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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 77

Chapter 77

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After the carriage stopped, the Xixia people who had been secretly following remembered the four characters on the mansion plaque—”Heqin Wang’s Mansion”—and quickly turned and left.

Heqin Wang had been waiting in the mansion for some time.

After investigating Xue Yuan, he found out that Xue Yuan had sent gifts to the palace several times. When Heqin Wang learned about this, his brows furrowed, and he looked gloomy.

With such thoughts in mind, no matter who he looked at, he felt that their intentions towards Gu Yuanbai were impure.

Heqin Wang kept his eyes on Xue Yuan, and the more he looked, the more he felt the need to warn Xue Yuan.

As the emperor, the ruler of the country, who dared to have thoughts about Gu Yuanbai?

However, Heqin Wang didn’t expect that the emperor would accompany Xue Yuan here. After being informed by the gatekeeper, Heqin Wang hurried to the gate, feeling increasingly heavy in his heart. He even began to think, could it be that Gu Lian intentionally came to support Xue Yuan?

Was it to prevent him from punishing Xue Yuan?

As Heqin Wang approached the gate, his dark thoughts sank even deeper. If Xue Yuan really seduced Gu Yuanbai onto the wrong path, then no matter the cost, he would have to kill Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t like men.

But when he raised his head in front of the mansion, he saw Gu Yuanbai getting off the carriage, smiled at him, and said, “Heqin Wang.”

Heqin Wang’s breath stagnated, and after a while, he lowered his head and said, “I’ve seen Your Majesty.”

“There’s no need for formalities among family,” Gu Yuanbai approached and helped Heqin Wang up, smiling, “The last time I came to your mansion was the day brother was seriously ill. Time flies, and it’s almost autumn now.”


“I remember there are many summer chrysanthemums planted in your mansion,” Gu Yuanbai said naturally, “Summer chrysanthemums will bloom for the last time in September. I wonder if they’ve bloomed now?”

Heqin Wang rose with his strength and then held Gu Yuanbai’s wrist with his hand, which seemed to have been scalded by fire. He quickly released it under Gu Yuanbai’s puzzled gaze. He averted his eyes and looked at Gu Yuanbai’s robes, where he could see a flower, “The flowers and plants in the mansion are managed by Wangfei. Wangfei seems to have said that they have already bloomed in the past two days.”

Gu Yuanbai praised, “Wangfei is gentle and virtuous. Brother has such a virtuous wife, you must treat her well.”

Heqin Wang nodded slowly, “No need for Your Majesty to say much. I naturally know what to do.”

Gu Yuanbai didn’t say much more and let Heqin Wang lead the way. The courtiers followed behind the emperor and Heqin Wang. Heqin Wang lagged behind the emperor by half a step. As they walked, Heqin Wang looked down at Gu Yuanbai’s robes. Gu Yuanbai casually asked, “Does brother know Lord Xue?”

Heqin Wang tightened his grip, neither fast nor slow, and said, “I heard that Lord Xue had spent several years on the border. When I was stationed there, I never saw the scenery of the border, so I wanted to invite Lord Xue for a chat.”

“Then you’ve found the right person,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Both of you have fought on the battlefield, so you should get along.”

Heqin Wang felt increasingly irritated. He nodded heavily, “I understand.”

Heqin Wang’s residence had a special area dedicated to growing many summer chrysanthemums. After passing through the round archway, one would be greeted by the sight of numerous vibrant summer chrysanthemums. These large flowers, with their slender petals, spread their branches and leaves, emitting a faint fragrance that wafted through the air.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly felt amused after seeing the scenery clearly. He couldn’t help but tease Heqin Wang, “You usually seem so serious, but I didn’t expect the distinguished Heqin Wang to have such hidden beauties in his mansion.”

Heqin Wang replied, “Just wildflowers blooming on their own.”

Gu Yuanbai chuckled a few times, found a place to sit down, pointed to the stone bench opposite him, and said to Heqin Wang, “Sit.”

Heqin Wang sat down, and someone brought tea from behind. Gu Yuanbai held the teacup in his hand but didn’t drink it. Instead, he said leisurely, “Heqin Wang, I want to ask you, do you want to return to the military?”

Heqin Wang suddenly looked up at him, speechless.

Gu Yuanbai looked at Heqin Wang calmly. He brushed the tea leaves with the lid of the cup and said slowly, “Since that rainy day when I spoke those words to you, you’ve seemed a bit off.”

There was a barely noticeable stiffness in Heqin Wang’s posture.

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “I thought you were upset that day. But when I looked again, it seemed you were still the same, as if it was just my imagination.”

