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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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The Lantern Festival arrived quickly, bringing clear skies and a bright day. There was no morning court session, so officials rested at home. When the sun began to set, they were to accompany the Emperor to tour the imperial garden.

Gu Yuanbai slept until noon. After washing and eating, he found officials waiting outside.

In the bedchamber, new spring clothes were prepared. Gu Yuanbai chose a moon-white robe embroidered with golden dragon patterns, draping a blue-patterned cloak over it. With a smile, he stepped out of the bedchamber.

The officials, accompanied by their sons, bowed to Gu Yuanbai, “May Your Majesty have peace.”

Well-rested and in high spirits, Gu Yuanbai smiled and said, “Rise.”

The garden, filled with rare flowers and plants, had bloomed thanks to recent spring rains. The palace staff had tended to them day and night, bringing vibrant life to trees that shouldn’t yet be green.

The sun shone brightly, and the palace staff had watered the area in advance. The flowers, adorned with water droplets, were at their most beautiful.

Surrounded by relatives and high officials, the Emperor was the center of attention. The officials’ sons trailed behind, unable to catch even a glimpse of the Emperor’s robe.

Xue Yuan was trailing behind the officials, walking alongside Chang Yuyan. They strolled slowly, appearing as if they were merely enjoying the flowers.

Seeing that there were few people around, Chang Yuyan asked, “What happened to the handkerchief you found?”

Xue Yuan, hands behind his back, stood straight and handsome. He replied nonchalantly, “I burned it to ashes.”

Chang Yuyan teased, “I thought you might return the handkerchief to its owner today.”

Xue Yuan laughed as if he had heard a funny joke. “Once it’s in my hands, it’s mine. Why return it?”

Just as Chang Yuyan was about to speak, a commotion erupted ahead. An official had a moment of inspiration and composed an excellent spring poem, causing a stir.

A palace attendant recorded the poem and recited it loudly. Chang Yuyan clapped his hands in admiration. “What a great poem!”

Xue Yuan said, “Your father is counting on you to make a name for yourself today. Why don’t you take this opportunity to recite a poem?”

Chang Yuyan shook his head firmly. Xue Yuan smirked, stepped back, and kicked Chang Yuyan, sending him stumbling forward. Recognizing him, an official made way with a smile, “When it comes to poetry, we can’t overlook the young master of the Chang family.”

As Chang Yuyan regained his balance, the path to the Emperor opened up. He quickly composed himself and respectfully approached the Emperor, bowing deeply. “Forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty.”

Gu Yuanbai looked closely at the elegant young man before him. “You must be Chang Yuyan?”

Chang Yuyan bowed even lower. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Chang Yuyan was well-known in the capital, famous for his talent. Two incidents involving him stood out to Gu Yuanbai: one, the day of his coming-of-age ceremony when his ardent fans besieged the Chang residence, causing a commotion that required government intervention. The other was when Chang Yuyan composed thirteen poems criticizing powerful officials and indirectly criticizing the Emperor himself.

Translated plainly, his message was: “You powerful officials care only about your selfish interests, ignoring the suffering of the people. The suffering masses support your luxurious lives. I think you’re all trash.”

These thirteen poems offended many in the capital, causing his father to be demoted. Only after the situation cooled did Chang Yuyan start writing again, and his fame grew even more.

Reflecting on this, Gu Yuanbai smiled more deeply. “Do you have a poem to present?”

Chang Yuyan’s writings, whether essays or poems, were all beautifully crafted and well-regarded. More importantly, he was famous, a perfect talent for swaying public opinion. Gu Yuanbai just happened to lack someone who could sing his praises, elevate him to the highest moral ground, and pave the way for his policies through favorable public opinion.

Chang Yuyan’s mouth was dry. He had indeed prepared a poem, one he had written even before the garden tour. However, that poem was deliberately crafted to be a satire, similar to “The rich feasts reek of meat and wine, while the bones of the frozen poor litter the road.”

He had initially thought that if his father asked him to recite a poem in front of the Emperor, he would boldly recite this very poem.

