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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 67

Chapter 67

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Gu Yuanbai hadn’t seen Xue Jiuyou for over twenty days.

Engrossed in state affairs, he hadn’t given much thought to anything else. Hearing the guard’s recital, Gu Yuanbai felt an urge to laugh—genuinely amused.

Xue Jiuyou’s method was a straightforward and crude way to garner attention.

Rising from his seat, Gu Yuanbai, accompanied by his entourage, wandered around the palace. The summer palace was vast, and as they strolled, they occasionally heard servants singing the poem.

It had already been set to music, with a distinctive cadence, giving it a unique charm. Sitting in a pavilion, Gu Yuanbai listened to a maid’s light humming from behind the grass. After a while, he remarked, “Too sticky.”

Tian Fusheng, not catching his words, leaned closer, “Your Majesty, any orders?”

“The melody is too sticky,” Gu Yuanbai commented, “it completely alters the essence of the poem.”

Tian Fusheng didn’t understand much about such matters but grasped Gu Yuanbai’s meaning. He glanced towards the maids cleaning the palace and asked, “Should I ask who composed it?”

“Go ahead,” Gu Yuanbai withdrew his gaze and took a folding fan from someone nearby, gently waving it, “ask her who she learned it from.”

Tian Fusheng acknowledged and quickly went to inquire.

Gu Yuanbai enjoyed the gentle breeze from the fan when he suddenly caught a rich, fragrant scent of ink. Turning the fan, he saw a poem inscribed and a delicate landscape painting.

“Who sent this?” he asked.

The Chief Guard stepped forward reluctantly, “Your Majesty, it was sent by Lord Chu.”

The delicate strokes and the hidden strength in the words indeed matched Chu Wei’s style.

“My birthday is still over a month away,” Gu Yuanbai remarked with amusement, “and they’re already sending gifts.”

The calligraphy and painting were excellent, and Gu Yuanbai appreciated Chu Wei’s gesture. Standing, he walked to the pavilion’s edge, looking out into the distance.

A gentle breeze swayed the willow leaves not far away, and out of the corner of his eye, Gu Yuanbai noticed a piece of fabric peeking out from behind a tree.

Contemplating for a moment, his expression subtly changed. He closed the fan and stepped out of the pavilion. His entourage quickly followed as he walked toward the willow tree.

Just before reaching it, he stopped, looking around, accompanied by his attendants.

Gu Yuanbai turned to the Chief Guard and asked, “Was the punishment of fifty strokes severe on Xue Yuan that day?”

The Chief Guard smiled wryly, “Your Majesty, for someone with a frail constitution, even thirty strokes can be fatal. Even for the strong, fifty strokes are too much, likely resulting in severe injuries if not death. Lord Xue is robust, but he still needs two to three months of bed rest.”

After a pause, Gu Yuanbai softly said, “He deserved it.”

A country without law would fall into chaos.

The importance and relationship of law, power, and strategy in governance, as emphasized in Han Feizi’s teachings, were well understood by Gu Yuanbai. What the law forbids, Xue Yuan must not do.

Even if all his actions were to stay by Gu Yuanbai’s side.

Gu Yuanbai clicked his tongue, found a flat stone to sit on, and pointed at the willow trees, “Go see if there’s anyone behind those trees.”

“Yes.” The guards ran past Gu Yuanbai, cautiously checking behind the trees.

Gu Yuanbai turned his jade ring, still watching the scene when a hoarse voice suddenly called from behind, “Your Majesty.”

Gu Yuanbai paused and turned to see Xue Yuan standing not far away, dressed in black.

Xue Yuan’s injuries were indeed severe.

His goal was to stay by Gu Yuanbai’s side, and he considered the fifty strokes as repayment, not to the Marquis’ shizi but to the emperor. To appease the emperor’s anger, he willingly took the brutal punishment.

No matter how strong Xue Yuan was, he was still just a man. Fifty strokes of the cane landed squarely on his body, leaving him a bloody mess. It would take at least two to three months for him to recover.

But Xue Yuan couldn’t stay away from Gu Yuanbai.

Xue Jiuyou never knew the meaning of retreat.

Even severely injured, he had himself carried to catch a glimpse of Gu Yuanbai when he walked outside the palace. Not seeing him was unbearable; Xue Yuan would go mad. In his madness, no one could control him. General Xue was long gone, and even Madam Xue once blocked the entrance to stop him.

Carried by servants, he looked at his mother with dark circles and bloodshot eyes, like a severely ill patient, “Mother, I must see him.”

His voice was hoarse as if broken.

He didn’t say what he wanted to see, but his expression made it clear that no one could stop him. He was determined to take a look.

Madam Xue knew her son was stubborn, stubborn to the point of being somewhat obsessive. If he wasn’t allowed to go out, he would even crawl on the ground using his arms until he reached his desired destination.

