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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 44

Chapter 44

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

After the anti-corruption campaign began, the Supervision Bureau quickly reported Lizhou’s situation to Gu Yuanbai.

After reading the report, Gu Yuanbai was furious.

This year, the prefect of Lizhou executed a corrupt official accused of numerous crimes, including rampant corruption and abduction of women. Without thorough investigation, the prefect threw the official in prison. The case, later reviewed by the Supreme Court, found some doubts and ordered the prefect to reconsider. But the prefect stubbornly executed the official.

The Supervision Bureau discovered that, although the executed official had some corrupt practices, his crimes were not severe enough to warrant death, and the allegations of abduction were fabricated. Normally, this would only warrant a charge of mishandling a case, but further investigation revealed an intriguing detail.

The official who filled the position of the wrongly executed one was from the “Shuangcheng Faction” in the capital.

Upon closer inspection, the prefect was also part of this faction.

Factions within the government were the Emperor’s greatest fear.

Gu Yuanbai looked at the report from the Supervision Bureau. His anger made those in the hall tremble and kneel. He laughed coldly, “Excellent, just excellent.”

He had just purged the inner court of the previous dynasty, and now officials, unable to form factions, had resorted to using academic affiliations to engage in factionalism?

Placing the letter on the table, still furious, he slammed the table and coldly ordered, “Summon the headmaster of the Imperial Academy.”

The next morning, after court, the ministers were taken to the Imperial Academy under the pretense of inspecting the students.

The students at the Imperial Academy were reading aloud, their voices clear and pleasant. The headmaster and teachers had already gathered outside to welcome the Emperor.

Following the Emperor, the ministers thought he was visiting on a whim and smiled as they accompanied him to see the talented students.

After the tour, the ministers thought it was over, but the headmaster solemnly invited them into a classroom.

Inside, several chairs were arranged. The ministers exchanged puzzled glances, and the headmaster walked to the front, saying, “Please, Your Majesty, ministers, take a seat.”

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Works looked at the foremost chair, “Your Majesty, will you sit here?”

Gu Yuanbai walked to the back, “I will sit at the back.”

“How can this be?” the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue exclaimed, “How can Your Majesty sit behind us?”

But Gu Yuanbai had already taken a seat, his expression calm, “Sit down.”

The ministers, confused, sat down.

Normally, high-ranking officials sat at the front, but with the Emperor at the back, they ended up sitting at the rear.

Once everyone was seated, the headmaster began speaking, and his first sentence made everyone’s hearts stop, “I will lecture you about the Niu-Gao Controversy during the late Emperor’s reign.”

The Niu-Gao Controversy was a notorious factional conflict during the late Emperor’s time, a fierce political struggle between the factions led by Minister Niu and Minister Gao.

The late Emperor, a devout Buddhist, was either praised for his kindness and openness to advice or criticized for his softness. During the Niu-Gao Controversy, the late Emperor merely admonished both sides, asking them to restrain themselves. Seeing the Emperor’s weak stance, both factions became more brazen in their power struggle, relying on the principle of “the law does not punish the majority.”

It wasn’t until the current Emperor’s birth that the late Emperor decided to take a hard line to secure his young son’s future. Only then did the factional members of the Niu-Gao Controversy, who had plagued the court for nearly a decade, fall.

This incident became a taboo topic, rarely mentioned.

Now, the headmaster of the Imperial Academy was openly discussing it in front of the court officials and the Emperor.

Officials with keen political instincts sensed something unusual. Those closest to the Emperor straightened up, listening intently to every word the headmaster said.

“Forming factions for personal gain has been a common malady throughout history,” the headmaster proclaimed loudly. “The Niu-Gao Controversy during the late emperor’s reign is just one example. This conflict involved high-ranking officials from two opposing factions and spread from the capital to the provinces…”

Some had begun to sweat, lowering their heads slightly, afraid to keep listening.

