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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 65

Chapter 65

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Xue Yuan possessed something that Gu Yuanbai envied: the freedom unique to this era, the liberty to act as he pleased with a body that matched his talents.

His emotions and temperament were like fire. If Gu Yuanbai were an onlooker, he would greatly admire Xue Yuan’s character. If they were in modern times, they might have become drinking buddies.

But in ancient times, in a feudal dynasty, such passionate feelings were akin to madness.

Gu Yuanbai forcefully withdrew his hand.

“Disrespectful to the superior, inappropriate in words,” Gu Yuanbai said, “Xue Yuan, I have forgiven you many times. For your efforts in securing Jinghunan and Jiangnan, for saving my life without regard for your own safety, and for your father’s dedication. I have turned a blind eye to some of your transgressions.”

“Others would take this chance to be more respectful, to earn my favor,” Gu Yuanbai’s voice grew colder, “But you, you never restrain yourself and continually test my limits.”

“If I wanted your life, why would I need to smile at you? There is no shortage of people willing to risk their lives for me.”

An inexplicable anger rose within Gu Yuanbai. His sleeve swung fiercely, and he grabbed Xue Yuan’s chin, his voice low, “Any one of them would be more obedient than you.”

Xue Yuan’s breathing grew heavy, his body tensed, and the freshly bandaged wounds started to bleed again.

He tried to suppress the gloom in his heart and forced a nonchalant smile, “Your Majesty, none of them are as useful as I am.”

“Such arrogance makes me want to laugh,” Gu Yuanbai sneered coldly, “The palace is full of talented individuals. Xue Yuan, how great do you think your abilities are, that no one can match you?”

“And what makes you so confident that none of them will be more loyal to me than you?”

Xue Yuan fell silent.

After a long while, he sighed deeply.

Gu Yuanbai thought he was admitting his mistake and let go of him. “Today’s fifty lashes are punishment for your recklessness.”

“I hope you understand,” Gu Yuanbai’s voice was low and raspy, so pleasant it could make one’s ears go soft, yet his words were chilling, “In Great Heng, no one is above the law, no matter how talented they are.”

Gu Yuanbai was not a pedantic person; his thinking was even more advanced than anyone in this world.

But the laws of the ancient times, the power of an emperor, these must never be overstepped by anyone.

The emperor’s authority was supreme. Gu Yuanbai was an emperor, and an emperor must consolidate his power. If someone could break the law without punishment, what deterrence would the emperor have?

Today, someone could cut off the shizi of Marquis Anle’s finger for a reason. Tomorrow, could they kill someone else for another reason?

The emperor finally said, “If fifty lashes are not enough, then continue until it is.”

After saying this, Gu Yuanbai turned to leave.

His face was expressionless, and his presence was so oppressive that no one inside or outside the room dared to raise their heads. As he stepped out, Xue Yuan spoke from behind.

“Your Majesty, even if my abilities are insufficient, I have something they cannot give and dare not give,” Xue Yuan’s voice was extremely calm, “I—”

“Shut up,” Gu Yuanbai interrupted.

Xue Yuan faintly smiled.

The salty sweat soaked the bedding. The stronger the smell of blood, the calmer Xue Yuan seemed.

He propped himself up, looking at Gu Yuanbai through the stifling, heated air of the room. His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, but steady, “Your Majesty once asked why I refused a transfer. Now I can tell you, it’s because I want to stay by your side.”

“I have feelings for you,” his voice dropped, as if it came from a very distant place, somewhat distorted, “I’m in love with you, Your Majesty. This heart, no one else dares to give it to you.”

Because others would fear for their lives.

With a thud, everyone who heard this fell to their knees.

A chill ran down their spines, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads. Hearing Xue Yuan’s audacious words, they wished they were not there.

Gu Yuanbai remained silent.

In the small courtyard, crowded with people, there wasn’t a single sound. The incessant cicadas were deafening, urging on their doom.

Everyone feared losing their lives just by hearing those words.

Even Tian Fusheng was incredibly nervous, his heart in his throat.

After a long while, Gu Yuanbai said softly, “Tian Fusheng, take these people away.”

In the courtyard, some were already trembling uncontrollably, their expressions terrified as if they were about to lose their lives.

The emperor continued, “Make sure they know what to remember and what to forget.”

