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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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Xue Yuan stood on the city wall all day, the cold wind whistling—he felt the chill.

When the moon was high, he went to find General Xue, the bloodshot in his eyes faintly visible under the candlelight.

General Xue frowned and asked him, “What is going on with you?”

“Things are stable in the northern border,” Xue Yuan didn’t answer directly. He opened the tent flap, breathing in the cold, biting air, each breath bitter and acidic, “General Xue, the people of Xiwandan will only be able to attack after winter. They and He Rilian are too preoccupied. The northern border should have at least a month of peace, right?”

General Xue, shivering, said, “Quickly close the flap. Why are you asking this? Indeed, the northern border will be quiet for a month or two as both sides prepare for the next battle.”

Xue Yuan withdrew his gaze from the moon outside and turned it to General Xue. His expression was dark and complex. “General Xue, give me a month.”

“I need to take care of some matters.”


After dealing with the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, turning the golden eggs that were worth 120 wen back to 12 wen per jin, Gu Yuanbai thought fondly of the honest and reliable previous Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue and sent a letter to the former minister, who was still in mourning.

Receiving the Emperor’s letter, the former minister was deeply honored and immediately replied, expressing his loyalty and willingness to continue serving the Emperor after his mourning period.

Gu Yuanbai, in a good mood, reassured him that he could resume his position once his mourning was over.

For now, he entrusted the role to a trusted person as an interim measure.

Recently, a good event occurred—another iron mine was discovered in Jinghunan.

Jinghunan was practically a hidden treasure. After seizing the gold mine from Chen Jinyin, Gu Yuanbai had surrounded it to extract gold. Before they could finish, another pleasant surprise came.

This thought made Gu Yuanbai smile. As he laughed, he reviewed the memorials. By the time he finished, another day had passed. Such a day flew by quickly. He stepped outside the hall and saw that it was already past the afternoon, but the sky was dark as if it were night.

Tian Fusheng approached, “Your Majesty, Heqin Wang sent word inviting you to his estate outside the city for a soak in the hot springs tomorrow, your rest day. Will you go?”

Gu Yuanbai asked, “Is it the estate bestowed from Zhen to Lu Feng, that one?”

“Yes,” Tian Fusheng said regretfully, “that estate should have stayed in your hands.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled indifferently, twisting the jade ring on his finger. After a moment of contemplation, he said, “I’ve heard of the estate’s benefits. Since Heqin Wang invited me, I’ll go.”

Tian Fusheng replied, “Yes.”


The next day, the carriages from the capital headed for the suburbs.

Gu Yuanbai, reading in the carriage, found it hard to concentrate. Watching the scenery outside fly by, he silently held his hand warmer.

The Emperor’s carriage had two sections—outer and inner. In the outer section, servants were brewing tea. In the inner section, Chu Wei was reading a book, while the graceful Chang Yuyan was sitting upright, reading to the Emperor.

Accompanied by the Hanlin Academy scholars, the atmosphere was as clean and clear as the early winter weather.

Kong Yilin, too tall for the carriage, rode with others in the following carriage. Hearing that the Emperor was leaving the city, he joined his colleagues to request to accompany Gu Yuanbai, hoping to entertain him on the way and at the estate.

Chu Wei, though reading, seemed distracted, occasionally glancing at the Emperor. Each glance was quick and fluttering, like a startled butterfly.

His mind was saying one thing, but his heart wanted another. When he glanced again, he noticed dew from the cold wind outside on the Emperor’s face, frost forming on his dark eyelashes.

“Your Majesty,” Chu Wei hurriedly took out a handkerchief and handed it to Gu Yuanbai, “the cold wind outside is harsh. Please close the window to avoid catching a chill.”

Gu Yuanbai came to his senses and looked curiously at the handkerchief in front of him. “Is there dirt on my face?”

“It’s frost,” Chang Yuyan paused his reading to interject, “Your Majesty, didn’t you feel the cold?”

Gu Yuanbai laughed, “Perhaps I’m colder than the frost itself, so I didn’t feel it.”

