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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 56

Chapter 56

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At the same time, the three garrisons had already set off for the borders of Jinghunan and Jiangnan. They would be stationed there to suppress any reactionary forces.

These were Gu Yuanbai’s exact words.

The Supervision Bureau and the Donglingwei secretly transported the grains they had purchased in large quantities to the garrisons, reserving them for the people when they fled to the borders. A leader of one of the garrisons sighed, “The Emperor has thought of everything.”

The Chief of the Donglingwei said calmly, “The Emperor has entrusted these matters to the generals, and when refugees arrive, please assist them.”

“You can rest assured,” the leader said, “We will all carry out the Emperor’s orders.”

The Donglingwei and the Supervision Bureau personnel still needed to stay in these two places to secretly guide the people’s flight. War would inevitably result in bloodshed, but to the best of their ability, they aimed to minimize casualties among the innocent civilians.

Xu Xiongyuan said he wanted to send troops to seize grain, so troops were indeed sent to seize grain. Initially, he wanted to plunder the grain from the homes of peasants in several nearby counties, but Liu Yan and Zhao Zhou vehemently opposed it. One reason was the uncertainty in the rear, a taboo in military expeditions, and the other was that the peasants’ homes had little grain. Sending troops would only waste military strength.

Xu Xiongyuan listened and led five thousand elite soldiers. They rode hard for half a day and surrounded the Chen Mansion in Huaihua Prefecture in one fell swoop.

The Chen Mansion was terrified, and even Chen Jinyin, who was admiring a piece of jade, was frightened.

What was happening? How could they be surrounded by the army of the rebel army one day?

Chen Jinyin hadn’t realized what this meant yet, his face full of anger, he directly smashed the valuable jade in his hand to the ground, “I want to see who dares to touch my Chen family!”

The soldiers, starving with eyes almost turning green, dared.

With a command from Xu Xiongyuan, the soldiers, as numerous as locusts, rushed into the Chen Mansion, killing servants who resisted and embracing beautiful women they encountered.

They desperately loaded valuable items onto themselves, slashing their way into the inner courtyard as if entering a deserted place.

They were like bloodthirsty demons who didn’t blink at killing, already dazzled by the luxurious Chen Mansion. All they saw were gold, silver, grain, and women. Bodies lay everywhere, blood flowing like a river. Xu Xiongyuan sat on horseback, laughing heartily, extremely satisfied with the ferocity and ruthlessness of his troops. He kept shouting, “Kill them all! Don’t leave one! Capture the beautiful women and they will be rewarded to you. See how much grain this Chen family has. Is it enough for us to eat?”

This was the disaster of war.

Plundering and killing on one side, and setting fire after killing.

Chen Jinyin and his sons were hastily escorted out of the inner courtyard, and the soldiers saw them, their eyes filled with greed.

This greedy gaze stared at the gold and silver on them, and their arms were raised to kill them.

Chen Jinyin screamed in horror, “I have money! I’ll give you money, give you grain, anything you want, as long as you don’t kill me!”

The soldiers sneered, “Once we kill you, everything here will belong to the general. Why would we need you to give us anything?”

When the army of the court should obey discipline, what discipline did the rebel army follow? Since ancient times, leaders of rebellions had always tolerated their subordinates causing disasters!

The flames soared, mourning spread across the fields, and as soon as the government officials heard about it, they fled from Huaihua Prefecture.

Xu Xiongyuan breathed in the scent of blood on the tip of his nose, looking at the fire that was almost licking the clouds. Many, many people struggled under the fierce fire and chopping blades. He looked at such a big fire, as if watching his own great cause burning fiercely.

Amidst the cries of killing, Xu Xiongyuan realized that the Chen Mansion was not bad. It was a pity that it was all burned down. So he shouted, “Just burn the courtyard on the west side, leave the rest to me! Tonight, this general will move the stronghold of the Jiashen Association here. Hahaha.”

The Chen Mansion suffered, and the other wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture naturally couldn’t just sit and wait. Under the interests involved, several parties rushed to the Chen Mansion with their servants in a hurry.

When they arrived, they found that the rebel army was reveling in the entire Chen Mansion, with smoke and fog everywhere, and the sky turned black. The hearts of the various wealthy families sank, feeling that Chen Jinyin was in trouble.

