrows rained down, causing chaos and screams.

“We’ve been tricked!” someone yelled amidst the panic.

As the formation crumbled, Xue Yuan ordered, “Charge!”

Hidden infantry emerged, stabbing any bandit trying to retreat. The bodies slid down the mountain as the bandits found themselves surrounded.

Torches lit up, drums pounded, and the entire foot of Xiguang Mountain was illuminated.

Banners waved, and the soldiers’ expressions were stern and intimidating. Xue Yuan, leading five hundred cavalry, approached, the sound of hooves striking fear into the bandits.

Torchlight flickered in the wind as Xue Yuan looked down at the terrified bandits and declared, “Surrender, and I’ll spare your lives.”

His horse neighed fiercely, adding to the intimidation. Xue Yuan, still covered in dried blood, looked like a demon in the firelight.

“Chief, surrender!” someone cried. “We don’t want to die!”

The pile of heads was the best deterrent. Refusing meant beheading and death.

“We surrender,” Liu Yun said shakily, collapsing to the ground, teeth chattering in fear.


It took three and a half days to eradicate the bandits from three strongholds, most of that time spent traveling. Speed was crucial, and their efficiency would shock the officials in the capital.

While others rested, Xue Yuan hurried back to the capital.

By the time he arrived, it was dark. Knowing it wasn’t appropriate to disturb the young emperor, he went straight home to the Xue residence.

General Xue and Madam Xue were taking a walk in the courtyard. Upon hearing he had returned, they went to see him and were appalled by his appearance.

“What do you look like!” General Xue exclaimed.

Covered in blood and grime, Xue Yuan looked like he had gone on a rampage again.

Xue Yuan took a towel from a servant and wiped the dust from his face. “Prepare water; I need a bath.”

He ignored General Xue and was about to walk past them when he suddenly stopped and turned to Madam Xue, asking, “Mother, where are the clothes?”

Madam Xue was puzzled and asked, “What clothes?”

Xue Yuan, catching a whiff of his own bloodied scent, patiently replied, “The clothes the Emperor wore.”

Madam Xue suddenly understood. “Those clothes were taken by the palace servants after the Emperor wore them. Why would they still be here in our house?”

Xue Yuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly held his forehead and laughed uncontrollably. He turned and headed toward his room, saying as he went, “He didn’t even pay for the clothes.”

The servant following behind was confused. “What is the young master talking about?”

Xue Yuan smirked. “I need to find a way to get something from that ungrateful brat that’s worth the cost of the clothes.”

The servant, bewildered, didn’t ask further. After returning to his room, he and another servant helped Xue Yuan remove his armor. The armor weighed over twenty kilograms, and without a tall, strong body, it was impossible to wear, let alone fight in it.

Yet, Xue Yuan, wearing this armor, had slain over a hundred men, washed the hills of Wangtu Mountain with blood, captured Xiguang Mountain, and then rode back overnight. Even now, he was full of energy, demonstrating his incredible stamina. After the servants removed his armor, Xue Yuan stretched, his muscles still powerful.

“Young master, the hot water is ready,” someone said from outside. “Would you like to bathe now?”

Xue Yuan nodded and strode out.


In the palace, Gu Yuanbai was also preparing to rest.

He had just finished bathing, and a palace maid was drying his hair when he received news of Xue Yuan’s return.

“Half a day,” Gu Yuanbai murmured, unsure if he was sighing or marveling. “Tian Fusheng, did you hear? He took only half a day to eradicate the bandits from three strongholds.”

Tian Fusheng nodded. “Your Majesty, Guard Xue is indeed formidable.”

Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, nodded, and after a moment, said, “Summon Qin Sheng to see me tomorrow.”


The Emperor, understanding Xue Yuan’s hard work and commending his success in eliminating the bandits, bestowed many rewards upon him, including two days of rest and a newly conferred position.

The Emperor appointed Xue Yuan as the Douyu Marquis, Commander of the Imperial Guards.

The position of Douyu Marquis is a high-ranking officer within the Imperial Guard, equivalent to the fifth rank. Considering Xue Yuan’s previous military achievements, he should have been granted a rank above the fourth rank along with a title, but General Xue had downplayed Xue Yuan’s military achievements. Thus, Gu Yuanbai gave Xue Yuan the highest possible position under the circumstances.

The General’s residence was filled with joy, and even General Xue, who had always suppressed Xue Yuan, couldn’t hide a trace of pride. Despite his constant suppression, he was proud that his son had received such recognition from the Emperor.