Seeing that Gu Yuanbai didn’t take the handkerchief, Chu Wei frowned and took it upon himself to wipe the dew and frost from Gu Yuanbai’s face. Accustomed to being served, Gu Yuanbai turned his head slightly, allowing Chu Wei to clean the other side as well.

A palace attendant in the outer compartment softly said, “Your Majesty, the tea is ready.”

Chang Yuyan took the tea. As soon as it was poured, a rich aroma filled the carriage. The tea was a deep green, clear and distinct, with a unique fragrance that combined a deep, fresh scent with a hint of snowy mountains.

Chang Yuyan took a deep breath, marveling, “What tea is this?”

“It’s Huangshan thorn tea,” said the palace attendant outside who had brewed it. “Huangshan is the snow-capped mountain in Yizhou. It rains fewer than sixteen times a year and has more than 360 sunny days. It’s the only place in the world that produces this tea. The best tea is harvested between the Waking of Insects and Grain Rain periods and again in early autumn.”

“Last year, there was more rain, so Your Majesty didn’t have this tea and instead had Shuangjing green tea. The tea you’re drinking now was harvested at the beginning of autumn.”

Chang Yuyan felt the weight of the tea cup increase, sitting up straight. “Thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing me to taste this Huangshan thorn tea today.”

Gu Yuanbai had just learned about the tea’s intricacies—rain and sunshine are beyond human control, making this tea even more precious. He smiled, “If you like it, then have some packaged for Minister Chang and Minister Chu to enjoy.”

The attendants outside acknowledged this. Gu Yuanbai smiled and helped the two ministers who were thanking him to their feet, lightly saying, “As good as the tea is, it can’t compare to the loyalty you two have for me. No matter how precious, what truly matters to me is that you both enjoy it.”

The Emperor never missed an opportunity to win hearts.

To Gu Yuanbai, the sweet talk between ruler and ministers was just routine. He said it casually, knowing they’d listen. They were all adults, and such words could be as saccharine as love letters from later generations.

However, Chu Wei, feeling the Emperor’s grasp, was startled. His hand trembled slightly, almost wanting to protest.

But reason held him back. He frowned inwardly, not wanting to think too deeply, and said along with Chang Yuyan, “Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty.”


The two wolves closely followed Gu Yuanbai, their collars tied to the carriage, running on foot to keep up.

These two wolves were very protective of their master. Even after running for an hour, they didn’t dare to relax their pace. Fortunately, the carriage moved slowly. The guards, fearing the wolves might bite someone out of hunger, kept throwing them fresh chunks of raw meat along the way.

After an hour, the carriage arrived at the hot spring estate, and Gu Yuanbai was helped out.

Those who had frequent close contact with Gu Yuanbai knew the wolves’ temperaments well. They carried sachets of herbs to keep the wolves at bay. The captain of the guards even touched the Emperor’s hand boldly, holding it lightly, and the wolves merely watched without attacking.

As the other carriages stopped and people disembarked, Heqin Wang greeted the Emperor. Seeing the crowd, he said nothing but murmured, “Your Majesty, you’ve come at the right time. The estate is prepared with food and drink. After a rest, you can soak in the springs.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded, “Good.”

After a meal and a nap, Gu Yuanbai, feeling refreshed, had his things prepared to soak in the spring.

The palace had everything, but Gu Yuanbai came here for the open-air spring. Enjoying the scenery while soaking and sipping alcohol—well, he couldn’t drink alcohol anymore, but such pleasures could only be found outside the palace.

The others waited outside the dense forest and paths, except for the two wolves that had rested enough and followed Gu Yuanbai closely. These wolves were fiercer than a dozen guards; they ignored everything else.

Thus, everyone waited outside, feeling secure. Gu Yuanbai, with the two wolves, leisurely followed the sulfur scent.

The hot spring was fed by an underground vein, making the estate’s flowers and plants bloom luxuriously year-round, with a spring-like temperature. He took off his cloak, feeling warm even in light clothing.

Gu Yuanbai entered the water, the wolves blocking the path. As he closed his eyes, the previously resting wolves suddenly stood alert, their eyes fierce. After a while, the tension dissipated, and they laid down again.