Madam Xue, wiping away her tears, conceded.

Until today.

While Gu Yuanbai thought it had been over twenty days since he last saw Xue Yuan, for Xue Yuan, it hadn’t felt that long, yet also longer.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t walk outside the palace every day, nor did he always go to the same place. Xue Yuan relied on luck, often waiting all day without catching a glimpse.

Xue Yuan had experienced bloodshed and had dealt with rotting corpses around him. Flies, insects—at his most wretched times, he was more miserable than a drowned rat.

So, the various means he employed just to see Gu Yuanbai were nothing to him.

The truly difficult part was that he wanted to have a conversation with Gu Yuanbai.

Chang Yuyan spread the poem. With the widespread popularity of the “The Great Heng Daily” newspaper, his reputation surged rapidly. The more renowned he became, the more prestigious “The Great Heng Daily” became in literary circles, creating a positive cycle.

Using a minor trick, Xue Yuan got the Chief Guard to visit.

Early that morning, still unhealed, Xue Yuan chose black clothing to hide the blood, straightened his back, and walked with strong willpower, acting as if his injuries didn’t exist.

Just as he stood before Gu Yuanbai now.

Gu Yuanbai looked at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan’s eyes were steady, a smile on his lips, but bloodshot eyes and stubble showed his disheveled state.

Despite his ruggedness, he exuded a masculine charm.

A handsome man, even in such a disheveled state, exudes a sense of elegance. But it’s strange, if we talk about beauty, Chu Wei’s appearance is even more beautiful, but if Chu Wei were in such a wretched state, he still wouldn’t match Xue Yuan’s carefree demeanor.

Gu Yuanbai broke his thoughts, lightly waving his fan, showing neither anger nor joy, “Are your wounds healed?”

The Chief Guard had said earlier that Xue Yuan would need to lie down for two to three months to recover, but now Xue Yuan looked completely normal, not at all like someone who had been severely injured.

Xue Yuan smirked and stood straight, appearing as formidable as ever, “I am fine, Your Majesty. How have you been these days?”

His voice, however, was low and hoarse, like that of a gravely ill person, as if his words were laden with gravel. The last words, “How have you been?” seemed to float from afar.

“I am naturally well,” Gu Yuanbai closed his folding fan, “instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself.”

Xue Yuan smiled slightly, refined and cultured, like a scholar from a literary family, “Knowing that Your Majesty has been well, I am relieved.”

Gu Yuanbai paused, scrutinizing him carefully from head to toe.

His gaze swept over Xue Yuan, who remained unfazed but lowered his eyes slightly, “Why is Your Majesty looking at me?”

“Minister Xue seems different somehow,” Gu Yuanbai frowned slightly, unable to pinpoint the difference. After observing Xue Yuan repeatedly, he said, “Minister Xue appears to be…”

He suddenly realized that Xue Yuan had become more disciplined.

Standing there, he hadn’t taken a step towards Gu Yuanbai. Dressed in heavy black robes, his demeanor had also become more subdued.

It seemed as if all his previous thoughts and rebellious words had been buried in the memories of a few. Now, standing here was just a clean and proper minister.

Xue Yuan smiled nonchalantly, his hands clasped steadily behind his back, and said slowly, “Your Majesty, it’s already August. The wind is rising. Would Your Majesty like to fly a kite?”

Gu Yuanbai looked up at the tree tips, swaying wildly in the wind. The weather was clear and had a refreshing autumn feel. It was indeed a good day to fly a kite.

The guards who had been checking behind the willow trees returned empty-handed. Upon seeing Xue Yuan, they were all somewhat surprised. Especially the Chief Guard, who knew the extent of Xue Yuan’s injuries, looked at him with a pained expression, hesitant to speak.

Xue Yuan paid them no mind, waiting for Gu Yuanbai’s response.

After a moment, Gu Yuanbai nodded, “Let’s go.”

Xue Yuan had already prepared the kite. He bent down to pick it up, the movement smooth and effortless. Beneath his black robe, his wounds had slightly reopened. Xue Yuan walked beside Gu Yuanbai without a change in expression. As they crossed a grassy area, he suddenly said, “Your Majesty, have you ever tasted sweet grass?”

Gu Yuanbai’s attention was piqued, and he looked back at him, raising an eyebrow, “Sweet grass?”

He only knew of flowers with sweet nectar at their base.

Xue Yuan smiled, carefully searching the grass before quickly stepping forward to pluck a few blades with small white flowers. He deliberately crushed these leaves between his fingers, releasing a fragrant, sweet scent that masked the faint smell of blood on him.

Xue Yuan was unwilling to show any weakness in front of Gu Yuanbai.

He brought the sweet grass to the emperor, first taking a bite himself, squinting slightly with satisfaction.