At this moment, the emperor’s voice came from behind, calm but commanding, “Raise your heads and listen carefully.”

The officials had no choice but to raise their heads and focus intently. The more they listened, the heavier their hearts grew.

The headmaster detailed how local officials from the two factions had slandered and killed each other due to factional struggles. Each gruesome revelation sent chills down their spines.

The emperor sat at the back, able to observe every movement. Some officials, stealing a glance, saw the armed guards outside the hall and immediately felt cold sweat trickle down their backs.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the headmaster concluded the recounting of this bitter factional struggle. As he walked towards the emperor, many officials in the front row collectively sighed in relief. Their minds, briefly relaxed, began to ponder the emperor’s purpose in bringing them to the Imperial Academy and making them listen to this lecture.

The headmaster respectfully said, “Your Majesty, I have finished my lecture.”

Gu Yuanbai, seated on an intricately carved wooden chair, nodded slightly, tapping the armrest. His expression revealed nothing of his emotions as he said, “Then start again from the beginning.”

Sweat beaded on the headmaster’s forehead. Without hesitation, he marched back to the front.

As the lecture began anew, the atmosphere in the room grew unbearably tense. Gu Yuanbai observed the officials, some visibly restless.

Tian Fusheng served Gu Yuanbai tea, and as the emperor sipped slowly, his initial anger began to subside.

What difference was there between factions led by high-ranking officials and those based on academic affiliations or regional backgrounds?

They all sought to usurp Gu Yuanbai’s lands, authority, and resources, using his power to consolidate their own. They were utterly audacious in their misuse of imperial generosity.

But imperial generosity was not so easily abused.

Having quenched his thirst, Gu Yuanbai set down his teacup and beckoned Xue Yuan, who stood by the back door. Xue Yuan smiled, walked over, and whispered, “What are your orders, Your Majesty?”

His heart pounded—was this the loyalty of a subject to his monarch?

Xue Yuan stole glances at Gu Yuanbai, hoping to see him smile, not wanting him to be so angry. What if his anger harmed him? This was likely genuine loyalty to the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai said, “Go and invite Grand Tutor Li Bao. He personally experienced the Niu-Gao Controversy and will have more to say about it.”

Xue Yuan stood, his shadow casting over Gu Yuanbai, and promptly responded, “Yes, Your Majesty.” He then strode out briskly.

Gu Yuanbai, momentarily obscured by Xue Yuan’s shadow, glanced at him and noticed that Xue Yuan seemed taller.

“How old is Xue Jiuyao this year?” Gu Yuanbai asked, frowning.

Tian Fusheng thought for a moment and replied uncertainly, “He should be twenty-four.”

Twenty-four and still growing? Gu Yuanbai looked at the tense officials and thought absentmindedly, I’m only twenty-one, why haven’t I grown taller?

The officials prayed for the headmaster to finish quickly. When he finally did, he dared not leave without the emperor’s permission. A little eunuch approached and said, “Headmaster, you may go now. You’ve worked hard today; please rest outside.”

Seeing the headmaster step down, the officials thought it was over and relaxed visibly. But no one dared move or speak without the emperor’s command.

After a long, silent moment, footsteps sounded at the door. The officials looked up to see the renowned scholar Li Bao, cane in hand, slowly enter and make his way to the front. Seeing the officials’ tense faces, he took a deep breath and declared, “Today, I will lecture on the Niu-Gao Controversy that disrupted the late emperor’s court!”

The officials felt dizzy, their hearts pounding once again. The tension was unbearable, like the heat of midsummer making it hard to breathe.

After Li Bao finished his lecture and was escorted out, no one dared relax.

Gu Yuanbai waited a moment before calmly asking, “What are your thoughts, ministers?”

No one dared move or speak.

The six ministers and other high-ranking officials exchanged nervous glances. Lord Zhao, the Grand Chancellor, and the Assistant Minister of Political Affairs remained stoic, their departments free of factional corruption.