The sound of water was soothing. Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to close his eyes, he heard a rustling from the bushes. As he turned to look, a large hand covered his eyes, and someone behind him whispered, “Your Majesty.”

The voice was hoarse and ragged, smelling of blood and dust.

Gu Yuanbai’s breath caught. The hand was scorching hot, heating his eyelids. Despite being so close, the wolves hadn’t barked. This was impossible, unless the person was Xue Yuan.

But Xue Yuan was in the northern border.

Logic said it couldn’t be, but he spoke in a deep voice, “Xue Jiuyou, you are bold.”

For a while, no one spoke. The only sound was the flowing water. Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to frown, the person behind him laughed, leaning close to whisper in his ear, “You haven’t forgotten me.”

With that, the person jumped into the pool, mixing dust and water. The hand covering Gu Yuanbai’s eyes remained.

Recognizing Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai exhaled subtly, though a hidden anger flared. He kicked in the direction of the disturbance.

His ankle was caught by a rough, hot hand, gripping tightly. The water rippled more intensely as the person drew closer. Gu Yuanbai tried to push Xue Yuan’s hand away, but it was as immovable as iron.

“Your Majesty,” Xue Yuan seemed to laugh, but his voice was harsh, as if filled with coarse sand, that the laughter sounded strange. “As soon as I entered the capital, I heard you were here and that you are going to take a concubine.”

His hand began to slowly stroke, rough like gravel. “Who is this woman?”

Murderous intent subtly surfaced, the malice in his tone barely concealed.

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t see, so he was even more sensitive to the voice near his ear. He heard Xue Yuan’s increasingly heavy breathing, keenly sensing Xue Jiuyou’s agitation. His eyelids twitched. “Release my hand.”

Instead, Xue Yuan’s grip tightened.

“Xue Jiuyou, I know you heard me, yet you don’t obey. I haven’t even asked why you’re here,” Gu Yuanbai’s face turned cold as he tried to pull his leg back forcefully. “Why are you so disobedient?”

This remark was like a sword piercing a beast, striking right at the heart. Xue Yuan abruptly leaned closer, causing the water to splash as he pressed Gu Yuanbai against the edge. The hot spring water surged onto the shore, pushing Xue Yuan forward with each wave.

Still covering Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, Xue Yuan’s teeth almost ground together in rage. “I am not obedient? I’m not obedient enough?!”

The dry scent of blood mixed with sulfur filled the air, and the splashing water hit Gu Yuanbai’s face and hair. His calm demeanor shattered. He grabbed Xue Yuan’s clothes, pulling him closer, his temples throbbing and his face darkening. “What are you mad about?! You call this obedience?”

“You d*mn well plan to take concubines into the palace! To take a wife!” Xue Yuan’s eyes were bloodshot, his hand shaking as he held Gu Yuanbai’s chin, struggling to control his strength. “At this time, you want me to be obedient? You think I’m not calm enough?”

“What counts as obedience? Watching you take a wife, filling your palace with beauties, then seeing you die on one of their beds?!”

Xue Yuan’s heavy breaths hit Gu Yuanbai’s face. Gu Yuanbai’s own breathing grew rapid, his head throbbing, his heart pounding faster and faster. He released Xue Yuan, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. “Go back.”

He tried to remain rational, regulating his breathing. “Go back to the frontier.”

Xue Yuan looked at his cold, merciless face and suddenly slammed his fist into the ground beside Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai’s expression turned icy. He spoke each word clearly, “Even if I don’t take a concubine, it’s none of your business.”

“You shouldn’t have barged in and caused a scene,” Gu Yuanbai continued, his anger rising again. “What do you want? What are you planning? How dare you!”

Weak from illness, even his anger had to be controlled. Gu Yuanbai struggled to suppress it. Xue Yuan remained silent for a while, then spoke in a low, tired voice. “I protected my back on the battlefield, fearing that when I returned, it would be scarred and your nails wouldn’t leave marks.”

Why would I want to leave nail marks on your back?