Seeing his expression, a palace attendant took a leaf, washed it with clean water, and wiped it with a clean cloth before offering it to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai took it and cautiously tasted it, surprised to find it had a sweetness similar to sugarcane. He took another bite, “What is this called?”

“The common people call it sweet grass,” Xue Yuan said, “Is it sweet?”

Gu Yuanbai nodded, “With this sweetness, it could make a good drink if brewed as tea.”

Turning everything into a matter of state was Gu Yuanbai’s habit. Xue Yuan promptly changed the topic, “Your Majesty, there are many other sweet things. Commoners who cannot afford sugar give these to their children when they want something sweet.”

“The taste is good,” Gu Yuanbai mused, “I wonder if it’s easy to cultivate.”

Seeing how easily Xue Yuan found it, the sweet grass likely wasn’t difficult to grow. If it was common, it wouldn’t be precious in the Great Heng Dynasty, but in countries without it, like Xixia, Dayue, and those along the Silk Road… it could sell well.

If it could be sold, it would be easy money. Gu Yuanbai, with his frail health, didn’t expect to live long. But if he could live longer, he would ensure this sweet grass was sold abroad, earning a fortune from foreign countries.

“Your Majesty,” the Chief Guard called, “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai snapped back, “What is it?”

The Chief Guard glanced at Xue Yuan several times before finally holding his tongue, “This place is spacious. It should be suitable for flying a kite.”

Xue Yuan looked around and agreed, “This place is indeed suitable.”

“Then let’s do it,” Gu Yuanbai said, “What kind of kite does Minister Xue have?”

“Here it is.” Xue Yuan set up the kite, with guards assisting, holding it up and waiting for a strong gust of wind before releasing it.

The kite soared into the sky, adding a unique view above the summer palace. Gu Yuanbai shielded his eyes from the glaring sun with his fan, looking up to see the kite.

To his surprise, it was a simple swallow kite.

He had expected something grand and imposing from someone like Xue Yuan, but he was entirely wrong. The kite was so ordinary that Gu Yuanbai was taken aback.

After the surprise, Gu Yuanbai found it somewhat amusing. He curled his lips slightly, about to avert his gaze, when suddenly the wind picked up. The kite, swaying precariously, was about to touch the ground when Xue Yuan timely pulled the string, and just then, another gust of wind lifted the kite back up again.

As they approached, Gu Yuanbai seemed to notice a few lines of writing on the swallow kite.

After a while, the Chief Guard stepped forward and took the kite from Xue Yuan’s hands, advising him earnestly, “Lord Xue, your health is paramount. Coming here in your condition, you’ll only be suffering yourself. Why bother?”

They were unaware of the previous events, thinking simply that Xue Yuan had offended Marquis Anle by avenging his little brother, hence the emperor’s punishment.

The more the Chief Guard interacted with Xue Yuan, the more he felt that Xue Yuan, despite his harsh words and bad attitude, was a good person. He was genuinely concerned, “If you continue to strain yourself like this, your injuries will only worsen.”

Xue Yuan replied, “Then I’ll bear it.”

Handing over the kite to the Chief Guard, he strode towards Gu Yuanbai, who was still pondering the writing on the kite. Seeing Xue Yuan approaching, he asked casually, “What is written on it?”

“Just a couple of lines I scribbled,” Xue Yuan glanced at it briefly and looked away, “Just for fun, Your Majesty needn’t mind.”

Gu Yuanbai gave a brief acknowledgment, losing interest in the kite. Accompanied by Xue Yuan, he moved to a nearby shady spot to sit, watching the Chief Guard and others struggling with the kite.

“Your Majesty, I overstepped earlier,” Xue Yuan suddenly said, “All the emperor’s blessings, thunder or rain, are benevolence. My understanding is limited, my vision narrow, and my education insufficient, hence my ignorance of proper conduct.”

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t help but glance at him.

A smile played on Xue Yuan’s lips, and despite the bloodshot eyes, he exuded an air of elegance.

This didn’t feel like the Xue Yuan, or rather, this demeanor wasn’t what Gu Yuanbai expected from Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai frowned slightly, after a moment, said indifferently, “I have forgotten about it.”

Xue Yuan’s smile didn’t waver, he just nodded and turned his gaze back to the kite in the distance.

The words he had struggled to say, suppressing all emotion, were the first of their kind he had ever spoken in his life.

And Gu Yuanbai had forgotten them.

But it didn’t matter.

Xue Yuan would prepare better words next time.

The Chief Guard and others were focused on the swallow kite up ahead, while Gu Yuanbai and Xue Yuan walked slowly towards a nearby pavilion.

The pavilion was built on a wooden path, flanked by green and yellowing lakes, with birds that would fly away as people approached.

Xue Yuan noticed the folding fan in Gu Yuanbai’s hand, “Your Majesty, who crafted this fan?”

