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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 46

Chapter 46

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Those with spare money gathered in teahouses, savoring cheap tea while listening intently to the storyteller. Those without money stood outside, straining their ears to catch the tale. Though unable to directly contribute to the anti-corruption efforts, everyone followed the campaign with extraordinary attention.

Xue Yuan had never imagined that Gu Yuanbai would allow the people to be informed of the anti-corruption progress, even documenting the recovered funds and distributing it publicly.

“The Great Heng Daily” was Gu Yuanbai’s initiative, with daily reports from the Censorate and the Supervision Bureau handed to the Zhang family for compilation and printing.

The people of the capital were thrilled for the commoners across the land and outraged at the corrupt officials’ deeds.

No longer living like lifeless automatons plowing fields, eating, and sleeping, the citizens, knowing their country’s efforts and the situation of people elsewhere, suddenly seemed to come alive.

Many old farmers and honest workers, faces red with excitement, gathered at the city offices to hear the constables read the newspaper’s contents.

They were illiterate, uneducated, and unaware of the specifics of the corruption cases.

Yet Gu Yuanbai insisted on it, having the Zhang family deliver “The Great Heng Daily” to every city office, with the capital magistrate arranging daily public readings in plain language.

The capital magistrate and minor officials didn’t see the point, nor did the emotionally swayed citizens who didn’t know how this information could be useful.

But Gu Yuanbai believed it had immense value.

As an emperor, he had the responsibility to educate his people.

Subtle influences were necessary, but without starting, change would never come.

Watching this scene, Xue Yuan felt something he had never felt before. It was a sense of peace.

He felt something he had never experienced at the border, and it was all thanks to Gu Yuanbai.

Xue Yuan’s loyal heart began to beat irregularly again. He couldn’t help but look down at Gu Yuanbai and saw him about to sip the already cold tea with a smile. Xue Yuan’s eyelid twitched, and he quickly grabbed a cup, holding it to Gu Yuanbai’s lips, saying, “Spit it out.”

With a mouthful of water stuck in his throat, Gu Yuanbai looked at him strangely. Uncomfortable under his gaze, Xue Yuan’s voice softened considerably, almost trembling, “Your Majesty, the water is cold, spit it out.”

Gu Yuanbai spat out the water and stated matter-of-factly, “I also drink iced tea in summer.”

Iced tea was brewed using ice. Xue Yuan doubted, “Can you drink it?”

Gu Yuanbai put down the tea cup, and Tian Fusheng brought another pot of tea. Hearing the conversation, Tian Fusheng chuckled, “It’s fine if His Majesty occasionally drinks it, but we dare not let him have it too often, fearing it might chill his body.”

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, observing his face without much flesh, his soft hands. It was hard not to nod in agreement.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled helplessly. Xue Yuan had been by his side for a long time, and even this rough military man had been influenced by those around him, treating Gu Yuanbai as if he were some fragile porcelain, fearing any harm might befall him.

But he was naturally bold. While others dared not approach to advise, he dared to take direct action.

The storyteller below had switched to another article, discussing the progress of anti-corruption efforts in another region. Similarly, the people voluntarily blocked the city gates, with everyone in the city gathering at the door of local officials. Men slept in front of government offices at night, waiting for their wives to bring food during the day, until the arrival of the inspectors.

Thanks to the assistance of these people and some officials, the apprehension of corrupt officials and villains had become much smoother.

Gu Yuanbai sighed, “Now that a group of corrupt officials has been brought down, another group of outstanding officials has emerged.”

Xue Yuan naturally responded, “This minister also contributed.”

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him sideways, smiling, “What contribution have you made?”

Xue Yuan, with bandit logic, replied confidently, “I protect and preserve Your Majesty. As long as Your Majesty is healthy, the anti-corruption efforts will proceed smoothly.”

Gu Yuanbai laughed, “Guard Xue is becoming quite clever with his words.”

Xue Yuan thought, stop laughing. 

You’re making my heart race faster.

With his heart pounding erratically, Xue Yuan sighed but kept his gaze on Gu Yuanbai’s face, eventually smiling along.

After drinking a bellyful of tea in the teahouse, Gu Yuanbai led his entourage to the Zhang family’s bookstore. Preparing for the establishment of commercial routes required extensive preparations. Now that the news of the Zhang family’s involvement in building commercial routes for the Emperor had spread, inquiries from merchants all over had piled up like a small mountain. The Zhang family was busy to the point of being overwhelmed, not only managing their own affairs but also ensuring that every member of the family didn’t make any mistakes.

Therefore, preparations for establishing commercial routes to the border would take at least a month.