Gu Yuanbai was furious, about to retort sarcastically, but Xue Yuan suddenly grabbed his hand, pressing it against his left chest. “Feel your heart.”

Xue Yuan’s hand overlapped Gu Yuanbai’s, pressing it against his left chest. Something slipped through Gu Yuanbai’s slender fingers, grazing Xue Yuan’s palm. Xue Yuan’s face tightened, a flicker of surprise in his dry eyes.

Gu Yuanbai’s expression changed, “Xue Jiuyou!”

Xue Yuan’s palm itched, his nose itched, and his insane jealousy and envy shattered. He hoarsely explained, “I just wanted you to feel your conscience, not touch you.”

Gu Yuanbai sneered, his aura unyielding despite being unarmed. “Ha.”

Xue Yuan’s voice dropped, pleading, “Gu Lian, let me kiss you.”

Gu Yuanbai’s lips pressed tightly together, their color strikingly vivid beneath the hot spring’s mist.

He neither refused nor agreed. In the hazy steam, his features seemed softened by the heat. Xue Yuan, entranced, moved closer, their noses touching, lips nearly meeting.

Xue Yuan whispered, “Are you really taking a concubine into the palace?”

Each word brought their lips almost into contact.

Gu Yuanbai remained icy, seemingly unmoved, his breathing steady. “None of your business.”

These were Xue Yuan’s favorite words. His breathing grew erratic, and he laughed. “Don’t take a concubine. Your health can’t handle women.”

Gu Yuanbai’s lips curled into a cold smile. “What do you mean?”

“I won’t have a wife or women either,” Xue Yuan’s breath was hot, water droplets forming on his eyebrows. “We’ll rely on each other. I’ll treat you well, keep you comfortable, warm your hands and feet, alright?”

Gu Yuanbai’s voice lowered, “Get lost.”

“I’m not leaving,” Xue Yuan said, moving closer, pressing his body against the other. His strong and powerful body was like a vigorous wolf, radiating a fervent desire to be close and to be loved. “You don’t believe what I say?”

Gu Yuanbai scoffed but was led by Xue Yuan, his hand placed over Xue Yuan’s heated chest through his soaked clothes.

“I miss you painfully, with headaches, blood thirst, and a desire to kill,” Xue Yuan still didn’t release Gu Yuanbai’s eyes. “You could cut it off. Just a firm grip, and it would break. I know I’ve overstepped, have no manners, don’t please you, but Gu Yuanbai, I like you too much. I can’t help it when I see you.”

“I don’t want to act like a rutting beast either. I want to learn to behave like a gentleman, like Chu Wei,” Xue Yuan said hoarsely, his breath brushing against the neck as he kissed Gu Yuanbai’s Adam’s apple. “But I can’t help it. As soon as I think of you, I can’t suppress it. I ran for fifteen days, traveling day and night, from the northern frontier to the capital. Originally, I just wanted to ask you if you planned to take a consort.”

He released Gu Yuanbai’s hand, skillfully attending to the Emperor whose eyes he had covered.

“I obey, I obey completely,” Xue Yuan grinned, kissing Gu Yuanbai. “Even if you treat me like a dog, you can’t just call and dismiss me at will.”

In the space where it was just the two of them, it felt as though they were simply two people, independent of their roles as emperor and subject, just two individuals with complete personalities.

Gu Yuanbai finally spoke, his breathing becoming labored. His pale neck arched like a dying deer, slender and beautiful, with his Adam’s apple bobbing as sexy droplets of water slid down. “You obedient? Ha.”

Xue Yuan licked away those water droplets. Gu Yuanbai reached out, grabbing his black hair forcefully and commanded, “Lower your head.”

Xue Yuan still used his hand, saying, “I can’t lower my head right now, nor can I let go to let you see me.”

A hint of anger appeared on Gu Yuanbai’s face.

Xue Yuan said, “Because I look too ugly right now, I can’t let you see.”

After making Gu Yuanbai comfortable, Xue Yuan carefully pinched Gu Yuanbai’s chin, kissing him fiercely a few times. The loud smacking sounds echoed, and after the kisses, he hoarsely said, “I know you don’t like me right now, but that’s okay.”