“A few days ago, you urged me to take a palace concubine, but you know I am physically weak,” Gu Yuanbai continued calmly, “Did you want me to die in the concubine’s bed, or did you want to wait for a naive child to inherit the throne without knowing anything?”

Heqin Wang moved his mouth, bitter, “I never thought like that.”

Gu Yuanbai put down the teacup and fell silent.

For a moment, it seemed like the wind had stopped blowing.

The warm sunlight filtered through the leaves, dancing gently with a swaying sound.

Gu Yuanbai’s peripheral vision caught a figure passing behind the round gate. He turned to look and saw a plain-looking scholar behind the guard.

“Who is that person?” Gu Yuanbai asked casually.

Heqin Wang, who had been lost in thought, followed his gaze, “He’s a guest in my mansion, surnamed Wang.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded, then stood up nonchalantly, “Let’s go. Since we’re here to see the chrysanthemums, let’s take a good look.”

After spending a while in the mansion and exchanging a few words with Heqin Wang, Gu Yuanbai left Heqin Wang’s residence. Just before getting on the carriage, Heqin Wang suddenly said, “Your Majesty once mentioned the villa in the outskirts of the capital. The villa is now deserted, but there are several springs beneficial to health. If Your Majesty likes, you can ask me to accompany you there anytime.”

Xue Yuan, who was bending down to lift the carriage curtain for Gu Yuanbai, suddenly raised his head, his sharp gaze directed at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang’s eyes were dark, staring intently at Gu Yuanbai’s back. After a few moments, he seemed to suddenly come to a realization. A struggle flashed in his expression, and he quickly turned his head aside.

Xue Yuan narrowed his eyes.

He had heard of Heqin Wang’s reputation before.

A member of the royal family, a figure who led troops in the military in the past. Xue Yuan, being similar in age to Heqin Wang, had been compared to him by many people in secret.

But Xue Yuan’s military achievements were suppressed and concealed. Except for a few people, Heqin Wang was considered the pride of heaven in everyone’s eyes.

The pride of heaven, looking like this.

Xue Yuan scrutinized him, instinctively feeling very uncomfortable with the way Heqin Wang looked at Gu Yuanbai.

As the carriage set off, Gu Yuanbai summoned Chu Wei into the carriage as well and inquired about his dealings with the prince of Xixia.

Chu Wei held nothing back. By the time the carriage entered the imperial palace, he had finished explaining the situation. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, “Your Majesty, is this man a prince of Xixia?”

“Yes,” Gu Yuanbai nodded lightly, pondering, “Xixia has sent a prince to celebrate with me.”

Chu Wei also fell into thought. Gu Yuanbai suddenly remembered, “Your classmate was also there that day. According to you, your classmate can speak some Xixia language?”

“He is not well-versed in the Four Books and Five Classics, but he knows many things that ordinary people don’t understand,” Chu Wei said candidly, “In addition to Xixia language, he also has some knowledge of the languages of Dayue, the Khitan, and others. He once traveled the overland Silk Road during the Tang Dynasty. According to him, he also wants to see the Maritime Silk Road in Guangzhou.”

The Maritime Silk Road is commonly known as the sea route of the Silk Road, a maritime route in the southeastern coastal areas leading to countries in the northern Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, and the coast of the Red Sea, etc.

After hearing this, Gu Yuanbai sighed, somewhat moved. “Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. Well said.”

After finishing his words, the carriage happened to stop. Gu Yuanbai got off the carriage and saw Xue Yuan following behind. He suddenly remembered that Xue Yuan was still Marquis Duyou in front of the court.

Gu Yuanbai silently made a note to transfer him. He continued to speak to Chu Wei, “Have you traveled the overland Silk Road?”

“Never,” Chu Wei said regretfully, “After the An Lushan Rebellion during the Tang Dynasty, the Tubo, Uyghur, and Abbasid Caliphate rose up, causing the overland Silk Road to be cut off. It’s a pity that I can’t see the prosperity of the past.”

Only then did he remember that the person in front of him was the emperor of Great Heng. Chu Wei straightened his lips, “Your Majesty, I mean no disrespect.”

“I know,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Like Minister Chu, I also feel it’s a pity.”

Hearing this, Chu Wei couldn’t help but curl his lips into a light smile.

Knowing that his appearance was quite outstanding, this smile carried a hint of intentionality. Chu Wei’s face warmed slightly; he didn’t like standing out for his looks, yet now he was using his appearance in such a manner. He didn’t know why he did this, but in front of the emperor, it just happened involuntarily.