Tian Fusheng trembled as he got up, “Yes.”

Gu Yuanbai, without looking sideways, as if nothing had happened, strode out of the small courtyard.

In modern times, Gu Yuanbai had received many confessions of love.

But Xue Yuan was particularly special among them, special in that Gu Yuanbai wondered if it was his impulsive kiss that made Xue Yuan fall for him.

If that was the case, he would feel guilty, but what could Gu Yuanbai do after the guilt?

No matter who Xue Yuan liked, it would be better than liking him.

Anyone else would have more time to spend with Xue Yuan than Gu Yuanbai.

As soon as the emperor left, everyone in the courtyard let out a sigh of relief. They collapsed onto the ground, grateful to still be alive.

Inside the house.

Xue Yuan closed his eyes, lying on the pillow. After a while, blood trickled from his palm.

In the evening, Chang Yuyan came to see Xue Yuan personally.

He comforted him, saying, “Your father knows what your little brother did. He was already in a foul mood before leaving, and after this, his face was even worse. I suspect he’ll use the family rules you mentioned.”

It was unclear whether Xue Yuan was asleep or awake, but after a while, he lazily responded with a nasal sound.

Chang Yuyan opened his folding fan, fanning himself leisurely, and wondered aloud, “Xue Jiuyou, you actually did this for your little brother. With your skills, how could you let your little brother set you up? With your little brother being that foolish, tell me honestly, did you do it on purpose?”

“On purpose?” Xue Yuan moved his lips, “The Tanhua lang’s brain truly is unique.”

Chang Yuyan had boasted about wanting to be the top scorer in front of Xue Yuan, but ended up as the third-place candidate. Every time Xue Yuan called him “Tanhua lang,” it sounded like mockery to Chang Yuyan.

Annoyed, Chang Yuyan tapped the edge of the bed, “Even if you don’t say it, I can guess pretty accurately.”

He half-joked, half-sincerely said, “Marquis Anle never spares his words. Although His Majesty hasn’t spread this matter, Marquis Anle has already made a big fuss about it. However, apart from the clan relatives, not many people are criticizing you. Compared to you, your little brother is much more controversial.”

Second Young Master Xue’s reputation was thoroughly ruined, now known as both foolish and malicious.

Xue Yuan remained silent, and after a while, he said, “Write me a poem.”

Chang Yuyan was taken aback, “What?”

“Praise my heroic figure,” Xue Yuan finally opened his eyes, his bloodshot eyes making him look as if they were filled with blood, scaring Chang Yuyan. Xue Yuan continued coldly, “Appearance, family background, experiences, military achievements… write it well.”

“What, what does that mean?”

“Just write it,” Xue Yuan curled his lips into a sinister smile, “If you write it well, I’ll reward you handsomely.”

Two days passed quickly, and on the third day, just like in the inner court of the capital, the government offices began functioning officially in the summer palace.

Gu Yuanbai attended the morning court with the officials. As per the emperor’s instructions, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue reported that the taxes from Jinghunan and Jiangnan had only been one-third of the actual tax revenue.

The officials were in an uproar.

There were inevitably some instances of hidden land within each family. The more prosperous the officials’ families became, the weaker the emperor’s power. When the emperor’s power weakened to a certain point, powerful ministers would arise, overstepping their authority, leading to the dynasty’s replacement.

This principle was understood by many, and those who did understood it, began to be cautious under a strong emperor.

They knew that the collected taxes were not the actual taxes, but one-third? That was too shocking!

Gu Yuanbai only wanted the officials to be aware of this. After the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue finished speaking, the officials looked at each other in shock. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel suddenly stepped forward, bowed deeply, and apologized to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai narrowed his eyes slightly and said meaningfully, “What crime has the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel committed?”

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel’s lips moved slightly, his hands clasped in front of him as he bowed, “I am ashamed.”

The Zhizhou of Lizhou had fallen into the trap carefully set by Kong Yilin and the other officials half a month ago.

As soon as the anti-corruption inspectors left, Kong Yilin and the others arrived with the grain and tax silver. The meticulously prepared convoy was too tempting, and the Zhizhou of Lizhou couldn’t resist and informed the local bandits about the “big fat sheep” passing through Lizhou.

Thus, the bandits around Lizhou and the corrupt Zhizhou were finally caught in one sweep.