Finally, someone stepped forward and said, “Factional strife disrupts the court and must be severely punished when discovered.”

“The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct,” the emperor said. “But how should such punishments be carried out?”

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice replied cautiously, “Depending on the severity, the punishment should be appropriately graded.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded, his voice softening, “The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is right; I think so too.”

The ministers sensed a slight easing in the emperor’s tone and felt a bit of relief.

But the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice remained tense, sensing that the emperor’s main point had yet to be addressed.

Indeed, the emperor continued in the same tone, “What if local high-ranking officials use their power to eliminate an innocent official from another faction and then appoint someone from their own faction? What punishment should that entail?”

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice felt the pressure mount. After careful consideration, he replied, “Such actions should be punished for corruption, factionalism, and lack of integrity.”

The emperor did not express approval or disapproval but instead called out, “Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, what do you think?”

The officials were puzzled by why the emperor suddenly called upon the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel. Turning to look at him, they saw that he too was confused, but he respectfully replied, “I believe the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct.”

Having personally managed the court for a year and a half, the officials had noticed a detail: when the emperor was in a good mood, he would address officials as “Lord So-and-so,” but if he was displeased or if an official had offended him, he would use their full title, just as he did now with the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel.

“I also think the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct,” Gu Yuanbai smiled. “There happens to be a case that matches what I just described. Since the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel agrees, you will assist the Dali Temple in handling it.”

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, who was not responsible for handling such matters, felt a sense of foreboding and responded, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Gu Yuanbai finally stood up and, accompanied by palace attendants, began to walk out. After taking a few steps, he remembered something and turned back, saying, “Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, the officials involved in this case belong to the ‘Shuangcheng Faction’.”

The members of the Shuangcheng Faction in the court suddenly realized the gravity of the situation.

The emperor’s smile turned cold as he said, “I hope you won’t also make the mistake of abusing your power.”

“The court officials should prioritize the nation and the people,” Gu Yuanbai’s gaze swept over the officials. “I hope you all understand what the three lectures today were about.”

The officials, representing various factions, were already breaking out in a cold sweat. They bowed deeply, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

As Gu Yuanbai left the hall, the officials remained rigid with fear. Just as they were beginning to relax, a voice rang out, “Gentlemen, please leave. The affairs of your respective departments cannot be delayed.”

General Xue, among the officials, found the voice familiar. Looking up, he saw it was his son.

Xue Yuan smiled politely, exuding a remarkable presence.

The officials snapped out of their daze and began to leave in small groups. General Xue walked over to Xue Yuan and whispered, “What happened today? What major case did the Shuangcheng Faction get involved in?”

Xue Yuan glanced at him lazily and replied, “Is General Xue trying to discern the emperor’s intentions?”

General Xue’s face hardened with anger, and he strode out.

Once everyone had left, Xue Yuan adjusted his sword at his waist and quickly followed the direction the emperor had gone.

By the time he reached the gate of the Imperial Academy, the emperor’s carriage was already far away. Xue Yuan laughed, looking around, and pulled General Xue off his horse, mounting it himself. He raised the reins and galloped after Gu Yuanbai, shouting, “Hyah!”

General Xue jumped up and down in fury, shouting, “Insolent child! Insolent child!”

Soon, Xue Yuan caught up with the group. Riding up to Gu Yuanbai’s carriage, he cleared his throat and said, “Your Majesty, if you’re in a bad mood, you can take it out on me.”

He couldn’t help but laugh after saying just two words.

A few days ago, when the emperor had called him a beast, it had oddly excited him. Better not push it, Xue Yuan thought. Recently, he felt too much pent-up energy, and if the emperor scolded him again and it excited him, it might scare people.

A pale hand lifted the carriage window, revealing Gu Yuanbai’s chin. His lightly colored lips curved into a smile, framed by a sharp jawline that added a touch of cold elegance. “What are you saying, Guard Xue? Do you think I’d take out my anger on those around me?”