This wealthy family had died like this, and the remaining interests were all divided by the rebel army. This was simply snatching food from them, a group of old folks. Several wealthy families looked very ugly. And when Xu Xiongyuan saw this large group of people rushing over, he couldn’t help but laugh heartily, seeing them holding hoes, axes, and kitchen knives in their hands.

Then his eyes glowed red.

In just a few days, Xu Xiongyuan had completely wiped out the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture who did not voluntarily offer military funds. He showed no mercy, blood staining the entire Huaihua Prefecture, completely turning this place into his own headquarters.

And the people of Huaihua Prefecture had already run away after the officials fled.

Almost immediately after Xu Xiongyuan had just subdued the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture, news of the rebellion in Jinghunan reached Jiangnan.

The people who stayed in Jiangnan under the Jiashen Association were dumbfounded!

How did rebellion occur?

How did it start?

How did they flatten the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture?

How did they not know anything?

Not only did they not believe it, but the wealthy families rooted in Jiangnan also didn’t believe it. They were unwilling to believe it.

The profits in Jiangnan were too great. Just Yangzhou alone was a gathering point for Huai merchants every year. Not to mention other things, the Lu family in Huainan could only stand firm in Jinghunan because of the profits in Jiangnan. Compared to Huainan West, Jiangnan and Jinghunan were the real roots of the Lu family.

How could they believe that the rebel army was rebelling in the neighboring province? The peasants could flee, but they were rooted here, with thousands of farmland, tenant households, mansions, and estates… they couldn’t escape!

So after they learned the exact news, they decided to take action first.

The wealthy families caught the members of the Jiashen Association who stayed in Jiangnan and used them as a threat to make the Xu person to stay in Jinghunan.

When the news reached Xu Xiongyuan’s hands, he was already living in the largest and most beautiful mansion in the entire Huaihua Prefecture, sitting on a chair made of sandalwood, smiling and asking the military advisors if they had any ideas.

Outside, there was a house-to-house conscription going on, said to be conscription, but actually, it was just kidnapping. After people were abducted, due to the lack of military reserves, giving them a hoe would be enough for them to join the battlefield. This is the conscription method in chaotic times.

At the very least, the entire Huaihua Prefecture could muster a rabble of ten thousand under Xu Xiongyuan’s command.

The military advisors pondered as they finished reading the threat letters sent by the wealthy families of Jiangnan. At this moment, Zhao Zhou stood up gracefully and asked solemnly, “May I ask where General’s aspirations lie?”

Xu Xiongyuan’s expression softened, and he said in a deep voice, “Although I am not talented, I also want to do my best for this world.”

Zhao Zhou responded tactfully, “Then General must rescue the colleagues in Jiangnan. If not, he may be branded as unjust and unrighteous.”

Xu Xiongyuan reached out to help Zhao Zhou up and smiled, “I also think so.”

Liu Yan, who was beside them, raised the tea to his lips and took a sip, concealing the mockery in his eyes.

To do one’s best for this world is indeed a great jest.

Everything happening in Jinghunan and Jiangnan was faithfully reported to Gu Yuanbai’s desk.

Gu Yuanbai carefully examined everything, remembering the locations of the troops and refugees’ escape routes clearly in his mind. After repeatedly pondering, ensuring there were no omissions, he then looked into the conflicts between the wealthy families and the rebel army.

The wealthy families in Jinghunan could be subdued by the rebel army, but Gu Yuanbai felt that the rebel army wouldn’t be willing to do the same with the wealthy families in Jiangnan.

Jiangnan was so prosperous that the rebel army could use it as a logistical base. Jinghunan used a hardline approach to showcase its military strength. Jiangnan employed a soft approach, cooperating with those who could be cooperated with and forcibly compelling those who couldn’t.

As long as Xu Xiongyuan and the families of several wealthy people in Jiangnan formed alliances, the wealthy families would be on the same boat, providing everything they could to ensure Xu Xiongyuan’s rebellion succeeded.

Since ancient times, facing the wealthy families, the methods were nothing more than suppression and restriction. One common method within restrictions was to make them move, leave their rooted places, and move to another place to compete with the wealthy families there, thus forming restrictions.