The head of the Zhang family nervously reported the current progress to Gu Yuanbai. However, Gu Yuanbai said, “I have already considered this. Since you can’t move for now, there’s something else I need to do before establishing the commercial routes.”

His eyes deep, Gu Yuanbai spoke slowly, “I’m going to send troops to deal with those nomads.”

Xue Yuan’s eyelids flicked suddenly as he looked at Gu Yuanbai, his eyes gleaming with myriad emotions.

Dealing with nomads was necessary before establishing commercial routes.


The tragic situation of the border soldiers and civilians that Xue Yuan had described to him was like a thorn in Gu Yuanbai’s heart. When he had arrived in Great Heng and became Emperor, the court was in the grip of Lu Feng, and the entire administration was corrupt. It was the darkest time Gu Yuanbai had ever experienced.

It took him three years to bring down Lu Feng, and he had only been in power for half a year since then. He had spared no effort to build up his military and cultivate the Censorate because he didn’t want to experience such darkness again.

He knew how many people in Great Heng were suffering, how many had lost their lives while he, as Emperor, was inactive. The foundation of the Great Heng dynasty was rotten, and Gu Yuanbai, as an adult, understood the disasters that a weak Emperor could bring. But when he first arrived, he could do nothing.

Now, with a strong military and the preparations for the border commercial routes underway, once the roads were built and transportation became convenient, he could govern the nomadic regions.

Before the roads were completed, the nomadic livestock had to understand that they must abide by the rules of Great Heng.

After saying “deal with the nomads,” Gu Yuanbai continued to stare at Xue Yuan, who was visibly excited. He gripped the large blade at his waist tightly, and the fluctuating emotions emanating from him were palpable to the guards around.

These guards remembered what Xue Yuan had said about the “two-legged sheep” during the spring hunt. One of them couldn’t help but ask, “Guard Xue, is it difficult to deal with the nomads?”

Xue Yuan replied resolutely, “It’s difficult.”

The guards: “…”

Their expressions twisted slightly as they looked at Xue Yuan, who seemed to be boiling with hot blood. They couldn’t understand why, if it was difficult, he was in such a restless state?

Gu Yuanbai also heard the word “difficult.” He asked Xue Yuan to step forward and stared at him. “What do you mean?”

The Zhang family’s members automatically said, “Your Majesty, the disciples of the small clan have already gathered in the capital. Would you like to meet them?”

Gu Yuanbai smiled faintly. “I’ve heard that the disciples of the Zhang family in the western capital are all talented individuals. Since I’ve come out this time, naturally, I should meet them.”

The members of the Zhang family withdrew, the palace attendants closed the door, and the room fell into dimness. Dust particles floated in the faint light.

Gu Yuanbai spoke first, “Please, sit.”

Everyone in the room sat down obediently. Xue Yuan sat upright, exuding a bold aura. Gu Yuanbai had tea served to them, moistening their throats before saying, “Xue Yuan, is it very difficult to deal with the nomads?”

Xue Yuan spoke up, but inexplicably glanced at the little emperor’s lips for a moment before coming back to himself and saying, “The nomads are fierce and skilled in archery. Great Heng has been harassed for a long time without retaliation, so they have become even more arrogant.”

“I understand,” Gu Yuanbai nodded slightly, “but despite the difficulty, you still managed to seize many fine horses from them.”

Xue Yuan’s lips curled slightly, hiding a hint of mockery. “Your Majesty, although the nomads are fierce, Great Heng’s continuous concessions have bolstered their confidence. They have always believed they are invincible in battle, but once Great Heng adopts a tough stance, and they suffer a defeat, it will be a complete rout.”

“As soon as there’s a trend of defeat, they will panic and flee, becoming a bunch of cowards. The nomads are divided into eight tribes, and they rarely gather together. Now, the leader of one of the Khitan tribes is old, and there are rumblings among the leaders of the eight tribes. They are dispersed across various regions and won’t form an alliance. If we want to fight, it will be much easier.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded thoughtfully.

The state of affairs in Great Heng was somewhat chaotic.

When Gu Yuanbai first arrived, he was completely bewildered by this chaotic situation. He resorted to burning the midnight oil to sort out his thoughts on the state of affairs, which shattered the history he remembered from the Tang Dynasty.

Great Heng had its own unique history, mixed with influences from various dynasties. The initial historical changes were not significant, and after Gu Yuanbai spent that time burning the midnight oil, he assimilated into this era. 

For example, he adapted well to the Khitan’s eight tribes.

Xue Yuan continued, “When General Xue and I were stationed at the border, the court sent frontier commanders who were literati with no military experience.”