He looked exceptionally handsome when he smiled, his features almost glowing. Gu Yuanbai glanced at him twice and then turned to look for that mad dog. But upon turning, he didn’t see any sign of Xue Yuan.

“Where is he?” Gu Yuanbai wondered.

Chu Wei was smiling so attractively, yet Xue Yuan didn’t react at all?

Tian Fusheng chuckled and said, “Your Majesty, Lord Xue mentioned he was preparing something to present to you.”

Gu Yuanbai shook his head in disinterest and turned back. Unnoticed by him, Chu Wei’s smile froze, and after a moment, he slowly restrained his smile.

Today was a day of rest. Gu Yuanbai remembered this only after bringing Chu Wei into the palace. When he thought of sending Chu Wei back, Chu Wei shook his head, “Your Majesty, I once read a book about the Silk Road. If you are interested, I can tell you about it?”

The emperor did indeed become interested and set down his pen, saying, “Then, tell me about it.”

Chu Wei began to speak slowly and methodically.

His voice was warm and melodious, and when he slowed down his pace, it sounded almost hypnotic. Listening to him recite endless passages made up of “Zhi Hu Zhe Ye*,” even the attentive Tian Fusheng and the guards found it hard to keep their eyes open, let alone Gu Yuanbai.
* four common characters of classical Chinese

When Xue Yuan confidently walked into the palace with a pot of longevity noodles he had cooked himself, he saw the guards struggling to keep their eyes open. He asked, “Where is His Majesty?”

The chief guard forced himself to stay alert. “Resting in the inner hall.”

Xue Yuan strode towards the inner hall, stepping lightly. Upon entering, he saw the emperor lying in a reclining chair near the window, already asleep. Standing beside the reclining chair, Chu Wei was completely focused, even absentmindedly admiring the sleeping face of the emperor.

The two of them were like the sun and the moon, their presence together enhancing each other’s beauty. Whether they moved or stayed still, they seemed like a meticulously crafted painting, so exquisite that people dared not breathe loudly, for fear of disturbing them.

Outside the window, leaves fluttered, butterflies danced, but for them, it all served as a mere backdrop.

Xue Yuan looked at the bowl of plain noodles in his hand, suddenly smiling. He turned and left, tossing the bowl to Tian Fusheng.

Tian Fusheng asked, “What’s this?”

Xue Yuan replied casually, “Throw it.”

Tian Fusheng was surprised, but Xue Yuan calmly rolled down his sleeves, which he had previously rolled up while cooking noodles, and re-entered the inner hall.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 77

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 77

Chapter 77

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After the carriage stopped, the Xixia people who had been secretly following remembered the four characters on the mansion plaque—"Heqin Wang's Mansion"—and quickly turned and left.

Heqin Wang had been waiting in the mansion for some time.

After investigating Xue Yuan, he found out that Xue Yuan had sent gifts to the palace several times. When Heqin Wang learned about this, his brows furrowed, and he looked gloomy.

With such thoughts in mind, no matter who he looked at, he felt that their intentions towards Gu Yuanbai were impure.

Heqin Wang kept his eyes on Xue Yuan, and the more he looked, the more he felt the need to warn Xue Yuan.

As the emperor, the ruler of the country, who dared to have thoughts about Gu Yuanbai?

However, Heqin Wang didn't expect that the emperor would accompany Xue Yuan here. After being informed by the gatekeeper, Heqin Wang hurried to the gate, feeling increasingly heavy in his heart. He even began to think, could it be that Gu Lian intentionally came to support Xue Yuan?

Was it to prevent him from punishing Xue Yuan?

As Heqin Wang approached the gate, his dark thoughts sank even deeper. If Xue Yuan really seduced Gu Yuanbai onto the wrong path, then no matter the cost, he would have to kill Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai couldn't like men.

But when he raised his head in front of the mansion, he saw Gu Yuanbai getting off the carriage, smiled at him, and said, "Heqin Wang."

Heqin Wang's breath stagnated, and after a while, he lowered his head and said, "I've seen Your Majesty."

"There's no need for formalities among family," Gu Yuanbai approached and helped Heqin Wang up, smiling, "The last time I came to your mansion was the day brother was seriously ill. Time flies, and it's almost autumn now."


"I remember there are many summer chrysanthemums planted in your mansion," Gu Yuanbai said naturally, "Summer chrysanthemums will bloom for the last time in September. I wonder if they've bloomed now?"

Heqin Wang rose with his strength and then held Gu Yuanbai's wrist with his hand, which seemed to have been scalded by fire. He quickly released it under Gu Yuanbai's puzzled gaze. He averted his eyes and looked at Gu Yuanbai's robes, where he could see a flower, "The flowers and plants in the mansion are managed by Wangfei. Wangfei seems to have said that they have already bloomed in the past two days."