“Chu Wei,” Gu Yuanbai felt a subtle awkwardness, considering the original male protagonist gong’s newfound interest in him, leaving him worried about the original male protagonist shou’s fate.

He massaged his temples, feeling like he was not just an emperor but also an emotional counselor and matchmaker.

Xue Yuan withdrew his gaze from the fan, “So it was made by Lord Chu.”

“His calligraphy and paintings are exceptional,” Gu Yuanbai commented offhandedly, “In a hundred years, they will surely become treasures.”

Xue Yuan smiled and pointed ahead, “Your Majesty, look, a bird is feeding its young.”

Gu Yuanbai followed his gaze but saw nothing, “Where?”

“May I hold your hand to show you, Your Majesty?” Xue Yuan asked boldly.

Gu Yuanbai hesitated and declined, “No need.”

Xue Yuan didn’t insist, walking beside him at a leisurely pace, unbothered by the refusal.

When they reached the pavilion, Gu Yuanbai was about to sit down when Xue Yuan interjected, “Allow me to wipe the seat first, Your Majesty.”

He took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the dust from the seats in the pavilion. In fact, there was no need to wipe anywhere. Since the emperor arrived at the summer palace, the eunuchs and palace maids had been diligently cleaning everywhere, ensuring that not a speck of dust settled anywhere, for fear of offending the emperor and incurring punishment.

As Xue Yuan bent down, Gu Yuanbai caught a faint whiff of blood. He frowned, moved closer, and as he sniffed again, the scent of medicinal herbs and fresh grass became more apparent.

Gu Yuanbai sniffed, and the more he smelled, the less he could detect the bloodiness he had initially sensed. He wanted to move closer, but unexpectedly, Xue Yuan suddenly stood up, and his back swiftly collided with Gu Yuanbai’s nose.


Xue Yuan stiffened for a moment, then quickly turned around. Due to the sudden movement, his wounds tore open. But when he saw Gu Yuanbai holding his nose, the usually cold-hearted little emperor now with a gleam of moisture in his eyes, Xue Yuan forgot all his words and actions.

He had only one thought.

The little heartless one could feel pain too.

With the hit on his nose, Gu Yuanbai’s tear ducts were directly stimulated. He suppressed the pain, but his body was too delicate. As a result of the impact, tears gushed out of his eyes directly.

It was embarrassing.

Even in this awkward state, Gu Yuanbai didn’t want to show weakness in front of Xue Yuan. He tried to maintain his composure, as if the tears had nothing to do with him.

The emperor was very stubborn. Xue Yuan, realizing this, bent down with a smile, soothing, “Don’t move, let me see.”

Gu Yuanbai grumbled, “See what?”

Xue Yuan gently moved Gu Yuanbai’s hand from his nose. Fortunately, it was only slightly red from the bump, not seriously injured. Despite the pain that had peaked and was now fading, Gu Yuanbai’s vision was still blurry.

Recently, Gu Yuanbai had been cold and stern with Xue Yuan. He often saw Gu Yuanbai’s expressions of authority or kindness, and when angry, a chilling coldness.

But he had never seen Gu Yuanbai with tear-filled eyes.

In a low, hoarse voice, Xue Yuan said, “Your Majesty, may I wipe your tears?”

Gu Yuanbai, equally hoarse, replied, “Wipe.”

Xue Yuan was about to use the handkerchief when Gu Yuanbai added, “Not with the one you used on the seat.”

How could I bear to use a handkerchief to wipe your tears?

Xue Yuan chuckled silently, with a hint of innate sarcasm in his laughter. He held Gu Yuanbai’s face earnestly in his palm, gently wiping away the faint tear stains at the corner of Gu Yuanbai’s eyes with his thumb.

But as soon as his hand touched Gu Yuanbai’s face, it seemed to trigger more tears that were still in his eye sockets. Even Gu Yuanbai himself was unaware, several more tears welled up and flowed out.

Xue Yuan sighed helplessly.

Gu Yuanbai would never know how much it pierced Xue Yuan’s heart to see him calmly shedding tears.

After more than twenty days of pretending to abide by rules, everything was on the verge of shattering in this moment.

Xue Yuan leaned closer to Gu Yuanbai, his warm breath spraying over him. He was close enough to lick away the tears, but he refrained, instead carefully wiping them with his sleeve.

When Gu Yuanbai finally felt better, he realized he had unknowingly sat down, while Xue Yuan stood a couple of steps away.

After a moment of reflection, Gu Yuanbai recalled what Xue Yuan had done earlier. He glanced at Xue Yuan, whose gaze wasn’t on him but rather his hands behind his back, standing tall as he gazed into the distance.

Upon noticing Gu Yuanbai’s gaze, Xue Yuan turned back, his eyebrows slightly raised as he gave Gu Yuanbai a faint smile.