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback and looked up at Xue Yuan. This should be something that happened before he arrived.

“These literati didn’t understand warfare. After reading a few military texts, they thought it was easy to be a commander. They looked down on martial men, didn’t listen to their advice, and were arrogant and aloof. They fell faster than a collapsing mountain,” Xue Yuan said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai couldn’t help but wonder who came up with the brilliant idea of ​​letting literati lead troops?

If they were truly talented, that would be one thing. But people like this, who were well-versed in military texts but lacked experience, reminded him of Ma Su, whom Zhuge Liang had high hopes for. Ma Su was knowledgeable about military matters, but ultimately, his lack of experience led to his downfall. On the other hand, Wang Ping, who only knew ten characters, couldn’t read, but was a talented military leader.

Needless to say, it must have been Lu Feng’s suppression of the Xue family. The Xue family had been loyal for three generations, and Lu Feng, as a treacherous minister, feared such loyalty.

After some thought, Gu Yuanbai casually said, “Then, let Guard Xue lead the troops. I suppose for you, suppressing the nomads won’t be difficult?”

Upon hearing this, Xue Yuan couldn’t help but say, “I won’t let Your Majesty down.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded, and just then, someone came to report that the Zhang family’s members had arrived. Gu Yuanbai invited them in to see.

Some guards around bumped Xue Yuan and asked, “Guard Xue, are you really this happy about going to the border to fight the nomads?”

Xue Yuan was puzzled. “Why?”

The guard asked curiously, “Even if you’re happy, you don’t have to smile so creepily.”

Xue Yuan was taken aback, touching his lips. Unexpectedly, they were indeed curled upwards.

Was he really this happy just because he could attack the nomads?

That would be too obvious.

Xue Yuan frowned, trying to suppress the upward curl of his lips, but as soon as he remembered Gu Yuanbai’s affirmation of his abilities, he couldn’t help but want to burst into laughter.

Unconsciously, he glanced at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai seemed to sense something and also glanced at him. When he saw Xue Yuan’s twisted expression, a mixture of wanting to laugh but holding it back, he couldn’t help but be amused.

With this laughter, Gu Yuanbai’s lips, which were usually pale, seemed to turn pink.


Xue Yuan couldn’t help it anymore. He couldn’t suppress the upward curl of his lips.

D*mn it, why did Gu Yuanbai’s smile look so good…

What does this mean?

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 46

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 46

Chapter 46

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Those with spare money gathered in teahouses, savoring cheap tea while listening intently to the storyteller. Those without money stood outside, straining their ears to catch the tale. Though unable to directly contribute to the anti-corruption efforts, everyone followed the campaign with extraordinary attention.

Xue Yuan had never imagined that Gu Yuanbai would allow the people to be informed of the anti-corruption progress, even documenting the recovered funds and distributing it publicly.

"The Great Heng Daily" was Gu Yuanbai's initiative, with daily reports from the Censorate and the Supervision Bureau handed to the Zhang family for compilation and printing.

The people of the capital were thrilled for the commoners across the land and outraged at the corrupt officials’ deeds.

No longer living like lifeless automatons plowing fields, eating, and sleeping, the citizens, knowing their country’s efforts and the situation of people elsewhere, suddenly seemed to come alive.

Many old farmers and honest workers, faces red with excitement, gathered at the city offices to hear the constables read the newspaper’s contents.

They were illiterate, uneducated, and unaware of the specifics of the corruption cases.

Yet Gu Yuanbai insisted on it, having the Zhang family deliver "The Great Heng Daily" to every city office, with the capital magistrate arranging daily public readings in plain language.

The capital magistrate and minor officials didn’t see the point, nor did the emotionally swayed citizens who didn’t know how this information could be useful.

But Gu Yuanbai believed it had immense value.

As an emperor, he had the responsibility to educate his people.

Subtle influences were necessary, but without starting, change would never come.

Watching this scene, Xue Yuan felt something he had never felt before. It was a sense of peace.

He felt something he had never experienced at the border, and it was all thanks to Gu Yuanbai.

Xue Yuan's loyal heart began to beat irregularly again. He couldn't help but look down at Gu Yuanbai and saw him about to sip the already cold tea with a smile. Xue Yuan's eyelid twitched, and he quickly grabbed a cup, holding it to Gu Yuanbai's lips, saying, "Spit it out."

With a mouthful of water stuck in his throat, Gu Yuanbai looked at him strangely. Uncomfortable under his gaze, Xue Yuan's voice softened considerably, almost trembling, "Your Majesty, the water is cold, spit it out."