Besides, Gu Yuanbai was no longer angry. Why waste his energy being upset over foolish people? If he needed to vent…

Gu Yuanbai glanced at Xue Yuan’s neck through the window.

He still remembered the various feelings of anger and frustration he had vented last time he bit Xue Yuan. Honestly, it felt great. Since the inception of Great Heng, only Xue Yuan could withstand letting Gu Yuanbai vent his anger. When his anger was directed at Xue Yuan, he could endure it. Xue Yuan was tough-skinned, like a mad dog. Gu Yuanbai could momentarily act out of character as an emperor, be himself.

Others couldn’t, the chief guard couldn’t, Tian Fusheng couldn’t, Chu Wei couldn’t, people from the Supervision Bureau couldn’t, none of them could.

Gu Yuanbai was a mountain, the mountain in their hearts. This mountain couldn’t collapse, couldn’t get frustrated, had to remain steady, couldn’t act out to relieve the pressure in his heart, had to be profound and unfathomable, had to be dedicated to the country and the people.

Over time, there was always some loneliness.

Being an emperor meant isolation, but at heart, Gu Yuanbai was still a young man from the 21st century who enjoyed adventure and excitement.

Xue Yuan saw Gu Yuanbai’s gaze fixed on his neck and suddenly felt itchy where he had been bitten before. He reached up to touch his neck, which had long since healed, and glanced at Gu Yuanbai from the corner of his eye. Leaning forward on the horse’s back, he steadied himself with one hand on the carriage’s top, leaned close to the window, and whispered, “Is Your Majesty thinking of taking another bite of me?”

Gu Yuanbai raised his eyes to look at him.

Xue Yuan licked his lips and suddenly laughed, “Does Your Majesty enjoy watching cuju? If you’re in a bad mood today, I can arrange a match with Lord Zhang and others for your amusement.”

“There’s no need for lavish rewards,” Xue Yuan’s dark eyes fixed on Gu Yuanbai, half-jokingly, “Seeing you smile and happy is enough.”

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 44

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 44

Chapter 44

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

After the anti-corruption campaign began, the Supervision Bureau quickly reported Lizhou's situation to Gu Yuanbai.

After reading the report, Gu Yuanbai was furious.

This year, the prefect of Lizhou executed a corrupt official accused of numerous crimes, including rampant corruption and abduction of women. Without thorough investigation, the prefect threw the official in prison. The case, later reviewed by the Supreme Court, found some doubts and ordered the prefect to reconsider. But the prefect stubbornly executed the official.

The Supervision Bureau discovered that, although the executed official had some corrupt practices, his crimes were not severe enough to warrant death, and the allegations of abduction were fabricated. Normally, this would only warrant a charge of mishandling a case, but further investigation revealed an intriguing detail.

The official who filled the position of the wrongly executed one was from the "Shuangcheng Faction" in the capital.

Upon closer inspection, the prefect was also part of this faction.

Factions within the government were the Emperor's greatest fear.

Gu Yuanbai looked at the report from the Supervision Bureau. His anger made those in the hall tremble and kneel. He laughed coldly, "Excellent, just excellent."

He had just purged the inner court of the previous dynasty, and now officials, unable to form factions, had resorted to using academic affiliations to engage in factionalism?

Placing the letter on the table, still furious, he slammed the table and coldly ordered, "Summon the headmaster of the Imperial Academy."

The next morning, after court, the ministers were taken to the Imperial Academy under the pretense of inspecting the students.

The students at the Imperial Academy were reading aloud, their voices clear and pleasant. The headmaster and teachers had already gathered outside to welcome the Emperor.

Following the Emperor, the ministers thought he was visiting on a whim and smiled as they accompanied him to see the talented students.

After the tour, the ministers thought it was over, but the headmaster solemnly invited them into a classroom.