After all, not everyone could eradicate three bandit strongholds in just half a day!

It was a pity, though, that with the official position, Xue Yuan could no longer participate in the martial exams.

While the Xue residence was bustling with excitement, Chang Yuyan arrived.

He looked Xue Yuan up and down, then smiled. “Want to take a walk?”

Xue Yuan left the residence with him. Along the way, Chang Yuyan couldn’t hold back and led him to a restaurant, booking a private room. Once alone, he asked, “Xue Jiuyao, why did you go to eliminate the bandits?”

It was a rest day, and Xue Yuan, casually holding a alcohol cup, seemed indifferent. “Why, can’t I eliminate bandits?”

“I just didn’t expect you to serve the Emperor one day,” Chang Yuyan laughed. “I heard that last time the Emperor sent you to the Hanlin Academy to deliver an inkstone to Chu Wei and Kong Yilin. Why didn’t you come to talk to me?”

Xue Yuan, annoyed, replied, “We’re all men. What’s there to talk about?”

Chang Yuyan found it amusing. “Then when you spend all day in front of the Emperor, do you become mute?”

Xue Yuan sneered. Being in front of the Emperor was nothing like being in front of him.

Speaking of the Emperor, Chang Yuyan silently poured a cup of alcohol and sighed. “Xue Jiuyao, with your temperament, you’re still lucky. Honestly, even as a Hanlin Academy compiler, I haven’t had the chance to serve the Emperor directly, while you face him every day.”

Xue Yuan laughed, squinting his eyes. “Chang Yuyan, what are you implying?”

“What could I mean?” Chang Yuyan smiled bitterly. “Just envy that you get to see the Emperor every day.”

Xue Yuan drank a sip of alcohol, feeling pleased. He thought, not only did he see the Emperor every day, but he had also touched the Emperor’s leg. But what good was that? Laozi didn’t like men.

Envy my foot. The Emperor was so weak that Xue Yuan couldn’t even vent his anger on him.

Riding a horse could chafe his skin, and a slight touch could leave his hand red. With such a fragile Emperor, Xue Yuan didn’t dare to torment him.

“Xue Yuan?” Chang Yuyan called out. “What are you daydreaming about?”

Xue Yuan swirled his alcohol bottle. “How can some people be so delicate?”


Xue Yuan rubbed his chin, a smile with an indefinable meaning forming on his lips. “Like a piece of tofu, crumbling at the slightest touch.”

Looking like a bandit, Chang Yuyan didn’t understand him and sighed. “Let’s not talk about that. Tell me about the bandits. I heard you eliminated three strongholds in three and a half days. What happened?”

Meanwhile, in the palace, Qin Sheng was meticulously reporting to the Emperor about the bandit suppression.

Gu Yuanbai listened intently while reviewing memorials, mentally mapping out the terrain of the three bandit strongholds. Qin Sheng spoke clearly and logically. Though not formally educated, he had the natural demeanor of a scholar-general. Even Xue Yuan’s remark, “Do you want me to praise you too?” was not left out.

Like Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai realized that Qin Sheng had the potential to become an excellent executor of orders.

He was highly competent and a quick learner. When given a certain number of troops to lead and instructed on what to do, he would complete the task perfectly. However, Qin Sheng couldn’t become a great commander.

As a leader, the most important skill is managing subordinates. Qin Sheng was too honest, or rather too loyal, to be the one giving orders. Yet, this very trait made him easily trusted by those who did give orders.

Gu Yuanbai appreciated such people.

He paused his writing and asked, “Did Xue Yuan only take the head of the Wangtu Mountain stronghold leader?”

“Yes,” Qin Sheng confirmed, “Lord Xue said he only wanted that one person’s head.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly and taught, “This is the way to manage subordinates.”

Qin Sheng, understanding the significance, respectfully asked, “Please, Your Majesty, teach me more.”

“The key to managing subordinates lies in ‘leniency’ and ‘strictness’,” the Emperor explained softly. “Leniency involves gold, silver, fame, and fortune. Your subordinates follow you to gain benefits. As a general, you must not compete with your soldiers for credit. If soldiers perform well, they deserve rewards and praise. Respect and benefits make them obey you and serve your purposes.”

Those in power share common thoughts. Previously, Qin Sheng had always been in a subordinate position. Now, standing high and understanding these principles, he felt somewhat bewildered.