Gu Yuanbai spat out the water and stated matter-of-factly, "I also drink iced tea in summer."

Iced tea was brewed using ice. Xue Yuan doubted, "Can you drink it?"

Gu Yuanbai put down the tea cup, and Tian Fusheng brought another pot of tea. Hearing the conversation, Tian Fusheng chuckled, "It's fine if His Majesty occasionally drinks it, but we dare not let him have it too often, fearing it might chill his body."

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, observing his face without much flesh, his soft hands. It was hard not to nod in agreement.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled helplessly. Xue Yuan had been by his side for a long time, and even this rough military man had been influenced by those around him, treating Gu Yuanbai as if he were some fragile porcelain, fearing any harm might befall him.

But he was naturally bold. While others dared not approach to advise, he dared to take direct action.

The storyteller below had switched to another article, discussing the progress of anti-corruption efforts in another region. Similarly, the people voluntarily blocked the city gates, with everyone in the city gathering at the door of local officials. Men slept in front of government offices at night, waiting for their wives to bring food during the day, until the arrival of the inspectors.

Thanks to the assistance of these people and some officials, the apprehension of corrupt officials and villains had become much smoother.

Gu Yuanbai sighed, "Now that a group of corrupt officials has been brought down, another group of outstanding officials has emerged."

Xue Yuan naturally responded, "This minister also contributed."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him sideways, smiling, "What contribution have you made?"

Xue Yuan, with bandit logic, replied confidently, "I protect and preserve Your Majesty. As long as Your Majesty is healthy, the anti-corruption efforts will proceed smoothly."

Gu Yuanbai laughed, "Guard Xue is becoming quite clever with his words."

Xue Yuan thought, stop laughing. 

You’re making my heart race faster.

With his heart pounding erratically, Xue Yuan sighed but kept his gaze on Gu Yuanbai's face, eventually smiling along.

After drinking a bellyful of tea in the teahouse, Gu Yuanbai led his entourage to the Zhang family's bookstore. Preparing for the establishment of commercial routes required extensive preparations. Now that the news of the Zhang family's involvement in building commercial routes for the Emperor had spread, inquiries from merchants all over had piled up like a small mountain. The Zhang family was busy to the point of being overwhelmed, not only managing their own affairs but also ensuring that every member of the family didn’t make any mistakes.

Therefore, preparations for establishing commercial routes to the border would take at least a month.

The head of the Zhang family nervously reported the current progress to Gu Yuanbai. However, Gu Yuanbai said, "I have already considered this. Since you can't move for now, there's something else I need to do before establishing the commercial routes."

His eyes deep, Gu Yuanbai spoke slowly, "I'm going to send troops to deal with those nomads."

Xue Yuan's eyelids flicked suddenly as he looked at Gu Yuanbai, his eyes gleaming with myriad emotions.

Dealing with nomads was necessary before establishing commercial routes.


The tragic situation of the border soldiers and civilians that Xue Yuan had described to him was like a thorn in Gu Yuanbai's heart. When he had arrived in Great Heng and became Emperor, the court was in the grip of Lu Feng, and the entire administration was corrupt. It was the darkest time Gu Yuanbai had ever experienced.

It took him three years to bring down Lu Feng, and he had only been in power for half a year since then. He had spared no effort to build up his military and cultivate the Censorate because he didn’t want to experience such darkness again.

He knew how many people in Great Heng were suffering, how many had lost their lives while he, as Emperor, was inactive. The foundation of the Great Heng dynasty was rotten, and Gu Yuanbai, as an adult, understood the disasters that a weak Emperor could bring. But when he first arrived, he could do nothing.

Now, with a strong military and the preparations for the border commercial routes underway, once the roads were built and transportation became convenient, he could govern the nomadic regions.

Before the roads were completed, the nomadic livestock had to understand that they must abide by the rules of Great Heng.

After saying "deal with the nomads," Gu Yuanbai continued to stare at Xue Yuan, who was visibly excited. He gripped the large blade at his waist tightly, and the fluctuating emotions emanating from him were palpable to the guards around.

These guards remembered what Xue Yuan had said about the "two-legged sheep" during the spring hunt. One of them couldn't help but ask, "Guard Xue, is it difficult to deal with the nomads?"

Xue Yuan replied resolutely, "It's difficult."

The guards: "..."

Their expressions twisted slightly as they looked at Xue Yuan, who seemed to be boiling with hot blood. They couldn't understand why, if it was difficult, he was in such a restless state?

Gu Yuanbai also heard the word "difficult." He asked Xue Yuan to step forward and stared at him. "What do you mean?"