Inside, several chairs were arranged. The ministers exchanged puzzled glances, and the headmaster walked to the front, saying, "Please, Your Majesty, ministers, take a seat."

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Works looked at the foremost chair, "Your Majesty, will you sit here?"

Gu Yuanbai walked to the back, "I will sit at the back."

"How can this be?" the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue exclaimed, "How can Your Majesty sit behind us?"

But Gu Yuanbai had already taken a seat, his expression calm, "Sit down."

The ministers, confused, sat down.

Normally, high-ranking officials sat at the front, but with the Emperor at the back, they ended up sitting at the rear.

Once everyone was seated, the headmaster began speaking, and his first sentence made everyone's hearts stop, "I will lecture you about the Niu-Gao Controversy during the late Emperor's reign."

The Niu-Gao Controversy was a notorious factional conflict during the late Emperor's time, a fierce political struggle between the factions led by Minister Niu and Minister Gao.

The late Emperor, a devout Buddhist, was either praised for his kindness and openness to advice or criticized for his softness. During the Niu-Gao Controversy, the late Emperor merely admonished both sides, asking them to restrain themselves. Seeing the Emperor's weak stance, both factions became more brazen in their power struggle, relying on the principle of "the law does not punish the majority."

It wasn't until the current Emperor's birth that the late Emperor decided to take a hard line to secure his young son's future. Only then did the factional members of the Niu-Gao Controversy, who had plagued the court for nearly a decade, fall.

This incident became a taboo topic, rarely mentioned.

Now, the headmaster of the Imperial Academy was openly discussing it in front of the court officials and the Emperor.

Officials with keen political instincts sensed something unusual. Those closest to the Emperor straightened up, listening intently to every word the headmaster said.

"Forming factions for personal gain has been a common malady throughout history," the headmaster proclaimed loudly. "The Niu-Gao Controversy during the late emperor's reign is just one example. This conflict involved high-ranking officials from two opposing factions and spread from the capital to the provinces..."

Some had begun to sweat, lowering their heads slightly, afraid to keep listening.

At this moment, the emperor's voice came from behind, calm but commanding, "Raise your heads and listen carefully."

The officials had no choice but to raise their heads and focus intently. The more they listened, the heavier their hearts grew.

The headmaster detailed how local officials from the two factions had slandered and killed each other due to factional struggles. Each gruesome revelation sent chills down their spines.

The emperor sat at the back, able to observe every movement. Some officials, stealing a glance, saw the armed guards outside the hall and immediately felt cold sweat trickle down their backs.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the headmaster concluded the recounting of this bitter factional struggle. As he walked towards the emperor, many officials in the front row collectively sighed in relief. Their minds, briefly relaxed, began to ponder the emperor's purpose in bringing them to the Imperial Academy and making them listen to this lecture.

The headmaster respectfully said, "Your Majesty, I have finished my lecture."

Gu Yuanbai, seated on an intricately carved wooden chair, nodded slightly, tapping the armrest. His expression revealed nothing of his emotions as he said, "Then start again from the beginning."

Sweat beaded on the headmaster's forehead. Without hesitation, he marched back to the front.

As the lecture began anew, the atmosphere in the room grew unbearably tense. Gu Yuanbai observed the officials, some visibly restless.

Tian Fusheng served Gu Yuanbai tea, and as the emperor sipped slowly, his initial anger began to subside.

What difference was there between factions led by high-ranking officials and those based on academic affiliations or regional backgrounds?

They all sought to usurp Gu Yuanbai's lands, authority, and resources, using his power to consolidate their own. They were utterly audacious in their misuse of imperial generosity.

But imperial generosity was not so easily abused.

Having quenched his thirst, Gu Yuanbai set down his teacup and beckoned Xue Yuan, who stood by the back door. Xue Yuan smiled, walked over, and whispered, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

His heart pounded—was this the loyalty of a subject to his monarch?