Seeing him hesitate, Gu Yuanbai smiled. “Stand up and lift your head.”

Instinctively, Chang Yuyan complied, meeting the Emperor’s smiling gaze.

The Emperor praised him, turning to the officials, “The young talents of our great empire are all outstanding and honorable men.”

Chang Yuyan’s ears instantly turned red, feeling a wave of shame rise within him.

The officials chimed in with praise, “The young master of the Chang family has the talent of a top scholar.”

Standing on the outskirts, Chang Yuyan’s father, the Dali Temple’s Shaoqing, couldn’t help but smile at the praise for his son.

The Emperor set the tone, and the officials followed. Gu Yuanbai smiled, tilting his head as he listened, nearly burying his chin in the fur of his cloak.

Chang Yuyan dared not look directly at the Emperor’s face, so he stared at the Emperor’s chin. 

The Emperor had a tall, slender figure, but he was extremely thin, with little flesh on his chin, though its shape was attractive. Chang Yuyan recalled how the men who take liberties in the capital liked to grab chins like this when teasing respectable women, before proceeding with their flirtations.

Fortunately, the Emperor was the Emperor. No, the Emperor was a man. Chang Yuyan, what nonsense are you thinking?

If those libertines dared to pinch the Emperor’s chin, they would be beheaded immediately.

Chang Yuyan shivered slightly without making it obvious, inwardly groaning and silently blaming Xue Yuan. Why did he have to put him in such a difficult position?

“Yuyan?” The Emperor called. “What poem have you composed?”

Chang Yuyan’s heart leapt to his throat. Glancing sideways, he spotted a cluster of plum blossoms.

Inspiration struck. “This humble servant has composed a poem about the plum blossoms.”

Suppressing the satirical poem, Chang Yuyan improvised a new one, ending with a praise of the spring day.

Gu Yuanbai nodded approvingly. “Full of spirit.”

Chang Yuyan’s eyes followed his nose, his nose followed his heart, and he continued to stare at the emperor’s chin. This time, in his haste, his gaze lifted slightly, catching sight of the emperor’s pale lips as well.

Those lips were neither too thin nor too thick, with the corners naturally curved upwards, resembling a perpetual smile.

Gu Yuanbai thought this kid wasn’t bad. Initially, after reading the thirteen poems he had composed, he assumed Chang Yuyan was a simpleton, but it turned out he had some sense.

He called Chang Yuyan to his side to accompany him, strolling and stopping intermittently in the garden, occasionally exchanging a few words with him. The ministers around the emperor discreetly assessed Chang Yuyan repeatedly, wondering how this boy had caught the emperor’s eye.


Xue Yuan leisurely waited at the back, anticipating the emperor’s anger.

He knew Chang Yuyan well; even if it was just to annoy his father, Chang Yuyan would make a big scene. But as time ticked by, there was still laughter and conversation up ahead, and Chang Yuyan had blended in without returning.

Xue Yuan’s brows gradually furrowed. Could it be that Chang Yuyan still hadn’t made a move?

He had been eagerly waiting to see the young emperor’s reaction, anticipating his anger. He had even arranged for people to be ready outside the palace to quickly spread Chang Yuyan’s satirical work throughout the capital.

Disappointed, Xue Yuan sighed and quickened his pace. Just as the emperor’s group reached a corner, Xue Yuan spotted his father, General Xue, beaming from ear to ear, unable to contain his smile as he walked beside the emperor.

Xue Yuan quietly approached, standing in the shadow behind his father. As soon as he settled, he saw the emperor suddenly stop, extending a hand as pale as porcelain from within his wide sleeves to pluck a brightly blooming flower from the surrounding greenery.

“This flower is beautifully in bloom,” the emperor praised. He lifted the flower to his nose, and, evidently pleased with the fragrance, broke into a radiant smile.

The emperor, though tall and slender, was frail and sickly. Yet his smile was vibrant and full of life, like flowers in full bloom. Hiding in the shadows, Xue Yuan looked up and, at first glance, noticed the emperor’s smiling lips. He realized that this frail emperor had an unexpectedly handsome face.