Due to the large number of bandits, even the Donglingwei were not enough. Fortunately, they had made preparations in advance, contacting the local garrison who remained hidden and did not alert the bandits. This operation to capture the Zhizhou of Lizhou ended successfully.

These people were now being escorted back, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, who had been ordered by Gu Yuanbai to deal with the Zhizhou of Lizhou’s corruption, had heard some of the news.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel looked exhausted, a resigned expression on his face.

Gu Yuanbai knew the reason behind his demeanor. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel held a high office and was a significant figure in the “Shuangcheng School,” a representative figure. Now, tasked by the emperor to investigate the Zhizhou of Lizhou, he felt uneasy and had no hope left.

This was one of the reasons why Gu Yuanbai despised factions and private cliques.

“The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel has not committed any mistakes. You have always been diligent in your duties, so why apologize?” Gu Yuanbai said, “Or is it that in your school, if one person makes a mistake, the others, regardless of right or wrong, must follow and support them blindly?”

At these words, some of the “Shuangcheng School” members who were about to step forward to speak for the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel immediately stopped, cold sweat breaking out.

The emperor hated factionalism because factions would unite for mutual benefit and pressure each other to stand on the same side.

They had to do this, even if they knew it would be detrimental, even if it meant losing their positions or even their lives, they had to stand by their people.

Because that’s how it had always been, this behavior had become ingrained, and no one questioned it.

They only knew that they had to speak up for their faction members.

So, when the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel stepped forward to plead guilty, even though Gu Yuanbai had no intention of pursuing the matter, he did so on his own accord.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel was at a loss for words, bowing his head, not daring to speak.

Gu Yuanbai said calmly, “You may step down.”

This meant he wouldn’t pursue the matter. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel withdrew accordingly, and Gu Yuanbai turned the jade ring on his thumb, thinking that the reform of these factions must be addressed once internal and external stability was achieved.

There were two things that could significantly impact these factions: the modern school enrollment system and the standardized national punctuation.

Only when all students could only take exams if they had government-approved enrollment, and only when they had to attend official schools to obtain such enrollment, would these factions and the undesirable elements in their culture be strongly challenged.

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 65

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 65

Chapter 65

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Xue Yuan possessed something that Gu Yuanbai envied: the freedom unique to this era, the liberty to act as he pleased with a body that matched his talents.

His emotions and temperament were like fire. If Gu Yuanbai were an onlooker, he would greatly admire Xue Yuan’s character. If they were in modern times, they might have become drinking buddies.

But in ancient times, in a feudal dynasty, such passionate feelings were akin to madness.

Gu Yuanbai forcefully withdrew his hand.

"Disrespectful to the superior, inappropriate in words," Gu Yuanbai said, "Xue Yuan, I have forgiven you many times. For your efforts in securing Jinghunan and Jiangnan, for saving my life without regard for your own safety, and for your father's dedication. I have turned a blind eye to some of your transgressions."

"Others would take this chance to be more respectful, to earn my favor," Gu Yuanbai’s voice grew colder, "But you, you never restrain yourself and continually test my limits."

"If I wanted your life, why would I need to smile at you? There is no shortage of people willing to risk their lives for me."

An inexplicable anger rose within Gu Yuanbai. His sleeve swung fiercely, and he grabbed Xue Yuan’s chin, his voice low, "Any one of them would be more obedient than you."

Xue Yuan’s breathing grew heavy, his body tensed, and the freshly bandaged wounds started to bleed again.

He tried to suppress the gloom in his heart and forced a nonchalant smile, "Your Majesty, none of them are as useful as I am."

"Such arrogance makes me want to laugh," Gu Yuanbai sneered coldly, "The palace is full of talented individuals. Xue Yuan, how great do you think your abilities are, that no one can match you?"

"And what makes you so confident that none of them will be more loyal to me than you?"

Xue Yuan fell silent.

After a long while, he sighed deeply.

Gu Yuanbai thought he was admitting his mistake and let go of him. "Today’s fifty lashes are punishment for your recklessness."

"I hope you understand," Gu Yuanbai’s voice was low and raspy, so pleasant it could make one’s ears go soft, yet his words were chilling, "In Great Heng, no one is above the law, no matter how talented they are."