Gu Yuanbai’s original body ascended the throne as a young boy, with Lu Feng ruling as regent for several years. If you don’t have the skills for a tough job, don’t take it on. Now, look at the situation—Lu Feng’s indulgence has allowed the powerful nobles to become so brazen.

Gu Yuanbai rubbed his brows and said slowly, “I see, the wealthy families in Jiangnan will have a bigger role to play.”

Because of the emperor’s anti-corruption campaign, they saw the current emperor’s toughness. If the emperor cared so much for the common people, it meant he didn’t care for the wealthy families. He was going to act to restrict them.

In the previous years, the wealthy families lived too comfortably. As long as they paid silver, they could comfortably play as local feudal lords. They set the rules, they were the law, they did whatever they wanted. Under extreme relaxation, they now faced such strong anti-corruption efforts. Many wealthy families felt resentful.

To speak the truth, the influence of the powerful families in Jiangnan is so extensive that almost every merchant in the entire Great Heng has some connection to Jiangnan. In such a scenario, if some people are indeed roped into Xu Xiongyuan’s schemes, they will desperately drag more people onto this pirate ship, thoroughly destabilizing Gu Yuanbai’s throne. They would ensure that another person like Lu Feng, who will indulge their growth as long as they are paid, rises to power.

Gu Yuanbai tapped the table with his fingers, afraid of any negligence. He would discuss with his trusted courtiers later. Suddenly, he had a thought, “Jinghunan is surrounded by mountains on three sides, but there is still an extremely circuitous Jiangxian Road in the rear. Beyond Jiangxian Road is Dayue. I can’t give them the chance to escape to Dayue.”

Xue Yuan stepped forward, his face stern, “This official’s request, willing to accept the long reins.”

Gu Yuanbai trusted his ability very much and showed a slight smile, “Then I’ll leave it to you, Official Xue.”

Since the two of them returned on the Hongyun, Gu Yuanbai’s attitude towards Xue Yuan had been very natural, as if Xue Yuan had never been kissed by him or touched by him before, and he forgot about it immediately after.

Xue Yuan didn’t actually suffer a loss. On the contrary, he gained some advantage. He was kissed by his sweetheart, touched by his sweetheart. It should have been satisfying.

But just three words, it was aggrieving.

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, who smiled slightly without changing his expression, “Go to the War Ministry to mobilize troops. I allow you to lead ten thousand soldiers. Appoint General Dingyuan as your deputy. Coordinate with the three garrisons in Jinghunan and Jiangnan to completely defeat the rebel army for me!”

Xue Yuan’s expression condensed, and he responded in a deep voice, “I obey!”

After speaking, he bowed to Gu Yuanbai and temporarily put the official business at forefront, striding out of the hall. When he was about to leave the hall, he inexplicably turned his head to look at Gu Yuanbai, then turned and left.

Gu Yuanbai was puzzled by this glance. He watched Xue Yuan’s back until he disappeared, but he still couldn’t figure out the content of this glance.

Tian Fusheng, who was beside him, worried, “Is it a bit too soon to send troops now?”

Gu Yuanbai came back to his senses and said, “Not too soon.”

In marching and fighting, provisions come first. When Xue Yuan arrives at Jiangxian Road, the wealthy families in Jiangnan will either be defeated by Xu Xiongyuan or be lured onto his boat.

At that time, whether it was the wealthy families or Xu Xiongyuan, they would become rebel armies. Dealing with rebel armies would be a legitimate excuse. The imperial army would be on the moral high ground. Gu Yuanbai had no intention of prolonging the war or getting involved further. When Xu Xiongyuan dealt with the wealthy families, he would deal with Xu Xiongyuan.

Over a month’s time, Jinghunan and Jiangnan suffered little damage, which was excellent.

This was the difference between the way the emperor and Xu Xiongyuan handled things.

Xu Xiongyuan cleared out the wealthy families directly, cleanly, without needing an excuse. But Gu Yuanbai couldn’t. As the emperor, how could he act like a bandit?