Xue Yuan watched for a while, frowning absentmindedly.

This emperor, who had harshly reprimanded him in front of all the officials, hadn’t even grown hair?


By midday, the palace feast began with the sound of bamboo flutes and orchestral music.

Chang Yuyan sat in the back, dazedly staring at the dishes on the table.

Next to him, Xue Yuan picked at the prettiest dishes. “Your poem today was quite good.”

“You already know…” Chang Yuyan rubbed his forehead. “I never thought I’d resort to opportunism when facing the emperor.”

Xue Yuan smiled, showing his sinister side. “The emperor is quite skilled.”

Chang Yuyan frowned slightly. “How can you speak of the emperor that way?”

Xue Yuan raised an eyebrow, deliberately turning to look at his strangely behaving friend. Then he squinted and gazed distantly at the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai sat in a high seat, having inevitably consumed some alcohol. The ancient wine was not very strong, but since he had rarely drunk since arriving here, he had instructed his servants to dilute it with water after a few cups.

Warmth spread from his chest to his limbs, and Gu Yuanbai exhaled, feeling his face heat up.

He knew he couldn’t drink any more. Aware of how delicate and weak his body was, he switched to hot tea to sober up.

Every move of the emperor was closely watched. Those who often saw him were accustomed to it, but those seeing him for the first time stole glances out of the corners of their eyes.

The most obvious gaze belonged to Xue Yuan.

Getting drunk so easily—was he even a man?

Could such an emperor really sway Chang Yuyan? Had something happened in the imperial garden that he hadn’t noticed?

Xue Yuan tapped his cup thoughtfully.

The feast didn’t last long, ending just as the sky began to darken. Tian Fusheng led the eunuchs to see the officials out, then pulled the chief guard Zhang Xu aside to discreetly give instructions.

After bathing, Gu Yuanbai still had some time. He sat at his desk and opened “Han Feizi.”

Unlike traditional ancient men, Gu Yuanbai had a major flaw—his thoughts came from the future, and the advanced ideas of the future were not suitable for the current environment.

He had to discern what was beneficial and what could cause disaster if brought into this world. He had never read these ancient texts before, but since arriving here, he studied them day and night, extracting knowledge to understand and master the art of being an emperor. The previous emperor had not ruled well, so he had to learn from these books.

There is a modern saying: “If you time-travel to the Qing dynasty and don’t rebel, you might as well drill your chrysanthemum with an electric drill.” Even though Great Heng is a dynasty that never appeared in his memory, and this world itself exists within a novel, the books and historical traces that have emerged are almost identical to those in his memory. Gu Yuanbai can’t treat this country with a frivolous attitude.

As the protagonist of this world, whether it was Chu Wei or Xue Yuan, they had great abilities in governance.

Honestly, Gu Yuanbai envied them.

Although he didn’t understand why they loved each other, he respected them. If he could live longer, he might even marry them to gain their support.

Unfortunately, his fate had long been sealed by the Lord of the Underworld. Gu Yuanbai could only wait passively for his life to end. In a short while, he might be bedridden and unable to move.

Gu Yuanbai sighed deeply.

Tian Fusheng asked, “Is Your Majesty tired?”

Gu Yuanbai shook his head. “I’m just pondering. Everyone faces death, and no matter how prepared one is, even I am anxious when confronted with it.”

Tian Fusheng, startled, fell to his knees. Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “Why are you so scared? I’m just making an observation.”

Tian Fusheng, still shaken, pleaded, “Please, Your Majesty, don’t say such things. You’re scaring me to death.”

Gu Yuanbai shook his head helplessly, losing his desire to read. He put the book down, and the palace servants had already left. Gu Yuanbai, without thinking, walked to his bed and lifted the canopy, his eyes widening in shock.

A beautiful person, tightly bound, laid on his bed. The beauty’s phoenix eyes were filled with hidden malice.

Instinctively, Gu Yuanbai glanced at the chest and saw it was a man. His face darkened instantly.