Gu Yuanbai praised, "Wangfei is gentle and virtuous. Brother has such a virtuous wife, you must treat her well."

Heqin Wang nodded slowly, "No need for Your Majesty to say much. I naturally know what to do."

Gu Yuanbai didn't say much more and let Heqin Wang lead the way. The courtiers followed behind the emperor and Heqin Wang. Heqin Wang lagged behind the emperor by half a step. As they walked, Heqin Wang looked down at Gu Yuanbai's robes. Gu Yuanbai casually asked, "Does brother know Lord Xue?"

Heqin Wang tightened his grip, neither fast nor slow, and said, "I heard that Lord Xue had spent several years on the border. When I was stationed there, I never saw the scenery of the border, so I wanted to invite Lord Xue for a chat."

"Then you've found the right person," Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Both of you have fought on the battlefield, so you should get along."

Heqin Wang felt increasingly irritated. He nodded heavily, "I understand."

Heqin Wang's residence had a special area dedicated to growing many summer chrysanthemums. After passing through the round archway, one would be greeted by the sight of numerous vibrant summer chrysanthemums. These large flowers, with their slender petals, spread their branches and leaves, emitting a faint fragrance that wafted through the air.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly felt amused after seeing the scenery clearly. He couldn't help but tease Heqin Wang, "You usually seem so serious, but I didn't expect the distinguished Heqin Wang to have such hidden beauties in his mansion."

Heqin Wang replied, "Just wildflowers blooming on their own."

Gu Yuanbai chuckled a few times, found a place to sit down, pointed to the stone bench opposite him, and said to Heqin Wang, "Sit."

Heqin Wang sat down, and someone brought tea from behind. Gu Yuanbai held the teacup in his hand but didn't drink it. Instead, he said leisurely, "Heqin Wang, I want to ask you, do you want to return to the military?"

Heqin Wang suddenly looked up at him, speechless.

Gu Yuanbai looked at Heqin Wang calmly. He brushed the tea leaves with the lid of the cup and said slowly, "Since that rainy day when I spoke those words to you, you've seemed a bit off."

There was a barely noticeable stiffness in Heqin Wang's posture.

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "I thought you were upset that day. But when I looked again, it seemed you were still the same, as if it was just my imagination."

"A few days ago, you urged me to take a palace concubine, but you know I am physically weak," Gu Yuanbai continued calmly, "Did you want me to die in the concubine's bed, or did you want to wait for a naive child to inherit the throne without knowing anything?"

Heqin Wang moved his mouth, bitter, "I never thought like that."

Gu Yuanbai put down the teacup and fell silent.

For a moment, it seemed like the wind had stopped blowing.

The warm sunlight filtered through the leaves, dancing gently with a swaying sound.

Gu Yuanbai's peripheral vision caught a figure passing behind the round gate. He turned to look and saw a plain-looking scholar behind the guard.

"Who is that person?" Gu Yuanbai asked casually.

Heqin Wang, who had been lost in thought, followed his gaze, "He's a guest in my mansion, surnamed Wang."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, then stood up nonchalantly, "Let's go. Since we're here to see the chrysanthemums, let's take a good look."

After spending a while in the mansion and exchanging a few words with Heqin Wang, Gu Yuanbai left Heqin Wang's residence. Just before getting on the carriage, Heqin Wang suddenly said, "Your Majesty once mentioned the villa in the outskirts of the capital. The villa is now deserted, but there are several springs beneficial to health. If Your Majesty likes, you can ask me to accompany you there anytime."

Xue Yuan, who was bending down to lift the carriage curtain for Gu Yuanbai, suddenly raised his head, his sharp gaze directed at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang's eyes were dark, staring intently at Gu Yuanbai's back. After a few moments, he seemed to suddenly come to a realization. A struggle flashed in his expression, and he quickly turned his head aside.

Xue Yuan narrowed his eyes.

He had heard of Heqin Wang's reputation before.

A member of the royal family, a figure who led troops in the military in the past. Xue Yuan, being similar in age to Heqin Wang, had been compared to him by many people in secret.

But Xue Yuan's military achievements were suppressed and concealed. Except for a few people, Heqin Wang was considered the pride of heaven in everyone's eyes.

The pride of heaven, looking like this.

Xue Yuan scrutinized him, instinctively feeling very uncomfortable with the way Heqin Wang looked at Gu Yuanbai.

As the carriage set off, Gu Yuanbai summoned Chu Wei into the carriage as well and inquired about his dealings with the prince of Xixia.