Seeing his expression, Gu Yuanbai smiled and let him leave to ponder it slowly.

As he finished dealing with some governmental affairs, the documents began to include templates, forms, and charts. In this area, Gu Yuanbai prided himself on his unmatched skills. He could instantly spot inconsistencies and falsehoods, criticizing and even demoting those responsible. After a few initial punishments, the remaining officials became much more diligent.

With no outsiders present in the hall, Tian Fusheng stepped forward and whispered, “Your Majesty, the heads of Lu Feng’s subordinates found at Qi Wang’s residence have been sent swiftly to southern Jinghu and Jiangnan.”

“Good!” Gu Yuanbai laughed heartily, “I can’t wait to see their reactions.”

Tian Fusheng chuckled along, “The spies found in the residences of various nobles have also been put on prison carts, but there are so many that it will take about a month to send them all to Jinghu and Jiangnan.”

“That’s not too slow,” Gu Yuanbai said, touching his chest and feeling the slow heartbeat under his palm. He sighed, “I hope they live up to expectations.”

Let them fight amongst themselves, rebel if they must, but don’t show any mercy.

These powerful clans, once they’re done, Gu Yuanbai could even commend them for their character.

Gu Yuanbai silently urged his opponents on.

Don’t let him down!


Two days later, Xue Yuan, brimming with energy and smiling, stood before Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai was discussing matters with the Censor-in-chief. Only after the Censor-in-chief left did Xue Yuan respectfully step forward and, after bowing, say, “Your Majesty, I have returned victorious.”

During Xue Yuan’s absence, the Chief Guard had recovered and was now standing straight as a mountain, guarding the Emperor.

That spot was where Xue Yuan usually stood.

Xue Yuan glanced at it, still smiling, but a shadow passed over his eyes.

What was this? He had been eliminating bandits for the young Emperor for a few days, and now someone else had taken his place?

Gu Yuanbai smiled, his lips curving like flowers. “Official Xue, you’ve made quite a name for yourself these past few days.”

The young Emperor’s smile was vivid, his pale lips curving gracefully. Xue Yuan’s pent-up resentment dissipated instantly, and he grinned, “All thanks to Your Majesty’s favor.”

Gu Yuanbai asked Xue Yuan to recount the events. Xue Yuan briefly explained, summarizing the bandit suppression in a few sentences, finding it too mundane to elaborate on as the enemies were too weak.

After finishing, Xue Yuan smiled, “Your Majesty, I have something else to present to you.”

Gu Yuanbai lifted his gaze, indicating for him to proceed.

Then Xue Yuan brought forward a severed head.

Xue Yuan, unrestrained, didn’t place the head on a tray but carried it by the hair. The head dangled lifelessly. Gu Yuanbai remained expressionless, but Tian Fusheng gasped in shock.

Ignoring their reactions, Xue Yuan held up the head, smiling, “Your Majesty, this is the head of the Wangtu Mountain stronghold leader.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded without emotion.

Xue Yuan’s smile deepened. He thought, trading one head for a piece of clothing worn by the Emperor wasn’t a bad deal, right?

This head, at least, was worth quite a bit of gold and silver.

But before he could make his request, Gu Yuanbai ordered, “Get out.”

Xue Yuan’s smile froze.

Gu Yuanbai’s expression remained unchanged, showing neither anger nor joy. He didn’t look at the head but directly into Xue Yuan’s eyes, saying coldly, “Official Xue, either you get out, or the head gets out.”

Xue Yuan chuckled, then tossed the head to a guard, instructing them to take it away.

When he turned back, he met the furious gaze of the Chief Guard, who seemed to be condemning Xue Yuan’s rude behavior. Xue Yuan feigned a smile, “Your Majesty doesn’t like my gift?”

Why so picky?

Didn’t like a fat rat, didn’t like a valuable head—what did he like?

Xue Yuan thought of the jade and rare books his guests had suggested he offer, wondering what was so special about them.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Emperor’s hand caressing a piece of white jade on the table. The white jade in the Emperor’s hand was delicate and smooth, almost indistinguishable from his skin.

Even the Emperor’s nails had a faint pink tint against the white jade.

Xue Yuan watched for a while, then looked away, but soon his gaze involuntarily returned to the Emperor’s hand.

…It was quite pleasing to the eye.