The author’s note: Gu Yuanbai: I may not be fully grown, but I’m still better than you :)

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 6

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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The Lantern Festival arrived quickly, bringing clear skies and a bright day. There was no morning court session, so officials rested at home. When the sun began to set, they were to accompany the Emperor to tour the imperial garden.

Gu Yuanbai slept until noon. After washing and eating, he found officials waiting outside.

In the bedchamber, new spring clothes were prepared. Gu Yuanbai chose a moon-white robe embroidered with golden dragon patterns, draping a blue-patterned cloak over it. With a smile, he stepped out of the bedchamber.

The officials, accompanied by their sons, bowed to Gu Yuanbai, "May Your Majesty have peace."

Well-rested and in high spirits, Gu Yuanbai smiled and said, "Rise."

The garden, filled with rare flowers and plants, had bloomed thanks to recent spring rains. The palace staff had tended to them day and night, bringing vibrant life to trees that shouldn't yet be green.

The sun shone brightly, and the palace staff had watered the area in advance. The flowers, adorned with water droplets, were at their most beautiful.

Surrounded by relatives and high officials, the Emperor was the center of attention. The officials' sons trailed behind, unable to catch even a glimpse of the Emperor's robe.

Xue Yuan was trailing behind the officials, walking alongside Chang Yuyan. They strolled slowly, appearing as if they were merely enjoying the flowers.

Seeing that there were few people around, Chang Yuyan asked, "What happened to the handkerchief you found?"

Xue Yuan, hands behind his back, stood straight and handsome. He replied nonchalantly, "I burned it to ashes."

Chang Yuyan teased, "I thought you might return the handkerchief to its owner today."

Xue Yuan laughed as if he had heard a funny joke. "Once it’s in my hands, it’s mine. Why return it?"

Just as Chang Yuyan was about to speak, a commotion erupted ahead. An official had a moment of inspiration and composed an excellent spring poem, causing a stir.

A palace attendant recorded the poem and recited it loudly. Chang Yuyan clapped his hands in admiration. "What a great poem!"

Xue Yuan said, "Your father is counting on you to make a name for yourself today. Why don’t you take this opportunity to recite a poem?"

Chang Yuyan shook his head firmly. Xue Yuan smirked, stepped back, and kicked Chang Yuyan, sending him stumbling forward. Recognizing him, an official made way with a smile, "When it comes to poetry, we can't overlook the young master of the Chang family."

As Chang Yuyan regained his balance, the path to the Emperor opened up. He quickly composed himself and respectfully approached the Emperor, bowing deeply. "Forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty."

Gu Yuanbai looked closely at the elegant young man before him. "You must be Chang Yuyan?"

Chang Yuyan bowed even lower. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Chang Yuyan was well-known in the capital, famous for his talent. Two incidents involving him stood out to Gu Yuanbai: one, the day of his coming-of-age ceremony when his ardent fans besieged the Chang residence, causing a commotion that required government intervention. The other was when Chang Yuyan composed thirteen poems criticizing powerful officials and indirectly criticizing the Emperor himself.

Translated plainly, his message was: "You powerful officials care only about your selfish interests, ignoring the suffering of the people. The suffering masses support your luxurious lives. I think you're all trash."

These thirteen poems offended many in the capital, causing his father to be demoted. Only after the situation cooled did Chang Yuyan start writing again, and his fame grew even more.

Reflecting on this, Gu Yuanbai smiled more deeply. "Do you have a poem to present?"

Chang Yuyan's writings, whether essays or poems, were all beautifully crafted and well-regarded. More importantly, he was famous, a perfect talent for swaying public opinion. Gu Yuanbai just happened to lack someone who could sing his praises, elevate him to the highest moral ground, and pave the way for his policies through favorable public opinion.

Chang Yuyan's mouth was dry. He had indeed prepared a poem, one he had written even before the garden tour. However, that poem was deliberately crafted to be a satire, similar to "The rich feasts reek of meat and wine, while the bones of the frozen poor litter the road."

He had initially thought that if his father asked him to recite a poem in front of the Emperor, he would boldly recite this very poem.