Gu Yuanbai was not a pedantic person; his thinking was even more advanced than anyone in this world.

But the laws of the ancient times, the power of an emperor, these must never be overstepped by anyone.

The emperor’s authority was supreme. Gu Yuanbai was an emperor, and an emperor must consolidate his power. If someone could break the law without punishment, what deterrence would the emperor have?

Today, someone could cut off the shizi of Marquis Anle’s finger for a reason. Tomorrow, could they kill someone else for another reason?

The emperor finally said, "If fifty lashes are not enough, then continue until it is."

After saying this, Gu Yuanbai turned to leave.

His face was expressionless, and his presence was so oppressive that no one inside or outside the room dared to raise their heads. As he stepped out, Xue Yuan spoke from behind.

"Your Majesty, even if my abilities are insufficient, I have something they cannot give and dare not give," Xue Yuan’s voice was extremely calm, "I—"

"Shut up," Gu Yuanbai interrupted.

Xue Yuan faintly smiled.

The salty sweat soaked the bedding. The stronger the smell of blood, the calmer Xue Yuan seemed.

He propped himself up, looking at Gu Yuanbai through the stifling, heated air of the room. His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, but steady, "Your Majesty once asked why I refused a transfer. Now I can tell you, it’s because I want to stay by your side."

"I have feelings for you," his voice dropped, as if it came from a very distant place, somewhat distorted, "I’m in love with you, Your Majesty. This heart, no one else dares to give it to you."

Because others would fear for their lives.

With a thud, everyone who heard this fell to their knees.

A chill ran down their spines, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads. Hearing Xue Yuan’s audacious words, they wished they were not there.

Gu Yuanbai remained silent.

In the small courtyard, crowded with people, there wasn’t a single sound. The incessant cicadas were deafening, urging on their doom.

Everyone feared losing their lives just by hearing those words.

Even Tian Fusheng was incredibly nervous, his heart in his throat.

After a long while, Gu Yuanbai said softly, "Tian Fusheng, take these people away."

In the courtyard, some were already trembling uncontrollably, their expressions terrified as if they were about to lose their lives.

The emperor continued, "Make sure they know what to remember and what to forget."

Tian Fusheng trembled as he got up, "Yes."

Gu Yuanbai, without looking sideways, as if nothing had happened, strode out of the small courtyard.

In modern times, Gu Yuanbai had received many confessions of love.

But Xue Yuan was particularly special among them, special in that Gu Yuanbai wondered if it was his impulsive kiss that made Xue Yuan fall for him.

If that was the case, he would feel guilty, but what could Gu Yuanbai do after the guilt?

No matter who Xue Yuan liked, it would be better than liking him.

Anyone else would have more time to spend with Xue Yuan than Gu Yuanbai.

As soon as the emperor left, everyone in the courtyard let out a sigh of relief. They collapsed onto the ground, grateful to still be alive.

Inside the house.

Xue Yuan closed his eyes, lying on the pillow. After a while, blood trickled from his palm.

In the evening, Chang Yuyan came to see Xue Yuan personally.

He comforted him, saying, "Your father knows what your little brother did. He was already in a foul mood before leaving, and after this, his face was even worse. I suspect he’ll use the family rules you mentioned."

It was unclear whether Xue Yuan was asleep or awake, but after a while, he lazily responded with a nasal sound.

Chang Yuyan opened his folding fan, fanning himself leisurely, and wondered aloud, "Xue Jiuyou, you actually did this for your little brother. With your skills, how could you let your little brother set you up? With your little brother being that foolish, tell me honestly, did you do it on purpose?"

"On purpose?" Xue Yuan moved his lips, "The Tanhua lang’s brain truly is unique."

Chang Yuyan had boasted about wanting to be the top scorer in front of Xue Yuan, but ended up as the third-place candidate. Every time Xue Yuan called him "Tanhua lang," it sounded like mockery to Chang Yuyan.

Annoyed, Chang Yuyan tapped the edge of the bed, "Even if you don’t say it, I can guess pretty accurately."

He half-joked, half-sincerely said, "Marquis Anle never spares his words. Although His Majesty hasn’t spread this matter, Marquis Anle has already made a big fuss about it. However, apart from the clan relatives, not many people are criticizing you. Compared to you, your little brother is much more controversial."