Gu Yuanbai admired Xu Xiongyuan very much and issued an edict, indignantly denouncing the crimes of the Jiashen Association in causing loss of lives and disturbing the peace of the world.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 56

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 56

Chapter 56

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At the same time, the three garrisons had already set off for the borders of Jinghunan and Jiangnan. They would be stationed there to suppress any reactionary forces.

These were Gu Yuanbai's exact words.

The Supervision Bureau and the Donglingwei secretly transported the grains they had purchased in large quantities to the garrisons, reserving them for the people when they fled to the borders. A leader of one of the garrisons sighed, "The Emperor has thought of everything."

The Chief of the Donglingwei said calmly, "The Emperor has entrusted these matters to the generals, and when refugees arrive, please assist them."

"You can rest assured," the leader said, "We will all carry out the Emperor's orders."

The Donglingwei and the Supervision Bureau personnel still needed to stay in these two places to secretly guide the people's flight. War would inevitably result in bloodshed, but to the best of their ability, they aimed to minimize casualties among the innocent civilians.

Xu Xiongyuan said he wanted to send troops to seize grain, so troops were indeed sent to seize grain. Initially, he wanted to plunder the grain from the homes of peasants in several nearby counties, but Liu Yan and Zhao Zhou vehemently opposed it. One reason was the uncertainty in the rear, a taboo in military expeditions, and the other was that the peasants' homes had little grain. Sending troops would only waste military strength.

Xu Xiongyuan listened and led five thousand elite soldiers. They rode hard for half a day and surrounded the Chen Mansion in Huaihua Prefecture in one fell swoop.

The Chen Mansion was terrified, and even Chen Jinyin, who was admiring a piece of jade, was frightened.

What was happening? How could they be surrounded by the army of the rebel army one day?

Chen Jinyin hadn't realized what this meant yet, his face full of anger, he directly smashed the valuable jade in his hand to the ground, "I want to see who dares to touch my Chen family!"

The soldiers, starving with eyes almost turning green, dared.

With a command from Xu Xiongyuan, the soldiers, as numerous as locusts, rushed into the Chen Mansion, killing servants who resisted and embracing beautiful women they encountered.

They desperately loaded valuable items onto themselves, slashing their way into the inner courtyard as if entering a deserted place.

They were like bloodthirsty demons who didn't blink at killing, already dazzled by the luxurious Chen Mansion. All they saw were gold, silver, grain, and women. Bodies lay everywhere, blood flowing like a river. Xu Xiongyuan sat on horseback, laughing heartily, extremely satisfied with the ferocity and ruthlessness of his troops. He kept shouting, "Kill them all! Don't leave one! Capture the beautiful women and they will be rewarded to you. See how much grain this Chen family has. Is it enough for us to eat?"

This was the disaster of war.

Plundering and killing on one side, and setting fire after killing.

Chen Jinyin and his sons were hastily escorted out of the inner courtyard, and the soldiers saw them, their eyes filled with greed.

This greedy gaze stared at the gold and silver on them, and their arms were raised to kill them.

Chen Jinyin screamed in horror, "I have money! I'll give you money, give you grain, anything you want, as long as you don't kill me!"

The soldiers sneered, "Once we kill you, everything here will belong to the general. Why would we need you to give us anything?"

When the army of the court should obey discipline, what discipline did the rebel army follow? Since ancient times, leaders of rebellions had always tolerated their subordinates causing disasters!

The flames soared, mourning spread across the fields, and as soon as the government officials heard about it, they fled from Huaihua Prefecture.

Xu Xiongyuan breathed in the scent of blood on the tip of his nose, looking at the fire that was almost licking the clouds. Many, many people struggled under the fierce fire and chopping blades. He looked at such a big fire, as if watching his own great cause burning fiercely.

Amidst the cries of killing, Xu Xiongyuan realized that the Chen Mansion was not bad. It was a pity that it was all burned down. So he shouted, "Just burn the courtyard on the west side, leave the rest to me! Tonight, this general will move the stronghold of the Jiashen Association here. Hahaha."

The Chen Mansion suffered, and the other wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture naturally couldn't just sit and wait. Under the interests involved, several parties rushed to the Chen Mansion with their servants in a hurry.

When they arrived, they found that the rebel army was reveling in the entire Chen Mansion, with smoke and fog everywhere, and the sky turned black. The hearts of the various wealthy families sank, feeling that Chen Jinyin was in trouble.