In that instant, Gu Yuanbai recalled a saying:

A dog that bites doesn’t bark.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 67

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 67

Chapter 67

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Gu Yuanbai hadn't seen Xue Jiuyou for over twenty days.

Engrossed in state affairs, he hadn't given much thought to anything else. Hearing the guard's recital, Gu Yuanbai felt an urge to laugh—genuinely amused.

Xue Jiuyou's method was a straightforward and crude way to garner attention.

Rising from his seat, Gu Yuanbai, accompanied by his entourage, wandered around the palace. The summer palace was vast, and as they strolled, they occasionally heard servants singing the poem.

It had already been set to music, with a distinctive cadence, giving it a unique charm. Sitting in a pavilion, Gu Yuanbai listened to a maid's light humming from behind the grass. After a while, he remarked, "Too sticky."

Tian Fusheng, not catching his words, leaned closer, "Your Majesty, any orders?"

"The melody is too sticky," Gu Yuanbai commented, "it completely alters the essence of the poem."

Tian Fusheng didn't understand much about such matters but grasped Gu Yuanbai's meaning. He glanced towards the maids cleaning the palace and asked, "Should I ask who composed it?"

"Go ahead," Gu Yuanbai withdrew his gaze and took a folding fan from someone nearby, gently waving it, "ask her who she learned it from."

Tian Fusheng acknowledged and quickly went to inquire.

Gu Yuanbai enjoyed the gentle breeze from the fan when he suddenly caught a rich, fragrant scent of ink. Turning the fan, he saw a poem inscribed and a delicate landscape painting.

"Who sent this?" he asked.

The Chief Guard stepped forward reluctantly, "Your Majesty, it was sent by Lord Chu."

The delicate strokes and the hidden strength in the words indeed matched Chu Wei's style.

"My birthday is still over a month away," Gu Yuanbai remarked with amusement, "and they're already sending gifts."

The calligraphy and painting were excellent, and Gu Yuanbai appreciated Chu Wei's gesture. Standing, he walked to the pavilion's edge, looking out into the distance.

A gentle breeze swayed the willow leaves not far away, and out of the corner of his eye, Gu Yuanbai noticed a piece of fabric peeking out from behind a tree.

Contemplating for a moment, his expression subtly changed. He closed the fan and stepped out of the pavilion. His entourage quickly followed as he walked toward the willow tree.

Just before reaching it, he stopped, looking around, accompanied by his attendants.

Gu Yuanbai turned to the Chief Guard and asked, "Was the punishment of fifty strokes severe on Xue Yuan that day?"

The Chief Guard smiled wryly, "Your Majesty, for someone with a frail constitution, even thirty strokes can be fatal. Even for the strong, fifty strokes are too much, likely resulting in severe injuries if not death. Lord Xue is robust, but he still needs two to three months of bed rest."

After a pause, Gu Yuanbai softly said, "He deserved it."

A country without law would fall into chaos.

The importance and relationship of law, power, and strategy in governance, as emphasized in Han Feizi's teachings, were well understood by Gu Yuanbai. What the law forbids, Xue Yuan must not do.

Even if all his actions were to stay by Gu Yuanbai's side.

Gu Yuanbai clicked his tongue, found a flat stone to sit on, and pointed at the willow trees, "Go see if there's anyone behind those trees."

"Yes." The guards ran past Gu Yuanbai, cautiously checking behind the trees.

Gu Yuanbai turned his jade ring, still watching the scene when a hoarse voice suddenly called from behind, "Your Majesty."

Gu Yuanbai paused and turned to see Xue Yuan standing not far away, dressed in black.

Xue Yuan's injuries were indeed severe.

His goal was to stay by Gu Yuanbai's side, and he considered the fifty strokes as repayment, not to the Marquis' shizi but to the emperor. To appease the emperor's anger, he willingly took the brutal punishment.

No matter how strong Xue Yuan was, he was still just a man. Fifty strokes of the cane landed squarely on his body, leaving him a bloody mess. It would take at least two to three months for him to recover.

But Xue Yuan couldn't stay away from Gu Yuanbai.

Xue Jiuyou never knew the meaning of retreat.

Even severely injured, he had himself carried to catch a glimpse of Gu Yuanbai when he walked outside the palace. Not seeing him was unbearable; Xue Yuan would go mad. In his madness, no one could control him. General Xue was long gone, and even Madam Xue once blocked the entrance to stop him.

Carried by servants, he looked at his mother with dark circles and bloodshot eyes, like a severely ill patient, "Mother, I must see him."

His voice was hoarse as if broken.

He didn’t say what he wanted to see, but his expression made it clear that no one could stop him. He was determined to take a look.