The Zhang family's members automatically said, "Your Majesty, the disciples of the small clan have already gathered in the capital. Would you like to meet them?"

Gu Yuanbai smiled faintly. "I've heard that the disciples of the Zhang family in the western capital are all talented individuals. Since I've come out this time, naturally, I should meet them."

The members of the Zhang family withdrew, the palace attendants closed the door, and the room fell into dimness. Dust particles floated in the faint light.

Gu Yuanbai spoke first, "Please, sit."

Everyone in the room sat down obediently. Xue Yuan sat upright, exuding a bold aura. Gu Yuanbai had tea served to them, moistening their throats before saying, "Xue Yuan, is it very difficult to deal with the nomads?"

Xue Yuan spoke up, but inexplicably glanced at the little emperor's lips for a moment before coming back to himself and saying, "The nomads are fierce and skilled in archery. Great Heng has been harassed for a long time without retaliation, so they have become even more arrogant."

"I understand," Gu Yuanbai nodded slightly, "but despite the difficulty, you still managed to seize many fine horses from them."

Xue Yuan's lips curled slightly, hiding a hint of mockery. "Your Majesty, although the nomads are fierce, Great Heng's continuous concessions have bolstered their confidence. They have always believed they are invincible in battle, but once Great Heng adopts a tough stance, and they suffer a defeat, it will be a complete rout."

"As soon as there's a trend of defeat, they will panic and flee, becoming a bunch of cowards. The nomads are divided into eight tribes, and they rarely gather together. Now, the leader of one of the Khitan tribes is old, and there are rumblings among the leaders of the eight tribes. They are dispersed across various regions and won't form an alliance. If we want to fight, it will be much easier."

Gu Yuanbai nodded thoughtfully.

The state of affairs in Great Heng was somewhat chaotic.

When Gu Yuanbai first arrived, he was completely bewildered by this chaotic situation. He resorted to burning the midnight oil to sort out his thoughts on the state of affairs, which shattered the history he remembered from the Tang Dynasty.

Great Heng had its own unique history, mixed with influences from various dynasties. The initial historical changes were not significant, and after Gu Yuanbai spent that time burning the midnight oil, he assimilated into this era. 

For example, he adapted well to the Khitan's eight tribes.

Xue Yuan continued, "When General Xue and I were stationed at the border, the court sent frontier commanders who were literati with no military experience."

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback and looked up at Xue Yuan. This should be something that happened before he arrived.

"These literati didn't understand warfare. After reading a few military texts, they thought it was easy to be a commander. They looked down on martial men, didn't listen to their advice, and were arrogant and aloof. They fell faster than a collapsing mountain," Xue Yuan said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai couldn't help but wonder who came up with the brilliant idea of ​​letting literati lead troops?

If they were truly talented, that would be one thing. But people like this, who were well-versed in military texts but lacked experience, reminded him of Ma Su, whom Zhuge Liang had high hopes for. Ma Su was knowledgeable about military matters, but ultimately, his lack of experience led to his downfall. On the other hand, Wang Ping, who only knew ten characters, couldn't read, but was a talented military leader.

Needless to say, it must have been Lu Feng's suppression of the Xue family. The Xue family had been loyal for three generations, and Lu Feng, as a treacherous minister, feared such loyalty.

After some thought, Gu Yuanbai casually said, "Then, let Guard Xue lead the troops. I suppose for you, suppressing the nomads won't be difficult?"

Upon hearing this, Xue Yuan couldn't help but say, "I won't let Your Majesty down."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, and just then, someone came to report that the Zhang family's members had arrived. Gu Yuanbai invited them in to see.

Some guards around bumped Xue Yuan and asked, "Guard Xue, are you really this happy about going to the border to fight the nomads?"

Xue Yuan was puzzled. "Why?"

The guard asked curiously, "Even if you're happy, you don't have to smile so creepily."

Xue Yuan was taken aback, touching his lips. Unexpectedly, they were indeed curled upwards.

Was he really this happy just because he could attack the nomads?

That would be too obvious.

Xue Yuan frowned, trying to suppress the upward curl of his lips, but as soon as he remembered Gu Yuanbai's affirmation of his abilities, he couldn't help but want to burst into laughter.

Unconsciously, he glanced at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai seemed to sense something and also glanced at him. When he saw Xue Yuan's twisted expression, a mixture of wanting to laugh but holding it back, he couldn't help but be amused.

With this laughter, Gu Yuanbai's lips, which were usually pale, seemed to turn pink.


Xue Yuan couldn't help it anymore. He couldn't suppress the upward curl of his lips.

D*mn it, why did Gu Yuanbai's smile look so good...

What does this mean?

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