This wealthy family had died like this, and the remaining interests were all divided by the rebel army. This was simply snatching food from them, a group of old folks. Several wealthy families looked very ugly. And when Xu Xiongyuan saw this large group of people rushing over, he couldn't help but laugh heartily, seeing them holding hoes, axes, and kitchen knives in their hands.

Then his eyes glowed red.

In just a few days, Xu Xiongyuan had completely wiped out the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture who did not voluntarily offer military funds. He showed no mercy, blood staining the entire Huaihua Prefecture, completely turning this place into his own headquarters.

And the people of Huaihua Prefecture had already run away after the officials fled.

Almost immediately after Xu Xiongyuan had just subdued the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture, news of the rebellion in Jinghunan reached Jiangnan.

The people who stayed in Jiangnan under the Jiashen Association were dumbfounded!

How did rebellion occur?

How did it start?

How did they flatten the wealthy families in Huaihua Prefecture?

How did they not know anything?

Not only did they not believe it, but the wealthy families rooted in Jiangnan also didn't believe it. They were unwilling to believe it.

The profits in Jiangnan were too great. Just Yangzhou alone was a gathering point for Huai merchants every year. Not to mention other things, the Lu family in Huainan could only stand firm in Jinghunan because of the profits in Jiangnan. Compared to Huainan West, Jiangnan and Jinghunan were the real roots of the Lu family.

How could they believe that the rebel army was rebelling in the neighboring province? The peasants could flee, but they were rooted here, with thousands of farmland, tenant households, mansions, and estates... they couldn't escape!

So after they learned the exact news, they decided to take action first.

The wealthy families caught the members of the Jiashen Association who stayed in Jiangnan and used them as a threat to make the Xu person to stay in Jinghunan.

When the news reached Xu Xiongyuan's hands, he was already living in the largest and most beautiful mansion in the entire Huaihua Prefecture, sitting on a chair made of sandalwood, smiling and asking the military advisors if they had any ideas.

Outside, there was a house-to-house conscription going on, said to be conscription, but actually, it was just kidnapping. After people were abducted, due to the lack of military reserves, giving them a hoe would be enough for them to join the battlefield. This is the conscription method in chaotic times.

At the very least, the entire Huaihua Prefecture could muster a rabble of ten thousand under Xu Xiongyuan's command.

The military advisors pondered as they finished reading the threat letters sent by the wealthy families of Jiangnan. At this moment, Zhao Zhou stood up gracefully and asked solemnly, "May I ask where General's aspirations lie?"

Xu Xiongyuan's expression softened, and he said in a deep voice, "Although I am not talented, I also want to do my best for this world."

Zhao Zhou responded tactfully, "Then General must rescue the colleagues in Jiangnan. If not, he may be branded as unjust and unrighteous."

Xu Xiongyuan reached out to help Zhao Zhou up and smiled, "I also think so."

Liu Yan, who was beside them, raised the tea to his lips and took a sip, concealing the mockery in his eyes.

To do one's best for this world is indeed a great jest.

Everything happening in Jinghunan and Jiangnan was faithfully reported to Gu Yuanbai's desk.

Gu Yuanbai carefully examined everything, remembering the locations of the troops and refugees' escape routes clearly in his mind. After repeatedly pondering, ensuring there were no omissions, he then looked into the conflicts between the wealthy families and the rebel army.

The wealthy families in Jinghunan could be subdued by the rebel army, but Gu Yuanbai felt that the rebel army wouldn't be willing to do the same with the wealthy families in Jiangnan.

Jiangnan was so prosperous that the rebel army could use it as a logistical base. Jinghunan used a hardline approach to showcase its military strength. Jiangnan employed a soft approach, cooperating with those who could be cooperated with and forcibly compelling those who couldn't.

As long as Xu Xiongyuan and the families of several wealthy people in Jiangnan formed alliances, the wealthy families would be on the same boat, providing everything they could to ensure Xu Xiongyuan's rebellion succeeded.

Since ancient times, facing the wealthy families, the methods were nothing more than suppression and restriction. One common method within restrictions was to make them move, leave their rooted places, and move to another place to compete with the wealthy families there, thus forming restrictions.