Chu Wei held nothing back. By the time the carriage entered the imperial palace, he had finished explaining the situation. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Your Majesty, is this man a prince of Xixia?"

"Yes," Gu Yuanbai nodded lightly, pondering, "Xixia has sent a prince to celebrate with me."

Chu Wei also fell into thought. Gu Yuanbai suddenly remembered, "Your classmate was also there that day. According to you, your classmate can speak some Xixia language?"

"He is not well-versed in the Four Books and Five Classics, but he knows many things that ordinary people don't understand," Chu Wei said candidly, "In addition to Xixia language, he also has some knowledge of the languages of Dayue, the Khitan, and others. He once traveled the overland Silk Road during the Tang Dynasty. According to him, he also wants to see the Maritime Silk Road in Guangzhou."

The Maritime Silk Road is commonly known as the sea route of the Silk Road, a maritime route in the southeastern coastal areas leading to countries in the northern Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, and the coast of the Red Sea, etc.

After hearing this, Gu Yuanbai sighed, somewhat moved. "Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. Well said."

After finishing his words, the carriage happened to stop. Gu Yuanbai got off the carriage and saw Xue Yuan following behind. He suddenly remembered that Xue Yuan was still Marquis Duyou in front of the court.

Gu Yuanbai silently made a note to transfer him. He continued to speak to Chu Wei, "Have you traveled the overland Silk Road?"

"Never," Chu Wei said regretfully, "After the An Lushan Rebellion during the Tang Dynasty, the Tubo, Uyghur, and Abbasid Caliphate rose up, causing the overland Silk Road to be cut off. It's a pity that I can't see the prosperity of the past."

Only then did he remember that the person in front of him was the emperor of Great Heng. Chu Wei straightened his lips, "Your Majesty, I mean no disrespect."

"I know," Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Like Minister Chu, I also feel it's a pity."

Hearing this, Chu Wei couldn't help but curl his lips into a light smile.

Knowing that his appearance was quite outstanding, this smile carried a hint of intentionality. Chu Wei's face warmed slightly; he didn't like standing out for his looks, yet now he was using his appearance in such a manner. He didn't know why he did this, but in front of the emperor, it just happened involuntarily.

He looked exceptionally handsome when he smiled, his features almost glowing. Gu Yuanbai glanced at him twice and then turned to look for that mad dog. But upon turning, he didn't see any sign of Xue Yuan.

"Where is he?" Gu Yuanbai wondered.

Chu Wei was smiling so attractively, yet Xue Yuan didn't react at all?

Tian Fusheng chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Xue mentioned he was preparing something to present to you."

Gu Yuanbai shook his head in disinterest and turned back. Unnoticed by him, Chu Wei's smile froze, and after a moment, he slowly restrained his smile.

Today was a day of rest. Gu Yuanbai remembered this only after bringing Chu Wei into the palace. When he thought of sending Chu Wei back, Chu Wei shook his head, "Your Majesty, I once read a book about the Silk Road. If you are interested, I can tell you about it?"

The emperor did indeed become interested and set down his pen, saying, "Then, tell me about it."

Chu Wei began to speak slowly and methodically.

His voice was warm and melodious, and when he slowed down his pace, it sounded almost hypnotic. Listening to him recite endless passages made up of "Zhi Hu Zhe Ye*," even the attentive Tian Fusheng and the guards found it hard to keep their eyes open, let alone Gu Yuanbai.
* four common characters of classical Chinese

When Xue Yuan confidently walked into the palace with a pot of longevity noodles he had cooked himself, he saw the guards struggling to keep their eyes open. He asked, "Where is His Majesty?"

The chief guard forced himself to stay alert. "Resting in the inner hall."

Xue Yuan strode towards the inner hall, stepping lightly. Upon entering, he saw the emperor lying in a reclining chair near the window, already asleep. Standing beside the reclining chair, Chu Wei was completely focused, even absentmindedly admiring the sleeping face of the emperor.

The two of them were like the sun and the moon, their presence together enhancing each other's beauty. Whether they moved or stayed still, they seemed like a meticulously crafted painting, so exquisite that people dared not breathe loudly, for fear of disturbing them.

Outside the window, leaves fluttered, butterflies danced, but for them, it all served as a mere backdrop.

Xue Yuan looked at the bowl of plain noodles in his hand, suddenly smiling. He turned and left, tossing the bowl to Tian Fusheng.

Tian Fusheng asked, "What's this?"

Xue Yuan replied casually, "Throw it."

Tian Fusheng was surprised, but Xue Yuan calmly rolled down his sleeves, which he had previously rolled up while cooking noodles, and re-entered the inner hall.

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