Madam Xue knew her son was stubborn, stubborn to the point of being somewhat obsessive. If he wasn't allowed to go out, he would even crawl on the ground using his arms until he reached his desired destination.

Madam Xue, wiping away her tears, conceded.

Until today.

While Gu Yuanbai thought it had been over twenty days since he last saw Xue Yuan, for Xue Yuan, it hadn’t felt that long, yet also longer.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t walk outside the palace every day, nor did he always go to the same place. Xue Yuan relied on luck, often waiting all day without catching a glimpse.

Xue Yuan had experienced bloodshed and had dealt with rotting corpses around him. Flies, insects—at his most wretched times, he was more miserable than a drowned rat.

So, the various means he employed just to see Gu Yuanbai were nothing to him.

The truly difficult part was that he wanted to have a conversation with Gu Yuanbai.

Chang Yuyan spread the poem. With the widespread popularity of the "The Great Heng Daily" newspaper, his reputation surged rapidly. The more renowned he became, the more prestigious "The Great Heng Daily" became in literary circles, creating a positive cycle.

Using a minor trick, Xue Yuan got the Chief Guard to visit.

Early that morning, still unhealed, Xue Yuan chose black clothing to hide the blood, straightened his back, and walked with strong willpower, acting as if his injuries didn’t exist.

Just as he stood before Gu Yuanbai now.

Gu Yuanbai looked at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan’s eyes were steady, a smile on his lips, but bloodshot eyes and stubble showed his disheveled state.

Despite his ruggedness, he exuded a masculine charm.

A handsome man, even in such a disheveled state, exudes a sense of elegance. But it's strange, if we talk about beauty, Chu Wei's appearance is even more beautiful, but if Chu Wei were in such a wretched state, he still wouldn't match Xue Yuan's carefree demeanor.

Gu Yuanbai broke his thoughts, lightly waving his fan, showing neither anger nor joy, "Are your wounds healed?"

The Chief Guard had said earlier that Xue Yuan would need to lie down for two to three months to recover, but now Xue Yuan looked completely normal, not at all like someone who had been severely injured.

Xue Yuan smirked and stood straight, appearing as formidable as ever, "I am fine, Your Majesty. How have you been these days?"

His voice, however, was low and hoarse, like that of a gravely ill person, as if his words were laden with gravel. The last words, "How have you been?" seemed to float from afar.

"I am naturally well," Gu Yuanbai closed his folding fan, "instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself."

Xue Yuan smiled slightly, refined and cultured, like a scholar from a literary family, "Knowing that Your Majesty has been well, I am relieved."

Gu Yuanbai paused, scrutinizing him carefully from head to toe.

His gaze swept over Xue Yuan, who remained unfazed but lowered his eyes slightly, "Why is Your Majesty looking at me?"

"Minister Xue seems different somehow," Gu Yuanbai frowned slightly, unable to pinpoint the difference. After observing Xue Yuan repeatedly, he said, "Minister Xue appears to be…"

He suddenly realized that Xue Yuan had become more disciplined.

Standing there, he hadn't taken a step towards Gu Yuanbai. Dressed in heavy black robes, his demeanor had also become more subdued.

It seemed as if all his previous thoughts and rebellious words had been buried in the memories of a few. Now, standing here was just a clean and proper minister.

Xue Yuan smiled nonchalantly, his hands clasped steadily behind his back, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, it's already August. The wind is rising. Would Your Majesty like to fly a kite?"

Gu Yuanbai looked up at the tree tips, swaying wildly in the wind. The weather was clear and had a refreshing autumn feel. It was indeed a good day to fly a kite.

The guards who had been checking behind the willow trees returned empty-handed. Upon seeing Xue Yuan, they were all somewhat surprised. Especially the Chief Guard, who knew the extent of Xue Yuan's injuries, looked at him with a pained expression, hesitant to speak.

Xue Yuan paid them no mind, waiting for Gu Yuanbai's response.

After a moment, Gu Yuanbai nodded, "Let's go."

Xue Yuan had already prepared the kite. He bent down to pick it up, the movement smooth and effortless. Beneath his black robe, his wounds had slightly reopened. Xue Yuan walked beside Gu Yuanbai without a change in expression. As they crossed a grassy area, he suddenly said, "Your Majesty, have you ever tasted sweet grass?"

Gu Yuanbai's attention was piqued, and he looked back at him, raising an eyebrow, "Sweet grass?"

He only knew of flowers with sweet nectar at their base.

Xue Yuan smiled, carefully searching the grass before quickly stepping forward to pluck a few blades with small white flowers. He deliberately crushed these leaves between his fingers, releasing a fragrant, sweet scent that masked the faint smell of blood on him.

Xue Yuan was unwilling to show any weakness in front of Gu Yuanbai.

He brought the sweet grass to the emperor, first taking a bite himself, squinting slightly with satisfaction.