Seeing him hesitate, Gu Yuanbai smiled. "Stand up and lift your head."

Instinctively, Chang Yuyan complied, meeting the Emperor's smiling gaze.

The Emperor praised him, turning to the officials, "The young talents of our great empire are all outstanding and honorable men."

Chang Yuyan's ears instantly turned red, feeling a wave of shame rise within him.

The officials chimed in with praise, "The young master of the Chang family has the talent of a top scholar."

Standing on the outskirts, Chang Yuyan's father, the Dali Temple's Shaoqing, couldn't help but smile at the praise for his son.

The Emperor set the tone, and the officials followed. Gu Yuanbai smiled, tilting his head as he listened, nearly burying his chin in the fur of his cloak.

Chang Yuyan dared not look directly at the Emperor's face, so he stared at the Emperor's chin. 

The Emperor had a tall, slender figure, but he was extremely thin, with little flesh on his chin, though its shape was attractive. Chang Yuyan recalled how the men who take liberties in the capital liked to grab chins like this when teasing respectable women, before proceeding with their flirtations.

Fortunately, the Emperor was the Emperor. No, the Emperor was a man. Chang Yuyan, what nonsense are you thinking?

If those libertines dared to pinch the Emperor’s chin, they would be beheaded immediately.

Chang Yuyan shivered slightly without making it obvious, inwardly groaning and silently blaming Xue Yuan. Why did he have to put him in such a difficult position?

"Yuyan?" The Emperor called. "What poem have you composed?"

Chang Yuyan's heart leapt to his throat. Glancing sideways, he spotted a cluster of plum blossoms.

Inspiration struck. "This humble servant has composed a poem about the plum blossoms."

Suppressing the satirical poem, Chang Yuyan improvised a new one, ending with a praise of the spring day.

Gu Yuanbai nodded approvingly. "Full of spirit."

Chang Yuyan's eyes followed his nose, his nose followed his heart, and he continued to stare at the emperor's chin. This time, in his haste, his gaze lifted slightly, catching sight of the emperor's pale lips as well.

Those lips were neither too thin nor too thick, with the corners naturally curved upwards, resembling a perpetual smile.

Gu Yuanbai thought this kid wasn't bad. Initially, after reading the thirteen poems he had composed, he assumed Chang Yuyan was a simpleton, but it turned out he had some sense.

He called Chang Yuyan to his side to accompany him, strolling and stopping intermittently in the garden, occasionally exchanging a few words with him. The ministers around the emperor discreetly assessed Chang Yuyan repeatedly, wondering how this boy had caught the emperor's eye.


Xue Yuan leisurely waited at the back, anticipating the emperor's anger.

He knew Chang Yuyan well; even if it was just to annoy his father, Chang Yuyan would make a big scene. But as time ticked by, there was still laughter and conversation up ahead, and Chang Yuyan had blended in without returning.

Xue Yuan's brows gradually furrowed. Could it be that Chang Yuyan still hadn't made a move?

He had been eagerly waiting to see the young emperor's reaction, anticipating his anger. He had even arranged for people to be ready outside the palace to quickly spread Chang Yuyan's satirical work throughout the capital.

Disappointed, Xue Yuan sighed and quickened his pace. Just as the emperor's group reached a corner, Xue Yuan spotted his father, General Xue, beaming from ear to ear, unable to contain his smile as he walked beside the emperor.

Xue Yuan quietly approached, standing in the shadow behind his father. As soon as he settled, he saw the emperor suddenly stop, extending a hand as pale as porcelain from within his wide sleeves to pluck a brightly blooming flower from the surrounding greenery.

"This flower is beautifully in bloom," the emperor praised. He lifted the flower to his nose, and, evidently pleased with the fragrance, broke into a radiant smile.

The emperor, though tall and slender, was frail and sickly. Yet his smile was vibrant and full of life, like flowers in full bloom. Hiding in the shadows, Xue Yuan looked up and, at first glance, noticed the emperor's smiling lips. He realized that this frail emperor had an unexpectedly handsome face.