Xue Yuan stole glances at Gu Yuanbai, hoping to see him smile, not wanting him to be so angry. What if his anger harmed him? This was likely genuine loyalty to the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai said, "Go and invite Grand Tutor Li Bao. He personally experienced the Niu-Gao Controversy and will have more to say about it."

Xue Yuan stood, his shadow casting over Gu Yuanbai, and promptly responded, "Yes, Your Majesty." He then strode out briskly.

Gu Yuanbai, momentarily obscured by Xue Yuan's shadow, glanced at him and noticed that Xue Yuan seemed taller.

"How old is Xue Jiuyao this year?" Gu Yuanbai asked, frowning.

Tian Fusheng thought for a moment and replied uncertainly, "He should be twenty-four."

Twenty-four and still growing? Gu Yuanbai looked at the tense officials and thought absentmindedly, I'm only twenty-one, why haven't I grown taller?

The officials prayed for the headmaster to finish quickly. When he finally did, he dared not leave without the emperor's permission. A little eunuch approached and said, "Headmaster, you may go now. You've worked hard today; please rest outside."

Seeing the headmaster step down, the officials thought it was over and relaxed visibly. But no one dared move or speak without the emperor's command.

After a long, silent moment, footsteps sounded at the door. The officials looked up to see the renowned scholar Li Bao, cane in hand, slowly enter and make his way to the front. Seeing the officials' tense faces, he took a deep breath and declared, "Today, I will lecture on the Niu-Gao Controversy that disrupted the late emperor's court!"

The officials felt dizzy, their hearts pounding once again. The tension was unbearable, like the heat of midsummer making it hard to breathe.

After Li Bao finished his lecture and was escorted out, no one dared relax.

Gu Yuanbai waited a moment before calmly asking, "What are your thoughts, ministers?"

No one dared move or speak.

The six ministers and other high-ranking officials exchanged nervous glances. Lord Zhao, the Grand Chancellor, and the Assistant Minister of Political Affairs remained stoic, their departments free of factional corruption.

Finally, someone stepped forward and said, "Factional strife disrupts the court and must be severely punished when discovered."

"The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct," the emperor said. "But how should such punishments be carried out?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice replied cautiously, "Depending on the severity, the punishment should be appropriately graded."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, his voice softening, "The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is right; I think so too."

The ministers sensed a slight easing in the emperor's tone and felt a bit of relief.

But the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice remained tense, sensing that the emperor's main point had yet to be addressed.

Indeed, the emperor continued in the same tone, "What if local high-ranking officials use their power to eliminate an innocent official from another faction and then appoint someone from their own faction? What punishment should that entail?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice felt the pressure mount. After careful consideration, he replied, "Such actions should be punished for corruption, factionalism, and lack of integrity."

The emperor did not express approval or disapproval but instead called out, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, what do you think?"

The officials were puzzled by why the emperor suddenly called upon the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel. Turning to look at him, they saw that he too was confused, but he respectfully replied, "I believe the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct."

Having personally managed the court for a year and a half, the officials had noticed a detail: when the emperor was in a good mood, he would address officials as "Lord So-and-so," but if he was displeased or if an official had offended him, he would use their full title, just as he did now with the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel.

"I also think the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is correct," Gu Yuanbai smiled. "There happens to be a case that matches what I just described. Since the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel agrees, you will assist the Dali Temple in handling it."

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, who was not responsible for handling such matters, felt a sense of foreboding and responded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Gu Yuanbai finally stood up and, accompanied by palace attendants, began to walk out. After taking a few steps, he remembered something and turned back, saying, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, the officials involved in this case belong to the 'Shuangcheng Faction’."

The members of the Shuangcheng Faction in the court suddenly realized the gravity of the situation.

The emperor's smile turned cold as he said, "I hope you won't also make the mistake of abusing your power."

"The court officials should prioritize the nation and the people," Gu Yuanbai's gaze swept over the officials. "I hope you all understand what the three lectures today were about."