Seeing his expression, a palace attendant took a leaf, washed it with clean water, and wiped it with a clean cloth before offering it to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai took it and cautiously tasted it, surprised to find it had a sweetness similar to sugarcane. He took another bite, "What is this called?"

"The common people call it sweet grass," Xue Yuan said, "Is it sweet?"

Gu Yuanbai nodded, "With this sweetness, it could make a good drink if brewed as tea."

Turning everything into a matter of state was Gu Yuanbai's habit. Xue Yuan promptly changed the topic, "Your Majesty, there are many other sweet things. Commoners who cannot afford sugar give these to their children when they want something sweet."

"The taste is good," Gu Yuanbai mused, "I wonder if it's easy to cultivate."

Seeing how easily Xue Yuan found it, the sweet grass likely wasn't difficult to grow. If it was common, it wouldn't be precious in the Great Heng Dynasty, but in countries without it, like Xixia, Dayue, and those along the Silk Road… it could sell well.

If it could be sold, it would be easy money. Gu Yuanbai, with his frail health, didn't expect to live long. But if he could live longer, he would ensure this sweet grass was sold abroad, earning a fortune from foreign countries.

"Your Majesty," the Chief Guard called, "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai snapped back, "What is it?"

The Chief Guard glanced at Xue Yuan several times before finally holding his tongue, "This place is spacious. It should be suitable for flying a kite."

Xue Yuan looked around and agreed, "This place is indeed suitable."

"Then let's do it," Gu Yuanbai said, "What kind of kite does Minister Xue have?"

"Here it is." Xue Yuan set up the kite, with guards assisting, holding it up and waiting for a strong gust of wind before releasing it.

The kite soared into the sky, adding a unique view above the summer palace. Gu Yuanbai shielded his eyes from the glaring sun with his fan, looking up to see the kite.

To his surprise, it was a simple swallow kite.

He had expected something grand and imposing from someone like Xue Yuan, but he was entirely wrong. The kite was so ordinary that Gu Yuanbai was taken aback.

After the surprise, Gu Yuanbai found it somewhat amusing. He curled his lips slightly, about to avert his gaze, when suddenly the wind picked up. The kite, swaying precariously, was about to touch the ground when Xue Yuan timely pulled the string, and just then, another gust of wind lifted the kite back up again.

As they approached, Gu Yuanbai seemed to notice a few lines of writing on the swallow kite.

After a while, the Chief Guard stepped forward and took the kite from Xue Yuan's hands, advising him earnestly, "Lord Xue, your health is paramount. Coming here in your condition, you'll only be suffering yourself. Why bother?"

They were unaware of the previous events, thinking simply that Xue Yuan had offended Marquis Anle by avenging his little brother, hence the emperor's punishment.

The more the Chief Guard interacted with Xue Yuan, the more he felt that Xue Yuan, despite his harsh words and bad attitude, was a good person. He was genuinely concerned, "If you continue to strain yourself like this, your injuries will only worsen."

Xue Yuan replied, "Then I'll bear it."

Handing over the kite to the Chief Guard, he strode towards Gu Yuanbai, who was still pondering the writing on the kite. Seeing Xue Yuan approaching, he asked casually, "What is written on it?"

"Just a couple of lines I scribbled," Xue Yuan glanced at it briefly and looked away, "Just for fun, Your Majesty needn't mind."

Gu Yuanbai gave a brief acknowledgment, losing interest in the kite. Accompanied by Xue Yuan, he moved to a nearby shady spot to sit, watching the Chief Guard and others struggling with the kite.

"Your Majesty, I overstepped earlier," Xue Yuan suddenly said, "All the emperor's blessings, thunder or rain, are benevolence. My understanding is limited, my vision narrow, and my education insufficient, hence my ignorance of proper conduct."

Gu Yuanbai couldn't help but glance at him.

A smile played on Xue Yuan's lips, and despite the bloodshot eyes, he exuded an air of elegance.

This didn't feel like the Xue Yuan, or rather, this demeanor wasn't what Gu Yuanbai expected from Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai frowned slightly, after a moment, said indifferently, "I have forgotten about it."

Xue Yuan's smile didn't waver, he just nodded and turned his gaze back to the kite in the distance.

The words he had struggled to say, suppressing all emotion, were the first of their kind he had ever spoken in his life.

And Gu Yuanbai had forgotten them.

But it didn't matter.

Xue Yuan would prepare better words next time.

The Chief Guard and others were focused on the swallow kite up ahead, while Gu Yuanbai and Xue Yuan walked slowly towards a nearby pavilion.

The pavilion was built on a wooden path, flanked by green and yellowing lakes, with birds that would fly away as people approached.

Xue Yuan noticed the folding fan in Gu Yuanbai's hand, "Your Majesty, who crafted this fan?"