Xue Yuan watched for a while, frowning absentmindedly.

This emperor, who had harshly reprimanded him in front of all the officials, hadn't even grown hair?


By midday, the palace feast began with the sound of bamboo flutes and orchestral music.

Chang Yuyan sat in the back, dazedly staring at the dishes on the table.

Next to him, Xue Yuan picked at the prettiest dishes. "Your poem today was quite good."

"You already know..." Chang Yuyan rubbed his forehead. "I never thought I'd resort to opportunism when facing the emperor."

Xue Yuan smiled, showing his sinister side. "The emperor is quite skilled."

Chang Yuyan frowned slightly. "How can you speak of the emperor that way?"

Xue Yuan raised an eyebrow, deliberately turning to look at his strangely behaving friend. Then he squinted and gazed distantly at the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai sat in a high seat, having inevitably consumed some alcohol. The ancient wine was not very strong, but since he had rarely drunk since arriving here, he had instructed his servants to dilute it with water after a few cups.

Warmth spread from his chest to his limbs, and Gu Yuanbai exhaled, feeling his face heat up.

He knew he couldn't drink any more. Aware of how delicate and weak his body was, he switched to hot tea to sober up.

Every move of the emperor was closely watched. Those who often saw him were accustomed to it, but those seeing him for the first time stole glances out of the corners of their eyes.

The most obvious gaze belonged to Xue Yuan.

Getting drunk so easily—was he even a man?

Could such an emperor really sway Chang Yuyan? Had something happened in the imperial garden that he hadn't noticed?

Xue Yuan tapped his cup thoughtfully.

The feast didn't last long, ending just as the sky began to darken. Tian Fusheng led the eunuchs to see the officials out, then pulled the chief guard Zhang Xu aside to discreetly give instructions.

After bathing, Gu Yuanbai still had some time. He sat at his desk and opened "Han Feizi."

Unlike traditional ancient men, Gu Yuanbai had a major flaw—his thoughts came from the future, and the advanced ideas of the future were not suitable for the current environment.

He had to discern what was beneficial and what could cause disaster if brought into this world. He had never read these ancient texts before, but since arriving here, he studied them day and night, extracting knowledge to understand and master the art of being an emperor. The previous emperor had not ruled well, so he had to learn from these books.

There is a modern saying: "If you time-travel to the Qing dynasty and don't rebel, you might as well drill your chrysanthemum with an electric drill." Even though Great Heng is a dynasty that never appeared in his memory, and this world itself exists within a novel, the books and historical traces that have emerged are almost identical to those in his memory. Gu Yuanbai can't treat this country with a frivolous attitude.

As the protagonist of this world, whether it was Chu Wei or Xue Yuan, they had great abilities in governance.

Honestly, Gu Yuanbai envied them.

Although he didn't understand why they loved each other, he respected them. If he could live longer, he might even marry them to gain their support.

Unfortunately, his fate had long been sealed by the Lord of the Underworld. Gu Yuanbai could only wait passively for his life to end. In a short while, he might be bedridden and unable to move.

Gu Yuanbai sighed deeply.

Tian Fusheng asked, "Is Your Majesty tired?"

Gu Yuanbai shook his head. "I'm just pondering. Everyone faces death, and no matter how prepared one is, even I am anxious when confronted with it."

Tian Fusheng, startled, fell to his knees. Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "Why are you so scared? I'm just making an observation."

Tian Fusheng, still shaken, pleaded, "Please, Your Majesty, don’t say such things. You’re scaring me to death."

Gu Yuanbai shook his head helplessly, losing his desire to read. He put the book down, and the palace servants had already left. Gu Yuanbai, without thinking, walked to his bed and lifted the canopy, his eyes widening in shock.

A beautiful person, tightly bound, laid on his bed. The beauty’s phoenix eyes were filled with hidden malice.

Instinctively, Gu Yuanbai glanced at the chest and saw it was a man. His face darkened instantly.

The author’s note: Gu Yuanbai: I may not be fully grown, but I'm still better than you :)

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