If the jade were longer, and if his fingers wrapped around it, it would look even better.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 36

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 36

Chapter 36

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These soldiers, strong and well-fed by Gu Yuanbai, were powerful and enduring. Catching fish in the river and hunting in the mountains was a piece of cake.

Xue Yuan didn't let them go deep into the forest. The soldiers caught some wild chickens and rabbits at the foot of the mountain and paired them with fish and shrimp from the river, enjoying a delicious meal.

Xue Yuan looked around and said, "They sure can eat."

An officer beside him laughed, "The emperor has given them big appetites. Just feeding these soldiers in the capital takes this much every day!"

The officer held up two hands.

"They eat well now," Xue Yuan said, turning to the fire. The flames flickered in his eyes like the fires in the snowy borderlands. He said quietly, "A few years ago, while guarding the border against the nomads, my men were so hungry they ate the straw from their clothes."

In the dead of winter, the border was cold enough to kill. The nomads had no food and repeatedly crossed the border, forcing Xue Yuan to station his troops at the frontier. The snow was thick, no grass in sight, and a single step could freeze half a leg.

Standing in the cold for less than a quarter of an hour, their faces would be covered in ice and snow. They had to urinate in hiding, or risk freezing their genitals.

But as soldiers of Great Heng, they had to guard the winter supplies for the poor citizens, no matter how bitter it was.

Xue Yuan remembered clearly how the court's supplies and winter clothes were delayed. When the food ran out, they couldn't rob their own people like the nomads. So, they ate snow when thirsty, ate snow when hungry, filling their stomachs with it.

Snow couldn't satisfy hunger; it turned to water in the stomach. With no hunting possible in the dead of winter and not wanting to eat the horses taken from the nomads, they handed the horses over to the court when desperate.

In such cold, soldiers starved and ate the straw from their clothes.

Straw didn't help much, and many soldiers either froze or starved to death. Xue Yuan wondered then, what the h*ll was the capital doing?

Where was the emperor? The ministers?

Had they all died?

They remembered asking for horses, cattle, and sheep, but where was the food?

For a commander, watching his soldiers starve and freeze like that was truly distressing.

At that time, Xue Yuan grew to despise the rulers in the capital.

Those who stuffed themselves with meat until oil dripped from their mouths would never understand what it meant to starve.

The officer showed interest in Xue Yuan’s experiences at the border. “Sir, you must have earned some military honors?”

Xue Yuan smirked. “I’m useless. Not a single military honor.”

The officer looked at him skeptically, clearly not believing him but refrained from pressing further. He handed Xue Yuan a piece of roasted rabbit meat, which Xue Yuan devoured with the same voracity as the soldiers beside him.

The commotion at the foot of the mountain was significant, and the lookouts had reported the pile of heads to Liu Yun. Liu Yun personally went to the edge to look down and saw the imperial soldiers eating, drinking, and laughing around the fire, as if celebrating.

What were they celebrating? They hadn’t captured him yet. What was there to celebrate?

Liu Yun’s face darkened. He thought, could these people already have a plan to deal with him?


The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. He was convinced they were celebrating their victory prematurely, flaunting their strength and signaling their impending success in storming Xiguang Mountain to kill him.

Looking at the pile of heads, Liu Yun shuddered, a chill running through him. He couldn’t help but think that if their supplies were exhausted within a month, his head might be added to that pile.

Xiguang Mountain could hold out for at most a month.

“Keep a close watch on them,” Liu Yun ordered repeatedly, emphasizing that any movement had to be reported immediately.

The frightened lookout stammered, “Y-yes.”

Soon, the soldiers at the foot of the mountain finished their meal and gathered at the call of their leader, preparing to move out. Seeing this, the lookout yelled, “Chief! Something’s wrong!”

Liu Yun rushed over and saw the soldiers starting to pile firewood at the base of the mountain.

“They’re going to… burn the mountain?” he murmured in disbelief.

Other leaders of the stronghold, equally shocked and horrified, confirmed the news. They saw the imperial soldiers chopping wood and piling it at the foot of the mountain.

“They’re going to burn us alive!”

Liu Yun, looking grim, said, “The night is damp and heavy with dew. They can’t get a fire going, and they don’t have enough time to gather that much wood. We should pack up and escape down the mountain while the enemy sleeps.”

Many leaders agreed, realizing staying meant certain death, and a nighttime escape offered a slim chance of survival.

Coincidentally, Xue Yuan had the same thought.

At night, the soldiers quietly maintained their camp while the bandits, certain the imperial troops were asleep, began their descent.