This time his laugh was finally pleasant, then he spoke gently in a low voice, “Gu Lian, I have a lifetime to spend with you.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 92

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 92

Chapter 92

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Xue Yuan stood on the city wall all day, the cold wind whistling—he felt the chill.

When the moon was high, he went to find General Xue, the bloodshot in his eyes faintly visible under the candlelight.

General Xue frowned and asked him, "What is going on with you?"

"Things are stable in the northern border," Xue Yuan didn't answer directly. He opened the tent flap, breathing in the cold, biting air, each breath bitter and acidic, "General Xue, the people of Xiwandan will only be able to attack after winter. They and He Rilian are too preoccupied. The northern border should have at least a month of peace, right?"

General Xue, shivering, said, "Quickly close the flap. Why are you asking this? Indeed, the northern border will be quiet for a month or two as both sides prepare for the next battle."

Xue Yuan withdrew his gaze from the moon outside and turned it to General Xue. His expression was dark and complex. "General Xue, give me a month."

"I need to take care of some matters."


After dealing with the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, turning the golden eggs that were worth 120 wen back to 12 wen per jin, Gu Yuanbai thought fondly of the honest and reliable previous Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue and sent a letter to the former minister, who was still in mourning.

Receiving the Emperor's letter, the former minister was deeply honored and immediately replied, expressing his loyalty and willingness to continue serving the Emperor after his mourning period.

Gu Yuanbai, in a good mood, reassured him that he could resume his position once his mourning was over.

For now, he entrusted the role to a trusted person as an interim measure.

Recently, a good event occurred—another iron mine was discovered in Jinghunan.

Jinghunan was practically a hidden treasure. After seizing the gold mine from Chen Jinyin, Gu Yuanbai had surrounded it to extract gold. Before they could finish, another pleasant surprise came.

This thought made Gu Yuanbai smile. As he laughed, he reviewed the memorials. By the time he finished, another day had passed. Such a day flew by quickly. He stepped outside the hall and saw that it was already past the afternoon, but the sky was dark as if it were night.

Tian Fusheng approached, "Your Majesty, Heqin Wang sent word inviting you to his estate outside the city for a soak in the hot springs tomorrow, your rest day. Will you go?"

Gu Yuanbai asked, "Is it the estate bestowed from Zhen to Lu Feng, that one?"

"Yes," Tian Fusheng said regretfully, "that estate should have stayed in your hands."

Gu Yuanbai smiled indifferently, twisting the jade ring on his finger. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "I've heard of the estate's benefits. Since Heqin Wang invited me, I'll go."

Tian Fusheng replied, "Yes."


The next day, the carriages from the capital headed for the suburbs.

Gu Yuanbai, reading in the carriage, found it hard to concentrate. Watching the scenery outside fly by, he silently held his hand warmer.

The Emperor's carriage had two sections—outer and inner. In the outer section, servants were brewing tea. In the inner section, Chu Wei was reading a book, while the graceful Chang Yuyan was sitting upright, reading to the Emperor.

Accompanied by the Hanlin Academy scholars, the atmosphere was as clean and clear as the early winter weather.

Kong Yilin, too tall for the carriage, rode with others in the following carriage. Hearing that the Emperor was leaving the city, he joined his colleagues to request to accompany Gu Yuanbai, hoping to entertain him on the way and at the estate.

Chu Wei, though reading, seemed distracted, occasionally glancing at the Emperor. Each glance was quick and fluttering, like a startled butterfly.

His mind was saying one thing, but his heart wanted another. When he glanced again, he noticed dew from the cold wind outside on the Emperor's face, frost forming on his dark eyelashes.

"Your Majesty," Chu Wei hurriedly took out a handkerchief and handed it to Gu Yuanbai, "the cold wind outside is harsh. Please close the window to avoid catching a chill."

Gu Yuanbai came to his senses and looked curiously at the handkerchief in front of him. "Is there dirt on my face?"

"It's frost," Chang Yuyan paused his reading to interject, "Your Majesty, didn't you feel the cold?"