"Chu Wei," Gu Yuanbai felt a subtle awkwardness, considering the original male protagonist gong's newfound interest in him, leaving him worried about the original male protagonist shou's fate.

He massaged his temples, feeling like he was not just an emperor but also an emotional counselor and matchmaker.

Xue Yuan withdrew his gaze from the fan, "So it was made by Lord Chu."

"His calligraphy and paintings are exceptional," Gu Yuanbai commented offhandedly, "In a hundred years, they will surely become treasures."

Xue Yuan smiled and pointed ahead, "Your Majesty, look, a bird is feeding its young."

Gu Yuanbai followed his gaze but saw nothing, "Where?"

"May I hold your hand to show you, Your Majesty?" Xue Yuan asked boldly.

Gu Yuanbai hesitated and declined, "No need."

Xue Yuan didn't insist, walking beside him at a leisurely pace, unbothered by the refusal.

When they reached the pavilion, Gu Yuanbai was about to sit down when Xue Yuan interjected, "Allow me to wipe the seat first, Your Majesty."

He took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the dust from the seats in the pavilion. In fact, there was no need to wipe anywhere. Since the emperor arrived at the summer palace, the eunuchs and palace maids had been diligently cleaning everywhere, ensuring that not a speck of dust settled anywhere, for fear of offending the emperor and incurring punishment.

As Xue Yuan bent down, Gu Yuanbai caught a faint whiff of blood. He frowned, moved closer, and as he sniffed again, the scent of medicinal herbs and fresh grass became more apparent.

Gu Yuanbai sniffed, and the more he smelled, the less he could detect the bloodiness he had initially sensed. He wanted to move closer, but unexpectedly, Xue Yuan suddenly stood up, and his back swiftly collided with Gu Yuanbai's nose.


Xue Yuan stiffened for a moment, then quickly turned around. Due to the sudden movement, his wounds tore open. But when he saw Gu Yuanbai holding his nose, the usually cold-hearted little emperor now with a gleam of moisture in his eyes, Xue Yuan forgot all his words and actions.

He had only one thought.

The little heartless one could feel pain too.

With the hit on his nose, Gu Yuanbai's tear ducts were directly stimulated. He suppressed the pain, but his body was too delicate. As a result of the impact, tears gushed out of his eyes directly.

It was embarrassing.

Even in this awkward state, Gu Yuanbai didn't want to show weakness in front of Xue Yuan. He tried to maintain his composure, as if the tears had nothing to do with him.

The emperor was very stubborn. Xue Yuan, realizing this, bent down with a smile, soothing, "Don't move, let me see."

Gu Yuanbai grumbled, "See what?"

Xue Yuan gently moved Gu Yuanbai's hand from his nose. Fortunately, it was only slightly red from the bump, not seriously injured. Despite the pain that had peaked and was now fading, Gu Yuanbai's vision was still blurry.

Recently, Gu Yuanbai had been cold and stern with Xue Yuan. He often saw Gu Yuanbai's expressions of authority or kindness, and when angry, a chilling coldness.

But he had never seen Gu Yuanbai with tear-filled eyes.

In a low, hoarse voice, Xue Yuan said, "Your Majesty, may I wipe your tears?"

Gu Yuanbai, equally hoarse, replied, "Wipe."

Xue Yuan was about to use the handkerchief when Gu Yuanbai added, "Not with the one you used on the seat."

How could I bear to use a handkerchief to wipe your tears?

Xue Yuan chuckled silently, with a hint of innate sarcasm in his laughter. He held Gu Yuanbai's face earnestly in his palm, gently wiping away the faint tear stains at the corner of Gu Yuanbai's eyes with his thumb.

But as soon as his hand touched Gu Yuanbai's face, it seemed to trigger more tears that were still in his eye sockets. Even Gu Yuanbai himself was unaware, several more tears welled up and flowed out.

Xue Yuan sighed helplessly.

Gu Yuanbai would never know how much it pierced Xue Yuan's heart to see him calmly shedding tears.

After more than twenty days of pretending to abide by rules, everything was on the verge of shattering in this moment.

Xue Yuan leaned closer to Gu Yuanbai, his warm breath spraying over him. He was close enough to lick away the tears, but he refrained, instead carefully wiping them with his sleeve.

When Gu Yuanbai finally felt better, he realized he had unknowingly sat down, while Xue Yuan stood a couple of steps away.

After a moment of reflection, Gu Yuanbai recalled what Xue Yuan had done earlier. He glanced at Xue Yuan, whose gaze wasn't on him but rather his hands behind his back, standing tall as he gazed into the distance.

Upon noticing Gu Yuanbai's gaze, Xue Yuan turned back, his eyebrows slightly raised as he gave Gu Yuanbai a faint smile.

In that instant, Gu Yuanbai recalled a saying:

A dog that bites doesn't bark.

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