The darkness hid them, but it also concealed Xue Yuan’s ambush. With archers in place, he waited until all the bandits were on flat ground before signaling the attack. Arrows rained down, causing chaos and screams.

“We’ve been tricked!” someone yelled amidst the panic.

As the formation crumbled, Xue Yuan ordered, “Charge!”

Hidden infantry emerged, stabbing any bandit trying to retreat. The bodies slid down the mountain as the bandits found themselves surrounded.

Torches lit up, drums pounded, and the entire foot of Xiguang Mountain was illuminated.

Banners waved, and the soldiers’ expressions were stern and intimidating. Xue Yuan, leading five hundred cavalry, approached, the sound of hooves striking fear into the bandits.

Torchlight flickered in the wind as Xue Yuan looked down at the terrified bandits and declared, “Surrender, and I’ll spare your lives.”

His horse neighed fiercely, adding to the intimidation. Xue Yuan, still covered in dried blood, looked like a demon in the firelight.

“Chief, surrender!” someone cried. “We don’t want to die!”

The pile of heads was the best deterrent. Refusing meant beheading and death.

“We surrender,” Liu Yun said shakily, collapsing to the ground, teeth chattering in fear.


It took three and a half days to eradicate the bandits from three strongholds, most of that time spent traveling. Speed was crucial, and their efficiency would shock the officials in the capital.

While others rested, Xue Yuan hurried back to the capital.

By the time he arrived, it was dark. Knowing it wasn’t appropriate to disturb the young emperor, he went straight home to the Xue residence.

General Xue and Madam Xue were taking a walk in the courtyard. Upon hearing he had returned, they went to see him and were appalled by his appearance.

“What do you look like!” General Xue exclaimed.

Covered in blood and grime, Xue Yuan looked like he had gone on a rampage again.

Xue Yuan took a towel from a servant and wiped the dust from his face. “Prepare water; I need a bath.”

He ignored General Xue and was about to walk past them when he suddenly stopped and turned to Madam Xue, asking, "Mother, where are the clothes?"

Madam Xue was puzzled and asked, "What clothes?"

Xue Yuan, catching a whiff of his own bloodied scent, patiently replied, "The clothes the Emperor wore."

Madam Xue suddenly understood. "Those clothes were taken by the palace servants after the Emperor wore them. Why would they still be here in our house?"

Xue Yuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly held his forehead and laughed uncontrollably. He turned and headed toward his room, saying as he went, "He didn’t even pay for the clothes."

The servant following behind was confused. "What is the young master talking about?"

Xue Yuan smirked. "I need to find a way to get something from that ungrateful brat that’s worth the cost of the clothes."

The servant, bewildered, didn't ask further. After returning to his room, he and another servant helped Xue Yuan remove his armor. The armor weighed over twenty kilograms, and without a tall, strong body, it was impossible to wear, let alone fight in it.

Yet, Xue Yuan, wearing this armor, had slain over a hundred men, washed the hills of Wangtu Mountain with blood, captured Xiguang Mountain, and then rode back overnight. Even now, he was full of energy, demonstrating his incredible stamina. After the servants removed his armor, Xue Yuan stretched, his muscles still powerful.

"Young master, the hot water is ready," someone said from outside. "Would you like to bathe now?"

Xue Yuan nodded and strode out.


In the palace, Gu Yuanbai was also preparing to rest.

He had just finished bathing, and a palace maid was drying his hair when he received news of Xue Yuan's return.

"Half a day," Gu Yuanbai murmured, unsure if he was sighing or marveling. "Tian Fusheng, did you hear? He took only half a day to eradicate the bandits from three strongholds."

Tian Fusheng nodded. "Your Majesty, Guard Xue is indeed formidable."

Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, nodded, and after a moment, said, "Summon Qin Sheng to see me tomorrow."


The Emperor, understanding Xue Yuan's hard work and commending his success in eliminating the bandits, bestowed many rewards upon him, including two days of rest and a newly conferred position.

The Emperor appointed Xue Yuan as the Douyu Marquis, Commander of the Imperial Guards.

The position of Douyu Marquis is a high-ranking officer within the Imperial Guard, equivalent to the fifth rank. Considering Xue Yuan’s previous military achievements, he should have been granted a rank above the fourth rank along with a title, but General Xue had downplayed Xue Yuan's military achievements. Thus, Gu Yuanbai gave Xue Yuan the highest possible position under the circumstances.