Gu Yuanbai laughed, "Perhaps I'm colder than the frost itself, so I didn't feel it."

Seeing that Gu Yuanbai didn't take the handkerchief, Chu Wei frowned and took it upon himself to wipe the dew and frost from Gu Yuanbai's face. Accustomed to being served, Gu Yuanbai turned his head slightly, allowing Chu Wei to clean the other side as well.

A palace attendant in the outer compartment softly said, "Your Majesty, the tea is ready."

Chang Yuyan took the tea. As soon as it was poured, a rich aroma filled the carriage. The tea was a deep green, clear and distinct, with a unique fragrance that combined a deep, fresh scent with a hint of snowy mountains.

Chang Yuyan took a deep breath, marveling, "What tea is this?"

"It's Huangshan thorn tea," said the palace attendant outside who had brewed it. "Huangshan is the snow-capped mountain in Yizhou. It rains fewer than sixteen times a year and has more than 360 sunny days. It's the only place in the world that produces this tea. The best tea is harvested between the Waking of Insects and Grain Rain periods and again in early autumn."

"Last year, there was more rain, so Your Majesty didn't have this tea and instead had Shuangjing green tea. The tea you're drinking now was harvested at the beginning of autumn."

Chang Yuyan felt the weight of the tea cup increase, sitting up straight. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing me to taste this Huangshan thorn tea today."

Gu Yuanbai had just learned about the tea's intricacies—rain and sunshine are beyond human control, making this tea even more precious. He smiled, "If you like it, then have some packaged for Minister Chang and Minister Chu to enjoy."

The attendants outside acknowledged this. Gu Yuanbai smiled and helped the two ministers who were thanking him to their feet, lightly saying, "As good as the tea is, it can't compare to the loyalty you two have for me. No matter how precious, what truly matters to me is that you both enjoy it."

The Emperor never missed an opportunity to win hearts.

To Gu Yuanbai, the sweet talk between ruler and ministers was just routine. He said it casually, knowing they'd listen. They were all adults, and such words could be as saccharine as love letters from later generations.

However, Chu Wei, feeling the Emperor's grasp, was startled. His hand trembled slightly, almost wanting to protest.

But reason held him back. He frowned inwardly, not wanting to think too deeply, and said along with Chang Yuyan, "Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty."


The two wolves closely followed Gu Yuanbai, their collars tied to the carriage, running on foot to keep up.

These two wolves were very protective of their master. Even after running for an hour, they didn't dare to relax their pace. Fortunately, the carriage moved slowly. The guards, fearing the wolves might bite someone out of hunger, kept throwing them fresh chunks of raw meat along the way.

After an hour, the carriage arrived at the hot spring estate, and Gu Yuanbai was helped out.

Those who had frequent close contact with Gu Yuanbai knew the wolves' temperaments well. They carried sachets of herbs to keep the wolves at bay. The captain of the guards even touched the Emperor's hand boldly, holding it lightly, and the wolves merely watched without attacking.

As the other carriages stopped and people disembarked, Heqin Wang greeted the Emperor. Seeing the crowd, he said nothing but murmured, "Your Majesty, you've come at the right time. The estate is prepared with food and drink. After a rest, you can soak in the springs."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, "Good."

After a meal and a nap, Gu Yuanbai, feeling refreshed, had his things prepared to soak in the spring.

The palace had everything, but Gu Yuanbai came here for the open-air spring. Enjoying the scenery while soaking and sipping alcohol—well, he couldn't drink alcohol anymore, but such pleasures could only be found outside the palace.

The others waited outside the dense forest and paths, except for the two wolves that had rested enough and followed Gu Yuanbai closely. These wolves were fiercer than a dozen guards; they ignored everything else.

Thus, everyone waited outside, feeling secure. Gu Yuanbai, with the two wolves, leisurely followed the sulfur scent.

The hot spring was fed by an underground vein, making the estate's flowers and plants bloom luxuriously year-round, with a spring-like temperature. He took off his cloak, feeling warm even in light clothing.

Gu Yuanbai entered the water, the wolves blocking the path. As he closed his eyes, the previously resting wolves suddenly stood alert, their eyes fierce. After a while, the tension dissipated, and they laid down again.