Second Young Master Xue’s reputation was thoroughly ruined, now known as both foolish and malicious.

Xue Yuan remained silent, and after a while, he said, "Write me a poem."

Chang Yuyan was taken aback, "What?"

"Praise my heroic figure," Xue Yuan finally opened his eyes, his bloodshot eyes making him look as if they were filled with blood, scaring Chang Yuyan. Xue Yuan continued coldly, "Appearance, family background, experiences, military achievements… write it well."

"What, what does that mean?"

"Just write it," Xue Yuan curled his lips into a sinister smile, "If you write it well, I’ll reward you handsomely."

Two days passed quickly, and on the third day, just like in the inner court of the capital, the government offices began functioning officially in the summer palace.

Gu Yuanbai attended the morning court with the officials. As per the emperor’s instructions, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue reported that the taxes from Jinghunan and Jiangnan had only been one-third of the actual tax revenue.

The officials were in an uproar.

There were inevitably some instances of hidden land within each family. The more prosperous the officials’ families became, the weaker the emperor's power. When the emperor's power weakened to a certain point, powerful ministers would arise, overstepping their authority, leading to the dynasty’s replacement.

This principle was understood by many, and those who did understood it, began to be cautious under a strong emperor.

They knew that the collected taxes were not the actual taxes, but one-third? That was too shocking!

Gu Yuanbai only wanted the officials to be aware of this. After the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue finished speaking, the officials looked at each other in shock. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel suddenly stepped forward, bowed deeply, and apologized to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai narrowed his eyes slightly and said meaningfully, "What crime has the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel committed?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel’s lips moved slightly, his hands clasped in front of him as he bowed, "I am ashamed."

The Zhizhou of Lizhou had fallen into the trap carefully set by Kong Yilin and the other officials half a month ago.

As soon as the anti-corruption inspectors left, Kong Yilin and the others arrived with the grain and tax silver. The meticulously prepared convoy was too tempting, and the Zhizhou of Lizhou couldn’t resist and informed the local bandits about the “big fat sheep” passing through Lizhou.

Thus, the bandits around Lizhou and the corrupt Zhizhou were finally caught in one sweep.

Due to the large number of bandits, even the Donglingwei were not enough. Fortunately, they had made preparations in advance, contacting the local garrison who remained hidden and did not alert the bandits. This operation to capture the Zhizhou of Lizhou ended successfully.

These people were now being escorted back, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, who had been ordered by Gu Yuanbai to deal with the Zhizhou of Lizhou’s corruption, had heard some of the news.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel looked exhausted, a resigned expression on his face.

Gu Yuanbai knew the reason behind his demeanor. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel held a high office and was a significant figure in the "Shuangcheng School," a representative figure. Now, tasked by the emperor to investigate the Zhizhou of Lizhou, he felt uneasy and had no hope left.

This was one of the reasons why Gu Yuanbai despised factions and private cliques.

"The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel has not committed any mistakes. You have always been diligent in your duties, so why apologize?" Gu Yuanbai said, "Or is it that in your school, if one person makes a mistake, the others, regardless of right or wrong, must follow and support them blindly?"

At these words, some of the "Shuangcheng School" members who were about to step forward to speak for the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel immediately stopped, cold sweat breaking out.

The emperor hated factionalism because factions would unite for mutual benefit and pressure each other to stand on the same side.

They had to do this, even if they knew it would be detrimental, even if it meant losing their positions or even their lives, they had to stand by their people.

Because that’s how it had always been, this behavior had become ingrained, and no one questioned it.

They only knew that they had to speak up for their faction members.

So, when the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel stepped forward to plead guilty, even though Gu Yuanbai had no intention of pursuing the matter, he did so on his own accord.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel was at a loss for words, bowing his head, not daring to speak.

Gu Yuanbai said calmly, "You may step down."

This meant he wouldn't pursue the matter. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel withdrew accordingly, and Gu Yuanbai turned the jade ring on his thumb, thinking that the reform of these factions must be addressed once internal and external stability was achieved.

There were two things that could significantly impact these factions: the modern school enrollment system and the standardized national punctuation.

Only when all students could only take exams if they had government-approved enrollment, and only when they had to attend official schools to obtain such enrollment, would these factions and the undesirable elements in their culture be strongly challenged.

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