The General's residence was filled with joy, and even General Xue, who had always suppressed Xue Yuan, couldn't hide a trace of pride. Despite his constant suppression, he was proud that his son had received such recognition from the Emperor.

After all, not everyone could eradicate three bandit strongholds in just half a day!

It was a pity, though, that with the official position, Xue Yuan could no longer participate in the martial exams.

While the Xue residence was bustling with excitement, Chang Yuyan arrived.

He looked Xue Yuan up and down, then smiled. "Want to take a walk?"

Xue Yuan left the residence with him. Along the way, Chang Yuyan couldn't hold back and led him to a restaurant, booking a private room. Once alone, he asked, "Xue Jiuyao, why did you go to eliminate the bandits?"

It was a rest day, and Xue Yuan, casually holding a alcohol cup, seemed indifferent. "Why, can't I eliminate bandits?"

"I just didn’t expect you to serve the Emperor one day," Chang Yuyan laughed. "I heard that last time the Emperor sent you to the Hanlin Academy to deliver an inkstone to Chu Wei and Kong Yilin. Why didn’t you come to talk to me?"

Xue Yuan, annoyed, replied, "We're all men. What’s there to talk about?"

Chang Yuyan found it amusing. "Then when you spend all day in front of the Emperor, do you become mute?"

Xue Yuan sneered. Being in front of the Emperor was nothing like being in front of him.

Speaking of the Emperor, Chang Yuyan silently poured a cup of alcohol and sighed. "Xue Jiuyao, with your temperament, you’re still lucky. Honestly, even as a Hanlin Academy compiler, I haven’t had the chance to serve the Emperor directly, while you face him every day."

Xue Yuan laughed, squinting his eyes. "Chang Yuyan, what are you implying?"

"What could I mean?" Chang Yuyan smiled bitterly. "Just envy that you get to see the Emperor every day."

Xue Yuan drank a sip of alcohol, feeling pleased. He thought, not only did he see the Emperor every day, but he had also touched the Emperor’s leg. But what good was that? Laozi didn’t like men.

Envy my foot. The Emperor was so weak that Xue Yuan couldn't even vent his anger on him.

Riding a horse could chafe his skin, and a slight touch could leave his hand red. With such a fragile Emperor, Xue Yuan didn’t dare to torment him.

"Xue Yuan?" Chang Yuyan called out. "What are you daydreaming about?"

Xue Yuan swirled his alcohol bottle. "How can some people be so delicate?"


Xue Yuan rubbed his chin, a smile with an indefinable meaning forming on his lips. "Like a piece of tofu, crumbling at the slightest touch."

Looking like a bandit, Chang Yuyan didn’t understand him and sighed. "Let’s not talk about that. Tell me about the bandits. I heard you eliminated three strongholds in three and a half days. What happened?"

Meanwhile, in the palace, Qin Sheng was meticulously reporting to the Emperor about the bandit suppression.

Gu Yuanbai listened intently while reviewing memorials, mentally mapping out the terrain of the three bandit strongholds. Qin Sheng spoke clearly and logically. Though not formally educated, he had the natural demeanor of a scholar-general. Even Xue Yuan’s remark, "Do you want me to praise you too?" was not left out.

Like Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai realized that Qin Sheng had the potential to become an excellent executor of orders.

He was highly competent and a quick learner. When given a certain number of troops to lead and instructed on what to do, he would complete the task perfectly. However, Qin Sheng couldn't become a great commander.

As a leader, the most important skill is managing subordinates. Qin Sheng was too honest, or rather too loyal, to be the one giving orders. Yet, this very trait made him easily trusted by those who did give orders.

Gu Yuanbai appreciated such people.

He paused his writing and asked, "Did Xue Yuan only take the head of the Wangtu Mountain stronghold leader?"

"Yes," Qin Sheng confirmed, "Lord Xue said he only wanted that one person's head."

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly and taught, "This is the way to manage subordinates."

Qin Sheng, understanding the significance, respectfully asked, "Please, Your Majesty, teach me more."

"The key to managing subordinates lies in 'leniency' and 'strictness'," the Emperor explained softly. "Leniency involves gold, silver, fame, and fortune. Your subordinates follow you to gain benefits. As a general, you must not compete with your soldiers for credit. If soldiers perform well, they deserve rewards and praise. Respect and benefits make them obey you and serve your purposes."