The sound of water was soothing. Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to close his eyes, he heard a rustling from the bushes. As he turned to look, a large hand covered his eyes, and someone behind him whispered, "Your Majesty."

The voice was hoarse and ragged, smelling of blood and dust.

Gu Yuanbai's breath caught. The hand was scorching hot, heating his eyelids. Despite being so close, the wolves hadn't barked. This was impossible, unless the person was Xue Yuan.

But Xue Yuan was in the northern border.

Logic said it couldn't be, but he spoke in a deep voice, "Xue Jiuyou, you are bold."

For a while, no one spoke. The only sound was the flowing water. Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to frown, the person behind him laughed, leaning close to whisper in his ear, "You haven't forgotten me."

With that, the person jumped into the pool, mixing dust and water. The hand covering Gu Yuanbai's eyes remained.

Recognizing Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai exhaled subtly, though a hidden anger flared. He kicked in the direction of the disturbance.

His ankle was caught by a rough, hot hand, gripping tightly. The water rippled more intensely as the person drew closer. Gu Yuanbai tried to push Xue Yuan's hand away, but it was as immovable as iron.

"Your Majesty," Xue Yuan seemed to laugh, but his voice was harsh, as if filled with coarse sand, that the laughter sounded strange. "As soon as I entered the capital, I heard you were here and that you are going to take a concubine."

His hand began to slowly stroke, rough like gravel. "Who is this woman?"

Murderous intent subtly surfaced, the malice in his tone barely concealed.

Gu Yuanbai couldn't see, so he was even more sensitive to the voice near his ear. He heard Xue Yuan's increasingly heavy breathing, keenly sensing Xue Jiuyou's agitation. His eyelids twitched. "Release my hand."

Instead, Xue Yuan's grip tightened.

"Xue Jiuyou, I know you heard me, yet you don't obey. I haven't even asked why you're here," Gu Yuanbai's face turned cold as he tried to pull his leg back forcefully. "Why are you so disobedient?"

This remark was like a sword piercing a beast, striking right at the heart. Xue Yuan abruptly leaned closer, causing the water to splash as he pressed Gu Yuanbai against the edge. The hot spring water surged onto the shore, pushing Xue Yuan forward with each wave.

Still covering Gu Yuanbai's eyes, Xue Yuan's teeth almost ground together in rage. "I am not obedient? I'm not obedient enough?!"

The dry scent of blood mixed with sulfur filled the air, and the splashing water hit Gu Yuanbai's face and hair. His calm demeanor shattered. He grabbed Xue Yuan's clothes, pulling him closer, his temples throbbing and his face darkening. "What are you mad about?! You call this obedience?"

"You d*mn well plan to take concubines into the palace! To take a wife!" Xue Yuan's eyes were bloodshot, his hand shaking as he held Gu Yuanbai's chin, struggling to control his strength. "At this time, you want me to be obedient? You think I'm not calm enough?"

"What counts as obedience? Watching you take a wife, filling your palace with beauties, then seeing you die on one of their beds?!"

Xue Yuan's heavy breaths hit Gu Yuanbai's face. Gu Yuanbai's own breathing grew rapid, his head throbbing, his heart pounding faster and faster. He released Xue Yuan, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. "Go back."

He tried to remain rational, regulating his breathing. "Go back to the frontier."

Xue Yuan looked at his cold, merciless face and suddenly slammed his fist into the ground beside Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai's expression turned icy. He spoke each word clearly, "Even if I don't take a concubine, it's none of your business."

"You shouldn't have barged in and caused a scene," Gu Yuanbai continued, his anger rising again. "What do you want? What are you planning? How dare you!"

Weak from illness, even his anger had to be controlled. Gu Yuanbai struggled to suppress it. Xue Yuan remained silent for a while, then spoke in a low, tired voice. "I protected my back on the battlefield, fearing that when I returned, it would be scarred and your nails wouldn't leave marks."

Why would I want to leave nail marks on your back?