The officials, representing various factions, were already breaking out in a cold sweat. They bowed deeply, "Yes, Your Majesty."

As Gu Yuanbai left the hall, the officials remained rigid with fear. Just as they were beginning to relax, a voice rang out, "Gentlemen, please leave. The affairs of your respective departments cannot be delayed."

General Xue, among the officials, found the voice familiar. Looking up, he saw it was his son.

Xue Yuan smiled politely, exuding a remarkable presence.

The officials snapped out of their daze and began to leave in small groups. General Xue walked over to Xue Yuan and whispered, "What happened today? What major case did the Shuangcheng Faction get involved in?"

Xue Yuan glanced at him lazily and replied, "Is General Xue trying to discern the emperor's intentions?"

General Xue's face hardened with anger, and he strode out.

Once everyone had left, Xue Yuan adjusted his sword at his waist and quickly followed the direction the emperor had gone.

By the time he reached the gate of the Imperial Academy, the emperor's carriage was already far away. Xue Yuan laughed, looking around, and pulled General Xue off his horse, mounting it himself. He raised the reins and galloped after Gu Yuanbai, shouting, "Hyah!"

General Xue jumped up and down in fury, shouting, "Insolent child! Insolent child!"

Soon, Xue Yuan caught up with the group. Riding up to Gu Yuanbai's carriage, he cleared his throat and said, "Your Majesty, if you're in a bad mood, you can take it out on me."

He couldn't help but laugh after saying just two words.

A few days ago, when the emperor had called him a beast, it had oddly excited him. Better not push it, Xue Yuan thought. Recently, he felt too much pent-up energy, and if the emperor scolded him again and it excited him, it might scare people.

A pale hand lifted the carriage window, revealing Gu Yuanbai's chin. His lightly colored lips curved into a smile, framed by a sharp jawline that added a touch of cold elegance. "What are you saying, Guard Xue? Do you think I'd take out my anger on those around me?"

Besides, Gu Yuanbai was no longer angry. Why waste his energy being upset over foolish people? If he needed to vent...

Gu Yuanbai glanced at Xue Yuan's neck through the window.

He still remembered the various feelings of anger and frustration he had vented last time he bit Xue Yuan. Honestly, it felt great. Since the inception of Great Heng, only Xue Yuan could withstand letting Gu Yuanbai vent his anger. When his anger was directed at Xue Yuan, he could endure it. Xue Yuan was tough-skinned, like a mad dog. Gu Yuanbai could momentarily act out of character as an emperor, be himself.

Others couldn't, the chief guard couldn't, Tian Fusheng couldn't, Chu Wei couldn't, people from the Supervision Bureau couldn't, none of them could.

Gu Yuanbai was a mountain, the mountain in their hearts. This mountain couldn't collapse, couldn't get frustrated, had to remain steady, couldn't act out to relieve the pressure in his heart, had to be profound and unfathomable, had to be dedicated to the country and the people.

Over time, there was always some loneliness.

Being an emperor meant isolation, but at heart, Gu Yuanbai was still a young man from the 21st century who enjoyed adventure and excitement.

Xue Yuan saw Gu Yuanbai's gaze fixed on his neck and suddenly felt itchy where he had been bitten before. He reached up to touch his neck, which had long since healed, and glanced at Gu Yuanbai from the corner of his eye. Leaning forward on the horse's back, he steadied himself with one hand on the carriage's top, leaned close to the window, and whispered, "Is Your Majesty thinking of taking another bite of me?"

Gu Yuanbai raised his eyes to look at him.

Xue Yuan licked his lips and suddenly laughed, "Does Your Majesty enjoy watching cuju? If you're in a bad mood today, I can arrange a match with Lord Zhang and others for your amusement."

"There's no need for lavish rewards," Xue Yuan's dark eyes fixed on Gu Yuanbai, half-jokingly, "Seeing you smile and happy is enough."

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