Those in power share common thoughts. Previously, Qin Sheng had always been in a subordinate position. Now, standing high and understanding these principles, he felt somewhat bewildered.

Seeing his expression, Gu Yuanbai smiled and let him leave to ponder it slowly.

As he finished dealing with some governmental affairs, the documents began to include templates, forms, and charts. In this area, Gu Yuanbai prided himself on his unmatched skills. He could instantly spot inconsistencies and falsehoods, criticizing and even demoting those responsible. After a few initial punishments, the remaining officials became much more diligent.

With no outsiders present in the hall, Tian Fusheng stepped forward and whispered, "Your Majesty, the heads of Lu Feng's subordinates found at Qi Wang's residence have been sent swiftly to southern Jinghu and Jiangnan."

"Good!" Gu Yuanbai laughed heartily, "I can't wait to see their reactions."

Tian Fusheng chuckled along, "The spies found in the residences of various nobles have also been put on prison carts, but there are so many that it will take about a month to send them all to Jinghu and Jiangnan."

"That's not too slow," Gu Yuanbai said, touching his chest and feeling the slow heartbeat under his palm. He sighed, "I hope they live up to expectations."

Let them fight amongst themselves, rebel if they must, but don't show any mercy.

These powerful clans, once they're done, Gu Yuanbai could even commend them for their character.

Gu Yuanbai silently urged his opponents on.

Don’t let him down!


Two days later, Xue Yuan, brimming with energy and smiling, stood before Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai was discussing matters with the Censor-in-chief. Only after the Censor-in-chief left did Xue Yuan respectfully step forward and, after bowing, say, "Your Majesty, I have returned victorious."

During Xue Yuan's absence, the Chief Guard had recovered and was now standing straight as a mountain, guarding the Emperor.

That spot was where Xue Yuan usually stood.

Xue Yuan glanced at it, still smiling, but a shadow passed over his eyes.

What was this? He had been eliminating bandits for the young Emperor for a few days, and now someone else had taken his place?

Gu Yuanbai smiled, his lips curving like flowers. "Official Xue, you’ve made quite a name for yourself these past few days."

The young Emperor’s smile was vivid, his pale lips curving gracefully. Xue Yuan’s pent-up resentment dissipated instantly, and he grinned, "All thanks to Your Majesty’s favor."

Gu Yuanbai asked Xue Yuan to recount the events. Xue Yuan briefly explained, summarizing the bandit suppression in a few sentences, finding it too mundane to elaborate on as the enemies were too weak.

After finishing, Xue Yuan smiled, "Your Majesty, I have something else to present to you."

Gu Yuanbai lifted his gaze, indicating for him to proceed.

Then Xue Yuan brought forward a severed head.

Xue Yuan, unrestrained, didn’t place the head on a tray but carried it by the hair. The head dangled lifelessly. Gu Yuanbai remained expressionless, but Tian Fusheng gasped in shock.

Ignoring their reactions, Xue Yuan held up the head, smiling, "Your Majesty, this is the head of the Wangtu Mountain stronghold leader."

Gu Yuanbai nodded without emotion.

Xue Yuan's smile deepened. He thought, trading one head for a piece of clothing worn by the Emperor wasn’t a bad deal, right?

This head, at least, was worth quite a bit of gold and silver.

But before he could make his request, Gu Yuanbai ordered, "Get out."

Xue Yuan’s smile froze.

Gu Yuanbai's expression remained unchanged, showing neither anger nor joy. He didn’t look at the head but directly into Xue Yuan's eyes, saying coldly, "Official Xue, either you get out, or the head gets out."

Xue Yuan chuckled, then tossed the head to a guard, instructing them to take it away.

When he turned back, he met the furious gaze of the Chief Guard, who seemed to be condemning Xue Yuan's rude behavior. Xue Yuan feigned a smile, "Your Majesty doesn’t like my gift?"

Why so picky?

Didn’t like a fat rat, didn’t like a valuable head—what did he like?

Xue Yuan thought of the jade and rare books his guests had suggested he offer, wondering what was so special about them.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Emperor's hand caressing a piece of white jade on the table. The white jade in the Emperor’s hand was delicate and smooth, almost indistinguishable from his skin.

Even the Emperor's nails had a faint pink tint against the white jade.

Xue Yuan watched for a while, then looked away, but soon his gaze involuntarily returned to the Emperor’s hand.

…It was quite pleasing to the eye.

If the jade were longer, and if his fingers wrapped around it, it would look even better.

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