Gu Yuanbai's original body ascended the throne as a young boy, with Lu Feng ruling as regent for several years. If you don't have the skills for a tough job, don't take it on. Now, look at the situation—Lu Feng's indulgence has allowed the powerful nobles to become so brazen.

Gu Yuanbai rubbed his brows and said slowly, "I see, the wealthy families in Jiangnan will have a bigger role to play."

Because of the emperor's anti-corruption campaign, they saw the current emperor's toughness. If the emperor cared so much for the common people, it meant he didn't care for the wealthy families. He was going to act to restrict them.

In the previous years, the wealthy families lived too comfortably. As long as they paid silver, they could comfortably play as local feudal lords. They set the rules, they were the law, they did whatever they wanted. Under extreme relaxation, they now faced such strong anti-corruption efforts. Many wealthy families felt resentful.

To speak the truth, the influence of the powerful families in Jiangnan is so extensive that almost every merchant in the entire Great Heng has some connection to Jiangnan. In such a scenario, if some people are indeed roped into Xu Xiongyuan's schemes, they will desperately drag more people onto this pirate ship, thoroughly destabilizing Gu Yuanbai's throne. They would ensure that another person like Lu Feng, who will indulge their growth as long as they are paid, rises to power.

Gu Yuanbai tapped the table with his fingers, afraid of any negligence. He would discuss with his trusted courtiers later. Suddenly, he had a thought, "Jinghunan is surrounded by mountains on three sides, but there is still an extremely circuitous Jiangxian Road in the rear. Beyond Jiangxian Road is Dayue. I can't give them the chance to escape to Dayue."

Xue Yuan stepped forward, his face stern, "This official’s request, willing to accept the long reins."

Gu Yuanbai trusted his ability very much and showed a slight smile, "Then I'll leave it to you, Official Xue."

Since the two of them returned on the Hongyun, Gu Yuanbai's attitude towards Xue Yuan had been very natural, as if Xue Yuan had never been kissed by him or touched by him before, and he forgot about it immediately after.

Xue Yuan didn't actually suffer a loss. On the contrary, he gained some advantage. He was kissed by his sweetheart, touched by his sweetheart. It should have been satisfying.

But just three words, it was aggrieving.

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, who smiled slightly without changing his expression, "Go to the War Ministry to mobilize troops. I allow you to lead ten thousand soldiers. Appoint General Dingyuan as your deputy. Coordinate with the three garrisons in Jinghunan and Jiangnan to completely defeat the rebel army for me!"

Xue Yuan's expression condensed, and he responded in a deep voice, "I obey!"

After speaking, he bowed to Gu Yuanbai and temporarily put the official business at forefront, striding out of the hall. When he was about to leave the hall, he inexplicably turned his head to look at Gu Yuanbai, then turned and left.

Gu Yuanbai was puzzled by this glance. He watched Xue Yuan's back until he disappeared, but he still couldn't figure out the content of this glance.

Tian Fusheng, who was beside him, worried, "Is it a bit too soon to send troops now?"

Gu Yuanbai came back to his senses and said, "Not too soon."

In marching and fighting, provisions come first. When Xue Yuan arrives at Jiangxian Road, the wealthy families in Jiangnan will either be defeated by Xu Xiongyuan or be lured onto his boat.

At that time, whether it was the wealthy families or Xu Xiongyuan, they would become rebel armies. Dealing with rebel armies would be a legitimate excuse. The imperial army would be on the moral high ground. Gu Yuanbai had no intention of prolonging the war or getting involved further. When Xu Xiongyuan dealt with the wealthy families, he would deal with Xu Xiongyuan.

Over a month's time, Jinghunan and Jiangnan suffered little damage, which was excellent.

This was the difference between the way the emperor and Xu Xiongyuan handled things.

Xu Xiongyuan cleared out the wealthy families directly, cleanly, without needing an excuse. But Gu Yuanbai couldn't. As the emperor, how could he act like a bandit?

Gu Yuanbai admired Xu Xiongyuan very much and issued an edict, indignantly denouncing the crimes of the Jiashen Association in causing loss of lives and disturbing the peace of the world.

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