Gu Yuanbai was furious, about to retort sarcastically, but Xue Yuan suddenly grabbed his hand, pressing it against his left chest. "Feel your heart."

Xue Yuan's hand overlapped Gu Yuanbai's, pressing it against his left chest. Something slipped through Gu Yuanbai's slender fingers, grazing Xue Yuan's palm. Xue Yuan's face tightened, a flicker of surprise in his dry eyes.

Gu Yuanbai's expression changed, "Xue Jiuyou!"

Xue Yuan's palm itched, his nose itched, and his insane jealousy and envy shattered. He hoarsely explained, "I just wanted you to feel your conscience, not touch you."

Gu Yuanbai sneered, his aura unyielding despite being unarmed. "Ha."

Xue Yuan's voice dropped, pleading, "Gu Lian, let me kiss you."

Gu Yuanbai's lips pressed tightly together, their color strikingly vivid beneath the hot spring's mist.

He neither refused nor agreed. In the hazy steam, his features seemed softened by the heat. Xue Yuan, entranced, moved closer, their noses touching, lips nearly meeting.

Xue Yuan whispered, "Are you really taking a concubine into the palace?"

Each word brought their lips almost into contact.

Gu Yuanbai remained icy, seemingly unmoved, his breathing steady. "None of your business."

These were Xue Yuan's favorite words. His breathing grew erratic, and he laughed. "Don't take a concubine. Your health can't handle women."

Gu Yuanbai's lips curled into a cold smile. "What do you mean?"

"I won't have a wife or women either," Xue Yuan's breath was hot, water droplets forming on his eyebrows. "We'll rely on each other. I'll treat you well, keep you comfortable, warm your hands and feet, alright?"

Gu Yuanbai's voice lowered, "Get lost."

"I'm not leaving," Xue Yuan said, moving closer, pressing his body against the other. His strong and powerful body was like a vigorous wolf, radiating a fervent desire to be close and to be loved. "You don't believe what I say?"

Gu Yuanbai scoffed but was led by Xue Yuan, his hand placed over Xue Yuan's heated chest through his soaked clothes.

"I miss you painfully, with headaches, blood thirst, and a desire to kill," Xue Yuan still didn't release Gu Yuanbai's eyes. "You could cut it off. Just a firm grip, and it would break. I know I've overstepped, have no manners, don't please you, but Gu Yuanbai, I like you too much. I can't help it when I see you."

"I don't want to act like a rutting beast either. I want to learn to behave like a gentleman, like Chu Wei," Xue Yuan said hoarsely, his breath brushing against the neck as he kissed Gu Yuanbai's Adam's apple. "But I can't help it. As soon as I think of you, I can't suppress it. I ran for fifteen days, traveling day and night, from the northern frontier to the capital. Originally, I just wanted to ask you if you planned to take a consort."

He released Gu Yuanbai's hand, skillfully attending to the Emperor whose eyes he had covered.

"I obey, I obey completely," Xue Yuan grinned, kissing Gu Yuanbai. "Even if you treat me like a dog, you can't just call and dismiss me at will."

In the space where it was just the two of them, it felt as though they were simply two people, independent of their roles as emperor and subject, just two individuals with complete personalities.

Gu Yuanbai finally spoke, his breathing becoming labored. His pale neck arched like a dying deer, slender and beautiful, with his Adam's apple bobbing as sexy droplets of water slid down. "You obedient? Ha."

Xue Yuan licked away those water droplets. Gu Yuanbai reached out, grabbing his black hair forcefully and commanded, "Lower your head."

Xue Yuan still used his hand, saying, "I can't lower my head right now, nor can I let go to let you see me."

A hint of anger appeared on Gu Yuanbai's face.

Xue Yuan said, "Because I look too ugly right now, I can't let you see."

After making Gu Yuanbai comfortable, Xue Yuan carefully pinched Gu Yuanbai's chin, kissing him fiercely a few times. The loud smacking sounds echoed, and after the kisses, he hoarsely said, "I know you don't like me right now, but that's okay."

This time his laugh was finally pleasant, then he spoke gently in a low voice, "Gu Lian, I have a lifetime to spend with you."

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